The New York Clipper (February 1912)

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*'■ Mi 22 THE TST11W YQBg 01^PggB> ,»< ji'pi Febbtjary 24 WEE LITTLE DROP 0' THE CRUISKEEN UWN SOW RI1DT ■■ mmt »*ri» tm THAT _ " ■ v Banjo Acta Musical Acta Dumb AotS Xylophone Acta Rathskeller Acta THAT IS COBPABIDLE OEM OF UUIH HOlfO THAT HASTBRFUL KOVBI.TY IRISH TWO-STBr BONO YE «N« ,+**<* ,TM* "jjO^ZS*£££"■ kY" EVERYBODY Get Ready for St. Patrick'sDay AND SIMO, PLAY. HAVE SUNG OR HAVE PLAYED Band Leader! Orchestra Leaden Pianists j;j Singing Acta S3 Quartets, Etc. that comrrBT aWBUPWO. ibmh wiicmi^ 1 • •■ *' THAT HUPRKME HIT 08\ Al* HITS, PAST 0» PKKSKPIT WH lITTlt DROP THE CRUISKEEN Wm : "OW RE A DY MOW READY Ban> Arr«n« ajar VK88 OfftHAN By *• FRED BRUT, Writer of "Bit o! Blarney," Tlfp-rAry," "Colleen ■■»•#■" *ta. Many'* tilt Irish lilt X wrote, a» all o' yell reoall, But "A Woe Little Drop o' the Cruiekeen Lawn" in the dArHnt o* them •«1L J. FRED HELP. Words of dm. b . *••* MORA!, '«; PJ II • ■' » WEE LiniE DROP THE CRUISKEEN UWN i •. i >.■-■ ■ ■•■ :■>;' HOW BBADV ! for vocalists O RC H ESTRA PAIRS IN ALL KEYS 1*0**. ^ ICi ^, 0 T > GREAT SLIOM-HESTEVKN , ' This Wonderful Applauae Winner Now Ready for Band and Orchestra '.-'* SEND 8TAMP8 AND PROCRAM8 136 West 37th Street N. Y. City I WEE LITTLE DROP 0' THE CRUISKEEN UWN VOW BKAI.T Wl IRSTKUIEST1U8TS WHEN YOU HAVE ANYTHING MUSIC PRINTING ZIMMERMAN 1GING,INNA" i MME. SCHOKHWALD, Dressmnher, ; formerly with Urncuii-Spltzor makes engagements ; for Htrcet. KvciiIiir and Stage Costumes. Finest equipment end model*; lowest prides. 681 WHST- CHKHTSR AVE., BRONX, Intervale flta. Subway, BHLLA AUSTIN hJMHA BELL), or anyone knowing nor whereabouts, la r quested to com- municate wltu Alice Bchoemeld, 6;oa Morgan Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. ■ '■' THE VERY BEST grado of original, cxolualre comedy material i»rs In iibinrsE^O |jlDBUD6tTNo.l4 A Gold Mine of Vaudeville Fun. Contents lnolude 20 euro-lire paradise, II funnymonologues, 10orlglnalnols for'Jmatea, 7 now aots for malo and fenialo, a great min- strel Drat part, a complete one-act mimical comedy; also red-hot acta lor two females, for male quartettes, and an almootendless assort- ment of sidewalk pattor, RiiRH, eto. Trice One Dollar. Back Issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will send both tor $1.60, or Budgets Numbers 10,11 and 14 for %'i. JAMES MADISON 1«04 Third Arenas, New York MHT YOU KOHUKT WB BAY IT VHT GROSS LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, eto STAOE MONET, mo. Book of Herald Cuts, 2lo CROSS Ml 8. Dearborn St. CHICAGO LEARN TO ACt Stag* Dancing, Etc. , "Vp to Date In tverr dattlLv » Buck, lit. Skirt, Chorus Work. Open. Elocution, Staling, Veueavlllc Acts, Sietclitf, Actio* Dramatis Art, Etc. ENQACEMBNTS SBCURED School Always Open P. 3 . BlDOK. and TEN OTHERS 11 No. La Salle St., CHICAGO, ILL. ■ WANTED QUICK . CLEVER MAN 8ma "- '™ TI0NAL WOMAN *<"""•• •SafflTOS' - """ CLEVER JUVENILE MAN LOWEST salary, full particulars Unit letter. Show been out all season. JOHN Q. KAK. kfgr. Mildred, Tckamah, Neb,, tbla week; Craig, Neb., next week. WANTED YOU\«, I? LBV Kit COMEDIAN With. Specialties, Preferred. Slate age, height, weight. Hmri photo. Engage- ment indefinite. Must join on wire. MATTIOE STOCK CO.. FOSTER THEATKK, FULTON, N. T. WANTED—Picture Operator with Own Machine and Films, Song Slides; Novelty Man, most work acts; one more Sketch Team, also good Straight Mao, who does specialties, good Piano Player. Week stand vaudeville nnder canvas. Stop hotels. State all first totter. WANT TO BUY—Baby Piano In good condition. Address OLLIE HAMILTON, It to M. Fitzgerald, Oa,; 26 to Mar, «, lilakioy, Oa. wmVm'cdermid CEN. BU8. Perm. idd. 223 No. 26th 81., So. Omaha, Neb. gajkgjjje notes, Dorothy, who originated the leading role In ''Madame X," In America, will bo featured by Henry B. Harris