The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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. I ;"**•' ! •' .". :':'; <V'■' '' '• • • ., r •■ ,-,• 1368 THE NEW v. ENFORCED IF NOT CONTRACTS CAN BE M. 8TR A88M AN, Atty g . 8g3 B'way, N.Y. City. Bar* j^a*srfs^Tifc sKwWE! a** «. *• * * S&» cade._Daylo f , q.. 5-*. _ - - '■- „,.,. „»£»•„. .... ft Horse. ak.teraT.nje, S. T.. .I**** IM| Adeline, Miyro.rket, Chlcogo, 27-Feb. 1. HatTerd ft Mirtell, Keith'*, Prctldeacr, R. J., 2, Frit? Sl.tera. Grand. I>ltaore, 0., 27-Feb. lj Ma- Feb.. 1. ■ • - ' . Jeetlc, Munrlc, jud.. 3-S. Hart, Annie, "McFadden's Flats" Co. •IreVbll. Fred, 0. O. H., Bntler, Pa., 27-Feb. 1; IHrt. Geo. &.. "Flaming Arrow" -Jit.. Southern Q. O. H.. Clarlmbunt. W. Vs., n-8. Hayes. Tommy, Howard, Boaton, 27-Feb. 4. rrederlck anil Poney, Keith'., Protldence, B. I., Hnntey, I^noni, BIJou. Loranl, O., 27-r*eh. 1. _*Jg ^*A- „ , ^w,,,..- 27-Feb. 1. Hayman ft Franklin, Harry Rlekurda' Tow, Acs- Kel'y. VI alter C..'Orrnenm Frltrldi & Downing, Poll'.. Waterbnry. OonB., 27- Iralla, 27-Ftib.'in. .. • - «if^"v ^ T u?J!v Bni' Feb. 11 Poll's, Vlngfleld. Was... 3-8. Hallbflcks. The, Rlalto, IBiolra. N. T., 27-Feb. 1. fc*nn*°> i : 8ISLS%5E Frtohforii, Lanrl & Frankfort, KelUi'a, Phlla., Uanwn ft Drew. Elite. Darenport, la., 27-»*eb. 1; k'ff* 0 *, * ^?'™SIi^ ™^-' JE 27-Feb. I. Main Bt-.l'oorln, III., 8-8. __ _*»?-. 1 i 5Ippodromo, ■'Fnta, the Yodler," BIJon, Marinette, ~ Feb. I. French, Cat.Ie, A, A P., Boston, Froiral, Proctor'.. Newark, -S. J. Freeman Bros., Majestic, Ann Arbor, Feb. 1. Freeman, Mai, Atlantic Garden, JF*b. I. . .__ .. Harrington Trtj, Henrr, Haymarket. Chicago. 27-Feb. 1. Herrmann FrlganiA, Trlxle, Columbia, Cincinnati, 27-Feb. 1. .Feb. ~ l-Vlnt, Frank M„ Ninth and Arch, Phlla., Pa,, 27- Heron, Ftb.-1. ■ Feb. French, Henri, G. O. H, Indianapolis, 27-Feb. 1. Beath.. FuSerton & Deray, Br-enlc, No, Tcmiwanda, N. Y.. i • Keith 1 27-Teb. 8. _ _•• Heclcw, i "Ffctarlty Winner," Shea's. Toronto, Can., 27>Fet>, 27-Feb. .1';.Bennett's, Hamilton. Can., 8-8. Helm Children Fulton, Marte, Gem, Lyon. Huf., 27-Feb. 1. j,- c b. j, Rnljur, Ida, Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 27-Feb. 1. Henrilngs, Gardner ft Madders, Majestic, I)r-nt»r, Feb, 3-8. ii P[i w i- GiS" Karl 4 Krmn,'l.yrfc. Fort Worth, Tea., 27- "f&C ~ ' J "—. "FT " Itttfr* Bre^arii. ite«BiDf, «., «•»«», a; »«- ««*..-..- Feb.,1: Vandetllle. 'fjler, 8-8. . Hennlbja I BorkHarit, Sehlnfllert, Cblcafo. 57- -JtJH Ul Hggi*-g „ w , tertolr - N T 27- MaurVce h ---" ?1 ^ 0 '- ^"■ - Gardner & I.«w»nn. Htar, AtlanU. aa.. 27-Feb. 1. Feb. J. ^^ hc J5it r f. n S ' winil;™ r£J a5 ' ■«? jner, Jack. Keith'., Phlla., »«_««*._?,.._ rfelena,.!,. Belle. BeW.ndlef..IChlcafO, 47-Feb.J. .Mi*^ V,SK.