The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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FfiBBtTARY J THE FRANK (AlEEN PUBLISHING CO.(llrnlUd) yMoraiirrons. . jiXBERT^T. BOMB, nntioauiii And liuBii.Tfii Mah.oib. THE NEW YORE Tt-v SATtJBDAt, PEBHOAirtl, 1908. CLIPPER. ." . «*" ■ p i i MfcfWH 1363 X LETTER, Kntcp-cl Juno 21, 1ST0, at the Post Office at N*» Sort, N. T.. bb seeoud class matter, under lls Vt of March 3.,187», ' "Mr: Wife'* Diamond*." Nick Loug anil Tdnleni. Cotton presented IF Wire's Dla- - Idnlenn Cotton _Pt6tp»n «lje_teh, entitled "Sly Albert Whelnn. Allien Whelm, a comedian and mimic from monds," by Edgar Allen Wool, at Hammir A,ls i, r ?Un. WD0 ? e *&**&&» .reminds one Melu's' Inst week, nn.l hrtk DlnverlTad «" ,orcll,,y ,? f ,ho ,ate "» °*^< raade h 1 * flr " chance to show their acting nb ft v and«r ! ni?t,r 1R 0 '•"> bow nt «■ Oifonlal last jj^s^Kg^K- "iXgfcSSwf MHSm. monds, and she and her husband make a bet concerning their recovery™ the forme? ♦tigering thnt' they Will be foLnu, and Tr H«ta2K £i" ,n i e fl!nlhs , t tnai Proposition Harmony Interviews iq itnllan bov nnd the S&KfflHSH 2 V 2 U - But lat « U Is shown 1-^ li 16 *"»<* dr<w <maker has taken them, fhV t I ] ia < l T n, V te Imitations made of tiptlbS rtkst«• ?eweis.thhSSS?.^ i" * w . '""ft ""? «' Lauder's remarkable'stage bust, K real. S&'IKrVttn.'S'lSr^JS lK&afe*UK>JSfcfi'J»L.«i^ ... rson oi,a own coas xsro.Nflixr. Clipper Iloreaa, ", . ' 14 Leicester llritM,',.'. . . l.elrr.ter SiiBar*, /„, - London, W. 0. ... ;'..-■.; Jaw. is. "I shall never forgot It. It waa llko manna to my -soul." That J« how lieorgb Fo.wc*tt. describes his reception In "XHe white Moo," at the Lyric Theatre on Satur- day night.. It waa really wdndetful. The RMpIo rose to blnj, "Too White Man," which I need hardly remind yon la "Tub CUTICURA CURED tiki m&M Mm, ;■ Rasli-Thrta llllle Bablii Hal bias—Galls m 010 STINMf "My Iviby hntl a nuutins sore on hid SUBSCRIPTION. . One re". In advance, *•»; «u month*, $2; three oimtbs, II.. Foreign postage.extra. Single coplfl Kill M lent, postpaid, on receipt of, 10 cent*. ■ ' Onr Terms are Cnili. THE CLIPPER,Is Issued every Wednesday morn- hif. The last, four (advertising) pages GO TO PRESS cd Saturday nt 11 a. it., and the olhtt p,^oo MONDAY nnd TUESDAxV . The Farms Closing promptly, iup». day nt lO o'clock A. M. please remit by- express, money order, check, ... favorites on a bill of unusual excellence. He opens with a whistling plnnologue, and later elves "impressions" of Bransbv Will' lama, lu one of that actor's Dickens', sketches, Albert chevalier, singing "My Old Dutch, and Harry Lauder, In "My Scotch Woe Bell." The Chevalier Imitation was capital, and Harry Lauder's voice and dialect were faith- fully reproduced. Mr. Whclan did not nt i i V "»»■»« ■ »•" »-«■ HHIHI^ IIIHHIII f Ull in J ll«> - 4 " ""«! ■ ■•■ *■ ■• 1»I»»»»SI»I^ .'M|l uil •Clip last week, Squaw Mau," is so ««od a play that It would heck alld tihthiiu' lll'tt f tlltl for it tnnV and his probably have iu«d* n hit tinder any condl- ^L^..iTi^"SLJ ftJ»J2S.^W£'SH nd eleverr t| 0 ps. But Lewis Waller was quite Wise to *««<^t tinlil 1 tihctl My H« ir..r tnu nit I ....... J A. .. I. till* . .a I *M 1 . \\"i a «1*h«-1«- f.all *>C t*LI~- -!_ *l-_ confession of her guilt Address All Com man lent lou» to THE KEW TORK CLII'I'KIt, 47 West 28th Street, New York. RttMensi Cable .1 di/rcss, "AnxndlUTr." TxTB WESTEEW BUKBAIT of Tna Clu'PEB Is locnteil ut Itobm S04, Ashland lllock, Cblcatto, John' 1. Prlnco Jr., manager ssd Nrrp»p° u,, e»t' where adrortlsemeuts and subscrli>- lions are received'at our regular rates. - THB LONDON BTJBEAU . ...• Ixwatcd Ut 11 Leicester Street, Leicester Square, loudna, iW..-'C. Ilenfy . Ooorge Illbbert, manager, wIimi* advertisements and subscription! are re- ceived-nt onr regular, fates. Tit? Ct.iri'EB ciN no onTAnrnn wnousir,* atth ilRTiit., at onr ngtnts, Ilrentnno'B news depi Avenua do 1'Onera. Paris, l>'raneo; lllamond ... 'tjj,; 121 'Prnilrt, Havana;.Manila Bo<* and St* llonerr Co.. 128, Esenlta. Stnnilrt. P; I. j Albert * Mn."far-13!> Kins St;, Bydncji Australia. ••- ' TOB SKW VOBK CI4PPRR pnbllabea only one rilitlon, nnd thnt la dated from Nrw 1 ork. and her return oTtSnSSlmSfl'ta Em Kffi^*?^?