In bis forthcoming production of Kellett Chambers' new play, "Tho Right to Be Happy," which opens on (our Feb. i!8. IlKMtv It. Hahxis has purchased a new play by Oraco Hover, entitled "O'Donovnn's Daughter." It will have a try-out late this Spring, and if found satisfactory will be seen In New York this season., Nki.i.ib Mohan writes: "Owing to the fact that three deaths have lately occurred in my family, I liavo been obliged to cancel my hooking* for a few weeks. However, I ex- pect to resume work Keb. 15, at the Park Theatre, Olena Falla, N. Y„ for tho U. B. 0„ with thirty weeks to follow." Foiii) K. Hoax has purchased an orange grove In Pitman, Flo., and will devote all his spam tlmo to his now enterprise. Notkh rnoii "Tub Millionaire; Tramp" Co.—We are now In our twenty-fourth weok. We left Chicago Sept. 18, have put In twenty- four weeks with a loas of only two nights. Wo arc glad to report wc have struck a win- ning season. Havo toured Illinois, Wiscon- sin, Michigan, Canada, Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Our roster: Franklin Mc- Narrv, business manager; Louis Elliott, agent; Francis lingers, Virginia Rogers, Be- atrice Sallcc, Geo. Teed. Marie Wild, Harry L. Lamont and Harry Sands. We expect to close March 30. Notes mow tub Lamias' Novelty Co.— This Is our fifth week In Southern Minne- sota, and we ate doing a splendid business. We have found this part of Minnesota to be O, K., and have packed tho house at every stand for one week. We are booked solid through Northern Minnesota, Into South Da- kota and Idaho this Fall. Roster of com- pany as follows: Bert Leslie, owner and manager; Dot Leslie, piano and parts; Earlo Brown, Irish song and dance comedian; Harold Dunning, Dutch comedian; C. A. Young, black face, slack wire, boop roller and Juggler; Luella Young, singing and dan- cing aoubrette. We get Tub CLirrnn every Sunduy, and all enjoy reading It. The "old white rooster" comes up to the front door here every Sunday morn, and that looks good to us. Notes pbom "A Bell Boy" Co. — We have played Florida, Alabama, Oeorgla, Missis- sippi, Louisiana, Texas, Colorado and Kansas this season, and are sow back In sunny Florida again, playing return datea. We etlll have the some big show of twenty-five people, and wo carry a special sixty foot bag- gage car, with complete productions for afx musical comedies. Our repertoire Is: "The Man Question," "Zlra from Turkey," "Llttlo Miss MIx-Up," "A Bell Boy," "The Two Mas- qucradors," snd "Bob, the Newsboy." Busi- ness has been nothing to brag about, but we are still holding our own. We aro alt thank- ful to be back East again where wc ran get Tub Old Reliable without having to wait till Sunday tor It, Huoii A Thompson (better known to his friends as "Hughlo" or "Prof"), tho genial director of Thompson's Players, was a caller at Tub Clipper office Feb. 14. He Just "blew In" from a seven months' tour in the West, and says business -was great. He will tour New England after a short stay In New York. Wb have received the following from Harrv West: "Harry and Ed. West, Ollle West and Essie Hniclton mourn tho loss of tbclr mother, who died at her home In Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 13, aged seventy-two." Chester A. Krtks, of the Keyea Sisters' stock, writes: "The Kcyes Bisters' company, under the management of Chet Kcyes, broke all records for attendance at Shelby. O., week of Feb. 12. Commencing Wednesday night people were turned nway at every perform- ance, and again the Keyera Sisters and their company made a now record for opening night for atock attractions at Norwnlk, O., Feb. 0. Hundreds were turned away." Bdoar Murhat Jn writes: "I have been engaged to play tho role of Charley Herron, in 'Tho Rosary.'" Addison and Livingston write: "We ore now In our seventh week with the C. W. Park Dramatic Co., touring the South. This is one of the largest dramatic