^. C *KeV. 3 Srh«n.. 27- Man'teil Jdontrose Troube. Ofpheom, St. Paul, 27-Feb. 1 ■ Ponies, Schlndjer's, Olcago, 27. Cockatoo Clrcna,' Flying Jortaaa' Oa - America. ' Monroe,' Harry, Scenic, Waltham, Mui„ 27.Feb. 1 PoU'a, Worcrater", , Eacholor Cln;' Co. ' Red" Co.' ... Buffalo, 27-Feb. 1. Moehkienr. The. BIJou, Wbeellot, W. Va., n 28; Cottage, BeUalr, O., 28, 30; Olympic, Hat* Una Ferry, 81; Feb/ 1. ■ Gartner A Revcrr. Mary Ander»»n. l«nliTllIe, ij r (irr'& Ffancla, Berrnetfa, Kt., 27-Feb. 1; Hopklna', I.onletllle, Ky., 0-8. .p^ j_ Gabriel, Master, & Co., Mnjeatlc, Oblcafo, 27- n ttr . Txmi. Tbeatts Boji a 47.F»b. 1 F&- l ! °- H - Klnfatoo, Can., 3-8. Hamliron, ($., X- K ^ m « 1 n Bt01 '" 0 f P hc « UB ' *"" 0tlttBt - 27 - HBsi?w»jr* pblI, • , w - r *' 1; tS* ■" i,n E - H " , ^ [ ° ie ' «" e, " a - "- ^^SS c S tnS iWt* O^mV'yfwnL^^^uiJ^tJa-IMf.^: ^6j*g+ 0re * t « Teon.. 87- L,*iuab'& Scottle, Star, Connelhrillle, Pa., 27 Beodetson ft.Bora, Star, Ohlr»|o, 27-Feh. 1. Heuman Trio, Aculeoiy, PIttabnrg, 27-Feb. 1; Lyccom, Waahlnkton, D. 0., il-8, Hewletten, The, Alcaaar, Det>Ter. 27-Feh. 8. Helena, Kdlth, Lyric, Dayton, 0„ 27-Feb. 1. Helm, Harry, loin, Chicago. 27-Feb. '1. relvJi.BlJc^Fimt, s-». • _ „ Nofller ft Mneller. Mary Andenon, Loahfllle, ce. Mysterloaa, 0. II., Batayla, w. 1., •(• ~Ky., 27-Peb. 1. I£ M-Z'.* . & •-.. '-.--.l' . „^ „.. uurriy, Ellaabeth, Mary Andrtaon, Loolarllle, 11,. Crace, Scenic, Hartford, conn., -•- .jjJT^ 27-Feb.' 1. 'Empire. LeeJa. '3-8; Kmplrf. Lelceatex, 10-10; Hippo.. Norwich, 17-22; Hlppa, Ipasrlch, 24- Gates ft Blske>, Dlrae\ Norwich, Oonn., 27-Feb. 1. Gprrlaon, Jnles, & Co., Orpbewa, St. Paul, 87- Gallagher ft Barrett, Ornheotn, Los Ante]**, Cat, 27-Feb. 1. Gartelle Bros., Hatb»waj'a, N«W BcdforO, Ha**., 27-Feb. 1 May.'ArUtrrQ:. Ornbeoni, Nerada. Mo., 27-Feb. 1. Major?, l v He, roU'n, prlngfleld. MaM., 27-Feb. 1. Marnerlle & llaaley, BIJou, ■ DabuQje,. la., 127- ^Iahr,^A4rD«,'*08.•, Olytnplc, ChlcaW). 27-F«b. Is Merrella'i Oockatcoj. ■ I'oll'f, New Hayen,, Conn., 27-Feb. 1; Feli. ? l. La Clair ft West, Arcade, Browmsllle, Pa., 27- Feh. 1; Orphlnjn, Marietta. O.. n«, ' l^ Bet, The Clara Turner Stock Co. Larrlree ft Leo. Lyric, Dea Molnea. la.. 27-Feb. Mack. Wilbur,. ft.Co., Otpheum, 81oax City, la., 1:0. IL. Maabn City, 8-6; O. H., Farlbanlt, Feb. 8-8. „.^„ „, , . ... „- Minn., 6-8, rT_ • • Martard. a«ra, : MaJestlc, Flrmlngpam, ^Ala., 27- "¥B^dSW Tw> ' WoD<I « tltBa ' Cnlontowa. ,,'^ott, omclble No. 2, Havana. Cal llg i 7 ^ iihrmbto. ClnclnaaU, Bgfc 1. mU^ Cmclbl. No, 1. North Aye.. . Globe, Johnstown, Pa., 27-Feb. 1. " Co., Proctor's, Newark. N. J., Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. Toll's, Worcester, MaM., 27- elty. Bkln., 3-8. Gertie Slaters', llljon, Norfolt, Va.. 27-Feb, 1. "be, Orpheum, Memphis, Tenn., 27- ft Katen. ICecney'a, Bkln., 27-Feb. li H( £ Ui Bmn."