*™ ""W" ▼<*"> poonllart Harmony enables ** from her ImAhnnd p r ao7*r or register?.) letter." All '£*%*&& Irmonv enables 1 thit 1»T iM Vt/E. ''«»"!>>' lee t v. TT M letter Is at the risk of sender... - }f 0 m her unshnnrt. J '' bet A ''" nt " ar,n < t ' nat t,eM(,A ,h " * udl Ibis story, while Interesting, Is not as well but. togplher ns It might be. The acting however. Is remarhably good. Miss ■Cotton doing some exceedingly line work, particular- ly as Iho dressmnker, who storms about, quite ^.little. Mr. Long, as Mr. Harmony, and ZV S u}\, " nIlan . wh ?. « el9 the paste Jewels, did his usual creditable, work, nnd struck n (me note a* the son of Italj-. The *nee. was the wbv In which. Mr. Whelan took an.encore., lie reappeared. In response to demand, said "Would you kindly whistle that last effort of mine," and while Iho audience "obliged.'' he removed his gloves and top coat, said "thank you," and with; Qrcr. His act ran about fifteen minutes, In three. ■ Mr. Whclan Is the son of a wealthy family, And found his way to the stage after being Import a large contingent "of American to) was i1«nrly full of totter or some similat torn for the performance of the esaentlnlly skin disease. Jt would Itch anil bllftl »0 American characters. . Ocorgo PaWcfltt M *1„. ImkU i, 0 ^.ii,. .»».,in'••% 1 lv K one: Menifee Johnaionb Is another. He too L'J a i,-V 1 C0ll ' rt i wrd V "tftiul It. l\yo„c»ke|l •aid:i "Wo shall never forget It. We hove 0» CtttlCtlril SOnfl fltld a box qf CUtimta mm tjothiua like your Nntiiruny nlgbt r«- .Oiiitment clirctl me,; Two yrnrs a«cr, il ceptlon.". Waller himself la extent ns ttib i, rokc out on ^^Ul Jilld wrist. S^rief times 1 would no nearly crazy, for it itclied so bhdly. I ivtnt back to Iriy old slainlfbyj thnt had never failed mer-one set of Cuticiira Retiicdtcs did the woilo. One set also', citrcil my tmcle'ii baby, whose head was « dikcoc sores, rilld.tin' Oilier bflby who Was in the same fts. Mrs. hero, pnd Dorothy Dlx In on excellent heroine. One of the amenltlen of the occasion wrb ii'cnlilegrnm received by Milton Koylfl from William l'avershnni. Haiti he: "To you. Sleuth, Waller, and nil Iho boys, wo send slncerest wishes." MillonRoyln declares that he will make his lmme on this side in the meantime. In short, the play, the players and the plnvwrlght hnvo all received that hearty Ktigllftli. wclcnuw, wltleh In wltlmti withheld from American visitors, wlintever Lillin AVilchcr, "ho Klcvcnlh St., ChatYn* you. may hear to tfift /ontrnty from mlit- jiqogn, Triiif.,.FrA lf>, ilffSf'". ehlevoiis or disappointed .people, . W. B. Uilbert Is to lie eutertalned nt n public <IInuer, by wn? f.f nccenttiadng n-.neii .->,,. ,i,.,,V n.i..i ■ ■ , •""}• •■«■ unu lounti ns way to ins scagc niier oc ie R,.rif '■ 1n al "" ,t Hlllt >' mlnules, n n the filll disinherited boeauso of rt mnrrlngo rondo olif '''" ' .. ■■ j, <!,._..... side of his own religion. For about nine . . "Ampere." ''Ampere," who calls himself "The Elct!- , i If'r'il l."'tiiori," was n feature of.tho SUsh depot, 87 ? pw Vo ttu,'?r- R ?''i I> l> wey last week, ond News \ n "» exhibition during the progress of which no. acti as n trnilRmltler for an enormous electric ty, and does ft number of things which mystify. wMPhI* 1*P .spting man, nnd appears Irx ♦shirt sleores to take part In his net, egplalu- log that ho convince the atidlencB thnt .there are no wires or other nrotertluje inelils nlinut his person. After n llttlo t'x- Dhinntlou ot the exhibition, innrfn liv nu nil- unuticer, ''Ampere" appears, gotn Into direct .contact.with the. electrlfcul machine on tho y.tage nnd lights gus Jets by simply touch- ing them, with his fingers, sets clothes oh lire us they touch his body, nnd In ninny ways shows (but Iho current, to nil nppcar- nnccH, phsseR through hlih. ' M (i finish to his contribution he holiM two lion burs together under witter anil welds them by the heat of the electric cur- rant. The act made a big success, and ran about eight ininiuew,. on tho, run stage.' CK'ment De- I,I on. Element De Lion, nt the Union Square, last week, offered an act ot billiard ball pnlmlag that made the audience rub Its eves In be- wilderment.. De Lion 4s; a tall Dqn'o, Wbn talks.In very broken, nngllsh While perrotm- if his " '■•'■ The Clipper's Kftyrflfth Anniversary. , The Antiivcrsary Niimlwr of The 'tu'iTEii"will l)c issued ditriiig the week rlfdlrtg' Feb. '22.' Tlie : preliilliiiary work ori it is Tibw nearing completion, and it is safe: ta sgy. that it will be the most elaborate special number ever issued by a theatrical paper. It is not issued as a rhoriey making scheme to extort palroii- ag.e froirt fli'q profession by appealing )o ^/s^npalWes, or by ntaking promises , ibtliem Which ;"arc hot fulfilled. On tlfe tripped up in his Inhguagc ib the grcnt iinni*Hrlt il r ,i,!ii' !,'«'« l....