New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER TBS TVHF Mi.BkUM ilaoocM the drond •gtiA, tud taok«d|THE "OATASTBOPEB," AN HIBTOBIOAL FApi. w _ f—.^* Alii As An J A tkMaMA I oat H< would than givtimetmOotobar to floilKlHCM to na Urn a qouter of • mile foe 01,000, tnyvhan In Um Stoto, to pnt ap 9200 In •adlUon to lbs $100 alrmdj down, whloh wo bid nn for. Tbli I leooptad, wlMn be •giJn bMked oai In rlew of tbli offer of Kr. SUlei, u well u all the olroomiiuots. do yon not thlok I wu {tklyenllUtdtothemonejl Fleuauswerlnvoaraezt Kr. .nariat aui oowml 4ih laaotr, vt- » ^ „ i Fafllog thoa to make BDythlog by hli gu, he «aiit«d .J»i»f as*, Wiyr".'!illSZ ZfSShilJ' the aiakeholder to gWe blm the money, offering to In- lum^own*. J. 0, rui u»<Mnt, M Ta«i»f,^ After dlipuUng aome tlmottne attkebolder gare to this "honeatand gentle- manly aportaman" bla own money back, ea he vaa leatfol of getting Into dUBooltT hlmaeU. Thla" old and experienced band on the turf" no eooner had hia olavs on the money, than he depart«d, hltohed ap the " Skllea Sorrel," which be hod traded to Jlr. Donan V liA«I» AND MATOHti T<) OOMK. ' AUtir,». T..... ..toplra0»<iii^>all MmUk. W 5«Jf '•SPil V mrnmCri . '.3<Ki*ntM>ni\ KertHf.«iy"^>L'2iiLv J oSSMa^..^"aluAoMhM , ■uHtiann, (kn; .Hcaiml OiO'M ^B"** "***■• 1*' *<>e*<>*r> ^'■^"LegKiltt.1 ...Abbtf^ni, r»U Btow, S4 TnMd», Bapt.ll. .i^ MBKw a; Ott"wfl«»b BM«a,il<a Taaiiay, Abi. bX ,|1J>^IJ _■ if^ If iter wUi uk« ite troobl* I niMtltui which BSjr wb* cO BT "BFBCU." Oi • mtto Nit, 'utlh ih* old «lm KM TtMt ibidtd till qoM d(U, ori>ttaai \*t* nt wHh bj HtUr J4*, Aa< ICT»lalM" thw* «I4 lell. tWU BMTlr l«*lT« 0B( lUlDcht Bl|hl, W* Ml togtOMr Itaer*; : lb* iifeta btlbn wu tpukUai brlfhl, iad Um naiut moon ihos* fkir; tmilhwlBaiBOMd, "I•dor* Mr OWB iwMl H*ttr Let I Ob* mU* Aon th«e, ditr ooe, li more Tub Uli UmU^ le m* I" SbI nldtBlf lb* old Mti anakod— * •'Bovnlt(a,"l4ldDiU«r, mta " dowB ihi on*,'* far-ii<nM dip' And <iaip«i «< *• Mtfiittcr. the " BUiea oorrei, - wnioa ub ma. iraowi m «r. "w-J"! I rfcutea Moordlm to Aot orOoDgnu, to Ui«jw U*a. In Iho OlMk'e and only borrowed for the laoe, and left BobnylUlip ()fl)g,,f|^])i;;2ie(Oouioruw8otUiMnDwiiotaiN*wToik.] Ooiintyitfnotarloher,atleaitawlaarm«a. - . Now,elr,lflIr.Bklle8lBenUtledtotheoharaoteroran THE WHITE WIZARD; v«&.IMraalMMr> • ■ • 11' Vmnm.TAUTl twatrmt boneat aportaman, wdald be bave come to make a matoh with bla horaedlsgaiaed in the manner he waa, or will an "old and eiperlwoed band on the tail" get tight by THE fiBEAT FBOPBET OF TUE SKBINOLES. limply alttliig In a bar room a abort time. I a tale or Now, aa to " Argua'" oballesge, contained In the laat sxBANQE MYBTBBr IN THE SOUTH AND NORTH, ^yb!iT PakonTLTAHU Tbotttio ViTOH.— Ub. Faikk paragraph of his oommnnlcalloo, I have to aay to blm, U iwnt 'la tbelaitOUFFiB I notice a oommnnlcatlon bewanta to make a match for "SklleerSotnll,"! will I ma tbe alnataie of" Argna," okarglog ma with nofalr ran him from a halt a mile to a mUe beata, aame gronnd, oqiorttniabUke oondact In araca with Ur. Skllea, of aame welgbta aa before, for/rom $100 to $600 a ride, and natTalley, lianbuter coonty. If I ahoald encroaoh u tbe Sorrel woa held In before, thla will give them a ■- —'-'■-ice to let him oat, j , I CHAPTER I. - <■ Argue," or mt of the baokera of Bkllea' Sorrel, ^^^^^ ^j^,, ^ ^^^Smi ooaet of Florida, ... _ . -.5- . u I ~\ ^ ' of «100.a aide forfeit, they can do ft^^ ^^^^^^ 5, g^nt n„fc, ^ ^ey Weat, there ■otmadetheae chargei agaloet me, you would not be to either through the Ouppab, of,py ■"ttOTt? '* wereno aetOemenlB, and only a few Spanlah fchlng eta- ' iMod with any oommnnloatlon ttm. me In regard to BllverlOreek, Sohuylklll Oount7. It the Sortel u we uon,,t j.