The New York Clipper (February 1908)

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M22 TTTTC l$n®W YOBI ^FfefeRTJ^feY 15, HI ■ nn issy 111 l«tors' ltttk»Ri6JMfi!»,*ATIVfc ; OATHF.Bf XG AT AlWpJCIOi/'S OFKrflNK OP SEW HOMK m,r-*\4i.ii. _. • ..... -.-_... i._.i . BUFFALO. t 'The United ,Film- Renters' -National ■ I'm. teetlve •■ Association's adjourned convention convened at. the Hotel Lafayette, Bilffiilo, N." Y.v Feb. ", according to schedule, and - Its MHUnu -.tad- conferences i MM continue for • three day*':- President .lames n. Clark, of tin PJttsbufg Calcium Light. Co., noted ns chnlr- man, with I). MacDoniilrt Jn Urn secretary's chair. Many member* of the Manufacturers' Association -were present lo attend the con- ferences and discos* ways and mumm lo rogn- late the trade. A general ndvnnco of -~i yt cent. In the price of rental of films to ex- hibitors has been tacitly agreed upon, and tho manufacturers have pledged themselves to sell only to Member* of Hi') Reuters' Asporta- tion, which ou Im liarr haw ngrcort to uphold the standard of the exhibits nnd maintain the prices agreed upon. Tho manufacturers present Included representatives of tho fol- lowing houses: American Hlngraph Co., Ldt- son Manufacturing Co., Essnnay Film Co., Kleins Optical Co., S.. Liibln, Goo. .Welles, Fathe Freres, Society Ilnllan Chief, Scllg Polyscope Co., Yltagraph Co. of America. Williams, Browne & Earle. Among the active delegates representing the Edison Interests were Messrs. Gilmore and Dwyev, the latter ortlng as attorney. Among the subjects of debate, and which It is expected will be ap- proved, ore the following! ' • • -•ilr-Tho renting Interests enrolled 1 as mem- bers to purchase films only from tho nsio- ' elation of'manufacturers and Importers. 2. No-duplicating of dims. H. The eliminating,of subrenting. (A aub- rmter was deflned as one who, for the pur- pose of profit, secures films from a renter ana re rent* lt.1 • ■ i. No Him to be sold second luind. *. netlrmrr of film purchased after It has been rented for a period to Im decided; thu returning of this used film to tho manufac- turers. ■•" ''»■.' ' ' • A great deal otopposILIon has hecn aroused ovei - the proposed scale, of prices, anions wT.lch ore a'cwtrg3 of eleven cents o foot W tho-renters, who, In turn, are to let them to Nickelodeons and- other customers At not jess than *24 for three changes. The first rumble of the approaching storm was heard, however, when the interests of The Actors' Society of America had a hhusewnmilng Sunday evening, Feb. 0, In Its. new cliibhouso, UIS West Forty-fifth rttreet, New Tori.'. The society moved, Into its new home on Dec. 1, hut things aavp not been In shape until recently. The clubhouse 1s a three story, nrown- stono front, building, the first floor, of (Vhlch Is given up to n library and .social rooms. The second floor Is devoied to the nnnrtanonta of the American Dramatists' X'luh, which leases n room from the fcnrlcty, and to n room for the women. The fourth floor Is a smok- ing room for the men. Tho oitlce'of Socrc.-. tary Htokes Smllvftn Ik on tho ground floor. The following were announced ns.oilkers of tho club fot tho ensuing year: President, Ilalph IJclmore; vice pr'"ud"nl. Bur- tiock; secretary, Htokes Sullivan, and treas- urer, Molda Crnlgnn. Hoard of directors names: F. F, Mncknyr William Conrtlelgh, William D. Stone, George raunceforte, , George D. Maclntyre,. Mary Hhnw, Georgo C. Htoley, Mark 'Ellsworth, E. n. Mowson. Wilfred North, Edward McWade, Ernest Lnmson. Edmund Ureese, Harold Hart- del!, Richard F. Carroll, Frederick Watson, nnd Theodore Frlebus. Tho following were members of the enter- tainment committee: Fanny Cannon, chair- man ; Amelia Barleon, Mabel Wright, Jessie Bohstellc, Lillian Kingsbury, Georgia Earle, Hew Vaudeville TUentre.. The New Princess Theatre, In Champion Street, YoungStown, ^ Monday, Feb. t. The, a vaudeville home, - dally," nt popular been finished and di nfeity SnririT The' ;isflreoroof only "about. live hundred people, j™*,"? nine- exit", nil. W ***£&i*S&J& p,n AlioriiN In «Brln|rn«l«l. Dwlght 0. GUmore, mnnngcr of the Court Square Theatre. Springfield, Slnfls.. *&»$&* that arrangement has Ven mnde with WBtn & Sargent Abom to present con) c ope™ '" that tlieittre for eight weeks, beginning Slay 4. The season tony, possibly l» M*«Sff!rt« twelve weeks. Popular prices will be the rule. K.