New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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114 NEW YORK CLIPPER. - ■ AUQOBl. MortbBlilbrdiliM • I VolTorbtmptoa ... • 0 .■..■■i ll BBPimBn, ^ Heralbrd ... U St , ... »l VMBuM r.o..a| ■ OOIOUB. ^ . „ NmmuiHt & 0. ..UI KtwMrint B.. .up ' MUVUmBi YORK CLIPPER. BATDBDAT, JUI>T 31, UUW. ■ /KM^inii* TO OORRItPONDKHTt. lijtMKlBa,bllu*p»Ua—I. Tba Hewbortb boatiwtMlMUv ■tettt lfttefoo|li wiMr or.lU U7, Uua tb«M ryom H(» York. t/OMriM M toM Ito ettaptOBtUp tl Mewbirtb, btoiOM, lang ll<tiw tiMHii. tin ' '*•—r"" IlwlUb«rcoolleoUdlto*t»ror- Ml tfllOwM..l(>MM tUM Ubm tea » BUtOb MWMD Stwud DNkv: bat vbn Um Uu tnlTed (or (IfiUii vUalu, Diir foifalitd. Ht OMl fo^. flwnfaik, b« bnkMl opon u obm pt a n , If/K K—i(r. Bp«r mtda bo reply to Um otnl of Mr. Mawirt, nin «U«b wt Ifftr IhU Un ititemeol of Ue UU«r li, In lb* mtlg, tmnat,- tta ou ti«ar vUsen, from octolur ItmoMtitUOD, Ibtl Hr. ■Mnut bid no Mlh kaocktd ral Id Ibt tirnjr, nelUHir wh bU dom Mkea. V« prMsme Utbtre vara U7 toiaoiinotta In Mr. atawufi cud, tb* lUia would hkT« baeBooatndloiad br ibou louDadlitalj iBtaraM. , D, Rtidlag, !>•.—'• A udBmUie a mtUbloaboottt pifooDl. '.AbM li-ipruiii from tbo (rtpftr B,wlioaa gsn bonla vtiao be Ibaotl, indiba bird eactpaa, altbougb tbo obtnoai ara In TaTor or B kIIBlf1>|1l*' tci)ldaat OMarraL Vbal, In poor opinion, iboald b« done In anob a cua, aa regtrda couiUDg lbs bird for or agalnit Bl".. .y,,Ia oor apliku, tbo bird li loil to a Ourm,Vo. I, aoolniall.—1. We knowornoilaamboiltbilarer beat life* Jacob Btradtr'a lime od Ibe Oblo Blrer, of 110 milea In live boon and one ninnu, I Your ItUarwuraoalrail on Monday mom- tng, Jaly ISib. (. We bare, do rtgnlir oorrapondeni, bot oeoaaion- tUy leoelTa llama of nen Ibroogh other oorraaposdaDti. Tonro iMinai, Nawvarkel, Ta.—1. Get Walker'a Muly Eiar- otua, al any of ymr bookilrra. 9. lo commanoiog the game, yaa moat be golded u retardi dlftaDoe, welgbl, tto,, by year own Jodg- BCBl, laklDg oare not lo lai yoar luaDgih to any great extant at drat, bit InortailDg ai yon grow loonilomed lo tbe aporU Hd Jiia—1, Tbe Idea la moat eioellent, and ir a proper laeaUon abonldbeialtoled, we Iblnk the expeilment will prore noeearoL I. Ballay retired (romboilneaa lome ytan ilnoe. 8, Ilia notiMn- ally neoeaiarj lo indariUDd ihort-hand. 4. We wUl be bappy tO' iBM joa u far aa we ara able. a. A. D., PhlUdalpbla.—The total anonnl In the bandi or Ibe ftake- boldtr beoomei foiratlad, In cue eltb<r yaobi aboald not itart In Ibe noe aooordlig lo tba artlolei oT igreamoDi, nnleai ttaare li ■ apealal dkoi* llmlllDg the forrell to ■ lied amonnl. auaoiii.—■' A Itn an order for a pair ol boota, bat illar Ibey are mide, tbey do not lall bim; B oomea aloof aad puebuea tbe boon Wbkih or tba paitlea ware Ibe boela made (brt" Tbeywero Bude for the one who giTO the order for Umbl J. J. a—"flaafa dcolde ■ bet, by ilating whether J. anm made t' boMenm In tbe late (real baae ball matob-": Mr, Onimran bene, owing to an OTerltaiow, bnt In bti« ball pailanoe be did not Bike a borne ran. / ^ ' FBLunreus—Tberewaiadramatloanoouilloii (n tbii etlyor- (Ulnd nader iha name or Ibe " H. A. Parry," We ballaTa U b now known aa the Uetiopolilan, We are wK ■^^n.i.ii,;^ ^ ^ m Btmbeia. ■ ■ }■ 0. W;—CWcld —Tear opponnia bare no rigbl wbitarer lA In- tarfere with the dlipoalilon yon make or yonr men, whelber II be vUh the long atop or aoy odo elie, Bycn ibeold baye been ran by both parllu, there baying been no agreement to Iha aontrary, ObitDT, PbUadelpbIa,—We ean rbrwird yon Ibe Oriokel VantL prtoe 10 oaotf, wbmh la tbe txil work on Ibe anbltot lo be bad here! lia thaoriea and loatraoUon aoat b« wiU oarrlad onllnprMUoe, bowertr, berore yon oao hope to axbel,.' . ■ . tfciOTDiipp, aDtonJla«,-lf,iayoBiay,yonrarmlabronghi below the ihonlder on Ita rolan, jenr bowling la Ur. Ibe law doaa ■ol aay that Iha bowler moat tl no Ubm gel bl« band abon lb« ibonlder, Oaman BuDa, PMltdalpbla^—Tbero ine been yirleaa " eh»D. plonbelu" roofbt for In bgltnd.: Ib*;ooe rMtnlly fbaght fbr la oompinilTely new, the flnt tonlail tor U belst Ibit betwata Sajen andtheaiBiher,lnm7, •• , . anaoimiB, Now Bedford.