„„B»y, Manltee, Boca Grande, and Sanabel, • iAatter, for I make it a role never to toooh tar leat I horae he la aatd to be, he certainly ought to be tUe to ^, ^jj^ ^„ ^, vaM,n of the drama wblob deflled. but at the aame time abould I aeoldentelly be beat a oolt that worka every day In a prtar wagon, that ,{f„ ^ reader, narlv forty jeaia ago. OB, BT NZD BUFTLINE, i AOIBOB Of "aiVL ■iiBuoAT." ■■iiflu ixD ncni," "EOuiB um woose," no. flllh of any klod, I alwaya tiy to olean It off. ^"ttt'taett myaelf of theae obargea reqoirea but a almple MMttvaofaUmattenoonBeotedwlththlarace. " Argaa" liUnw lb. Skllea quite a puff, oalla htm an old and ez- ' feitaiotd hand on the torr, and an honeit and gentle- '■■kaly aportaman. I ahall not deny bla title to thla (>4hitnetar,-bat leave It to the public to aay how fairly be !jt:4atltlea to the tfbaraoter given to him by " Arna." I'laA few evenlnga before the raoe, Hr. Doonan, of Potta- .ivOtofMatfcr metocome down, aaylng that if I did not 9.e<M'Iie wonld loae: a bet of $10. ( went down, and /omd In oompany with Ur. Doman, Ur. Skllea and a Ur. „ Alaalwok, woo were Introdaoed to me aa two hog draverf. ' Both of theae gentlemen appeared to be rather the worae lor Jlquor; I do not aay (hat they really were In any de* dfMuated, bdt In kay opinion bad only been b bywlth aome one who really bad been drinking a iiiiatt.-> Tbeee two gentlemen had bean round the town, IhMwIng dnat'In the eyea of people, aaying that they had all their bog^ aod wcald dupoaa of uelr boraea at a ' .uodOoa, to enable ^them to go home. After talkpug Kr^ StamfaMk aald he bad jaat traded a horea to libft Oofnan thatifaa would baok for a quarter of a mile " 1 lend him the horae,) for one, two, or '^1*'** ' ^ would run him 600 "jifda fog^^Se'handrcd, If be would ahow me the horae be- (JlMftft'op'the money. He agreed, and wewent tothe ■tfi^M to have ft look at the horae; we found blm hitched an old atase, for ihe pnrpote, I preanme,of making me believe that he waa only a oommon atage horae, but jOi' bla collar I found that the hair ander bad been ahaved, and I remarked to Ur. Btambaok that they had a good barber aomewhere, one who could out oloee wltbmt-lather. We agreed, boweven to mn 600 yarda ribtona bondrtd dollaif, and proceeded to the tavem.for ■ thvpo^poae bl potting up themoney. The only atipula- , ,tIon I made waa that their horae abould oarry 186 pouodi; ' <lielr aaawer waa that they oonld not ride ao light, aa Ur. SUler, or Ur. Stambaok, would have to ride, they having no rider with them. The money, $1C0 a aide, waa then "fdttil^.' I have keen many men very onrlonaly effected ^'Rl tl^a alght of money, bat I never aaw any one ao effect- '<4a.M were Ur. Skllea and Ur. Stambaok. They were ' csmpletely aobered. Now whether thla auddenaoberlng of theae " boneat ai)d gentlemanly aportamen" waa oanaed 2' the thought that they had got a dead anre tUng, or 1^ e walk of twen^ yaida, Iieave to othera to detaanlder V:,ncm titla to ue day of ranotog all thlooa went on ;it^; Inton meetlag at 11 o'olook I found that they anolber rider, who waa not near ao heavy aa Ur. 