- II. Pothcr»'j« liondnn I'lnu*. E II. Hothern Is planning to begin a I-on- don engagement at one of the lending theatres 0 j lfl ,,„ ( ., Pnrn ,i ) n less than a minute, about the first of next Kepteml>er. appearing. Thlfl n ,. w rh eatroJs controltcd bj_&«* by-special nrrangeincnt. with pno of tfie prom- Xnnnit mnm \„ r s of the National \andc^ills inent f/>ndon tnonngers. His company will j| n n„ E ors' Assoclntlon. Chns. S. Muhttjnjnj UerWrmted In London.,. . age of their Cleveland l« here for lie He expects to mnkc Lord Dundreary a present, acting ^is miiringer. A preftj eie ( trie . fenlure.of his English engagement, and will -^p,, urtoins the ouislde. -, '/ .BBftJAJliN H/fANDlSIlSOIf, Whh''"rlos»il ., business tfaoager of ;;The Show Olrl" "om" wturn'toT the Liilted Stntcs" for Ml regular totir nhout tho middle of October. If the piny Is « success lie will he succeeded In l ho part; by- his brother. Sam Sothern. A SprltiBTfleld Theiatre Closed. The Nelson Tiieiitre, Sprlngfleld, Mnss^ io which William Morris of .New }ork, ha? been N*t«- Cnllfornlo T^cntro Opens. Tlic new-Marysvllle Theatre, Marysyllle, Cat, which opened on Jan. 20, with "Wood- land, Is a handsome and up-to-date bouse. The openltig attraction' brought out a tre- rhendous;'gathering.'and the theatre was praised by nil who attended. • — <«» ' ' — Grnoe Blftston Goe« With Fnrnniu. HearvB. Harris has.retained Grace Ellis- Nellie Callahan, Berenice Yerance. Frances ton as fending woman for Dustln b arnnm,m Florida, Helen Greaves. May Klntzlng, Char-- "The Itector's Qorden." William Courtenay lotte Lambert, Bertha Slorrell, Edyth Totten and Thomas B. Flndley also will ho In tne McGrath, Molllo Revel, Sarah" Sumner, east; Blanche Seymour. Clara Belle Spanler, Mrs." - " -+**■■ Ralph Doimorc, Motda Cralgcn, Mcta May- nardj Minerva Florence, Lillian Soymoar, ?W>I& D x r t "°i!' •Y„ n ,I% K ^,& raa / ItffiW&l on Fel,.;» JBducn Mnsee> Anniversary - - Die" Eden Museo'wlil'celebrate Its twenty- 4»» tronnge of the. Edison Manufacturing Co., BL.** t ,JS*2? , H!i I'Jiiii-ti-H F. B. Tyler nellnmnlshes Oliloe. The members of the Theatrical Mechanical Association: Will read with much regret that :the veteran Charley Tyler, who baB held the office of secretary In Boston Lodge for twen- tvflve years, hn3 relinquished the cares or ".■fBc'e,' being forced to do so through 111 health. Brother Tyler, of Boston, can iustly lay clslm of founder, of the grand lodge, wherolu, he .held the position of grand seers- tSSS tSe^oTo^anle. In ?.•*, VMfij «61t. Jahe Shallopa*d MM. H i a matter of several months. ^ lctor Moor e. ^ ,tje technics were In order when ■■■•—. * -:"■ ■■ ■ ■ • W\ of Orange, N.v'J;, aW'the largest exporters of undeveloped films to the united states The rivalty betw Europe hiis been It'Is, Mid pyrot.. the reprejentntlves of the Italian company were .ignored on tho floor of the convention. Matters renched aicllmax when .the name of the Italian, company wns omitted from the roster of those favorable to the project for the • uplift of the business. The WllllnmS, Browne ft Karle Company, of Philadelphia. Importers,,also wete fc&ltted.' The Amerlcnn Blograph Company, which, has fought, the Edison people In the, courts, was not repre- sented at the secret nnd.executive meeting. '/'Wo mean fight." said I. W. I'llmnn. rep- resentative for the Society , IInllaii Clnen. •'The .'Amerlcnn Blograph t'Ompaliy Is In n position*to Increase Its output, nnd It Is man- ufacturing lri, splte)of the effortu of the.Rrtl- son>people.'-. We may, join forces with,them;" , - .SImiliir.vfriction: ls>soM'to ,havi» been- ex- perienced ■ when • .the,.Renters' AssoclnUon !•• ceDtiy^ win-organised. ,it has a membership roll.of .120, but■(Several inembers^nre said to A. Wise, Victor Moore. John E. Kollerd, A Hyltou Allen, James A. Bliss, Richard F. Carroll, George S. Christie, Cbns. Dow Clark, ltoberi .Conucss, Edward Ellis, George . F. Fancn, Charles Fleming, Walter .D.:GreeJie, William F. Hnddock, Ernest Lnmson,. Roy Clements, Wilfred North,.George Raunceforte, Edward Poland, Stokes Sullivan, George Welch and John Westley. v " . ' ! Among the guests were: Ethel Barry- more, Louis Drew, Msry Boland, Evangeline Adjams, Robert Fisher, Tony Pastor. Fred, F. Proctor Jr.. Inn Tlrooks. Amelia - SumBiorVllle, „«>.-.- _ ,.— —,_, -■ tor tary for ten years. Jt was he who drafted the first Constitution of ithe order, the charters In use were of his creation, also 'the badge pins at present In use by the entire member- ship. His past services cannot be properly iktimatcd, nnd if there in any one member in the entire a$soclntlon who d?scrves firnlse more than another, that one Is Brother Tyler, of Boston. His entire time when not follow- ing hie usual avocation has been devoted to the upbuilding of the T.