New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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uMnauiiot liU oein, ner<intrrerBTtiT~iTrBavamnrdor'Uiia nibble belof nudo, bai anill Ibe rnmor uaamu • aabatsBtlil ibtpa we (hall bold our ptue apon Ibe iuhJ^oL Tbelbcitrelo Ibe Boserr above Btjerd itreet, Deerl7oppotlle the old BowtTj, known u ibe audi Tbettre, wu opened by e oom- ftaj darlog tbe peil week, nnder Ibe mueieDeni of J, B. Howe, AnoBK tboee In tbe cora dianatiquA we find tbe nrnmee of J. H, ^en, George BoUend, J B. Howe, J. derberl, Obu. Wtrwlok, J. Itmll, Crinabiw, Lte, Foater, elo. Mmei Denvlll rad Benneil ere •MS In the lilt. It le onr opinion tbtt ibia aubiubment migbt be aide to per; bnt obuie tbe name, genilenan maiagen—Bltdt Oitaire" la loo I'utoby to aitraol Ibe fretuenlen of Ibe old Bowtry. Wbr not call U tbe " Kew Bowerj f Hr. and Mrs. Clarence Boll, or Analrallin celebrity, oloaed tbeir «Dn|emtnt at tbe Bowery on Iba Slat. Henra. Jos. Proolor and Bonert Joboaton are tbe ctrda for the preeent week, tragedy being Iba onlerot tbe nigbt. Ura. Prior doct the beroloea, II will be neoeaiiry Tor Ibe naiaiar to keep a abarp eja to windward It be liopea 10 conllooo bli reoent ancoeaaea. Foi la cunning, and will do til beat to tlTect a combination between Ibe p«a-nnl eaters ot tbe Obatbam and Bowery. HIM Ada Clifton, LOW performing wilh the "oomblnatlon" eom- ■pany, at Niblo'i, baa been engaged by Hlae Lanra Keene, for Iba «0Dlng leaaon. By tbo way, Ulaa ida will pleaae accept oar Ibanka for tba beaatlfal pbotograpb aba wai kind enongh to acnd na a few dayi ainoe. It li a tratblbl plolure, Tbe Bowery Tbeaira la aonounocd for re-opeslng en tbe Tib Inal mder the oanagemenl ot J. LIngard, and G. L. foi, botb formerly connecled witb tbe KalMnal. II la not itated on what terma tbe theatre has been rented, bnl we preaomo tbau gentlemen bSTC too jauth (ood aenae to promise to pay the eibcrbllanl demanda made ipoD Ur. Eddy for tho booae. Uia the 0| poeUlon bonae, the BtadI nealre, bad esylbtng to do with Ibe arraniement. Here la a cbance fur flddlera. Lurence Donn reqnests na to atate that he will pity agaloal any man In the Untied Blatef, on tbe violin, reels, J'gi, ana taoroulpes, fur from fire to Ave bnndred dollaii Han and money ready at Hubert Balier'a, 192 Franklin street, New Tort Wood's Ulnatrels are letling logethor ■ itrong team for tbe ap- proacblDC ecaion. In adoiUoo to Ur. Rloe, ooe of ibe early pioneers m Ibe Eibmplan bueloeia, and Ibe great repreaentaiWa of "Jim Crow," Itaoniniger baa also engaged Ibat popolar delineator of Negro ecuitrloillea, Eph. Born, who, with Rice, Fox, and Bowers, enibtlomalie funenoogb loault all lutea. We are sot advised, however, wbelber Epb. Is engaged pormanently or noL Lasra Eeene'a tbeiire will re-open early In September. It has been stated that Ur. Blake had been eniaged aj itage manager, but this announceisenl was premature, no arratgemenl to that eflkol havlDg been made at latest advlcea. Ur. Bamett wUl probably allll bold on. Tbia gentleman, we regret to learn, hu been oonOaed to bis bed for some time by a touob ot lbs " rheamallca." Bryaota' Ulnatrels are doing a clever bnalaeaa at their hall, ill Broadway. We bavo not heard of any freab novelUoa being Intro, dnced tlBcu tbe rooptnlnf. Among the " Utile" of the day. It Is eUlsd that Ur. Eddy, Itts maiaaeraf tbe Bowery Theatre, la negotiating for tbe Broadway with tne view of openloB It wilh Bowery prioea, el^ We abonid bo torrylc hear that Ur. EJdy badilTeoled ancb an arranganent, for we leel couOdont that tbo spcoulttloo woold prove acdnlpiele fallnre Wo were under tberlmpreaaion thai Uatt Pael'a Ulnatrels wore to return to 414 Broadway, bnl by a bill on the door, It-appeals