'BUlfrtt Bfambaok:, Thla oeoaaloned a dlepute, aa I con- ol^nmOif t either Skllea or Stambaok were bound to ride KMOflrifag'to our agreement, and offered to ride my own ' '0, ftlthbbgh I am an overweight for Um, and I waa doea not pretend to tbe ohaiaoter of a ranning hoi ae. Tours truly, David Wbubboiise. UMIOX OOOBSI, u L—TBOniKa. UoNDAT, July 10.-Uatoh $1,000; hvneaa. Woodmff, bgBdfpttaloa.... •..*•....... S, Ttunaa, ■ | Bawlfr Time. »;31; (:!3. CKNTBBVILLB OOUBSl, L. L—TRORINO. Fbdat, July 16.—Uatoh (1,000; mile heata, beit 3 In 6, towagolii. W. D. rethod7, n f GipUlB Bonrr, rteelrid forfilL H. Woodni; b t baOIetomif h, IbrftlL OZFOBD FABX, rHnAOILFHIA.—TSOTTIKa. UoNSAT, July 13.—Ulle heata, beet 3 la 6, to hameia. Premium 1260. J.Oilatrnamodf mJaaayUid..,. , 3 13 11 J, Wheeler uoad i b wbiJetMee 13 13 3 nn«, 3-,17 ; 1:01; tSii)i ; 3:41; 8:08. Track very heavy. FOm BBEIf E FABE, FHILAOELFBIi.—TBOTTIHO. Tbubsdat, Joly 16.—Ulle heata, beat 3In6,to hameaa. PremlnntSO. Om. Moieit turned g | Froit Ill W. King nimed'b h Barnr Ooll 3 3 3 nmo,3:lBM;l:t3; 3:tl. TBOTTina AT Loumvnj.!, XT. Satubdat, July 8.—Porae —, mile heata, In hameaa Slaepj Darlo Ill FrlBoe ■ " ~ TIB*, SK>1; 1:00; 8«a. TBOmKO AT OBIOAOO, ILL. momlagoaffletba wind had alffloatdledawi^. Thentbev aai^ the low bladk hull bt the aehooner rialog and ftlUol with the aweU of the tea, aa aha lay at anchor about J mlM'rromahore-bertall apan, with the oanvaa oloat. ftolad, Btanding In bold ontUaa between them and reload, leti Oy. Aa eoon aa It waa falrlv light, a boat waa lev. erad flrom the veatel, Bunned wlUi an armed crew. They palled In upon and over the bar, taking loondlogt ani bearlngt as they went, and aoon louod that their aohocner could, without dUBoolty, make the anchorage Inalde. Tbey retted to iter, and, In a abort time, aha waa got ua. der-#ay, run In and orcDgbt to an anchor under the tame lee where the atranger'a boat bad luffed up the day before, and within mueket ahot of the hula of the flahermen. The latter were much alarmed, but they had nothing to berobbedcfeioeptafewthoaaandponnda of dried flih and their neta and oanoea, ao they did not fly, bat with many prayera to their patron aalnlf, awaited the reeult of whatever might come. In a Utllo while an armed boat landed from ihe venel, and one who aaemed to be her commander aproog to the there, fie waa richly dieaaed, atrcagly llramM, thcroagh- ly armed, and hla featarea woald not have been uncomely If paaaloa bad not evidently made lla throne within hb heart. Hla look waa that of one aeeUog for a victim with the ardor ofa Ualay, wlahtng for bloody vengeance fot aome wrong or fancied Irjurv. Hla age waa probably not more than tbUty—hla light hair and complexion tpoke of Anglo-Saxon blood; With him waa a lean, tallow-fdoed ladTviddal, dreiaed In black, evidently ten or llfteen yeata older, whoie amall, an^e-llke eyer, tbin llpi, narrow fore- head, and oloae-ahaved face made him look, what he lurdy waa, a villain; fnhdblf a kind of Judaa or Arnold, -ready to bt one for any one. It money waa In quutlon. The fliat comer. In an loperloua tone, demanded of the flahermen why tb.ey did not