-M. A It Is the -' pleasure of _ (over from his present wenk state, and again get-In to harness. Mrs. Frances Nathan. Mrs. Sol Smith, Jef- freys Lewis, Jessie Webb,_MrBv E^lth/.EJlls of New York, representing the Snubert- In- terests, the original lessees. . .-..,.„. Mr. Casey made formal demand of Mana- wr PeDfier for the rent/and upon the edvlce %t the Morris .ottorney, the keyawero sur- rendered to Mr. Casey, who closed and placed Chas. Davis In charge. • The case will come up In court at Spring- field, about Feb, 24. Tho .house' wlU :not be 'dark long, as if Is .rumored-that Now York parties have made overtures'to the Shuberts for the lease, with n well known theatrical man to manage the house. ' ,. , ' . -:. ■ . 5 -. p* P ... . e Franklin Svnore, Worcester, Olosed. The. Franklin Square Theatre, .Worcester, Mass..Js'dark. Saturday tight. Feb. 1-s party of .New York men, representing ths Lplted States Amusement Co. of New York, and cUlm- Irut to be armed with aa orilcr of-tbc New loric courts, flemahded possession 'of "the house. Malinger J. C. Matthews, representing tho William Morris Amusement Co., of New York, fitter .a telephonic dopversstlon with the com- pany's counsel in Springfield, admitted them without any resistant?. - Johnny Baker Reported Cored. Johnny Baker returned to New York last week. He has been but In Denver tsk'ng the open-ait treatment for consumption - for some time, and, according to physicians. Is clear.. of all trace of the disease. He has gained forty-pounds; ... of Pliers, Stock Manager* Combine. The Western Stock Managers' Association {las been formed in Los Angeles, Gal. Oli- ver Morosco was elected president: John H. Rlnckwood, vice-president; wnijam Fenfl, secretary; Dick Ferris, treasurer'('George L. Baker .was made general manager for Ore- Snn. Washington and Colorado. ■ and Fred lelnsco general manager for Northern Cali- fornia. The directors are: H. W. Bishop. Oakland: Alexander Paptages, Seattle; C. W. Allslty, Sacramento; Harry Hft'yiood, Spo- kane ; George B. Hunt, San Dingo: ■ The object of the association Is to do awov with .certain forms of ••competition. For. example... when "one manager'puts on a romantic .comedy. the- ol hers Will pot follow suit" In the hopn of injuring the first• Ono's business. ■ •...-. ' . ' '•. •• '• Ulck Ferris advances the scheme that every, thantr* will .display In Its lobby bills dnnountliig; rhn nttrnctlons at every other theatre. Fbkd. Moiinis, owner nnd manager ofRlll ft Abby's "U. .T. C," cqndpany^ Is busily en- sincere wish of a» who hove the gnged gett ng his show In Shape for the com- hls ncointntonce hnt he mny re- *°? tehting season. This Is B, wagon show, his "recent wenk state and again *'>»«» out wi,a 4l1 new * wne P aI,d EPBft and will carry nbout twenty-five people and sixteen head Of stock. " ' " . „ - „ Davb Hbilmah, agent for the Jewell KelJey Stock companj, writes: "Cairo, 111., added ■ UIII lir D C RDV U 11U D CD another record breaking, week to our already fliin VtnoAKT nUHnbtri longllst. On the opcaW night we were sold niiiuiLiivnii i 0Ut o In a( j TBnC e, and many were turned away OUT jik\t long before time for the curtain to rise. . 0. DON'T MISS IT. l. Williamson, manager of the Calto Opera few managers that - be'.In revolt,, nndnot only refuse fo give HUH exclusive-.•trade-, to the allied Edison inter- c«8„;hut^opepl,v Jo.ijrtv.e, Joined forpes vy.lth Tho nucstlon of extravagant royalties for pose of the nff tlie dlSnirccWd BnuVifnctnteVs. Jt -Is said plays will also be controlled: Ploy agents death fund, tlmt'the crMtmlnls cVf some - of Hie delegats (trill be Informed that percentages, will bo of- A feature of to yesterday's convent Inn worn rejected. fered for plnj'H which. It plays of merit, will "We are prenarud to east in njir lot with result, in ah. much or inoi'o profit than the old •' ttcwlom of ,pi«i, n f J iucd/siiW.ris : r6,v61t>V J -• nrnnklyn Lodtre, T. M. A., so Give II ■•«•!■ |ll lllll. ■ Brooklyn Lodcc.'No. 30.. of the Theatrical Mechanics' Association, - will hold,Its first,en- tertainment, arid reception Thursday even- ing, ■ Feb; 13, In Saebgerhund Ball. Tbe ; pur- pose of the affair Is to add to the sick'nnd House. Is one of the few managers hustles for business for good . attractions, and he also gives as much of his attention to ■ the ''repertory -' shows .as' to the • b|g one nlghters,' s nnd .Cairo yon never .have to wonder when your' paper Is going up, as it Is,always, out, before Vou.