The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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m~M- ■ .•■•-•.. ; . .' .. im mm faswsr ^EBBTTABT15. through Minnesota and the adjoining States. . BuaSAass hun- been; very good .with him, 'Id tplto- of the business depression Itllen it. Sanderp, secretary of the Chicago Chap- ter, of "tho Actors' Church Alliance, waa.a tailor Jan. .11, and was hu.'y with arrange- ments for tho reception to be given Robert ' Kdeson. and Flora Howley, at the Stratford. .Jack DrejJaor v.iiB n caller Feb.1, ■ and atated that ho eipected to leave, the city In a day or no to take no the twenty weeks' booking : over the Southern olr- - tult,- which he had secured from Sam Du Vrles Jack Burnett, "the Actwtlght." wits a caller 81 and atated that his comedy ffeetch, "Mrs. Shepherd and the Block Bheep," la which iojd and Irwin have been making such a whirlwind success In neigh- boring towns, was on at the Hbymarkot this week. Miss Irwin Is n very clever woman, and gets every ounce of fun out of the part of Mrs. Shepherd, and Mr. Loyd' la a sprtgnt- lv second In the comedy. It'Is one of-the most laughable acts seen here In some-.time. ' . w..'.Tell Taylor, who has teen.successfully appearing as Harold Sears .In "The Oirl Question?' at tho Ln Salle-Theatre,- all this ecacon, has. opened an office In the,Grand Opera Hou«o Block, where he will attend to his song writing business, In.which bo hfia also been very successful In the-past He-in associated with the Three Lelghtons,- a fanny vaudeville trio. Mr. Taylor Is a hard worker . and his many friends wish his success. In this ventdre George A. Kershnv,-, who Is with Fitzgerald's Fashionable Vaude- villes, writes from Fredericksburg, la., that be Is still above water and Is doing well ln his fifth month with this company in his big novelty singing act. They aro playing vreek stands in Iowa, changing nightly, and ore hitting the natives hard with their •variegated Tillls; They have a atrong aggrega- tion, Including the following: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Fitzgerald, Georglc Mao Fitzgerald, f'eat Huntress, female Impersonator; -Var- ious Zaneta, contortionist ■ and Juggler; allnce C. Bover, characters; Elizabeth smpbell, Prof. Henry Graham, musical di- rector, and Mr. Kershaw, In a black face art nhd high clans singing. He adds: "We get jour valuable paper every week, and It is el ways welcome to every member of our llttlo company."... .Bertrlco Shepard was a caller Si having closed her very successful engage- ment at Howard's Theatre, where she baa been playing the leading soubrette roles with Laura Alberta. Some ol her women admirers lb the audience gave Mlfsa Shepard a hand- some gold locket and chain, and one wrote her a very fine letter, complimenting her on tno acting, and expressing regret at her leav- ing. Jack Harlow, who was light comedian At this bonne, was a caller with her, and it In possible they may ho seen ln -vaudeville shortly Belle Gaffncy,.one of the Col- lege Theatre company, was seriously wound- ed, afternoon of Jon. 81, when the streets were In an Icy condition, and It Is thought that she was the victim of thugs. She was found unconscious on the sidewalk noAr the Northwestern Klevated Hallroad, at Bclden and Sheffield Avenues. She was taken .to her home at 377 Bipsell Street, and though tier condition was very serious, It wan thought that she would recover. 8ho waa playing in "She Stoops to Conquer" at the time, and her part was taken by Jean Adair, her nnder- ttudv. Miss (iall'iiey has beon delirious.part of the time. Her own homo is in Kansas City, and sho Is tho wife of Robert Barrett, an actor Great regret Is. expressed In this city over the death of Denis O'Sulllvan, the Irish actor, who opened his Initial stellar tour at Mc\iikpi's, Jen. B, and made an Im- mediate nrtlstlc and financial success. Mr. O'Sulllvan was suffering, from a severe cold all the time he was here, hut If Is not tbottgbc that this hod anything to do with his fatal illness, though it Undoubtedly weakened bitn. He was entertained by many ctiibs'and social Kftiliei'lngs while here, ana no Irish actor Rrs met with greater success locally, nor been Much nn enthusiast over the Irish folklore houbs as the deceased. Resolutions were passed by rnanv of the gatherings be bad at- rendetl, and sent on to tho widow, who wrote the play, 'Teggy Macbreo," In which ho was starring "Rellumu'a Hobo Army,".as It la.facetiously called by tho local press,.was The guest of Marie Doro and the Powers' Theatre management evening of 3, and oc- cupied scats In the gallery, where tho mem- bers enjoyed "The Morals of Marcus." Belt- iilan recently attempted to load the army; of the unemployed to the City Hall, was ar- rested, and lias been seeking notoriety ever since. It is said hla "army" hasn't much use for him, except that ho may occasionally act them some amusement of this class 'The many friends of Cecil Lean, for a long time principal comedian of tho Ln