anawer hla algnal for a pilot. He waa replied to by the eldeit of the parly, a gray, haired Ulnoroan, one Pablo Oonovaa, whd, among hla com- panioo^ bad the leputatlon of fearing neither man nor the devil <* We didn't nnderaiand your algnal," aald he, boldly; " and, II we had, we had no boat which could live In the aurf on the bar yeaterday I" " Tet you could alguallza the vUlala who oroatied by your dlreoUona, when we were tun of hla capture I" "That waa not half BO bad aa you murdering bla poor wlfel" aald tbe old Spaniard, bitterly. " Hla wife t Did hi aay aha waa bla wife, my dear fellow t" aald the Individual In black, quickly catohiog at the ex- preaaion. " Aak the loaolent dog no queatlona, Oouoaellor; iibieu that aha waa married to blm; that's mough I" aaid the other. Impatiently. " Then, Oaptalo Feblger, we mut have the child, or all will fall tbrongb, ooleaa we can prove itt death. Uy dear fellbw, the child waa nnbarmed, waa It nott" " When I know whether I'm the devil or not, I'll anawer I" aald old Pablo, grafBy. > "Ooma—I WkeAalP' aald ha wbo had beau addreased aa Captain Feblger, aniliog grimly on P«blo. ■< He la a lauytr, and they're aervanti to tbe devlli aa a geaeral „. - , ^ , . , . .ithlng, but I can answer the queatlon aa well aa he. The iUndlngIn toward the ooaat, undera fearfW pwia of Lj^man only was hurt I aaw that through my apy-glaail" canvas. And only about a mile nearer, butao oloae to Oe » ^ad been aa good aa your eye^ khe, too, abore that the penons of those on board of her oonld be ^^^jj j^j^ j.jjjj |<i gjjj pg^iQ. plainly aeen, waa a amaU bat beautiful lohoone^bo8t- ^^^^ i Well, now, I have a better heart no more than five or alx, tone burthen, and but partially .^^ ^^^^^ j„ q, j j ^jf both your eaia for decked over, yet ahe rode the tea like a duok, tai aeem- g„ insolence; bat I like your iplrit-lt has a aploe of ed to oat the water aa a bird oleavet the air. Upon her ^9^,1 ,t '^g ^y own, If yoa'll oome aboard the deck were three peraons-a man who atood at the helm, „i,ooner-the " AUaSonna"! oall her-l'il give you as a lovely feinale, who clang to the weatbw ihroud a few , glesa of grog aa ever met thlraty Ilpa!" feet before blm, and by the hand aba held a little girl, |- i.^eep your grog to drown the recollection of bid deedalnl'*^ A gale waa Uowlog, aterriflc gale, from the aontb-eaat, rolling up the wavea from the Say of Uexloo—aa that portion loBlde of the Oalf baa been named—and aending them on the aaady ehore, where they broke In lofty walla „ . . , , of foam. 80 fleroeW did the tempeat rage that the Span- two mile heata. In 11,^ flahermen could not parade tneir avooation I Thav were obliged to lay their neta out open the Inner branoh 111 of .the point of Boca Orande, where their ranohs was ea- * ' tabllabed, and acek refuge In the low, palmetto-thatched bnta built for their ehelttr, wblob, though located In a ravlnei, where the wind had not full play upon them, teemed hardly atrong enough to wltbatand the gale. Here, tmoklog their olgarattoa, they/huddled, some cursing vid grumbling at tbe weather; othera uttering a ptMer, now and then, to San Antonla—aU dlaoontented and oat of aorta. Suddenly, however, the booming of oannonry—and that oloae at hand—atartlad all of tnem to their feet, and with one Idea th^ mated almultaneoua- ly ontrto aee