-leave town. Wo Eiayed .Union City; Tepn., last week, to |ng and giving of presents. We.busy a.ft* Ig buslneis, and* it Is safe to say taat "one-nlkhters >r .to California, then.opoa at should we ever return to that city we Will the Aflslwj Theatre, Btbckton, for eljht Opcr.a. House, at .Tllrten, ; Neb.. on WrC <fa,y, Jan. .119. Bycry sent In this i:omuioX •little honso was tnken nod all nrmeni W nouneed It .a beauty, nnd no -einrnii i«, neen.'Bpared In^maklng it. .ivp-tofisi.Tr,; every-respect. - • The house seats liOon Lui stage COxHO... and a complete'eqiHiWni 2 scenery. The managers of the. b(i U " 0 .I Edwards &• Hansen. .• .,.. • ' ."•' Noth FiioM the GLOpn-AinnoiiR cirot-tr —vrilsi circuit includes four priminai VliiJ; In Mlssonrl. We .will- play, fo.pnrtliry #ffi panics .two'weeks each, ; glyi« R Mut Eg weeks In all, These nlrdnmes- will Ik> iii<1h„„ In- everv detail..using the new- l.layder,' ffij? lng system and a stngc that wlH-aerommoJiV, any company on tho road. Doc Roy PniTum manager and proncletor, fa nov. in KH2 City, .arranging TlOoklngs with 4b*rsKS Amusement Co. - ••.■;•• ;"™ M Albem-a Lbb, who recently,tecoycreo frou, .a severe Illness, has- rejoined her •comiiar- ."As Told In the Hills." She .writesi: ThliJ wa are.not breaking any records. w« bar. sii received our salaries:and proper -Sills insti to date. Our prospects loos-brighter for 'hi future. The roster of .this company, rcma m the same as at the opening, except 4haUlVi Scovllle, who went home Christmas, was r>. placed by Miss Reed." ,. . ■...•'..•i\ " , Mxra- Ccwns Is ■.leading .woajattWti;'tit Howard Stock,.at the Howard Theatre,.Chi- Gut Cacfmas and Cios.sta- 'Wasm hiti closed with the Empire Stock, Co^flnrl (oln f( i ♦he Columbia Comedy Co., to do heavies, ami soubrettes, respectively. .,..-, ,. .. ...Bnsr.H. Davips, trap.drummer, -Is at. the new thes.tR,. .Connellp.vilfa,..^'a., under; th. nianngement of NJxoa & Zimmerman.. : James KvnLB JIcCOftDf rcc!mtly.cslebtalso his one thousandth performance of'thn.tii;. role In- h)s own play, "The Old, Clothes 'Man •' by giving a banquet to the members if tii company at the Hotel Miller; XatrobV W Rowland ft Clifford have the present «»a«on of this attraction booked un t6 June. ' Gbacb Mebiuw began at London',. Ont., : liit week a tour of Canadian cklte. la .."When Knighthood Wns .In Flower," urtder the bsr. agc-ment of Ernest SWpman. '.',.,"■ MaStih Dowebs, tramplconscdlaaapanjio. dy singer, Is now 'a his twenty-second ".ci wltji I. N. Bronson's "Lost ln.New.YorU"cija- psny, Jjliylng the tramp, robi .lie rojwttl business good, and the snow glvlp'c aatfttc- tlen: - ^'We played Morencl, Jllclk r Mi • jd fo.S. R. 0., wo bestig the .second Show lii the new house, bull:-by Bj D. Stalr.'of S':|r ft Havlln. ■ Morencl is Mr. Stales old horn* It Is certainly a swell liohsc, wltft 'flll.modeto Improvcmehts and up^to-datc. ...The sho# pleased them very much. Everybody in gosi health." •. „ • Jack 0. Wintebs writes from Wn't'e'ttotiii, Bo. Dak., as follows: "I closed on-Dec. ij, with the Noble Theatre company,' and would like to express, through your -columns, at Sutltude to L. N. Scott of St. Paul,: th» Ktopolltan Theatre, Cbtlstlne Hill, Bum ehnrry and the - members of,, the' Lycei'ti Players company, for the assistance tUeyrtn- dered me when I was disabled - through d-a( ness from pursuing my '..following,. fortu- nately I am notv fully recovered, nod thank ni: friends' for their- offer of hsslrtnnce." 1 i Lewis ano.Lakii norns.T—Wfe eioied'.t twelve, weeks'.engagement at .the Star Thci- tr,c;. Seattle, Dec. 22, and gsve^a Caiisttniti tree,to the company, friends, ahd,'house em- ployees, ahtl a ulce luuch, after the.recelt the American Hlogrnpli, isioplo. .it .ffcwlom of purchase Is denied iu>, wild W. H. Goodfel low,,,of tho Dotrolt. Flhn Exchange. "Wn ate.not lu, sympathy, with any freeno .out." symr Schubert Co., is the of'Power's Machine and ncltve loril mounter aud ate,pot B'ilm Tho vesults attained at this very Import:- on't meeting will appear, next week. : 75?" . ' ■ . ." *■> "" — . Tvrikntteth Century Optlaeope In PIM AboMi 4»» PellX Imiiiurn New Yuri, t'linn. ' b'rom tho New York ofllces ofirellx Is- mnn,comcs, the .announcement showing :how (onxlnerable a figure Mr. Ismnn soon will bh Jn the Now York City amusement field. The Broadway Theatre will pits!! .Into his hands after next season, and oncMareh l.tho Circle 'JCbentro will pass Into tho possession of the Circle Production Co., of which ho Is the .president. The Clrclo will nndergo a change of policy For the.second time Inside of two .months, _ n ,,,i .rtppolrttment. pnd .hboul: April 1 ;1>lll 1» I the Twpntlotb Century Optlscope Co.; 6f Chi csgoi R' 0, Bachnson, 'manager; hns 'hud a fire experience, which wan not welcome. The first came..when tho firm was burned nut at Its old quarters, State and Lake streets, and the second Just nfter noou, Feb. 4, when firo Wtnrted In the Wolff Building. 