The New York Clipper (February 1912)

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Febkuary 17 T HE KEW.YOEK CLIPPER. VII AM5O/SI0 TBiO lAAPOFATED FOR PANTAGES CIRCUIT SOL6 WAMASEWEMT RlCHAa.DF>ITB.OT CA TCH£L A *V/*A/W/VC />////.*. REMAHO AND RILAY, The Mysterious Pan- tomime. This Is the latest and greatest European novelty act, and thoy open this week their first American engage- ment on the Pan- tagci circuit, nfter coming direct from l'arls, where they were the talk of the town. They aro spe- cially Imported for the Pantagea circuit by their American manager and rep- resentative, Richard I'ltrot. ANSOMO TRIO. This Is the greatest novelty ever engaged to come to America. Will Boon come over, and will make their first appearance In this country over the Pantages circuit. They will make n sensational display when they In this country. As soon as the steamer arrives they will appear on the pier In their original Itomnn costumes, and will perform a feat never seen before la this country. This act Is apecla'ly Imported by their sole and exclusive American manager, Richard Pit rot. TURBID ESIERSONS. The latest European novelty In two scenes, culled "Kim In the Swimming Pool," with all the latest and newest acrobatic stunts, playing now with the grandest success over tin rantasca circuit, and specially Imported from Europe by their sola and exclusive representative and manager, Richard I'ltrot. ■♦«» five: MKnuiji.s, Well known latect acrobatic novelty, at present playing with great success over the P»llta|W circuit, for which they were specially Imported by their sole exclusive man- ager uud Impresario, Richard Pltrot, ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE IS A GALLERY OF FAMOUS PEOPLE, ANTONIO V. PUDILLONRS, Sola proprietor and owner of On Great Pu- blllones Circus, In Havana. Ho Is known all over as the greatest showman In Cubs, and this season lie has three companies on the rond. Company No. 1 plays In Havana: Company No. 2 Is touring too provinces of Cuba, and company No, 8 plays a special eu- gngement of three months la florid*. Last innmer he was In IQurope and lias Imported many novelties for this season. IV FDYDIA, Comes direct from Paris, and does on Illu- minating electrical novelty act. Bbe was Hjx'cinUy imported for Alexander Pantagea' H MERMAN DU5CM fit CO. MOST WONDERFUL EUROPEAN NOVELTY *CK»E»AT4> NOW PLAYING WITrt GREAT SUCCESS ON PANTAGES CIRCUIT SOLE MANAGEMENT &ICtiarCl Pltrot. Y f.r.'^i »>wt**-** *».**. FOUR VICTORS, The funniest acrobats In the world, at pres- ent playing with great success on the Pan- tages circuit, specially Imported by ltlcbard Pltrot. SANDB05 BB0TMEB5 SW6D1SH MAEtlME ACT sole. MAHAOfeMftNT fSiCHAaoPiraor JAMBS LEON FILMS, Member of the Ortnt Flllla Family, known all over the world as the greatest circus riders. They aro at present playing with Great success at Uio Publllouei Circus, In Havana, Cuba. ARIDDRT ARIZONA, The latest new comer to this country, with his great $26,000 production act. He hss the finest and greatest act In vaudeville in the world. Carries twenty-live people. LBS ARIIIOS. These* two gentlemen have a great Eu- ropean novelty. They woro specially Im- ported by tbolr American manager, Richard i'ltrot, last season for tbo Rlogllng Uros.' Circus. At prcsont they are playing the Panlngcs Circuit, with great success. MUHICIDLfl. Thcso two ladles aro members of tbo Five Mcrkels, with their novelty European acro- batic act, specially Imported for the Pan- tuges circuit, where they aro playing now with phenomenal success. CHARLES OIDD8 Is known all over ns the "Human Phono- graph." Ho Just finished a very succssful engagement over the Pantages circuit, for which he was directly imported from Europe. 8ANDROS IIIIO limits. These two clever Swedish boys do a novel marine act. They wero only lately Imported from Europe, and have just finished a most successful engagement over tbo Pantages circuit. HERMAN BUSCII AND COMPANY. . TW. is ■ great, novel European acrobatic act. under the tMft "»«■ « ^'S&l|,T»SJ8l* Inst week their American tour on the Pantages circuit, with great success, uemg apccmny •»P""' Ihla country by their American manager, Richard I'ltrot. SAMIllOS BROTHERS, The Swedish Marino act These boys were imported direct from the North of Sweden, specially for the Pantages circuit, where thev have been a great success, and are still Slaying In the West with enormous success. ole And exclusive representative and man- ager, ltlcbard Pltrot. OARPOS BROTHERS, Europe's greatest and cleverest head and hand balancers. They will open next month a return engagement In America, and aro coming over purposely direct from Kurope. REROS BROTHERS, Most phenomenal and grandest novelty gym- nastic act that ever came from Europe, They just arrived from Europe, and will open Feb. 22 a return engagement over the Pantages circuit, and will on this occasion bring many novelty tricks over with tbem. niOIIARD PITROT, The Globe Trotter, known all over the world as tlio American Impresario. His specialty Is Importing tbo latest European novelties find exporting lilg American novelties and sensations. Ifn has Imported many European novelties to this country, and most of the big European nets found on any bill In this country were imported or re Imported by blm. Ho travels frequently through Europe, visit- ing all the principal cities. Last Bummer he made hli fiftieth trip to Europe.