The New York Clipper (February 1912)

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EBRUARY 24 namtrnm THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 251 Do M Misplace Your Confidence In The Word Fireproof a U-S-Express Building. New York I Equipped with DAH LSTROM Product VERYC NE who values hu- rraii life should draw the of di«tini lion between so cal'ed "fireproof" buildings and those fireproof In fact. There never wa9 or ever will be a hieproof structure so long as its interior ma- terials are cf an inflamma- ble nature. Absolute fireproofing simply means that wher- iver wood has hereto- fore been used it is replaced with the Dahl- strom Steel Products. If the exterior walls, floors and partitions are of fireproof con- struction, and the last link in the chair—the Dah'strom Metal Doois —are added, ever) room is converted Into a fireproof unit- aid's tic, sanitary, immune f-inn (hinus for all time. "Buildirgs As Thiy Shoud He"—a book, describes The Dah'- strom Products, tells what constitutes fire- proof m reality. T the interested a copy is free for six cents postage. IMIILSTIIOM MLTUIHJ DOOR CO iixcciiiivc nnici's mid I HI'I nil ik : "'■> lllurkklniM, Ave, .1 r.limii, (V. Y. I much (lilies III sit frill- Clpnl Cities. Prduibb (N. Demarrn. mgr.)—Good busi- ness. Motion pictures, with lllustartod songs. Victoria (0. H. Williams, mgr.)—Motion pictures doing capacity business. Taunton, Mas*.—Park (Marie Kcarn?, mgA) "The Fortuno Hunter" pleased a rrowded house 12. "Seven Days'' IT. For week of 10, "The Crusaders; or, Jerusalem Delivered," will bo given. Niitkh.— The Casino, Star, Music Kail and Columbia, moving picture houses, are doing well The feature film, "101 Hunch," was given two days, nt the Columbia...... Music Hall, 10-21, will feature "The Bottle nt Pottsburg." Edw. F. Qalllgan, who winters here, will have full charge of Cook's Klectrlc Park, Evnnsvlllc, lad., the coming Summer. Portland, Me.— Jefferson (Julius Cuhii. mgr.) "The Dream Trail." an operatic mu- sical comedy booh, by Sidney Tolcr, lyrics b.v A, E. Bucknnm, music by Prof. Frank A. Homlck. given for charity by society people, Feb. 14, 16, was a marked success. "'/Mg- feld's Follies," which the patrons were de- lighted with, brought out the largest audi- ences of the season, 10, 17. "liaron Trcnek" comes 22. "Seven Days" 211, 24: Nailmova, In "The Marionettes," 27. Keith's (James 13. Moore, mgr.) —The usual largo audiences Appreciated the excel- lent vaudeville offerings last week, mil week of 10: The Ten Dark Knights, the Snt- sudas, Weston, Fields and Carroll, Anlla Primrose, chick Sale, Stetner Trio, La Diva Venus and company Albert and Polar hears. New Portland (James W. Greely, mgr.)— After two years of unbroken success since Its opening, this house celebrated Its second anni- versary Inst week, the vaudeville and clo- tures drawing to capacity. P.lll week of 10 : Winkler's Military Dancers. Wnrrcn and Brockwnjr, Tom Brnntford, Ooetta and Der- vish, and Hammond and Forrester. CoNnui'.ss (F. Earlo Bishop, mgr.)—In addition to the picture programme a season WHSSS" •.:'"<", Sue Fink has resigned her position •• treas- urer at the Nelson, after a two weeks' visit In Indianapolis Won. McDonald, formerly stage manager at the Crystal, has resigned to take charge of the stage at the Broadway. Florence Dlscher has resigned as singer at the Cosy Theatre, to go to Chicago, where, she will hold a like position....