what could be off that ooaat In auch a atorm, and why tbe cannon were fired. On reaching the elevat- ed point that bouada to the acuth the narrow entraaoe to the bay, wblob extends far baok into the awamps and wlldt of tbe county, they aaw a large aohooner, foretcp- Ball rig. evidently armed heavily and with a AiU crew, 333 lout like penona on the gale. ^ st thla Iwat and Ita helpleaa crew, to the wonder I of the Spaniards, tbe oannonnade of the large, blaok-ald- I ed lehconer was dlrcoted. To their ampTUe, tbe more, beoauae the aohooner ahowed no flag, and did not aeem, by her looka. to be either aOuardaCoataaraman-of-war. I "Etuia PMa—U la a pirate"—they muttered, and, Tbubsdat, July 8.—Porae $260, with $60 to the aeoond I crooilng tbemaelvesj they prayed eamettly for the esoaoa beat, lor aeoond olaas horses, mile heata, beat 3 ln6, in | of" JB^oMacMea"—the little aohooner—and aome of the more eameat of them ran down to the point, and by beok- oningaand algnals, endeavored todltect tbafdgltlvea how to ran into tbe narrow channel, wblob, bavbg once entered. Would plaoe them In aafety for a time. Tbe man at the helm aaw them, aeemed to nnderaiand, and, keep- harneas. 0. W.BdwtU'achBChktgoBoUa 81011 BoiMrt auapllB't tl g Iittll* Wonder (for- mrlyBkuk Sdi*) 118 S a H.oraT«a'bBLMraHi«r tscas O. W. naaiak^ DgtatMomr ,. dr W. Fahrlok'a b g Tong BIMm dr 9B<b S.-Ui tAX; i-M; 1:11; 1:«T. " Well, well, the oDer wai kindly meant, take itaejoa will. Do you know anything about the bay op whloh the fellow went t" " JVotAiiv/" aald Pablo. '* How far doea It extend before the main la reached 1" " i don'! W/" replied the Spaniard. '■ Your men, here t" " Kaow no more than I do 1" continued Pablo, " yfhti the devil do you know!" cried Feblger, begin' ning to get angry and show hla natural ferocity again. " A'otUy, wneB It salts as; a good deal, when we want toP. ■ The strange captain's hand was on the bUt of III sword. us jioim «w USUI, «"^™J:rA."3i"tr"C Thestrange captain's hand waa on the hUt of hte sword, Ing bis orafl Bleady ibr the abore, apon J^tJ^mw to the gentleman In blaok arsad him to puraue the steer to make tteentranoe. UeanUme Che ahot from the ft, ,u,, , »j child, who were pSly.faatfflg i^Qpnflnad tb any welghL They Indated on their man I ^Bats. lac atlewed to ride, and alleged that he was two or} £. I Buianlng vi asel were ploughing up the water all around I Urn. Twloe bad hla amall aalta been perforated, time af- _ . n ^lAn r ■ I. _ii I ter time bad the epray fkom the hlaabg ahot dadied over Fmpat, Jalj 9.-Par«e $100, for running hoiaet, mUe 5^)^^^ was tonobed-nor bafor tbe woman, or BAcma AT mLVAuxKB, wu. Ml, niiw < _ _ vond parault, urgtog. for aome leaaoa, that the (leraon of the latter moat, at all eventa, be aacured, even If the death of the other waa not aeoompllabed.. Garbing bis anger as beat ha could, the captain of Ihe aehooner retnrnedlo his alleged itaM wnnda over tba weight l had named (186 ponnda)- l^li itucholder being snmat me, and threatening to pay — tiM tnoney if I dla not run as they wished, I con- olqded'to have their nan weighed, and drove blm some .two .mllea for the purpoae. On welgblog the rider pcovtOad by thla " boneat and gentlemanly aportaman," mm fooBdothat with all Ua rigging he weighed jaat ^61 ••plUhM being tbna 20 pounds abort of the required I 