The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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■■ •■ THE/NEW TfCflRK/ OJLIPPBR. Februaby 15, ■U ■'.. NEW YORK CITV. V Keith m Proctor's Union Sqaare The- •tra IE. F. Ill Keith A Proetor'. Fifth Avenae The. "The Bad Boy and His Teddy Be»rs" moved Tbck (J. ft.WW, f^g^SSc did 8 rtngo !^" C dr*w good b^S.* e « ^«fc . •trf (B. F. Albee, general manager).— up to Harlem 10. after a successfo downlown hemlan G Irt tbi« *«*• l£ e ^JJ 0 ,* £ d ending 2. BIcbard M. Hctallng and BUboo'i v Albee, general manager).— • Ami* la natron* collection of top-liners on engagement .and indications an that It .will «Jgl_2S 0 JSS2 receotfoni eatSStttn Company of Players, iu "HamleV 3"-9. /Cba-Mll for the current week Is announced ..'lew here this week, and bualneis. as a direct duplicate the Success of lower New York. jggpertBrnftlice -J^SKSSl "Othello" underlined. Wo. lnclode the following acts:' Clayton : jeault of the fine talent-provided, la still as -The advance eale la reported as good. The wblch tnc I'unnc panicipuie. . _ The lD0BA p 1CK opera House (H. W. Bishop. 2Kfi and Marie Stuart. In 1 " "Chcrle:" Frank We ,«» «>e house will stand. This weeks bill show Is a big fun muter for both old and Oabm-n (C. g E. WWtt, ■•£"£>£ 37, manager).-'The Office Boy" (seeond weV/) ""Bnah, motiologlst; Laddie CHIT, comedian and includes: May. Irwin, atar of many Broad- young. Next week, David Biggins, la "His 3£S£^ KtarL2r gjv Masneradere lin- drew fair business week ending 2. "Thi .•.eccentric dancer; Ergottl Troupe, Furopeun way successes, who. sings licr song lifts; LastTDolIur." , H r, 2 S ,SL^.f. i Sinnin fc Toreador" 3-10. rfcwbatlc act: Dillon Brothers, parodists; Murpbv amrNichols la their stetcli, "From McmirouH (Sam. nurtlg manager).— f^JJSSSJSV JSS^ mum'l MM 11 Columbia (8. C. KeaUne. manager).—The VUSoper and Robinson, colored eutertalnors Zata to Uncle Tom," one of the brightest Thin w-elc. "Tbe Wizard of Oz." Next week, LAFAYTTTn BE. M. gj***K*yia,""«g Columbia Stock Co., In "Tho Two Orphans" /Sjereditb Sisters, singing and dancing; La concoctions In vaudeville; Julian Rose, the 'The Walk of Jericho." v , • , MilftrW --"*-OggLlg t g;^.- , *S .£S drew goodhouses week ending 2." "Brother qelleVeoln. slngliuc; Hurt and Lottie Wol- clever Hebrew monologue entertainer: Ky- . Staii (Wm. T. Kcogli. manager).—"Dead- hemtans ««". H g n *g**J*B * nDQ » B " Against Brother- a-9. . '.. , ,too. Reno ami Smith, stcreoptlcon views and »«n ««"* Mclntyro la tho successful laugh- wood Dick's Lust Shot" opened to a great Kennedy co ncluded a prosperous oaie e. KSSnS (GnsEbcy. manager).—Featnrea 'jbdtlon picture*.. maker, "A Thousand Wives;" Henry Cllve house 10, and met with the usual reception ■ " 2-and week: Wm. Hawtrey and company Victoria Theatre ' (Olcnr Hanrroeriteln, nud company, clever Illusionists; Kftomura accorded a show of this kind here. There Is aj|, n «>v—At HarnwnusBleeckerHall (II. Cu " n yn "jjgj,. violet Dale. Four sfste wanagi'r).--Tbe bill provided here this week Japs, Jugglers of unsurpassed dexterity; not u dull moment throughout the entile per- II. Jacobs, manager) tbe_ retnru or |assi™ A tl , Adolp /.Ink, 8hean and Warren, (j /Krvtou'-eniertalnrneat of the Victoria pa- Charles ttnd Fannie van. fn their big laugh- forinnncc, and the return date of this com- Play pictures, leb. j-u. witncwea ij 18 -,^ •xti7n8 Is fully trt> to tho standard of merit maker, and Delinoro and I/ee. aerial ladder puny should draw good. Next week, "The crowds as before. "The Walls or jericno. .Which ho* l>oen odbereil to since tho house acrobats.' The motion pictures continue, outlaw'* Christmas." " «, with Laura Burt and Henry btamora, tias been devoted to hlgli clnss vaudeville. Keith A rrortor's Fifty-eighth Street ALruunni. (I'ercy (i. Williams, manager'., drew well, notwltlistaiidlng a heavy storm •lWg« Eraim, th>; monologlst. whose ropu- Theatre (K. V. Albee, general manager) bt-en long Two high clnss romedlennes head t the list, here this week, representative of the Kyan and lean and F.ngll^li type, in the persons _ Tanguay and Vesfa Victoria. Another top. Wfldrcd'CPAiik and,compnhj'. Snlsi notcher Is the Uullln-Kedcay Troupe, in on and Mack, the Misses Delmore, Kennedy and Skies' 27-2D. PROcron's fHoward (Iruhain. resident mtui- ugeri.