* Co., Halhaway'a, New Bedford, Larelle ft Sinclair, Poll's, Harlford, Ohio.. .1-8. „„„„,... Ma»»„ 27-Feb. 1; Gotham, Bkln., 8-B. , Ft \ l - _ ... ._ Qcatnttrto, 'llic, Feb.1. Gilbert ft PoU'a, 1— rUMen Slstera (8), Saylllc'a "Hampty Ducnpty Co. (1U1 ft Aker, flMliamc Stock Co, ^-__ _ Gillette ft MacFarlaad, Orplicum, Omaha, 27 .Feb. 1. . Glllett, Temple. Detroit. 27-Feb. 1. . Olrard, Mnrle, Globe, Johnstown, Pa., 37-Fjb. 1. Boudlnl, Harry. Colombia, St. Ixmls. 27-Feb. 1. Gtrard ft Qarclnnr, Orpbeiun, Salt lake Cltjr, 17- HottDjana, Oycllnf. Olymplc^Chlcago, 27-Feb. 1 Holman, Harry. Ji.Je.tlc. Howton, Tea., 27-Feb. ,£»$& %&S&%f%a!;-VM.. 27-Feb. 1. Hol'mer Broa., Cltco Dell. Oltjr of'Mexico, Uei., La, VlDeGlmtron Telo. Clh Afenoe. N. Y. a. 27- ST.Keh °1l Fen, 1, notwoa ft Macnlctol, Family;- So. Nofwalk, Conn., 27-Feb. 1. HoUlen'B Manlklnp, Kellh'a, Clereland, 27-Feb. 1. Urirton A La Trlaka, Grand, Vancouver/ B, C, JPeb.8-8. notlman, Kittle, Scenic, Tannton, Mnsa., 27-Feb. 1. LaRcellex, The, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., Feb. 1. _ j, leOerson, Boiler. Pa., 27-Feb. 1. in.-. Mama, Jack, Wonderland. Leetonla. 0., 27-Feb. 1. Baltimore, -i«eo. Mnn wll [_ 0rrheum , Boston, 27-Feb. 1. Al'lentown. Pa.. 27- M"» T ''" 9 ; • ^t^T' Cie,el1 ^ 27 - FA - ls .-• -ij» Ann Artor, Mica., *.-». =.f"viim- P. <>7. Manell.ft Jackson: National. Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. a. ? u !***>*' rm " -' Mannlns Trio, "Cowboy Girl" Co. MarJcpwe-Phmkett ■ Co., Crystal, M'iwankee, 27- Feb. 1; BUau.-" Racine, Wis., 3-8. Mariln k King, Globe, Johnstown. Ta., 27-Feb. 1. Marcel's Baa Reliefs, Colonial, Norfolk, Va., 27- Feb. 1. , Macart's Monkeys, 0. O. H., PItUbnrg, 27-Feb. 1. MacBanaa, Jolgllng, Family, Ulmlra, N. V., 27- Feb. 1. Feb. 1. Howard. Sam, Wonderland, Wheeling, W. Va., 27- J*; * rt *" e - t S r I>be n m, Omaha, 27-Fcb. 1 Feb. 1 Gillette Sisters, BIJou, Dultilb, Minn., 27-Feb.-l. GUrpy, florae, ft Moatgomery, Grand. Tacoma, HofJ t r , M Empire, Patenon, N. J., 27-Feb. 1 Wash., 27-Feb. 1; Grand, VancoaTCr, B. 0„ Holt, AIL, Moss ft Btoll Toar, Fng. 8-8 Gllrir-erettJs, The. Columbia, Bt. Lonla. 27-Feb. 1 Howard ft Howard, Sbea's. Toronto, Clan., 27 Feb. 1; G. O. 11.. Syracuse, N. Y., 8-8. Latcll, Ed., Hippodrome, Clereland, 27-Feb. 1. La Toska,' Phil.. BIJou, Lacing, Mich., 27-Feb. 1; Majestic, Kalamazoo,. 