„i.-««,^ ^„...,„„.- anmsoineut of hla ainllior- -which makes alt) contrary, it-will ka handsome souvenir, act nil, tHo more ,valiuiblij., cijiilliieilioratillg the!'fifty-five vtars of u J, 1 " bn K |nK by-brlnglnga niiniher ot blllihir/l ■>-u-l-:j £'• 1 i ■ i j "«.,• balls;out ot the empty air, ho farias the oya 'earliest and consistent work done by this can,detect, and then makes thorn appear or nancr-in the.iutcreiits of the nrofeMion disappear In his baud at will. He is unques- « ••/* '• .1 . . * P r0tessi0 »- tlouably a wouder at the palming garde, his Notwithstanding the large amount of best trick being tho holding of four billiard niirr.,nno ,„™:,.„j r^_ »t,:. '-n'-Jti.' i£. balls.between the thumb nnd ilugurs ot his patronage, received I6T ; this number, the i P .tt hand, and maWrig them disappear one b> greater part of the receipts will be e*- one by passing his right band across th« other. This is n capital trick oil p'n'lnilhg, and Jt brought, forth honrty nnplflitse. The latter part of.tho act, In which Ronfa magical tricks are shown, In not so good,.u(lt .Dp.Lion's talk raises It conslilernlily In Inter- est. He occupied the full stage about sltteen minutes. pended upon ils production. A large nHrriber of professional people will be represented in it, citlicr by pictures 1 or advertisements, and we take this oppor- tunity tethink thetii, orte and all, for this additional evideiice of their confidence sndretelrd for "THEOLDRiiiABLt. mJ mtttmjBi iii Miiimilmm* llllllii' I I i 'fc—t JQlIEBl is ANSW EBEP.., - *i) Rcnllc. l ir Mail o r- Telcgrmpln ADtmi%Ma on vfHKittADorTs not arnm. Art, m Qtirm of nrort siioui.u wnrrt tq tuori wnott ran, BtKit, im cabp oy tiir oi.ippbr Po»t otfyjcn; All iKTTBjta will iib lavoxnsxa). oni w*kx oni.v. If Tim nouTi-i oie ant tiimthicai, oour«Ni, is sbuanr, aEraa to oon list or Rotm4 on isoTiicn Pioft Wa cannot bend aotrna n Witt, oa TKLKoMrn. yeara he played under J. C. Williamson's man- agement in Australia, and look Dan Daly's part In "The Belle of New York," both In that country and In England. Pot the past five years he has appeared in vaudeville In Diifiliuul. .... Goleman'i Dos* and Cats. , ' Ooleman's dog and cat get, which returned to New York after quite an absence, appear- ing at the Hippodrome, hAs been enlarged and Improved, and la now one of the most pleas- ing features of the big playhouse. . Mr. tioieman haa a hlg collection of ant* mats, and his offering Is crowded with Inter* eating tilings. One of Its best Introductions, from a spectacular standpoint, Is the hoisting of a bnsket high In tho air after two cats have Jumped Into It. When It Is at a great height, a number of dares are released and all. fly toward the basket, alighting on It* edges and remaining there. The finish to the act la clever, and gets plenty of applause. One of the dogs, tied to the tide, slips out of tils collar, runs to a bed In which a eat has been placed, carries the cat to a table, return* to the bed and Jump* In, grasping the blanket In his teeth and com; plstely covering himself with It. The act runs about fifteen minutes. :, ■ I ' ' 'I ' » ... ' it ■ Mnldeci Roott. Mniflee Scott, an English singer, made her New York debtit last, week, nt the Alhambra, Introdnclnj.aH her llrst'nUmber n bright llttln Kong which lold ofitlin -mold Wn" Wing "Ameh" wheh -silo -loved tho ourAte. and Inter on, when (lie riirati! marrlwl nn eldetiy WohiRU, snnit "Ah. men! deceitful rbt'n."-MIW Seort. In Quakeress garb, tuiido a dlslluct lilt with tlilR number: nnd her second tsong, in wjilcli Hhe wn« ii romping schoolgirl, and told about dad beltig compelled to'work, was Wt.vory^angry, and liwlstett that Wtlllam.4 1 also a cnpltul Introduction, delightfully re^- 9W&, "hould .ho kept wllhln tUa Oeorglnn aerflft ■>' '- : '■ , Z. ' ''•• « ' period of the plhyi "Titko an InRtnllmeiil," • lrer thJrtt- softtf' Waii lidt to JtooA, end .tullit nbe of tho oluiwetcrs. "fnatnlinletUTHn) drngged n little last Monday. But this the ylSU. take mn, for a aowlng nwiehino?" waa lin- doubt remedied during, the week,-and: or WMjUHur relort. Kiephelison protested thnt alio 1ms undenlftble merit her engagement/In neither Rewltlg ninchlne nur the liislallment this city should furnish considerable enjoy- system were known In Dbrothy's day, nnd ijoHfi - .