Salle Thea- : tre, And also n product of this city, are re- lolclng At his success In "The Soul Kiss," and are anxiously awaiting bis nppeamnco In this city, when they will make him realize that he in not forgotten In the Iro- miols five suit, Judge Axel Chytraus handed <!own nn opinion Feb. J, holding tho George A. Fuller Construction Co. not absolved from liabilities for violating the building ordinance, because tho plans for re-efectlng tho Iroquois were approved by Ilio Commissioner of Build- ings. This Is ngniiuit the decision given by .fudge Wines last year, and waa on a de- murrer fllort by Attorneys for thirty-five plain- tiffs 'against' tho Fuller Construction Co. for damages, which will affect, claims aggregating About-'$400,000 .Pauline Hall will snkm be seen at. the Majestic, find sa she is al- ways a big favorite, will no. dottbt draw good iniNiness.. ...'...Mrs, Flake follovys WlltoD. L-ociioye at the Grand, in "RostnOrsbolhi." Following her comes the new comic, operh, "Tom Jonc-i,"..... .Opio Iteau,'the novelist and dramatist, who has many friends here-, his beeu 111 In Spokane with rheumatism. ..."...The five net drama,' "Clavlgo," add Hie one act play, "Die Gcscliwlster," both by Goethe, were playful to capacity houses at Powers', afternoon of a, by the wflchsner Co....It Is rumored that a vaudeville Itouifp, 1o. cost in the iielghhorkood of $125,000, will. be huill in the Stockyard district by local vHiii'lcvllle ■ capitalists...... Walter 1>. Pent, Fred W. Peck, Clarence I. Peck, and others, owner,-, of tho. Chicago Opera House Black, comer of Clark and Washington Streets, have negotiated a loan of $700,000 . <m the building from , tho Mutual I.lfo In- surance} Co,. Tho assessed value Ib $J,70R,12S. and the loan matures Juno 26, 1912, bear- . lng Interest at <1Vj per cent. The origi- nal loan was made In ISO", at the same rate. The. properly Is IHXtBft... - Mme. Schumann-Hclnk's ttvo .sons, Henry and Hans, aro in ihls city, .preparing for careers In grand opera. They will, study here for about two year*, and then complete their education ubroud.. ..Theoiloro Robert*, recently seen horo hi "Tho Right of Way/' In .which he gave a magnificent Imperannn- Hon of the old habitant, Joe Portngals,,wlll ho a member of the slock company at the Davidson, Milwaukee, next Summer. Mac- caret Wychorly lias nlso been engaged. ...,. Mrs. Bid J. Fjuson, wife of tho popular man- ager, of the North Hide burlesque noitsc, lost two vnhinblo rings tho other night in a down- town cafe. One was a diamond ring, mill tho ol her u signet ting. Sho put them •ip n wasiisinnd and forgot. to take tbeln when leaving, hut someono else rciuOiribcriu diem, tn Mrs. Kukoii'h sorrow. No clew ban been found as yet Mrs. Wm. F. Header- nan, wife of the dramatic agent, will return to tho stage, via the randovlllo route, and will bo known nR Eliza Robinson, commencing nn the Michigan circuit, 10 Tho now Princess Theatre on Clnrk Blrcet, near Jack- Mn Bniilcviii'd, Is being pushed right along, nod will undonhtedly no completed In time for the scheduled opening In tho early Hum- , tner.. ..All profcsslnnol coiirtcnies have lx>on tibollslled rtt tile Ohvi'lrk. Where "Ther Wltcli- lng Hour" is having such a fine rim, hut there will be a professional matinee, 14, and souvenirs of valentines will be given...... Km ma Calve la appearing In. concert at Or- chestra Hall' this afternoon, assisted by a pianist, violinist and tenor .Jerry Hart Jr.--was a-caller 6, having Just,returned from n trip through Canada. He will stay in the city.for some) time, nnd.will then sign.and leave .with a.Well-established attraction On tin Read. For Supplemental List See Another OoiBOlD. . dramatic and ml'sical. a: ... ■ ."' • Adsms, Manle (Cbss. Frohmtn, mgr.)—N. t. City lu, JudcSslte.. . ■ Allen, Viola (Ltibler'.* Ca, men.)—M. I. Ctty 10, loSeoulte. Aborri Opera .(Milton: A Sargent Abom, cgn.)— lltboklra^N.'X., 10, lhaetmite.. • ■ : _ Anderses. P. Abg.. (Chna. G. Blilney Amnse, Co., mgtsO-^PMlideiphla,'Pa., 10-16.. . .J. Arthur. John (FoUsrter.A. Coleman,,ragr»,)^-L6s ArVlmol, Colo., 13, TrlOldad 14, Baten, N. Max.. 10, Dhwsot 10,. Lai VesUa.1T, Santa Fe is, Al- btiqnerque It,..Gallup 20,. Wioslow, Arls., 21, W!lllBtn*,22.; • .-, _'^':'/ ; -_.- Ao>ul«as Dramatic (Arthur R.Hetbst; mgr.)— Blchmond, lad., .10-10, Newark, 0.,,17;22.-: Artbr.-y Stock (».' Otto'HItner, mar.)—Denver. Colo.,'10, lndeflnlte. . * - . 'j _^ ■ Angell's Cooedlsna <Rd. 0. Nstt, mgr.J—«d- montoD, Alta., Can.. 10-22. .. .. • - Amertcan Stock (Ned Bldoo, mpr.)— VileriUa*. -Nebr., 10-12, Stuart 1315, Alnsweitli 17-19, Atkinson 20-22. _ . v "Aronad the Clock," Gbs Hill's—ColBmbo*. O., 10-12, New Coitle. lod., 13, Terra Haute 14, IS, Chicago, 111., 19-22. '.. _ ; , "At the Old Cross Beads" (Arthur a Alston, mgr.)—Orera Bay, Wis., 12, Shebojiaa 19, Manitowoc 14. Neenan ,16. . • _ v .'. "AHxons" (David J. Uomssre, nj|r.)—Sah An- tonio, Tex., 19, Galveston 14, Beanapnt 16, AlpxsadHs, La., 10, Shreveport 17, Mooroe 18. Oreentllle. Miss., IV, Tlcksburg 20, MeridlSB 21, Battiesbarg 22. • ,• _ , ■ "At- Yale," A (Jules Mtwry, ragr.)