3-8. Mdrrar Slaters, Shea'., Buffalo, 27-Feb. 1. Milrrcy ft Eess, Sntoy, Hamilton. Can., 27-Feb. 1. Monroe Bros., Tneatorlum,' Mt, Pleasoat, n., ' 27-Feb.' 1. ' Mudge, Era., Orphcom, Memphis, Tean., 27- MdU«n ft'corelll, Orphean, Los Angelea, Cal., 27- Caba,-27-iL re., Cbleago, KaWn?Tom, ft Co., Majestic Dei Moines, la., 27- Feb; 1. Nigel ft Adams, Geo. H. Rnmmera Co. Nalrayth, Billy, Empire, Greeley, Col., 27-Feb. 8, TV Bothertte, London, 8-8; Bolborn Empire. Needaam ft Wood, Central, Cambridge, Mass., 27- Feb. 1. Newell, Jlmmle, Colon St, Knoxrllle. Tens., 27- Feb..!. • ■ Newell ft.Nlblo, Hippo.. Sheffleld, Kng., 27-Teh. 1; Rotherlntlie, Ixipd-in, 3-8; Holborn Fmplrf, London, 10-15; Putney Umpire, London, 17-22; WUlesden, London, 24-20. N'ewhold ft Carroll, Poll's, New Hayea, Coin, 27-Feb. U Narrow, Ed., Imperial, Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. Nlrram, Bessie, Sayoy, Bearer Fall*. Pa., 27- Feb, 1. • ' Nlblo, Fred, Chase's, Washington, D. a, 27- 'Feb. : X -i • "Nutb't on a Honce Boat. A," Victoria, NVT. C, 27.Feb. 1; 125th Street, N. Y. C. 3*. ■ "Night in an Knellsh Music Hall, A," Sth Are., N.'Y. C. 27-Feb. 1. • ... ■ ■ "Night with the l'nels. A." Haymirtef. Ohl- cam. 27-Feb. 1; Prospect, CWteland, 3-8. NtglUngale*. Three, Keith's, Boston, 27-Feb. 1. Nlemeyer, .Joe H., .Family, Johnatown. Pa., 27- Nice! EtnUy, Majestic, Kalama*», Mid.., 27- Feb. 1. • Mctfcla SUterm Victoria. N.Y. a. 27-Feh. 1. NlgtUngnlea. The, Family, Elm Ira, H. X., 27- NoyelloB," The, 5th A»enae, ■ N, Y. 0.. 27-Feb. 1. NoRton, La Mar ft Co., Pastor's, N. \. C, 27-Feb. 1.. McLaughlin, Bob, Gay Bros.' Minstrels. McCoy, Nellie, Proctor?., Albany, N. Y„ 27-Feb. 1. McDowelL Jobn i Alice, Crand, Fort William, Nowlfn ft Both, Gaiety, So. Chicago, 27-Pab. 1; \^i^nS^M-^ i ^i^''yS£^n. * *&*&* *• »■".«>. Plttabarg. 27-Feb. 1. NoN^i'Mat^r'wL^ef'jocJJn. Mo.. 27- Pen1 1 Worcester, Mass., 37- MeWllllams, q. B., Garrlck, St. Loato. 27-Feb. I; Feb. 1. ". kol, .!_ H * n 7' orphlom. ColUlcotke, O., 27-Feb, jf eb- 1; Orphearo, Beading, 3-8. Notelll, Mme., Family, Lutcaiter. Pa., 27-Feb. 1. Mcintosh. Burr, Haymarket, Chicago, 27-Feb, 1. o'B.-lea 4 Liarel, Orphcom, Mcmpbla, Tenn., 27- McPonald ft Erans, Gem, Missoula, Mont., 27- Feb. 1. 1; Orphluro, Portsmouth, 8-8. Ijitado, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. a, 27-Feb. 1. •Hick. Jesse a. M.. "Tbe Sweetest Girl In Ditto' Howard Bros., Orpheum, Salt Lake City, '27-Peh, 1. , ,Co., Coant. ^ „_ Howard, Great, MJoii, Baraboo. Wis., * Coldln, Horace, ft Co.. Alhamhra, N. Y. C, 27- Majestic, Chicago Helgbtn, III., 8-8, Feb. M, ■ ■ _ Howard, Chas., "New York Town" Co. Golcman'B, Cat ft Dog Circus, Hippodrome, N. Y. Howard & North. Orpheum. Denyer, 27-Feb. 1. .~..~. -~.— —~-. -.. -. w., -..«-. .. ,0 : . 