'rmiatilMBlde the two or three pounda that he waa Mid | vieV;Ce above the weight All preaent were aatonlihed, I and anilcna to know whore the sort of man grew who I ''f<MJ4 liise 28 or 23 pounda In an easy ride of two milea li'n'fi*'thlqg it proved, howeverand that la, that if | ^Blkto'ibBKlllrlUlM 3 11 Mr. Ooaglu' b b Oghtaad Itarr 1 S dr B.0«tr«t7>abrgU«tlariea dr nae, Ml; IM. FAomo AT rmsBDBaB, fa. Wbdnibdat, /nly H—Uatoh tot —, mile heats, beat 1 3In6. oblld hurt, and they now were veiy oloae to the shore; Though they" for that bold at( charmed lUs-Death oame apnaar ana yoweirBuiBa. i j = br5'err»Tar^S5SyWe?a''iSSi?^^^ ."^P^ ^J. ^?». l^eep .and the ohIM from their "?J^Jl*^^?. «fi^;'f«A.^^^ faU.manned and armed, pat off ftomthe "Wing In the dlreoUon which the alranger had -Death oame ao near and yet retrained. ♦-^,„ ^ y^. j ° v^, " nek tnrpla., aieyBob Ill IBS p,Qne tnlng ,lt proved, nowever. and tbat la, inat u vJTainV •<liga£' cannot JaeUy claim for Ur. Skllea the character L'«f an" kpneat and' gentlemanly Bporttman," ha can fairiy I y g^w TBOnUia AT AUIAIIT, N. T. Thdbsdat, July 16.—Parse and atbke 9200, mile heats. l^n'»bl4 and experlenoed hand on tbe turf." We _ _ wirtt to the nualog gronnd, being fearlU that if I 6wer<^aiaTed lODg on the road that thla rider would be en-1 fMMf Xbll,'^ ihi 33 or 23 pounda of lost fleah waal 'vUa'vby an Mual amoaut of giavel tied in a bag,and I «teud vpbdiha'bBok of "SkUeaaorreL" (i'oti«koie'Ba'jadge, Ur. Benjamin Obarles, who has acted Ittdge hhdalup af rider In raoes on the Eogllah turf u I ^iL'.aa in tbla ooontry. .Skllea ohoae some man <yom| lerka Oounty. The odda at the etatt were IttO to 20 on I "Otf torrilj and $20 to 121 yiu offeced on two dear lengths. . Theaa odda ware freely offered all over the I tiMkf .aiid'aa Ur. Sklles bad Informed hla frienda that he I kada dead aure tt^ag, the pars at noon brought hoata of . hU ftlMdf i^m Berka and Lanoaeter, smxloua to take a ■^lIU^^tterTrom BobnylUll. Dorlag tbe mn.for the flntdOO yarda the Sorrel led aome 16 or 20 feet, but after Bpr)Btit«*d'sehga«»riaDawioD 3111 " Walloat Bury Wklwo, 1 3 3 dr tiBt, 3:87; Mt; 3M. Samb DATiTT-Uatoh for —, mile heata, beat 3 In 6. J. D.WtUoB'a Bbwkaboat Ill Ur. VsUuaa' Nuknild 3 31 IliUk 1:11; 1:80; 1:10, I to, aoaroe.a half mile off, and threw a abower of grape and cannMer at the hapless fogltlves. With a shudder, they turned to aee Its effects. Tbey groaned and beat thur breaata as they aaw the lovely woman, who bad held the ohild by ihq band, fall to tbe deck, and aaw the man, who, letting go the helm, permitted hla boat to luff np onder the lee of the head-land, spring forward and ralae her In his aroia, while great toireilta of blood gushed out from her breaat and ran In orimaon cniienta over her white dreaa They manned aeveral of their flahing canoes end bur ried 68, la spite of the driving gale, to offer their aesla- j tance. Tbey fonnd the man, a young and noble-looking flablng ranohe, though tbe piO' prietora lived In Havana, where market wufoaodfor Ihe nab when cored. The oontlnuatlon of tbli apleodld atory will be found only In the Nbw Tobe Ubbobbt, for Satniday, Joly 81; 1858, which la now ready at all the newa depota and book atores) price four oenta. The UitioDBT la the largest, handaomest, and best story paper published, and ua a larger corps of oontribntora than any other JournaL Ned Buntllne and George Albay write only for the Uibccbt. p.hoirea paaa tha aooie,'r>The'i|UliefJiioB£!l)y Ught to meA UrT-Pharttl to ilulM never ooold be brottgL , mOMtMiUo. ThelrittlrortheeorrtAaaldWBoKeof ttt lvilBBd«r8*who Inquired of him, " that he bad lost oriiAso'lt'Mi i^dead heat" TbU was before he got off ■hwiwiis.