—Pserts, IU., 9-12, Jacksonville 13, Kansas City, Mo.. 17-22. "Are You CwsrJ" (.H. L. Uattace. mgrj— Phomlx, Arls., 12, Mesa 13, Jerome 1»>. Wlll- lims IS, Vflnslow 16, Qsllnp, N. Ma, 17, Altniquerqae 18, Silver City IS, Demist 30,. Douglas. Arls.. 21, Bl Paso, Tex., 22, 23. "At Yale." B (Jules Marry, mgr.)—BraxU, jML 12, Crawfordsfille 13, BloomUgton 14, EMfonJ IB, Terra Haute 16. Seymour 17, Oolamtras 19, Shelbyvlllo 19, Mlddletown, O., 20, Lebanon 21,- 1'ioga 22. " • "As Told in the Hills," Western (Hscmulaa* Tsrlcy, mars.).— Portland, Ore.. 9-10, The Dalles 17. Bsker City 18,' Welsor, Ida.. 19. Caldwell 20, Boise'21, Mountain Homo 22. "At the Wayside Inn" tN.'E.'Tucker, bwj.)— OsMTi I"-. >2, Westaeld 13, Kaasss 14, Wlrl- sorln, Shelbyvllle 17, Nokomls 18. • • "At Cripple Creek," E. J, Carpenter's—Chlcs»», III., 0-16 ■ ■ • _ • "Anlts" (A. J. Spencer, myr.)—Toronto, Can.. 10-16. . . B Bsrrtmore, F-thel (Chaa. Frohmsn, mgr.)—N. T. City 10-16. Blanche Bates (David Bclasco, mgr.)— N. Y. City 10-16, BuSalo, N. Y.,-17-22. '..•': ■ " - - Bellew, Kyrle, and Margaret Illlnfton (Chss. b'rohttan, mgr,)—N. Y. City 10, IndeOnlte., Berasrd, Sam (Cbss. Frohman, mgr.)—Fbllsatl- phla. Pa., 10, lBdednlte. Kurt, Lours, & Henry Stafford (Ernest Shlpman. mar.)—N. Y. City 10-16, Norrlstown, Pa., 17, York 49, Lewlatown 20, Greeniburg 21, Boebts- ter 22. BlEUjbtm, Amelia—Columbus, O., 20, .21, Spring- Orld 22. •■■'-. Bell, niahy (Sam S.■& I/oe Shobert. inc., Dgrs.) —Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa., 13. Scrnnton 14,. 16. Bnrrlson, Maliel—Toronto, Can., 10-15. liaracw, Nell—Brooklyn. N. Y., 10-16, Jersey City, N. J„ 17-22. Brawn. Kirk (J. T. Macsoley, n«r.)—Newbnrrk. N. Y., lO-l.l, Plttston, Mass., 17-22.. Bunting, Emma—Burgess A' Hlmmoleta's—San Aa- ton to, Tex., 10, .Indefinite. Bishop, Chester, Stock (Goo. P.. Helmboldt, msr.) —Bradtord, Pa., 10-16, HoroellsvUle, N. t., 17-22. Burgess (Karl) Co., Bargee* ft Hlmmeleln'B— Little Bock, Ark., 10.16. . Burgees (Earl) Co.. Burgess. k HlmmsWn's—> I«wlstown, Pa., ,10-16. : . .. i • • Bnrgets & Hlmmeleln'B Stock—Denver, Oolo., IT, ipdeottlte. ■ ..;.•• Barrle Stock (Barrle A Grabsm, mgrs.)— Pales- tine; Tex., 10-16, Waco .17-22. Bennett-Moulton—Alleotown, Ps.. 10-16. Chester •17-22. , Benaett-Monltoa—Morrlstown, M. J., 10-13, Red Blilt 17-22. ' . Beunett-UMltoa (Geo. K. Robinson, mgr.)—Kings- ton, N. Y.. 10.16, Newbarah 17-22. Braadaray rheatn (Eugene Bryant, mgr.)—Alts- moat, Ea.i., 9<16. Bon Too .Stock (Cooke A Leytmrne, mgrs.)— OlotersvUle, N. V„ 10-16. Black PatU Troubadours (Voelckel at Nolan, mats.) —Yaaoo City, Miss., 12, Jscksnn 18, Port nilwn 14, Baton Rouge, La., 16, New Orleans ia-22. _ "Brewster's Millions" (Frederic Thompson, mgr.) —Boston. Mass., iO-20 "Biwwater'o Millions" (Cohan A Hurts, BUR*.)— Waco. Tet.. IS, Corsleana 13, Shremr.rt, La., 14, TexntkaBa, Tex., 16, Paris 17, DaUsa IS, Port Worth 19, Ardmore. Okla.. 20. Oklahoms City 31. Enid 32. "Brown of Hsrvsnl" (Henry Miller, mgr.)—St. Paul. Minn., 1012, Minneapolis 18.16, Mllwar- hee, Wis., 17-10, Jauesvltle 20, DaqrjesB*, 111., 21, Boekfjonl 22. "Blister Brown," Eastern (Bnater Brown Amnse. Co., mgrs.)—New Ortoaos, La., 8-16, Bttoa Rooge 10, Natchez, Miss., 17, Jseksott 18, Tlokshurg- 19, arcchvllle 20. Greenwood 31, Olsrhodaie 22. . .••■ . .' .i ■ % "Buster Brows," Central .(Busier. Brown Amuae. Co,, mgrs,}—Boise, Ida., 12< IS. Ontario. Ore., 14,. Wciicr, Ids., 15,. baker CJt>. Ore.. 17, La Grande IS; The Dalles^lO, Pottland. 2d-22. "Boater Brown," Western nUs> Brown"MM Co.; rhgra.)—9an Francisco, Col., 9-lf,, Hia Jose 17. Stockton lO.^Sscrar.entO 21, 22. ' "Ben-Hut" (KlaW A'Erlonger, mgrs.)—Galves- ton, Tex., 10-12, San Antonio 13-15, Waco 17- 19, Part Worth 20-22. ■ ' . "Bedford's Hope" (Stair 4 HavUn, mgrs.)— Harrlsburr, Pa. U-lfl. POIlsdelpbln 17-22. "Borlhn. the SewlnK Maehlne tllrl,'' A. H. WOBds , --HalamHncji.'N. Y., 12,- Du' Hols, Pa., 13, Kit- taniiliiK'14. Butler IS. Lisbon, 0.. 17. Salem 18, Alliance .10, Canton 20, Akron 21,.New Castle, "BsTisefTthe Thief and the Oirl" (MlttenUisl Bros. Annus*. Co., mgrs.)—Buffalo, N. Y., 10- 10, HUM Pa., 17-22. "Broadway After Dark." A. H. Woods' (W. B. Irons, mgr.)—Cincinnati. .0., 9-16. PlttabSjg, Ps„■ I7l2. •'• "Big. Hearted Jim" (Harry J. Jgcksoo, mgr.)— Parker, Ida,, 12, Sugar Olty 13, Bexbatf 14. Idaho Kails 16. Bait Lake City. V., 16-10, 'Cooele 30, Kurcsa 31. Uammoth 22.. "Burgomaster'.' (Wm. P. Cdlleo,. mgr.)—Trini- dad. Cola.. 13, Alboqncraue,' N. Mex.. 14, El Paso, Tcv.'. 10, Tucson. Aril., 10, Phtenlx 20, San Bernardino, Cal.. 23. .. .... "Billy, the Kid," Western (W. W. Potts, mgr.)— Pana. III., 12, Mat toon i+, Belleville 17, Onlty 19, Moliat Vernen 20,' EvansTllle, Infl., SI, OttenKboro, Ky., 22. : - . ■•".-•, r -. : • • ©' --;.•!.'■•. Crane, Wm. II. (Chaa; Prohronn, nicr.)—Altoona, Ta., 13, Trenton, N. J.. 13.-Buffalo, N. Y„ 20- 22.' " : • .