27-Feb. I, ... _ . ^. Howard, Tom, Nlckelett, OonneltoTllle. Pn H 27- Ln Marr. Harry, Holyoke, Mass., 27-Feb, 1; Goldsmith ft Ilnppe, Bennett'., London, Can., 27- Feb. 1. ■ • Worcester. S-8. .Feb. 1; Armory, Blnghnratou, N, Y., 3-8. Howe ft Scott, Terte Haate, Ind., 27-Feh. l;Daa- LaTalette, Butb. Moundsvllle, Uoondsrllle, W. Gossanla, The. BIJou, Qulnoy. 111., 27-Feb. 1. Vllto. 111.,- 8-8. Va.. 27-Feb. 1. Godfrey, HenJerpon, Majeatlc, Topeka, Uan„ 27- Howard'. Dog. ft Ponies, Poll's, Worcester, Mass., Langdons, The, The Show Girl Co. F«b. I. _ "_ . .-_ 27-Feb. 1. - LaCrolx, Paul. Keith's, ProTldence, B. I., 27- Goss, John, Dreamland, Orcslllne, 0., 27-Feb. li Hudson, Bert ft Georgia, Theatortuni, Chicago, Feb. 1. Princess, Columbus 3-8. 27-Feb. 1. Gorilons, Bonndtng, Uanacher's, Vienna, Anrtrja. Hurley, Frank J., Norelty, AlleiheBy, Pa., 27- 27-31. Tlchy'., Prague, Fob. 1-1B; Ory.tal Feb. 1. TT" 1'dlaat, Lelpaltt, Gor., 10-20. 1 . ■ Hagbe. Bros., Mnslcal, BIJon, New London, Oona., Gordon & Marx, North A»c., Chicago, 37-FCD. 1. 27-Feb. 1. i.mju, ««,«:, »,. -v. a., ciimq, p■ ■ nn 1. allto'ft "fB*oV.r"*6. a a^7»oUei MWL, Wb. H ^e^•8.8. ^ • * ** N1Ck * 8t * r ' U4,0Bto1,,, • . P *" **$£; f. at * Jolla ' Petert ' T««k"»». •**•• * Metoey, Lottie, 4 C< 3-8. _. , Hymack.'Keith'., ProTldence, B. I.. ■ 27-Fea,''1. aoolmana, MMtBat Gaiety, So. Chicago, 27-F>b. 1. HynV Bob ft Bertha, Wick's, Klttanntng, Pa,, Goodwin. I«mbanl, ft Co., North Ate., Chicago, 27-Feb. 1 27-Feb. I. GmhntlioB, SeTen, Hippodrome, N, Y. 0., 27- Feb. 1. Gray ft Graham, Grand, Portland, Ore., 27-Fcb. 1. Green Bros., Keeney'ii. Bkla., 27-Feb. 1. J>gft', _'-".. «... « „ O'Brien, Mr. ft Mrs. Wm., BIJon, Dplnth, Mta»., McDonald, Jaa. F., Orpheum,.Memphis, Tenn., 27- 27-Feb. 1. . ■ - . ,. F ' t| . }■',,,. ,. .. , _, „^ v . O'Connor, Nasslaa, Orpheom, Slomt City, to., 27- -MoKenale, BUIte, National. Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. w»b 1. McMahon's Minstrel Maids. Bennett's, Montreal, O'Day. Ida. Orpbenai, Omaha, Ken., 27-rtb. 1; Can.. 27-Feh. 1: Bennett's, Ottaw., 3-8. Lyric gloox raty. la.. 8-8. • McMahon's. Pnllaian Porter Maids, Proctor's, Al- O'Berra ft Watson, Omhlum, Canal Dorer, 0., 27- lany, h. Y., 27-Feb. 1; Poll'a, New Hartn. fft>. 1; Orphlnm. Canton, 3-8. - ■ H«SC t -SffiS ?'JSSto^"l l 8 M1Tme ' 0,> M&ftP«*.Kelth^ Beaton.Haas.. 27-Feb. 1. Ortbe J.^., Orpheom, lUnaa. City. Mo., 57- SfeS^g^^fc ^ SlPw 1 ^™ ssi^oVmisi^w^^Fet 1. Oliver.. Otorence, Shea's,. Buffalo, 27-Ftb, 1; ^i'C 1 k , FaUs ' w,rtUna ' Morgantown, W. Va., 27- uelroy Trio. Lyric, Ottawa, UL, 27-Feb. L , La Tell Bros., O. H„ Peeksklll, N. Y., 27-Feb. 1; O. H,. Tarrytown, 8-8. nrca'a, Toronto, Can.. 8-8. Out, Bea, Empire, Milwaukee, 27-Feb. 1. International Trio, 1H. Liberty, Pa., 27-Feh. 1. Innesa ft Bfan, Baeedy'*, Fall Biter, Mass , 27- Feh. 1- Keith's, ProTldence. B. 1„ 8-8. ..