- ' ta tte iMeboe of the jadge ohoaen by Sklle^ no deol- . -aloaooaldrbe had, and both partlea left the track. The - next momlng I went t7lth Ur. Obarleato PottarlUe, for " I pnipose of haying the matter deolded, but the other %,WMnot'to oe BseOi and has not ainoe been aeeniln County,"either by Sklles or any one elie,' Ur. i^JkuleSi'U well as two or three others who were jit,the TBOTTOta' AT WORODTBB, 1US8. T««BDiT, Jnly iSv^For a basket of champagne, mile heata, beat 8 In 6i ' . . Heanr Oooldlag'a b a QataaTwtOTia 1011 dpt. OgakllB'a b m WoTMoUr Olil a 0 B 8 .tlBa,8:U; 8:U; 1:11; 8:1L TBorriNO m fhovidinob, b. i. Wabbikotor QooBSB, Wednesday, Jaly 21.—Uatoh DIGESTION , -, -„ „ ^ pTOcea which extraota from our food the ela- person, taieellng upon the debk and trying to ataunoh the I menta of growth, repair and saatenaoce. If the dlgeallon ... ..v—.—..... -.^-'-■•-Jr-vin-.—-A-111 inpejfeomiij 1,9,1(1, o( the body becomea Imp^rifeot In meana digeatlon caaaea alto- neal, a man will as oertalnly aometlmea almost aaauddsnly, „ , „ , , [rough bis heart Any g^t with the flerceness of a manlao, he halt raised her form emotion of paatlon or pleasure, aoon after eating, oaqaes Ihim the deck, and while his eyea glared and hla longhair death: hence, ne highly exciting or momentoni newa ht on the gala, he ehouted— ahoold be oommunloaled, even to the healthiest, let alone ^,000, with an Inside atake of $600, play or blew ontatialgL « Off 1 off I She Is murdered I ahe Is murdered V Then he laid the body down, trimmed hla tattered aallp, Bmng to the halm, and, before another minute had hla boat waa flying like a gull before tbe atorm, Ihe bay amid the thousands of. Islands whloh lay between the sea coast and the " Big Oypieaa." A wild myatery to them waa in all thla. Never had they seen a more beaatlful Ifij. She waa tall, raven L 6, to wagona. D. liiaa BBBid br b ladf Bhenaaa D, rutr haaid bl g North Eter HBO, 9:11; 1:U; 1:11; 3:1}. or mv but 8 hwad, lovely In feature, and perfect In form. And coat- ao ai gmj, "w»» jy jj^jjj Biittared on her flogeia, bracelets of gold olaip- vIgo Q111 ed her wnata, and also were on her fair round arma above I ^ I' the alok and tbe feeble. Immediately after a fall repiiat Sometlmea thb wlaest of oa will eat too mnob; for an oooaalonal Indlscietlon of thla kind, two or three, tea- apoonafpl of atrong vinegar affoid relief to acme peraons, but aggravate the evil In a few. The better plan la, to take a long leliure walk In the open air, wlUi a pleasant aaaoclate. Keep on walking until entire relitt la experi- enoed, and eat no more of anything ontll next morning, And cost-1 ao aa to allow the over-taxed stomach to recover Its tone, ' iOr and elaatlclty. ' we beoome odnaoloua of a anrfelt over nigbt. and from lias the elbowa By thla tbey deemed her Spanish. I that, or any other oaaee, a walk la Impraotloabfe, a good ABBOoa aa the boat had laffed In out of alght of the aaballtute la found. In ataadlng erect with