■ -till!'out tho line, always, got li ■ Mlwi.fleott.has been In vnndcvlllo In (lrent 'laugh, In ft fen- nlghtSi believing Sleiibeii- Jlrltnln for a little over two years, previous'to Bon to he but of town, Williams cot. hi the —*>■■ th» regttlat- altendAiit ns (he lilurriiy u»if links, honor done litm ri-ci>ntlv In the conference J^Lenn_A,shweil jiroinlBes n souvenir of'flrorte ot knighthood, l.ord Onslow will preside. The prime minister is on tho committee. For ntlemptlhg to Impose npon the gener- osity of Lena AshwHI, Krnnols lllggln Craw^ ford, tin ntlvertlHlng convns.ier, nnR been sent to nrlkoii for throe mouths' Hard Inhnr. He tried fo obtain money, also, from Kill* Jeltrlca and (?nnnn JToyle. Aunle Hughes went on Ihe rofttl nt Mori- day Inst, wllh "A Hit of (lid Chelsea" and "Sweet Nancy." .Whan "Her Father" Is slioftly'jtrodnreel at the Hnvmiirket Theatre, "The TMilcatlnii of Elizabeth" will bo restored lo tho Apollo, where It. was produced.- Colonel Henry Manleton promises to' In- troduce Tetrn*«lnl's sist'er to London shortly, and declares she Is the liner singer, . Jullii Nellson hns lieon nrdereit two months' rest. Fred 'forty's .'ending Intly In the menu- While wit''be Alice Crawford, who made jitch n lilt. In "The Christian." ' ■' I'orbes Itnliertson has" secured' a modern comedy from Henry Arthur Jones. Ho will try II on the road first. tleorgo Alexander u orgnnlHtig a great nfternoon pertornlaiioe (or (lint very iiaefiil society wnlcH' proetiras that poor ■ children shall not. go dlnAerlpiis in erlwol. Nearly all W.veherley" to all iittetulnutsni the Klugmvav Then tie, on Friday, tlio piny buying reeorUeil l,«0nu Ituntlfedth perfiirtnaftce. RtMvlatre- hrnrsliur 11 i'ritn|lriiiy (or (he road. tub. >i i J Tonight sera, thn ItiRt'flf "Is Mnrrlage ft l^illilrnV" anTVrry'rt .'rhealro. Also of "Tim Wight of the 1'nrty," at the Apollo, Sntiii'- tiny next sens tho luti „l "Tho Chrlsllnn," it the Nhntreiiliiiry. llareihy iliiuimrin. who enjoys rfti extra- ordinary vogno JHU,now ns nn enlerlallier nt. the^plflnn. tWIIs for Australia Irt n few weeks In charge'ftf a eonipnny organised by W««1tere#ne & fietdnt, tlia maglctnnsj ■< •■,/ Ueorge HdwardeR tiunlllUvi .thu statement that no li niioilt to fiend the Oaletv company to Ametlra. ' Ho will nr-ud ncompany; to Amerlen, nnd It. wilt Include some actortt and tletresses now iippimrlng at tho (lah-tf. Ho U tleslriius of rehiorlilir (ho sllgmit ot eon- venllmilillly—very.nnnarent nt that house. ...Ailnle lluklies .■will shortly .take VThe Jloiiunh" on thn road; . . ; . •(•eorge Edwardns linR'commissioned \V,'8. Mnnglinn lo jtrefttca hltn English, veralons of "A Wflltji Dream" mill "The Dollar I'rUi- cesg." Me. Mniiuiifiii . Is' n dniilor. t He WrAle ft renllRtiti norol enllod "Ll»n qf iitn- both", and. coiitrlbiiied .iiramaile .crlllelRiTiN Ihe big pbgple will do Mmctltlbf?. Kllcn Terry t^dr*^^'^''''-''"^}i' ,R ,? r, } ,e * w J nn ' will announce the total receipts. Charles WgatTor tho »t*kn--speclnlly "Lady l-'retler- Hawtrey will act aa prolnpter. ■ . A Jf SjMg tgJg-'i.^/. .' L-u£i ifct Ftngsflrt declares that he never sings (lie ously 111, and ft Is quite ImnoMbie .to ea* tife ^.*W*lW|feL« M--»^tii; Jfia^ Sltf —,J lirtno Pantomime, nijii lie moatiy writes tht|n. Arthur Williams, the comedian, la serl Sly 111, and It Is quite linnossjhle .to mi. when he ean rcsirmo lilMpart In "Not a Word 1,-. thn tVt'n " til.i ul', *.IW^I..n iiitil to, the Wife, now.on,the vaudeville .stage. comedian of tlte" lold" acjlgnl, Ihe bottom n fthe ladder, hi the sketch lie. Is running ju.1t Williams fa it lie hrgah-nt Ihe stl'clliirtiis slock comjtftny 'days, dlttl Iiiih "dhneolretj- lug."- Ho enn |>lny Mierltlrfh wlill-dignity, but when tin gels tils'own wnv lit- Is htriil- B In Iho cohlldioperrt, "IWrottiy,'' he spun nut his part from ,fnrtv llnesi till tho brniter.'R nian became very dnat thilhlt of the+lcer>. Stcnhr/iisnn.'thtl iittthnr. tilhuelf. HlRiiagreiiito ot compositions vuhti «p' to thnusttlitis. ' . .