-. .The carrier boys of the city pnpers were guests of the Knickerbocker Stock Co., at the Broadway, at the evening performance, 1ft Manager litre. of the Grand, has tendered the uso of his theatre to the Boy Scouts for one day, the lads to run the theatre, and the proceeds to go towards buying equipment at. Lonin, Mo.—Olympic (Walter San- fors, mgr.) "The Slim Princess" 18 and week, with Elsie Jnnls In tbc leading role. Cbntvxy (W. D. Cave, mgr.)—"Mile Inno- cence" 18 and week, featuring Anna Held. Shiirkrt (Melville Stotls, mgr.)—Marie Dressier, In "Tllllc's Nightmare,'' 18 and week. Qarrick (Melville Stotls, mgr.)—"The Red Itose" 18 and week. American (D. 13. Russell, mgr.)—"St. Elmo" 18 and week. iMi-Kiim (D. 13. Russell, mgr.) — "The Blue Mouse" 18 and week. Standard (Leo Relcbcnbnch, mgr.)—The Dutch Champion, with Sam Dcverc's com- pany, 18 mid week. Qaybty (Harry Walters, mgr.)—"A Flor- ida Enchantment" 18 and week. t'lii.iiMiiiA (Frank Tate, mgr.)—Mil week of 10, tins Edwards and the Four Fords arc the hendllners of this week's bill. Others: The, Avon Comedy Four, Joslo llcnlher, the I'nullinm Team, Jane Boynton, Mnrlo Meyers, and Lionel Paris. Hii'i'oiiitoMi: (Frank Talbot, mgr.)—mil week of 18 : ('apt. Wcsly's sen lions, featuring "lllltzcn :" the Jnrrell Comedy Four, Homer llnbaon, the Aerial Loop Walking I.esters, and the Muicppa horses. Xoth. —A playlet, entitled "Daisy's Music Practise Hour," was given nt the Odcon Inst OUR BCHLBSQUBRS. OUT OF TOWN NEWS Xerrerk, N. J.—Newark (Qco. W. Bob- hlns, mgr.) Feb. 10 to 24 In a gain week. Kinmn Trcntlnl and a big company, In "Xnughtv Marietta,"" at advanced prices. Helen Ware, In "The Price," week of 12, Rose Stnhl, in "Maggie Pepper," week of 20 KiimiKiiT (Lee Ottolcngul, mgr.)—"Over Xlirht" gives many good laughs week of 10. " 'Way Down East 1 ' week of 12. Sam Bcrnnrd week of 20. Pink-tor's (R. C. Stuart, mgr.)—A good hill Is offered here week of 10. The Four Mortens. Wm. Dillon. Blxlcy and T.erner. Frank Stafford and company, In "A Hunter's Game," Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Connelly, In "Sweethearts ;" Mr. and Mrs. Stuart DaTrow, Hi-out Hayes, McQulnncss Bros., and Una Ahell Drinker and company, in "Tho Play- thing." Business continues very good, Columbia (Oeo. W. Jacobs, mgr.)—"The Goose Girl" week of 10, for the first time here. "The Third Degree" week of 12. Itenlah Poyntcr, In "A Kentucky Romance," week of 20. OnriiBUM (M. S. Schleslnger mgr.)—More good entertainment Is provider, by the Pay- Ion Stock week of 0. In "Tho Awakening of Helena Ritchie." Mabel Brownell did tho best work since her engagement here In "Tho Fighting Hone," week of 12, to big business. "The Virginian" week of 20. Gaybty (Loon Evans, mgr.)—Robtc'a Knickerbockers arc making things lively hero week of 10, particularly Rogoi Imhoff. The Troendcros played n iood week 12. The I.ove Mnkera week of 20. Miner's Empwb (Frank Abbott, mgr.)— Hilly Watson and the Beef-Trust combine to monopolize laughs week of 10. The Regatta '•Iris played to good houses week off 12, Yankee Doodle Girls week of 20. Court (W. H. Smith, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Feb. 22, 28, 24: Lillian Kings- bury and company, Grlffln and Doris, Billy Harlow, Lcwln and Martell, Jones and Orant, ami Snn3onc and Dellla. Washington (O. It. Ncu, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville, Feb. 10-21: Hall and Staf- ford, the Stanleys, Wm. Dirk, Hocker and Hinder, Bnker-Devoye Trio, and tho Gray Trio. Arcade (L. O. Mumford, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Feb. 10 to 24: Savllla's Mysterious company, Slcards. nelen Lnne, "shorn-Wallace company, Butler and Trlm- iiise. Joe Green, Eddie Blcdron, and J. B. Whltnkor. Lyric (Mr. Rosenbnch, mgr.)