the olotulog aohooner, the latter commenced making algnalafora nmoved, except the atookloga, month oloaed, and rubbing pilot, having abortened a^l and hove tu aa near the abore the region of the atonaob, and fbr a foot aroaod It, with Baoko is UiLWAWia-OoiD Spbiso Oovbsb, Jdly P. I aa ahe dare£ Bnt, had if been poaslbla for them t^ go the open hand. Very great relief la often afforded, even , -Quito a large crowd asaembled at the Odd Spring out to her, there waa not one of thoae boneat flahermen In Beriona oaaea, wlUIn half an hour, by a vigoroua man- rarcdlogoberoieanymagUtratdandboquallfled Oonrae to aee the promlaad raoe between LltUe Flea, Kit- who woald have helped to do further wrong to the IpvatIonorUila aort,Uktog for breakraat, nextmon^ ihwae won bv two or three feet Ur. Bfellea d^ ty UUes sad Highland Uary, mile heats. After watting, wretched fuglUve, whoever he might bo, by aiding to bring a oupof acme klpd of hot drink ud a alngle piece of and dalmed tbat hla horae bad tron; bnt only however, till haff-paat Ave o'clock. It tamed out that the the aohocner In tbat aba might renew the purenlt dry bread; and for dinner, a b)wl of aoop with bread vpbaeof getting back his own money, thinking owner of Little Flea reftaaed to run him, nnleeathetwo Oanaltergundldlha(ohocaerflre,»ndtheo,wltbmenornat, and nothing else for that d«y. The atomach ahoold h9 Wuld eive hla own bacon, althouah be had marea would take np addlUonal wdght The ownera of at her maat head, ahe atood dose In aa If to raconndter alwaya be allowed extra reat after overwork. sold Onililbga "Argus" saya that Ur. SklTea offered the marea decUdog to do thla, Llttleflea waa withdrawn, the bar, to aee If It ware paaaable; and thongh it was. and [Hall'aJ oarnalof Health, to nmOTW.a8aI>>* or to run any dIaUnoa at any time for land Kitty UUes and Highland Uaiy had the raoe to th^ aeabrckeln - aDyaBloant,<Mow,ItlattaethatbeforehegototsInonay]ielvaa. Thla materially diminished the InUreat of the oo- four fathoma water npon It, and the menon aboreccatd Bbvival Rbtmb?.- A New York poet. In touching on back he did Mme blowing, bnt when brought to theloaaion.aaHleblandUBry waa not considered a matoh for by alngna have eaally gulaedhereoioaB,they woald not the oonveraloa of Awful Gardner, goeth It thoa: """""""" ~ Kit^UUea Nevertheleaa, they atartedaadrantwobeata, doit The alght which they had wltneiaad had alokened| . .. aoratob. alwaya backed down. He propoaed to ruu 700. _„v_ , „ , yards fbr $7()0, but, when I offered to. put up 9800 as allngoM time, each winning one; Highland Uary first, their hearts, and more than one prayer wu uttered ttiat forfait, he treated and backed oat In a little while he | li62; Kitty Ullea second. l:6t. Highland Uary waa then night, that the pirate, for auoh they dieemed her, would offered to ma 800 yaida for $800, any place out of the drawn^ There waa mpon diaappolntment and otisatlsttio-1 alnk before the morning dawned again, ^-"nty. This I dosed wlttr^ offered $100 as a forfait ticn 6t all three horsea not going, aa announced. | Bat, daring the night, the tempestalaokened, and when W« slog and ibOBl wir (rttthil Ihuka, Tb«l A«ral OtrdBtr'i Jolatd oar mkii nil, M lb* Uap holli 091 lo bnro, nera p»v bo ohuoa for Paukk Bttno; And a hla BWOjr'i til tBdnrlai, Wa aur ortD hopo fiir Jolm Via Boren,