—For JO and week: "The Side Show, Six American Dancers. Donald and Carbon, Wilson Bros., Work and Ower, Aerial Smiths, ■tarlon a9 the' "Honey Boy" has bnen long Two liifili class romedlennes head yfuid favorably known, beads rUtkera on tJie-splendid bill are lllclilleld, in their skit. "Mag Hnirgerty's 'father;" W. C. Fields, comedy Juggler (first Transformation Co., Mme. ,'Jar bere, In a comedy playlet; 'Bessie Wynn, excellent bill will 1m added Ward and Cumin, r.iumy Tbi'dnluiy port raver of rcrlued vocalisms; Und. female lhlpersonutor: Mr. and Mrs. graph. Itoina Francis und her Arab boys,' In'a novel -Harry Thome, Clifford and-Burke; black.face hcanu &• Sxamon's .Music Ham, (I«;w linn: herei ; Dolau and I.enbarr, '"always uopu- acrobatic performance, and to round out the Ilooney. Htsley's .lat' here, In a comedy playlet; Bessie wynn, excellent bill will 1m added Ward ami Curran, Rinmy und ber jiets, Hchenck Bros., and vita- • vlhjlliiK und acrobatic net.: the Mnrno Troupe comedians; Clement De Lion, and the motion Kose. inanugerr.-i-aia-:& Barton's Big Calefy <•!' Kiiropean acrobats; Mile. Chester and Iter pictures. Murray Hill Theatre (J. Herbert Mack, manager.).— The.World Heater* opened here Feb. 10, with tui entertaining- programme ,.-.- ojudlng "A Trip to Now Votk/' with Frank Marlln, Charles Buckley, Albert 8ykes,'May Hartley, Billy Sylvan, Fred ltuswll. Gus .. D/ji'scli. Oenle I'ollurd, Mario Buckley. Pearl varied excellence,. imd runs nearly Held, Uiretta Gates and Jessie Maltland In ♦tat cnt're gnriiut »f entertnlulug vaudeville suitable roles. The musical numbers were numbers', ulf of which have become Well and handsomely staged. On the list of speclal- raTOnibly known lo patrons of high clnss tlos nr-re: Itedcd and Hadlcy. nrcscntlug La '4vde»llli>'us lr-ls known 'at the urescut day. {'o'lc i|i_a good automatic soldlor act: Pearl "tattle posing dog; Slater uud Williams, Colored singers uud dancers,' nud the • vita- !!»)*. . ;:* /Colonial Theatre (t'orev (I. Williams, taanager).—It would be dltllctilt Indeed to .(bid fault with the bill provided by Jtann- 'uer WIIIiauH for his patrons here this week. ^lt Is of Cu. Is the attraction for the week, and Is as- sored of a royal welcome. There Is not a dull inouient from .alarl to finish. Next week, the GIrJ« ftoift.,)Urn).i land. '•OOTitAik tl*am Kraus, manager). — Miss New. York, Jr., lOfc^dNMd to a packed house *nd no doubt"'w(Q bold Its own nil week; us K"(»'wWl cebiitructed and Is bound to give satisfaction, with bright comedy, pretty women and beautiful costumes. Next week, Parisian Belles. . Famh.v Mtffc'F. McCoy, manager).—Busl- ui*His ivutlnues vu<>'l .This week's hill: La and the Musical Crulgs. Eiipihb (Jas. U. Rhodes, mauagcr).—Iroc- ■dees Burlcsquers. a-C, in "College Boys and "On the Panama." created many lauglif. and prominent In the olio w.-re Belmont and IJrcnnan, Alvarcttn Trio, and the Wilsons. Bail weather but excellent business. Huston Ilelles followed tf-S. In "The Wanderer from Nowhere." mid In the olio Kdgar Blxley. Ulce tuid Walters, Morin Sisters and iladlsou uud Burl;. Good business contbiUed through the week. Casino Girls 10-L.', Blue Ribbon Girls 13-15. Gaiety. (II. B. Nichols," manager) .—Cherry lay. sters , (Jus Fdn-ards' School Bors and Girls, and new Orprjeum motion .pictures. Business was ex- cellent last week- Bell (Ous Cohen, resident manager).