The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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FEBBUABY 1. THE 3STEW YOBK €LIPPBR. 1371 *&,2l S EdTOrta' Rfondo -Typewrite™. W. 2? the heudliner. - Others tire: The ; Groat ndrcdee. Tod Judge Family, Green Bros. vinknKflS. Gilbert and Knten, Pearl Hunt, jimes S. ttetlln and Mae Elwood, and Kco- n 'xcSl (Edw. Behuian, manager).— The Trnnss-AtlttiiUr Burlesque Co., hcuded by r lizlii Fralelgb, la here this week. The olio .'eluded: Vnl Hayner. Ji.niOs Whltely.und K.lwurd Nugent, Fitzgerald and yulnn, sis- ters D<! Graff, Smith aud Corwey. Kallnowsky nws As a special attraction, "The Girl in Slue'" WrestlingTuesday aud Friday. Harry Bryant's Co. crowded them in. Next, Vanlly '."olympic (Nick Norton, uiauagcr).—The Dacbclor Club Bttrlesquers 2.7 and week. Harry Hastings tmd Viola Sheldon are the i7rlnc'l|ial». "A Bachelor'B Reception" and -After the Matinee" arc full of humorous lines and catchy mimic. The olio Include: ■Mazottt Troupe, Mile. Alda and u company u r women, snowing living statuary; Mar- garet Hyan. Gotham Comedy ■ Four. Ger- trude, mid the Six Lancashire Lassies. Clark's Uiuiinvnv Girls did well 20-25. Nest. World Heaters, with Joe Maxwell and company as "Vaiik (J. R- Gllllllaii, manager).—The Rol- lickers 27 and week. KatUryn Pearl and Kd. Morton share ,llr*t honors. Wrestling Tncs- dav night—Jim Galvln va. Nell Olsen, and Alfred Ileal ve. Joe Fuller. Mr. Gnlvln an- itounves that ho will' have the best kn own wrestlers In this country and lOuropc appear during the season. The Now- Century Girls were well received lost week. Next, Jolly '.-TKU.iin's.BnO'ADWA.T (Loo C. Teller, lessee). — "Brewster's. Millions," with' Edward Abelca and Mary Kyan. 27 and week. Big houses ■ last w?ek, with Wlltoa Lackayc. Next. Francis Wilson. Folly (Henry Kurtzman. manager).— ••Since •Nellie -Went Away" Is this week's offering- Kellar aud Thurston lnul crowded houses week eadin.g-20. Next, '•Playing the Ponies." Gaiety (James Clark, manager).—Horry Rrvaut's Extravaganai .Co. this week. The olio: Darinody. the Eight Stella Girls. Lil- lian Sieger, Hilly K. Wells, Elliott, Beloir and Elliott, and Troja. Dainty Duchess Co. did big business v.-:ck ending 25. • Gotham. (Edgar F. Girard, .manager).— TUN week's hill: Cull.iban and St. George, Peter Donald: and ' Mct'i OUWO, Hnrrv Biven, Ceelle P'Aniollo,- Fred p. Kusseli. Wesley anil Keougb, Murphy, and Holt, and the Flcuuays. . Buney's (J. J. Williamson, manager).— ! Iliu Curd King of the, West" 27 and week. Crowded houses lust week for Cecil Hpoouer. •Novelty (Benedict Blutt. manager).— Tills week's bill:. The Finney*. Jim Covenev,' C'ittord mill Burke, (he Do Vole Trio. Kath. erlne Xelsou. Whit Nell, T,ray and Earl, and Welch,.Francis aud company. ' Paitos'ih (Joe Paytou, manager).—"Taken from Life", this week. Good business last nock, with "The -Hrvut of Maryland.'' Next. •Sweet Kitty Beliairs." hYCBCJt (Louis Phillips, manager).—"The smugglers" this week. "At Pinev lifdgu" illd well week ending 23.. Xotes. —Brooklyn bus lost two verv popu- lar box ofllce men: Robert Stevenson, for the last two years treasurer of the Shubort. and bis assistant, Charles. Potter, have been appointed to look after the Hyde & Behiuan Aiuuaeinciit Co.'* Interests in Ibe box office of,their new house, the Star uud Garter, in Chicago, which opens Feb. 10. Messrs. Stevenson uud Potter left Brooklyn 10 with the best wishes of their muny friends here. ...;... .Klchnrd: Hyde left Brooklyn 20 for his annual hunting trip In .Florida, und will not return until some Hinc In April,' In error it was announced several weeks ago In these.columns that James Hyde would take 'bis trip...:...Elliott. Foreman lias been ap- pointed treasurer of the Park Thentro (West- era wheel). ««» • VBW YORK STATE, Buffalo—At the Star (P. C. Cornell, man- aser) Amelia Bingham and Lillian Buisell divide week of Jun. 27: "The Lion and Mouse" Feb. U-8. . "Fascinating Flora" did fairly well. .. ■. •. .CfiNvuxTiox. lUfiL ,(H. L. Meech, custo- dian) .—Boston Hynphouy Orchestra Jan. 27: ■ Wnu'K tM. Shea, malinger).—Week of 27: t'Ollv Pickle's Pets Jn Petland." W. H. Murphy. Blanche Nichols and company, Mur- ray Sisters, Bobby North,, Inez Macnuley, t.ofcsu musical horse, Blgoletto Brothers, Stntth.and CampbeU. ■..