The New York Clipper (March 1912)

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March "16 CLIPPER. 17 It la » moflt cioellwt prepn- ; ration for upM* Of light «o«i»ntr«il alj.o- lniei y to keep the hair ' from turnliiK darker, \ makes blondo hair v u ruoroboautlfnl,and /Rlvea to unattrac- tive "drab" or /-..led l»»' r tbat lustrous golden aheon bo Inieted by all women, trltbout bleaching. if mur Druggist does not keep it, send his name "1 «i.oo for a si* waeke treattoont. Yoa «ul never regret It. MME , ELIZABETH C.GILLK B0X i, HA MILTON ORANGE, MEW YORK CITY. "Casey Jones." Spedsl (Harry La Mask, mgr.)— nhionr III., 13, West Balem. 14, McLeanaboro flI Rirrlsburg 10. Johnson City 21. •■fSM-v Jones." Coast (Norton k Andrew, nigra;) —Beaver Oam, Win., 10, Food da He 17. ..p.,,. Jones" — Nelt ft Pennington's—Dexter, Ma, 13. MoroboBse 14, Poplar Bias IS, Charles- ten 10. ''J"!? n J rh !i ,t " • 8lo < k Uullui Oahn, mgr.)— • : Porllatid^'Kr.-, u, Indefinite. w ' "Kentucky Romance"—Syracuse, N. T.. lt.M Rochester 14-10. ' " 18 > tl ?5 <1 '„ A . ,lce T v y* lb » * Luescher's—Eugene. Ore 13. Chlco, Oil., 14, lied Biol 15, MarrYvlllelo Sncramonto 18, 10. Stwklon 20. l7"aoo K llakcrsOeld 22, Han Bernardino 23. Lewis, Dave—Rowland A Ollfford'a, Inc. (DaTO IS 1 "' nigr.)—Richmond. Va., 11-10, Norfolk U K« , ' r ?l' n WU1 H ;« , ' 0 £?»- »rr.)-Waahln«ten. B"a 1 *!.JP»»»«" '». Watervllle 10. Frankfort Tk V 27 , OnaV2\ 0 " ,r "" M ' *« ». ClrSe! L T, M 8 ^:lor C Danfe% D ^nn-^!2 h 3 AM * tb0ro - La Roy Stock (H. La Roy, mgr.)—Beckler W *V*., 11-10, Hioton 18*23. V ' """"' w ' Uwly-OIIver.Stock—Hamilton, .0., 11. Indeflnlte. Lombardl Grand Opera—Memphis, Tenn., 11-16, Lewis & Lake Mimical Comedy—Vancouver, B. O.. Can., 11, Indellnlte. City 11. Indeflnlte. WHEN YOU PUY CHICAGO THE NEW the •(afternoon stunt" la to inspect 0-G SHOE "HITS" "America's P.Bhlon Leaderaattbo cost of common- place shoes." Or—why not ptn,no an OQ atp-p and nave a skilled and well-mannered salesman, or aalCHWnnunlf vouprcfer, CALL ON \ OU AT i OUR BSKfa.S' *"' nour J° D *"""• » n * 8l*o von the BhBT kit and the greatest shoo VALUE jou ever bad? WHY NOT, sure enough? You Just TRY IT. Find out why 0-0 BII0E8 are the steady rellinco of the beat stage people In America. O icon NOR Aiara WOMEN: 23 E. Madison aoi.nuKKVJr and a» Ho. State Street. MEN: o So. Clark and 206 S. State (1st floor.) ; ' (All 'phones, Harrison MM. .. jot it down.) "Let Oeorge Do It" — Leffler-Bratton Oo.'*—, Ha^'wT: J l J\ «Pf»»a«>M 1410, Tew ... Hmrtc - tnif.,-17-20, Fort Wayne 21-23. Drew John — Charles Frobman's— Birmingham, Ala 13, Montgomery 14, Pensacola, Fla., IB, Mobile, Ala.. 10, New Orlcixu, La., 17-23. Be Armond Slaters'. 8tock (Wan. N. Smith, mgr.)' Chicago, lit., ii-iw. • ■■ t»—_ a *y. -. . ™—— TViuHhcrty Stock—Ironwood, Mlcb., 11-10. rSSort Stock (A. M. Diamond, mgr.)—Portland, bid., 1114, Richmond 10-21. Difls Stock (Harry Davli, mgr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., 11. Indefinite. Dalley Stock (Thurston E. Dalley, mgr.)—Mani- towoc. Wis., 11. Indefinite. "Deep Purple"—Liebler * Oo.'s—Boston, Mass., 11, Indefinite. Elliott, Gertrnde — Charles Frohmen's — N. Y. Cltv 11, Indennlte. Elllnge, Jollan—A. H. Woods'—Kansas City, Mo., 17-23. Earle Stock (L. A. Karle. mgr.)—Dubois, Pa., 11-10, Corning, N. Y.. 18-23. Empire Tbeatre Stock (Spits A Natbanion, mgrs.) Providence, B. I., 11, Indefinite. "Excnio Me," Eastern—Henry W. Savage's— Springfield, O., 18, Dayton 14, Anderson, Ind., IS, Muncle 10, Indlanapolla 18-20. Loulsvllte, Ky., 21-23. "Eicuse Me," Western—Henry W. Savage's— 8an Francisco. Col., 11-16, Marysvllle 17, Cblco 18, Red Bluff 10, Medford, Ore., 20, Grants Pras 21, Kngvne 22, Solma 33. "Eicuae Me," . Southern—Henry W. 'Savsge's— Jrckson, Mlcb., 13,-FHnt 14. Bay City IB, Sagi- naw 10, Port Hnron 17. Ann Arbor 18, Adrian 10, Toledo, 0., 20, TlOn 21, Lima 22, Newark »• . v/ "Everraoman." Eastern—Henry W. Savsge's—N. Y. City 11-23. "Everrwoman," Weatern—Henry W. Savsge's— Atlanta, Ga., 11-14, Cbnttanoogo, Tens., IS, 10, Indianapolis, Ind.. 18-23. Flake, Mra.