-* ^. Q .., Inman'a Dog.. Orpheum, Los Angelea. OaL. 27- Leonard ft Scott, Monroe, Elyrla. O., 27-Feb. 1. Ueany ft Andesoa. Majestic. Latrobe Pa.. 27- Feb. 1.. _ j : . I^onard, Lon, ManhaJUn. Norfolk, Va..^7-Feb. 1. Feb. 1. ^ ' " UOTC > r «-« ■• Greene, Winifred, Allen Ourtl. Musical Comedy irtlng, Alden, Keith'., Norwalk, Conn., 27-Feh. 1. Leonard, Qua, Star, Seattle, Wash., 27-Feb. 8, Co. Irwin, May, Keith's. Benton, 27-Feb, 1. • I* Boy ft Densmore, "The Matinee Girl" Co. Grantllle ft Mack, Cherry Blossoms Co. Jaman, Nellie, Blalto, Elmlrs, N, Y.. 27-Feb. 1. Lester. (4), Majestic. Des Moines, la., 27-Feb. 1. Grout ft Hoag, Majestic. Chicago, 27-Feh. 1. Jacobs' Dogs, Olympic, Chicago, 27-Feb, 1. Lerlno. Dolpb & Susie, Crystal. Bock Island, 111., Grenp ft Hnglo, VaudetUle, Otton Sound, Can., Jackson. (8), Empire, Burnley, Bug., Feb. 17-22. 27-Feb, 1; Family, Mollnc, 8-8. 27-Feb. 1. . _ JacF Graces, Golden, Majestic. Des Moines, la,, 27- j a c Feb. 1. 2 ' Grace, Ltoate, Miner's AmerlcaJH. Jackson Gregory Troupe. Lleblcu's, Breelau, Ger., 27-81; Scaln, Copenhnren, Denmark, Feb. 1-26, Gray, Ed., Keith 1 .. Beaton, 27-Feb. 1. Meltllle, Q/o. D., Lubln's, Baltimore, Md., 27- Feb. 1. Meltllle A Conway, Lubln's. BaltJnore, Md., 27- Feb. 1; Broadway, Camden. N. J„ 3-8. M.lestle, Sandusky. S-S. O'Neill Trio, Majestic, St. Paul, 27-Feb. 1; Fam- ily, Botte, Mont., 3-8. „ "Operator, Th^" Poll^ Sprlngtleld, Miss.. 27- Orland ft Shafer, Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. 27- Jenl Joe. 27-Feb. 1 Jennings ft- Renfrew, Family, Chester, Pa. 27' ■ Feb.. 1. Jepson, Eogeoe, ft Co., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 27-Feb. 1. Jeanre ft Ellsworth. Monndstlllo, Mooadatllle, W, Vn„ 27-Feb. 1. Jotmstoa, Word W., Hlllebrand Stock Co, . Jrnnemn, Kansas City, Mo., . Feb. 1. "•". :——• ~ — — — uieriia, aiajestui we. iiotoes. ia„ ■"■';»•'• „. ■27-Feb. .1- Orpheum, is'cw Orlear., 3-8. Military Girls' ajuartette. Tacoma. Wa*.. 27- t S^ ^jftKm *V Sun,. Sprlngneld, 0., .-• Le Clair, John, Oarrlck. Wilralngton, Del., 27- Feb. 1.- ' r"?™* ""»•• ■* JM^X . . \ .■ -,<,*, Feb. 1; Vonng's Pier. AtlanUc City, N. J., S-8. Milton, Yomg'i Pier. AtlaBtla City N J "7- °^. ty* **■ Bine." Keith'., Cletetond, 27- Lc Pelletlers. Crystal. Moncton, N. B.. 27-Feb. 1. FebT I, * ' Auantw "^ »• '■' - 7 ' Feb,, 1. 1 „ i _„.l_ _,' ,_■.: — Lemnnler & Brown, Keith's. Boston, 27-Feb. 1. MHton ft De Long Sister. "Pill 1 Pan I Poufl'Th faradlao Alley," Proctor'., Newark, N. J., -•• LoMoyno Slaters. Variety. Allegheny. P.., 27- MU^rJu^rrS&.