\cjm)»iv, (P., C. Cornell, manager).—"It's Nfever Top late to Mend" this week. Cecil Sspoouer, In "Tho Girl KalOcs" and "Tbe Dan- ger aud the King." next week. • "The f.'ow- lw and the Squaw" departed 2G. •Juan (Chue. e. White, manager).— "allies Knickerbockers this week. . The Gay Masquerudors next week. Casino Girls did splendid business. r ;.I' 4rA «*n> (C. M. Bugg, manager) .— y'^mlaud . Burleumiei'S this week. High Mtool Glrla follow. The'Americans were <rarmly received., irS 0 ,!,"' Laughlln, mauogcr)..—Jumea 0 iNeill thl« week. . A Ja ^-Cj. II. Osbel, manager). — Stewart ^psra Lo. hits become -Hie vogue. It presents ■Jaweek, "Wrmfore-." 'Geisha" next, "ltoblu weeks 7«: Roblth and Childress, Fern,and Mack, La Toska, Allen Wightiuan, and tho Bijou- scope. S. Harvey and company BoJnev andf Seit! n .^J ,c fB ; .?,• S"Bf« manager).—MoTlnt the Kratons, BoVSTA'altSS ?Li f rrc?ker Si- 1 ™*" ' n0 »l«»tf»f«l <"«gs, to good bu.P Oscar Lorraine, and Bertlnii and Brockway! ness. Albany.—At Harmanus Blcecker Hall HI. h ., J 1 UI< ; b8 ' manager) Thoa. E. Shea, Jan trui« *2fJ!K? "HS* Albania drcoes- "Thi Jlluatr, Cuudlei hcoi Deu the Mouse" 21. 22. PaocTon's (Howard Graham, resident man- m^'.nT 1 ^ 0 ' ,i Jou - ? 7 J'?, d wcek: McMahon und t.happulle and Pullman Porter Molds. Miles-Stavordate Quintette, Hertford and Win- chester, Leo Carlllo, Fentell and Our, Con- lln and Steele, and Nellie McCoy. , Emvim] , Jos. II. Bhodes, managers—The World Beaters pleased. Trans-Atlantic Bur- N*pncia followed, and were well received. Golden Crook, with John L. Sullivan and Jnko Kllralu, and Kid Cutler, 27-29. Vanity Fair Burlesqucm 80-Feh. 1. •Oaikty ill. B. Nichols, manager).~Merry Maidens Burlesquers, Jan. 20-22. gave an ex- cellent pcrfoimaace. Jolly Girls followed, with Edmund Hayes. Miner's Bohemians, 2T-28. with Joe Gausj Empire Burlesquers JU-reh. 1. I Casino (A. VlgnoJa, manager).—A change of pictures and burlesyuc features please ulc crowds weekly. " «' - - Troy.—At Rand'a Opera , House ■ fit, T. Feb. I. ]*K0CTon't) (G, C. Greaves, resident mana- ger).—Bill 27 aud week: ltutb Allen and company. Waterbnry Btothers and Tenuy, Sam Williams. Jlme. Emmy's pets,' Harrv und Kule Jackson, Birch and Ansel, and the Kitiiiuiiziii lam. . Ltcki'M (It, H. Keller, manager^—The Jolly Girls did wjll 20-22. Merry Miihleus orcw big lu.ns^H 23-25. Empire Hurlcsquera 27-2», Bokemlau • Burlesuucrs 30-Feb. L . * l'Hwlra.— At tho Lyt:euni a*e Norlon. resident muuititcrl Al. G. rTcld's Minslreli lilajed lo good IjiikIucks Jan. 20. .Fddlo.Pov, lu "The Orchid." did well 21, as did Lvma'n Howe's motion pictures 22. "His nouo'r the Mayor" packed the house 23. McMillan gave. a most enjoyable concert 2J. Family («. W. Mlddleton. manager).— Week of 27: "The Nlghtlugale," rtacSel Aclim aud Juck Klovllle, cockatoos, und other acts. Business big. RtALTO (F. W. Mcl.'nuiicll. inauugerK — W«ck of 27: Tin; HallbackB. Jimmy Lojae, Una C«oley. TrKlc Bennett. Marie Bose. BiKlell Urotheis. Nellie .laiuaii. Itlalloscopc and Illustrated Houg>i. Busluess good. .,*»!' *■*■•—iAt the New Whituor (A. C. Abbott, mauuger) Jefferaou Bros., la "The « . *' .. P leM ed a large houso Jan. 20. Robert Kduson. In. "Classmates," had S. R,. °1 l .-, •Ut Comedy club 24, Charley Grape- win 28, Robert M&ntell 30. Majdsiic (Fred McOmbcr, manager).— Week „f -20: Musical Forest, Al. Bnrton, Blake ercus. Tourist Trio. Wlllard 'Cemple of Music, and Majcsllscopo plcnscd good notiscs. Noibs.— HIlou' (li. Phelps, manager) the Marvelous r.UU, Jcsgo Franks, Prof. Kills. moving pictures and llustruted songs pleased h g business Star, TheatorlUm and Ca- sino Theatres are'doing well with moving pictures and Illustrated souge Frank J. Melnlyrc, with Robert Edeson, was given Jin ovation 22 when lie .played before hi* home people.... it. jf. Travis la doing good work stuglng tho V. of M. Comedy Club. ■■ . i Urnnd Rnpld*. —At tho XeW VowoM (II. G. Souiuii'l'S & Co.,'managers) Olga Neth- eraole, Jan. 2l», played to S. II. O. Jeffer son Bros.. 2-h Ji-sw well. Robert Mantel) Feb. ;s-s, Marie Huro 15. _■ Itumvfc (Orlu BUIr, mauagcri.~"Lcpa Bivers," Jan. 10-22, played to good houaes. Chas. E. Grapcwln, 23-23, to S. It. (>. "The Convict, and the Girl" 20-20. "At Vale" 30- Feb. I, Howe's moving plctutes 2-3, "Hla Terrible Secret" U-K. Guam. (Davis & Churchill, mauagors).