—Horrlson 0. Flake's—N. Y. Olty 11, Indcflnlte. Ferguson, Elsie—Henry B. Harris'—Chicago, III., 18-Aprll 0. Firnuo, Duatln and Wllllaro—A. H. Woods'— Boston, Mass., 11. Indellnlte. For, Eddie—Dillingham & Zlegfeld's—N. Y. City 11. IndeSnlte. "fortune Hunter"—Cohan A Harris'—Indian- spoils, Ind., 14-10. •Tolles of 1811" (Florence Zlegfeld Jr.. mgr.)— Syracuse.. N. Y.. 11-13. Rochester 14-10. "Faatsama" (Edwin Warner, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., 11-1(1, St. Louis, Mo.. 17-23. Cilaaer, Lulu—Werba A Luescher's—San Fran- cisco. Cal„ 11-23, Gordon, Kitty—Jos. M. Oaltes'—Hamilton, Out., Can., 10. 20. . Olaser. Vangban (W. B. Oaryn, mgr.)—Cleve- land, 0., 11, Indefinite. Gotham Stock (P. G. Williams, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 11, indefinite. Garslde Slock (Jas. H. Oarslrie,'mgr.)—Paducah, Ky.. U'May 1. - Gagnon-Pollock 8tock (Bert C. Oagnon, mgr.)— New Orleans, La.,' II, IndeDnlte. ' '' Olbney, Sarah, 8toek—Berlin, Ont., Can., 11, In- definite, • .'( ■ . .'-■ • ■ Oayety Stock—Hoboken, N. J„'ll, Indennlte.' "Harden of Allah"—Liebler A Co.'r—N. Y. Olty 11. IndfBnlte. ... . . . '•tumblers, The'.'—With Orrae Caldara and Jane Oowl (Authors' Producing Co..-mgrs.I—New- ark. N. J„ 11-143, Brooklyn,. N. Y„ 18-28. - ' "Oanblers, The"—With Paul Evertnn and Ger- trude Dallas (Authors' Producing Co., mgn.)— Lincoln Nesr., 18, Omhha M-16, Kansas City, ■ Ho., 17*29* ■ •■ "Oamblers. The"—With Wright Huntington and Martha Oatmaa (Authors' Producing Co., mgrs.) —KJmllay, O., 13. Upper Sandnsky 14. Titan In, Anderson, Ind.. 10, Defiance. (>., 18 Van Wert 10. Bellefontslne 20, Wspakoneta 21, St. Marya 22, Sidney 23. Gambler, The"—With Charles Mackay and LII- ilia Kemblo (Authors' Producing Co., mgrs.l— Freeport. III., 13, Sterling 14, Clinton. la.. 16, DubuQue 10. Rock IslsnuV HI..' 17. Muscatine, la 18 Ottnmwa 18, Otkalooaa 20. Iowa City ■./?'.' Sfi" R anlda 22, Marahalltown 23. Oct Rich Quick Wallingford"—Oohan & Harris' „-Brooklyn, N. Y., 18-23. Oreyboond, The"—Wagenhnls ft Kemper's^-N. Y, Olty 11 Indetnlte. 0«so airl," Western—Baker ft Castle's—Mil- ..n w, , n i* c W1 *'. «•!«. Olr! From Rector's"—Max Plohn's (Ed. H. Les- ter, mgr.)—Birmingham, Ala., 1M0, Balti- more, Md., 18-23. ' . • ' 01" and the Tramp" (Barton ft McBrlde, i"*™-)—^Assumption, III., 13, Owaneeo 14, Irv- . Jag 15, Dlvernao 10, Fcstus, Mo., 17. Farm- ingtoni 18, Doe Run 10. Elvlns 20, Desloge 21, „„ FI »«»lver 22, Blsmatck 23. 11-13 sMIb-sV H. Woods'—Akron, 0.. "^Jf' » «be Tail"—A. H. Woods'—Nsshvllle, Teon., Hackett. James K. (Wm. F. Muenster, mgr.)— m. W** +JbmH 14. Portland, Me.. 10, 20. "' flgOft i, Raymond—Cohan A Harris'—N. Y. H.ii/ 1 , 1 ,", 18 ,' Philadelphia, Pa., 18, Indefinite. aVM Mial—Werha A Luescher's—Milwaukee, wrs., 11-16 Racine, Wis.. 18. Belolt 10. Free- jjjjjt. 111., 20, Rockford 21, Aurora 22, Jollet H< ^e. 14 WIIUam—Liebler ft Oo.'s—Columbia, S. I,C |odefln*l? h ~ j0 "' **' 0, " t « , ■—Ch'««o. "I.. ». "'ll'lcb!' i?.io*'~ KlaW * Er '»nger's—Detroit, noffmann. Gertrude, and ImiKrial Russian Dancers II.TJ.2. Huberts'—Brooklyn,. N. Y., 11-10. "•'ward, Grace (Geo, M. Gatts, mgr.)—Chicago. tii „' '». Indefinite. . iiiiiman's Ideal Stock (F. P. HJIIman, mgr.)— HImS" 10 .",' K,n " U* Indetlnlti. p5S vi dM, .. 8t<,clt ' (Frank Manning, mgr.)— ft*. 11-13, Palmer 1410, Litchfield 18- ana JS&& Bcw S1 ' 2 8' m» iJSJ* *. Th""* Stock (H. Q. Brooks. H^fiiJ-rMontreal, Can., n-30. Js»\ii B,0 * ,, "„ !to - 8 < Fr « 1 K - tanbans, mgr.)— ),l,?™ F 5 0 1 n ' N. Y.. 11. Indefinite. H«rt D i„„ U i ; . ,I "^ B y^ lt "' Mkh - n ' mdeflnlte. ' -5?.* HB"" Oomedy (Ferris Hartman, mgr.) Wsffi<C »• Indeflttlte. ' -\Z u *"\ Br f»kfra''—Mort H. Singer's (Otto Kllves, off'h-Dallaa. Tea., 13, 14. Fort Worth IS, III wriSSi °ls--U l6 ' "■ Arksnsas City. Ksn., EJEM BPait HutchlnMn 20. Garden City 21, i.ffil? M. OoJyraoo Springs 23. ' .. . mSB 5'*i*" —* «• ««no's (Len Delmore. Pltt'.h7^ n .1 t ** ,1 : oro ' T " ,1 »'" ls - Shelbyvllle 14, Gsb v * ft Ktbta> m l*nolr 20. Big Stone "Mtr-Paiiij"~u w Fields'—Cincinnati. 0., 11- T ft ,l,, 11 s,0 *''D- B. Russell, mgr.)