^lS. SSWff^Si S%.W hjgjt 0 » ..Temple. Detroit, 37-Fd, 1. M 's?i»b.l. °""'' ftuk ** w ^ ""»■ rTl -' ""^ „ Grace., Two, Hloer'a American. Graiuion, Ha, Poll's, Sprlngtleld, Mats Feb. 1. ■ Grey, Cecilia, Star, Beater FalU, Pn„ 27-Feb. I. u-jllmctta, Slgnor, Scenic, Taunton, Man., 27- Feb. 1. •_. . Ouertln, LO11I., 0. 0. H.. Pittsburg. 27-Fah. 1. Guycr ft Crlspl, Haymarket, Chicago, 27-Feb. 1. 'HaBcnheck'. Kleplisntp. Hippodrome, N. Y, C, . 27-Ftb. 1. Hammond. Hoop., Keoherg Stock Co., Western. Hawthorne ft Burt, 125th Street, N, Y. C„ 27- Fcb. 1. Hampton ft Bminwj), Hnrnuforrl Tour, Kng. H.rrli Ind Hawley BU&lSS'AlnSTm.'tSSXVSZ N. HfS^Ja m t^nm^ m^W^tJtmtm Cf» Le_Bran^Orano; Opera Trio. Chase'., Washington, ^"'fi" Y n 27-Feh 1 27-Feb. 1; Iraprelal. N. Y. O., 8*8, D. v., JT-ren. 1, . Mlett's Dozs,. BIJou. Qnlnct llatden' riollv Grand Toledo O 27-Feb. 1: Johnstons, Musical, Grand, Haulej, Eni.. 27- I* Rn.v. Grand, Zsnearllle, 0., C!7-Feb. 1. Miller ft McOauler Howard H.vdeo,. Virginia, Arcade. Xtltopdl, Mont.. 27- Jo gSsl Wla a a u>. 1(h ManLa I tfa , n 1 .•■ xSaWtf^-"*- '-«■'- « Feb. 1. Jowielyn Trio, Sheedy's, Fall Hirer, Feb. 1 Le. Orassy Bros., Temple, Johnson, Mark, Majeatlc, Kalamasoo, Mich., 27- towl. & Green. Poll's, Sprlngneld,- Mass., 27- Millar Feb. 1; BIJon, Battle Creek, 8-8. Feb. 1. vju, Jolly ft Wild. BIJou. Lansing, Mich., 27-Feb. 1; Le Faror Bros., Howard, Boston, 27-Feh. 1. Millers. G. O. H., Grsnd_ Bapld., Mich., 8>8. _ Lelghtoas^Tbo, G. O. H. v .Indlaaapollg,_27-F«b. 1. Feb Mimic . Mldgely SEE Frnak ft Sodto Cryslali Frankfort, Johnson Bros., ft Johuaon, Grand, Da BoU. Pa., Iieille ft Williams, Star. Sluncle, (nd., 27-Feb. 1; Mimic nd "7-li>b 1 ' 27-Fcb. 1. Princess. Clereland, 8-8. Mllgel rley "k Frederic ft Co Beonett'., Ottaw., Jonn.00 ft Wells, Poll'., Worcester, Mae*. ,27- Le Hlrt, Mont., Star. Homestead, Pa., 27-Feb. 1; . Feb,' »n "7-Foli 1- iiennett'ii Montreal 3-8. Feb. 1. ' Star, Latrobe. S-8. Miller, ■Tden. Feb. 8. V III. «tm 1 Ptn f * Pwrce, O. H.. Derby. Conn., 27-Feb. 1. \ Boston! 27%eb. 1. >S« B "»" Orpbeum.. Sail Lake City. 2T- Proctor's, Albany, N. p-io./p,^, «. ».„i. o.ih.-.n'. statden. Mass., nk H. Lang Block Oo. Morse, Boo, Touring So. America. Morton. Temple l Morton, Union Square, N. t. Hnrriaon, Leo v., Detroit, 27-Feh 1. llAwtrcy. Wm„ ft Co., Orpheum, Oakland, Cal., Feb U-8 narrcy A Adams. Bins, Ala., 27-Feb. 1; Ln- Jones. Irtlng, Keith'.. Oolntnbns. 0^, Tornr 11-8 Jordau ft Hartey, Haymarket, Chicago, llalRh ft Thomas, Bllmi. Flint, Mlcb., 27-Feb. 1; Joseffla. i Great. Keith's, Protldenos, ' Hali'. 0 bo.V o"l'l Lebanon Pa.. 2T-Peb. 1. lodge.*. Three. Howard, Boaton. S7-Feb. 1. Utlngitons. Three. Orph*nm. Bkln.. 27-Feb. 1. UtoftlTarty"coit,w^l.^ K»™. Orphenm, Kansas City. Mo., 87-Feb. 1. Linton * Lawrence. lKSbetfs, Montreal. Can., Hontey, Clark ft Prfdeuu. Majeatlc, Birmingham, K»ufmiin. utavie, llconeU'.. London, Caa., 27- 37 Fen. . ^ «.