— «e«k of Jan. 27: Oahlmau Cowboy ynar- tette, Two De Camos, Fern and Muck, and Allen WJgutffiuu. ■ - i , i ,. - Lanalnir—At Bairds Opera House (Fred , Williams, manager) "The Time, Ibo Place t,A ft... /llt.1'1 nUZSJT. .....It 41I1..I 1........ -r~.. Hood'' was capabTy ^wiTima irfiriL' r76.' „.- , ' uch e»<e«'-^TAt tlie Lyceum' (M. E. Wolff, teenager) siglior Kduardo Castellano, In con- liVT' 5?" u .. lul, gc und appreciative audleiieo ffi' -h. ■■ H *ttTe Williams had three lavce ■ante* 24, SB. "!nie Bight of Way" 30-b'eb.l. ..^t'WNAi. ( Parry,, manager).— l..,?t B Velunt'eer Organist," Jan. 20-22. tuid ™«ll»as was jlne. prcd Campbell. In the •■i"i? W*' "eores. Uls. usual line impression, i*.,.', ••owf'.'orners of the Earth" had largo tiV^. 2;i ,\- 3 - ," HlH S» Hollar" 27-20, "Tfio ' etn let's -Daughter" ::0-FeB. 1. w,,, AK,1, ', 1 ' u l cuard Raker, munaser).—"The J,'"""" ll, e Box." us presented by. the Bel- ""••opwicer Stock Co.. last week, »< a most ngreeable eute'rtulniiieut. Busl- •T,....' v '^ ' >r,, olteqt. George Soule Spencer and wuru Lang, in the lendhig roles, were well met, 'tiie r^ve Itonte" 2V and. week., , ■ t coK ui-kiia Hubsu' (j; ii, Moore: mana- \(:''—.Week of 27: Minnie Scllgman and in? iktomwell. ■ Kltly Trailer,' World and ft bSiiwn,. James and Jenny Jee, Biin Welch. (urea },U -' Dilrrtt8 Bf05 -. und moving ifie- . Oouijithian (H. C. Jacobs, manager).— h'.'l^'Oeu Crodk '-!o. ended a big week of r.i, ueM - 0, ' 1o » u J* Sulllvutt aud Jake Kil- raiu, us au added feature, were a great druw- ">g card. Tho Trocnderi Co. week of 27. r „' N0IC - —Mert Clink, the veteran tnoatrl- "' Dm 'V well -known locully tluougb his loug .inmcNliMvu.—At the Xcw Samuels Opera House (J. J. Wnlers. manager) Helen Grayce Stock Co., tu repertory, Jun. 20-25. except 24, to large uud well pleased audiences. 'The I .Ion and the Mouse," 24, hud » capacity house. The Chester Bishop Stock Co. 27- Feb. 1. Note.— The Helen Grayco Co. appeared at the Library Theatre, in Warren, Pa., 24, to two S. R. O. houses. i ONvrc-iro.—i.\t .the Illchardson (W. A. Wea- ley. manager'! "A Ragged Hero," Jan. 18. did well. Wrestllnir match 24. Uottle Wllllums 27. Walter H. Stull Stock Co. 28-Feb. 1. . Obpmeum (Chas. P. Ollmore. munager).— England's moving pictures, with the Musical Adams and Jack Coogan supplying the vaude- ville, Jan. 20-23. Lvcecm (Mr. Tedder, manager).—Martin* the Great. Goffney. tbe Bubo on Rollers; Em- pire Trio, and moving picture, 20-25. . * . ■ ■ 111. in I. nin ion. -.-At fie Stone Opera Houso M„ P/ B. i Clark, mnnager) "Tho Flight of Prince** Iris," to good business. Jan, 18. Mav llillmeri Co. dfii well 20-25. Chas. K. Chumplln Co. 27 and week. Admout (Weber & Rush, managers).—Bill Week of ■ 27: Ve Colonial Septette. Graco Leouurd, Anita Bartllag, Chester aud dog, Carter, Taylor and company, and Harry Iiee. . :■■ » -. :— ■ Geneva,—At Smith's Opera House (F. K. Hnrdlson, manager) • Al. G. Fleld'H Min- strels, Jan. .21, gave the best of satisfaction to the lai-geat house of the season. Motion pictures and vaudeville 23-30. "Simple Si- mon Simple" SI. "Joslah Perking" Feb. 1. PouKlikeeimle. — At the Colllngwood Opera HOtise f\V. P. Millard, mauuger) Mnr- rav. k Mack Co., in repertory, Pleased, good attendance ' Jan. 20-25. A. G. Field 27, the Great McMillan, boy violinist, 30. 1 . , «! . » ' ' 3JICUIGAK. 1)«lroltr—At the Detroit Opera Houi>e (B. C, Whitnoy, manager) ■ Robert Muntell enter- tained large uud appreciative audiences week of Jan. 20. Rogers Brothers .week of.2i. i Lyceum.. (B. T>. Stulr, manager).—•George Sidney preseuted "Busy Tziy r s T>qodle, to • crowcled'houses, 19-30. , Nat.M.Wills week hlitktvmt (Or. .Campbell, munagor). — The Latavctte Players, lu "The LItOc Gray Lady," played, to good-houses 10-2.1. Tho same company, lu "Captain Swift," week of M .... " WnriNiiV (15. D. Stair, manager).—"Tho Singing GUI of Klllarnoy' played, to packed houses? I0-23. "The Bunker, the 'Iblef and tbe Girl" weok of 26: • • _ ■ T'CMi'i-K (J. H. Moore, manager).—Week of 27: "Tho- Pluuophleuds," t:hrlb lliehords, Matthews and Ash ley, Gilletfs dogs and tuonkeyf. Sueocer Kelly und Frederick Bobc, Gnissv Brothers, Kd. F. Beynurd, Asia, and the klnetograph. • . '. _ GAVtii'T (II. H. Uedges. innuagei).