New York Clipper (Jul 1858)

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KEW YORK CLIPPlSll. TDEATRICAL BECOBD. jroTtDtBli ■Bd OctnrrtneM In tli* neatiloil ud Kuleil ProftHlaii Oixeu Comptnlt^ Ithloplan Sertnadtrt, «t«. ' OITT BDMHABT. tanmmn m Jims Cwou^We BtnUwad la eir lut Ibtl Ur. ' Jinci CirioU, o( Diirlicl otttbillj, «bo btd bcco leTtral/ III ror •onVltee put, «u tiNDlDtkiif trrasfemteU IbroDib bit frksdi, Ar » btDtSl. Ii KU dniiDtd M flitt I* «D|iia ioidb lirga bkll, uM ^« a BUDBOib tDWriilDn«Dt; bu OD itfCBd oeuldenliOD, la Tiew •ribs kbMDM rioB lbs o)t; tl pruent of attrt; tU Is lb« buliMi, tnept tbota olitail; perrwmliii b«r^ U wu dg«p«d mon piodeoi tt ntike lone (DiignotDt «ilb ob« or. tbe mlutral ooBpulM. Tbii mtdOM, Iba biolbwa Brjtat, In Uu moitiaaen^ aadosamaDd- tbia Buoar, oflariBg iba iia of Itatlr ball' ud conpaar M ■ naralj aomlnal cbarge. Tba itnUtmao bavlDi iba nallar la btad bkTa tbercfora laltoted Tunday eTaolsg, ITib loat, tlr tba b«D<Bt; and II baacBllndaad. Dsa'l forgel Br/- b la ba bopa4 Ibtl 11 will frvra a •at'i Bill, 412 Broadway, «D Iba ITib Hat. _^ , , Va biTO rcoelnd a laog ooDmaalotlloa fMB Mr. vox, la ranraaea |» Hr. Uoaworlb'a laller In oar lul, bat u wo bara glTan Iba genlla- van asgtgcd Id Iba dlieaailon aa mnob tpaaa la oar papar u wa can weU apate, bolb bavlog bid a bcarlag, »a mat ftlaad Vox will ra- «elta Ibli u oar aiewe far omluiog bis lut aard. II migbt ba well to tiTtbkl Hr, Pox mrobbcs mmtoukaabls avldcnoa of Uoavonb UvtDg aobnowtcdgtd tbal Hr. Fox's raraloa of Iba "Vao Dili Dar- laU'i" la orlg)ptl wllb blm (Fox),' Ai wa flaw II, aaoh bu bla own varaloa of ibasoDg. niigs RDala al aboot " prerlooa qoolatloH." Iba oembtaatlon ttmbls'a btvapkiktdop aomawbat, wblla Iba andlaaou al Wat hak's conllms ■■ lilr to Diddling," aBbrdlng tba alavar noreacaa a bakaea on iba rigbt ilda or tbs eicbrqoar. Mr. Burlon, louklig, from bla cosy ralrtat at Olea Cora, lalo tba (ktva, icct bol a poor proaptot ot maktaig blmielf "bank" for iba haaea toilained by blm alioa Iravlng Cbambars tiraal, and, wllb a aaaalsg for wblcb «a bad not liven bloi eradll, wisely dalarmlnia to pamlt " loma ons elaa" lo tbtra Iba pnllis daring Iba " oexl lena," ba, Hr. Barloa wbblag to rallra from tbs oaraa and trlbola- UoBii of a managarlai life, Tk> lais and, be adTarllaaa bla Ibattra for nia, Isua, or rant, wlih all Iba aoenary, ward rob*, ala., Ibaiannlo tebiglDg, Iba pnrcbafcr lo bava and lo bold Iba iima. lor bli own OS* tad ibat or bis bein, bareahar rsrevcr. Wa btva beard of one Bibbia being mado, bit ddIII ibe roDor uaamaa • sabattntlal ibtpe wa ihall bold oor pcaca apon Una aubJ«ot Tbe tbttirs In Ibe Bovery abova Btytrd alreel, nairly oppoalte the Old Bowary, known la ibe Sudi Tbntre, wu opened by a oom- paay daring Ibe pul week, nnder Ibe mtnagemant of J, E Howe. ABOBg tboaeln tbe coin diaaoKiiM we find Ibe namuot J. B. lUaa, Qeorge Holland, j B. Howo, J. Herbert, Obu. Warwlsk, J. JrmU, Cnnihiw. Lea, Foitar, ala. Uiisea Denrlll tad Bannell are tko In Iba llat. II li oir optoton tbal ibia ealabllibmant mlgbt be aads to pay; bat obiaie liia nioa, gentlemin oitBigen—■■Sitdl Aatba" la too I'oloby to aitnuA the rcetnentcra of tbe old Bowery. Vby not call U Ibe " New Bowery ? > Hr. and Urs. Clirence Boll, or AatlrsUtn calebrlly, oleaad tbair «gigeDeni at Iba Bowery on Ibe Slit. Hanra. Jos. Proolor and Bobtrt Jobnalon ue Ibe oirdi for Ibe preaant weak, tragedy being Iba order oi tbe nigbt. Hrs. Prior does Ibe berolnaa. It will be aaeeuary Tor tbe manager to keep a abaip eye lo windward If ba bopea to eonllnne bis reoent laooeuea, Fox la ennnlag, and will do Um beat lo cITeoi a combination liatweea Ibe pft-aat ealers of tbe Cbalhim and Bowery. Mm Ada Qitlon, Law perfomlng wllb tbs "oambbiBlloa" eom- faay, al NIblo's, bu bean cogigad by Mlia Laara Kaene, for tba wooing teuoo, By Ibo way, HIn Ada will plaaia tooapl oar Ibuks for lbs beaaural pbolagrsph abe wu kind anongh to send u a raw diya ainoa. It la a IrulbTal plolnre. Tbe Bowery Tbeaire la aonoaooed for ra-opealsg ea Ibe 7tb Inal. mder Ibe muigement of J. Llegard, and 0. L. Fox, bolb formerly toaneoled wllb tbe NUional. It It aot elated oa wbit terms tba IbaUre bu been rented, bat we preaome tbeae gentlemen bare loo moeh good uue lo promise to pay tbe eiborbliaat demindi made Sm Ur. Eddy for Ibe booie. Uu tbe oi poilUon bonae, tbe Btadt atlre, bad anylbln;; lo do wllb tbe arrasicment. Bare Is a cbince ft>r Sddleia Lturanca Dann rrqnetts at lo stale Itall be will pity sgiloit any man In Iba Uoltad Btalea, on tbe TloUn reels, J'gi, and bornulpei, rur from Ire lo Are bondrad dollan HiB ud money ready at Robert Bnllar's, 192 Franklin strsel, Mew Tork. Tood's