—St. Unls, "1„-A,! 1 ' Indennlte. LS at?' n . , l le, J'"—*• W - Dingwall's—Baltl- "lMiJ^.H d - Vi*! Philadelphia. Pa.. 1828. ^3S35£/P Tnth " (KB H. Wsllsch, mar.) Ja^, P m"?» 1,, ^ M »'"- 18., Hartford, Conn., 11. •rJr iS'*T^ l, !*. rt »- Dlllraiham's—Ssn Antonio, , -^ct.. la, 14^ pji p aifl jQ ■ WlnSTn' M! « W "i- ,'lTRochester, Minn., I?, Bed lfi ifi 5 J. H W h J rt * 1 M - Albertiea 17, Owatonna 3a''aS! el ll.l*< J,'- "to"- ••> «»«liMiiflilsi . *fi 1 crxni Falls 23, *«E t aGd £ f W " " 1 A '" n '" — <*'«•». 'in., M n In,J "S %»» —Henry B. HarTla'— Albany. 2 a ." 13 . , «AJ!«" U Ulfl - Montgomery, Ala., 18, ...^'■"■J 9, Birmingham 20. 21, Mobile 22, 23. ""'indeHteT " W * • " ! >"* -« ™T Msnni.aVnla—Werha ft Luescher's—N. Y, City ll. Indennlte, ■ w i!Sl W JW B. ft Lea Bhnberti'—Boston, Mass., 11, Indennlte. MacDonald, Christie—Werba ft Luescher's—St. Louis. Mo., 11-23. Montfomery and Stone — Charles Dillingham's— Baltimore, Md., 11-10. Melville. Rose (J. R. Stirling, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn.. 11-16, Mlnneapolla 1723. ' Marks Bros (Joe Marks, mgr.)—Berlin. Ont, vim., 11 111. Morlson Stock (Lbdany Uorlaos, mgr.)—Lynn. Mcas., 11, Indeflnlte. ' ' Majestic Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)— Utlea, N. Y«, 11, Indefinite. Mason ft Street Stock (0. J. Mason, mgr.)—Beau- fort, 8. 0„ 11-10. Greenville 18-Aprll 0. Majestic Stock—Brandon. Can., 11-16, Port Ar- thur 18-Aprll 27. Maber Stock (1'Ull Maber, mgr.)—Hanover, Pa„ Metropolitan Grand Opera (M. Gattl-Casatzs. mgr.)—N. Y. City liriudennlte. ' Metropolitan Grand Opera (M. Gattl-Oaaana. mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 11, lndeDalte. "Million. The"—Henry W. Savage's—Brooklyn, N, Y., 11-10, N. Y. City 18-23. "Madame X"—Henry W. Savage's—Loa Angeles, Cal.. 11-10, Rakerafleld 18, Hanford 18, Fresno 20, Oakland 21-23. "Mndnme Sherry," No. 1—Baltimore, Md., 11-10, Newsrk, N /., 18-23. "Madnme Sherry," No. 2—Denver, Colo., 11-10, Greeley 18, Cheyenne, Wyo., 10, Fort Collins, Colo., 20, Boulder 21, Colorado Springs 22, Pueblo 23. "Madame Sherry," No. 8—Gait, Ont., Can., 13, Brentford 14, Hamilton 15, 10. St. Catharines 18, Lockport. N. Y.. 10, Newark 20, Fulton 21, Watertown 23.' "Madame Sherry." No. 4—Greenville, Pa., 13, Mradvllle 14, Fredonla, N. Y., IS, Jamestown 10, Emporium. Pa., 18, Benova 10, Oouderaport 20, Oaleton 21, Wellsrllle 22. Olean 23. "Madame Sherry," No. CS—Columbia, Pa., 13, Lebanon 14. Camden. N. J., IS, 16. . . "Mother"—Wn. A. Brady's, Ltd.—Grand Rapids, Mich., 11-18. "Mutt and Jeff," A -asms Hill's—Indianapolis, Ind., 11-10, Clilcapi. III.. 17-30. "Mntt and Jeff," B—Gus Hill's—Victoria, B. O., Can.. 18, Vancouver 14, New Westminster IS, Ellenaburg, Wash., 10. ■ "Mutt and Jeff," D—Gus Hill'*—Ccnton, O., 13, Akron 14-10, Plttshnrxli." Pa., 1H-2.1. "Ml.ison'l Girl." Eastern—Merle II. Norton's (L. A. Edwards, mgr.)—Portland, Ind., 18. Hart- ford City 10, Tipton 10, Kokomo 20, Logans- port 21. Atgos 22. . . "Missouri Girl," Western—Norton ft Blth's— Amerlcnn Fork, I'.. 14. Lehl IB, Mercnr 10, 17, Rlchn-M 10, Elslnorc 20, Sallna 21, Mantl 22, Sprlngvllle 23. '. -. * •• '« .' •■ "McFadden's Flats" (Cbsa. B. Barton, mgr.)— Rochester. N. Y., 11.13, Syracuse 14-16. ■■ "Man of the Hour"—Columbia, 8. 0., 14. Nsslmovs, Mine. .Alia —Charles Frohman's—Cleve- land, O., 11-10, Cincinnati 18-23. North Bros.' Stock (F. O. North, mgr.)—Okla- hema, Okla., 11, lndelnlle. ■ "Niwlyweds and-Their Baby," Eastern—Leffler- Bratton Oo.'s—Louisville, Ky., 11-10, Indiana- polls, Ind., 18-23.... "Newlyweds, and .Their Baby," Western—Leffler- Bratton Oo.'s—Son Francisco, Cal., 11-10, San Jose 17, Woodland 18, Sacramento 10, Bed Bluff 20. Medford, Ore-.. 22, Eugene 23. _ "Never Homes. The"—Lew Fields' — Cleveland, Orlei.eff and Rusilan Players—'N. Y. City 14, In- deBnlle. O'Hnrn, Flske (Robl. B. Irwin, mgr.)—Kansas City, Mo.. 17-23. ' „_ M . Orjiheum Stock (Grant Laferty, mgr.)—PbllniW- phln, Pa., 11, Indefinite. Orpheum Platers (I. -M. Martin, mgr.)—Cincin- nati. O.. 11, Indefinite. 