—Gay Morning UlorlcH gave a good performance, and putrouoge was up to the usual standard. Kcrlbucr'H Big, Show week of 20, New \ork Stars next week. ... . Avbnui: (Drew i Cunipbeli, munagerB).-— Relllv & Wood's Big Show drew good slued houses lit-25. .Miner's Amcrlcnus week of 20, Dreamland Burlesiiucw uext week. Advinn At the Croswell <C. D. Hardy, -., and the (loni Murks Co., In reuertory, eituie to paying houses,-23-25. "Tho Heart of Maryland'' 7. "1-nClo Josh Henry" 8, "The Old Homestead" 12, ' Bijou (D.-..I... ltolsion,'iiiattagerL—Packed houses nightly and two matinees. . . j fort Huron, —At the Mitjestlr fJaa. Klrkby, mauugev) "The Time, the Place and the Girl" played to S. 11. O.'Jan. 28. on the stormiest nlghtof the year, uud pleased an enthusiastic audience Chas. Graven-la, 20. In "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp." "The Couuty Sheriff" Feb. 10, "JuMt f)ut of Col- lege" 11, "Dora ■ Thome" 12, Howe's movlne pictures 18. ABtiABB (A, P.. Sly field, managctV—Mov- lng pictures to big busluess dully. Flint.—At Stone's < A. tl" Pegg. uiunagerl "The Time, the Hucc and the Girl" Jan. 24. "Billy, the Kid" 23. Tom Marks 27. Charles 15, Grapewlti, 30. in "The. Awaken big of Mr. Hipp:" "Dora Tltunio" Feb. 1, "T'lie Heuit of Muryluud" 'I. Howe's moving picture.) », Kujrles' Minstrels (home talentl ft. Bijou 'Juk. B. McKuwon, re.iideut malin- ger).—Mexican Herman, in "Falaco of Mys- teries :" Byron James. Jr.s. F. Fiilloii. Dahl- juun Cowboy Quartette, mid BIJouscopc. ■ . . . KulHiiiiixoo.—At the Academy of Music (It. A. Bush, uiuuugeri ."The Tluic, tlio Place and the Girl" did good business Jan. 18. "The Yankee Beaeut" drew a large liouao 21. Robert lJdesou. hi "Classiuutcs," 23. M.i.rr.sTn: ill. W. Crull, manager).—Bill week of 27: Bmely Nice, Kduionds. Kmerson and Bdmonds, Mark Johnson, Galbreth und Farrcll. uud motion pictures. N'oTt:.—Busluess is good at the Colonial and the Vaudctte, exhibiting high class mov- ing pictures uud IllU Btruted.Moug B, Buttle Creek.—At the M (Ii. It. Smith. manager) "Tho Tlmo, the Place and tbe Girl" drew well Jan: 17. Tom Marks Co. gave 6atisfuctlou ltf-22. Tho, la "The Blvals," pleased-2U.' •• ■' i- Bijou (W. S. • Butterlleld, manager).!— Week of 27: Five Musical Byrens, Frank MoBtyn Kelly, Klectru, Wilfred aud little, and Bljouacopc. • '*> i i ' Jackaoii.—At tho'AtbeiUBam (U,- J. Por- ter, resident manager) ■"Lost la ftew York," Jao, 18, "Tho Yankee Begont," 21), and tho Jeffersons, in "The' Blvals,'. St, pluaaed. Bobert Kdesoli 2«, "The. Vanderbllt Clip" 24, •"The Time, tho Place and the Girl" 2U, "Tho Flower of the Ilancli" 30; Bobert Mantell HI. Cook Stock Co. week of Feb.'8, "Tho Qld Homettend" 11, "The Heart of Maryland" IS. with "Iji New York Town," 20-22, made a to packed houMs. nkw Buoadwav (J. ii Peebles, manager). —Eurl uud Bartlett did not appear last week, the Shelly Trio being substituted. Others were: Gus Kdw.irdH' Kouutry Klda, Zueelt uud Vernon company, Blslnor, Welch, Francis uud company, Bernard and Coleman, und Harry Breen.' Tho work of Hurry Brucn caught... tlio crowd. Notkn. —Charlea Ilownrd. nf "In JTew York Town" Co., aud Manager; Peebles re- nowed old friendship... .Manager llell Tay- lor, of tho Camden Theatre, wnn made ouch a sneeess of tho Ocean City Pier hint Hum- mer, will aguln innuagc tills pier next season, ■ .Terser City.—At the Majestic (F. 14. Hen- derson, manager 1 "Arc Yon a Ma*onlr" week of Jim. 27, "Htrongheart" next wrok. "Tho Hoticymooiiers" closed u record week, 25. . AuAnKiir d'. F.. Ili'ndersnn, manager).— ttenuro and Bailey. In "'INmy, the Bnutblurk," week of 27. The'ii Brutherd next, '"tan Outlaw's Chrlslmas" had lurge atlendanco I list Wt!t*l[ Bos iiix (T, W, DlnkluK. manager).—Tlio Lady Birds 27 and week. Tho Century Bur- k'Miucra to follow. The Wutsoll Burlciiguers. the laughing show of Ike season, had an old time standard week, 20-25. ■ Kkitii fc I'uocToii's.—Week of 27: nUa iti-adiiu unit b'rud Derrick, Chus. and Fanny Van, Dillnn Bros., Uthel McDmotigli, tho Csberii, /.tiki) und King, and W. K. Whittle. -i i i Futeraoii.