—We bay* no knowkdga wbelber or not eolored people were erer admitted to all parte oT tbe Beaton Theatre, on the lame Ibottog wUh wbltaii prlTita boxei Inoladed. We pre- nma not, bowerar. \-. ■ A. D., Andovtr, N, J,—1. Baya^Mnt yon tbebaek No'a. X W* know VI no inch man being matohcd'to flfbtTankee ftilllyiB. 8, Oon, Qnhui If In noy, - ' l : ■ . ' ■ F, K. B., Boilon'—Wobid already ibadj(iip.bara(nnMmenldepart< ment, when yonr letter reaohed la on Tneid«y; -'.tbainka Ibr yonr at- lontloDi, Hilar, OIlDloD, Han,—A ball moil be pitshed alralgbt from wlokot lo wloket, to lay a baiiman llible lo bo out L b, w.; oonieinently, If It la a lllve wllo, be woold not be oal Biwin—1. Brittle la lookodipon aa ohimplonor light welfbla; Air Walker la ohinplon of feather weighta. 3, Biyera' weight, in bin reoenlbattle wllb Paddook, wia IMIbn., or II atone. 0, H. VoTia, Clinton, Iowa.—Tbe noklog pue or a bone ti deflne l by Webiler to be an amble, hot wllb a qoloker and ahortar tread than pining. a. NliMW.—1, Tba Derby or ISSe wai run ror berore Whitmonday. a, Tbe belght or Tr>nl>y Charoh from tbe aldewalk la 311 root 8. The Adrlatlo neyer logged noro thin II mIlea an bonr on her Drat trip, A.H.,Weat Uth aireet.—Morrluey'i height la ilz feet, lo that ,|enlleman binuell Informi <u, Qnoioo —1, A. SUteban wai In no way rrltled to Yankee BuUInn, '%, iMif BaSiillc coBn)enaed ber career on ibo t|urr m 1631. Wl'Qi, OiWogol'TfThete.l« n'o))aper pnMiebed In Ihia oooAlrytbat -deyolts as tnnoh apaoe to ibetuicala u'the Cumn, Dimi'iapuibiilr.—i letter '''lybn, ft bare for- 'viurdMtoyodyaddrtU,'at Ole/tUDd; Obl«'l^ bbb'Owm,—inraib yonr dciariptlon,'we'BbOTid ny that no remedy ' woild baorierrloe to Ihe dog lObpted In the manner deiorlbed,' :. ji«'akiT,£alaklll.'—The nport looks'Ilk* a Floin Gal afftlr,-not Magpro^lyiWUMfUenled, ' ,.. I ' ;.,^v.' : r. -fl! WnXW. starling —Thaoki for.yoor good wlibci. Do tl yon Ibatlytn|t yoa ibaU net be duappohiled. j. Jioopir,! Amtlardan .rTba tnalyilri -hu bMn nJilVld; will yon I forward It Id ua agtio, and oblige t' '■'TIT* fi'iniT'l'i —'^• TCBTBd^ tire arrived rery opporlonely, fbr which locept cor tbanka, . TinnGaoioi, OlpolonML—We kava nCaw eopin of Ibe Fistoiui, Ouma tererl'td to; price all ceata a No., . E.:C, Emm, NleboUi,—Toar inbtoilpUon hu neiily ilz montb* ' Vaifa Bni. Cinlen.—ir inllable for onr oolnmni we will gtr* 11 fVVUeny with pleMoro. - ' ' iL J, D .'BuioagCi —rhtn wu nsrer incb' tlme u 3:10 made In pMlag. F>oib'>ntu' Una or 1:1TK H tbo beet M leoord. . Oiuion; nuibnrgb.-Tov nggaluoita wUl reeetre die oon- . ik|«iupn..-!.- ' ;B.'a4l,l. Hew York-Mtdigi—WlU Jon piMie to ma* yoor «MiUm,aJlule moreixpiiolir ' ^' ¥Vzf' ''^"■''•'Pb'a —Yoor fayonble BcUoeof ou yonngblandj ■if Jjlg^troiierl^andoraed. .. J|^r>^.ai,,Chloago.-Ooaey Uno^^ that w« *r« nwir*. Bo^ Bpt,'.>IUwaukle.—Thuiti for many riTOM. f,. Jf^opu HorrlMcy wai born In Ireland. BfVjciSn'lfuie.-'BUobin'fllle, Ohio, Joly IT, HIT. Ml. Iain ()oiin;'InolloelnyepMDawaritooorrtipnni)oDiatbat Inqulrlea are (rtqiknUypitdB •• bow to free yoor do|i and kennoii ofleu 1" Having been ^neyed with Ihai'epeati roraono time, I «u Indnoed to try a bedding ol Ftngytoyal (Nedeomt FulegioldM), a plant ihu'la Indigen- ou to all. .lb* Dolled IHaiei, and; In one week tbey wen all gone, I bate beeli told lhat,'lf loaiiered la plues Iictaenud by red anil, UwUl'banlah then alls.' ToDra,elo,, dDun. Wnmuia Hatch.— NoDOUd' 7a.', Jily Slit, IMS, BsnoiCiimR Siri A wreiUlng matoh qame nil at Ibli pUoa on Ihe mih tut, For a pone cm, between Jobnn'y. Quiley and Birry Alton, at m Mlaili' ■IppI awlmnlni gronnd. After a alrajglo or about llmlnniea, Alton waa oUbned the vlnier. The piwty took a'bathing afterwirdi on Ibe •inogtlt of 11, ut when tbey got thnoib,' a match wu made by tbe ....... . .. •.. yi. . .. Ulatndyou, Bonr A< AFoz.OHAintooltplBoo on tne 22nd 'lintatit, at ibe Moant Aire; (Hrden, Booth Oamden, N. J.i kept by Hr. HlUer, for ffblob there were qtilte • uamber.of entries. The fox wn lot loose at ao mioatta Bheid of the doga, bat the latter got on -tiie ulialght traok, and ihe fMt prise .wsB won'ti; Mr, O.^tler'i hoaQd- floepdragoD, Ivbd II tr«ed"> the, inn In <ihe >4niiB o( big owner, wh»e Bernard very cuoolngl; took ghelter'fcom hli parsa^TB. tar In Mr. PiteriAn'ioonitnonl«klM laonrCbe6k*H*Mrttunl, b the' ililb line from Ihe boitom',tlihonll nid <■ omItUig Jud w, talefd of xj" alone. i r.