- . ■ ■ ■;•■'■■ A fareleal piny mlltled "Orange ijIor. sorns" n ftniinuneed tor pniiiuctlnit at Terry,** Thhiirn on Tlmridlay. it Is by Vletor ;W|d- belli I *» . . , . i t ..'.•■ ••BrewRler'R MllllonH" will reglatfil- JlH thre'e-lilltirtredtli perfrtfinlinerl nt iho illcks 'iWittte shortly, and looks like nchlcvlnron aiinlvorsnr*. , • ., •. , •EflRter. Aliindny la puhllcly nniiotinreil .for the'limtnllntlon hf Hie F.CWhltnoy Omiii Oofjl|»ftiiy nl, (lib flhnflnshury Thenira. Colohei Mh|j!cfil»tt repredeatB tho concern hero, In-the i nn matic. A.. A, Hostoh.—We have no knowledge ot tho present wherenbouts of tho party. Ad- ili'esn a..letter of this ofllce and wo will advertise It In Tin: Clhteii letter llat. 8. B., Jersey City, J. G,,,Brle, and '.'iovfis TttLi.y."—Seo answer to A. A. above: • ' ■ -.MlB'V-M.-M.'C,, Binghnmton.—The original Back fattl la alive and 1b at the head of "lack- Dattl's Troubadours, under the direc- tion of Voelkel & Nolan. I .» 43. .a., New York.—Not to our knowl- 'L. L. L., Snglnaw.-^The letter was not re- X. -X;j St. I,oill».~Apply to agents. ft, L., Chicago.—Address Charles Diamond, can MT)w initio Mall, U Mceatcr Street, Eondon, W-.C... England. . 4bj(A.v QtiAntETTK. — Address the United Booking Offices, St. James Building, New lork, City. . . . t,V,Ii.. hi.— Tho/Pavk Thcrt tie, located on the Last side of Broadway between Twenty- trsr Jind Twenty-second Htreets,. wns opened . """ivr3, 187-1. Lator Its name was chunfted to Abbey's Now Park Theatre, nnd as eilclt It contiuiied until it was destroyed by flro Oct, 80, 1882. ' ; Soot hern Advanced . V'andevllle '■..' AsHOL'latlou Farmed, The Southern Advanced Vaudeville Asso- clutloa was ■ organized recently nt Mont- «»biery, Alu.. it will be the policy of the new .circuit to book the highest clusa vaude- ville, performers fdf Ha theatres. Die new circuit is composed of the follow- ing nonm: Crystal, Nashville, T^nn.; Thei- tiifluta, Mempilsi Ctyatul, Kndxvllle; Won- I'jY'ul. V[ck»btlrg, Miss.; Thcutro l'oiaii, UHrlaian: casino, Mobile, Ala.: Htar, Pen- ••quia, Fla.: Then to. Montgomery. Alu.; Ahtmo, Blrmlnrtiaru: Wonderland, Columlna: Lyric. Macon. Ga.; Supejba, Savannah; The- utorlUmi'aiiirlc.lton, S. C. A meeting of the association war held inn. -1. at the Commercial Club ltooms. bcgln- hlug at 2.M0 !•: ji upon call Of the president, F. w, Bandy, of Bnvnnnnh, Oa. The articles of -association Were presented nnd adopted ol this meeting, and the executive coininltten elected. The officers of this association ore: F. \\ . Handy, president. Savannah, On.: G. A. Ypcuylcb, Vlco president, Pccsacoln, Fla.: *'.... R.'. Wltltlrjg, secretary • and treasurer, Montgomery, Ala. These gentlemen with trie following constitute the ntlttee of tho association: Win. Wnssmau, NaiUvIiie. Tenn.; It. 11. Kelly, Birmingham, Am.: C. L. Debardelnbtn, Sclmn, Ala.; F. N. JoMnston, Menillnn, iMIhs. F, W. Bnndy repr»antetl the Criterion • Tom Voce. Tom, Voce, .a ventriloquist, Introduced ad teres ting act at Pastor's, laat week. He a several ddmmles, una after some good comedy with the "bad boy" sitting on,pis kbe>, lie raters Into a spirited cottveraatloq With the "coon," the irishman, and an old grail rind TVr,rutin. These figure's are Well analed, .and the little dialogue Is interest- The walking dummy, an old man character, which walks, bows, twitches Its lips and Kinds oh its knees, la striking in its manipu- lation. Mr. Voce works this nicely, and fin- ishes to marked appreciation with his scene In one, which introduce* this dummy. Hla act rart alout fifteen minutes, opening on the full stage and "closing in one. I : Welch and Earl. ''The Two In White," i John J. Welch and Madeline Earl, at Pastor's last week, looked splc and span In spotless white costumes, and opened with some good vocal numbers. Mr. Welch's Imitation of the. waiter In • • reslauraut who shouts out a number of weird names for the various dishes ordered quite captivated the house, ond got. plenty of laugh*,' Some comedy and general good work finished the contribution. The act ran about sixteen minutes, In one'.' * ' ' Birch and Ansel. Blllle Birch and Dorothy Ansel, In Scotch and American dances, appeared at Pastor'R last week, Miss Birch looking after the Rteps