—At the Kuipll'u (A. M. Urugg«- uiaiiii. malinger), good business last week. Bill for Jan. 27 uud week: llyan und ltlt'h- Held, Patrice, t'oln's dog tiuntomlmu. lloo.v mid Lea, Work and Ower, Hurbert Cyril ttntl others. ■ ■ Ltobi.jKF. J. Gilbert, mauager),—"China- town Cliarllo" fared well 20-22. "A llace Across tho t'outliu-'iit" thrilled largo houaes 2U'2D. ''Happy' Hooligan" 27-20, '"niu Flam- ing Arrow" 30-Feb. 1. Tfnf.LV t'M. Jacobs,, manngerl. — Emplri Hurlcsuuers pluyed to good tioliHCH Jan. 20-22, Fads mill lollies did well 2g-2r.. M1»h New York Jr, 27-20, TTger Lilies 80-Feh, 1. • ' t • — .Mlaatta City.—At tho Savoy il'rml K, Moore, aiuhagcri the Fay* cloned a most suc- cessful two weeks' engagement Jan. 25. "A Poor llvlatiou" 20, «0, "For Mother's Sake" ill, Feb. I. Yui'xu'* rm TiUUiaH (W. )!, 8hacknlford. iuuiiagcri.---Buu Hurrla' vaudeville continues to attract well For week Of Jan. 27: Dun Burke and his School Girls, tbe Two Bullrx, Scott and Whuley. Nelllo Burt. Three Mu- sical KIM--. Milton and Ills dogs, Kntio. Gordon and Zeno, klnet'igiaph. t ' ■ ' lfolinkeM.—At Hie Iiyrle (11. P. Soulier, luunngerl "Chlnutown Cnurlio week of Jau. 27,."Jn New York Town" Fob. 2-5. Rwdnoaa Is good. HMfiiiK (A, M. BruL'gumiuin. in'oprlelor).— >Vesk of Jan. 27; Valorle Ilorgei's uud coin puuy, Pcruittiie Bi-os., Kaitclll, J. W. Wlutoa, Blsfc Fave und Bluett and Miller, Meivllh Vudu Lpalde Down;" Four Pirro*, Four Ar- . llnstons, Bailey and Auatlu, Geo.. Wilson, and the latest Orpheum motlou pictures. BuilQcas wnH eicclleut last week. Orpheum lioad Show follow*. I llKW. (Gus. Coben. roanajei'K—Fcnturra 20-20: Curl Herbert. Flora browning, -Tlire* Derricks,'Hurry L'raudatl uud company. .In "I'Tin lu a Grocery Wore:" La Van and Hill. .Mack ami Dngal. playlet. "Grit's Tbaaksglv- Ing:" Hilly Sanborn, uud (ho blogruph. Busl- uess was'to ■•iipaclly lust wck. \ Xi.vti.-fv (Tuny LUbeskl, munagor).—Bill 20-2U: laelta Jewell and couipany, present- lug "Solving tlm guestlon:" Herbert, Frog- man : Winifred Sl'wvt. Atlas i.'.imedy Four, Jus. Dunn aud motion picture*. Business was good Week eliding III. N'utk. —Ilex, Bijou lirenin nml Lyric ma- lum plclui'fl liniisew all ruport lienvy btulnrn week ending 10, - I i Han nieato.—At tlio Gnrrlck tGeorgn It. Hunt, manager) "tied Feullier" lllled the liouse Jun. 12. Tlm regular Hlock did good bualtiewi. In "The Sign-of the Four." IK-IS. "Buster Brown" did great hiulncM, afternoon and evcitliig. 111, t'baa. B. Hunford 20-22. tlie tcjgnlnr sloelt, In "C'txiulHc,"' 28-20; Kubellk 2i. Pickwick (Calmer Bros., munagon),—Tlio Pickwick Stock did Al btiKluess. In "Tbe Prlnco and the l"aupcr." week ending II'. Week of 20, sunie company ...f players, In "In (lie Bishop's C'oi'laBc." "Quo Yadl*" to follow. Kmi'hil (H. II. Busle)'. muiiagerl.—Moviiis plctnrek-. Cliango of tllm* twloo u week. Good honseN nlwiiys. F.LtiCTnitK»u.—Latest moving picture*, to s. it. o. ■'■■ ■»*» '■■'— CANADA. Montreal. - At HI* Mojeali'* til. I.\ Druoks, iiiu'iiiger) the Van Bcu Betg Opern Co.. In repertory, waok >.f Jan. 20. "A Naval Bngaguuicui" HocnJ) :)o-l'eb.'l, "Tom Jone<" U-8. Acadumv or Ml'HIC (Waller Qtmwt, man- ager).--The Four Hitnllna*. lu "A Fool House," last week. Yorke mul Adams till* week. "Wine, -Wonuin und Sona" S-8. BVN.NKrx'H (It; A, Me Venn, manager),-- Week vt Jan. 20: •irttce Van Sttiddlfonl. Mslfllc IVi.t-delte mid coiiipany. Sis S*mol*, Van llrullii'iv, iMiiirloiln puny and company, Mile. Chester and dug. Anderson and Golner, 1'nul I'oiiciiiK and Dill anil lVurd, Fma.vcath i'F. W. be t'litir, manager).— "Onr Krleiul FrlU" ii> K'">d IiukIiicss 20 nod week. "From Slug Sing to Liberty" 27 and week. "Tho Uocky Mountain ICxiirens" next week. lloVAl, (II. C. Mgertoii. iiiunugei'). —Good Uviire* jirceled the lllcb Hrboni Girl* Ian week. TTie Jlefry .Maiden* 27 and Week, Ine I toll e in In n h next. ' linn -N'oivnAi'iiis (|(, j. iii<inui'n, manager). •-The peruiniieiil: Freneh ..-tuck compauy. In "Lo Moiidu on Toil S'KuhuI," In good liiwl- lies* 20-2il. "l*i Fumllle font 'luuot" cur- and .Hlggbis, uud Leo Tong Foo. line, HlllltlCUS ■»»» lent. KATtov.u.* (I'u ttl Oar.enenve, manager ).— .Tin' permjuunt French alotk lomuauy, In '".I'ho Swonl of Damocles.". In gooil li'islne<* lust week. "Gltuiionda" 27 uud week. ««»■ Place and the Girl" -o, "Suou" (B, 11. negate, manager).