-*«.. Ala., 37-Foh. I; MaJesUcrTlttlo Rock. Ark.. Feb. 1. ^,S°S,,i™7 J? ' 0 " S7 " P " ) - 1; "^l 100 . 3cia ' K*"""^ Stockton, CaL. 27- ' -8-^ Karland Great Ktork-TJrban Co rrtnceea,, 5-0 Feb, 8* .. - - - v^ ftaiea ft Hares, "Jo-ana Slmpklns" Co, Kaitrruan Bros.', National. San Fran., OaL, 27- fjIL* ^'vinv^u^wKSi ^^afifc. 1, •>. K or "f •/ hl h 9- H " Ot»«rtlle, a. 27-Feb. 1. BE Lillian; ft Cto., York, Pa.. 27-Feb. 1. ™>.S._ . b 9SJ t ^rJ m ^SS^'JnP'£h &i± J&lS± fltt Mil 0*7 Hayes, Brent, Alh.mbrn. Brussels, Belgium, 27- Kartell!. Ml'; AlbRmhrn, PnrLs, Franco, Feb. 1-29. Kemp. " narcoiirl. Frank, 0. U., Woodland, Cat.. 27- Feb. Feb. 1. Kelly, Uirrlgan ft Giles. Pnrtot's, N. Y. 0., 27-Feb. 1. I; ( llnnsnne, WpHttllle, Wenttlllc. N. S., 27-Feli. 1; Kelcy Crystal. Moncton. N. B„ 3-8. Feb. Hnrris. Smiling, Imperial, Chicago, 27-Feh. 1. Kelly llHrgrares, Lillian, A. ft 8.. Boston, 27-Ftb. 1. ilapson ft Nelson, Keith's, Boston, 27-Feb. 1. Hawkins, !,ew, Olympic, Chicago, 27-Ftb. 1. Harrison Sister., Msber'a, Chicago, 27-Feb, 1. Hantarr ft Lee, Ornbentn, St. Paul. 27-Ftb. t. Htaaard, John, Keith's, Clereland, 27-Feb, 1. Harrison, Minnie. Brigadier Bnrltsnoe On. Hsje. ft Johnson, Lyric, Dayton, 0., 27-Feb. L Rennard Bros., G. 0. H., Morgaatown, »*. Va., Hall ft Pray, Lewlslon, Me., 27-Feb. 1; Palace, 27-Feb, 1. ' - : Boston, 04. Keno ft D'ArrlUe, Orpheum, Oakland, CaL, 27- Harrlty ft Horr, Eleetrle, K. Uterpoal, 0., 27- p>b. I. . Feb. 1. Kelly, Maa»«y ft Co., FamU't, nageratowa, Md„ BBgW»..W. K., ft Co., Keith'., VUcn, N. Y.. 27- Sf-Feh. 1: Family. York, Pa., 8*. al , i'«, r, „ ...... K ' no - Walsh ft Melrose. Shea'., Toronto, Can., Harris el Nelson, Guy Bros.' Minstrel.. 27-Feb, 1; Temnle, Detroit, S-8, n*SS!^ B r t f' t, ^*f ttr ! ¥?*?*' i > V., S7 " F ' rt -«l' KM,nB * **"»■ ilatoaway'a. Near Bedford, •*mmt * Le Olalr. Lnbla's, Baltimore, 27- Mass., 27-Feh. 1. n»™„i - t,, v. _ 0 m - .. _ — Keller, Malor. Palace, Boston, 27-Feh. 1. Hamnaoii, Richard, Satoy, Belter Falls, Pa.. 27- Keatoni (S>, Orpheum, Los Angelea. Oaf., 27- Feb. 1. v.h. 1; OrnSeom RI. flVa. 27-Feb. Pequays, The. Gotham, Bkln., 27-Feb. 1. Plercy ft Fofda, Hapnyland, Ponrsutawnej. P«-. 27 : Frb. 1. - , ■• ' ,e "Planophleads, The," Temple,'Detroit, 27-Feh. 1. Cook 0. H., Bocbester. S. Y., Mb _ • . - I'lrlsoorBs, The. Keith's, Cletelaod. 27;Ftb. 1. l'lcclanl Troupe, Orpheum, New Orleans, w 27-Feb. 1. THE BAL FIBRE MOVING PICTURE MACHINE TRUNK ^i^*^«.^?w- to tbe 8AFE3T, LIGHTEST, STRONORST and M08T SERVlCEaBLE TRUNK of the kind made. It li <****' «'fr Qpartette, G, 0, R, Syraonse, N- *-. B«c.M7 Blitcn. Jgtajtfftle, ChLugr>,