— Attractions S-0: Preston Kendall, la ,r Across Lines:" Onott! Sisters, De .Van Bros., and Uortba Rich. Grlcey and Burnett, Jackllnand fJcrtrnde «MK| and mo- tion pictures. Business good last week.- Novelty ITjny Lnbelskl, manager).—Bill S-9: Hlckey and Nelson % Arthur Husfon. Cainlllo Personl. Fred Lancaster, -Polk and Collins,' and . the projectoscope, Business booming. orlyuinl dialect skit. "Tim Vlrgl JUtlye;" Clarice Vatu-e, the lucoinparahlo srliigci' of "cisjn" snugs: Mile. Ftolle's siitcii- dlfl Iroope of horses: Mv. nud Mrs. Alllsmi. I\i "Mlunle froui Mlimenota;" Jewell's manl- .klU!", a.Teul automatic novefl.v :.Frcd Xsheflte, ii itraceful ncmbnt. anil the vltapraph. Mnnliiittnu Ojiern Hooae (Oscar Ham- - iRarstclnVmamiger).—The bill Monday night, FuO;-ll,.Waj 77iul». This marlcod the furowell of'tho season of M. Renaud. ffbertu. a ibrec 'art graiul opera, by IJmberto Glordutio, H-jIs sting for the Hint time la America We* "i.sUnv ulvlil. .">, with this cast: Stepliiinn, Maie,'Agostluelll: La Fraiiclulla, Mile. Treu- itDl: Ninons. ^IIle. Baesa|tai Vasslll. M. Zenatello: Oleliy. M, Sounnav :o: Walltzln. W,' Criibljc: Alexis, M. Cazauruti: Ivan and T)ie Sergeant. M. Veuttirlnl: The Caplfllu, M.-Jlughot: The Invalid. M: Glauoll'-tlailettl: Mltklnakr, M. Itcsrhlglluu; L'Jspruvnicli. The Cossack and The Inspector, M. Fossclta. Cleofontc Caiupauliil eoadBeted. L" 7'ior(- ii>x, with Mme. Tetrnz/lnl ag.ilu as Vloleftu, yds the bill Friday night, 7; Loafsc was tubg Saturday matlttee, S: Ctvulltrtu ICunlt- cd>#i snd / P'lirl.'nccl comprised the ulglit bill. : .-Metroiiolltan Upera llotiae. — Trltian iKntl ItoVlc v.'hh the bill Monday night. Feb. SiVwrUi Ilelurloh Kuote as Tristan Instead of Alois Hiirgstnllcr. as hilled. Tills M M. KnoteV farewell perforuiain.-e for this td-a- sie>n: ■ Jfui-/'i was the bill Wednnsday uIkIh. '!};.' ■ IfacliscJ ««(f Orcfci and I Pttijllucet com nw good sized andlcnccs. a funny tieruian Inventor. The show will ne . and:should dri more fully reviewed In our next Issue. Ncxt^»^f<^.. ; .■>■■ '•>'•; week, llie '.oldi'ii '.rook LV UrtM.klm. — At the Montfluk (Kdward Wcber'si Theatre ijoa. M. Weber, man- . Jtn || panamr) WilliamCollier Feb. 10 and »ger).-.-lhnl ) uiH j (.iieo.';Tbo Merry Widow'' jroek. in,. "Caught hi the Bain." Next, "The began Its sevonti!.we;k Feb. 10. ]>" In electricity act. The theatre was well pat- ronized during both engagements. Tiger Lilies 10-12, Parisian Burlesirucrs IS-li 'inp Fkm.ows - Halt. (Josef Uofmuiia, in piano recital. 17. Inc.. managers):- Vitrei Wlday.night. 1", with this cast: Urucnnhllde. %£E£££t^JS^ fa S •Mme. Gadskl: Slcgllnde. Mme. Fremstud: '%- n«*««™ sat » ss ffiSa; and Walt.uf.te, Mu.e ; Klrkby-Luun : . JSZ£ZJ&£2 * B e SS VVallnck'M■(Charles; liiirnham, managerk..^j,,>Lt4i-siic <W. f.. Frldley, manager).—Lew —"A Knlglit for a Day" commenced Its DdrkstaerV Mhistrels 10-1C. Next, "In Old ninth week Kcb. 10. Kentucky " New York Theatre (Klaw 4 Erlanaer. (jiim (ff. T. Grnvcr. manager).— The nioii.igfrs).—Mile. Adeline Genee. In "The offering of the Aborn Opera Co., 10 and week. Soul Msm ' beynii Iter second week Feb. 10. u Gounod's "Futist." TI 'i!!""? Ql**** "»««»*• i Joint IT, Springer,, strong and well liked. ■ mabsger). —■ Francis \Mlson, In "Wliefi -NW 1 17-— KntgliiK Were Bold," Is the current a.ttnf K ' 0 ifum i'wiu. Hyde, manager).—Nell Buv- tlon. opening la. the iisual large UttfJMti. »*Kjg | s -ti^ulu xevii In "The County Fair," 1U- Nejlw.-ek Docsstaitcrs Minstrels. - iy NtxL Thpuilts B. Shtu. Astex- Theatre (Wogeuhnls & Kemper. • cowsibu (Chas. H. Wucrz. managerl.— maiiugersl;-,Viola Al eu. In "Irene^ Wyc6o^T"little, the Poor Saleslady." In which Lydla leyv' began her. fourth week Feb. 10. ■ fuweii | K ihentar. this week. Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. Hay man*. Aaranm t Percy G. William?, manager). A Co., manairersl.