New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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122 NEW YORK CLIPPER. MEW YORK CLIPPER. BATUBDAT, AUQUBT 7, 18B& . ANtWEKS TO OORRESPONDENTt. itwwm, EkM, 1M-Orldm-"l, IT • baU li ilnek.iBd Ibt bMl«r er vwkat ketptr ran la 1«U IL ou tbm biUiiMa UMapl la Naarur llliHUitdlatbMr Uadtr a. 8dpii«m i„ u< B. iralbe ktUBto, • bin k bo*M 10 A, Bid B. fdliowt tl op; A. lb«D driTM tU Ml lUt'f bl btek, koo ktsg don B'l viokat wblle b* It oot ol pttai, li P. est or ooir B. Boppow Ibt wlokd koeper, wlkb baU to ktad, kaooti doira Ibe »l«k«l, to Iba baltmia ««it" I. Vniler Mk ckeiMUaoei Ibar mif hi mtka Iba ttlaDpl: bat If It »u Iq Iba tawlar'a btndi tor iba poipota of igtm btlsi bowlai, II wooM bM ba Sto na. Mllbar woild ll be proper Is ran If II «u bilba wloktl % haadt Ibr Ihe parpoaa of ralanlof U lo Iba bowlor. 3. B. M ba OQl ulot Iba ball bad In lu ooona loDobM aona part •f > a »ldtrVpanoB, wblab would tbtn baoonttderadiBOtlded. 8. ■ol Bilan Iba biltmio la oil ol bla grooad. v., Cbicaio^ III.—(McU—"l, Vban a calota la mada, lad Iba featnaa ttavia hia wnkal wlihoatao appeal to Ibe mpiii waaJd H ka iMI fbr.iUhar iBptre lo oall bim book aiala lo Ibe bit r i. Urn ■aaHroB OBI, and ibe oppoilu fitrlr oall oaL oai I wllboal an ap- faalkarlM been mida, oaa Iha umpire rtplaoe iba man at Iba viokair" Da. 1, liwaildnolbarlibiroralibarnBptralolalarrera toOlB aaa, aal; lo gire a man In or ool, la Ibe euo 017 be, tooord. kf to Ibe iawi of vioket, If Iberara appealed lo. SearalalZXIX. na ooadoel ol ibe parllea otUlig ool In aaob manner la very repie- feto^ttla^ baverer, and tbaj tbODld be rebnked far ao doliy. ' '^<^' > WalUum, Haa.—Rob bIm IbaTogfhlj oilea a da^ wllb aa atotoHbtaompoatdof cqaal pioporlloDi cf oompooid loipbarelet- WMMd Ibe blue mercaitaloblnent. Bedoce bla qoaiuir of dally toM^MclTablmloi.orBpvmatttierarrolbardaf, Krarjlblrd A. B.-0., Ofwrfo.—ne nunbcorTOir jmag frinda to oredllable " —> aid MbtbMa • tott Wr degree of amtd. With Broper ElTBiOBDIVABT FoOT BaOB.— TAl FaSTUT TjHI OX BnoiD^We i%n In type, ind will give In tar neil \ma.t, a ftiU repori of tbe Great ll|le Bwyaa In Eoglind, be- twMD tte twoodebnted pedealrlu^oupool udSmtUb Oar readers will be astoDlahed to learn tliat the ooprroa- dented lime of won uiKuns las Tif ■ntt-tbue anom waa made hj Hoaepool, tbe winner ol tbia race. Frevlooa lo thia great feat, Uie time of Ofaarlea Weat- ball, who ran a allalnfonrmlaatea ^wenty-elghtaeeonda, atood noparalleled, bat tbiaperrormanoe now eloka Into Inalgnlfloanoe when oomparel wllh that at HoaqiooV which we now record. In Amerloa, the laateat time for one mile waa perrormed Barlow, who aooempllahed Uiat dlitaooe In four mlnatea thirty-ali aeoonda; being Aktm ttconit longer than HoaspooL In the great raoe In qneatlon. It wOl be aeen that the ttmemade by tbe loalog man. Smith, who waa only beaten ten yaida by the winner, baa alao been moat ezlraordlnaiy, and all moat agree with the oploton ezpreiMd by BMU Lift, that << in oonteatlng the above dlataooo ao doaely, and In aaoh nnparalleled brief apace of tlme^ he ought to feel there la great honw In deftat" OoNTEHTioN oT LiDT AkATieB EQinaTBUiiB.