— Pictures and vaudeville. Feb. 22-24: King Bros.. Wes- l"ii Misters, Clavton Trio, "The Fiddle Told." ••oo. B. Alexander, Mclnotte- Twins and Wal- dorf Boys. N'otrb. — Joe Payton Bpent most of Inst nook In Trenton, N. J Monday. Feb. 10. Hie letter carriers' annual benefit ocelli's »l live Shubert Theatre Frank Finney was the central figure of many social events ist week. Local Lodge of Eagles attended Hu 1 Gaiety In a body, and presented him with J handsome engraived umbrella, and gave huge bouquets to n number of the Indies In iho company. Thursday, Feb. 15. a recep- tion and ball wns tendered him, and the Tro- ■adorn Co. at Flerson's flail, nnd Manager i.vnns was master of ceremonies Lin- '•"In Hook and Ladder Company, Tom Hayes Association. ,T. II. Pryor Association, Kant Association. Plant Department of New Jersey telephone Co., and J. Wins Association all it tended the performance during the week. Fremont, We*.—Larson (Wm. Lomey, mgr.) "Tho Chorus Lady" Feb. 0. "The Girl from Rector's" 10, "Madame X" 14. ,WB (Wall Bros., mgrs.)--Vaudeville and pictures fill this house nightly. RimiNRRB at tho Lyric and illicit continues good. Lynn. Mass.— Central Square (Col. Wll- Iniil O. Stanton, mgr.) the Wolfe Opera Co., which Is plnvlng an engagi>ment here, la presenting "'The Bohemian Girl" the cur- rent week, and Is meeting with very good success. At the concert on the evening of 18 wiib seen the Majestic Comedy, Four, White nnd I.utch. Gordon and Whltten, and Her-, bcrt Jost. _ . , Lynn (Jeff Cnllan, mgr.)—Capacity busi- ness hern at every performance. The attrac- tions for the current week Include eight acta of high class vaudeville. Kitten Do Roche., known ns the prettiest girl In Boston, at- tracted much attention. Oi.ympia (A. 13. Lord, mgr.)—Tho thou- sands of natrons of this theatre were highly pleased with the antics of "Boby Mine," the smallest elephant on exhibition. For the first thrco days of the week of 10 waB seen Mr. Quick, the Carlton Sisters, the Irish- American Trio, Bcauverc, Reed nnd St. John. John Darn and company, nnd Nlblo and Itellly, Here 22-24: L. A. Street and com- pany, the Freobnrns, Moore nnd Towle, Fred Weber, Fred Huxtable nnd company, tho Premier Duo, and the Fonr Flying Dordcans. AuDiTontuM (Morlson & Mark, nigra.)— •The Rosary" played for two weeks at an Immense business, closing 17. "The NCBt Kgg" Ib the current nttrnctlon, being pre- sented by the Morlson Stock Co. Comiquk (A. L. Newhnll, mgr.)—Pictures nnd songs nre drawing lnrge audiences dully. The baby beauty contest closes Boon, nnd this nUo has been an ntractlvo feature for the house. _ . > m Drhami.axd (E. A. Hortsmann, mgr.)—A feature of this theatre Is a contest which 1b now on to give prizes to the most popular saleslady or bookkeeper In the city at a stnted period. Pictures and songs. Pastime (13. A. Loud, mgr.)—Illustrated songs and pictures. Good bualncss. Lowell, Mans. —Opera ROOM (Julius Colin mgr.) "Seven Days" Feb. 20. B. F. Keith's (Will II. Stevens, mgr.)