—\Ictor .Moore, In "Th6 ,tt ,_X lu ,thei- of the famous Williams bills is 'inll; of i\ow Turk," commenced his eleyentk Sn-beuK-d 10-1 ft. Marie Lloyd, the clever Knz- ieb. 10. The two hundred und llftletn ilsii wjuiedlcnnc, Is the beadllner. und l« performance Is announced for \\ednesdu*,|| jai*Uig her farewell visit. Others art: Fred . JU ' ^ ,.. ,.,. , VNIblo. Albert Whelnn, Wlllurd Sliuuis and Lyccont. Theatre (I)anle. Frobman. man- tcompanv. VInnle. Duly, Chas. I«onurd Fletch- ■ Rer) .ir Ky ^ <; , ft lew " nd Mm;garct Illluglciin Jr, IJrbanl and Son.. Will Kogers, the vlta- lu 'The Thief,'■ beusui • tlielr In—*T JCmMl Tilt H Hit extra feature. Josephine week fell. 10. hyrle Bellew resumed his role t>olum and company. In "The Girl of the Wednesday, Feb. r», after several days' ntfjyriaVs." 61 ' l iS'''. . m^.' ' .. ,« > . » *,,_ ij_«. Kkexi;v's itieorge Sloune. manager).—A Daly'a .Theatre (Sam S. k Lea SbuberyVrjecj- ^ud bill is seen here 10-15. with Valerie Troy.—At Rand's Opera Hon* ill. T. Thouiiisnn, resident, manager) Nell Buijress, in "The County Fair," did g'ssl business Feb. !i-Ci. -'TJie Walbi of Jerlc'uo' drew good house 8. Murrnv A Mnckey Comedy Co. 10- Tbe company Is very 15. . "The IV Izard of fhc Pkoctou's (Jay C. Craves, resident maita- Blll for 10 and weci;.: "l'nradlse Bjipibb (Pyle A Blcxa, managers).—"Ten Nights In a Bar Boom" 1-0. "A Break for Liberty" 10-16. ■ . '■■'.■ , Note. —The'Rex. Lyric and BIJou Dream. with motion pictures and. llustiated songs, report fair business. ... ••' .-• —:—<»» MASSACUUSETTS.- ' sprlntiiieid.—At toe Court Siiuare.fD. 0. • Glbjjore, manager! ."My Mamie Kosv." Feb. 1, was well received- by two bouses, of goodly size. Henrietta' Crosman, la 'Tn» Smuk,. and the Flame," 4. did well. The star leasing, and Harrison Huhter did of acting as Mr. Lorlng. ."Brew- Millions." 5. C entertained -its' audi- 1. >'Kdward Abeles. to the role, of did-nicely. Alary Byan'wus titut: - sweerUeatt. and Albert Sackett; u local actor, name lu for his share ofnpplntis'-. "the Hoyden" 8. "Funabasbl" .10, Jiordjcu and New York Symtibony Orchestra 11, "The Orchid" V2. lecture by 0. P. Austin la, Fra.i- elM McMillan, violinist, 18: Kthel Barryinuru 20. Van den Berg Grand OpcraCo. 21, 22.- . Pol'i'R (florrton Wrlghter. -lonnager 1.— Week of 1": Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. Mar- /i.lla's birds. Four Slni'ers. Sloutgomory .iml Moore. Gillmrt and Katrn, Johnson and We',-. Mr. Uymack. and electrograph ' Gji.mock (P. F. Shea, Dianager).—Batchel- de'r's' Boston Belles ."-5, Edgar Illxley mad" llie most of the (un and the company was well costumed. "A Child Shall Lead Them." 0-8. did good business. Edward De Corsla, Lillian Seymour and Belle Jcanette were ger):—Bill for 10 and wee Alley," Jinx Reynolds and Irving Brookt. I'aultoii and .Dooley, Clara Balcrle. Fred Roy and company, Hurry liiveu, t'harles and Ada among the foremost members of the cast. Kalmo, and MUes-Stavordale <Juhrtettc. Blue Itlbbon GlrN 10-12^"Tlse Phantum De- Lvcelm (R. H. Keller, inanigerL— NIks tcctbV: 13-1D, Lid LHLifra 17-tP. New Tork Jr. drew good bouses »-r.. The Cherry Blossoms had soikI btt3liiSKS »#-8. Pa- rlslau Ilelles 10-12. the Tiger Lilies 13-15. In Tilt! LiMKi.i'Jii t. — Julia .Uauderson, 'Of "The Dairy Maids" IV. *ho has been con- llned'to her home In New York'with typhoid .. the pajt eight weeks. Is spending, a fever tliort time with relations here.- Miss San derson hones to be able to again ajsuuw her part with*the company.' 17, iu Brooklyn ' Janivatosrn.—At th».Ncw Samuels Opera House (J. J. Waters, manager) Digby Bell. In "Shore Acres,"' Feb. 3, delighted a good , sized audience. "The • Convict's Dangbter," .A little dttlleulty arose between tbe tnuslcluii* I ynoe"" 8. ♦ »» i08ed t)ie bin Thursday nlgl.t. 07 O/e Wot- ftrffi^J5?r"2SSi. *3fi£& «r« Min« «imr i'..r tlu. UrMttlmp (III- mmam •.-*''."<'. «*.*«? .engagement, presented The review of the i>er- our next Issue. ' Shubert, Inc., man- agers).