91 Dearborn Htroot, the sevenlh floor of which Is occupied by.tlin film company. It was aomo llmo hftor the tire Hlai-Rd hefarc tlin alarm was given .and the engine* arrived mi tho iicenc. tbe. flames leaping from the front windows of tilth, the seventh Mild eighth (top) floors, and'the smoke pouring out In volumes. .. Mr., lihi wife, Mny Mclncrne}-, Henry Crpwlpy, Bessie Moore.nnd Axel John- Man. wore' 111 the iiiscu when the alarai of fife was given. All escape via the.elevators ittd stairway was cut off, and for the second .line Mr. Bachman saved his wife, carrying h-er down the'fire escape, nt tho risk.of hli own life. Miss Mclnorney was assisted down the escnjie by firemen. W. G. Stewart, on employee of Mr. Bnchman's, wns taken to the hospital, suffering from severe burns, •and It- is pot'expected that he.can live. It Ib stated that tho fire started In ths basement, and found Its way up through the elevator shaft. .The damage to the Optl- iscope stock Is comparatively nmall, most of the loss.being through water. The top floor was gutted, and tho flames burst through the root. The building was owned by ths I,. Wolff Mfg. Co. ..■■ ■ ■! . . i . 41 1 * " ' Wnrfleia'a PlnBN. Uav.Ul Belascn will present David WnrOelil, in London,...early nox:t Ka.ll. Jerome K. Je- rome Juts been working on a play for Mr, Yi'Oi'ficld. nnd the completed manuscript hnn Just been delivered. London will havo tho But view ot Mr. Warfield In the Jerome Piece. After London has seen Mr. Warfield In the how character, which will follow "A Grand As'my Man" nud "The Music Master " the star will sJrvo'New York Its Brat view of It the season follondng. "The Atictlnneer" Will also be played In London. At tho. Siuyvi'sanl, this season. Mr. Ile- I'afcco.wlll prnsenc Wnrlleld ln.Uio three plnys Of Ws pi-escni: .reprti'tory. ♦innstormed from 11 i-oiuiilniitloii Ihcntre lrstb n high class pinslc hull. . „ < : Gns"F/rlwards wlU emit ilbiito -his tntehts ns a iniisli'lnii and producer, nnjl Mabel llllh and George Evans arc two of the prominent: principals who hnvo been engaged. Edgar Smith, for many years nssocliikctt with Job pro'lucllm" 1 W ° rk ,U '°" " b0 ° k inft. MiM S °. n ?!. ln _ tn ? *«*^^.«M^tJ»rf | W! i !f t Mr. iKin'nn announces tho engagement for the position of general monagor ot his now company of Edward Everett Plilgoon, tho present dramiulu cdltbr of Two. Xfiiv Tprfi y'rcnf . ..." ..... I'' . '«» . '»» ";". ■ . ) ■ .. ,..; y, I'll i'H (rl«'lil < omi'li'ij lntmriuiniii-d. Tho Nixon. Cohmi & Harris Co.', of Now York City, formed to carry on theatrical ciii Is glvo .continuous terprlsos, was Incorporated nt Albany Inst week, with n capital ot (110,000. The di- rectors are f ntnuel F. Nlrdllngcr nnd Fred G. NIxon-NIrdllngcr, of Philadelphia; Goorgo M. Cohan nnd Sam II. Harris, of Now York, tho ovcnlng will be the elec- trical effects, on which the members have linen working. ATnaug.tboso who have voluis- teisied are : i-',,\ ,mid Gray. Kred Nlhlo, John Klemmlng, Dniiuinniid and Smith. A I. Wnr- Sier, I.CO 'CafniA. VmW flli'fl 'tMt 'Johnny Carroll, Will Cole, tb,o Cantons, nnd Ernnu Foley. The officers of tho lotlgo are: President, Ch'nrles Collins; vice president, Leo mims; treasurer. James amlirv;, secretary, Ixiuls Bishop; recordlna;• secretory, (Jeorgo Hudesen ; sercehnt-at-arros. Louis llaymcn: trustees, Louis Horn, Charles MeFadden.. Clin vies Van Runt an.ifl. WHIlani Stanton. , J II II . !»»»