of (he native variety, ond Miss Ansel doing ' Highland dances. . . ■, is* Birch looked natty, In boy's costume. which she made quite a' name' for herself lu iimplcal comedy. She began her American en- gagements about a month Ago'; ' t ' " ' Stoddard nnd Wilson. ,, Stoddard, and Wilson, In a-corned musical act, hod things all their own Pastor's ,la*t week,., ' ._; They appeared In effective make-up,. tatdr tet showing a garret, with the musical pro- fessor and bis "rat-catching" guest an the characters. Their. comedy lines were at times quite good, and the music which both members of the team Introduced was liber- ally applauded,. . ,, •, The bent part pf the act was the. playing of mandolin and gultur, one of thn team do- ing the Angering while the other played, and both mandolin and guitar being played simul- taneously. The act ran about sixteen minutes, on the full stage. .. . .. ' . Shaw, Bennett and 131 Hott. A trio of singers, dancers and comedians, Shaw, JJennctt and Elliott, appeared at Pas- tor's last week, with one of the members In black face and the other two, a youth and a girl, working straight. Mr. Shaw, who appeared in burnt cork, had a good make-up and captured somo laughs by his handling of the various comedy lines, and Mr. Elliott, wbo worked In white face, sang with good effect and danced in spirited and finished manner. Miss Bennett wore becoming gowns nnd gavo good aid In singing and dancing. The act ran about eighteen minutes, on the toll stage. > Jane Elton. Jane Elton, comedienne, who la now work- ing alone, gave a very entertaining specialty at Pastor's, last week, having a good reper- line ngtlln. But as he was completing illi- sentence he saw thn author glaring nt hltn from the tide, and this Is bow It worked out i "Installment V Do-you .taka mo for a tewing machine— forhbvth!" Williams'lifts a (jaalnt Itieiiiiwlille;' A "Hfe-llko portrait model" of (Harry t..„ Is llie latest olliircmoni; to Mnrtomc Tua'sftiui'a exhibition.' •• •(,•■ i. Johnson and Denn nt'e miii n popular at- traction irt tlio Tlvoll Mdsle Hall. • ...A "w ,i|fi'«t Unijry Irving Is In prepara- tion.;. 1 tho ,tfl»rk,lif Anmiri llreratoti, and linn tho hearty ripfffiftritJioa of'ir-vlntra soli*. Hni-ry Irving nnd-Lawrence Irving. Ilretetnn hhii Written niucii iihtnit Itvlng In his time, but r.romMi") faithfully Hint his new book shdlrtlot ho ftliash of ilie old ouns. i s- • l> and bahlt ht grumbling at everything—especially 'While the hailem are full of the story of ftaviil the-fact-(hat he has to piny lii.imudeal May ^oKe'M,'Vleianitudes ln.Cnlirornla,i«n ex * eqmedy for a Inrgn Bnlnry, when ho so mttoh act,, reptndilcfUili' " prefers conndy. There are, to be three "Clnderellan" Ht the, West End of Lstnddn next Clirlstrnnn, Seymour, nicks .will do n romantle. exiravu- ganza fashioned frdm the ' Freheh legend. Itohert Court nc-ldge Will do n piintiiinlirto At the Adelphl, wllh Phylfln Dnre for Its hero- ine, and Robert Arthur, Who Is.this year's tenant of the Adelphl, HWeara h« will find a home somewhere for hill version of «'ln. dcretln, using Harry Lauder as the dntrvd. On Monday IiihI. Tin-: ('Mprr.n had the curl rtf - tier great aucftdsd Here, M llttln CIIHstapher roliimllns. In Jffhiiy.Introduce.! to thn vrielln of iho Hall" ballet, at UJb Empire : llnll. Harriott Vernon litis had lo appeal lit the colitis fb Itillovn lief money trnilhliiS. Hhn says Iter earnings tifivi decrens.-d ; her «• poniica, for singe clothllit eapeelslly, nee *erv lieiivyi nnd she Rrcs nn nnisisvi of ilenllu'a with her tlebis. ..•.-.. . ,-. !*■ Jack Joyce' kave a trial sUow at ihn Mil moth Fun City ort Werfaesday night, ' ous distinction of a citation to the London divorce court. Counsel mentioned a ensu lu which nu English exponent of fenla of strength alleged thai his wife hntl lied lo America with s red Indian, und that there Was nft locution them. In these elrcnroslunceH the court held that nn advertisement In Tim Cl.iPFnn Kholtld lie allowed ns a good service of tho papers (hat rin perform at thn Mam- Klit, nhtt\ion "«fay right Iinmuflng rtlreclor told) him to . here." . Ho Is hooked for three weeks eer- aln to give tils hlg show in the circus ring— trick riding; Ihsaoo llirowlng-tho domination of bucking horses. .