tbal the hall Is to rent What's tbe trooMif Uadane ParodI retarncd to New York lul week, from bor tonr In the Weal Indies. H. Le'alle, wenoh dancer, formerly or Bryants' UUiatrels, Is per tormlDg at Uolropolllan Gardens, decond Avenue. Jaa. Anderson, trsgedUn, la snnounced to appear In New Tork, In Beplenber, bat at wbloh theatre Is not autod. Tbe iMneBI ol tbe Dramatio Fond, at tbe Academy ot Uasic, on Monday evoilng, will realise 91000, It Is said. Tbe oMDlng nIgbt of tbe " Eddy Dramallo Olab" takes plaoe at Bamor Ball, on the nth. AUATRDR THEATBIOALB.' Tbb J. W. Wimcc DsixATio AcsoaiT'os gave their Irst eslertaln- ment, aloco tbe re.orgas>utlan, at Humor Ball, on Tuesday evening, July i'lb, to a very aeleot audience, who were greatly annoyed by Ibe vocirerafons cttbo nol>y amateurs protenl, Tbo programme «onslitedor Tbe'Uomentoua Qoestlon," "CbSTlos II,".and ''Toe i)omb Belle." A ohoico bill lor bol wealber—llgbl and epioey. The Uomentoua Qncillon" waa a lallnre on tbe part or tbe male playera. Ii Is wlib profonnd regret we make Ibe statement, and only wieh Ibat wo could speak ol Ihe enlerUlnment la a more Ikvorsble manner. Our readers want tbe train, and notbiog but Ihe troth: oonerquenily, we must be candid and Irutbtul In ocr lemarka. At tbe oloao ot tbe Brat piece, Mr. Belmont otme before the cnrltin In responio to tbe call, and dellvc^ad a apeerh. In wblch heremirked, that hs "had witoeased one or two olubs attempt 4 {be Uomcntons Question' wltboai sucsni, and that they (tbe Wallicki) Bbonid te cicuied for tbeIr bad playing, ai leversl were bnl new hands, and thai tbe pleoe could not be played by HAMLET m THREE ACTS. Friend Qdxen : la the flippant Introdaotlon to Hamlet Id three acta, I bri^ymli all that was neoeuary (preeum- iDg, of ooaraa, that e^ery reader wks Bafflclentlj Intelli- gent to comprehend a iketohy eiplanaiton, and oompe- tent to auppl; the detalla of each ekeleton saggeetlon), and though I oan^y no mors now. It leema requlalte that I Bhomd urge the fact of the decided difference between oondenelng a play for atage repreientallon, and Impudent- ly mutUaung a readable poem. In all aget, eminent dramdtlata have gladlr adopted the ooneoUona and alterationa of managera and actors of In- ferior ablUtlea. Shioe Bhahetpeare'a time, none of hla playa have been played or even pnbllahed aa he wroto them, Foi tbe Btage, oortallment and Interpolation have always been deemed neoesssry. It la a fact, almott beyond iitpule, that no aotor ever played Hamlet aa Shakespeare wrote it. Henoe, it is merely a qaeatlon of taste and policy as to which ccndensatlon or which edition will best please the public, and make the beat acting play (or the present day. This la the only real point at hsae—and it will be long 'before this point la enbmttted to a public teat, for the sim- ple reason that the theatrical la the moat oonsarratlTe ol all the profeaslone. Reforma are made in the legal pro- featlon, the eolenoe of medicine advanoes, clergymen are bsooming more enlightened and libera), InTentlon la ripe, art Is maturing, aud progreaa le everywhere; save In the theatre. The reason la oDviona, the remedy plain. ' In ooDdenaing a play tor the stage, the queatlons of sa- crilege and preaumptlon are no( to be ooosldered. No well Informed man, no scholar of good critical Judgment, will raise thoae queatlons. I have very good rraaou to believe (from information derived from sources familiar to every school boy) and I tlo believe that the MSS. of Bhskespeare's plays were all of them bnraed In the great Are In London in 1613, when the Qlobe theatre was destroyed: ao that what are now called Shakeapeare's playa oootlst of about one line of Shakespeare to fifty of some theatrical copyist or short hand writer. , , , Qreat thoughts, great maxims, may last forever, but Seat plays seldom retain posaeailon of tbe stage longer an one generation. The language ohangea; manners, lastei, oualoms, all change—the human race, coUeotivelv I epeaklnKi Is far more advanced than in Shakespeare's lime, what waa then ooneldered a good play, would ised under the name ot tbe H. A. Perry. We believe It to now known as Ibe UclropollUn." 