HInilrels are gelllDg Isgelbor a strong tesm lor Ibe sp- ricblDi stuon. In addition lo Ur. Rl«e, one of Ibe ewly pioneers Ibe Eibloplin boaloen, and tbe great repruenlailye of "Jim Crow," tbe minigtr bu also engaged Ibat popalar dellnealor of Negro (cccnirlcliles, Epb. Born, wbo, wllb Rice, Fox, and Bowera, ea|bt 10 Dtke fon enougb to ault all lulu. We ue not adrlaad, bowcTer, wbelber Epb. Is eogaged peroananlly or not lanra Keena'a Ibcalro will re-open urif In Stplember. II bu been allied itait Ur. Bliks bad been engiged u ilige minigor, bat Ibk announeeinent wu prtnitore, no arrangement lo tbal eOtet baring been made al Ulnl idTloci. Hr. Bomalt will probably illll hold on. Tbit genUcman, we regret to learn, bu beea oonBnad lo Us bed for eome lime by a loacb of Ibe rbenmalloa." Bryanti' Ktnatreli are doing a clarer bulnera atlbelr bill, 172 Breadwiy. We bire not beard of any freab noreltloa being Inlro- dated ilBcu Ibe roopcolof. Among Ibe " Utile" of Ibe day, It is slated tbat Hr. Eddy, lile omtier of tba Bowery Tbeaire, la aegotlatlng tor 'tbe Broadway, wllb IBO Tlow or opening It wllb Bowery prioee, ala. Wa abonld bo sorry tc bear ibat Ur. Eldy bad i ITtoled aaeb an arrangement, for wa leal cocOdeni tbit the apeonlallon weald prore a confpiele fillnre. We ware under Ibs/lmpreaaion Ibat Halt Pael'a Mliutrela wore to relarn lo M Broadway, but by a bill oa tbe door, ll-appears Ibat the ball lalo rook Wbu's Ibe troahur Usdame Farodl relnrned to New York lut week, from tier tonr In the West Indlea. B. Ldlle, wencb dancer, formerly of Bryants' UniUels, Is per rormlng at UelropolllaQ Girdeni, tieoond ATenae. Ju. AnderaoD, tngedlin. Is innoanc^ to apjltar In New Tork, la September, bnt at wblob Uiealre la not elated. Tbe beneDl ol tbe Dramatlo Fand, at tbe Academy of Hulc, on Monday evCLlog, wUl reallao •1000, It Is aald. Tbe opening nIgbt of tba "Sddy Drama'.lo Clab" takeapltoaat Bimor Ball, on tbe Ittb. AHATEDR TflSATRIOALB Tna J. W. Wjxuce DMHATia Afsoairon gare tbeir Int anterltiD .Bent, eloci) tbe re-or|an'UUon, al Humor Ball, on Tueaday aTSnlog, July i7lb, 101 very lelect audience, wbo were greatly annoyed by ' Ibe Tocirerafona »r Ibo noisy amateurs proieni. Tbo programme «ontt>ledor "TbeUomnlontQoetllon," "Cbailes Il,".and '-Toe Bomb Belle." A cboloo bill for bol weaiber—ligbt to4 ipleey. *< Ibe Uomenloua Queallon" wu a rallnre on tbe part of tbe male itltyera. Ii U wlib profooBd regret we mUe ibe elilemenl, and oaly wUh tbal we ooold spesk ol tba CDterlalnmnBl la a mora fkTorable maoner. Oar readers wsnl tbs iruto, tod noibiog but Us troth: coDBtquenlly, wa mnit be candid and Irulbful In ocr remarka. Al Ibe oloio of Ibe Ont piroe, Mr. Belmont oime before tbe ourliln Id reapon'io to tbe call, and dellTefod a apeerb, In wblob baremtrked,Ibat ha "bid wIlaeMod one or two oluba atlempl -*nie Homenloos Qoeilloa' wlibont auearu, and Itaat'tbay (itae Vallackt) BtaoBid to ezcuted lor Ibeir bad playlcg, u leTeral were /bat new hudi. and tbal tbe piece coaid not be played by HAHLEr IN THREE ACTS. TvasB Queen : Id the flippant lotrodaollon to HamUt la three aota, I briefy tald all that was neoaaeary (preeum- log, of course, that every reader was Bufflclentlj Intelli- gent to comprehend a shetoby explanation, and compe- tent to supply the details of each skeleton aaggestlon), and though I oaoMy no niors nov, it seems requisite tbat I ehoofd urge the fact of the df olded difference between condensing a play for stage representation, and Impudent- ly matllaUng a readable poem. In all ages, eminent dramatists have gladlr adopt«d (he correoUons and alterations of managers and actors of In- ferior abilities. Slice Shakespeare's time, none of hls.playa have been played or even pabllshed as he wrote them. Foi tbe stage, curtailment and Interpolation have always been deemed necessary. It la a fsot, almost ieyondiuputt, that no actor ever played Hamlet as Shakespeare wrote It. Hence, It Is merely a qaestlon of taste and polloy as to which condODoatlon or which edition will best please the pabllo, and make tbe best acting play for the present day. This Is the only real point at Usae—and It will be long before this point la submitted to a pnbllc test, for the sim- ple reason that the theatrical Is the moat conservative of all the professions. Reforms are made in the legal pro- feslon, the solenoe ofinedlolne advances, clergymen are becoming more enlightened and liberal, Invention la ripe, art Is matorlng, anaproness Is everywhere; save in the theatre. The reason la obvious, tbe remedy plain. ' In condensing a play tor the stage, the questions of sa- crilege and presnmptfon are no( to be oonsldered. No welllnformea man, no scholar of good