-•. Whtnrrl Siono Is allowing them "Hie glnbo nf life" In Wales—Empire, Swnnsen, on Mon- day. Heeley nnd MMly nre due In town. They tho obvious Inference being ""''".i at "'" *l. r 'irtvl|lr, Walhtim Ureen, on er In tho wide world over- "ffiSH' _ nt,- the Highland dances. MliS Birch looked nuny.mi kij» cunuiuc, il inn. >! •»■". .vt« f.""i ■ i»">™ "vi"- and her singing of "I'm doing Away" showed toty of songs, and rendering them with ex her to good advantage. Jilt* A the Scotch dances nicely,, end lshed with a taking number. Their net ran A lion t fonrieen minutes, opening on the full stage, and closing In one. ... Ansel performed prosslon and tolling effect. tt both girls fin- Miss Elton has nn agreeable manner of de llvcrlng her material, and tho songs received the best sort of rendition by her. The net ran about fourteen minutes, In ono Theatre of Savannah, and Supcrba of Ati- git*ta, Ga.; W. A. Little. Lyric Theatre, Ma- eon, Oa.: «l. A. Vucovleh, of the Star Thea- tre, Pensncoln. Fla.; K. B. Kelly, of the Alamo Theatre. Birmingham, Ala.; Win. wassaran, of the Crystal Theatres, Nashville and Knnxvlile, Tonn.: l.\ K. Debardelaben, of the Dreamland Theatres, Coiumbui, Ha., mil Vlckshiirg, Mis*.; W. M. Fox, the Va- riety Theatre, Alt.-intn; F. N. Johnston, The- ntre Pnlals, Meridian, Miss.; 1'. It. Whiting, Theiito, Montgomery, Aln. Applications have been received from nu- merous other cities In the SoiiIJi for member- ship in this nssociiition, and are under ad- vlHctnent. Tlicre were rIbo present at this meeting Jnaics D. Murlfrldge, of the DnVnl TueatK. .incksonvllle, Fin., and Sam Dit Vrles. booking agent of tho International Theatrical Co.. which supplies (he Sullivan- " vaudeville theatres ex- Conshllne elinln of . tending from coast to eiiast. with ihe high class vaudeville «<•&» requlied In their many then'res, This assoelntlon when fully com- pleted, Will comprise from tlilrly lo Ihlrty- ilve houses, nnd will lie the largest and best vaudeville circuit In the South. *** • ._ " Bab Itnusak l'rmrtit* New Act. Bob Huisak, late of the Dancing Daisies and Bob liiinnak. has entered vaudeville In a shiglq. act, in'.trodiiring eccentric singing nnd dntulhe. The music of the act Is bv Hurry Von Tllzer. Kllgnr Allen Is Mr. Itusmk s manager. Empire Clrcalt'a New Theatre*. The executive board of tho Empire circuit met In Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 2a, to arrange for Ihe opening of new theatres recently add- ed to the circuit. It was officially announced thnt. the new WllkoR-llnrre, Pa.. Theatre would open Feb, 0. Six weeks heuje Schenectady will be ridded to the active list, and February will sou the Casino, lu Brooklyn, opeu fur Inn-l- Hiss. A lot for iiuo.lice theatre In Brooklyn hiiH been secured. President John A. Hutlcr. George W. Ileuek. Jatuen i: Feunesu*, Harrv Ma at NeW York, John nnd James Whallcu, of Louisville, and licnr.p- \Y. Kile, of Baltimore, were present. ' . ' ' ■ ' ♦«» ' Iloblilns" Clrcna • Wagon Show, The Frank A. Bobbins circus und menag- erie Is to he a two hundred horse wugon show In 1008. The management statea thnt whi'e sbRte railroads are Inclined tu ho very fair, others name ta rate of from sixty to eighty tier cent, for n one train show of the amount tliev charge lo transport a three train slltiw. State and county licenses are just the snnin for ii one train show ns for a three, and in some cases city licenses are nlsu Ihe same. Besides, there Is good territory which can- not he reached by railroad and has not biten showed Hi four or five years. The prices of horses being once more quite reasonable; It loolts as though a wagon show would have a milch better chance than a one Irnln rn.ltr.ind show. Btako and Amtior, who have been hovering around the auburn*, come into town on Mon- day for a four Weeds'' engagement nt thn Oxford, They «ro llkewlsu at the Mnlro- polltnni .- ..- •.