41low me to live you a few parllculars aboot Mat club. Tboy were organized under Ibe name of H. A. Perry, but Ibe Kmpire club Joined wlib tbem under Ibe conditlooa tbal tbe name waa to be obanged. Borne ot the Empire menbe'ra paid In ibeir dues, sad all oonildered Ibemselvea members of Ibe B. A. Perry. Next meeting nIgbt the President, Ur. Baglsy, wu absent; a ohaliman waa appointed, and It wu moved and carried that tbe olub ebould be known u tbe Uetropolllan. Next meetlni nigbl Hr, Bagley attended, and Informed ns Ibat the slab wu atlll tbe li. A. Perry, and that no member of tbe Empire wu a member of tbe H. A. Perry. Upon wbloh t velve of Ike Empire witbdrew, anil bnvs alnca re-orguttid Ibemselvea. Now, bowUr. B spsel lbs resoJuilon tbal tbo club wu Ibe Melrepolllan, and tbal the Eopliea were not member* or It, after having paid their teea, Is something I woold mach like to know. Tours truly, Qosbt' SENIBAI, BCHKABT, Charley Tbome and bis oompany were giving a lerlea of perform- ances at Melodeon Hall, Leavenaorlb City, E. T., forthe beneBt or Ibe anlTorers by lbs recent oODflagralloa Uiere. Tbe third enterlaln- ment tor this purpose wu given on tbe ITita nil, Tba attendance at tbne praiseworthy enlerUumenU had not been Oial-rale. Bpesk- Ing of Ihe eobflagratlon It Is said Ibat <n aotor named Eaton, and bla wife, bud been arrested on aoaplclon of being tbe Inoendlartes, . ^ Tbe Christy Uustrels, In London, were about to leave Iiondon, for tbe purpose of fulBIIIng their provlnolal engigenents. The New Orleans and Uetropolllan Suriesque Troipe, Bhorey's oompaay, are al Rooky Point, Rhode lalaod. By a notice to one ot the Ban Fraoolsoo Joimals, we Inter that a "diffloolly" bad ocoarredbetween Ur. John Wood, and bis tuolnat- log wife. AllLoagh no names are mentioned yet Ihe whole tenor of tbe art ole In qaeetion pobits nnmlaUkably Is Ibis sonple. Tbe Isdy bad abieoled berseir rrom her huaband's domlolls, and there were muy rumors afloat regarding Ibe wbereabouU ot Uis. W. It wu supposed tbal abe migbt have left fur Aoairalla, bat sobaequent events proved that ahe nsd sot letl Oaliromls. Tnmugb private sdvlces ws nnderstand that George Cbrlaty had sni been reoelved wltb Ibat bvor wbloh It wu Ibooght woold at- tend bis appatrance In San Franolioo. Tne IfeiB Tork Ditpaleh sa;B—Some mnalolan hu Uken tbe trouble to reuoro the ages ut aeversi great ooopoeere. Acoording le bla Bialemenii, Sobubert died at 81, Bellini S3, Pergoleae 83, Weber 40, Doiiiz4iii40, AdamaSl BeelhoventT, UndpainUr 01, BreluserSI, Raob et, Spoullbl ST, PIcolol 70. Grelry 7), Oiuok nod Handel 76, Baydo 79, fluie 78, Weljiel 10, ZIngareill 8S, Burney 83, Carlsalnl 01 and OemwDl 08 years of age. Julia Pelby waa receotly married to J. A. Tboman, In OallfomU. Buckley'a Serenaders wUl give an enterlalnmeot In Jersey City on theSthlBBl. Bomething new In tbe Ethiopian mlnalreUy business hat recently been produced In Inndon, Tne oorrespoodinl ot tbe N, T. Sututay rinui Bafs:—A few daya since, a "colored opera Iroape," eigbtiu number, habited In the coart coetume ot Oeorge II., gawe a morning oonoerl of refined negro nuito, vooatandlDatrumeaui, at the Queen'a Ooooerl Rooma, Hanover Ifquare, Is a crowded and fublonable audienoe, Tne peisooal appearance of ibe par Ilea wai eiuemaly ludlorouB; but they sang well, and many of