-! ■ • Collier, William (Chss. Prohrnan, mgr.)— Brcot- bii. X. V., 10-10, l'hlladelphln. Pa., 17-29. Carle, Hlcharil (Chas. Marks, mgr.)—Des Moines, la., 12.. Milwaukee, Win., 13-16, Mollne, 111., 17, Clinton, la.. 19, Dnbuqne 19. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (I.lebler A Co., rngti.)— N. Y. City 11. lndeOnitc. ... Cihlll, Mario (Daniel V. Arthur, ftp,)-Dayton, «.. 12, Louisville, Ky.. lU-lR. Narfbvillc, Teoa., 17. IS. Memphis 19, 20, Cairo, 111., 21, BvaM- ville. Ind., 22. ' Crauhan, Henrietta (Manrloe Campbell, mgr.)— tJllca. N. Y., 13. , ->• Carter. Mrs. L*b11c— t/iolsvllle, Ky„ 10-12. . Corcoran, Jano (Arthur Cv-Alston, agr.)—Oo- elioctota. O.. IS. New Philadelphia IK, Chricba- vllte II, East Llternool ,16. Carbett, Janus J. (Mltteothal Bra*. Amuse. Co.. ir,*w.) — Mllwankee, Wis.,' 016; St. Pan). Minn.. 10-82. ■ CroMon Clatko (Jules Murry. mgr.)—Tetirkana. Teg.. ,lft. Paris-18.^Oresmvllle is, Port Worth IK, Dslles 17, Cleborne 18, Msrlla 19, Houstoo 20, Beaumont 31. Galveston 22. Cole and Johnacn (A. L. Wilbur, mgr.)—Blooax- lagteai'Ill.. 12. ■ SprlngoeM ^-18, a«t_8t LotfS/ 18-li. • Belleville 20, Deeater 21, Port Cn-ssy, 'will," and''Blanche • Dsyiie-^BaltUnofe, OsjMbW iSsraMa ,(Jero-CrscTy. "CrO—Wdon- socket. R. 1.. 10-16, NormsmptonJMsss., 17-23. ChMe-Llster. Northern (Glenn P. Cbasej-mn.)— Watertotrn.B. Dak.. 13'15, Horon «;«•„ _ , ChappeU-Wlnterbott Stock (CD. Eastman, mgr.) J-Pauls Valley. Okla;, 10-12. Lexington 12-15, Chkkasha 17.10. ^ .. ^ . _^» ._. Chnnnery-Keiaer (Pred Channcey, merO—An- .terdam.,N. Y.. 10-15 Blnghamton 17-22^ Cutter Stock.(WsUaeo B. Cotter, mgr.)—Lexlng- 100, Ky... 10-16, Beilcfontalne 1MB. Cosgreve Stork (J.N. Orw»»e. mgr.)—Brrlm, N. lJ,, 10-15. Portland, Me.. 17-22. ' Oopolana llron.' Stock—Waco. TeX., 10-16, EnnW Cole,' Ooldle.- Btock—Mantato. Mlaj-. -17-22- •AsSt3satssssK u .t3s«gx«ti W. J.,5U'« (San> M. ANNIVERSARY NUMBER ™'™£gE%mm*:m. "Flamlng^Arrow," Baatern, Lincoln 1. a»syfj ssbbbbjsbS"^iij, »^»,,,*v-. 'Cow Runiher.".CmtraL Xloyd, ,togr.>-aan Bet . lattds' 18, Pasadena. 14.. Panwna Itoyd, ,mgr.;-^an Bernardino, Cjl., 12.'.B«d- Ianas• isTpissdeita. 14,. Pawma 16, Santa Aa* 1™ Bafcirtpeld. 18. PortervUle 19. TUafla; 20, "CM* PnhchW." Western, W.,P,,Msnfi's (BJWjn PtWHsl.- mgr.)—Nortolk. Ncbr., IE. Stanton l|;- ( Wayne 14, Sioux City/ la., • 16,.l£ Mara W. Cherokee -lS.-Stortn-Lake-lOr Sac Olty 20,-Oar- roll,21, Boone 22. •_ • :■ • -,j- "Chlaatown Charlie." A. H. Woods' (Dave Pos- nCr, mgr.)-Worcester, Mass., 10-12, Pall Blyer 13*15. Montreal. Can.. 17-22. "Coming Thro' the Bye," A (Bork C*. ngrj.)— Denver, Oelo., 916, Colorado Springs 17,-PoeWo 18, Boulder 19, Ogden, C, 20, Salt Lake City 21. 22. "Coming Thro' the Rye" (Rork Co., mgrs.)— Comberbnt), Md„ 18. _ _'-_L- "Oandy Kid.'' Kllroy * Britton's (W. B Pteder- UJU, mxr.J—Philadelphia, Pa., 10-16, Newark, "Convict 999."-A. H. Woods'. (LoulsJKstx, ,nirr.) —Chicago. HI., 9-15, MUwsokee, Wis., 10-22, "Cowboy andrtbe.Sanaw" BAMm mgr.) —St. Lodlj, Mo.. 916, Sprlngfleld, Ul.. 16-1B, PawrJs 20-22 i "C«\7boy Oirl."' Kllrov A Br|tton's (G. A. Whlto, mgr.)—Jersey City, N. J... 10-15, New Brous- wlck 17, Trenton 16, 19, Elisabeth 20-22. "Oohtlct and tbe Glrl",(Mltteathal Bros.' Arnure, Co., mgrs.)—St Louis, Mo., 9-16, Loulsvlllev Ky..' 10 22. -- "Convict's Daughter," Jos. KiBg , s--rOajiton. O., ■ 17,.eanesvlUe-18,' East Llvorpool 19, Ashtabula 20,'Sasdasky 21, Battle Creek, Mich.. 22. "County Sheriff" (O. E. -Woe, mgr.)—Adrian, Mich., 12, Ulllsdale 13. Jonesvllle.14, Jaekaoa 15, Albion 17, Buttle Creek 18, Kalamazoo 19. "Card King of the Coast" (Vance A Sullivan, mgrs,)— Psterson, N. J., 10-12, Trenton 14, 10, Boston, Mass.: 17-22.- "Checkers" (McKre, Gardiner A Dingwall, mgrs.) —Mutkegoo, Okla., 12, Fort Smith, Ark., 13, Little Bock . 14,. Hot Springs 15, Memphis, Tc*n., 17, Jackson 18, Nashville. 19, 20, At- lanta, Oa., 21. 22. . . "QaAsman" (Goo. H. Breanen, mgr.)—Tssca- ioota, Ala,, 12, Columbus, Oa., 18, Omdele 14, Aloarhr 16. Thomaa-Hlc 17, Valdosta 18, Jack- oonvllle. Fla., 10, Brunswick, Oa., 20, Pita- eerald 21, Savannah 22. "Cow-Boy Soldier" (Crawford Bros., mgrs.)— Hereford, Tex., 12. Canyon 13, Amarlllo 14. "Child Shall I*ad Then," 8. Fl«lsiB*s—Bridge- port, Coon.,-18-15.- Drew. -John (Chas. Frotunan, mgr.)—Plttsbnrg, Pa., 10-15, St. Louis, Mo., 17-22. Daniels, Frank (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Seattle, Waeh., 10-15, Taceina 10, 17, Yakima 18, Wails Walla 19, Spokane 2022.' Wdrle (Chas. Prohman. mgr.)—Detroit, Mich'.. 10-12, Ornnd Baplds.16, South Bend, Ind.. 17. • i Day, Anna (Ernest Sblproan, mgr.)—Natchitoches. La., 13, Shrevcport 13, Alexandria 14, Ope- lousas 15, Latayette 16,.Crowley 17, New Iberia 18, Franklin 10, Morgan City 20, Hooma 21, Trlbodaux 22. , Drone, Allen (Frank J. I«s, mgr.)— Streator, III., 12, Joltct 13, Chatham. Ont., Can., IT, Stl Thomas 18, London 19, Oalt 20, Hamilton 21, St. Catherines 22. Daly, Bernard (H. -P. Franklin, mgr.)