critlcaljadgment, wUl raise those qaeatlou. I have vei7 good rrason to believe (from Information derived from sonroee familiar to every sohool boy) and I io believe that the USS. of Bhtkespeare's plays were all of them horned In the great fire In London In 1618, when the Qlobe theatre was destroyed: so that what are now called Shakespeare's playa oonalst of about one line of Bhaketpeare to dfly of eome theatrical copyist or short hand writer. , . . Great thoughts, great maxims, may lest forever, bat Meat plays seldom retain possession of the stage longer Uian one generation. The language changes; manners, tutos, customs, all ohange—tbe human race, coUeotlvelv BpiAyiuDB, Is far more advanced than In Shakespeare's time, what was then considered a good play, wonld A asi*D irviia -Oa Wedaaidiy truing, Jaly 9tlb, th« Siadt Tbral'O wu Ibe loeos of a drtsialioemt wblob will be long remem- bered Is tbe blatory nf New Tork aoiatrur Ibailrtcaln. Ton wu oa Ibe eocwion of tbe dedif of tbe A H DiTurui* DaiH.m Sasnou- ntdi. Tba bonae wu ilierally Jiain,ad by tba luny filtbda of tbe iooiely, aad tbe la'enied gentleman wboae Bams It bean, among Ibe aoditora we observed tbo well bBown fiots of tereril profeaalorala, wboieemed laeijiy ibtmielrea amtiogly. Tba programme com. prised Ibiee exceiiint piece), BUck Eyed Suaaa," ■•Tba Idiot WiV nets," and •• Bombulot Farloto,"gamUba4wlib a fewexlru, fbrm- |gg a rieb, rioy. and itlrullTe bllL lo tbe opening piece Ur. Adams, formerly d Ibe T, D, A , appeared u William, la awredliabia manner. Tbe lenlleniiu la vixd < I raolly, ud all catenlallooa ibow, aad teeios Kifectly euy on Ibe itige, and apparently rrgaralna tbat be la b«- ore an indlence. Ur. adami. In ibe ooaraa or Ibe pleoe. danced Ibe Baltor'a Homptpe," Inlrodao ng many new original tUpa, wbkih wu ealbotlialloaiiy encored. Tbe remaining ehiraolera were ably analainad by Maeara, Oiilio, Plerton, Booti, Banell, Fuber, aiorer, Colllu, Boey, HsUory, Orabam, and Lewis. Tbe ladlu, Httea Wat- ion and Laiih. were blgbly oomBeodabla la their readlUona of Soaaa and Dolly U«} flower. Afier tbe flrat piece Hlises Haggle lelgb aad CTneU dsBCtd a polka, wbish wu waU rccelTed. Tbe play of Ibe •• Idiot Wllaeu " met with a tilr reeeplloo, allbouh II (tiled to pan off ao imoibly u tbe for- mer. Ur. Uailory, u G'lberl, wu ftlr Tbe geatlemaa ibeald be more oarefal In bla dreu, tbe one be wore on tbia oceulon being ralbar ont or pi ia«, Mr. Plerton enacted the part of Panl tecmlngly wall, albell we obterred lereral riolia allandiog the rendiUoa. Hr. Utoialey abonld BTold " rant" In apaeeb, It la an erronaoas Idea wllb many amalanra Ibat. le became a great aolor, one mail posaen aa eitnoidlnary amnant or ■■ iQBga," Ibat be may roar ont lo a man- ner becoming a alasgblared bull. At some other lime we win glre a few remarks on Ibis siijsct. Hr, Jobnalon wu erediuble In tbe par 1 of Bobert, yet ho soled m a alyle lomewbal forelin lo Ibe nb Hiu Walaoo appeared ai WaiU>r Arl ogioa, dolag Ibe rote wlUi ib arllalla Salab; Aer euilie up on IMi mooitoi icoi CBcd'enC Haggle Nelaon, a wall'kBowa fsTorlie, appeared as IMoa tugaoali, one of her oboioeit ebuulers. UUa Eilotr alao appeared. Tbe playor"Bomkaatai Forloao " concluded the enlartalnment. Hetars. Barnalt, Flaber and Bcoil, doing their pult with eclat. Uln Leigh u DuttOna wu ner- llorloos. Tnis club Is worthy in every rapeel of the genilemia wboae name n beara, and we oongralalate Ur. DaToaport that be la honored by ao lalanlea and ule^med a bony af yoong men, CiiD.— Vb. Fonos: In tbe CuFm of Joly SI, yoo answer Pblla- adalpnltn," tbat " There wu dramulo uiodau.-Mi In Ibis olly organ- ized indrr tbe nima of Ibe B. A. Peny. We bellere U la now mown u Ibe Uelropolllan." Allow me lo give yog a few parllcalara about tbit olab. They were organized nnder Ibe name or H. A. Perry, bnt Ibe Empire club Jobied wiih Ibem nnder tbe coadiilose tbat Ihe name wu lo be cbinged. Some of Ihe Empire membe'ra paid In ibelr dnea, ud all oeuldered IbemselTU membara of Ibe B. A. Perry. Neii meeting night the Prealdent, Hr. Bagley, wu abaent: a ohalrmin wu appointed, and It wu moved and carried that Uie dab iboald be known u Ibe Hetropolltan. Next meeting nigbl Hr. Bigiey allended, ud lafoimed ns thu Ihe olab wu still tbe U. A. Perry, and Ibit no member of the Empire wis a member or tba B, A. Ferry. Upon wblcb t <eWe or Ibe Empire withdrew, and bare alnce re.orguittd IbemMlvet. Now, how Hr. B npul tba readntlon that the club wu Ibe Helrepolllaa, and Ihst lbs Eopliu were not members or li aflar havlig paid their roes. Is something I woald moch Uke to know. Tours traly, Qcsar Kuford'aIroopaopened la PiUabaribon•''J'"SJit Tbay re.