organisations traveling under canvas, carrying five feature vaudeville acts, Introducing their specialties between acts. Dullness has been One." Wa have received the - following from Frances J. Howling: "I wish to Inform my friends of the death of my grandmother, Mrs. B. Libbey, at Philadelphia, Pa., on Jan. 27. She was buried at Salem, N. J." ■ ■ ■ World of Players. •CiiAS. (Kid) Kosteb has signed as special •(eat with "The Deep Purple' 7 Co. Mr. Ros- ter will be Id charge of No. 1 opposition brigade with one of the big circuses next Bummer. Tub bostib or 'The Yankib Doodlb Box," under the management of B. B. Bruce, with Geo. L. Dick starring In the title role, which recently finished twenty-five weeks, Is as follows: Geo. L. Dick, G. 0. Meador, C. C. Blundell, Frederick Richards, Gall Hamilton, Rose Scott, Olive Noret and Margaret Green- wood. . Charles Moban, of the Luc/ Hayea As- sociate Players, mourns the death of his mother, in St. Johns," Ore. Mrs. Moran was well known by members of the profession, as about Oftccn years ago she conducted a hotel in Ban Francisco, for theatrical folks. "Punch" Wabbles Is now with Frank Wlnntnger. , • L. C. Jbllow, in advance of "Lena Rivers" Co,, reports good business through Iowa, North Dakota and Minnesota. Etta Arthur has been at her home at Wllloughby, O., for several weeks, owing to tho serious Illness of her mother. As her mother Is much Improved, Miss Arthur will soon bo at liberty to rcsumo her engagements. Master Arthur Bartlett made his first appearance In a speaking part at the Ma- jestic Theatre, Cleveland, Nov. 16, playing the role of Little Willie. In "East Lynne." The audience appreciated the baby's efforts and he was given a largo reception at every performance, receiving.a beautiful basket of flowers on Saturday night, as welt as his first week's salary. - • James White, formerly with the Six Mu- sical Cuttys, Is now stage manager for Gus Hill's Eastern "Mutt and Jeff" Co. Robert Johnson writes: "In tho Phila- delphia Almshouse at the present time there Is an old time dramatic actor and panto- mlmlst, nearly seventy years of age, who seems to be without relatives or friends. His name. Is Frank Foster. He has In his time played with all the leading actors of the past. Ills father was well known for his spectacular productions." Rusrbll and Radclipfb have canceled their bookings on account of the death of Miss Radclldo's slater, and will be in Des Moines, la., for some time. Wb have received the following from Allen Wlshcrt: "Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlsb- ert at Enid, Okla., Feb. 7, a baby boy." Wb have received the following from Lo- renzo Qulllln: "Lorenzo Qultlln, manager of tho Qulllln Family, acrobats and contortion- ists; also manager of the German Vlllago Theatre and Garden for the past three years, at Columbus, 0„ has severed his connection with same, and has opened a saloon and grill room Just opposite the village at South Columbus, O.. where he expects to run high class vaudeville for the Summor, commencing about May." "Happi" Hen way writes: "Georgia Mill- ner. late star or The Girl of the Chorus' Co., has been added to the olio with Guy Bros.' Mlnsetrds, as un added attraction. He la cleaning up proper In an up-todato fe- male Impersonation specialty." Phblan and Winchester wrlto: "We ore about to launch a novel mystery act on the sea of voudcvllle. It Is entitled: 'The Houso of Mystery,' and Is of thirteen minutes' du- ration. Our apparatus la entirely new. This act will open at the Happy Hour Theatre, In Duluth. Minn." Santoro and Marlow write: "Ssntoro and Marlow hove for some time been playing the Western Vaudeville Managers' Associa- tion time, and have been meeting with the very beat of success." Price and Piston are en route with the "Buatcr Brown" Co.. In vaudeville. Manvbo wrltea: "I am at my home in Call- fornla on account of my mother