-7r>t.. Thi AMiaiOAK Obimpiohbbip;— The offlolal announce- mentl made In lut week's Cuffib, that a matoh hid at laet been made, and arttolM of agreemeeiii ilfped for a pogllliUo contett between John 0. Hetnaii, (the BeBtoja Boj) and John Uorrlia^y, for Hve ihoniand dollei* and the ObaDplonablp of Ametlea, rery, natnrally oraatcd maoh exoltenent In iportlog olroics thirongbonk the oonn- try at large, and apecnlatlon VeMne at onoeiilfe aa to the probable ulUmite r^iiU of ti« battle. Thit Intereit InthliDatolilinot oosSncd t6NewTorkal6ne;on the coBttaiy, whererar the (hJiraBoIfindatee, there will 700 And thli natoh the ohiaf topic of ooiivafaitloa. We regret to. lee that ume of onr oltjr joomalg are endeavoring to aatoolate tbo nutoh with polltloal inaitoiB,'and to create an Inipretrion that Bome of onr moit prominent poUUoal eharaoten are ioUyelj IntdreitlDg theumlvea in the af- fdlr. What otjeot iheee Jonraala can have In thoa mls- repregentlng laota, we are at a logi to diiteimlne. Per- hapi they wlah to make a little pollttoal capital for them- ■eWee. But, we moitlook for all eorla of teporig while tbla matoh Is pending; ihe " retpeetable preie" seem to take etpeolal pains to glre wrong gtatementa of nearly eTery (porting .event that traptplree, bnt In reference to pngllletlo trangaoUong. they ,.dritv'largely i||ion their Im- agination, and healtate nct. to pnbllih aatmtbi tboae thlngg wbtoh they know .to bb false whtlit peonLog them, and without the least foundation In tratb. Why, even the two lait letters which Uesoa. Uorrlssey and Eeenan sent ue for pnblloatton have been mutilated by eome of these " gentlemen of the preis," and, with snndry additions, omlssloni, etc., altered to tnlt themselvei, have been pub- lished by the " reipectablo prest" as genuine. Now, we would caution tbe public not to plaoe any de- pendanca In the garbled itatementsof eaoh journals. They haye an object In thns mlsatatlog the facts which will manifest Itself atreome future trm& 'The official pro- ceedings oonneoted wllb this match for the Obamploosblp will be promulgated throngb the Ourm, to whioh pa- per alone should the pnbllblook for eorrei^ reports of the movements of theiaeD, sjid all matters having a bearing apon the exciting matoL The progreuofeventswillbe found duly reooided, weekly. In our. " Bing" department. Ho t' 'FOB ■ THB Whitb IfooMTiTKa I—Tho Norwich and Woroeater way to the White Uonotalos Is that which is most approved by the oltlseDS ol New Tork, and travelers should make a note of ibia' Both tbe CommonwealUi and Oonneotlont are awlft, sore and elegant boats, and It takes bnt twegty-fouF bonn of travel by sailing, railroad and stage; to place yon In the monntain midst, where you can take off your hat Ugh up above the world, and thank God yon are an American. It la enongh to make any na- tive do so, to', stand emoDg'tbose monarch heights and survey tiie obasmi of the free and gloiy-abonnding neigh- borhood. H<aUh and plessnrs are In every breeze there, and the son gilds tiie heights with a splendor peculiar to their angnat aimoapbere. Oo up, for awhile, and see what Nature has done to delight and tUvatt manhlnd. Emfibm Onr KioiTTA.—The preparations for the greait Annual Bsgatta of the Empire Olty Rrgatta Olnb, are bel^bg made on a scale of unnsual eplendor.' Tbe regatta will take plaoe on the 'East Blver, off Conrad!a Garden, ou tba 16th of September. On this ocoaslon there will befoar races, vie. :-^sbigle pair sculls; two pair eonlls; fonr oared, and six and eight oared boats. Tbe programme, coalalnlog l\ill partlonlara^ will be pub- lished in next week's Cliffcb. We' hope oor Newbnrg friends will put Jn an appearance on the' occasion, as well as olnb* from all parts of the country.' The regatta Is open to the world^ . Habbt LiZASDS " CuFFu Sbasxs," In Ull waukle, was destroyed by Are a weebor twoclooaEls Mends were exerting iheiqielves In his behalf, aii3 It la probable he will be Stat led again. A sparring eiblbltlou for his be- neflt, was given In Ullwankle, 01 the 17th Inst T&i AMsBiam H^tssa Tameb and Fabbieb Is the title of a book just pubUaliea by George Holbtookj 290 Broadway. > It treats, of; the most proper method for curing