«p«B el Ibelr bell In »J*"'^ "I?'5si!i DoiUg Ibelr abteaee, Ibelr opera bonae bu beaa alagutly n Iliad, au). lor Ibe Ml aad winter otmpalga w., _t„i.i,«..i. I Sayi B. P. B.. of B*|iimora-Uatt Peal oloaai his aaUrlalameals 1 to-Blgb^ Sill., wllb a banell lb hloMlf; bb lUy T'Ji^I.^ lehdSd wlthOTly middlingpronia. a a e FfWia^*''^i'JSS^^ open Wllb what Ibe iliy M'a eall a "monalar oompany.''(Jbcie ■ menlloned la year lut) bat owing I uTorr'la'li.. rnHS FBMCH 8AFK IB MADE OF TBE FI»M T amalTiot remTeraSog them fi Uia muifeat palsaUiey bate tijen I g.bbar ud QaUa Pareba; Is a rsHablsBrat lo MriSr ma ooiSny tl anting on the " ooBBOBwaalih" pto, aiieue ud pm«»B«7. «>• beallh and aafcly i • • Of the eawSl draBatIo itoolatloBt In town Ihare are joje ni'gbt ba endangered by enah a aUU. One Bifaeia, «ta an, M that duerve DiiUotlar multo. except the " Bbakipeare." which, need repeatedly, aad with ooaOdenca. Tb ey cm be esat bypsat (s^ on^b??IS.J5?of Hr. Leas?! bweSI, oB Jolj », wu amlaoaOy oare from obNiVatlca) aay whara la the OalM Butaa or (kaada, U iSeXuasOT. £• a'airi isths putomlmUl »» »M f «oat vsrv strui. InTariaWy giva ttllafaoltoa. aal a^ BuSet ««ai;e"bnl. dirtoi bla lelaar^ wiala la the BaaageeoaBt af erVs par d<aen. 0.11 or tddraaa, HI DABBrjwh; tuf fliTMi Tbeaire bnt dorlns bla laUarSi sssisis m me mu>B>n>» « I or as per aoseo. utii er aaaiw, ua- iiii.rB ■j«i.o«jiw»» SyuiSSuM • • • SSttt aompion, the low eomediaa, la be ecMtlied eoaldaatlally OB all oemplalalt,) No. 6 OmUmmr, ue asaawwo. ..^ a'e • The "ahow bBitoaa"la allNewTork. " *" ratllcatlsg In Carrol Co., Hd. low abb In oor oily, , , „„ The Obrlaty UUiiireli, la Londoa, aeem lo tooreua SBNEBAIi 8UHHABT. Cbuley Thome and his oompuy ware glrlsg a series of perform' encis al Uelodoon Hall, Uarenaoilh Qly, E. T., forthe beneSlor Ibe tulTtrera by Ihe reoent ooofltgralton Ihera. The third entertaln- menl for this pnrpcae wu given on Ibe aiib nit The allendanoe at tbeu praluworlby onlertalnmrala bid not been first-rate. Spuk- Ing or the ootfligrallon It la laid tbal <n aolor named Eiton, and bla wife, had been arrealed on auploloB of being Ibe bicendlarlu. Tbe Cttflaly Uinilrals, In London, ware abont to luve London, for (be parpose or folSlllog their proTlnotal engigements. Tbe New Orlaana and Uatropoliian Barieaque Tronpe, Bborey's company, are at Booky Point, Rhode liland. By a notice In one or the San Fraadaoo Jonrnals, we Infer Ibat a ■diOcoliy" bad ocoarrad between Ur. John Wood, and bla fuclnat- log wife. Altiioogb no aamu are menlloned yet Ihe whole tuor or Ibe arlola In qnulion points nnmlauksbly to this eonpts. Tbe lady badabienUd bereeirrrom berbniband's domicile, and there were muy ramora aSoat regwdlsg the wbereaboula of Hn. W. II wu soppoied tbit ihe might have left tm Analralla, bnt sabiequut avenia proved that the htd not left Oalironila. Tnroagb private advices ws naderstind that Qeorge Christy had not been reoelved with that Ikvor which It wu Ibonght wonld at- leiid bla ippeiriDce In Su Franclioo. . Toe [few Tork Dbpatili uys—Some maildan hu lakea Ihe trooble lo record tbe agei uf leveral great compoiars. According to bla •laloments, Sobubert died al 81, Betllol 82, Pergolue 8S, Weber 40, OoDiitilHO, Adams 62, Beethoven S7, LIndpainier 01, Rrelozerei, Rich en, Sponllbl ST, Flcolol 70. drelry 7], Oiook and Bindel 76, Bajda 7S, fluie 78, Weljtel 80, Zlogarelll Si, Burney 88, Ckriulnl SI and acmitnl 96 years of age. Jolla Pelby wu recently married ta J. A. Tboman, In Ckllfomla. Bucklay'a SereniUers will give an entartalnmeni In Jertoy City on Ibettbloit. Something new la tba Elbloplaa mtnitreliy baalnen hu recently been prodoced In London. Tne correepoodinl of Ibe N. T. Amday rimauyi:-Arev daya alnce, a " colored opera tronpe," eight la naober, babllad In the ooarl ocaiane orOeorge II., gave a morning concert or reSned negro mailo, vocal ud loilramsaial, at Iba Qaeea'e OoDoert Booms, Buover Ifqoare, lo a crowded and rublonable aadleooe. Tbe peraonal appearance or Ibo pirllw wai uuemsly ludlcroua; bat they lang wall, ud mioy of Ihalr melodlea and aongs are " taking," and likely to become bvorltu. Ur. Sherlock's draoatlo eorapuy, wltn which Sallle St. Qalr Is peif.'rmlag, oloied at London, C. V., on the 24ih ulL, and are now In Hamilton. Fraok Uowirii'E Edlerpein Hloilri)ls have bean performing Piromrn'i Hall, Detroit Tbe loliowlog Is a list of the Eulerpeana T. Gilllgan, Dick Bertbelon, Prank Boward, Wm. Allen, J, B. Bonle, Ucrr Kyle, Herr Odell, and Qm. tViljoo. fhey have ainie appearea In Oblo, playmg lo Toledo, on the 29lb ulk .Hfvers & Derloas* Cirou la said to ba dolag a song bailneiiMii Caoada ffeat, cspodlaUy In Ottawa Clly, tbe bnatneu there exeeeding Uiel