—W* have been called open by geotlemen bavlog the management of this affair, who Inform aa that they have received the moat gratll^ylog evidence of the favor with which the cou'- templated eqaeatrlan feaUval la viewed by the ladlea, and '111 r*lV(A |ytn<«p-tl.. Ti > *9 .1 '1 TBB BiRC. The Ohampionshlp. Tbi aeeond 81000, In the match between John Vorrle- aey and John C. Hefnan, la to be d^poalted on Ifonday nezi, Aagoat 9ib> Both men are well to wotk, nod atrlv- log by Inceatant toll (fur oarefnl tralolog la, labor of the moat eevere derorlptlon)' to izet lhcni>elvea la tbe beat pbyaleal coDdltlon at an eorly day. Uorrltaey la at pre- sent taklog his breatblnga In the vlotolty of Laoalngbarg, where be la .dallv vklted by nnmbera o( bla frlenda and othera, ueairona orwllaeulog tbe ezerolaeaor amantrala- iog for a great battle in the P. B. Shepberd, tbe trainer, keepe bla charge In almoet oonatant work, and, In order that nothing may be leftandoee to bring hIa man "fit" to the rlog, aaotber trainer baa been engaged, aa a aort of relief to Sbepberd, who flnda bla prbiolpal already a tooghonatomer. Tbaa far Ur. Horrltaey and hla tralnera aeem to' be on the beat terma with eaob other, altbongh Horrleaev aaaeita tbat ha tbiaha they pile tbe work on him a little too ateep; bat, of coorae, tbIa la aald aod re- ceived In the proper aplrit The Benlola Boy la fairly under way, having lor hla la- tere Heaara, Jamea Cnalok (who acoompaoled the Benlcta Boy to thIa city from Oalirorala) and Joe Cobarn. Hla tralolDg qaarlera are In the locality of One Hnodred and Tenth aireet, on tbe weet aide, at tbe hotel of Ur. Jamea Hughea, formerly known aa tbe Book Cottage. Heenan aeema to be setllog along comrortably. A few daya aloce be ran from HoOomb'a dun to Bagbta' honaa, agatoat U. M-igdire'a trotting hone; Heenan having, what waa con- eldered, a Mr start. He beat the horae. Itwastboogbt that Johnny Mackey would aariet In the training of Bee- nan, bat aa tbat gentleman baa. a match on wl& Nelaon, klod or other. Two weeka ago yealerday, Brown ud Edmooaton rowed a raoe for 8S0, Id akttletoo.boata, dla- taoce 8 mllra; Brown waa tbe winner In 42 minutes, Tha baohera of Edmonaton net being aatlaHed with the reault, Immediately matched Mr. Qrover agaloat Brown for $100, to be rowed In one week, which aocordlogly came off on Saturday, Joly 24th, reraltlog In favor of Brown. Brown rowed the 41 mllea In 98 mlnatea, beating hla oompotltor some 200 yarde. Brown baa rowed In twelve raoea, and baa been the victor lo e'cscn of them—be la aboot ISycata of age, and welgba 144 pcnada. Tha boat wbloh he rowed waa ballt by Mr. T*. Donoboe, tha builder of tbe " Frank 6. Wood," tbe winning boat on the 4th; ahe fa 26 feetlooa 23 locbea wide, and la eveiy reapeot a perfect model. I think that there will be three boats from here at the Staten lalaod Regatta; tbe Frank G. Wood, four-oaied; tha Joa 0. Gazeley, two pair of aoulla, and the Jamei Uoderhlll, alogis aouIL Tours, OAiiiTtER. TBI Obbbooto.— Fbiladelphla, Aug, 2,1858 -F. Qoein : In yoar paper of Slat olllmo, occora an article from oar oily over the signature of " Reatlesa," who. In speaking ol our Sobnylhlll boat clnbi, aaya there are one or two olubi now organizing, one that la to be called the Chebnoto, her mrmbera befog obkfly Novia Soottana,'Ao. The writer baa been mlalnformed In that particular, as It b onmprlsed entirely of Phlladelpbiana. From the tenor of bla remarba, aod the impretslons tbey have given rise to. It haa been Inferred tbey were caoug In the river as a racing olab, and one that i^lll be onxluna to oompete for the ohampionshlp; this la altogether Incorrect, the apla objeot of the organization bebg to furnkh a pleasant and healthftil means of recreation to Its members. Chebucto. AHiTSDR BoiT BiOB.—A race between two amateur Oaremen of this city, came off on Saturday afiernooa if r- I- If t