• Albert Chevalier Is n sure draw for the Interviewer. ||o lias just huen avowing tho opinion that It - would be a very good thing for a young actor to -begin his career In n cheap music hath Tim frank expr-eaidftns of opinion ho would obtain frnm thn gaitary would do him good: and (lie fact thnt lie, hail to "get Mora" try ills individual nullity ond uiiiilded efforts would give him eonflilonee. r Florrlo tialllirlom, Hie serkecoinle slngot, Is seeking a, <llron:« from her Husband, Florlan Frelelli-, who tiSMllolie nh ncrnhgt, but who for u long time lias ncted an agent for Ills -wife. Mho got u decree nM— which Is half wny. - It has been dqrlilnd by the Liverpool ningls. trul oh thnt IiiiIIn wlleru "riiudhig* A and reci- tations are given, must bn duly nefflMM,' On Thursday week Hm Water Itntn makn merry nt their Annual, hall. It takos place at the Troeftdero Iliiataurant, My Fancy, wlibso distinction hns been bllcl: und sand dancing, is doing u new act, In which Klin sugsesiH (ho four seasons—as ti skater, a sea ha ilier and w on. Curl Wilbur's eiiiui-goiiov eugiigciuect ill tho Tlvoll, Inst weok, while Arthur Ituhelts recovered.from .his niolnr smnsh, ha* Tcil (n some good Imoftjiig fur "01 Prnspe'et Bttect," ut His Tlvoll, the Oxford mid nlhpr bnlis; Oeiirgo II, It no made a ureal hit at the Coliseum on Monday, with his burlesquo zou- ave sbotv. , Huh tun nnd Ho nit ti have Just returned to this itouiilry nfier a most successful trip lo the continent. They go on n tolir of the provinces for a while, but shortly romo to London. ,.J Fotlny IlriiiBh tiinde a hit nt the PninN) pn Monday,- In » nbeleh, eniKleil "Law nliii tinier," which lis* been written tot her hy lailSlti n'sraYlAMl'ier /'"hi Onlloti. the novel st. It i* Jlltle lliOM lempysi wiiingii BBS.wiaj mirna A (lossiter, Kjiaa a uioiiolojriic. Miss Ilroligh Ugiiren os > nn ereltnhle Ifll-eau. a-lwl lu.palu In." a L*. ..,.I* tii-il/-,.(ler ,1.. 11 l.iu.v, lit.. the Hvnffold looks Tun Old Hulisriid. There Is already a row about tho forth- coming London pageant. Venus la to iw In- troduced in .me tnblenti, nnd the religious folk are working up a protest. Tho general feeling Is thnt Venus cannot ho su essential to the record of London history as to bn worth a fight. A Coventry correspondent writes In approval of the protest, that tho Oodlva pogeant Is still a "hot shame to Jibi city.," There was a hideous tragedy at llarnslcy, a fairly large manufacturing town In Ihn North, dn SntUtday, A cinematograph exhi- bition, at cheap rate*, had attracted crowds of children lo a luilldlfi : called the Harvey Institute, a nun appeared at thn top of the gullcry staircase uhd told the assembled children that thn gallery Was full, but they might find room lu the body of the hall, In order to secure tho seats Indicated, Iho chil- dren turned and stampeded down tho stair- case, They fell In n lie ip, and sixteen proved to. be dead when the shrieking mass could lie disintegrated. Flesh Is lining grafted on thn wounds which Queenle Lclglitou sustained when sbo burned herself so bnilly In her dressing rdOtn nt Entry Lnue. It Is not at all likely thnt she will recover in tlmo to take part lu the pan- tomime. Itiehiiril Flunagnn, the manager of thn Queen's Tlicntl-e. Manchester, has qllltc II good iinnie. for ids HhnkeHi/eitrean revlyiil*. Smith. \lL..ii' and 4?arbentcr will use the material he ne .iiaui.ii, (.-unlUlatofl for "lloineo and Juliet'' last, when -, when they do "Honico and Jullnt," preseutiy, at tlm London Lyceum. This Christmas Mr. Flana- gan is reviving "As Voti Like II," with Mar- garet Hulslriii as Ilosallnd A sitcessor to "Lndy Angela," nt tho Comedy Theatre, has been selected. It will l.o an adaptation, by If. C. Carton, of 3. ('. Snnllirs novel, entitled "Lsdy llarlinrlty." This In a Yorkshire tale, with the latter eighteenth century for Ils background. Mario T'etupesi will figure ns Lady Barbara ■'" Who falls In love with n liandsome par of the' young pretender, nnd mvw him from I hy dressing him In her clothes. A pnrt'el at furs sent on approval lo Mrs, George Dance, wh> nf the theatrical specu- lator, whs (iilieetcii by n thief, who Raid ho csaio for the furs. Accordingly Ihe irndeH- mart sned the Dances for the value! of their goods, hiit lost the ease. Dnnco does not give away rjiiiny polnls In a conies* of (his kind. Edna May (Mrs. Oscar 1/iwlsohni Is n an excitable .irtrejut, who Hursts Into A law- yer's nlflce determined lo obtain n divorce from her hilshnnd. Hho talks nild talks till she conii'H tn thn candiislon that sha does not want a divorce at liortie—in fact, won't hayn one at any prk'f, and She'* oft* home- ward. MiBft.llruugh enacts the part In 'nd- miration, and ndils one more name td Alfred Unit's list of t the theatrical -atnge. In n few days we slihll see a still unnamed distinguished captlires fram