of any abow that ever performed there. Hr, El. Wood'a Aran mire "FeaUier," belonglbg to Ibis oompaoy, reoently went from qjltwa Qly lo hlobmond, dislaaos 10 mllu and one rod. In one hour, 2nnlnales and 17 aaoondi. Bar owner mide a wager of £10 imi ibe could do It In one hour and a half. She aocompllabed Ihia reu carry- ing two men In a B14 Ib. wagon. Ur. Wood hu Jnit purchueu tbe obimploo ruanlog hone oti tbe Cuadu, "Haidor the Ulal,"orur, Wm. Byera. Bigoor a Edgar, Ibe migldan, give an exhIblUon at Long Branch, N. J., entbeSOlb. Tne mookoys ud mlaitreli, (Blliy Birch's) were still In Eutu at lul acoounta, A party of youag men or Laarenworib obarlared the wbole ooncern, on the 2eih nit., for an excursion np tbe river. They hired ileamboat, monkeya, mioalrela, calliope, "Sax-born band of bwuurul young Iidle9,"and all. ' Wehopetbeybadagoodtlmeoflt, Cobby's Virlelies, In Hilwsukle, wu doing a snog bailneu, wllb negro mlnilrelsy, ela Uo tho ocoailon of tba benelt of Ette tnd Snstn Danin, tt Waler town, OB tbe 3Sd, Bcnn'a buibiod, Hr, Honllniton, appeared u Qloger Blue, In tba Tirgbiny Hammy, playing a banjo sale, The troupe have left Walartowo, , Ur, aad His, Barry Chapman, with Urs, A. Drake, aad a fair en Uooday next. The noble ball wu iioBpUWy „ . „_ „ lonable aad apprtdatlve aadlenoe, ud tbe I*''*?""" I*''^!"^? nlblketonly u Ihe darkart 'nin*'' moreatloa oonld aavedarired. Tbe Iral of the programme Inoloded aavsral new sonp; ool lbs oM songs, sner all, lbs favorites, ■ Elu me qalok udgo,»» Boney.' belJgenamd, and 'Come where my love ''TJSS'fll^lI^w ! eecaimg a almllarrtta. la Iba second park Hr. po""" '"'"J*'? duoogled loan nnanlmooa reeaU en each ooauloa of bliappear- ance. Hr. Joe BrowB reoelved a similar onmpllmeot In reapeolor his sUver belt J g, u aiao did Hr. Wambold Id ihe aoog,' I m laartng thee la sorrow, Annie.' The 'Boop-de-docdemdo' ol ■'• drew down, u niaiL petfoet lorrula of applaose. The tblrd part oonsUlsd of Ihe barieaque, a la Jalltan, which wu rendered lo ptr- feeUoo, snd ellsited sbooM of laogbler from Ibe aodluoe. The per- formiDce of yeaterday diaplayed Ibe asoaitic properUee of tba hall ta (ml advantage, and we nnderaund thU Ihe ' Hlulrela' IhefflielTes ocnalderllagiorlooapliaetoelngln." . ,, Tbe oily dughur or Ur. Haoready, Ihe great BagUah tiagtdlta, "SrVVS^adyl'lhe actreai, and dramalle reader, wu idmlUed Into tbe New Jornialem (SwaaenborgUn) Cbaroh, at Chicago, by tba rllacfBaptlim, aahirlumKaloes. „. i The panorania or " DrKanea Arctic Bagloai ExpedlUon" U hetog | exhibited lo Filohborg, fua., thia week, at the Town Ball L, Bi Unl'a National Circoa w<ll exhibit at Oall, AagoalSlb, an^ Bruirord, OuadaWeal, Aa|nit7ib. ,_„..„ The panorama of Banyan's Pilgrim's Frogrenwu In BiUhx, N. 8.. tut week- . ^ ,, ■ The Howard enmpany, of Beaton, wore to have glvao an " exonr- aloa perrormuoe" at Providence, on Ibe 4th.* Filber Eemp'a •< Old Felka" are la BoelOB. Wm. ColemiB, Ihe orlglaal •■PbAyoae BaUer," IsptrfomlBiat HUlUry Bill, PbHadalphU. . „ „. , At Oonoordla Harden, Fhllidelpbia, Ohas. Fuker, ooatorUcnlsl, la | the cud WIUIAM WILLIAHf, BItL POSTBB AND DIBTBlBarOk, tl Aai tirael, IVatt room, third fleer. NIATI QOIOSIt OBIAPIII AD erdan by aola cr ot bsrwiis paaetBaHy allaBdad la. Ifrto PRBTBHTIOR BSTTRH THAN OOBKI TBAKVABINT iTaaUvaagaltal ofibelMialt \t-tm •TATEB MLAHD BBOATTA OLVB. CANINB. seoosdboiltorseslvetU. . ». Aparaaor|IOOrartbewtBnhigbaallaaalB|topBlrnaIlfBSsr the Mooad boat to reeelve SIS. I. A pnrseorfltOforthewlaBlsgb«allaaniirMninsa;a* teeend boat to receive lU, • • • • .' Tbe entruoa fee hi each cflhrse laees will be 110 aaeb heat; Bs- tanoe rowed » miles, and all boaU lo be ularad at Hr. I {Bia^i It the above hotel, before 11 o'clock, ■., oa the day or the FajaMb' From the extaaalve groaada allsobad to tba balal, aa aalala il S f lsl view of the eatlie ceorie rowed over, eaa be obtatted. Jstsaua "monoa, President, Bossn Bisuwooa, TrsMOSi^ Itoarstn VuruvBiT, Tice Prat. Bat ToDsia, meietarr. ■ > liut Lunna, Btalea Iilud, .M HOW TO WIN AT CABDll SBHD TO flOWABD H, OBAVIB, BOSTON FOIT OTmi, TOVB addren, aad two red alanpa, ud he wlU lalm yot al a ta« maUiod of wbahic al a U the varlaos ismat. 1M> flAHB CBICKBNB FOB lALB. BALTWOTIE OOUKTERFntI BALTIHOHB WP;N01VHA08m. lowB Tartars, MlUborgh Bed Domlalcka.IS M toMjif aadj^ lai, aU warraalad to ba dead nm*. Ordmt addraMd i« Wlp 1L. -"DfEB, Weal ^ulaf,0bularQ>onty,fa.,Bi«»8,PO. IMsi rANOT PieSONB rOB lALB, Or TBE FOLLOWING DirTERENT SINOB: FAN TAILIb OBOP- psrs, Oarrlefs, Tarblts, Saalla, Silver Bhoola, Tsmhleit, Tnm- peters. HtgBla,Itosgh.Beeks.t)aakers, tnd SwtUowt. VarptrUaalM addrau TBOd. BIABS, Post OOat, Fblladelphlt, Tk IS-lt FOR TVfBNTT-FlTB OBN#l IWILL BEND THE FOLLOWINB OELEBBATED BraFBllOI mtklsg the Tukee Writlsg Fluid; SUvar PUUM Fiald; Aitllalal PiDOT Aio Vint.