ibelr melodlca and soiiga are " taking," and likely to become favorites. Ur. Bberiook's draraatlo oorapuy, wita wbleh Sallle St Clair Is peir>rml>g, closed at London, 0. ff., on lhe2<th all, and are now In Hamllloo, Fraolc Howard's Ealerpean Ulnalrfli have been performing at Flremrn's Ball, DelrolL Tbe loliowiog la a list of tbe Eulerpeans: T. Gilllgan, Dick Bertheloo, frank Boward, Wm. Allen, J. H. Boraie, Uerr Kyle, Herr Onell, and a«>. iViUod. they bava since appeareu In Ohio, playing In Toledo, on tbe SOita ulk ^ .Rivers & Derlona* Ciroas Is said la bedolog ■ snog baslnesain Canada West, especially In Ottawa City, the buaineaa ibsre exceeding Uiat ot any snow tbal ever performed there. Ur. E l, Wood's Arao male "Feather," belongUg to Ibia oompany, reeenlly went from qgawa City to hlobmond, dialanoe 20 milea and one rod, la one hour, 2rmlnulcsand ITiecondt. Herownermadeawageror£Uttatabe could do II In one hour and a half. Bbe aoeompllihed this feat oany- Ing two men In a 8U lb, wagon. Ur. Wood hu Jaat pnrcbueo tbe obamplon running bone of, the Canadas, " Maid or tbe Ulst," of Ur, Wm. Byers. Bignor E Edgar, the miglslan, gave an eihlblllon tl Long Branob, N. J,, en tbe goih. Tbe monkeys and ninatrels, (Billy Birch's) were sill In Eaneu at lul acoounu. A parly ot yonog mon of Learenworib obartered Ibe wbole concern, on Ibe 26lh alL, for an excursion up tbe river. Tbry hired steamboat, monkeys, minstrels, calliope, "Bax-born band ot beaulltui yonng ladles,"and all. Wehope Ibey lad agoodllme otil. Cubby'sTariotles, In Ullwaukle, wu doing* anugbnalness, with nogro minilrelsy, eta On Iho occaalon of Uia heueflt of Kate and Bnian Denin, at Water- town, on the 28d, Baun's husband, Ur Uantinglon, appeared u Ginger Bias, m tbe Tirglnny Unmmy, playing a btnjo solo. The troupe have left Walertown, ■ Ur. and Urs, Barry Chapman, with Urt, A. Drake, and a fair T BS iiif flSJsBisf « i UP. Miutaay, mil uw^t' ti'ss^ recently died, aged IT. ... ,„ . Ura Hacioady, tba aclrest, and dramatio reader, was admitted Into tbe New Jerasalem (Sweitenborglan) Cbarcb, at Ohltago, by lbs rite ot DapUsm, a ab irl llm" since. Tho panorama of" Dr. JJane'a Arollo Regions Kxp«)lllon" Is being exblblied In FilnbbnrK,Mass., Ibis week, at lbs Town HalL U B. Lent'a National Circaa wll exhibit al Qall, Ao|nsl (Ita, ani Branltord, Canada Weil, Auguil Tin. Tbe panorama of Busyan's PUplm's Progress wu In Eallllax, N. a., laat week* n» Howard oompany, of Boston, were la hare gtvsn Sin " sxonr- slon performance" at Provldenee, on tbe 4lh.* Father Eemp'a Old Folka" are In Boston, • Wm. Coleman, lbs original "Ploaynae Batlar," U peiformbi| at HlllUrv dill, Philadelphia. AtOoaoordlaQsrden, Philadelphia, Obta. Fsrksr, oontntlonlst, I* the card k^f aldreas, and two red aUmpa, and be will latorM yes ct a an malhot ot winning al all Ibe vsrioaa games, IC-lt GAIUB CHICKENS FOB lALB. BiinuoRi oonKiBRrnn, baltiuobi TOP Non^ HAOsns- town Tarlatt, PliUburgb Red Domlaloks. It 00 Ibrstsg andjpai- Viet,all warranted to bs dead gams. Orders sddrasse d toWKIL , rOOOPIB, Wsstebeslsr, Ctasstar Oounly, Fa., Bex 118, F 0, CANIREs FANCY FIOBOJIS VOB lALB, Or THI rOLlOWINQ DIFFBStNT SINOa: FAN TAIU^ OBOF- pers, Gsrrlsta, Torblls, Basils, Bilvsr Bbools, Tbmblsn, Tm- paten, Ustpis, Roogb.neeks.Qnakers, and Swallows, Far partlealait addreu THOl BIABj, Foal Offlos, Philadelphia, Pa, It-tt vIhm --f--'-i' P.innT 110 Tim.—Tbe flgbl between Boberls' dog Paddy and Ihe Doctor'a dog Tiper, SSibs. eaob, for SSOO a side. oameolTat Ibe boase or Ur. Hues, Banaom atreel, btlow Bigbth, Pblladelpbia, on Tneadar, 27lh all. Paddy wu irtlned by John Harriott, ot this oily, and Ibis match baa oreaied cossldeiable Interest amorg the oanlna ruolers of Pblladelpbia and New Fork. It proved a complale dinppolnlment to all parllea, u tbe Bght wu a moal mlierable arair, laatlog oily 17K mlonto, when Tiper ictused lo sorateb, and Paddy wu desUred the wbiner. Bmin IBS Rock, for 11001 Bini.