being very Harris and Vernon, eccentric dancers write that they recently finished a four months' tour through China, and sailed Jan. 10 from Hongkong, win Japan, to Honolulu, to fulfill engagements there. WANTED REAL DRAMATIC PE PIE IN ALL LINES For my No. 3 company, which will open Mar. o good Director with scripts, good Soubrette with specialties, Pianist that onn double; also ficneral Business People that can double band; Boozers or agitators closed first offence. Tickets» NO, unless I know you. Low, but sure salary. Tell all first letter. BtOR. GOODWIN PLAVXRS, Feb. 29 and 21, Fredrlcksbnrg; Feb. 28 and 29, Westgate: March 1 and 2. Strawberry Point; March a,Y 6 Manchester; all In Iowa. ^ ' m W. I. SWAIN SHOW CO., Inc. Wanted, Versatile Repertoire leading Woman Can use CLEVER YOUNO INOBNUB with wardrobe, CORNKT and CLARINET, B. A 0. Other UMfoi People, write; say all in flrst letter. To ensure engaceinent make salary low for ia weeks' von sober, reliable people are sore of long, pleasant engagement, otherwise a waste of time to come MATJB.Y <b TALBKKT Lessees Additional Bwaln Show, Swain Bnllding, Oravler and Telemaohns Sts., NEW ORLEANS, la K ' - ■ - x hurry: Ferguson Bros. 9 Stock Co. W«nl8 Quick, General Business Nan and Weman PBR0U8ON BROS.' STOCK 00., Trenton, Ho., week Feb. 19-MArch I FIRST CLASS COMPANY-STOCK SSJS&XS , tQ »2, WMI or , on « nl « nt » t » n <Ji to book for flrst week in March. None other thaa llntt class need apply. Wire or write for open time. TUB NKW OEMTKAL StVTJARB THKATHK, MoOLBLLAN ft LA P01NTK, Mgrs., Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y. WILLIAM TODD VAUDEVILLE SHOW BRRTTR I ^ B K n n vK?Tv^?Ji J B 2fPw.2?° 9UIVB1 ,or R *«*• •'PeelaUy a SISTER ACT. SOC S^Swnu'Aff Md TRAP 8llUMMKR •» KB band preferred, fees.- Waterman-Uamllton, write. Address W1WTKR QUARTERS, Bastmnn, Urn., Show opens here Feb. 2). LIBERTY, NOW AGENT, BTJa MANAGER, ACTOB SSSJ M&EaSL ftWS »PP» »nwo«- «oest "l wardrobe. I ft. H; weight 180; SJ. Ponr solid KS ami* UeH » rder °°' Know tho game thorougblj. Join any sure1 saVary projposltfon any place oa tne globe. Address Ab. UKAhlkV jfiadlson, Wis. AT UBERTY FOR PERMANENT STOCK OR REPERTOIRE BROTHER and SISTER .Tuvenlloi, IHsh, Light Comedy, General Bsulness JavenUes, Krrrntrlc and blah Char* • sveiers, Some Henries, General Bnalnew rSanIa^Mi«yj^!^S ndhl8h0taM, ' D «[«™- Wardrobe* veal Tickets* yes I Invite offers for balance of this and coming Summer season. Add. FBBD DAMPf BR, General DeSVeryTDayton, Ohio. To Support WIL_I_IAIVI TRIPLETT P. B-Others may communicate. * Kltl " Tt. ^MaMeMs, M,r. t Wnneholn, >l..^ ' NIST Wanted at Once, for my Tilly Olson Show must 1Z2&mB8i»£i»3mt* »P* .tong, pleasant engagement and sure salary, whlcj half faro on t you raSko Rood RtaS 6 .™^"" ao I aace<1 anywhere I? I know you. Will st*nd one- inter. OtoerV.ofuTpJop'fe^th ?eatnreTn•eowC d w 9 rlte. ph0t<, S P0Blbte " d fl ^ ttl ^ n ln ** mmml ^^_ i ^^_^^^^_ CARL M. bAliTOW, HcCammon, Idaho, Feb. H0-_ danny McCarthy Ctafadcf Singing and Dandng Comedlio, with Bohemians Sketches, Monoioguos, Flays, eto. for Al Performers Only. Al Mack 58 Baet 189th St,, New York New Ideas and Easy to Book. All Characters. Newspaper Reference. TENTS AND SHOW PROPERTY Eighty foot Round Top, fifty foot Middle Pieo* „„» . ».„,«.............."" T " ..T_r",~ aoas: Eighty *figm*»Jgi *«**+Pm not a hole In the tent bnt no~s7do"walllng; price tm nB*lt&iJ£&4££ H"».used two seasons, with side waning; |Ho, In New or- bargain. \ir. » •saJBeslnaeeetaTaaBV at Li,tavatte. u am wEm^SXSSSa mta the Sti w Alhinf Mioi «T«™i „i-« I. ' uul " "" I0 ln ,no wnt but ho s do wall no; price »*^> aimmLvS£iJSB£ t TE& t9D . t »"«ed two seasons, with side walling; |Ho, in New or- J, I. swaw Mm^aS' a «£"? ia, !£' ** »»• «tst tnoner i^elrid gets His In mmmhj ads., please mcntfOB Clipper. tSSSS, Mew Orleans™ iSli ' 8w " ta Bnllding, Oravler randi Telemnehns