—The Bght between Bobertt' dog Paddy ud tho Docior'a dog Tiper, 88 Iba. eub,for SSOO a aide, oamsolfuiha hoaoe or Ur. Huu, Baniom atreet, btlcw Eighth, Philadelphia, on Taeaday, aiUi all. Paddy wu trained by John HurloU, of this olly, ud Ibis mslah bsi oreaird coneldersble taitemt among the oulne faaden of Phlladelpbia ud New Tork. It proved a complete dInppolBtmant to THB TORB HOVBB, NTAOE, ROOELANO COUNTT.—TBE 8I7B30RIBEB IbUy bivitu the aUutlaa of Uia pabllo ta tbe above hotel. Ihe match for tltiO a aide, between Ibe Imported dog Buliet, ewneJ by ffullam Barnea, /otberwlaa Wm. Dannlng) and Levi HoorbooM'a dog Bock, took place In Oonnor'a pit, SouUi ud BchaylUII, Fblladel. pbla.' Hr. Barnes hand ed bis own dog, ud, ror tbe Ont twenty minules, never gave Ibe other dog a chuoe, allhoogh wlibont poa- lihlng blm. ■ Altar ibia. Bock begu lo put II bito Bullet ratberatroog, and at ihe end or Ibrty mlnntea, Ballet begu lo aqaeal. Oa Bullet'a aecnnd acntcb,hla owner had lo rilrly throw htm to tbe aoratoh.uJ on tbe third be wu thrown fully Are feet Olalmi wonld have iMai mide for Ibis, bat uolatmi leldom prodaoe alakea, tbe Bgbl went OB, Rook evldenily winning e^lly, wblob be did U one boor ud five minnus. DBg VBHV| viU I Wlwaa vuiaraa waav mrwm wm *mt mi —»™ To eontrlbnis to the tmuemrat of his natroas, the aabsoribsr I Jut opened a weU arraaged aUUle allay, apwli,j II F, 0. DiTOB, Preprtslor. ■ANBOM STREET BOVSB, SANSOH BTBEEr, BELOW EIBBTB, FBILABILPHIA. By JOHN HOBS, FoTBerly proprMor of'lhe OLD BELL T ATBBN, la Eighth itraet, belaw aesBSt ' Be would retpoelfany Isv'ls his old friends ud niroat, sb4 r pnblle generally, to eaU and aea blm, wnare Ibey will Bad lha irOIT BKAi>r, StrpBE BOWEB'8 HANOAI., AND BOAT CLUB BBHRIB," BT X J. D. a rDtHAN) prepared nnder tbe aaparvMoa ct BIB FBBN B0BEBT8. hu,, Praldeai of lha Implre Oty BsnttaOlat', tea. lama two bandrad pages, lima. It Is lha only beak ef tba klad e— IZliZ "Mt^-J,'.i,WhtK^kSM prllUV^oS.X^"i,Sfu,rwruru,'BamhercrH,U. U *^'^^^l^.»X'fc*B»l«g.' oballe.g. m U.t week'. Currsa, I "»OWBR.B BIARDAl." and wUI Bgbl mr red dog Ulngo, at 30K l>>s.| agabial Jeoalnga' lOM Ib. dog, fbr f ICO a ald^ to Sgbt la four 4eaka from the Bnt depoiii, and toaa for tbe cboloe of pitoe or Sibling. A match In both the above ^i ti can he made tbrongh Ibe oolomne of tbe CurrsB' J, B, Rooai, Ne. 140 Cburoh alreel. New York. , . , TBxaa Douua BawisD-Lost, ob Ihe m July, a blwh and tea | pabitolisd Is Ibis oounlw, aod o^ dog, weighing about SO Iba.; sniwara to Ibe name of Ortepe: had oa maiton lo the membef* «- Boat daha ud Rowers gaaaiau;. a onaln cellar, with the owner'a name on II. Whoever wl I retoni ** ' hlmioiS'Bowery will receive Ihe above reward, ud aa qoeallaos ukod. Oao. P. WosDsi. Ckiuxsos—I have a S7lb. dog Ihit I will Bght agalutaoy dog of tbat weight In tbe Stales, for SlOO a ilde; aUo, a SSlb. dog ror ISO; a SSKIb. ror S60, and48lb, ror SiO. I will matob my Ibree legged alut Huilo, KHibB , agilosl uy crippled dog or alut m the coonlry, rur $100 a eidp, of Ibat welsbt;or I will match her agalnat any 18^ dog or alut fbr SlOO aalde, If they will give me one pooad for a brotea leg. A match can lie made al aay time, for any of tbeu doge, at 166 First Avenna, or through the Curraa. Jahb MoLioaBin. Spostdo J. UcLaugblln will give a grand nigbt'e sport to Ihe sporllog meii of New kurk aod Broollyn, on Tbondiy evening, Aug. i ^i-iV VreiiMt book of Ibe'aaa. Tn Uiaaiioa Bid. or. Wiadto 6lh, 1818 There will be /our hindiome rooght for o* Ihil g*J jyj^M by tte TmS^ alglv Ufa dog. being pilled according t^J^Z^^,'^^,":^'^^ «K mttrtoo?lSrd;ito?orT^^ briS!groom « lbs m 3 forgeollenuinlotry IholrgmeiWot^T^^^^^ Oonlalnhig baUof vital ImporUnea to Ibe muiM aai !;?.?L'„Vlf,t„H uS^n^i? iM 1^^ nnmarfted. wlU> practical remarka oaTla proper sausas»howto forgot tbo 8ib of Auguit, J. HoLanghUa, 165 FUat Avenue. ^ ^^^^ ■ myaterlea of gaaeratlon ; caum ud ear* of tissll- SuSHsa Barry Jennings hu milehsd bis newly Imported dog. I |u • tbnie aad ecoacmy of the generaUve orgua; ellecis at axew Pluher, agaifiil' BUI Boilomley'a op lown dog, neither dog lo exceed I if« lodolgenoe; coueqaiDces or total absUneaoa rrom dolUeB, ala. SBIbs., for tlOO a aide, to some olf at Harry Jeinloga', on Tieaday I DlictoaUig teorela ud binia lo lovera, hoabudt tad wives, wsitk evenlDg, Angnat 24. Si6 a side Isdown la Ibe buds or Jscob Booaie, I knowlog*. Illuttrated with ilx colored engravings, prioled (ran ttsM . Blsles, neatly ud htadiomely boond, Price flfly oeott, A ocBpealoa to the above. Wcmu's Foim, oa, Flwu BiAiflHl, belagaoompletsutlytli ud deiorlptlcn of every pul of womaa'a form, ud abowlng bar perrecl captdllea lorlhaparpcaeeof lova. pi^ dreatlve datlea ud bapplueu. Illaslraled with Ave beaallfhl eswroi ...... I. ■ pictuiaa of Ihe moat perfrcl female Ibrms. OoBlahilig aatrlr W 7*!!