hones of klokuig;^ balking, and other bad habltiL OALTFOBiai Nbws,— We are again plaoed under obliga- tions lo J. F. Fecks, of 18 Ann street, for latest flies ol Cdllfotola newapap era. ' A Sailing Bxoatta for boats .under 20 feet In length, Is to come off In Boaton Harbor on the Slat Inat. luiBgm 01 u, ut when tbey got tbnoib,' a maion wu mat Mine.two, lo Sgbt« iIoto Sght on tbeiSib ln«lq Ibr git t ali Vfif Wiy§ apatilng room, the l^rmile^Uiii of wtilcb I wUI 1 Qoon ViTtB -^iTora m Boonuas —The relorn maloh between thoa* well-khown playera, Hmn. B. Lyoai add Bionil Souihird, oama off, oni Monday, lOib Inil, al Ihe BuU'a Beid Bolel, Bergen Point Plank Roid, X, J, In our report of the prarloua maloh betwoan tboCe pkrllei, In obr lial week'a CiirFiB, we weie led Into an error, owing 10 the very Impelfeot ecore piper cent ni for loierllon. Tne game wu 01 op, and not 11, Mr, Bombard proving tbe whiner, not Ur, Lyoni, at we therein listed. The former loored 01 to the liller'i ST.' We wonid adrlie Ihe acoreri for the rulbre, oily to looro on one elde the paper;u theoontrary metbod lad u^lhto Iho above mlalike. In the leal miloh between ihoie pliyen, Bvsltailrd aiahi piofad the winner, icorlng at 10 Lyoni' 48. A miloh ror gtOO between thoee iime playen bu been made, and tDO rorfelt la alieidy naked, to oome olT on Monday, tba 2d or Augoit, at Hr. Soman', tho Waablniton irienal, fiergen HUL They are lo pilab three boon eaah day for Ibraa daysj'ina the ioorer or Ihe moil pulnta In lhat time lo be declared tbe winner or the ilakei. The bonn or play to be tnm I o'oloot F. M, to S o'clock P. M. eaoh day. MiTCB—COOBBiaim WicMM—OnTaeiday,lIth Inat., a Batch at Qooiia, ror fiO a atoe, belweealboee playen, came off ai the Ball'a Bead Holil, Bergen PoUit PlankiBud, N. J., ^aftfrmergaatlemin giving bli opponent }0 polnli in 1'game or 01 op, SI yiidi pliob. Aa Ihe eubjoined aeon wUl show, Hr, Cocbrane proved Iba winner: Ooohrano;' Wmkia, Coobraue, Wlokea. Oockrine.' Wlokea THE EI1I«. The Fight for the Championship. This Important event In ihe pngUIatlo aniala of Ameri- ca la progreeslog satlaraotorlly; the aecood depoalt of 1250 a side having been made ou ibe 26th Instant Five hondted dollAis a side are now duly slaked, and It will be seen, froh the oopyof the artloles whIoh we publleh below, that the third deposit of 0900 a side must be made on ihe 9th ol August, and a similar amount on eaoh side staked every fortnight notU ihe entire amount of 90,000 Is depoelted In the bands of the stakeholder. ' Or the Importance of this great match, both as regards ihe amonnt of money at Issne, and tbe celebrity of the two principals engaged, It Is nnneceaaary to enlarge open at tbe present time. Bafflce It to say, that the lo^rest which It Is already exciting among all olaases of the oom- munlty, ihronghoat the entire continent of America, far surpasaes that felt on any previous oooaelon, not even ex- cepting Uie great match between Tom Eyer and Yankee. SnUIvan In 1819. As we annonnced last week, Hr. Horrlssey, immediate- ly ou ihe satlalaotory arrangement of the matoh with Hr. Heenan, left tbla olty for his present residence In Troy. He goes Into a()tlve training Immedlatelv, at a beautlttil spot, a short dlitsoce from that city, and has been fortu- nate enongh to aeonre ihe services of J. Hamilton Shepherd, or, as he le better known In the English Pried Blog, John- ny Hamilton, a man of great experience as'a tralaar, who has only recently arrived In tbla coantry. EeaaperlnteOd- ed the preparation of the Eagllab Obamptoo, Tom Sayera,, In hip Sghta with Poulpon and Aaron Jones, and aesisted the accomplished Bob Fuller In training Bill Hayes Id bis various encounters. HIa abilities as a trainer are Well known and recognized la the London Blog; and, aa a sparrer, he also enjovs a bigh reputation; tbe duties of i»' second In a fight, however, be never nndertakea, and In the coming Bght, we presume, be will leave that ardu- oua and reaponalble office to other partlua, tbongh 00 this point we are apeaking without authority. Tbe frlenda of Hr. Horrlaaey, however, may reat ataured that everything that akiU and experience can aooomplieh, will be uacd by bia trainer to bring him In tbe best possible condition to the post. . -The BenloU Boy will also commence the work of pre- paratloh tbhi week, a short distance from tbls olty. Tbe moat absurd and unfounded reports have been promulga- ted by ihe dally preea, in referenoe to tbia point, upon which they are profoundly Ignorant The backers and friends of Hr. Heenan, and tbey Inolode a great number of very lofluential and reapeotable parties,' are very san- guine of bis nitimate succeas. Hie un'aaanmliig tfii gen- tlemanly condnot, has gained blm many 'warm!'