—On SaUiiday evening. Slat nit., tbe maiob for IIIjO a tide, between tbe Imported dog Ballet, owned by William Barnes, (otherwise Wm. Donning ) and Levi Uoorhoase's dog Book, took pisce lo Oonnor'a pit, Boaih and Bohuylklll, Philadel- phia.' Ur. Barnes hind sd bis own dog, and, for the Bnl twenty minales, nsver gave the other dog a chance, tlUioogta wllhrat pun- lablog bim. Alter tbta. Rook began to pal It Into Bullet ratber atrong, and al the end ot fbrty minntts, Ballet bf gan la iqneaL On Bollel's second sorateb, bla owner bad lo fairly throw bIm to Ihe surateb.anI on tbe tbird ho wu Ibrown folly fire feel Olilms would have been made lor this, bat u olslms aeldom prodoca slakes, Ibe flght went on. Rook evidenUy winning e^lly, which he did In one boor and flve minnus. Acoimnais or CHiimrais.—I will aceept Mr. James Dogery's challenge, and will Sgbl my dog Trenbler agalssi hia dog Smoker ror Sieo a aide, and will dgbt my dog at lbs. weight lo New Tork, or at 24 lbs in Troy, Tbe flgbl lo come ulf In four weeks bom Ihe date of tbe Irat deposit. I will alao accept Bany Jennlnga' challenge In latl week's Cumw, and will flibt mr red dog Ulngo, al 20K lbs., agaloat Jennlnga' XOH lb, dog, fbr tlOO a side, to Sgbl In fonr Ateks from the flrat depoail, and toes tor tbe oboloe of plaoe ot flgbtleg. A match In both the above oaau can be nade through the oolomna of the Cinrai J. B, Roon, Ne. 140 Cburoh alrcet, New York. Tam DoLuu Rawiao.—Lost, on the 281b July, ■ blai^ and tan dcg weighing abont SO Iba.; answers lo Ibe name or Orcape; had on aonalo coPar, wltb tbe owner's name on II. Whoever wll return him to SS Bowery will receive the above reward, and no qnesllou ulced. Oao. P. Wojmnc, Gbiumas —I have a 271b. dog Ibat I will tgbt agalnat nsy dog of tbal welgbi In Ibe Siaies, for tlOO a aide; also, a 2>lb. dog for ISO; a SBKlb. for StO, and 4310. for (10, I will match my Ibree legged slat Moalo, lejjiba , agalosl any crippled dog or ilul lo Ibe country, for $100 aaldH, of tbal welsbt;orIwlll match her sgslnatanylSlfdogor alul fbr tiCO a aide. It tboy will givs me one poond rur a broken leg. A match can be made al any time, for any of these dogs, at ISt First Avenoe, or through Ihe CuFTu. Jimbs UcUoaaiu. FroEiixo.—J. HoUn|blln will give a grand nigbl'a apart to the sporting men ot New Vork and Brooklyn, on Thursday evening, Aog. sib, lesB Tbere will be tonr btndaome prliea foagbt fur on that nIgbt, the dogs being pilled acoording lo weight. Tbiala arare obanee tor gentlemen to try their game stock. Then will he plenty of rata on band, tree otobarge. ?port will commence al S o'olook, r. n. Don't forget Ihe Bth ot August, J. HoLsnghlli, 115 Fltsl Avenna. Buniss.—Harry Jennlnga bu mtlobed bli nowly Imported dog, Plaitaer, againat BUI Botti'mley's np lown dog, neilber dog to exceed 88lbs., for SlOO a side, lo come olT al Harry Jennings', on TSesday evening, Ausnst 24. •» a side Is down In Ibe hands of Jsoob Boome, who Is tbe final alakeholder. JicoB Rooms hu mslobed bis red dog Ifbgo agalnat Barry JeS' ninga' red and wblle dog Spot, tor flOO a side, lo lake pis'* on Taea- day atlernoon, Angnit 81, between 2 and 8 o'olook. Tba dogs are oonUoed to 20>i pounds weight. Josira Viuss bu mttohed his tint Pet to kin ICO large alas rats In one hour, for 1(0 ■ aids, to come olt at Jacob Roome's, 110 Ooarch street, on Tiesday afternoon, Angost 10, belveea a and t o'olook. The slot lo hs hudled by Barry Jennings. FOR TVfZXTT-FITE OM^ifl IWILL BEND TBI FOLIOWIMS OELEBBiTED Biaina:nn tanking lbs Tsnkee Writing