1 • •'Offlcer 600"—Cohan ft Harris'—N. Y. Olty 11, Indefinite. .' '_" I'. ' _: " " "Officer ABO"—Cohnn k Hsrrls'—Chicago, III., 11, Indellnlte. "Oliver Twist"—Liebler ft Oo.'s—N. Y. City 11, Indeflnlte. _. , • "Old Homestead" (Frank Thompson, mgr.) — Pittsburgh. Pn„ 11-10, Cincinnati, O.. 17-23. "Only Son, The"—Cohan A Harris'—Grand Rap- Ids, Mlcb.. 11-13. _ , , ... „.„ . , "Over Night"—Wm. A. Brady'a. Ltd.—Philadel- phia, Pa.. 11, Indefinite. ... _ t "Over Night"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—Omaha, Nebr., 13. "Our Village Poatmnster" (E. H. Perry, mgr. )— Lisbon. N. Dak., 13, La iaoure 14, Oakes 15, Hecla. S. Dak., 10, Bristol 18. Webster 10, Waubay 20, Mlllmnk 21, Ortonvllle, Minn., 22, Montevideo 23. „ "Our Village Postmaster," BfJ7*,J < lJLJS Mills, mgr,)—Guide Reek, Nebr., 13, Shlcktey 14. Upland IS, Bertram! 10. Ragnn 18. Alma lo! Astlell 20, Edgar 21, Clay Center 22, Mc- nj& 1 %»«*- "• Galtes'-lndlanapolls. Ind H-U; Springfield, O 14 Dayton 1ST 10. Columbus 18-20. Terre Hsute, Ind., a. Powers? James T.-8am 8. ft Lee Shnberts'-AI- Poyn"e 7 f. N Beui.h-B!irt ft NlcoU.'a. (H. X M son mgr.)—Svracuse, N. Y., 11-13, Bocheater 14-10, Ilulfalo 18-23. J .'. - Psvion's Stock (Corie Payton, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 11, Indefinite. _. - .-». Pay ton's Stock (Corve Payton. mgr.)—Newsrk, N. J.. 11. Indefinite. , _. .... Plckerts. Four (Willis Pickert. mgr.)-De Land, ••pTn'k 'Ladj''—KUW 4 Brlanger's—Chlcago, 111., "pVs'se'FsSy"* Cbarles Frohmsn's—Minneapolis, ■ If 18 23 ' \ vllle Tenn.. 18, Covington 10. Rlp'ey TO, lip- tinv Ilia ' Fulton. Ky., 22. JrrggA-^ J "Plnsfore." All Star Cast — Bhtrtert-Brady i— '■P^rt'%nH''-aJ 8 >»lmr«'»-Bellevllle, IU . 17. Dnqnoln 18. Benton 10, Oartgmnsle 20. Sit, Vernin 21. Flora 22, Fslrfle d 28. "auaker Girl"—Henry B. Hsrrls'—N. Y. City ■^KffTnW '- Shuberf^New Orlesiis, Blng." WmSm (J. P. Oo'lnjv *2,\,FZ. ) ~J?*™ Ing, Ps.. 11, Allentown 12, Wllllsmsport 18. Elmlrs" N. Y., 14, Ilhaca JB. Blnghamton 16, Albany 18. lBr- Amsterdam 20. Schenectady 21, ..aSsc-^M^.r-We^ ft Loeecber'. - Boston. ..^tad'st^w'UjMWi * M.cVltty's (a B. Radford, mgr.) .— West Liberty. Is., 13, Muscatine 14, Ml. Pleasant IS, Fort Madison 10, Mollne, III., 17, Galena 18, Morrison 10. Sterling 20, Dlion 21, De Kalb 22, Sycamore 23. "Rose of the Panama" —John Cort's — Chicago, 111.. 11, Indefinite. "Rebecca «f Siinnybrook Farm"—Klaw ft Er- langer's—Washington. D. 0.. 11-10, "Rosary, The" (Onrkell ft MacVltty, lessees).— Mt. Pleasant, Mlcb., 13, Ithaca 14, St. Johns IS, Owoiso 10, St. Charles 17, Bowing 18, Greenville 20. Grand Ledge 21, Hastings 22, Charlotte 23. "Rosary, The," No. 1—Rowland A Ollfford'a Inc. (E. W. Rowland Jr., mgr.)—Taunton, Mass., 18, Lawrence 21-23. "Rotary, The." No. 2—Rowland A Clifford's, Inc. (Merle E. Smith, mgr.)—Chicago, 111,, 11- "Rosary. The," No. 4—Rowland ft Clifford's; Inc. (M. 8. Ooldslne, mgr.)—Schenectady, N. Y., IS, Albany 14-16, Saratoga 18, Glens Falls 10, Bennington, Vt., 20, Amsterdam, N. Y., 21, Johnstown 22. Gloversvllle 23. "Round-Up" — Klaw A Erlanger's — La Fayette, Ind.. 18, 14, Jackson, Mich., 22, 23. "Royst Slave" (Oeo. H. Bubb, mgr.)— Lelteh- field, Ky.. 18, Ellsabethtnwa 14, Bardstown 15, Springfield 10. Sothem, K. H., and Jnlla Mnrlowe— I*e Shuhert's —Nsshvllle, Tenn.. 13, Louisville, Ky., 14-10. Skinner, Otis—Klaw ft Erlanger's—N. Y. Olty 11, Indeflnlte. Stahl, Rose—Henry B. Harris'—Philadelphia. Pa., . 11, Indefinite. Starr, Frances—Dsvld Belosco'a — Philadelphia, Pa., 11-80. Blmone. Mme. —Liebler ft Oo.'s—-N. Y. Olty 11, Indeflnlte. 8ylva, Marguerlta—A. H. Woods'—Boston, Maaa., 11-10. Suratt, Valeska (Lee Harrison, mgr.)—Detroit, Mlcb., 11-10, Cincinnati, 0., 17-23. Shea, Thos. B.—A- H. Woods'—Lowell, Mass., 11-14, Lawrence 18. 10. Sidney, George (Frank Whltbeck, mgr.)—Omaha, Nebr., 11-13, St. Joseph, Mo., 14-16, Atchison, Kan., 17, Fort Scott 18. Joplln, Mo„ 10, Springfield 20. Poplar Bluff 21 Cairo 22. Pa- ducah, Ky., 23. Smart Sot (Charles E. Bsrton, mgr.)—Altoona, bpoonrr, Cecil (Blaney-Spooner Amuse. Co.. mgrs.) N. Y. City 11. Indennlte. Strong, Avery (Monte Thompson, mgr.)