^ersonal frlenda, wlio are firmly supporting him under the present olroumstanoes. We shall, from time to time, personally vt(lt' and re- port on tbe progress In tralolng of the two parties, so that we may be able to fornlah the numerous firlenda'of both with tbe moat reliable information ou tbla aobJeoL Aa there la conalderable'lotereat manlfeated to eee the airtloles of agreomant by which tbla match la governed, we append them: ABTICLES OF AQREEBENT mniD mo tho 19n pit or'juiT, JllS, edwiim jobv aounBiT ASD joajf a BiDix. Tbe eald John Horrliaoy agree* loflihtlhanidJobnO.Beeninirilr atand-n|i flghl, according lb the New Rulea or the London Frlie BIng, by which Ihe laid John MonL'iey and John 0. Beenan henby mo- laiUy agree lo be bound. The aald Sght ihall be tor Ihe anm of Twenty-Sve Bondred Dilliri (81600) a ilde, and aball lake place on the Twenlltth dayorootober neil (Wedneidar}', In dnadi- * * * In pnnnuceor thli agraenettl,Two Bundred and Fifiy Dollari (8210) a tide, bu tbla day been depoelted lo the handa of , who iball be tbe flnil tUkonolder. The itoood depcail or Two Bnndred and Flfly Dollui (IliO) a aide, aball be made on Mon- day, the 3ath day or July, 1119, Intbu hindi oribe elikeholder. The tbird dtpoill or Five Bondnd Dollin (SlOO) a elde, on tbe ninth day of ADguil, 1111; tbe foorlh depoalt of Bundred Doliara (8100) a aide, on ilcndiy, the 33d day or lagnit, 1618; the flnh depoili of Five Hundred DoUara (8600) a aide, on Mouday. tbe Sib day of September, 181$; and the ilxth ud laat dopoall o( Five Buodrcd Dolltn (8100) a aide, OB Friday, the Bret da; or October, lata. Theia leveral depoiila to be made within twenly-roar bonri of tbe time apcofled. The eilil John Morrliiey lod John 0. Ucenin mutoilly igree to meet either penonally, or by reproaentat've, at — on —— and then anJ there lota for oboica or Igbtlog grocnd In Venida; ihe parly winning the tou 10 Immedlalely Inform lbs olber or tbe placo wblob he aeleoia,' The men ihill be u Ibe ring between tho taooreoriwolreindlvoo'clock, r.K , or the mu abtentio forrelt Ihe battle money. Tbat In tbe event of magliterlal Inlerfcronaa. " tbo nmplrea and reverie ibail denlde tbo next lime and plue or meeling. If poailble, on the tAme day. nat tbeexpeoiei of the ropee aod itakca ahill be borne by the lArty wln- nlog Ihe batt'e, Tbe aiikca not to be given up, 'unlea by mutual con- lent, till birly ,won or loil by a flght. The decltlon or the reTcreo to beBiallnallotae*. Jn pnnniae* ol Ibli igreeDeni, wo bercunto ittioh our nemea, . ; . > • JOBN HORKiaSlT, Joan C. Biaiii.f, obliged to let them go ihe following momlog', aa they found they bad' no power to retain them. Olddlngi, DowoIe,.and. Phil Glare, (Dowole'a aeoond,) gave them- aalvea np the following momlog, and balog arraigned before ihe aathorltles, waved examination tna gave ball. UovAOBAX AKD BoBBBTS.—Dobuque, Iowa, July 18 1868.— Ed. OuPFiaL-r-I wlah to inform Mr. Ifonaghan that as he, or doubUeas a friend of bis, baa beao so kind aa to lend a telearapblo dbpatota to Chicago, io say that If I went to eee the flght with Holmes and Jack Oope at St. Louie, I ebould eluer have to flght bim or call rayaelf a onr, a name I do not,' by any means, wish to enjoy—I have only to savtbatlf Hr. Honaghau will, state the termi that he will meet me half way between boms and home, If at all. reasonable I shall be bappy to. prove to bim whether I ever did or ever will prove myself a onr, by deciding It In a twenty-four foot Blog. JOBR fiOBBBTB. p. a—He will please answer ibroogh ibe Ouitbb, or address to me at the Adelphl BBloon,81xth street, Dubu- que, Iowa. /. Paiza FiOBT at Nbw Obliams.