The New York Clipper (February 1912)

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28 THE NEW yokk CJL.1PPER. February 24 f m TIGHTS SIMON PARIS The Cream of Creams Unique for whitening the skin and beautifying the face and hands. Its qualities have made it absolutely famous, and no other preparation can be com- pared to it. Powder and Soap Simon J. SIMON Pari. M. LEVY, Sole U. 8. Agent 3 Eut 17th Street, Now York TIIE BALI0T8 1 <>iniil<-tr Line of SILK WORSTED AND conoN THEATRICAL TIQHTS Alnaya on Hand Or.l.-rr. Pilled Prompdr Cotton Tights, very good quality, a pr. • .70 Wonted Tlgbts, medium weight, a pr. 2.00 Worsted Tights, bear* weight, a pr.. 2.70 Silk l'laltedTlgbts (Imported), a pr.. 2,50 811k TightB, heavy weight, a pr •«• Pure 811k Tights........'..." 8.K0 Sblrt to Matcb. same price as Tlghta. CUPPER CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. MADISON STREET CHICAGO Eiri $35 to $500 Weekly. Study QTARF DANCING O I HOC STNOINO B.B.&B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRUNK 5-YEAR GUARANTEE 24- In. 20-ln. 28-ln. 80-ln. 82-ln. 84 In. 88-ln. 88-ln. 40-ln. 4 2 in. LOOK AT TUB PRIOBI '*iioo Bound with onr New Cold Boiled Mteel Binding Three-ply B B & B. trun wood naml-riveted tippln, tray. SEND FOR FREI CATALOGUE $5 deposit tt quired on C.O.D. shipment* i-.».oo 18.00 14.00 1B.00 10.00 1T.00 18.00 10.00 B, B. & B. TRUNK FACTORY 415 Federal St., N. 8. S88 Hmlthfleld St. 447 Wood St. Paotoryi a2-<o Isabella St., s. S. PITTSBURG, PA. B. B. & B. TRONKS STAGE SHOES WuOl) sole cim Plain Kid, • ■ $3.50 Patent Leather ■ $4.50 All Colon, • • $5.00 lOitra neat, will not rip STAGE LAST -uuiiunn. In Oxfords, Slippers and $3.00 ^•"•aaar Send for Catalog Bent C. 0. L>. :( (1.00 per pair la advanced. FINE MAl'LH DANCING MATS, made to order nt SO cts. per square toot. NEELY BROS. 720 W. Mndlaon Street Opp, Haymarket Theatre OHICAGO PLAYS, SKETCHES, VAUDEVILLE ACTS A l|cnutiful 12,600 edition or this magazine of over _i SJOipagca for$l. Wrlto for ll at oiuo, 10 great numbers, 12 With FREE Acting Itltrlit - wfnua, bobbkbh a jame^ upi «*mv, n.y, FAT REDUCE YOUR Im.i- i,lr 1 ■>>. i, till), ml. It, ..'■illy, until jmir lluurel. l-rii. i. S„ Miir.atiuii. liarmlul BKeMaMi iiu Uic- ,'iilil- txcrcl.lliq. Atitaliilrlv gult-lt-at fi bc.l mi'ilitxIJiljalomUfli.ritttilp'Mluiiblei'uIn .«i»l,li.Slio,ln<'»»nf l,t.»lli .MlimA.rlirimi.tliiu, klilnrj A hr.rttr.nhlr. k»*o ■- (lie flu run ...» r» nil iimmwbi toil. n,r Kit I". I". I'ltOltF I'llKATMKVr. IL.oU ,,1 ValuiiMr A.I, l.<-A T.-Unn-ii- '.'■free, Oo.Ujou llunlm!'!, milium, K.rruhlinriwin.1,„il*li ll.lo tnfelor* »«!«•, DP, H. O, BRADFORD, Bradlord Building. % £. 