Fiald; Bilvsr PlaUsg Fiald; Aidlslal Honey ; Patent Bornbi| Fiald; Skavug Oiesm and Bnadi; Faisv Soaps; Ooametlea ; Hair Dye: Oblhaas Alt of Caublng Fah | HMksl of Breaking, Taming, and TralnlDi Wild and Biabbora Horse*. l».lt D. 0. rooRHItS, mux Oaatas, Kaaa THB TOBB HOVIB, NTAOS, ROORLAND OOUNTT. —THE BDBSOBIBKB BDnDI- fdlly Invite* the altentkn ot th* pnbllo is ths above boM, aol aollolla Ibelr patroaags, oonfldeatly auoring them tbal no oars or ex- ertloB OB his part, ahaU bs spared to render II the most popolar p)sM otrssort In lbs oonnty, Hs also solicits tbs aitsntion of his friends t» his large and admirably aeleded alook of ebcloe wines, Ufaotl, las ales, o<gars, sla, with whlob lb* bar Is fornlahed. To oonUlbnlo lo Iba amnssDeot ot hi* patroaa, the snbsorlbsr bat cowls, elo F. 0, DkTOB, PfoprMer. Jait opened a well arranged sklul* alley, 11 s ■AlfSOM BTHBET HOVSB, AKBOH STflEET, BELOW XIOHTE, FBILADILPBIA. By JOHN U0a9, Toraerly proprietor or the OLD BELL TAVERN, In ngbib strsel, below Obenil. HewcnllrespsoirallylnT'lehls old friends and pslms,aadlfa* pobllo generally, to eall ud sts bIm, wxsrs they will find ths sbolfiSBl Brandies, Wines and l!<gsr* always on bud. N. B —A Prirale Rai Pit tor the as* of gentlsmsn who wish M praollos their Oogs, day or evening, with any nnmber of Bal*. II now be tbonght very tedioua. Then booke and newapa- pers were not so abnodsnt as they are now. Then tb« theatre was the most available median fordlffusing know- ledge. Then people were willing to alt five or elx hours to see a play. They made it a serious matter—they went to gain knowledge as well as amusement—they took their note books with them to note down all tbe good things in the plays, for playa then were nearly what newspapers, bonks, secmooa, and lectures are now. Hence, through all of Shakespeare's playa. Instances abound wbeie he has ap- parently forgotten the plot eiltogetber for the sake of In- trodudcg the brilliant thonghtt which alonebavs render- ed him famous. Now, every great thibg ever attered by Shakespeare can be read dailv In the Jouioals, the novels, the magaElaea, that flood our parlors. To write a good play nowadays, it ia deemed ueceesaty to have but one plot, and that straightforward, simple and interesting; conveylog some useful lesion, Ic is sillowable for an au- thor to interweave with bis plot the great thonghts and maxims that suggest themeelvea, provided he does not maUrially digress bom tba main snbjeot to introdace them. There are plots enough In one of Bhakespeare'a plays to make five good acting plays of the present day. Scarce- ly any of us but has seen a country store where were sold Hardware, Drnga, Sty Goods, Orooetles and Lumber, But when progress, improvement, and enterprise march into the region qf that country store. It Immediately de- velopes into five ooantry stores, and the different branch- es of trade are saparated, yet the oroprletor Is not aocua- ed of sacrilege. Kay not the plays of Shakespeare be likened to these old stores I The unprononooeable words and oorksorew senteoces may Im oalled Hardware, the doubtinl, and tbe vulgar sentence! may be oalled Drugs, tbe sermons and easays, the Dry Goods, the plots the Lumber, and thoae nourishing maxlDoa and ideas so ne- ceisary to iotelleolual life may bs oalled the Groceries. All good, all benefloial In their way. For the olosat, vis: for reading, I would deoldedly prefer a simple and pure copy ol Sbakeipaara (If It were possible to prooure snob) without emeBdatlSns or alterations. For than I oould appreciate (without aid) whatever was plain or under- standable, and^I oould let pass wltboot any great eioite- ment or mental worry all those passages that looked mys- terions or too severely olaaslcal to be