— Bill week of 19: Hoyt. Lcsslng and company, the Meredith SlBters, Bnrnes nnd King, James P. McDonald, A. Picking and company, Do Mlchol Bros., Edwin George, nnd the Two ' Mr'iik So. (James Carroll, mgr.)—Bill 10 nnd week: Kendall Weston nnd company, Wr.rtenborg Ilrorhors nnd Inez Lowhoii. Academy ok Music (W. T. Howlcy, ingr.) —Bill week of 10: Fannie HntfloM Stock cimronny, Ernie and Ernie, Billy Frnnklyn, end "Veterans of '03." IlATitAWAt will re-open 10, with Le Hoy Stock Co. In "The World and a Woman. Week 20:' "The Sunset Trail.' Notes.— •Waller Brown, a Lowell boy, was well received at the Academy last week. ... . wlllnrd Price, the noted stock comedian, hns joined the I.c Hoy Stock Co., which opens nt Hathaway's, and will mako his first ap- pearance In his native city la ten years. I.nmrence. Mnsa.—Opera House (Julius Calm mgr.) "The Fortune Huntor" 10, Perry Stock Co. 20-24, "Seven Days" 20. Xickbi. (John It. Oldlleld, mgr.)—Bill 10- 21 : Edith Raymond and company, Smith and Champion, Premier Duo, Plcnrd's scalB. lor "2-24: Bcauverc and St. Johns, Olrard and Gardner, Mnkcrcnko Duo, and Cornell nnd ^'"roadway (W. B-Spragg, »««■■)-»'"■jft 21: Worckcnus, Mullen and Herbert, Lewis dogs and monkeys. 22-24: "The Fortune Hunter," nnd Murphy and Wlllard. Good "cosmopolitan (Frank Boschlttl. mgr.)— Four reels motion pictures, with three chnnges. Good business. 1'AHTiMH (Chas. B. Saunders, mgr.)— live reels of motion pictures shown, with MM three clinngcB. Good business. Marquiksd (Henry Morton, mgr.)—Mo- tion pictures, to capacity business, ADA LESLIE (Mldiilgcht Maidens). DOLLY SWI3I3T (Ulrl* from Hi PEAKI, 13. 11 iim:u si/,ii\r. < oitiwi : im: \in ii wms i i u (Ideals). (Knickerbockers) (Painting the Toivn).. of vaudeville stock opened 12. Tho David Perkins Stock Co., presenting "In Old Cre- mona and "An Untimely Arrival" during tho week. Attendance, large and audiences well - pleased. CA8CO (M. C. Blumcnbcrg, mgr.)—With Hie vocal, orchestral and moving picture of- ferings, thin populnr house continues to please - und Is drawing rapacity attendance. Nickel (Gray * McDonough, mgrs.)—Lil- lian Itlehnrds and Otto Mcts wcro the fa- vorite vuenllslH lust week, appearing In ad- dition to the usual good selection of photo- plays. Notes. —The employees of tbc new Port- lunil Theatre held a banquet at the Falmouth Hotel 12, celebrating the second anniversary of the opening of tills house. Manager Oreely, Miss McDonough, nishlor; Hiram Ahronis, one of the lessees; members of tbc company nnd many local and out-of-town guests were present The appearance of tho Huston Opera Co. at the Keith house, 0, when "Mb- rininn Butterfly'' was presented to lurge at- tendance, was the closing appearance here of this company for the season, canceling "Aldu" 20, and "Carmen" March 14.... The Seventh Annual Automobile Show Is being held at the Auditorium the current wo«k. i.u Fayette, Intl.—Dryfus (Orn Parks, mgr.) "The Old Homestead" Feb. 10, "Tho GnmblerB" 21. Family (D. W. Maurice, mgr.)—BUI week of 10: Frank Rnc and company, Lavlnc- Clmcron Trio, the Vnndcrkoors, Nick Conway, Ho and Isboo, Three Bounding Gordons, Hums nnd Lawrence, Walter iVrklns and company, Martin Johnson's travelogues, Es- meralda, nnd Powder and Capman. VtCTniiiA (A. Gollos, mgr.)—Frank Cory, Dick Light, and the photoplays. La PimiiKTTR (Geo. Ball, mgr.)