—Salem. Mass., 11. Indeflnlte. Spooner Dramatic IF. K. 8pooner, mgr.)—Den- ton, Tex.. 11-10. Denlaon 18-23. St. Clair Stock (Hsrry St. Clair, mgr.)— Wynard. Man., Can.. 11-10. Lanagsn 18-23. Southern Stock. (Harry Stubbs, mgr.)—Columbus, 0., 11. Indefinite. Standard Block (F. Stein, mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 11, Indefinite. Stanford A Western Players—Elmlra, N. T., 11, Indeflnlte. South Stock OInrgy South, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 11. Indeflnlte. Sbarpley Theatre Stock (Add. J. Sharpley, mgr.) —Cortland. N. v.. 11-10. "Spring Maid"—Werba ft Luescher's—Winston- Salem, K. 0..13.. Greensboro 14, Roanoke, Vs., IS. Bluefleld. W. Va.. 10. Charleston id, 10, Huntington 20. Parkeraburg 21, Marietta, 0., 22. Zaneevllle 23. "Sweetest- Olrl In Paris"—Mort H. Singer's (Onaa. A. Goettle.-. mgr.)—Philadelphia, Pa., 11. Indeflnlte. . "Sumurum" (Wlntbrop Ames, mgr.) — Chicago, III.. 11, indeflnlte. "Seven Days," Eastern—Wagenhals ft Kemper's Jersey City, N. J„ 11-10. "Servant In the House, The"—Oaskell A Mac- Vltty's (Harry Mack, mgr.)—Monroe, Wis., 13, Freeport, 111., 14, Dixon IB. Rockford 10. Au- rora 17, Macomb 18, Jacksonville 10, Canton 20, Peoria 21-23. "Squaw Man"—Clarence Dennett's — Holllster, Cal., IS. Palo Alto 1*. Santa Roaa IS. Peta- luma 10. Vallejo 17, Auburn 18, Reno, Nev., 10. Ooldfleld 20. Yuma, Aril., 22, Pbcenix 23. "St. Elmo"—"Vaugban Glaser's—Buffalo, N. Y., 11-10. Rochester 18-20, Syracuse 21-23. "School Days"—Stair A Havllo's. Inc. (A. W. Herman, mgr.)—Toledo, O., 11-10, Dsyton 18- . 20, Columbus 21-28. "81s Perkins"—«. Jay Smith's (Eddie Deliney, mgr.)—East Palestine, O.. 14, Lisbon IB, Besver Falls, Pa., 16, -Amsterdam, 0., 18, Bs- llnetllle 10. Csdls 20, Uhrlcbsvllle 21. Barnes- vllle 22. Newark 28. "Silver Threads"—Richard J. Jose's—Logansport, Ind., 13, Battle Greek. Mlcb.. 17. "Bunny South"—J. 0. Rockwell's—Marine City, Mlcb.. 18, Mt. Olemens 14. Milan IB. Tecumseh 10, Morencl 18, Oak Harbor. 0.. 10, Ohlcsgo Junction 20, Shelby 21, Ashlsnd 22, Masslllon 23. Trenllnl, Mme. Rrama — Oscar Hanunersteln's— Philsdelnblj. Ps., It. Indeflnlte. Thorslon (Dudley McAdow, mgr.)—Detroit, Mlcb., 11-16, Toledo. O., 17-23. Tun*r. Oloro (W. F. Barry, mgr.)—Alexandria, Va„ 11, Indeflnlte. Thompson-Wood Stock (Monte Thompson, mgr.)— Ilrocklon. Mass.. 11, Indeflnlte. Tempest Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Scotldale, Pa.. 11-10. "Talker, The"—Henry B. Harris'—N. Y. City 11, Indeflnlte. "Trail of the Lonesome Pine"—Klaw A Erlanger's —Chicago, 111., 11. Indefinite. "Traveling Salesmsn"—Heniy B. Harris'-—Phila- delphia. Pa., 11-16, Paterson. N. J., 18-2.1. "Three Twins," Southern (Philip H. Nlven, mar.)—New Decatur, Ala., 13, Colombia, Tenn., 14, Nashville IB, 10. "Truth Wagon, The" (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— N. Y. City 11, Indellnlte. "Town Marshall"—0. E. Wee's (Louis Lytton, mgr.)—Pardeevllle, Wis., 14, Mauston IB, Por- tage 10. La Crosse 17, Spring Valley. Minn., 18, Olarksvllle. la., 10, Ls Porte City 20, Monteinmo 21, Eddyvllle 22, Ottnmwa 23. "Thclma"—Smith ft Sherman's (Sydney Morris, mgr.)—Muscatine, Is.. 13, Davenport 14, Clin- ton IB. Waterloo 10. Marshalltown 17. "Third Degree"—Cedar Rapids, ll., 17. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Eastern—Kibble ft Mir- tin's (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Plttafield, Mass., 13. Syracuse, N.'Y.', 11-10. Rochester 18-20, Niagara Kills 21, Hamilton. Ont., Can., 22, London 23. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Western—Kibble ft Mar- tin's (0. F. Ackerman, mgr.)—Guelph, Ont., Can., 13. rinrrlr 14, Berlin IS. Orlllla 10. Brantford 18, Lindsay 10, Port Hope 20, Plclon 21. Nipanee 22, Kingston 28. "I'neTe Tom's Cabin"—Stetson's (Leon Washburn, rogr.l—DAtenport, Is.. 10, Oedsr Rapids 10. Van, Billy B—Stair ft Havlln's—New Orleans, La.. 11-10, Birmingham, Ala., 18-23. Van Dyk>> ft Raton Stock (H. Walter Van Dyke, mgr.)