comprehended by any ordinary man. Being latlafled that there la no luoh thing as a copy of Shakespeare pure, I am willing to aooept tba edition that oomes tbe nearest to it, and to give Sliakeipeara oredit for whatever seems good; and toatlribnte to InterpoU' tors whatever appears ridiculous. And wblle I take tbe liberty (at the risk ct being called egotistical) to assert that no man worships genius more than I do, that no man has a greater love of «be beautUul, that no man detests meddlers more than I do, yet I feel it to be the height of lully and absurdity to grow entbualaatlc over typogra- phical errora and blnndera which Shakeipeare never com mltted, but wbloh are attributed to bin, and hence view ed with great reverence by many of our old fogy actors. I cannot restrain from repeating in this oonnexionthe very old anecdote of the serenaders who stopped before a large, fine, old msniioo, and plaved many sweet tunes, alter whlob they were Informed by tbe ulght watchman that <■ tuAoiy livtd there nov." This is ao applicable to our old gentlemen, who, if Shakespeare had written this line TraUi U ffllgbly and wUl prerall," wonld have reen nothlpg worth eapecial notice; bat If the blunderbg copyist had caused the lins to be printed thus Trath li nanghty and wUl rstall;'' they would have Ineu exceedingly profound in their emeodatloos; they would have proved logically what the immortal bard meant by " naughty" and " retail;" they would have publlahed chapters to show that a line whlcn in l>self is rrdlcttlona was beautlfol, sublime, &c. The greater a man's love is lor the enbllme, the keener is bis perception of the ridlonlcus, wblch provei that many of these Sbakespertan soholara. bookworms, antl- quatiaos, and old logle^ have a very United faonlty for kppreciatlDg the beautiful. Inasmuch aa they are ever ecstatic, raptnronr, over the simply rldlonlous, and their lives are passed in poring over musty books and parch- ments, lor the mere purpoae, perhapa, of self aggrandise- ment, or the solving of lome problem of no aooount to hu- manity. They neglect ths beauUfbl of to-day ^they see nothing In the glorious enterprises that are dally pro- Jecttd, to enliat their attention; they look not to tbe fu- ture, but to the paat, and Bod their blazon In their aaoeatry. I do not wlah to ocpnpy too much of )onr space, there- fore I cannot say all that might be said In aosirer to those who oondema the new version; but who condemn it without olTdriog om good ruun^ If any mab, I oars not who, will show me one ^ood reaaon wby my vtrsloi ahoold not be played, I will bum every copy that I can And, for. when I am wrong, I am always anxloui lo be righted, I "TUB AOWBR'B HANDAL," WOW SSADr, atrriHB BOWER'S hancai., and boat olub bbhrib," it L J. D. R. FDTHAN; prepared under the tnpsrvlslon ol BTl- PBEN ROSBBTB, ka<|,, Prealdeni of the Implre Oty BaaallaOlab, sea- taint two bnndred pagss, 12mo, II Is ths osly book of Ihe kbid eim pnbUsbed In this coonlry. snd contains a wsal aoonnl of asafU lak^ matlon to Ihe member* of Boil Qabs and Bowsrs gsnerally. Tbe prioa la ONE DOLLAR. All orders seal U> i. D. B. PntBML Hertid ollce, New Tork: Blenbes Robertt, SSt Bonlh ttrssi, MM Tork; or to the office of the New Tork Quma, will be atUsM Is. Copies may be obtained by sppllcaUon al Uiis oOoa. U TWO SRBAT IF NOT THE OREITEST B00E8 EVKR OFEEBID TO TBB BllO- big pnblio I Eleven colored engravings, printed tnn atssi pIslsSL and tonr bnndred pages ot reading matter, fbr SI, or two hnndiw pigaa ot reading and six colored plaus, for to eents. Bent to any a4- dreaa (either br mall or express) Ihrongbsol Ibe UaUsd BUtii 0 Osnadu. free of poalage, on receipt of the prioe. — Bli eolored plates and 800 pagea ot resdiof, tor SO etols I Boy