— "Ths Top 0' tb\ World" commenced lis.sficotitl week at this house Feb. 10. ,Miner's, Bowery Theatre (Edwin . D. Miner, managerl.—71/c .*'oi». Foatr.r'Xv. ■ Is playing-a. ".vefli's etigugeioent ut this house. llergere as the feature. Others are: Burt Liirlc, Amy Stanley and picks. Elleu Rich urJs and company, tlie Jupiter Bros., Russ .1.. »".j ((.uipuiv, iu.: ouoiivi "iu:., ,™ 5 Jr." uluved fu ,good biislnejs week eualng t'lid Wilson, Irving Jones, the Baker Troupe, Feb. I. "Madam Butterlly" was greeted by Gerhllde. Mme. Altcu:'OrllIiidc, Muie. Weed; !&hjvertli:l|e. ,Min'c','' ;Wo«linliig:; Heimwlge, Mm"<. -Fifi/U : ;«legnrne. Mine. MatlfelJ; Grlm- ',, Lapgenddrff: RoMsweSlsiic. Mme. geoliyi, Slegmund. M. Buvgstnller; Wolhu I van - saturda Tri* Rb^rHundu^M K 'ifii'S;-- M^i ^'W "nsemWenutabers aud^good jE^ »ro a S; j% BEfZBEflSlF**- 9*9& u ■*»,*■«** ?* *• -gef),—Tner-Jollowfng Is the «J1 annpuno*s«U)rucir/erook:Cu. makes Its first apnenraneo and Ki'eiiej scope. S-i'.Mt (Edwurd llehuiuii, manager).—Butch idler's-Bostou Belles Co. is the-current at, traction. "Tho Wanderer From NowherV' a two act .r uslcal 'comedy. Is seen. - The olio Includes-: Corhbelt Baud,'Rice and Walters. uwl the' Yiullun airis: liager). —Tho S, to good patronage. "The Time, tbe Place union and Mr. Poll last 'Monday, and (be ami tbe Girl," 0, bad a large house. "East orchestra was called out- by Joseph Weber, president of llie American ■ Federation of Mu- sicians. After a consul tallon with Mr. Poll every tiling- was arraugod satisfactorily, and the musicians," ; wltll the exceutloji of one. were again hi'their'places Thursday. Th« uilsuuderstHndlu^-'caiue ubcut lu phtclug au out-of-town man In place of a'local musidai>. Walter Bradford,'-'of Hunter,' Bradford und Held, was lu tbe past: week, and auuouored tbat. they, would not run stock -a t. ■ lie Court Square. Theatre, as tbey have done CALIFORNIA. Los Ana-ele*.—At the Mabuu Opera [loose (11. C-Wyatt..'manager) "tieijrge Washlugton capacity it r,. Uustln Farnuiu, iu 'The Vlr- glulau," 6-S. . • ■ At.'DiToi:it.M 'Sparks M. JJerrv. manager). g^jS^^^a^^fH^^jtlnt^M" ' The bur 10-1 Morosco, was "so eek end- ^'v?rence"mana^7L-Tiru7-Tlou"«) Vill'reopen JSgg&IgS&SSLJESTSI ["OrrTr i«;,iv^ n .? ln l w,S X2?„ ~"''« wl^Kld. utler. Mr. ^^ 'Womi'Fo^rT\i\ei7ot"xe*kXrf, Wednesday. Fe*12, with "Tbe AVortl. of a ^ffi and-'llluHtraTed Si addition, mceU nil comers on the „as deferred one week. Ilarrv edmodv sk Mi artlKtl*" Sam Stem^HiW; J u '' f"" ls iatse ? uU very, atroug.. Los ANanws (Cort &.llelllg. manager).— iJurrj, conjvay .sKetcii. auuts. satu stenyTSNcxr • TroeauerON, k .. The Sau l'"rani''«eo Stock Po iiresented ''Ha- character eotncdlan lAimette. Dnval, cbarae&,»i iViitt.U. R. G lllllau. manager).—Tlie Km- belts" to good business week SSSrS The ter comcdlcime:'Grimn and Cnisc.- co»«IK«ft,«, Burlesqiu'rs loir,, with Roger Imbof. "" S*V . uus Juggleiaj.cauicm Hashes und the • American^ '^n^ siuve Mnrl" and "Casey, the Piper," vltiiarapli. --•, • ..'.orisa*! much umusciiient. Mr. Imbof Is U> IMIner a tOlalHh Aveiine Theatre (l'.uV»^ u . d liy a UU(K i voilipuny und a large chorus. wljiD. Miner. manngi;r.—ll'ilf«o«««rlc«i/«er«^ T i lu 0 ||* includes:"Emma WeshM. SlonUuibu Is the current attraction at this house, open^^j^i ji ur | b f a lls, Imhof and Corlnne. Johnston injr p eb. 10. nS*X). —^Aftej: a prolonged dafkncsl this house- Tt-opens Tuesday. Feb. 11. with Mrs. Patrick d&mpbsll, Jn .'HolmannstatH's 'Version' of ■^lecti-a.'" ".."■«.■ "' ' .' ", ' ' ? Madison Suiiore Theatre (Wulrcr N. ■LWrence; managor).—Thls-liouse will reopen We4ncK(lay. Feb. 12, with "The Wortli of a Wor/ian," In which Katherlne : Grey will .be sta'brod.. • ... ..- manor's Lincoln tyqnare Theatre (Charles E. Bluney, manager).—Tim Spooiter S(o*k TJo."!) olt'erlng thlk week Is "The World Ajjjjnat Her." .' "f orkvllle Theatre (Frank iigefi.