—Portland, Ore. 9-13, Seattle, Wash., 16-22. Do Vonde. Chester. Stock (E. S. Daly. bus. mgr.) —Shanwkln, Pa., 10-15, Pottavllle 17-22. Dougherty Stock (Payne & Dougherty, mgrs.)— Bermldjt, Minn.. 10-15, Cass Lake 16, Akeley 17-19. Staples 20-22. "Dairymaids" .(Chas. Frohman, mgr.) — Salem, Mass.. 12, Lawrence 13, Lowell 14, Worcester ■15.' Brooklyn, N. Y.; 17-23. "Devil's Auction" (Chas. II. Yale, mgr.)—MIs- eoula, Mont., 12, Bntto IS, Helena 14. Bote- man 16,. Livingston 17. Billings 18, Miles City 10, Bismarck. X. Dak., 20. Valley City 21. Jamestown 22. ■ * ;"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Jos. King's—Perth * Annoy,- N. J., 12, Ridgewood 13, Dover 14, Honcsdale, Ps., 17. Plymouth 18, Berwick 19, Bloomsbnrg 20, Shamokln 21, Mabanoy City 22. "Desdwood Dick's Last Shot," A. H. Woods'—N. V. City id-if., Brooklyn, N. Y.. 17-22. ' "DaDgeroai; Friend" (Harry P. Brown, mgr.)— Bevler. Mo., )2, Paris 1.1. Fayette 14, Jeffer- son City. 15, Sedalla It, California 17, Pulton 18, Marshall 21, Odessa 22. "Desperate Chance," West (J. O.Patrick, mgr.) —Salinas, Cal., 12, Watsonvlllc 13, Saata Cru 14. Hollistcr 15. San Jose 10, Preano IB, Han- ford 10. BakcraOeld 20. "District I/eader" (Frank J. Sardam, mgr.)— Macon, Mo.. 12, Mobile 13, Marshall 14. Colum- bia 15, Clinton 17, Springfield 18, Joplln 19, Colnmbos. Ban., 20, Coffeyvllle 21, Tnlaa, Okla., E B Elliott, Mailno (Chas. Frohman, mgr.)—Chicago, 111.. 10-22. E'lesou, Rolwrt (Henry B. Harris, rogrO—Mil- waukee, Wis., 10-12. Duboaur, Is., IS, Wlnons, Minn., 14, ha Oroese, Wis.. 15, Minneapolis, Minn,, 1A-19, St. Pan! 20-22. Emerson, Mary (Joseph Gray, mgr.)—rlarrlsoh- Unrg, Va... 12. Winchester, W. Va.i 14, Daren- town,- Md., 15. ' • ' T^: English Otanil Opera—Chicago, 111., 10, Indefinite. UWUaMfs Ideal* (Oliver iJ. Eckbardt, mp.) — CUsoa, Cal., 10-12, McOlodd 13-15, Redding Edsail-Wlnthrope - Stock (D. B. Edsall, mgr.J — Bcllalre, 0., 10,15, Wsiblnjrtoo, Pa., 17-22., Elwyn, Lome, Stock—Coboes, N. Y., 10-16, New Bochelle 17-22., ' . . : Rmplfe Stock—Iowa City; la.,' 17-W. "Edn'a,- the Pretty Typewriter." A; H. Woods'-— > IHnsas City, Mo.. »-16, St. Louis .16-22, "lilt and Jano" (Harry Greene, mgr.)—Gibson City. HI.. 12, Ksntoul 13, Rossvllle 14, Mllford 16,; Sheldon 17, Fowler, Ind., 18, Otterbcln ID, Oxford 20, Ooodlorid 21, Wolcott 22. "Knkl Lynne,-" Jos. King's (A. A. Bcymanr, mgr.) —MCKlnney,. Tex.. 12T Greenvlll* 18, Paris 14, Bonham 16. Sherman 17, Dlnlsob 18, Gaines- ville 10, Dallas 20, Ardmore, Okla., 21, Bl Beno jj.. - _. . . . .... "East Lynne," Joe. Rise's (T. W. Goodwin, mgr.) —Austin, Pa.,- 12. -St. -Mary* 18, Smetbport 14, Kane 19, Jobnsoohnrg 17,. Bldgway 18, Motnt-Jewett 10, .Dunkirk, N. ,Y., 20, St. Catherines. Ont., Can., 21, Hamilton 22. - - "Eaat Lynne." Jos. King's (E. O'Connor, mgr.) —Uooesllale. Pa.,' 12, Plttston 13, Plymouth 14,'Mabanoy City 15. Northumberland 17. Mil- ton 18,' Lykcna 10, I*banon 20, Hanover 21. : . : v ' ."■ Piake. Urs."i Harrison Grey Flske, jugr.)—Pitts- burg; Pa^ !10-16, Chlcsgo. 111., lR». Faverahadr, Wm. (LlehlerA Co.. mgrs.)—Cleve. land, 0., 1015, Philadelphia, Pa., 17-29. ■ Fields" AH Stars (Lew Floide. mgr.)— N. Y. Olty 10.; Indefinite. • • • Figman. Max (John Oort, mgr.)—Topeka, Ban., 12. St. Joseph, Mo., 13, Ottawa. Kan., 14, Fort Hpott 15.;Plllebttr« 10, OoffeyvlUe 17. Mnsko- cee. Okla., 18, Tnlaa 19, Enid 20, Bl Beoo 2i, Oklahoow City 22, 28. Toy, Edrtlo tSain H. & Lee Sbuhcrt, inc., oigts.)— Pro.Ideoce, R. L. 1315. V Fleming, Mamlo (W. H. Graccy. mgr.)—Baltl- niore, Md.j 10-15. . • ' reabevg Stock, Eastern (Geo. M. Fenbcrs\ mgr.) —Schenectady. N. X., 10-15, Oceonto 17-22 - Fenlsirg Stock, Wcetera (Gen. M.- Fsnberg, mgr.) —Buvllnxton, Vt„ 10.15, KaUsnd 17-18. Franklin Stock, Burgess A Hlmmeleln'B—Bay City, Mich., 10-13. • *-.Tj Fifth ATanne Stock (Jack Welch, mgr.)— Roches- ter. P«,. 10-15. Butler 17-22, Franklin Stock (Atvido t rjunerrr, mars.)—Brla- ■■ tow,-.-Okla.. 11-15, Chandler 17-107PawBoe 20- 58. ■ • Flrrher's Ittprsltlnn Orchestra—Pllnl, Mich.. «, Battle Creek 13, AIMork 14. Kalamasoo lb-17, Ilatile Creek 18, Lanrlng 19. I'enton 20. Battle Crerk. mat.. andCaatlottc.2l.KaUmi.soo 22-24. "Portyave Minutes From Broadway" (KIsw A Krlanger, mgrs.)—San Franclseo. Oal., 10-16. Portland, Ore.. 17-19, Seattle, Wash., 20-22. "^'""ir&V^Olga^ Verne, [ ■ fcl'fi g pT 12. i-ock Haten 13, Tyrow .14. JohMtown lb, Kbehsburs'17, Altoona 18, Latrobe 19. Oreensbnrg,20, Itnlontown 22.- n'iH|-Bf" "Flaming Arrow," Southern, Lincoln J. Carters-- Jtnstln.Texn 12. San Maroos ". B"^"? }5' Calveston, 10,. IMrt Arthnr 17/Besumont 18, oraJg^O^Crowlcy, La., 20. Waibington 21. •1rStta»a^(S«^*^^*^t mgis.J-i-Schenectady, N. Y.,.13i Albany 1«, «• "FoBiS $, l'oo 2 ?'''^^ (Flotenx-«legfeid,';mgr.')--Cht- caw. ni-,.10:2?-,' "IntOld Kentoeky"'(A.wW.. Dingwall,' mgr.)_ N. V Y. City,10-16, Brooklyn, N.O?., 17-22 "In.New York Town," inirttg A gesmon's— Mont- real.' Can.,. 10-16., . ;.- ; •" w JameJ.'lLouis (Wallace.'tfonro,' mgr.)—Memnhls Tenn., 12, 13. NashvlHeil*. .15,.Knoxvllle ir' Chattanooga.18, Birmingham. Ala., 19, Atlanta' Oaf, i20,,Selma, A'a,. 