^J!y r I Dsgee of readlsg, handsomely sad neatly bcBBd. ' Vi" '^HS^ ^rloe oaly SO eaols, Ooplea milled to uy ptrl of lha UsMs* I ud 8 o clook. I ^ ouitdt, poat-pald, on receipt of Ibe priee. Addrau ^BOUAS nmiUBy. n«Mral Pfrehuln^ Aweanr. The price Is ONE DOLLAR. All orders sut lo 4. D. B. 1 ^ Berald oBce, New Tork; Blephn Roberla, 888 Booth strtsL N«w Tork: or to ike offloe or the Mew Tork CUnaa, will ba BttaaMd Is. capias may be obtained by appUcallon al thu oDoa. IS TWO OREAT rNOT TBE GREATSar BOOBB ETBB OIEERED TO THE BBAD- J ..... and I pigeai dreia (elibar by mall or aipreu) Ibroogheal Ihe Called I Canadu, free of poatage, on receipt of the price. BIX oolored plalaa ud 880 pagea of reading, for SO aula I Bay tat r NOT THE OHBATKfT BUUBB BVBH uriuiiKD iu TUB naao- hig poblic t Eleven oolored esgravlngt, printed (torn atsel pMt^ 1 roor hundred peges or readlsg matter, fbr f I, or two hiadfta [ca ofrudlog ud alx colored plaiea, rbr SO oants. Beat lo aay sA- iia faliber hr mall or aspreu) Ibrooiheal Ihe Called BUIsa Sr wbo Is Ibe Anal stskabolder. JiooB Rooks hu Dulcbqd bis red dog Ulogo agahist Barry Jsa* ninga' red ud while dog Spot, for tlOO a aide, M lake pliie oa Tau- day aflemoon, Anguit 81, helween 2 ud 8 o'clock. Tbe dogs are confined lo 20K pounde weight, Joein Hoara bu milobed his slot Pet ta klO 100 large she rals Id one boar, for 160 a aide, to eome olT at Jacob Booau'a, r " aUeet, oo TBmday arteraooa, Aogoil 10, betweaa 2 and The alut to be budlad by Bury Joulags. now be thonght very tedlons. Then hooks and newspa- pers were not so abandant as they are now. Then the theatre was tbe mostavallable medinn fordlffoslng know- ledge. Then people were wllllog to sit Sve or sU hoars to see a play. Tbey made It a serlons matter—they went to gali^ knowledge as well aa amosement—they took their note boohs with the'm to noto down all tbe good thbgs in .the plays, for plays then were nearly what newspapers, bonks, eermoos, and lecturesare now. Hence, tbrongh all ol Sbakeapeare's plays, instances abound where he has ap- parently forgotton the plot altogether for the sake of In- trodndog the brilliant thonghta which alone have render- ed blm famooB. Now, every great thibg ever altered by Shakespeare oan be read dallv In the Jonrnals, the novels, the magazines, tbat flood oor parlors. To write a good play nowadays. It Is deemed ueoessary to have bat on« plot, and that straightforward, simple and Interesting; conveying some nseful lesson. le Is allomtble for an au- thor to interleave with bis plot the great thonghte and maxims that aoggest themselves, provided he does not mattriaUy digress from the main enbject to introdnce them. There are pTete enough In one of Shakespsare'a plays to make five good aoting plays of the present day. Soaroe- ly any of ob bnt has seen a country elore where were sold Hardivare, Drogs, Diy Goods, Grcoerles and Lnmber. Bat when progress. Improvement, and enterprlEe march Into the region of that country store, it Immediately de- velopes Into Ave coontry etores, and the different branch- es of trade are ssparated, yet the proprietor Is not aeons- ed of sacrllsge. May not the plays of Shakespeare be likened to these old stores t Th; nnprononoceable words and corkscrew sentences may be called Hardware, the doQblfnl,.and the vnlgar sdnunoes may be oalled Drags, tbe sermons and essays, the Dry Goods, the ploU the Lumber, and those noarlshing maxims and Ideu so ne- cessary to loteUecinal life may be oalled the Orooerlea ▲U good, all beneflolal In their way. For the oloset, vie: lor reading, I wonld decidedly prefer a simple aod pure copy ol Bbakespaare (If it were possible to proonre snob) wllboat emendatlSos or alterations. For than I oould appreciate (wlibont aid) whatever was plain or under- standable, aod I oonld let pass withont any nreat exoItC' ment or mental worry all those passsgsBthatlookedmys- terious or too severely claisloal to be oomprebended by any ordinary msn. Being satlsflad that there Is no snoh thing aa a oopy of Shakespeare pore, I am wIlllDg to accept the edition that comes tbe nearest to It, and to give Shakespeare credit for whatever seems good: and to alttlbate to interpola- tors whatever appeare rldionlooa. And while I take tbe liberty (at the risk of being oalled egotistical) to assert tbat no man worships genlos more thskO I do, that no man has a greater love of «he beantUui, that no man