—Closed on account of lire, which destroyed the stage and dressing room nnd tho rear of building, at noon of 14. Notks. —The Lyric and Arc continue with pictures and songs George Ade, the fa- mous playwright, who has Just returned from the Pniinma Canal, gave a most interesting lecture on the subject nt Fowler Hall, 14. Mr. Ade remained hero to see Elsie Jnnls, In "The Slim Princess," ID, and to nrrangc for the annual entertainment of the Harlequin Club, which takes place at tbc Dryfus April 10, 17, 20. I iiKnimport, lad.—Nelson (C. A. lloldcn, uigr.)"The Gamblers" Feb. 20, "EaBlcst Way'* 21, "Excuse Me" March 2. Broadway (Mrs. Dollie Dam, mgr.)—Dark for week of 10. ■CnrsTA!. (Thos. Hardy, mgr.)—"Tcmpta- tlors of a Great City" 10, 20. C'MiY (Harry B. Elliot, mgr.)—"War. On the Plains" March 1. Notes. —The Ark, Grand nnd Tokyo, with motion pictures, all report good business.... s REALLY DELIGHTFUL Gfjetoing $um The singer's tones are more dulcet, the speaker's voice more clear, when Ghioklets are used to ease and refresh the mouth and throat. The refine- ment of ohewing gum for people of refine- ment. It's the pepper- mint-the TRUE mint. L»ok for the Bird Cards in ihe packages. You can seoure a beautiful Bird Album f£ee. For Sale at all the Better Sort of Stores 5r. the Ounce and In 6c, liio. and -Tie. Packets SKX-8I3.N CIIICLKT L'OSII'A.N'K Metropolitan Tower New York W INTRO AililresH of Mr. Geo. I). Msckuy' Ann on- knowing «r this nsry, plcnso itddrcKH at uiii'e II. Parker, Wiri KxpoHltloli Ave, Dallas,Tox..J WILL lilt V or Louie, llmiil Musical Comedy, nllhiirw.tliiiiiiHc-'iierv.oiiniiiiiieB rimror. If you have a good thing ami the DriM Im right, I've got Ilia nioiioy , hut fiiiu'v ilKuroii iiotcuDBlderod. "Null so.i." Olvo full particulars flixt Idler. No time lor long i'iN!oM|iiooloiioo. Wanted Musical Conuily I'mplo In nil lines, for Summer unit next sea on. 1'iirk iimnugcrH send open time, r or mile, clump, dramatic iimiiiiMcripts anil nil kinds of show pro- perty. I'ormniiout add. Daw Koseii, »2U \V. (,'ontur tt., Medina, N. Y. Frldny. - Ilesilu Ornssman took the leading role with groat success, displaying unusual tnlcnt, and received succcsslvo encores and curtains from tho largo audience. Miss Ornss- man is expected to become one of tho fore- most social entertainers of this city, 13. P. Perry, of local dramatic famo, predicted suc- cessful theatrical careers for nil who took part In the production. It has hcen reputed tlsit this city has produced many of the bril- liant and successful stars now In "stage- In ml." Nuslivllle.Tenu.—Vcndome(W. A. Sheets, mgr.) durk till Feb. 22-24, when "Tho Spring Maid" holds tho boards, followed by Mont- gomery and Stone. •Bijou (A. O. Neat, mgr.)—Tho old fa- vorites, Ward nnrt Vokes, aro packing tho house week of 12. W«ek of 10, "The lto«ary." Fifth Avrnijh (F. P. Furlong, mgr;)— BUI week of 12: O'Brien Troupe, ifllllnr. Teddy Osliorii and dogs, Hayward Trio, and Thompson nnd Dane. GiiANti (Geo. II. Illckmnn, mgr.)|—Good vaudeville, with the following nets, week of 12: Mildred Kellogg, Jennie Kdwards and two others. OnriiKusi (Geo. II. Hickman, mgr.)—Tho Drphomn begliiK another season or popular priced vntidcvlllc, starting matinee 12. Ono jierformnncc in nfternoon nnd two at night. The Orphetim Is by far the coziest lltllo vaudeville house In town, nnd the first week's Mil which follows 1b worth twice the money, Hill: I'lonophlcnd Minstrels. Intornuttonul Polo Tenm, Newell nnd Gibson, and two other acts. Dixie, Ki.ith, Crystal. Amiaiiiiha and Bonita. —Good business, with pictures. KOTH—Tho Princess, another moving pic- ture liniiHo, will throw open Its doors about 10. Ih'iivcr, C»lo, — Broadway (Pelcr Mc- I'niirt. mgr.) "Madame X" 10 and week. Oiii'iiKii.M (A. C. Carson, mgr.)