■ 1 ' AimihiT w.r.ivi-1. VnttflerlUn ClrcnU. C. M. Sheror, John P. Wagner tlnd Chos. W. Hoyt, Of Spoliane, lmvO Incorporated thu Circuit Amusement Company, .with a capital or $100,000, for tho purpose of obtaining control ot twenty-one vaudeville and moving picture houses In the Pacific Northwest. There will be three houses In Bpokauc, work ' beginning tile latter part of this month. There will nlso lie three houses In nucIi cities hs Port- land and Seattle, two lu Tncomu. Los Au- geles, Onklnnd, Sau Francisco. Salt l.iike .C|l:y, Ogdeu, He hum, una,', Missoula, Mos- enw, Lewlston, Walla Walla. North Yuklmn, Nelson and Victoria. B. C. Tho theatres will hnvo seating capacity ranging from 000 to 1,000. according to the size of the city, aud It rformanccB. find many friends we mode there Inst week. After Cairo we go Into a hew territory, but have the Very hcat-tlmo ever played at popu- lar prices, nnd we hope to cover the same ter- ritory iignln next season. We now haye bqtu weeks,. With Son Jose nnd Sacramento "to follow. Wo have added nn extra .conseolin to our show, carrying twenty-five people in all, and iravel In' our two cars. .Roster: Lewis, nnd Lake, managers; Cany .Chandler. of tho Kcllcy attractions booked for nil next- huslnesn nuiiiagor; LVstet Williams, advance: season, opening early In August." Andy Build, stage manager and electrician; • "YAstA'' notcs. —This .attraction closed an T. M. West, leader; Ilelon L'uttar,, wardrof eight weeks' engagement at tho Walnut Street mistress: Daintv'Mnrlorle Lhke. Cella,Mavis. Theatre, Philadelphia, on Doc. 7. It has Tony West, Ed. Harrington, Prod, Cutter, been playing to excellent business In Feqn- Solly Carter, Harry Lewis, a quartette, John aylvanln, and with so much satisfaction to La ilsr, Thos. Pluii, Jack KlmbelJ,.WIII Ln» mdnagcrsond patrons of theatres that return eon, Hearjfy - 8l6tdts', Three Fisher Slstete, engagements have been played In every city to crowded bouses. A lew of the principal cities of Eastern Ohio arid West Virginia will be ployed, and the tour will continue until late-In'tne Spring, when an'extended May Eurlgbt, Freda Newman, Grtic£ Leooa, Moudle Mellvllle and Florence Belmobt. Chas. J. (Juinn writes: • "I :waS forced H retire from - . 'The Gingerbread . Man,' Co., With which I played the title role.'.Lwot Summer engagement Is now being arranged atrlckeu. with pneumonia, at Torre Hout«, in one of-tho principal Eastern cities. Hid., and was taken In an'nnibulanc Dki.i.a ruiNGLQ Ncmts.—This has been a remarkable Season for the Delia Prlngle Co. Business lias been good and bad, In spots, ._ ambulance to. St. Mpry's Hospital, where 1 haVe,.beon-.for two weeks. I urn now. nlilo to get up and walk orouud, but am very. weak. Whon'fl-leive In "cities where houses cannot be leased for a term of It is planned to erect struc- tures nnd equip tbens. »OS» . ' Some towns have turned out n phenomenal here I.will go back to my hoineiilnNtiv Vott City and rost up for .next'-Season.'l-^, - Ruso W. CAA'ixn- closed .with' Uio',T*ortheti' "Sis In New..York':' Co.,'. and.bas. joined- H" "A Texas Ranger" Co. .•, '.•,■• y.■• , Messiis. Lun and wJkHu, jnanaiers of w L1)llal» Woodruff Stock .and.'oilier...*oad at tractions, write: "Wfi are tStlH"-.d,oii\g yen nicely, ploying tho Southern tlmrj;,• All ot our attractions are doing wonderfully weL We will close the "Kid" Wall. Minstrels \ March, at-Shelby, Ala.' Wo have 4«Vin-purk theatres contracted <or next.;Bltrolae'r..,.WI!. play permanent stpek In tiiost b.f'.them, ,TW money nanlc In the Sbtith IS slowly- recovet- business, while' others" "have chly, been fair. The company, played Globe, Arls., week be- fore Christmas and Christinas' week,, to re- markable busluess. It was the first real good stock company they hud ever had In the town, at popular prices, and In splto of hard times, two bank failures nnd the whole money., sys- tem being on a scrip basts, we did the busi- ness. Ft um Globe wn stagc-coaChed It Serous the mountain forty miles' to Kelvin, where we took the train for Phoenix. It .was a danger- ous hut a beautiful tslp. It took three wagons and twelve horses to transport the Company and haggnge. Miss Prbiglo leased the. Olympic Theatre for a month In Phcenlx. It was a theatre with a "hoodoo" hanging' over It. The first two weeks the company lost money, nnd Edward L. of Jlellalrc, 0. Moore and James Tollman, . «| . » . » ,i , "Ililpiiy lli.ollijiui" for r.niilunil. . Oris Hill, owner of the "Happy Hooligan" .Co., has,decided to send n company of players to England and produce an elaborate produc- tion of "Happy Hooligan's Trip Around the World," .which Is now so successful Mr. lllll has received so many fintterlng offers from Europe that he linn flnnlly made up his mliid to send ono .company over. ■■ ' • i « i» ' ,. - '.. lini-i.i il to Stnee "THrco ^'cekM." . Last, week a statement was sent out .from the officers of James K. Hnckott, announcing that he had completed arrangements for the dramatic rights of Elinor Glyn's novel, "Three Weeks." Tho play will probably bo written by Mrs. Glyil, with Mr. Hnckott an collabo- rator. It will ho presented before the cIoro of the present soflsoil. >'.