—Milwaukee. Wit., II, Indellnlte. . . Vile,. Louise, ind Associated Players (Trivers Vale, mgr. —Jersey City. N. J., II. Indefinite. Warneld, David—David Belasea's—N. Y. Olty 11, Indeflnlte. Wilson, Francis—Charles Frobman'i—Elmlra, N. Y.. 13. Ullca 14, Syracuse IB, 10. Ithaca 18, Rochester 10, 20, Dunkirk 21, Erie, Pa., 22, Toletto. ()., 28. Ware. Helen— Henry B. Harris'—Chicago, III., 11-18, St. Louis, Mo., 17-28. Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—K. Y. Olty 11. Indeflnlte. .. Werner. II. B.—Liebler ft Oo.'s—Chicago, HI., II. Indefinite. Wilier, Lewis—N. Y. Olty 11. indefinite. Wilson, Al. H. (Sidney R. Kills, mgr-l-Oedir Rsplds. la., 14. Weber-Fields' Jubilee (Weber ft Fields, mrr*.)— 4 N. Y. Olty 11, Indeflnlte. Ward and Voaes— sV D. Stair's—AUinta, Oa. lM^iUrtnwfd,^,,, 1S-28. , , Wlnnlngcr, Frank — Falrhury, III., 13. Pontile 14, Streator 18-17. Woodward Stock ((». D. Woodward, mgr.)—Kan- sis City, Mo., ll. Indefinite. , ■ Woodward Slock (0. D. Woodward, mgr.)— omshi, Nebr., 11, Indefinite. Wlnnlngcr Bros.' Stock (Wlnnlngcr Bros., mgrs.) ' — Milwaukee, Wis., 11, Indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., II, Indeflnlte. Wilmington Stock (Luelan U. Levlaon, mgr.) — Wilmington, Del., 11, Indeflnlte. - - "Woman. The"—David Belasco's—N. Y. City 11, Indefinite. Wight Theatre (IHlllard Wight, mgr.)—Brandt, S. Dak., IB, 10, Klkton 18, 10, Holland 20. Vnlira 21-23. wills Musical Comedy (John B. Wills, mgr.)— Newbern. N. O., 11-16. "Woman. The"—David Belasco's—Chicago, III,, 11, Indeflnlte. "Wedding Trip, The"—Aim 8. ft Lee Shuberts'— Brooklyn, N. Y„ 18-23. WHEEL BURLB9(AUB SHOWS. Colombia—Katstern. - Al. Reeves' Beauty Show—Casino, Boston, 11-10, Empire, Albany, 18-20, Mohawk, Schenectady, Bebman Show (Jack Singer,' mgr.)—Oavely. St. Louis. 11-10. Osyety, Loubvllle, 17-23. Belles of the Boulevard (Frsnk Mc.viler, mgr.)— Star, Brooklyn, 11-10. Oayety, Newark, 18-23. Big Banner Snow (dallsgher ft Sbcin, mgrs.)— Oayety, Brooklyn, 11-16, Olympic, New York, 18-23. Big Uniety Show (Phil Paulscrart, mgr.)—Oo- lumhli, Chicago, 11-16, Oayety, Detroit, 17-23. Bon Tons (Jestr Burns, mgr.)—Gayrty, Milwau- kee. 11-10, Osyety, Minneapolis, 17-23. Bowery Burlesquers (Manny Rosenthsl, mgr.)— Stir md Garter, Chicago, 11-10, Gayely, Mil- waukee, 17-23. College Girls (Chss. Foreman, mgr.) —Osyety, Washington, 11-10, Oayety, Pittsburgh, 18-23. Columbia Burlesquers (Frank Burns, mgr.)—Oav- ely, Pittsburgh, 11-10, Empire, Cleveland, 18- Cricker Jicks (Harry Leonl, agr.)—Osyety, Min- neapolis, 11-1(1, Oavcty. Omaha, 17-23. Dreamland Burlesquers Ussy Grodl. mgr.)—Gay- ely. Omaha, 11-16, New Lyceum, St. Joseph, Ginger Girls (Geo. II. Hsrrls. mgr.)— Standard, Cincinnati, 11-10, Star ind Garter, Chicago, 17- 23. Girls From Happy land (E. W. Chlpman, mgr.)— Oayety, Boston, 11-10, Columbls, New York, Golden Crook (Jsmes Fulton, mgr.)—New Ly- ceum, St. Joseph, 11-14, Osyety, Kansas City, 17-23. Harry Hastings' Show—Columbia, New York, 11- 1A. Casino, Philadelphia, 18-23. noneymoon Girls (Al, Rich's Producing CO., mgrs.)—Osyety. Louisville, 11-10, Standard, Cincinnati, 17-23. Jersey Lilies (Wm. Jennings, mgr.)—Westminster, Providence, 11-16. Oiycty. Boston. 18-2:1. Knickerbockers (Louis Roble. mgr.)—Murray Hill, New Yurk I MO. Gltnture. Springfield. 18-20, Franklin Square. Worcester, 21-23. Love Makers (Dave Quran, mgr.)—Ilurllg A Seamon's. New York, 11-10. Murray mil, New York, 18-28. Merry Whirl (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Empire, Cleveland. 11-10, Empire, Toledo, 17-23. Midnight Mnldena (W. 8. Olark. mgr.)—Olympic, New York, 11-10, Osyety. Philadelphia, 18-23. Painting the Town (J. Ollnn, mgr.)-—Casino, Philadelphia, 11-10, Osyety, Baltimore, 18-23. Passing I'srade (Moe Messing, mgr.)—Lay oft week of 11-16. Casino. Boston, 18-28. Queen of Bohemia (Phil Isaac, mgr.)—Oayety, Kaunas City, 11-16, Oayety, St. Louis, 17-23. Queens of the Jardln de Paris (Jos. Howard, mgr.)—Corinthian. Rochester, 11-10, Mobswk, Schenectady. 18-20, Empire, Albany, 21-23. Robinson Crusoe (llrls (Ed. Davidson, mgr.)— Empire. Hoboken, 11-10, Hurllg ft Seimon's, New York, 18-23. Rose Sydell's London Belles (W. 8, Campbell, mgr.) — Osyety, Baltimore, 11-10, Oayety, Washington. 