— Tbe New Orlaans daily papers of the 14th, bring accouuta of a great prize fight which oame off In that city between two brusers named Daniel Onnniogbam and John Hooly. Tka two men were new to, tbe ring, tbLi being their flrat eulbldon: yet, It Is said, they went In and came out like old bands. There were one hundred and forty-three rounds fought, balf-mloute time, which oconpled two hours and fourteen minutes. For about flfly rounds bo more than one blow was given. Gonnlngbam generally managed to get In first and drop. Vp to the seventieth round Hooly had tbe call, and appeared so much refreehed that bis eeconda diepensed with the usual plokiog up and seating," al- lowing their man to walk to his place and stand. The seconds of Oannlngham, however, picked their man up and seated him. Cunningham having rested anfflolently, went at his man, and the ten following rounds ehowed that he would probably carry the day; though It wavered somewhat up to the one hundred aad thirtieth round, when Hooly began to wtelken, and oama up slowly. Tba laat five rouade be failed io touch Cun- nlogbam, the latter pnolehlug him severely. The one hundred and forty-third round having been fonght, Hooly'a aeoond threw up tbe aponge—the 'signal of defeat. No Go,—The black, whoae challenge was aoccepted In our last by a Boaton man, has suddenly become Indlspos- cd,'aad aaya he cannot tnake tbe match at preaent HI: lodUpoaltloh, In onr opinion, la a touoh of the " white feather." 1 8 4 8 T- 8 8 10 18 1« 18 la IT » 30 10 31 38 38 ST 38 39 39 so 81 .88 88 a« Si 84 11 34 V 3T 18 39 80 »1. 82 84 ' a* ST.. 88 >9 . 41 «4 84 14 84 81 !V '84 'Bi 81 ST '89' '41' 43 41 44 43 41 41 41 41 80 SI 81 88 84 81 St 88 89 ei 41 4S 47 : 48 49 61 81 81 II 81 II SI St 81 81 ' Oabd.— Philadelphia, July 24,1858.—EorroR Clippbb —Sir:—I noticed in your Olipfgr of July ITib, a card entitled Carroll and Keating, In which fads were thrown aelde, and tbe olrcumstanoes of the affair coDpletely mlarepresented. Now, sir, a few worda to the point are worth a volume of bumbng. I waa at the houee of Mr. T, Conner, June 28lh, playing ten pipe,' and bad. walked to tbe bar-room door after.playlng; whilst leaning ag^lnat the door, I .was anddenly and violently pushed .on,-the sidewalk. I: turned, wheu Carroll ran up to me, aekiog If I aald I oould whip him in ten minatea- I anawered I oonld toA'j) him, bnt not In ten mlnutei>;.he Btruak:roe, and both tumbled In tbo gutter, Carroll on itop.. ItA^n aald, let me up and flght fair; he agreed, and when up, I knocked him down;,he:got .pp and.rsn for my legs to tbrow me; we had another round, ware parted, and.wapi Into Ibe bar-ropoL I walked Into the ten-pin alley and etrlpped; came to him lo tbe bar-room end equared for him; he lunged out ai me* when I fetched bim under the ear', and oleuohed, throwing bim, I then played Ai'< own card, bitting bim In the faoe, till he covered himself .with hia htuida. I was' then pulled off. Aa for patty .exonaea of bit floger, Ac, on ihe 6th of July, that la troej'but I told bim and bla friends Vim, tbatli they aald flght, I would fight; but they all admitted my hand wae too acre ly. bitten to do the thing with any abow of generosity on OatrolVs part Hy hand la well now, and I will flght him for $60 or for sport, at any time or plaoe; a fair staud-np Bght, rough-and-lumble, or .any way be obocaea. - Tbare are better men than either of 'ua that have'foughtfor S60i aod It would be an eaay thing for him, or any other man who baa plenty of money, to shake $200 or more under' my noB«,' and bluff nie for wont of fnnda. WiLLuW Ebitiko, A Pgoom MiTcn BTTWisr Oooaiiki'iiiD Wiona —A leoond maloh betwreu iboie two partita waa played Ihe fullonlog diy, on tbo lime gronnd, for 830; Ihe letter genuemin r«c*ivhifl 80 Rolnta lo a .game of 81 np, 31 yardi pilch. In ihti gtme, Mr, Ouchrine gained rapidly On bia'opp nent m lbs loore, ooiiired, ind flnilly puied bUn, win- ning In iptendid iljle, «nd sooting at to bli anligonin'i 81. Thla led 10 a '.v MATon iinrm Copsiin m WmaDiu, ftr 810, tbe latter gentle- mtn rcseivini ^1 In a game or 41 op, 31 ykrdipitch. Tbti wai played Immediately after Ibe prec*lln|;'gamei and resulted u foUon Cochrane. WasadeU: :Cochraa«.' 'WaaidSIL. Oocbrine. WaoidelL 1 3 4 a 1 9 10 13 11 IT 18 IS SO 11 it 38 3S 3T 14 18 18 33 34 . >, ae', 18 i 80.i .80 . . 80. 80 80 80 88 . 