% Villiitco lawyer 1 ' i'mdncril. Tin.' 1'1>H) * Muy <■.■ Ou. The Appellate Division of tho Supremo Court of Now York rendered, on Feb. 7, s . decision tevorslng tho lower court, which we turned people oway had granted tho Fays on Injunction restrain- ' In; .use Phnys from performing a co-called lng Its normal state, but It has.hecn-pretty hard times, causing some of the' I>e>s)t. jaonses to remain dark most/of the;tlB\e::T>c, cods- i fcxposo of the former's vaudeville act. S The Fays applied for on injurictlon after .ouls Gran at and Chauncoy Herbert bur- esqucd their act on the New York Theatre 'roof, under the name of the Phnys. This In but the peoplo of the town finally woke up' parties that have managed io aMj out flte to the fact that wc. had a fli'st clnss com- doing fairly well. -■■',■'.'■-■■ i ' ., pony,, and the last week of the engagement .. Notes pboji the Albert, Taylor Dramatic we turned peoplo away. The roster, of the Co.—We are no# .touring .'the. 'Southern company remains tho same without a single • iStnfos In - succosscs'of the ■late .Solv^itn change since Aug. 18. Wc opened the Texas Ruasell, and meetlnc with ehor'nw»s.:*)C' Grand Opern JUoubc, nt Dalhart, Te»J and .«ss. Mr. Tsylor• has-.nppea'rW■..'ln\'9P««' ployed to S. B. O. Inifllness ail week. -The ful . Valley'-' and -'."A Poor tteletloh'" tut company Jumped from Phcenlx, Arls.,. tp set. seyeral seasons past, and business. Hs^ ne v « the opening. . ■ before flourished as It has thl3 -seaaon, -Mr. Rose Gatwb and Harbt Eoman report Taylor Is winning unstinted approbation » junction was granted by J.nstlco Truax, hi meeting, with success with Fred Raymond's the stellar roles o? those plays; nnd especial!? the. Suprcaie^Court of Now York County, "Old Arltnnsnw," Weotern Co.. now tonrlnif In.the chnrncter of Noah yo.le.itlje^pooi• m- mlllnh .■ f f\ I", no ri llm tl.-t- rt r" ttiiL III,.,,,., t'.,» t i i .-. iv T"»» _ I ,1 1. ' «•»«*■,<•. x.l. _ 1. -.,.«.. ...I«-1, rt riflN' VflfP—*■ which stopped tho act of the Phays for the time-being: William Grossman took an ap- peal on ■behalf of the Phays, and the Ap- pellate Division now holds that all Fays. or •Phoya. are the same In the eyes of the law. The decision is written by Justice Houghton. '. . '. '.i « , » '» ■— '— the Pacific coast. . if. Lauaiu. Roberts annovmces that aho has changed her name to Kiithryp Taxis. Lr.oN.v. Leslie has been seriously ill with pneumonia. She.Is now out of danger, and inking a rest nt St. Marys, Kan., projiaratory to nutting.out her own combnny. • *-. HKiinEltT A. ToDli has closed with Alton «•. Tillman's "A Royal Reception" company,' and Is spending tho Winter .at bis home In will occur Feb. lM, when, for u limited lerin Mr. Wnrlleld will he seen lu "Tho Mu*lc Muster." excepllns Saturday nights, when (hi bill will bo "A Grnnil Army Man." This will lio the order for the lino: few weeks of tftc change, with tho lnobabllliy Mint "Tin- .Auctioneer -will be rivoh later. "A Village,, Lnwyor," tho comedy by Will M. Crensy mid James Clntcnco Harvoy, wns afto first chauge ^i vc ri in, fltst production at Nlxots eVZlmnier. . Ueorfre Evnna ni Minstrel Star. . , Cohhii.& Harris signed a contract lost -week bv which - thoy agreed George Evans. Mniono V Y "The.Honey Boy7'for live years. Mr. Evans Tar's - ™ nn™ Tnr»rrnn n > o-Mni™ wilt head a.largo minstrel company, to be im 1H L; f .m-moilv orened on Mn.mfinv "rBSt Kup|tn as George Evans' Honey" rfoy Mln- ffe^ g^^&'ffillL^.^SSfe otrels. vcutor, who Is never seen wlth'n new facer- who Is the.same In wealth as .la porert.v- Injoy and obscdrity—which Is typical ptw struggle we must nil'pass to - .wl|f ■spcccsJ, nnd Mr. Tavloti by presenting nn excecduv ly stronger cast thnn ever before; (veil <* serves the enriching business now ISTOgwU m throughout tho Lone Rta,r State..; Ft'tinU" Kane is still being featured with Mr,.Tap lor's successful company. •; '.: - '■;., v.# TBfl .nosTin of the Chnprtell-WIrtterhol Stock - Co. is as fOlldWB : C. H>- ppi.P' »get; C. A." Winteihoff, director: '.Ta.v va< stage manager: Jess Myers, master mccpnk. ^Inft Vi,n,n AlnnfHlnlrtrt • l^fth' T.lli. iniiSlC*' man's Opera House, Wilmington, Del., lng of Friday, Dec.