81, Montgomery 22. Jstrersao,- Joseph and Wo). W. (8. W.: Donalds mgrr)—Albert Leji,.Mian-. 12. Waterloo, is.' 13. Dubuque 14, Clinton 15, Cedar Banlds it' MsrshlUltown 18.- OfttlueU 19, CejKerrUle tk IOWS'Cltr 21, Dnvennnrt 22. .• . . ."""'• JaoiJ. .Elate (C. B. DUKbgham. mgr.)— Boston. VMs:,-10-20.'. -■-.-... •-..'■. Jetjerson, Tbos.—t'tica..N. T.. 14,'15.' "Just Out or-CoIlotrc"(Bothnor.fc Campbell, raxn 1 —Hamilton, Cai.. 14. 16..Toronto. 17-2i ^T ' "JskeV; 'Iketrandt'Mtkei" -(All«a Curtis, mgr.)_ Corsleana,' Tex.,i 18, teaaue 13, Mexla 14, Eock- dsle'lB.'.i •. ,.,V5,' J: '-. ^^^ "Jesse: James" ..(Jewell , Kelley, ,'mgr.) — F ot t Worth,!Tet.. :12,; DaJIaa. 1S-15. , ,«.v.-'..»«-r.# -A.-, igK;-. -. .• ...I, Kelcey,' Herbert, o »nd EOe, Shannon, (Ernest Shin ■ •"Hoo" — -T^r — -■.../ Keicey.-nerocn. anoin«e,or(auuion,itsraest Shin- fosfiSL 9 * I*e•Sbnbert;■'lric. , , mgrs:) mgn, • nKf;)—Sao .-Fnaclsco,, Cal., 9-15, oai- ---^I'iiwtsft'ifi** vonn.j 13«/ "For.^ Mother's sake'"; (Al. 'W.';Yotiog.-mgr.)- Dover. N. 'J..' 12,' Psterson. 13'16, Maiden,-N. Y-.:'i7/PeeksklII 18/Yonfccrs 10; Kingston, 20, ChtsUU 21. Cotioes'22.- '.. •-_• a .4aA-?-rf- "Fanen by.tbe Wsyslde," A H. Woods —Chicago, III r»-16 Columhus. 0„ 17-19, Dayton 20-22- "Plghtlng Chance" — Wllfces-Barre, Pa., 10-12, Scranton 13-15. I'ateraon. jt. MltA^ •Tktty Felix"- (Dwlte Pepple. mgr.)—Asaiana, O. 12. Wsdjirorth 18, MsssBloji 14, Yoawnv "f'tob? Stag Sing to Liberty" (Chss. B. Blaney Amnse. Co.. mgrs.)—Boston,-' Mass., 10-16. Providence. R. I.. 17-22. G Grand Opera (Oscar Hnmmerstcia mgr,)—N. I. City 10, lndeAnlte. '. „_. __. „ . Gratd ' Opera :(Hel6rlcb Oonrled, mgr.)—». x. City'. 10, indefinite". „^._ ^j%- v^. Qaodwla,-N.--G.'(«eo. A. Woedoa. mgr.)—New Otleana, La., 10-15, Montgomery, Ala-, 17, iloblle 18, .Bsltlcsburg,.Mias., 19. Jscksoa 20, Natchex 21, Vlcksburg 22. ■". il'-.-. Grace Oeorgo (Wm. A.. Brady, mer. >rj»«??t Wash., 12, Portland, Ore,, 13-16, San Jran- ciaco, Cal., 17-29. Gear. Florence (Jules Marry, mgr.)—4Jaebarae, TeX., 12, Deniaoa 13, Galnesvlllo 14, Ardmore, Okla.. 16, Oklsboma City 18, Wichita, Kan., IT, Junction City 19, Concordia 20, Topeks 21, Lawrence'22.- Greet's Ployers (Ben Greet, mgr.)—Washington, D. O.;-. 17-22. .' Ollbore, Bsrrtey (Harlln-A Nlcolai. mgrs.)— Chicago, III., 9-29. _.. • . _ . Genaro and Bailey (A. H. .Woods, mgr.)—Brrok- lyn, N. Y.,-1016. Camden, K J., 1749, Ho- arspcwin, Chas. E. (Wdta,' Dnnne A^Hsrton, Sara.)—Cincinnati. 0., 9-15, Yonngatown 17- l¥..Wne*Tlni{. W^Va.. 20-22. - T . ■; Qrahame, Ferilnaid—Gloveraville, N. Y., 10-15, PlatUburg 17^22.- -:•■■■ ^-^_ ■ '. _ Or»ice. Hcfai (N. 1 AppeU, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. I., Gage Stock (Fred Gage! mgr.)—Attieborb, Mask., 10-15. Woonsocket, Bi-I.. 17-22. ■■• _^j_: Goodwin Stock (J. P. Goodwin, mgr.)—Wilming- ton, N. 0... 10-15. . ■•■ -. -it"- tm "Grfat .Divide" (0. H. Miller, mgr.)—Macafleld, O., 12 . '_ -.j, "Girl Question" (M. H. Singer, mgr.)—Chicago, in.,.10. Indefinite. ' . ;,. :JL: "Gambler of tbe West,"'A. H. Woods' (AL Rich. mgr.)—Minneapolis. Minn.. 9-16, Dee Molars. Is.. 18-20, Omaha. Nehr., 21. 22. • "Gay White Way" (Sam S. 4 Lee Shnbert, inc., mgrs.)—Washington, D. OL 10-15._ |_L "Great Expre»sTftobhery." A. H. Woods'—CW- cago, 11!., M5, South Chlcsgo 18-19, Jollet 20- 22.' . ■ - ■ "Girl From Rcoadway" (John A. Mack, mgr.)— Wabash, Ind., 12, Peru; 13, Kokoeno 14, Frank- fort 15, Tiptoq 17, Marlon 18. Blwood 19, An- derson 20. Maocio 21,.Rtchm»nii 22. "Gty New York." Gus Hill's—Norfolk. Vs., 10- .15. Washington. D. C..'17-22. ,"-• "GOternor's Pardon" (H.'B. Whlttaker, mgr.)— WllDlngton, Del.. 10-12.-Camden, N. J.: 16-15, Chester. Pa.. 17-19, Klitatietb. N. J.. 20-22. . "Girl of the Bunny South" (J. W. liartman, mgr.) —Niagara Fails. N. Y.. -13. Fredonla 13, Olean 14, Jamestown IS, Sdlamanca 17. Batavls 18, Palmyra 10, Newark 20j Rodus 21. "Oingerbread Mani'l Easterns (NlxOn A Zlmmcr- man, ra.T>.)—Lafayetti, ind., 12, Peoria 17. "Gingerbread Man.V Wottern (Nixon A Zimmer- man, mgrs.)—Sjccaroentn, CaL, 12. Stockton .13,, Presoo 14,' Bakersfieid 15, Los Angeles 16- 22. * *^* ■ - ' i ■"■■ "Girl Question"' (Asklu A Rlager, mgrs.)—Kan- sas City, Mo.. 13-16. • 1 "Girl Over There"—Mllwsokee, Wis., .10-22. "Girl From Chill" (Geo. 0. Keltb. mgr.)—Fulton, III.. 12, Clinton, Is., 13, lows City 14, Whst Cheer IS. H • •■ Hitchcock, Raymond (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Cincinnati, 0„ 10-15, Cleveland 17-22. Held, Anna (Klorena Zlegfeld, mgr.)—Chicago, 1U„ 9-March 7. .. Hopper, Edna Wsllaoe (Cohan t Harris, mgrs.)— N. Y. City 10-Mareh 7. Holland/Mildred (Edward O. White, mgr.)— Bel- lairr, O., 12. Stcabenvllle 13, East Llveroool 14, New Philadelphia 15, New Castle, Ps., 17, Yoangstown. 0.. 18, Akron 19. Warren 20. Sha- ron, Ps.. 21, Canton, 0., 22. Banrord. Chas. B. (F. Lawrence Walker, mgr.)— San PraDdsoo, Cal., 10-16, Sacramento It), 17, Woodland 18. Ohlco 19. Asblsbd. Ore., 20, Eu- gene 21. Salem 22. Hopper, De Wolf (Sam S. k Lee Sbobert, Inc., mgrs.)