22d sTr"ot,fi B wY" <t. Itr.tiratlfortht reonlirr plivsicmiijitt mttl At/ X. Y. State Vaudeville Acta, Sketches, Httrama Make-up, Plar-wrlUng. Personal In strnotton by phonograph at yonr bom* If yon cannot come on to New York. Write for illustrated booklet how students succeeded. Engagements guaranteed. Failure Impossible. Alliens Theatre School of Acliig ■3d St. and Stn At*.. »»w Yoih MUSICAL BELLS J. C. DBAOAT4 MOO N. Clark street, OHIOAOO ' Inventor and Mfr. to the profession. Write for onr now 11 luatrated catalog. New h 'ts, AJwav wflabuj WURUTZER-I ORCHKTRAL HARPS The Accepted World's Standard Write for beautiful Catalogue. Easy payments. We supply the U.S. Govcrnm't with Musical Instruments The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 71 0.4th, 341 S.Wabasb,Cklcap KsUblUhjjtJ06O TIGUTS AND SHIHTOof e.rn deaerlptlom, Padding. Proa. Snake and Monkey Salte Blaatle and Cloth Supporter. Gptunastio Pompa and fialier. Spangle* and Dnlllua Print* Send for catalogue and sample of tighta—ran JOHN 8PICER Succeaaor to Splcer Brea., xn wni»r»R?Nir <»T Rgl tn <i > "ALIDBLLA" DANCING OLOOI Short Vamps Price, all wood sols. 14.00 Jeather abank 16.00: d» Ilverrd frei Patent faal suing. Man ofactured b: Abert H. Rtsmer Shoo Co., Mllwaukis, Wis. Stm vm rWHITL PF-LIC ^BtMraiABraBUlLT J. M. BUSBY Manager'a Minstrels Snys: I hnve n Taylor Trunk four- teen years old, as good ns new. Would use no other. 8END FOK 1U12 CATALOGUE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO: 35 E. Randolph St. NEW YORK: 131 W.38th SL FOR BVBRY PURPOSB 1,000 STYLES ESTABLISHED 186ft WHITE FOR OAT. No. 41 i in-1 17 Bo. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. ILL. NEW YORK OFFICE, 1100 Rroadway SEATTLE OFFICE, 508-10-12 First Are.. So. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 878 Mission «t The A. H. Andrews Co. ■ F O K ■ YOV SAVB M"NB Y In both the purchase price and In freight, bv buying our BTBBL FRAMB HON- BREAK A- BLB THBATRE CHAIRS. Large stock. Can sblp immediately. Several lots of Second-Hand Chairs for sale at especially low prices. Also seating for out of door use. Address Dept. K. 8TEHL FDR- NIT0RE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich.: New Yoik Olty, 160 6th Ave. Boston: 2M Congreasgt. Philadel- phia: 610 Flanders Bldg. Chicago: 133 So. otli AV. STREETMEN, SHOWS AND DOCTORS ELEUTH1U BELTS, VOLTAIC ELE0TR1O1NHOLBB AND INHALERS are goods that aeliandpaytheblgproOta. Just what you are looking for. Send 16o. for sample Electric Belt ot pair of Insoles and getoompletc erice list and lecture from the irgest establishment of Its Bno In the U.S. Bells, $1.10dos.up: Insoles,sso.doien palm up: In- halors, »0c. doa. up. Hypo Oocoanut Oil 8osp, wrap- ^od, $2.60Gross. Fast seller. _ olg profits. Bond to-day. u (Mb., 181B.) (He, 1W1., rhsBleetHr AppltanreCo..gtirllnrton.KaD TRICKS POR STAGE USE TOST A COMPANY, 000 Filbert 8l (Established 1870). Philadelphia W New Knlarged. Illustrated Catalogue DOWNIE & WHEELER'S "W 1 SHOWS All Performers, Musicians, and Others, under engagement, will Report NOT LATER than TUESDAY MARCH 11. ACKNOWLEDGE THIS CALL. lutMTcn