-—Closed for extensive repair* uutll Feb. 1. Noiks.- Crescent <\>m. Thorpe, mauager^ moving pictures and songs by Hurry Hal). BuBluess lo packed houses .<jueen «.. tl Blllotl, manager') inoylug plclure* ami sdnas bv Heniv Liiek. Buslues* excellent. r^V^^ ^ wS£« Vf hundVed 8 e of S °^ 8 .%g CTy(H.RIIayae*. manager. SS*! The Cook's presented *£*$$«» g^ifiJtf y 'oiiiieclloa v.-ltlt book's Opi-ra House, sailed o™ i, 1 "'"?, 0 -"• o* : manager of Local Munn- «;,„., m J B - McCallum's successful act, "The HJ1M South." TBu act ha* Iwoklugs In the ',,'"»•» Isle* from .Feb. 2 until July I, next, SJS tbnt -Manager Clark will make hi* own woklujpj, n | S iitu.jntentlon to buve the ° ui-L-°" r '/ ul 'ope for three yeare. Manager m, a* a farewell gift, with n Ctuidaome \Z r , /.-.'^ond .degree Masonic ebsrro. .Mr. country , Ct " > "' 8 "**** h0 ' lv "'' la t " 1 ' iDoV.'^r^t /tuo Majestic <S. C. MirKk. i« ""/{'^ ac ">T Ludlowe drew well Jan. 17, "Si ""berf Kdeuon pleased a largo house 20. n«i » on , 01 ' tl,e Mayor" did well 21. "No- pousn did well 28. Yorke and Adams wa» J,.SSE* 8 ."*• - 5 - Jfeil Burgess, under the 8?3a§"i MoB «« - k Vulley BT K. Asoclatlon, Vmafoit (Ford Anderson, manager) :— Hay City.—At the WusUliiaionI W,. J. Daunt, luunager) Thouiu* iiuiMI llliia Jtf- ferson In "Tlte Blvala," were well received Jan. 17. "Tbe Time, the Place and the Girl pleased u capacity home 22. "The Flower of the Ranch" 27. Chariea Giupewln 31. * . Alvaoado (W. J. Dumit. manager).—"Lost in Xew York"did good business 19-22. Inclc Josh Ferklni" 26-20, "Little Heroes of the t BiW'fiA>. Pllmorc. iiiaiiasor>.--The fol- lowing bill drew good crowds week of Jau. MJW JKRSBY. Xt-wark, — Kdna Wallace Hopper, la "Fifty Miles from Boston," week of Jun. 20. 1'idwurd Abeles, ■ lu. "Brewster's Millions..' packed the liousc from top to bottom every ntght week-of-20.- uod-dla-tho best bunlneaa of the seasou. Uleuiior Bobnou next week, with u beuetlt jierformttnco .Feb. !5. '.' ..-. Bitot rou'a ■ (It... C. ■ Stnori.. resident maun- geri.-Till* week: Bejaoldtf and Brooks, Ih "Pdradlbu Alley;" .lilbore Sister*,. Bradleo Murtlu aud company, Froslnl, Urbuul and Sou. Bob und Tip, Cooper und Brown, and Ncttlo Vesta. ,.,-•:• V ,-*- Colombia (Geo; C. Jacob*, • tnauager).— •Shudowed by Three" thl* week. .Gcaaro nud Bnlley, lu "Tony, • tho Bootbluck," drew much more tti'in the uveruge •hu«lue*s 20-25. "A Fighting Cbuuce" next week. • Blankv'h (1'V'W. Alles,' iautiugfr),—Cecil Spoouer, lu two productions, till* week, "Since KCIHc Weul >AWBy'.' did well 20-26. "Tho Outlaw'* tTirlBtmos-' next week." • M'AJ.tiMAsx'* (Lee Dllolengu), mauuger). —The Murdl GraaBeuutlc* this week, with ln*u Lorcllu uud tho FlUglfabuu-MuCuy >Mt as udded features. The Lid Lifter* madu n very fuvoluble Impression ou lurgo audience* 20-25. like 4 Burton'* Gaiety Co. next we*k. lijn'iui; (H. M.' Hyams, uiauuger).—The Champagne Girl* .offer several Hurprises lu bui'lesqu.!. with u strong boxlug act udded, this week. Miner'*. High Jlofca Co., or Merry Uurlesxiuers, proved heller than tlm eomnion run lust week,aud tucreaaed busl- ue**. Wu'tson'a RM next. Nori:.—Chug. Lvulis uud i ouipnuy did not upprur at Proctor'* lust week, owing to tho death of the wlfo of his leading man. Do- Ian and Lenharr appeared instead. ■ - Trent on.—At the Taylor. Opera House (Montgomery Moses, muuugcri Cyril Scott, In "The Prince Chap,'.' 'Jan. 2H. wa* wuji re- ceived. Marjr Keougli. as Plioelie Puckers, and Charles B. Wells, u* the cockney wtrvubt, were particularly line. • Madame Jv. Thoma- shefsky and hor company of Yiddish, per- formers, in "Serall,-Die Bblrtuiukcr, 24, plated to a must, upurcelutlvii audience. Tboimis.Jeircr.ioii, In "nip Vim Winkle." 27: "The tftraiiger.': by local lalcnt.'SI. , Ymm (Moutgomery Moses, uiaauger),— Big bouse* Ibo past week. Week of 27: Ihe Mlllturv tictelti'. Bay Cox. Clcmeut Da Leon. Haiku and Hays. WJ11 Dotkicy. Combs uud Stone, uud tbe Three Lnniuue Brother*. Statu tiXMStnr <F. B; .Shatter*, manager). —"Chlualowu Charik," 20-22, played to good Iiuukc*. "In XeW York U'OWD, ' with charks Howard; the diminutive Hebrew comedluu, u* principal 'fun maker, 211-25. did. big builuess. "Thu Flaming Arrow" 27-20, Cherry Blossom* UO-Feb. 1. i » » t« in Jen—M tbe Camden ru. W. Tuy- lor. manager) "'n)B.Fl»mlug.Arr«iw,"Jau. 10- 18, played to good houses. Clutrles Howard, t tl.irilltMA. him Au»ele«i.