—Portland, Ore., 9-12, Stockton, Cal., 14, San Jose 13, Pan FrsBclsco 17-22. Enllnnd. E. M. (James K. Hsckett, mgr,)—Scran- ton, Ps., 12. Trenton, X. J., 14, Norrlstown, Co.. 15. Altoona 17. Hlgglns, Darld (B. p. Stair, mer,)—Philadelphia, Pa., 10-10. N. Y. r Clty 17-22. ^ < Hcttlx, Joo (Nlcolai A Miller, mgrs.)—Newark, N. J:, 101», Fblla&phla. Ph.ri7-22.. ■ '■ i Hnll. -Grt>. P. (Pratak W. NaBon. togr.)— Milton, r«., 12,1 Berwick 13. TowandO 14, Waierly, N. It? 16. • . . •..•:-. , . - • . t , , -l Hnutings, the Four (Harry Dull. mgr,)-r8mnton, Pa., 10-12.. Wilkes-Uorrc 13.16,,Hobo»«n, N. J., 1C-19, Bayonsc 20-22.' ' . ' Blouooiein's Ideals, Bargess A Hlmmrleln's— EoBton; Pa., 1015. • ' . ■ ■ • BAriUr-'Hall Stock (Kngme J. BaU, mgr.)-J- WKiertoWn; W. Y., 10-16, BnHlBgton. Vt. 17- 82., * '■ . ••-.'' • ■■• '- . . Ilcryls-Parklnsoh Stock (Robt. H. narrls, mgr.) —Anderson,'8. .0.. 10-15.. • • r . . : "TTi Hill. Htock ^DUo. A.'.Hill, Imgr.i—Oweaeboro, By., 10-16, F.viuwvllle. Intl.. 17-22. , Hlllmnn. May (Geo. Roseoct, mgr.)—Hnverhin, Mass.,' 10-15. Lynn 17-22. ■ ' '•:"-> Hr.fTey 5tock (Geo. A. Snlllvan. mgr.)—Glouces- ter. Maes., 10-16. Salem 17-22^^.-. . HlUmdn's : Ideal. Siock (P.P. Ulllmon, mgr.)— Seneca, Kan., 10-18. ■ ■ ■ i . . .;.'.■ . Ballisgswortb Twins (Glesson A Franklin, mgrs.) —Ilouma.i.La:,'9-16, Patterson 18-23. ■ ' Hosmer, May—Iowa .City, -la., 1J. • Hsdrrmann, Jessie. Cbleago ,' Orchestra (D.,, II, Bsdamuno, mgr.)—Okishoma City. Okla., 10. indefinite. •''... ..' '^ "Hcan of Maryland," David Belasco'i—Jackson, Mich.,, 12.' ,' • • ■ ;• '■ ■ '. . ,i "Uol/ Oltyi" West (Le Oomto A 'Flasher, sxgrst) -^Los Angeles,'Cal., 9-16i ■ .. "Holy City," South (Forrest IshamV mgr.)—Bowl. tng Oreeb,' Ky.. 18, aarksburg.^ain.', 18, Parla U. Brownsville 15, Forrest City, Ark., 17.' Msrlanna 18. BriaUey ■ 20, Carondon 21, Pino Blnlf 22. , , ... "nclr to the Hoorah" (R*lrke Ia SbeUe Co., mgrs.)—Philadolphla, Pa., .10-22. "Human Hearts," Western. (Wm.'Franklin Bller, rnrO—Nebraata City. Nebr., 12. Wymore 1*. -Uchlson. KAa.,14, Tobeka 15, St Joeept. Mo., ■10. 17,' Lawrence, 'Kan., 18, Or*-Moines, la., 20-22. ' • ...'■,- • ■. , "BAppy^nootlgBA": Gas Hill's—Jehnttown. Pa., 18. McKeeenort 18. 14. Buesvlile, O.. 15, Clnclountl 10-52. •..-.... . ' ' "Hlr, nooo^ the. Mayor" (Jos. M. Gslhts Co., mgrs.)—Willtamahott, Pa., 14, Cortland, Jt. T.I 18, CUca 14. Borne 15. Jamestrum it Amster- dam IS, Auburn 10. Ocoera 20, Rocbester 21, 22. ..... . "Han's Bsason" (Jss. T. MeAIplfi, Bttr.)—Bowie. Te»„ .»: Jncksbora 17, Wealherford 18, Min- eral Welle ID.',-.. . • ,• . . • -• -. i • .- I .... Isabel Irjlng (Liebler A Co.. mgra.)-^Atdmor». Okla.. 12, Port Worth. Tex.. 1? Dallas 14Vl6 San Antonio IB, 19, Austin 20, Honston 21 23 <S/"lO-f6* C ^' Ir! * ' 8hnm* w »'%-C*nton, ''wit <>C 9-?s\ < *'" ** a '""N***''—MB»«uke», 21 '**' C|Esra.,(AsUa,'A,Singer,, rngra.)—C*dar KeYlar'vi''Thurfl[ori''''(BiadIcy 'McAdotv, mgr.)— prttsbhrg:' Par..-10-ls;. PhlladelbliU 17^. KOlb->ad Dill—N.' Y. City.' 10, lndeanlte. Knickerbocker Stock (John R. G. Braadoa, mgr.) —Mended; Conn., 10-10. Derby K-227 Kennedy, Jsmea (P. Q. ,Emery, met.)—Mldd!*- town, Cosn., 10-15, gonth Norwalt 17-22. Kelley Stock, Southern (Jewell Ktlley, mgr.)— Kansas City.. Mo„ ^*' "Knight, for a Day," ! : B. C. Whitney's—N. Y. City 10, indefinite. "Knight foria'Day," B.'C-Whitney's—Chicago. 111., 10, indefinite. ". - . "Kidnapped i for Bereage" (0. E. Blaney Annse. CoT..mgra.)-C!eT«laBd..O., 10-15. "Ktanaf.pedifor a MUltofc'' (E. H. Perry, mgr.)- Stout, la., 12, Anitn T 16, AudnboB 18, Tul 21. £& l. - f fi : Lackaye.' Wilton (Wm. A..Brady, mgr.)—Chicago, Hi:,' 10-16, Detroit, Mich., 1722.'. • Leigh, De.Lscy, ato:k—Danbury, Conn., 10-15. New Britain 17-2)}. ■■.. Lake, Sylvle (Alston ft ZQliaan,- mgrs.)—Arch- bold, O'., 12. WaOseon 13, Montpcller.14. Ls-Toor. Mstie. Stock—Oolumbla, S. C. 10-15. AsTiCTllle. N. 0.,;.17-22. ;--..: Uitto, : Ha^,.Stock—IngersoU, Ont, Can., 10- "Llooandtbe Moose" (Henf^ B. Harris, mgr.)— Rochesttri.X: Y:. 10-12, Syractfre 13-16, Utica 17-19, iSchesectady 20, Albany 21, 22. 'Lion snH.tbe Mouse" (Henry B. BsirU, mgr.)— Hattlesfidtg. Miss., 12, Jackion 13. Baton Kong?, %? Nfttcbeg, Miss.," 16, Vlckabnrg 17. ile.18. Greenville 19, Helena, Ark!, 20, '1,21. Jackson. Tentu, 22. it MOnse" <B«nrSt,B. Barrlj, mgr.)— .lis, Minn., 912, St. Panll8-10, Ra- 8.; 17,*-.Dnbuiiue. Ia.,18, BeloU, Wis.. WIHe.81. . . . . In Gtlnder" (B. R Forrester, mgr.)— Rl, 0.. 0-16. (Morosa A Roddy, mgrs.)—Clete- . Jf.TlO-15, Wheeling, W. Vn., 17.19, Mc- Kaeapatt^Pa.) 20-22.. : - . .. . "Little Prospector" (Frank 0. King, :mgr.)—Sn- perIor,-Wls„-12,i Virginia, MUm., 13, Erelatte 14, HiShlng 16,'Xwo Harborn 17, Aahland, Wli, 18, lr4h«nod. Mlcb., 19, Calumet 21, Hancock 22.. ■•'.,.. . -~; : . . ; .' . .;, "Last In the HUM" (R. W. Praser, mgr.)— Mace- donia,'.l*., 12.