PERKORMEKS, Lady Rider with stock, versatile Performers In Hi asm W AW I CU MUSICIANS, Btr. ng Cornet, Ilarltooo, Tuba, and other musicians for white band. SIDE SHOW, Snskc Charmer, novel Freaks, Oriental Dancers, PaltnlH and colored Muslclua that sing and dance. All day Grinder for pit Bbow. HORKINOMEN, Boss CanvasMan tor side lao! Bobh Properly Man. Iloss Chandelier, lllackamitb Man, and Bober, experienced Worklngmen in all de- partrocnts. ADVANCE-Can place a few more hu.tllnsr, esperlenctd Circus Illll Posters and Bunner Men forOppOBltlon Brigade. Address F. J. FHINK, General Agent, Vul.l,„,„, o», TO LET-Csne Rack, Knife BoBrd, Guess Your Weight Scales, and other legitimate privileges. ""* wine™*,, Address DO WNIB&WHKELEM,Vnldo»ta,Ga. TED SPARKS' VAUDEVILLE If you are not ulng our booking service it Is through no other reason I ban Ihatyoudo not kno* of our .uperlor grade of attracilons, and our most modern, thoroughly systematical method of taking care of your best Interests. Assuming that this Is true In yourcaee, It la up to you to Invest tKalc oar service in fairness to your business. If your house la in Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas or Oklahoma our circuit comes almost to your door. Look over this partial Hat of "Ted Sparka' Acta", Kennedy and Cdell Mylle and Orth Max and Max Three Itoss Sisters Melvll nnd Hamilton Howe and Barlow The Sawyers Seymour and Williams Krampe and Ileehler Write, wire, phone or call. Special all nltht telegraphic arrangement and all loog dls- t nnce phones. lTJrSPM8.VHDEVItlr] CIRCUIT, Ceittnry Bldg. (Opp. the P. P.), Kansas City, h For STAeEMAKE-UP or *reet Use CHERRYOLA ^-^ For Lips or Cheeks, a perfect biood color The HESS CO.. Mira. Stage Make-Up ROCHESTKR N. T. Von Sisters siinli- and Cole Grul>er and Kew Itosc and St, autre L«s Kilmlnl and Co. I'nddock and Paddock Toler and Toler Gordon and Belmont Knlnburn nnd Falrbum The Great Fowlers Kny Sisters Slater tint) Finch Jay and Hay Emery The Comedy Three Wall nnd Ills Dancing KI.Ii, Tucker and Harrison The Great Rhynata nnd Co. Blnnchard and Mnrlln I . . i.m ■■POM F.yl.11 Tb*M sunsanohnBleal wsJta BH,phfre.-LOOR IIS. Me- Gnamls. fltond .old ui C» aiunoBdtstta ■•hanltker mb- It Simssh a ftls and anil Mtglsaa. tvwlaaoy inuaaned tt rsanv All aoaaUataiaKasSM ni.a dlameai meunflna*. wui mb« yoaaaystrl. rtog. pla or.tud Cor .unuuMoa- Hloh.tie«pr»p.ia-<H,mon.ylii »d».no.. Writolooay tortr««t«l bookl«t.sOToUlrrloM A rlnsniMMore WBtlTal AngaCO,!! ftt«iiSBa^isilis«tan\l*slaia HI'AMiLblS, SLAW PBR POUND (ItILD OR 8ILVDR Cotton Tights, pair 81.00 Worsted Tlghta. pair 2.00 Plaited Silk Tlghta, pair 2.60 Beat Silk Tights. I B 0 „ o Inrh cotton tope. I LIVING PICTDRB 8TJIT8 <'t\t. Tblgh and Hip Paddings Gold and Silver Trimmings 4end drposlt and route wltli order tup noaroN brcialia co.. 887 Washington St, Boston, Mass A\, Fine Magical Apparatus M|Hf ILLUSIONS, TRICKS. Rtc. B ■aVn«U Grand End of Century, full; ■ BaVJCr llluatrated. HOOK CATA- ■ ■n # Vl» I.4MJUB. l!Bc., free by mall iS HVaal Catalogue of Parlor Tricks *^"^«i fre*L MAHTINKA « CO. ^*^ Mtrs.. 408 Sixth Ave., N Y Shaving Powder Uso like any shaving powder. No razor required Will not retard or stop growth of hair. New telen- title principle, will not eat bristles out of brush. Una about same action on face ns snap. Shaves cleaner man any razor and In much less time. Bitter top can, -5 shaves, 26 cents; $2.40 dozen; $21,110 gross. KAZOIILESS SHAVING POWDER CO.. New London. Conn. POEMS WANTED CASH PAID FOR SONGS. NEKPHAM MUSIC HOUSE, ST. LOUIS, MO. DRUMMERS Uavo a pair of Hluoh Turkish Oymbnls, will sell them cheap. A real bargain. Stamp ft* part kn- ars. F. AL. PEARCE, Port Byron, N. Y. WANTED SKETCH TEAM MAN and WIFE To do doubles and singles. Change (or week. Man to do H. V. six nights. Preference given those doubling piano. Also single perform- ers write, sinlc salary first letter. Address B. LKSLIE, West Concord, Dodge Co., M inn. WANTED, for LA ROY STOCK CO. Hep. People In all lines. Can placo comedian with specialties; also character woman capa- ble of playing some Juveniles. Make salary low as It is sure. Will buy tent outfit or any fart of same for cash. Whut have you? IA11RY LA HOY, week ot Feb. 10, Holden, W. Vn.; week of Feb. 20. Polntsvlllc, Ky. HAVE FOR SALE About 20 Good Band Uniforms AT A BARGAIN HARRY L. ADAMS, Manchester Center, Vermont. For Street and Stage Wear A complete line of Pumps and Slippers In all allude*, for evening ... fo a „ . 202 W.23^ST ; , ri -Y - m.' IDtHHSL. wcarjAcwbaiic'ciug ami Oallet Shoes kept In'stock - v.. «j«»-« v.»e«.ea. fJJ Write for Catalogue No. 8. I. MILLER, 1554 BrORtJWRy, New Yort. BRASS BAND ACTORS, MUSICIANS DOUBLING STAGB OR OIU'IIKSTHV GOOD BLACKFACE COMEDIAN DOUBLING BRASS, BINOLB WOMAN CAPABLE OF HANDLING STRONG JUVENILE PART Car and canvas show. Accommodations Al. Show opens April 1, near K. C. Prank lla> den. Clsrlott, write. Addtess MRS. W. J. McDONALD, car. or wen Del., Leavenworth, Kaai. FOR SALB-Elegant Diamond Dye Palace Aicli, Willi two leg Drops, size 1BX2I feel, at a bargain, painted by Cux, hung only six limes. Parodies on "Baby Rose," "Nnvojo Rag," "Land of Harmony," "Honey Man," "Myiterioui Rag," "All Alone," "Kiss Me," "Jimmy Valentine," "Blanket Bay," "Arms Around Me, Honey," "Think It Over, Mary," "Sugsr Moon." "I Want a Girl," "Love Me," "Beautiful Doll,' 1 "You'll Do Same Thing Over," T 'Alexander's Ragtime Band, Oceana Roll, "1W» It," "Yum Yum Tree." "Barber Shop Chord," "Some of These Days," "Friend I rom llow Town." "Good-Bye, Betty Brown." Last 12 arc for Jew. 10c. each; 8 for 2B«.t or wb«« 24 Big Parody Screams. S1.B0. Other material; list nnd testimonials for stamp. MARY E. P. THAYER, 2100 Broad St., Providence, B. ^ AT LIBERTY JERRY H. HERZELL For Stock, Hep. or One