—At the Masou Ojieru Hou» IB. C. M'yatr, manager) Frank Duulel*. In "IV Tattooed Man." Jan. DI-1S. drew good bullae**. "Furtyllvo Minute* from Broad- wuj-." 20 and week, "Georgo A>'a*blugton Jr.' 27-HO. Atjoitoiiivm (Sparks M. Berry, manager). - -"The, Holy City closed a record brcuklhg week IS, aud contluued for uuotlier week, be- ginning 20, by the stock compttny. BtiLAKCti (J. II. Blackwuou, manager). -- The stock cempuuy presented "A Glided Fool" to good busluess weuk ending 18. "The F,ducutloli of Mr. Plpp" 20 uud week. "Cotu- niiiiicemcnr. Day*" 27 unit week. Moitoaco'* Bi'ituANK (Oliver Morosco, man- ager).—"I'fctty Foggy"' was presented la good business by the stock compuiiy week eliding 18. "A HijU'.ire Deal" 10 and week, liv thi! uoiupuny, to i ho usual htiolucss. "Are i'on u Miit'uii': 20 uud week. I...H Anoiii.h* ((.'orl: A: Helllg, innnagersi. —San Francisco Opera Co, closed It* «ecoud week, pre*eullng "Ship Ahoy." "Dolly Tar- dea" Irt the iifferiiiL" for it* third week. OiiANti upuba uot'un (Clarence Drown. innnugerl.—"Buster Brown" plr.yed to ca- pacity two weeks, which closed IS. "(Julucy Adam* Sawyer" 20 uud wuok, "Arc You CraityV" 27 uud weuk. ourif.iuM (Clurencu Drown, locul munu- ger).—Feature* 27 and week :■ Gallagher mid Barrett, Fongerc, Gillian Butkhnrt und coin- PUIU', Lotta Gludatunc, Bulpti JohliHtoue, Ma nello-Munilti: Troupe. Foster and , ifoslcr, George Wilson, Inmuu s dogs, Arlington Four, and motion picture*. .< UNloun •(Heniv: I, Zullee, proprietor*).-— 'The bill Include* new vaudeville fetlluros, lllustratod song* by Tracy McDermott, and now. shutch' by the Uitliiuc Flayer*. The UuKjuc-o-seopc complete* tho hill. . Pyoiai!'* (Sullivan & i.'onnjdlno, proprie- tor*).—Feature* 20 mid week: llullatzer 81k- ters, Mile* and Biiymond, Breiion and Down- ing, 'Noble und A tiny. Wilbur AlUO*, Janl» Bulla, and motion picture*. Kyciiit; (Billy Banks, resident manuger). '- -irettiui'OB'20 und week: U. 8. A. Quartette, Mvrtlo victoriuc, Jume* Pierce, Gonuales. Laura Bunk*, Illustrated song*, und Umpire Stock Co., hi comedy sketch.' ■Fisciimi'u UO. A. Fischer, luunager).— "A (ViBtly Gift," by I'lscher'* Comedlau*. 2« und week. New vaudovillo acts and Nuiigu complete the bill. Note*. —Will J, Davis, tbe Chicago luuna- ger, Is lu I/i* Augele* on u vl*li I/nvls S. Stone, leudlug man ut the Belusco,' und wife (Margaret 1/anglium) are the proud parent* of u buby girl..... .David ICdwIlt uud'Hubert Wayuc arc among the prusprc- llve new name* hi the Ferris Stock company at the Auditorium Muvager John Corl: I* reported u* taking tho waters at l'ui"> ltohk*. Cul., for n very aerero attack of neurit)* 'J'Ijo locul branch of the Tlic- ulrlcal Mauuger*' Assoclutlon la plunulug II* uiiuiiul beuellt for Fob. H Bare Stilt, formerly i associated with Dirk Ferris In Hie- atrlcul undertakings. Is vlalllug Lo* Aiujole*. Munager Oliver Morocco 1* busily en- gaged In' writing a uew play, and In tho iiicautlino work 1* steadily progressing on tho uew tbeuLro belug elected for him, * Oakland.—At the. ilucdoiiotiEli (Chas, P. Hall, manager) Mux Pigmaii, In 'Tho Man on the Hoi." cume to heuVy buslm:** Jun. 12-10. Jume* '£. Powern, in "The Blue Moon," drow capacity booae* 10-18. "Bed Feather" wu* preaenlcd lo good huslue** .10-22. "Guorge Wu»hlii|[toii Jr." 2U-2C. "Woodland" 2U-2II. i:haa. B. Haii/vrd 80, ill, "Forty-llvo Minutes from llruadwoy" Feb. 1, 2. LtBiuiTT (II. W. Bishop, manager).- - BlMhop'a Stock I'o.. lu "llatlle*." drew good Mixed audience* week ending Jan. 11). Bkbop'i i Jompaiiy of Player*, In '"tlio Altur of Friend- ship," 20-20. Sale of scuts tiro Jicuvy for Kubellk, 111 eotieeil. 21. "A Stranger iu n Strange l.und" follow*. Iuuiia Paiik Oi'i.iia lluoMi; (H. W. Hi}bop, inmmger*.—'Mio Idoru Opera. In "Florodorn' fuerond .week), drew heavy buslnoH* week .mdlDg JO. "The OnTce Boy' r 20-l'eb. 2. (V.i.i jiiiii ih. C. Keallug, manager).