deteste meddlers more than I do, yet I leel it to be tbe height of lolly and absordltv to grow entbuslaatlo over typogra- phical errors and blunders which Shakespeare never com- muted, but whioh are attrlboted to him, and henoe view- ed with great reverence by many of our old iogy actors. I caimot restrain from lepeatbg in this oonneilon the very old anecdoto of the serenaders who stoppsd before a large, fine, old mansloo, and played many sveet tunes, alter which they were ioforffled by tbe uight watobman that" no&oi^ lived Ihoe now." This fs so applicable to our old gentlemen, who, if Shakespeare had written this line II TruUi Is mighty ud wUl prevail," wonld have seen ncthlpg worth especial notice; bnt If the blundering copyist had otused the line to be pnnted thus Troth Is aaaghly aad wUl retail;'' they would have been exceedingly profonnd In their emendations; they woald have proved logically what the Immortal btrd meant by <* naughty" and " retail;" they wonld have jpabltshed chapters to show that a line wblcn In I'self Is ridiculous was beaatlful, aubllme, &c. The greater a inan's lore Is for the labllme, the keenec Is big perception of the ridlcnious, which proves that many of these Shakespeilan scholars, bookworaa, anti- quarians, aod old fogies, havs a very limited faculty for appreciating the beantlfnl, loasmnob sa they are ever ecstatlo, raptnrona, over the simply rldlonlons, and Uielr lives are pssied In poring over musty books and parch' menu, for the mere purpose, perhaps, of aeU aggrandise- ment, or the solving of aone problem of no aeconnt to hu- manity. Tbey neglect the beantUbl of today A-they eee nothing In the glorious enterprises that are dally pro- jected, to enlist their. atteDtloo; tbey look lul to the/u- liirs, but to the past, and find thsir blazon In their ancestfy. I do not wish to o«npy too moch of yonr spaoe, there- fore I cannot say all that might be aald In asawerto those who condemn the new version; but who condemn tt wlibont otfdnng oru gcod ruun^ If any aab, I care not who, will show me one good reason why my weraioa should not be played, I will born every copy that I can tni.Mi when I em wrong, I am always anxious to be rlghteo, I offered the condensation oi HamleL not thinking it to be a woodrons nndsrtakhig, or st all deserrlog of owUdt^ comment, bat merely as a step in the march of progrsaL' and ons sdspted to the wants of the age we Urie u. I,^ fancied (and still fancy) that the best way. for sn Bototi j to honor Sbakeepeare, and to perpetaato hu oasM In tit* theatre, wonld be so to arrange and modify his plays that: thev might always be attraoUre and InstniotiTe « plan. There are trifling errors in the three aot place, which ''■ any competent stoge manager will discover and oorreot at rehearsal I have " cnt oat" many llae things whlob' no one oan appreciate more than I do, bat therarefw- eign to the main plot, and their absence wonla not ren-' der the pUy less Interesting (I have left enough to keep buay the brains of any theatre-goer who Beeks butniy tlon), andtbe stadsntof Bhakespeaire can better relub those portions, alone in hia atndy. The stcdent will find In Hamlet, leotores, erltlqaes, sermons, essavs, and d^ ■■ bales, to ponder over In his closet, bat the tneatie-goar looks for aoilon—he seeks tbe play, the drama. I do not wish ever to criticise Shakespeare—I tmsi tbat I shall never Insult bis memory or detraotfromblsgsnlu ' He left OS bis plays (or our benefit, he gave as (for our ^ nse) great maEuns, brilliant thonghta, pare poetry, moni , lessons, all of which it is our datv to dlsssDlflaw InilM,^ way tbat wonld be prodactlve of the greatest gooMQ mankind, and thereby honor effeclnally tbepas^ pw.^ memory of the immortal bard. BespeotfoUy yopift „ * .... ffAwrn'OAT. . :< Oswego, Joly 26,18Aa Novel SBOomo Hatch.—Ritlb vs.. FDMjLr-OMk John Travla is dstermlned to keep the peop}VaMtatsbed wild Us ate of the pistol, HsvfngabandtaedlilaMstot ahodttng oranges from a Uvhig boy'sheid, M has resolvM upon showing his skill In a manner no MM wonder/UL If not so dangarons. He bse made tip b' shooHng Batch ' with J. J. Bieoklnridgs. ofKentacfy, Upon the followlDg.; terms:—Breoklnrldge u to shoot hu rISe at a dUtanoe n i 200 yards, offhand, at a target, 30 ebota. Travis If to shoot Ihe plitol made by lIcrMA James (abeaaUf)d'tiU>,.i tol, wbloh we have befoM OMCrlbed) a distance of 100 h yards with a rest, the saooaamber of sholo. TheboUM ' holes in the target are then to be measared ttm tbe oisntiKi with a string, and the nanber neareet to the oentn^wt to determbe thjl iflmer. His shots will bf made st tUlBr, Oakland Bace OiltirH; near Lonlsvllle, K/., on tHi flnk oir October next.