aad read tba greatest book of the age, Tn Uinsuos Ban, or, Waddisg Beoiett Bevealod by ths Torch of Bymu, bebig a tbil eiphnaUeaal tbe matrimonial dniles of bethbrM* snd bridegroom on Ihssvs 'ef marriage, Oontalning ftota of vital Imporlanea lo the mtnlsd aad nnmarrlcd, with praotloal lemtrke on Us proper tsssnns; how Is choose a putnar; ayslsries otgensrsllon; antes sad ears etatsifr ily; abnas and socoomy ot the generaUvs orgut; eSeol* of eioaas- Ivo Indulgence; oonaeqaenoe*of total abaUaeoos from odUoa, *)*. DIacloaIng aeoreta and binis lo lovsrs, husbsoda and wivii, WMth kncwlog, Illustrated wilh six colored engravings, printed thm itstf plAles, nestly and handsomely bound. Prkw flfly cents, A oompsnlon to tbe above, Woxas's Fcaa, os, Fk>ui Bilitas, being a complela analysis ud desorlptlon or every pari of wsbsb's Ibro, and abowlng her perfect capasitlea for Ibe purpose* of lor*, (r*. dretllve dolles aad bapplneas. Iiiostraled wuh Bve baaoUlU aewrsd plolures of the neat perfect female tbrms. Ooatalnlaf a**rlr M pa«es ot readlsg, bandscmely and neatly bonnd. Price only SO ocnis. Copies mailed to any part of lb* CalM ■sM or Canada, post-paid, on receipt ot Ibe prIoe. Addreu THOMAS OBIiaBy. Oeneral P^ bulnp Amur. ^ > offered tbe oondeDeallon of Hamlet, not thinking it to be a wondrona undertaking, or at all daservlog of OWllA] comment, but merely as a step in the march of progrm and ooe adapted to the wants of the age we llris u. I,^ raooied(and atlll faioy) that the best way. for an Mitor j to honor Shakeapeare, and to perpetuate hu name In tkt theatre, wonld be so to arrange and modify his playithat: they might always be attraotTve and Instructive oi plavt. There are trifling errora in tbe three act plece,-whIob any competent stage manager will discover and oorreot at rehearsal I have " out out" many flue things wbl^" no one can appreciate mors than I do, bat thsv are fbr- eign to the main plot, and thsir absence woula not ren- ' der the play less Interesting (I have left enough to keep busy the brains of any theatre-goer who seeks Instni/O- tion), and the student of Shakespeare can batter leUsh those portlona, alone in hia study. The stcdent will find In Hamlet, lectures, critiques, Bermons, essays, and ds- bates, to ponder over in his closet, bat the tbsatre-gotr looki for action—he seeki the play, the drsma. I do not wish ever to criticise Shakespeare—I tmsttfaat I aball never insult his memory or detract from bis gsnlns. He left ns bis plays for our beneBt, he gave us (for our use) great maxims, brilliant thoughts, par J poetry, moral . leseofls, all of wbloh It is onr duty to dlssealoate Initluk, way that wonld be productive of the greatest good.^|o mankind, and thereby honor effectuslly tbe pan* jOS;^ memory of the Immortal bard. Bespeotfally ycrni^ ,, Oswego, July 26,1868. Waltu'Oat. . < NoviL SnooTDfo Hatch.— RirLi vs.. FiR6£.r-0ipt." John Travis is dstermlned to keep the people altonlshed with Us use of tbe pistol. Having abaadtasd his Idea cl shooting orangea from a living boy'sheid, U has rewlyied upon shoffbg his skill In a msaner do Mm wondarfbL if not so dangerous. He has msde np shooting natch with J. J. Breckinridge, ofEentno^, nbon the followIoK, | terms:—Breckinridge is to shoot bis rifle at a dlitauM « i 200 yards, offhand, at a target, SO shots. Travis 11 to shoot the pistol msde by Hornn James (a beautifhl pta-„| tol, wblch we have before oetorlbed) a dlataooaoflOOt yard) with a reat, the same nnmber of shots. The bollat' holes In the target are then to be measured from the outKb '* ' with a atring, and the number nearest to ths osntra are to determine the wimper. The shots will be msde at ttlen Oakland Baoe Ooniie, near Louisville, E/., on tkf flnt cT October neit