—Lauru Burt and Henry Stanford, ut the ihead of u company presenting "Tbe Walls of Jerlclto." Is the attraction here this week. a Garrlck Theatre (C'jarles Frohman, manager).—"Fifty Miles from Boston" be- gatt its second week Feb. TO. Hudson Theatre (Henry B. Harris, man- at#r)>-Ethel Barrymore, fn "Her Slater," biftan her ninth and last week Feb. 10, Otis Skinner followr. ■ • Bljoo- .Tkontre (A. C. Campbell, mana- ger).^->Irfle. Alia Nnzlmova commenced her seventh»'nlid laat week. In "Tbe Comet," Feb. 10,. "Dlvotcont" w«b . produced at Monday, Tueidnv, Thursday and Friday matinees last wtok, by the French Players. Lyric Theatre (Sam S. St Lee Shubert, Inc., manager).—K. H. Sothetu began bis tlllrd week. In "Our Ameiiciin Cousin," Feb. 16. Tills play will be kept on until the wx'ek of March 2, wlien "If I Were King"' will bo re." -"The Holy Clly,'! by the Ferris Stort'Vo'.. J g L^t tivo iU Sum^, er™ Tkev wnl Stt7alte SI ^v'OutT^'raldVek i" 1 **? 3 *"*- !^Jg&Bt gg^lfg . S^.(JohVl^Bl^kwl^d. utaot-gerl. MiSt^R «* *SFSS£m , *«* She -claims- u contract wa? is ' one hundred couples enjoyed th« annual 'ball -of the Bill Posters," which'was held at Apollo Halt Feb.-4. Maurice C'onghllu .was floor di- rector, and .MIcnael"Sueu and Paul Davis, as- s-ls'tants.:... /.It Is reported that Summer slock- may be put on at tho NewUilmore after the close of the regular season. •. 1 . . Lowell.— Al the Lowell Opera House (Julius, Cahn. maniiger), last wlsek, I'rescelle, the" hypnotist, assisted by Edna May Ma- lust week of the eugageiat'tt. beginning 3, we hypnotist, assisted by Ednu May Ma- they' presented "Fantaua," with Teddy "Webb eoon, entertained good business. MavoIIo, slack wire performer: Kuox Brothers ahd us comedluu. GnANf Oi'EltA HutKi; (Clirouei: Uruwo. manager). — "Are You CrazvV" drew good business week ending h Geo. U. Edwards Comedy Theatre —Moving pictures and to crowd this .house. American; Theatre tho 0-15. Ilelenu. and Harry Weinman were pleasing vaudeville features. "Her Mad Marriage" Feb. 10-12, "One Night lu June" 13. "This Dairy Maids" 14. Academy op Mchiu (McGovern 4. Nichols, ger).— Iji Old Kj»ntucku is the chrreut attrac- Nest, Eddie I'cv.ln "The Orch!d ""Vfb" ';—-•■ "ice ana wiy Lonen, tins isaw... ronrteeni street Theatre (J Weslev n - L""""," t.JiT" 1 • .'i'." r' v, "'"' s -%- ""y 1 Ge - BoMand Girls, Four Bards, Four Parros, Mchols staged the play artistically.. ! y ."aro and tlatley,_ this weck._ tJood > houses and Orpbeum motion pictures. ._■"". week, "Ender the Bussbn Flag." tlon, opsnluK JTeb. it). Next week, Bad Boy and His Teddy Bears." WajlIMB, . Brbndwny Theatre (Lltt ft Dingwall. Managers) —''A Waits Drcum" commenced ifs third week Feb. 10. ; Herald Smmrr Thentre (Geo. W. Sam- mh, manngeri.—Lew Fields, In "The Olrl -Geblpd the Counter," began his twciitlelli we?k Feb. 10. ;. Criterion Thentre (I'hnrh-s Frohmnn, Manager).—"Mlas Hook of Holland" coru- airnfted Us seveuth week Feb. 10. i ; Savoy Theatre (Frank McKee, lunna- liosonrjuest, manager).— Panhandle Pete , Is the current attraction, opening Feb. 10. Next week, "llie' Lot Trail.'' ■- — -..♦.• v Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, man- agers).— The Qrltntul foaj/ Comet' OfrJa la- the attraetlqn here this week. A review of the performance will appear In our next week s Issue. • - Maber'a Museum (Jobn H. Anderson, nianiigerl.—An excellent line of curios are billed for t|i|s'week, which was well ut tended Monday aflurjiuou mid evening, In the tbe- miLna ; uiunagersj—The stock company last week... Deane ln "^*° UotUer to Guide 5ler," waa ooce and company, presenting "Christinas ion Black- u'Ofe successful. Mr. McOove-ni and Miss well'.s.Islands Gelger and Walters. John C. Elder, m the leading roles, added to tflolr „ 1 '£ LI '\; }?SP l T u i" rtz ™ aD :. mal "G");— A1 - Rice and Sally Cohen. Gus Edwards' School laurels, aad received excellent support. Mr. • H., Woods' 'Tony, the Bootblack." with Ge- Boys and Girls, Four Bards, Four Parros, Nichols staged the play artistically.