--The Coluniblu Stuck Co., in "A Texas Bangor," drew ifood bualnet* week ending Jan. 10. J. II. and regular stock company, in "Jack, the Gambler," 20-20. "The Two Or- . pTiau*" underlined. i'mi-iuu (Pyle & lilckk, tuanaget*),—This house 1* dark. Oni'iiKVii (Geo. Kbey, resident manager). —Bill Jan. 10-2D : Hilda 8pong and eompahy. In "Kit:" Uus ivdwnrda' School Boy* and Girls, Sheau and WsrroBi preseatlag "Ooq llmiiHtoii. —Al the Grand ((pern House (A. It. Loudon, iiiauugeri the Kour Hiiiillitgii, In "Tlio I'Vol IloiM.:/' Jsii. 17, IS, played (" pleased hou«cn. "Kerry From Jerry" 20, l.lllhin (tustell 2-1, ","., "b'fliiclnatliig I'loru" 2S. Karl Btiivesa Stock Co. 27 and 20-Fob. 1. HAVoy (J. G, Appleloil. luunuger).—Week of 27: Haaer Hlugdy uud Gorlle Ciiillnle, Mlnntu Spelliiiuii'M trained ImHr*. O. T. ictski' und Xullle Mellonough, Billy Broad. Marly Ileulcv and llualrlco Vnnce, Kennedy ami Wilkin*. Murray und He**. June llossmorc. llKNNi;rr's Hi. If, Hrlseoll, inunugeri, — Week of •.•7: Wstelhi Wordette, Little Illp. Wuteritieloii Tni»t, M'lllln WNHOB. Itimry a mi I'raucl*. Van llro*., Armclii, Zazclle-Vornnii rnutomlmn Troupe. i' l ' I i.nili.ii. At tlm Grand (L. II. Howcrs, inunugeri tlio Iluriis-Moli* ulcture* Jon. 17. IS. f.llliuu ltUKMell, in "Wildfire." 23, bad the largest liotme of the ueanoii. "Fonctnatlnt Flora" 22, "When Knighthood Was in Klowor" Fob. I. BuN.vKri's (J. D. Kims, uiiuiuger).—Butl- nesn oxcjlkul, Bill week of 27: Charles Kcimu, Goldsmith und Ilopjie, Chlnko, Minnie Kaui'uiitii, Murphy und I'rtnicls, mid Apdale's UllllUUl*. li ii.n.t.iii. -At the Grand'Opera Hoiiv* ill. P. Uraulgiin, umingor) Lllllun lliissnll, in "IVildUrv." delighted u crowded linumt Jbn. 22. "Jerry from Kerry" 20, Murk.4 Bcoo.' Co. week of 27. ' ,. I'm sen** 13, ('. Alluu, luuiuig.ic).-- Conger snd Odln. Hinging and duiidng. drew large uudknccH nil last week, l,e Grange mid Spuin-e, MtHlciil N'utts, nust week. \ ueulkt, Geo, W. Hammond. Noth. —Woiiiiei'lnnd and Bljon, moving pic- ture houses, continue to good business. , » ' i Giioinli.— At tho Iloynl Gpern lloust (I, D. Kuicitn. niiiiiiiK«ii, week el Jan. '.;li, P»r- lello Sleek Co., lo big bui|liii"i4. Bunin-Molr light picture* 20, Olsw Merrill, in "When Knighthood Wuh hi Flower," Feb. 01 "The Choir Singer" II. . .. +,» AltliAXHAN. Utile Hoek—At Hie Capllul (Gblts. T. T'urlor, mitiutgel') "llullli!*," Jun. 18, dltl well, "Mudiini liutki'ilv" hud H. It. 0. 20 ut ad- vanced prleeu. J. A, (.'obui'u'* ,M Inst nils 22, "Wo Are King" 2.".. "CniilU ut Viissur" 27, "Thu CluiiMiiiuit" UO. "Thu Spring chicken' 1 M, Creston Clurko Vo\). 1, Suaurd Slstenr.'!, Mury Muiiiierlug -I, Floifncu Duvbj 0, "lu Old Kentucky" 10. Ma.ius'iu: (Saul K, lliirrls, niuiiugoi').-- Blll week of 27: Tile Hwlckurd*. Horry 'ftifu's Comedy •.'<•., llerli'ii'l lliook*, Hie Helm Children. Kreutere und Mity Bukljle. Tm: Oi.o l.vnifl TntiA'tm,', of lust hchsoii, will bn opened hs. 27 by tlio CrysUI elrctilf of houneis of TVxaH lino A'ebi'iiHKu, with G. 11. Jergeiis.icti a* ninnuger. It will be con- ducted wll'li vaudeville, u* last ncusoii, 10c, 20e, Tho building I* bclag painlcd und kol- Hoinlncd, aud otlierwlau liii|irovt'd. No l i«*.--Chuii. T, Taylor, who for yoiiri liau been the manager of (ho Capllul Tbeatre In tlie Winter und Fnront Purk during the Summer, will lluvu, in addition lo I'orcil Purk, uu nlrdoDio down town, sealing 2,00b lu'opl", and run vaudeville, stock company mid opera. Tho «nino will be opened ut the iistiui tlmo of Summer Hical.rc*.. ..The roof guvdeii on top of Urn ten Btory Southern 'trust Ttulldlng ha* not a* yet got u iiiunnger (or it* ihealrc, but will o[>cii for I he Summer *ciiaon. I ' Hut HprliiK*.. - At tbe Auditorium (Frank Head, luuuugcrj "l'ullitliltf the Town," Jan. IS, to it good hunsi!. ' r 5I«dniii llultorfly" packed the liouwi 21 at iiilviineed lirlce*. t.'oburii'i. Ksrlow'ii MliiHtruls, 2:1. jilenshil. "Cuplil ut Vasnor" 28, "'ITm (Tunsatun" 20. ;|Tbe Spring Chicken" t Ii(i, Murray uml Mui'k liVUIC 1 Howard Fogg, mmiognr). — Week of 20! Phil Gisirrey, lite Aueii', fred 1>u- pms, new lllttstiuled snug* und Hie l.vro- graph. Mli«boy«rHn.—Al Ibu UHH Houso (\V. 11, Sloddurd, luuuugcr).---"T'lii! Boyiil Cher' pkuKtd gouii builiien* Jun. IS. r 'l*ho Bed Mill" followed. ' UsirjOK (Arllmr Laou, luauager). — Bill fur 20 und week: Duvh oud Duvl*, Bperry uud Buy, iriTug Sotttboiil and company, La- icttc'u puis, Ai. Solum it*, Abe Iievlgiic, thi Iwy In tbe jnllrry sluglug llliistiated Kills*, and tlm Ual^ieoecop*. "" '" •