80' 84 8t 81 81 8T St 41 41 41 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 WRBSTLiNa.—An laJlan, resldlog'la the vicinity of N. Tdrk,'Oan be baohed'to wrestle' wf- man In tbe United StAtas within Ibti&ouda of bla height, which la ISO lbs., he, tbe lndlanl givldg any one 90 pounda In wdgkii The matoii to be for tbOO Sbd npwarda, ilnd tO tike place la six weeki,>l>bm the flrat aep6alt^ ^Ttinbi tt bona-fiit qBH, The wieaUlfi^^b^ side boldB. TAB Brooxltn Boxsrb —Two of dnr Bi'oqklyn pngU- lels have recently allowed tbemsalves to g^t entangled In the meshes of tba law, In consequence of a mutual desire to decide their differences by an appeal to arms, (and fists,) In a 24 feet ring. We .have said fAeir differences ' bnt, to speak more correctly, we abonld say, the dlfferen oeaof tbeir reapeotlve friendi, who are arrayed In two rMlIone, known from tbeir reeldenoes aa the 4th and llth Warders.' Tbe Chqmplona are'Jem Glddlogs, who formerly kept the Bportsman'a Ball In Hadlson < atreet, and Peter Dowole.'bettar known to moat of onr readera by the name of The Unknown, and who, a few montha' ago, Isauad a oballeoge io flght Joa Oobnrn. Sunday morn- iDgi (no wonder they got Into trouble,) was'the time ap- pointed for the hostile meeting on tbe Coney laland road, and before the break of day the principals and tbebr frlenda were on their way to the rendeevous. Tbere had, .hpw- ever, be^ii traitors in. tbe camp, and Inrormatlon bf iha anticipated meeting bad been comnlunlaBtcd to the police Buthorttlea, Tbe reatiU wee/ that laat aa the men had madetbbir preparatory tolleta,the '■Btara" glimmared la the distance, and a general stamdede followed.,' The prin- cipals; being unenonmberied with superflados jolotblog, soon dfstahced the puffing policemen, who were dot Ih'e fit oODdltlon for a 'etroog run race, Tbey, hoWavitr/ba; log fbaoWed to capture some one or other, took about i soort bf tiie unoffending epeottttors Into oaiMj, bntVer i C A N I N K Matob n PiOTmnici —A milch I* to come olTit Wm, Prenllii' pit, la Frovldenoe, B. I., on Ibe llib of Anguii, between i and 2 r.a., h«- tveen two 43ib. doga for iSOOaelde, OkBD —Having Men a challenge f^om Ur. Dnlfay, of Bimlllon, to flgbl hli dog igalDii tbe boll-makrr'a don, BSloi., I wonJd Hale that Uuffay knew that the dog conid not oamo to tbe weight. I have a dog, however, tbal I will Bght agalnil Mr. CulTy'i Ritlier, at 89,83, or sl Ibi. irtoat will not mil Hr. DuDTiy, I will accommodate him at oatoh wel|ht, ror 8i6, or u much mora aa be un raue, lo light In ibrce or four week! irom tbe Bril depoill. , jAMis BiowK, Bporlimao'i Saloon, Bamlltoo, 0. W. AKiaar'a Brom,—Tbo oelebralad dog •■Cbamplon," weight IIX lba,> belooglig lo Mr, K. J Virtue, la malched to draw the fimona coon "Joe," belonglog to Mr, Dillon, weight 17>jlbi., In lOarcondj, for 810 a aide, to com* olf on Monday evening, Auguii 2d, in Phila- delphia, Giuv BiRDKUF Bit Mitcs —A areat bindloip rat mitota will oome off It Uirry Jennlngi', Bportiman'* Ball, 4t UadUon alreel, on Wed- naadiy evening, Aogoil 4th, (br a handiome made collar and alio, open to all dogi not eioeedlng 31 poaodi weight, and will be rilrly handicapped aa fulloin>-Do*e not eioeedlng 10 Ibi, to kill 8 nta eaoh; doge noteioeedlog Ulba., loklll I rata each; and doga not txcaading 31 Ibi. weight, to kill S raia eacb, and the dog thai klUs bla rata lo tbe •taorltit lime will be awarded the rrlig. Two band- lome oolltn alu wilt be awarded to the dogi thii draw Ihe wolf andlheeoon In the lulcieattlmo, B. J. will alio tntrodnce a pair of newly arrived Imported dofs, which be Inlenda to maloh In lb* fall. Alio, ho will ibiiw hie bandioaa bnoe ol bliok tan terrlen, Ihe two nci eiceedlog 9 Iba weight, which will kill rata on Ihla oo- tasion. Alao, tbere will be aeveni Interoating icti-to dorkig Ihe evening. B. J, will wind np Ihe eporl ct the evening with hIa ilnt Neliey, which will Ight any coniar ut ber weight during tho evenUig. Bala Ibr the maloh free. Eotrance fiee: doom open al leven, to com- menoe killing al half-pul eeven prccleefy, Admlailon, 21 oenti, CniUixaa —I have a pound dog that I will mitoh for 810 or IIOO a Ilde igalnil Jaoob Moomo'a red dog Mingo, 30)^ ponndi, to Bgbl In four or Uve wceki from the flrat Uepoiit, ana una ror the nholce ol the plue or