■ Tula d Orpbeum motion pictures. week, "Under the Russian Flag." Unique (Uentz & Zallee, proprietors). Hatha way's (J.T. Shannon, resident man- Fcatjres 2_and week Include new songs by ager).—Busbiess continues excellent Cur- Iracv McDermott. vaudeville, sketch by Oie >*nt: Capt" George ' Anger and company. Unique Players, and the linluiie-o-scope. Valdere Bros.. Lavlue and Leonard, Banks Empiiuj (Billy Bunks, resident manager), and Brazil, Bellman and Moore, Barry ahd —Features i' uud week: Owlcy and Ifundall, Hughes,-. Dick Lynch, and the Harboscope. Herb. Bell. Tyler, xylophone selections: Me- llosios (Wm. F. Lyons, resident mane- Orcery and Brown, l^aura BuukK. the Umpire 8 e f>-—The Queen Quality .Burlcsquers did last week, with "Playing the Ponies." Next, "Deadwood Dick's Last Shot." Gaiety (James"Clark, "dianager).—Man- chester's Vanity Fair Co. this week. The olio: .lletmlngs. Lewis and Hcr.nlugs, James It. Waters, Welch und Multlaad. Morgan and Chester, ;the Stanley Sisters, and Hilda Clark urid her "lied .Havens.'! The burlesques arc "Oh und Off'Hie Stage" and "A Southern Belle." Good bu!dues'«' lust week. Gotham (Edgar F. O'Intnl. manager).— Charles Bradslmw and comiinny, In "Fix In aire a flnelyfunanged programme is given to u KJ-aead this-week's bill. Others ate: stuntllnx room.only Thalia Theatre (Sullivan A Woods, managers).— -'{hi Onffiiic'* llhritlviatt, with Us many sensational features, opened to the usual well jllfud house. Monday afternoon and evening. . .' . lHjou Dream.—The moving picture show has been very" successful, nud u complete change Is iqiulv every Monday. Wcduesdny * *•*.>..,.;«.» rnM ;.«*, 9 . nr^n o Will. VIUVIB 111'. The Astrclliu.'. the 'Slecds, Crane Bros.. Mr. and.Mrs. Stuart Harrow. Lyons and Parks, and'Joe Dcuiing. Big houses last week. Blanhv's' (J. ■ J."' Williams, manager).— "Parted on'-Hcr Bridal Tour" is this week's offering. Good ' houses last week. Next, "Young Buffalo."' Stock Co., In "Three Married Men," and new pictures. People's (Sullivan A Consldlne, proprie- tors).—Features 2 and week, new acts hi vaudeville olio, Illustrated songs and dances, uud new motion pictures. FisL'iiL'B'u (A. E. Fischer, managerl.— .ood business last week, and the olio men- tioned : Harry and Sadlo Daly. Jordan and Brennun, Cluussen Sinters, und the. Boston bioscope. Wrestling Tliursduv evening, ahd amateurs Friday. This week. Sliver Star leSqiie Co. Star Bur- NotesI— Theatre Voyrus. the Alhambra'and "The Hoodoo Man" Is tbe new farce pre- Edlsonla are doing's big business, offering sented by Fischer's Comedians. U and week, the latest In motion pictures und illustrated - A new vaudeville act and motion pictures songs', The Alhatnbra (1. Sachs, mana- prceedc the comedy bkelcll.-' ger) recently opened at Portsmonth.'N. H., '« ' Notks. —Al. H. Wootls and Arch Selwyn. doing a big business..... .Margaret Curry i!> ^uk^^SS^^KST'&^SS^ '!'« Play agents, witnessed tbe performance' B new soW at the Alhambra. £! r n 'i'£S3 i&Sr-'Wv .• r i'" ,,,< of "Comiuenccuieut Davs" at tho Uelnsco ' ■ '■■■^,.th,lVc'!leD'Arme..c, Barry rte^r, here Jan. fl! "The olavTs ESE ^Vorcc»ter._At the Worcester (J.. F. .'„) —"Twentv Davs In SSl^hade" nV-an "lis """ , K^Sii'SM " l iS!'K.S! B B!E2 flSS rUaiiiohU an.l.NOiltli. ivclle D'Armelle. Barry Theatre here ; fourth week Tub It) concert on Siinduy. Tho Pal lie Freres' Ulna um , Wolfonl. llie Howards. Goldsuilth and bW f^5 ^i H ^»S^ tS-- ^Bi'.l T . • Clrolfc T^lieutri'.'— KoU und Dill hi "Lone- nre 1 a widely varied range iji^.,.1., aaunwaw.B Same Town," commenced their fourth week Fob: 10. . ,MaJestte Theatre (W; L. ltowlanil, man- sger).-i-Wllllanis and Walker. In "Itiuidnnnu t.and," liegan tlielr second week Fob. 10. 1 New York Hippodrome (Shubert A An. derson, managers).