18-23. Runaway. Olrli (Peter 8.. Clirk, mgr,)—Empire, Albany, 11-13, Mohawk, Schenectady, 14-10, Oayety, Brooklyn, 18-28. Social Hilda (A. J. Pbllllpi. mgr.) — Garden, Buffalo, 11-16. Corinthian, Rochester, 18-23. Star and Garter Show (Frank Weliberg, mgr.)— Oayety, Newark, 11-16, Empire, Hoboken, 17- 23. Taxi Olrla (Joe Hurllg, mgr.)—Oayety, Toronto, 11-16, Garden, Buffalo. 18-28. Trocaderos (F. 8. Pierce, mgr.)—Gllmore, Springfield. 11-13, Franklin Squire, Worcester, 14-10, Westminster, Providence, ,18-23. Vsnlty Fair (Bowman Bros., mgrs.)—Empire, To- ledo, 11-10. Columbia. Chicago, 17-23. Welch's Burlesquers (Jacob Lieberman, mgr.)— Mohawk. Bchenectsdy. 11-18. Empire. Albany, 14-10. Lay off week of 18-23. Winning Widow (Dave Poaner, mgr.)—Oayety, Detroit, 11-10, Oayety. Toronto, 18-23. World of Pleasure (Geo. H. Fltcbett, mgr.)— Gnyety, Philadelphia, 11-16, Star, Brooklyn, 18-23, Knsplrr—Western. Americans (Ed. E. Daley, mgr.)—Empire, Phlli- delnhla. 11-10. Luevrne, Wllkei-Birre, 18-28. Big Review (Benry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Academy, Pittsburgh. 11-10, Cambria. Johnstown. IB, Mlsbler. Altoona, 10, Majestic. Hsrrlsburg. 20, Acidemy, Raiding, 21, Lyric, Allentown, 22, Washburn. Cheater. 23. Bohemians (Al. Lubln, mgr.)—Trocidero, Phila- delphia. 11-10. Bon Ton. Jersey City, 18-28. Broadway Gaiety (llrls (James Weedon, mgr.)— Empire, Baltimore, 11-10, Empire, Philadelphia, 18-23. Century Olrla (Morris Walnsfock, mgr.)—Empire, Newark, 11-16, Eighth Avenue, New York, 18- 23, Cherry Blossoms (Max Armstrong, mgr.)—Ly- ceum, Washington, 11-10, Empire, Baltimore, Cosy Corner Girls (Lou Watson, mgr.)—Dewey, Minneapolis. 11-10, Stir, St. Paul, 17-23. Darlings of Paris (Ohas. Taylor, mgr.)—I.nfsy- clte, Buffalo, 11-10, Avenue, Detroit, 17-23. Ducklings (Frank Oalder, mgr.)—Majestic, Htr- rlsburg, 18, Acidemy, Bending. 14, Lyric, Allentown, IB, Washburn, Chester, 10, Lyceum, Washington. 18-23. Dnffyillll (Art Moellcr. mgr.)—Century. Kanitn City. 11-10, Standard, St. Louis. 17-23. Follies of the Day (Bsmey Gerard, mgr.)—Bon Ton, Jersey Olty. 11-16, Howard, Boiton, 18- Gar ' Widows (Louis Oberworth, mgr.) — Star, Cleveland, 11-16, Acidemy, Pittsburgh, 18-2:1. Girls Kioto. Missouri (Louis Talbot, mgr.)—I.u- serne. Wllkes-Berre, 11-10, Oolumbli. Scrsn- tou, 18-23. Olrla From Reno (James Midlson, mgr.)—How- ard, Boston, 11-10, Royal. Montreal. 18-28. High School Girls (Alex. Gorman, mgr.)—Colum- bia. Bcranton, 11-16. Empire, Newark, 18-23. Ideals (Sim Williams, mgr.) — Roy si, Montreal, 11-18, Star, Toronto, 18-23. Imperials (Hsrry Shapiro, mgr.)—Star, Toronto, 11-10, Cook's Opera House, Rochester, 18-23. Jardln de Paris Girls (Burt Kendrlck, mgr-)— Cook's Opera House, Rochester, 11-16, Lafayette, Buffalo, 18-23, Kentucky Belles (Teddy almonds, mgr.)—Stan- dard, St. Louis, 11-10, Empire, Indianapolis, 18-28. Lady Buccaneers (II. M. Strouse, mgr.)—Kolly, Chicago, 11-10, Stir, Milwaukee, 17-28. Merry Burlesquers (Joe Leivitt, mgr.)—Bucking- ham, Louisville, 11-10, People's, Cincinnati, 17- 23. Merry Maidens (Edwird Shifer, mgr.)—Star, Mil- - waakee, 11-10, Dewey, Minneapolis, 17-23. Mtsa New York Jr. (Wm. Fenneimy. mgr.)—Em- S* "BOOST No. 118 •1 Uy L. 8PRAOUB. Gentlemen: I likeEVANOLA CREAM better tbau any that I have ever used. It removes makc-np much more quickly and does not lea vo the face ahluy and red as somo creams do. (Slgnedy L. 8PRAOUE. V0U WILL BE A BOOSTER, TOO, ONCE YOU TRY IT. Send ISO. for big theatrical can, and tell us bow you like It. EVANOLA la i ho Standard TheatricalOroamforramovlngmake-up. Con- tains no wax or paramne; won't grow hair: leaves skin soft and velvctv. Most economies! to Uie. A. P. STEVENS CO., 16 Astor PL, N.Y. Pace sir i • 1110, Century, Ksnsss City, 17-23.. Qsetm of the Folles Bergeve (Oounlhan A Shan- non, mgrs.)—Avenue,, 11-10, Empire, Chicago. 17-28. • j Regatta Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Casino, BrooHlyn, 11-16, Bowery, New York, 18-23. Sim Devere (Bob aordon, mgr.)—People's, Cin- cinnati. 