- Malvern 13. I'lsttamouth, Nebr. 14, DObhgr 13, Sytacuse 17.. Cooke.18. Auburn IP. Stftjla 20, VeM5Q 2i; Hutntoldt 22.' - ■' "Utile Jahony Jbhes" (Jos. M. oaltesCo., tngrt.) TrNortolk, ■ Va., ■ 12, Charlottesville. 13, Bggers- town. Me)., 14,-Onmberlnttd 15, Elklos, W. Va., ■17;' Fsirpont 18e Clacksburg 19, Wheeling 2o. .Newark,.O.. 21,.Columbus 22. .•- .. '. • "Lafld ofNbd" (Rork Co., mgrs.)-^SL Iouls, Mo.. •9tI3, Cajro, 111., 17, Paaacah, Ky:, 18, Hender- son 19,' EtaosTllle, lad., 20. Owensboro, By., 21,- Lexington 22, '.-■■ V _ "Le»s Elvers" . (Bart A.NIcolsl, mgrs.)—Balti- more, Md., 10:15, RIehpood, V»., 17-22. ., "Utile Heroes of. the'Street'.' (VanceA Snlllfan. nyj).)-Plttsborg, Pa., 10-13, Philadelphia 11 ■ "ij'tle, tbe Poor Saleslady" (Chas. P. Bister Atsoso. Co., msrs,)—ProTideoce, B. I., 10-1... -'•'.;:•-»•. :- ' Motlowc,' Julia (Sam. S. A. Lee 'Sbubert, Inc., mnt*.)-t-Bostoo,. Moss., 10-22.- . ■ . Mat»U;pB»bt.: B.. (-Wej- A. Brady, mgr-)—Jn- dlkupolli,'. Ind,, lO-lo, ClncInnaU. 0„ 17-22. Mason, Jotp (8a'm S. A'Lee Sbobert, Inc., mgrs.) -W.'Y^Clty 10, lodeflnite. . , . MaM' Mganieriug (Sam S. ite Sbtibert, inc., ■ nitrs.l—gsrt Worth. Tex., 12, Waco 18, Ma^ 1« 14,r'GalvesIih 15, Beaumont 1", Homloo .lli.AoMlB 19. Bl Paso 22. ,..- ■■, MeryUt.'JtTrlce (Ernest Shipman, mgr.)—Barrle. Ont.,-C4C,'.'12,-'Midland 13, Orlllla 14, I.'•,-„'• say 16,"Beterboro 17. Belleville 18. Metvllle/jRose (J. R. Stirling, mgr.)—Looisvllle, «»,. 10-15, Indianapolis, Ind., 17-22. Mortimer, Lillian tJ. I.. Veronee'Amuse. Cr;.. cngrs.)—Syracuse, B. Y« 10-12. Bocbester 13- 15. Montgomery and Stone (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.) —Philadelphia, Pa., 10-22. Mclntyre and Heath (KHw k Rrlanser, mgrs.)— Ashevlllc, N. C, 12, Knoxvllle, Tenn.. 13. Chattaooosa 14, Athens, Oa., 15, Columbia, R. C, 17, Cbsrlestos 18, Augusta. Oa., 19, Sa- vannah 20, Jacksonville, Fla., .21, Macon, Go.. 28. Moore, Victor (Oohnn A Harris, mgrs.)—N. *• (City. 10, Indefinite. , _ . MocCnrdy, Jas. Kyrle (Rowland A ClIKord. mgrJO —Marshall, III., 12. Decatar 14, Alton 16, Btlleellle 18, Da Quoin 18. _ . Morbell, David (D. J. Patrick, Bgr.J^-Wamegn. Kan., 12. Manhattan 13, Bniloa 15, Abilene 17, Minneapolis 18. • '• „ ... ■ Murray and Slack (OUle Mnpfc mgrs.)—Meridian. Mis*., < 12. HalUeaoutg 18, GtOfiort 14, Md 15,.Penakcolai Kla„ 17, MohUe, Ala., 18, Mont- eomery l9,.Co!umbus,.Go,, 20, Macon 21, Jack- ^'lle,' Pla r«fivll 22. Mortons, -the Four (Prank UcKee. mgr,)—Wash- ington. D< C„ 10-15 .Phttadclrhlari'a., 17-22.. MlldrBd.>a4 > l;ouelete (Harry E«adet«, myr I -~ Fall ftlvcr, Mnes., 1C1C, .Tanntoo 13, New nedtVird.14,'16, WOontockct, B..L, 17, Gardner. MteB., 1S\ Filcbhirg 10, Worccawra), Law- reo* 21, 22. . . —' — . Myrkle-HorJcr Stock. ^Basterp (W. H. Dotder. ■m<rf.)-J»veri T?TH., '10-15, LowlsiOD, 'Mc, 17-22, -...—.- Myrkle-HtrdorStock, Southern ; (BortLeIsh. mgr.) —Pekln, III.. 10-15,. Danrlllc 17-22. Murray A Heckey Stock (John J. Murray, mgr.) —]Palrmont.W. Va.,- lOrlCi ^ ... -•■ -■_, Murray AMacWy'Oomedy (John J. Morrsy, Ogr.) -r-Troy, X. Y..,10-15.. ' ' , Myers, Irene, Stock. (Will ■ H. Myers, mat;)— AilahUc City, X. J.. 10-15;.Bridgcton 17-22. McDonald Stock (G. W. -McDoaald. mgr.)—Sllo- ard.«prlngi(, Art., 10-16, Siena 17-2£ ' Marks •' Stock ; (Tom- Marks, ogri)—Woodstot*. oan.,' 10.16,. .... • - : _..-- Maxim . t Bights' Comedians (J. W. Sights, •-m».)—Sbelden.. Nv Dolt., i 10-15j Wyndme,re I.771S, Hsnkloson 20-22: . . . ' Mqrray-Bostell (P.- H. .Murray, mgr.)—Water vftie, Me.. 10-15,' Bangor 17-22. '. - .. Mdnhdttab Thentre (Jack Parsons, mgr.)—ScsO' ibn. Baa:, 10-12. Pftrsons 13-J5, indeptadenrt 18-19, Oswego 20-32.' " - ' -••• ' , Mitchell's • Btock (B. Frank Mitchell, mgt-' - " Ml8dleloi»r), B. T., '10-15, Osslblng-17-22-, "Madam-Batterfly"- (Henry. W; Savage, msv-'r; fltocktoni Cal., 12, Betantoir 13. Salt.LaJ!' City.-: D.. , 16. Cheyenne, Wto., 17. Colorstw Springs. Colo., IB. Psetilo 10, Denver 20^2-- "Merry Widow' 1 (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)- hl. .Y-Oly JO.-.lodeOnJte. . . ■ ". _..' "Merry .Widow" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Chtcagr/, in.. 10, Indefinite, ,'•-•' ' . "Mis*- Hook of Pdllahd" (Chas. Frohman, mgf-1 .^'-M. T.Cify'10 1 ..ludeanlle. •'" ' •' .: ', "Mt*. Wtagsof Uo Cahbaec Patch" • (Liebler A ■On;, tnirrs.)—Jersey City, N. J.. .10-13. ' "Mm. wlm of,tho.Cabbage Patch" (Llehler k 8>1. mgrs.)—Helena. Ark., la.Ploe BlofflJ. ot Ssrlnrs 14, Little Rock 15, Fort Worth. Tex., 17, Is, Dallas I9v 20. Waco 22. . , "»UA,of the Hour 71 (Brady A Grlsw*r, mgrs.)— foslcn. Mara.'. 10, Indefinite. ' , •Wain of tho Hour" (Brady & Orlrmer, mgrs.)— Newark, N. J., 10-15, Syrscaee. N. Y... 17-1»- "M»n *.f the Hoc*" (flrady A Ortsmer, m»I».r— Doalder. Colo., 12. ColorodA Snrlngs 13\lNlc" r >14;- Pisr>l» 10, Hutchinson..Kan., 17. Wichtt* 18, Cotfeyvllle 19. Inckpendenco 20, Plttaharg 21. Joplln. Mo.. 22. 23. _t.V^L. "Miss Petticoats" (C. P. Atkinson, mgr.)— V> hoes,.N. Y. '17. Bchenectsdy 18. North'AdssSs, Mas*., 10, Hotyoke 20, Fltchburg 21, Worcester ■»■.;■•: T\/ 1 - "'. '7?.-'. ■■«•■ •