BghUog. A natoh oan be made by applying lo Harry Jeoulogi', 49 Madlionstreet, or by rcrwardlng adepoiH to th* CurriB blllio. Ran 1 Bats I Rati 1—Bate eent lo any pari or tho Blalei on r«eelp( or 810 per bundred, md 88 laeeoorlly ror tho cage, which wUlb* relumed ou receipt or the cage. Ad>lre<e Barry Jenolngi', Bporll- man's Hall, 49 Uadleon lUoet, New Ifork, A Ora-nd Bat Uatco took plaoe lor a aplendld oollir on Monday evening, July lOih, u Bob Chambera' pll. In Beoond atreet, abov* Coatei)' fhlladolpbla, which waa won by Mr. John Oregory'a lint Touub, in 11 leconde. The following dO|i entered:—Tom Qa—n'( dog Bam, Im. 49i: John Oregory'a iluiTouob, 13a; Billy Blerd'a'ilnl Fan, IOj; Billy Abrabam'a dog pup Cribb, tOi; Mr, Pleroe'i dog Jaok, 30a. After which the pupa known as Tom and Jerry wer* l|irned up, and they quite utonlihod Ihe finoy. Mr. Ooon wu lh*a Introdaced, wblob wm drawn by Mr. Tom Gu—n'a dog Sam, In 18|, and Ur. Oregory'a alul Touch InTi. Tbe eporl wa* very wall at- tended, . ^. A OiiAiiD NidBT's Pron will like plice at my pit on Monday even- ing, Augoil 3d, a rat match for a iplendld Dollar, open loaii'dofi. John Grrgory will alio ihow Ibe fancy bow hli lerret kllla rata; then will be ooon drawlng. and'a tnm np between Thomia Lower'i wbll* dog Clinker, and John Oregory'a dog Duty; Tom and Jerry will bave a turn np, Ibtte will he'iome fancy doie exhibited. Bob (TnawBin, 111 8d itreel, PbUadelpbla. An Ou> FroiTiOAm inna FiiU).—Dick Bnckloy (allu) Butcher Dick Intenda giving a grand nlghl'a iportonTneaday evening, Aogut lOlh, at Barry Jennings', BporlimiD'a Ball, 40 Hadlion itreel; two hundred ral* will ha given free of charge ror gentlemen to try their lltUedoii; three'oollen will alio be given uprliea; lat collar for tbe dog that kill* S rata In the qnickui time; 9d collar for tba dog Ibli drawl tbe wolf In tbe quiQkeat time, and the 8d collar wUl be given 10 the dog Uial diawa Ihe ooon In tbe qtilokeil lime, Bevenl or Iho New York, Brooklyn and Willlambargb fanolen have promlied to give Dick ■ bumper on Ibli oooailon. Tbere will be nnmarons turn npi during Ihe evening, and tbe widd np wiU b* b*twe«a Hirry Jennlngi' dog Jack, liad DIak'a dog Danger. Ooon open at 7, to com- mcnoe al ball-pul 7 precliely. ' Gaid —Cbirleitown, Maai., Joly. 38.— Mb. F. I]ob w—Dar Sir: It appean lo me that Hr. fl,MigilI,.of Boaton, hu not made blmielf luOloiently noloricui u a inean dog fanotar oo formor ooou|ons, b* wlihu to let Ihe reader* or the Curraa lee tbal be la a mean man u well. Be nsTcr oOTered lo make a milch with me; I never apok* to him about anilhlngof the kladln ny life; I alwaya wiih lodeal with honorable men, and I kbow tod much about Mr, Haglll to pili- lake bim for one, I wiih ilo let the readera of tbe Currai know Ihitthero wai, nor K nooonneallon belween me and Mr. I)nlgl«y. Bo that If Mr. Magiil wiihea to tbrow itonea at me, b* iboold do It dirccUy, and not over the ahonlderi of Mr. Quigley., ' ' ' Jio. MgiMT,' ' [W* have rcoslved another lelter from Mr. Qoigley on tbla inbJeol, bni u ail parllea bavo bad a bearing eacb, wa doaet oar* tobava lb* dijcnulon conllnned.—Ei>. Cur.] ' JackakdObif,— A mitohbubeen made between John Oooper'a dog Jack, or Baaton, and Nil Rlley'a dog Grip, of Obirleatown, al 18 poundi, for 831, to take placo on the 8d of Augnal, Grand YAcnr Baob for $600.—The race between the yaobta Griaoe Thome and the David Kirby,, for tbe sum of I3S0 aslde,.oame off on the 26tb Inst, The Qraoe Tborne belongs tp ihe New BoohoUe .Yaobt Olnb, while the David Kliby la. the property of, the Harlem Model Toobt Qlub. Thoif lioata have been matched together previously, when the Di^vld KIrby waa proclaimed ihe winner, owing to ihe Grace Thoroa having carried awa^ her jib when tba race waa apparently In^ar fayor... The dlseatlsfaotlon at this letult led to the present match. The distance aslled was about 20 miles, tbe yafihts starting from Biker's Island, sailing np.the rlveriiTPpnd a buoy moored of Sands' Point, and returning tio the starting point Tbe Grace Tborne won the maiott In gallant style, beating her opponent by ten minutes. kXhete was a largo mutter of tbe patrons of aqoatte sporta, and'a large amonnt of money cbanged handB on the oooaelon, the betting balsg very spirited.