-•• wllb Cressyaiid ■■■>«♦ "PntU In Knit" I'rmlnneil. -•At. the bavidson Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis., Friday .evening, Feb; 7, the initial presenla- tlon was given of Eugene Walters' ''Paid In Full," under the direction of Wagenhnls & Kemper. The scene' are laid In N'ew York. The cost includes lJllliiii Albortson, Baltic Russell. Antoinette Walker. Xully Marshall, Frank Sheridan and Bon Johnson. ■ ■ . ; ■ '. s> ' »» ' . ' even- Dayno as' the stars." ; ':■;« \> ■ Advices state that Mr. .Crcssy'-tnlMo * per- sonal hit, and Miss Dayno also - won n tri- umph. The play was well received. - ■■■, ; - " «» ' »! . Jimi'lili Hollo ml It,'.sl«in, The engogement of Joseph Holland, h.v Wngenhnls .V Kemper, as tho stage ninnogor of "Bluffs," wati nnhonticed some time ago. It was thought that: the engagement, might open a new field of endeavor, since he Jh pre- vented from-acting. It Is learned with regret that, hftor a few days' rehearsal of the piny. Mr. Holland felt . compelled to tender his resignation. ' ' .hiiiji. '■•♦♦^•'ii ■*■,..,■ Marirarot Itilnifton to --Stair, Margaret Illington, at the close ot her en-. gagement In "The Thief." In June, will play . . . Tho'ncw tneatro.In this prosperous metropolis. Vance, electrician; Geb: ■ Llll, ijujiM niifL^'lJiii il i^r™?,,!,!* o?„ rt n u,' 1 ^. 1 .! 1 ™ of the ol1 "K'o" l» W»S t5 be a niudso-ne director; Carl.WIilterhoir,lto.vBr8nt, Ma nnvatlons, ^o this portion fln< | Jpgtptttt structure, and a large audt- Jhy. Gcrod, Marlon Ray, Ethel Morafes. Jit« enco was iiresent nt the opening. "Tho lslo. Du.nlop, I'nullne MacLedd'and BflrleJ P* „ portion of tho cntertahiiiient George Cohan will con- tribute largely, nnd the rvptilar nftorplece or sketch wilt also be f join Cohan's - pen. ■ . -— " *»* ■ " ' Trnlnnr nml Hole nidi WilllnmV Impcrlnls. Tralnor nnd Dale have clgucd with Wll'.'ams' Imperials. Vnl Trnlnnr Is doing the prin- cipal comedy, nnd Myrtle Dale Is principal boy wllh tjio chow. ■ The leans Is also - giving their vaudeville act,In Ihe olio, nnd Inst wock nt tho Dewey they win marked success. sn—■ : <+ « » ■ —rr— I'reslUen* Alstdsre ReslRna. R. C. Mudge resigns from tho presidency of the White Rats organization at a meeting held at their clobroomS, Korty-sltth Street and Broadway, on Friday, Feb. 7. Mr. Mudge . was succeeded by the vice president, George like capacity W. Monroe,. The retiring president stated of Spice" company has opened two now tho-' We have had a very pleasant "ii'M V£$rS!£ llnrr Motntoah In Hnnkriiplrj-, Burr MclijtoBb, actor nnd publisher, filed a rn"on'e"or two modern piece's, under the ae^ pei.'i on ui niiiiKi'iipti'v, Satilrflay; Feb: 8, hi agetuont of Dnnlel Frolraian. who tflll tlien -that he regretted .leaving the organ.-.. the'Unltcd States District COurt; Ills Ha- star Shakespearean plays, Including tut. for business reasons, be felt compelled '1,'llMo nn *1VS71'.. nn,l nacata SI 7Tr. "Unnl^lli' 1 mi! "RomCO Snd JllllPt." tO 00 SO. ' ■ ■ blllfles are.912.871, and assets.5,1,775. i : Ai "Macbeth" and "Borneo season, nnd are now In »wr ihlctyinlnth tv«'- The panic - did- not affect' mir htislnes, m. tcrlally. On Jan. 1 tho oompahy'-attepdej 1 In a body tho christening of the Utfle'.-mg/w 1 ' Master Jay nay, QRed six'months.' *l tff i, H(l n"5 Marlon Chappell 'wns. godinothor;. and -M> Gcrod Brunt, godfather. AJvita*glad'W.r' our copy of Tun'. Oct) KhLMnt'e. sTe-Stc, »' ever, your old friends. ' .'•'< :.^.':',,k,in,. ROSTBII AKI) NOTBS.Of the D'OrmqTid'F.niK- Stock, Of the Olynipln-T|iea.tre,;D.iJHns, Tej- —John .D'Ormond, Lioyd ■ AVasncr, .AV. »• Miller, -font O'Keefe, HocryiL(;l!,..Crift9:.Miin •roe, II,-P. Clement, Earl.liardy.'Cprl'tft"' ,. agnes Fuller,: Jessie Lee. 'I»tw ««»"«'• .. going fo Helen May nnd little Lucille' May. Tie Jf, the Montsuk. Mr. llacVean wns connected pany onencd the hew tbeatiojfon. 20 to * with the Orphotim Thcstre. Brooklyn;. In n house packed to the .doors.' Hundred!*'W? turned away on the opehlilg night, uhd Af aclon; n9 she V » .nvet* ipnaj atres since Christmas. lo-niii. liAiiHvMont; has presented to Cbns. Frohman tho full lengtls oil porlrnlt of her- self, Just flnlshcil by M. Bravlllct. the well known nnlutcv ot royalty. .Tho portrait Is said to be h remarkable likeness. It Is done in six colors, and represents Miss Bnrrymoro ?owned In tho period of tho seventeenth cen- uty. RuiiAi.'Af.viN Is la his eighth week In nd- 5?"^ „ 0 L p l lrBCSS & Ulmmoleln's "Yankee Doodle" Stock Co. Davio A. XlAcYriN, chief doorkeeper at the Montauk Theatre Brooklyn. N. Y, since Its opening, died on Feb. 7; at hip residence, 248 Beventh Avenue, that city. Before going fo e.r; »