—"Thu Battle <>f Port Arthur," "The Four Seasons," "Lady Gay's Garden Party" and tho numerous arena fea- tures continue to please a lureo attendance. Aendcmy of Music (Glimore ft Tomp- kins; managers).— Blanche Bates, lu "The Olrl • of the Golden West," coinuicnced her ibjrd And last week Feb. 10 follows Feb. IT, TwEKTT-MrTH tRBCT (E. Y. Albee, general manager).—Kobert Milliard. Jn "As a Man n llurlem Opera House —"The Pl0U_ hns been a great drawing curd In the past. The principal rules aro lu must capable Henry Miller hands. Beatrice' Morgan uud Jc" . ,. , tho lending parts, scored a big ; -.ldherty Theatre (Maw* Erlaugcr, roan- jo. and others who lean),—Mabel 'Taliaferro borau her eighth were Charles Nay. G week,.In "Pvllr of the'"''•■"•«" *'">> «• *—■ ■«■•-'■■-. ■..:..:-. . Haokett Theatre manager).—John Mason Hour," commenced his t 10- . ' Stnrveaant Theatre (David Belasco. niahaiji-rl.—Durld Wnrlleld, lu "A Grand A toy, Man," legatt bis elgbteautb week Feb. New Aiusterdniu Theatre (Kl&w & Er- longer, Diatiagers).-^'.'Tlie Merry Widow" eawirwviwl IN snventeenth week Feb. 10. - ,Emt»lre Thcatro (Charles Frohman, man- ager).—Mnnde Adams. In "The Jesters," M- g«- >nr ftfth week Feb. 10. - " Bclotcu Theatre (David Bolasco, man- Wt), — "The Wnrrens of Vlrajlnla," coin- vaencad Hi eleventh week Feb. 10, Mnnliat»n«i Theatre manager)^—^lovlng pictures .. 'routlnue to tilcMtpn a Urgn tittendatK-e, -"'■•'^ ■ ;'.v'. uionla ffloS 0 "" *'«■'" uw Mechanics'' Hal;.— Feb. 13. Mdis.' Nordl- uooles. .... .Muuugsrs John Craft lu ul 2g I'H'-h Th<.at,v. Tuesday .-Ight. In coi<: be joined by Manager nV h r ,,,, W, ".W-'tlO" with -the Empire Burlesquers. but reeuoeratlnit «t w £i D iL?i U 2& 0» W««* has. oven called off,, ,™, .Walter B3TSSS? u Vti.'T Unrrnlo.-.-At the Star (P. C. Coruoil, i'iiungei-1 "Tbo Right of Wav" week of Feb. Sows," heads this week's bill, and as he Is u.,li<. Toot Jonei" and W. II. Crane divide greut favorite here, he should prove 11 big «next wcec "Tho Lion and tbe Mouse" re .*. i'.i <r-11 ■ ,• ahwI *'TKii Ufiie 1> ,-m 1 f " tn'leli 'I'.iT-l.. . 1.1 i.t.'i/l Itj f.M'nie» tn a atlr.-bf* ..ninnuc •>..*..»1il. m fi'OUlti'H rueatro, the. local Consldlue 1 Sulllvau hoiine ;.'/f •t'* w J eu, ' c V" * Ur a uuJ, formerly of the Burbunk Theatre forces. Is to be staco direc- tor for tlft. Ulrlcb Stock Co.. ut the Oruud -<»» MARYl.tM), Caaiberlaod.—At Nixon; & Ztiqnienuaa'* drawing curd. "The Star Bout." with Taylor ptated Its former marked success, uotwlth- Opera House ...Annie Bauman of the ii M ^7iyy'^S*=r ^At.W»W ■J'WP'BPg! Granvlk has also proved a great drawing .■staudli.jr aert and bllmrds.. Ferris Stock Co.. retired from stage IU'| vf S ,LJS S""^ Sffi W card in tW past, and Us return d-jt« >s we". 'Lvht^ id. Laughlln, minager).—Bertoa t«b.-l. W * B le 5i i n *^ t f' s ,,H I S.^i/«/ ; ^. d , a . na .^ nl ^'*5 b 'B.?'' corned. Others on the bill ure: Tho.tllnorc Kollcb this week. Blanche Bates next week.. ■* » i„~V.W- ruro - tue K5 ' e ld - "A.Good Fal- low" S. .Slaters. Mayme^ Kernbigtv-n, and her picks."."Cecil Spoontr did llcely. Oaklaud.—At the Macdonoiteh ii'h«« n . Choi. Venna, Lasky Quln ette, Klslc Fay " Shea's.— This weak: Stella Mivhew. Ilo- Hall, mrniai^V^lmOTrew be.vr h,",ii"' .i^^ fl T?-%5t ,!!S? & k ( -H c ll*- 6 ^'S^^'JSS" and her Iwys, and the Db Velt Trio. Manager uialue Ope-a Co.; Kitty Tranoy, Louise Henry, ness Jin. In%.. i-hlr« n T?IS7„5f B J7_° u, l I : J**? 8 !-—T" e «°^ r ^9«^ co-^ud on. excelr ltodgers reports that business has Improved and Ed. F. Beynard. Feb. 10. greatly during thu past month, and all hnv..u, Academy- (P. C. Cornell, uianai (Archie L.Hltepard, dicutlonB point to a still further Increase, ; Banker, tho Thief nnd the Girl'' res and vaudeville as shows Improvement 1 "The nocky Mountain EiprtBi .WKMfKsn (J. K. CooksoD, mnunger).-- ."MeFuddeirs Flats" departed 8. I,. B ,».TT (H.W. Yfshop^^ns^iThc 2S ;*" ■ • ■ - f. ■.;■' ¥ ; J : '%.-"<