Piece, after live veins in vaudeville, characters, Comedy, Old Men, Etc., Al Director. VICTORIA HOTEL, OKLAHOMA CiTY, OKLA. Moving Picture Operator PLEASE MENTION CLIPPER WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS ■■'(.ANTtN C8XorBi-ACK l POR CATARRH AND DlSOHaROBS With Machine and 1'ilins. Must have Al machine and good subjects. Permanent engagement. Locate. State lowest salary and nil particulars first letter. II. L. HUNT, Grand Opera House, Jacksonville, 111, WANIED QUICK, by Dramatic Co. VERSATILE WOMAN FOR GEN. BUSINESS Must bo young, good looking and have good ward- robe, one doing specialties preferred. State all In first totter. Make your terms reasonable lor bal. ance of season and Hummer. Don't misrepresent Add. F. K. BPOONEH, Paris, Texim, week Feb. 19* SURE-FIRE HIT MONOLOGUE 25C. Special offer. Gets the laughs. New stuff. Use It, you'll have some act. Send stntmiB or coin. C. WILSON COLLISON, 413 Enst Broad St., Columbus, Ohio. W A NTflTs l-'IRST CLASS PERFORMERS. nAHlAU SKETCH TEAM, for Medicine Co. State what you can do and will do. Slate If you play plsnn or organ, and what salary, Add. DR. R. J. ATKINS. aon.Del., FOND 1)U LAO, WIS. »rVWW yv »»v .«w St^T4 t CAPSULES, MlDt Bach Cap- sule bears the name Bmww n/oounlsr/Wu) t jaa»¥WMMMaaa»<na» va»V CATARRH end DISCHARGES Rellne. In 24 Hours Dramatic People summTstock Two bills a wcek-LEADIKO MAN, LKAD1N0 WOMAN, COMF1IIAN. HEAVY MAN, 0. %■*! CHARACTER MAN, SOUllltETTE, WOMAN for G. II. SCENIC ARTIST that can play pari", »I» T '" TEAM, MAN to dlreet. State very lowest snl.ry. Send State all first letter. Show open* on or about April 22. Address MOM. CAMDEN THEATRE, Wn.ton, W. ¥■» WANTED Sherman-Kelly Stock Company AN Al YOUNG LEADING LAO", GOOD APPEARANCE, WILL FEATURE Also People In all lines, for stock and rcp„ with specialties preferred. Work tho year 'lound. wll(flJ2 treatment. This la my Boventy-nccond week wltlioui. closing. MakesalarleH light. Send pliolos, "P u " slble. I return tb<-m. Those who wrote hefore, write again Regards to all. „ v <u Add. B. L. KELLY, Mankato, M inn., wk. Pib. 18; Hooheattr, Minn., wk. V»i. *»• " SHORrVAIKIP SHOES P I (SI ftCCIICDA l 5H THIRD AVE., nenr lOtu Str««», N. »• ill ULQOODtKU I Branch, »M WEST *M HT..W . of ll'w« FULL THEATRICAL LINE IN ALL LEATHERS; ALSO IK SATIN SIZES 1-9, A-BB. Get my NEW Catalogue of Original Styles ii« "^XJ?,, P,JKC HASED the entire stock ot n large Importing house, comprlsliiK *M line of Silk and Hinted Tlghta nnd Jerseys, all new and fresh goods; will sell nl a" Ml Vj regular price. - ' ,. its si,.. 1 tr. d *o sn nn«li i roEUbu' ?J-JJ ».« 0.TJ 0.73 0.76 40 Unlon 0 Squa 3 re™N^S^ 0 'cH" 0 ™^^ ** ""^' "*""''•*• W&STL^Tueiitrkul'''costumer. WANTED AT ONCE^^ Al Leading Man, Comedian, Character Man> Leading Woman, Pianist mtVMotcie'dX' WRnt only sober, reliable peopK- ** JACK RAYMOND, care of Jack Raymond Co., Jaebson. MiW'