—BUI 10 nnd week: Klght Palace Girls, Mlnioun Dn Beryl, "Honor Among Thieves," Mack nnd (irtli, Felix and Cnlre, Oscar Lorraine, nnd Arnnnt Brothers, Taiioh Grand (Peter McCourt, mgr,)— "Three Twins" 18 and week. io.mi-iikmh (Burt I'fttman, mgr.)—BUI IT and week: The Hnrnthnler Troujx:, Newell nnd Nlblo, Bell Dixon, ltawson and t'lare, Anna Buckley's canine wonders, and Hurry Thomson. • Crystal (Harry Beaumont, mgr.)— Hill 17 nnd week : Ameen Abou Homnd's Ten Ara- bian Acrobats, Ilelff, Clayton and lleirr, Mile, nnd l.nfo.villii niul roiuiuiny. ■ in><-■■ nnrt. In.— IlurlH Opera House fClininberlln, Kindt & Co., mgrs.) "Kxcuse Me" Felt. 11. "The Sixth Cominanilment" 12, "Mutt and Jeff" 14, "The Qlrl of tho Ooldcn KUIl HALE - 1 40O KKKT OF FILMS. Two subjects, U'eat -rn and dramatic. In Al condi- tion; line Viol n with lontlicrcsso will trade lor Picture Machine, or mako ino an olfur. Addresu, II OX 074, MT. OI.IVK, ILL. At Liberty, RONALD MONTROSE, ForVaud. or lied Oo. Nost nail character specialties for week. Klsborate wardrobe. I'lay plauosomo. HONAbll MONTIIOHK, <i :t l>«ke S t., B hfnaniloab, Iowa. MAGICIANSH Have for Hslo at a bargain, Two Folding Sluo 1'ahlcs; oxoeiloiilconill Inn. Htauiii for particulars, V. Al.. PKAIifcB, Port lly run, W. If. At Liber y-BOB DAVIS BINdINO ANII HANCIMI HI'KCIAI/I'IKH. Do iiarts. Prefer ono night HlitinlH, Cornet, II, a mi a HEi,<iliAi)K, NKIIIt. MEYER'S paint, 10c I1I3ST AND OnDAPBST ' West" 18, "Tho Chocolate Soldier" 22, 23, "The Texas Hanger" 25. Giiami Ol'KUA lloiisi! (D. I,, Hughes, mgr.) — ltcnjiimlii (.'hnpln, "Iinpci'Hoiintloiis of Alirnlium Uiicolii,'' 115; lloynl Welsh Ladles' Choir 10, Florence Webber, 111 "Naughty Marietta,' 1 18. Amkiucan (Charles Bcrkell, mgr,)—Fob, 12 ami week: ltuthskollcr Trio, Sadie Shcr- niiin, Cnssldy nnd I.onglon, Montambo and Wells, Woods and Rnlton nnd company, Des Mi>lues, In. — Princess (Klbcrt & Oelrhcll, mgrs,) week of 11, "The Miislgu ;" week Of 1H, "Hello Hill I" Oiti'iiKtm (II. II. Burton, mar,) — Hill week of 11: Itomiov and Bent, Tom Nnwii mid company, the Ilollownys, Brown, Harris niul Brown, Arllnglon Four, King Bisters, and Three Olndilcnbccki. llltlK.'IIHl.l. (Klbcrt Ic Gotclicll, mgrs.)— Billy Van 10-14, "Nmiiihty Murluttn" in, "The Girl of the Golden West" 111. Ma.ikstic and ItNigiiH (Klliert & (letehell, mgrs.)—Variety and pictures. Star, I.vhh.', Coi.oniai, anii I-'ahii.y. — I'lcliiroK, ' PelcrNhnrir, Vn. — Aendciiiy of Music 111, L, Hofhelinei, mgr.) Geo. Kvnns' Honey Boy Minstrels gnve a Hue i > rfnriimiirc, to fiipiielty hiiMliioss Keli. 12. "Gct-Ulcb-Qulck Wiilllngfoiil." loiliiwoil nt iidvnnccd prices, In giiiiil i-einriM 111. I,vim; (Chat. O. Moit. mgr.)—.Business exiellciil. Bill week of 10: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adn'ms, the De Ixiugs. Knight and Hniison, niul linyie nnd Fields. KIiikmIuii, « 'hu. —Grand Onnra House (H. I'. Hmnlgan, mgr.) 'The Thief' delighted in, "Alias Jimmy Valentine" 17, "Daniel Boone On the Trail 24. "Madame KJierry" 20. (tinill n'h Oki-iikru. —Flrsf class vaude- ville nnd moving pictures continue to draw i'I'uwili'il houses. Nuts. —Princess, King Edward and Won- derland, moving picture houses, all doing big lusncHti.