11-10, Folly, Chicago, 17-29. Star Show Girls (John T. Bsker. mgr.)—Eighth Avenue, New York, 11-10, Bronx, New York, 18-23. Tiger Lilies (D. R. Williamson, mgr.)—Star, Chicago. 11-10, Star, Cleveland. 18-23. Watson'i Burlesquers (W, B. Watson, mgr.)—Em- pire. Brooklyn, 11-16. Casino, Brooklyn, 18-28. Whirl of Mirth (Louis Stsrk, mgr.)—Stir, St. Piul. 11-10. Krug. Omihi, 17-28. Yankee Doodle Girls (A. Jsck Faust, mgr.) — Brong, New York, 11-10, Empire, Brooklyn, 18-23. Yallih's Own (W. O. Osmeroa, mgr.)—Bowery, New York, 11-10, Trocidero, Philadelphia 18- SS. MINSTRBL.S. Dockstader'i, Lew (O. F. : Hodge, mgr.)— Balti- more. Md., 11-16. Field's, Al. O, IKdward Oonard, mgr.)—Toneka, Kan., IS, Wichita 14, Arkansas City 15, Inde- pendence 10, Joplln, Mo., 17, Springfield 18, Vlnlt.i, Okla., 10, Pars..lis. Kin., 20, Ooffeyvllle 21. Birtlesvllle, Okla., 22, Oklnhomi 23, 24. BANDS AND ORCIIHSTRAS. Dsmrosch Symphony Orchestra (Walter Damrosch, conductor).—N. I*. City 17. Kllliea Concert Band (T. P. J. Power, gen. mgr.) —Natches. Mlas., 13, Vlckaburg 14, Monroe. La., IS, Rutton 16, Sbreveport 17, Alexandria FILM SHOWS. Aator'a Wild West Pictures (Ted Meltsner, mgr.) --Memphis, Tenn.. 11-10. KlnctnieoW Moving Pictures — Urbin-Smlth's — N. Y. City 11, Indefinite. Klnemicolor Moving Pictures — Urbin-Smlth'i — New Haven, Conn.. 11-16. Klnemicolor Moving Pictures—Utbin-Smlth'i— Montreal. Can.. 11-16. Passion Play In Moving Pictures—Knoxvlle, Tenn., 11-10. Thompson's Staving Pictures (F. H. Thompson, mgr.) — Waunakec, Wis.. 11-13, Lodl 14-17. Merrimack 18-21, Ablemsn 22-24. 0IRCU9BS. Ilamum ft Bailey's—Madison Square Girden, N. Y. Olty 21-Aprll 27. MI9CKI.I.ANK018. Edward! A Murray Comedy—East Prairie, Mo., 11-10. Gllpln'a Hypnotic Comedy (J. II. Gilpin, mgr.) —Hlghmore, 8, Dak., 11-13. Miller 14-16, Pierre 18-20. Unity's Singing Show—Carroll, la., 11-18, Red Oak 14-10, i'lattsmoutb, Nebr., 18-20, Fremont 21-23. Keei-e's Mystic Show—Altoona, Pa., IB, 16, I.orens Bros. (J. W. Williams, mgr.)—Aurora, HI., 11-10, Oedir Rsplds. Id.. 18 2.1. l.ltchdeld'a, Nell. Lvceumltes—Franklin, N. Y„ 10, New Albany, f'a., 18, Muncy 10. M ah envy 20, Jtinlslii 22, Msrtlnshurg 23. Mysterious Smith (A. P. Smith, mgr.)—Stoning- (on, III., 18. 14. Pleasant I'lilns 10, 16. Osk- ford IK. 10. New Holland 20, 21, Hartaburg -22, 23. Norwood Hypnotic Show (M. H. Norwood, mgr.) —Auckland. New Zealand, 11. Indefinite. Newmsun Scientific Show—llanklnson, N. Dak., 18, 14, Kndcrlln IB, 10, Elbow Lake. Minn., 18, 1ft, Birnrsvlllt 20,21, New Ulm 32. 23. Orpbenm Meils (Norms Tbomii, mgr.)—Dougher- ty, is., 11-18. Blslntown 14-10. Raymond. Great (Maorlee F. Raymond, mgr.)— Bombay, India, 11, IndeSnlte. Rouclere (0. O. Miynsrd, mgr.)—Penn Yan, N. Y„ 13. 14, Ithaes 16, Utlca 18, 10, Water- town 20, 21, Gourerneur 23. Waldrn. Dana—Rembrandt. Is.. 16, Rathven 18, Rock Valley 10, Hwes Olty 21. out of town mil Newark. N. J Newirk (Oeo. W. Ilobblns, mgr.) "Alma, Where Do You Live)", with-Vera • Mlcheleni. returns March 11. Llni Abarbancll, In "Madame Sherry," follows. HHOSkttT |I*,> uttolengul, mgr.)—The intense situations of "The Oimbleri" will draw rainy here week of 11. "Pomander walk" follows. I'soirroiH (R, 0. Stuart, mgr.)—Big vaude- ville bills are filling thla house nightly. Week of ll: Kelda Hears, In "The Wsnirobe Woman:" Chnrlottb Parry and eonipatiy. In "Into the Light'," Paul Seldom's poems In marble, Ernest R. Ball, Henry Cllve, Gordon and Ktnlry, Dunlap and Folk, Nettle Csrroll Trio, snd Billy Gould and Belle Asblyn. Tnngusy psckeil the house 4 tnO. CoLUUMAlOeo. W. Jscobs. mgr.)—"Ten Nights In a Bar Room," wltb James Thatcher and Vic- toria Ratrmsn. week of 11. Black Psttl follows. OiPiirtiH (M. S. Scbleslogrr, mgr.)—Tbe Coras Payton stock Is at 111 picking them in ill kinds of weither. "The Chorui I-idy," wiek of 11, Will reveal another of Mabel Brownell's resources. "The Spendthrift" follows. OAvsrrv (Leon Bvsng, mgr.)—The 8tsr and Garter Girls offer the satire, "The Flirting Widow" snd "The Lobster Squire Girls," snd is a feature 'The Eagle and the. Olrl" this week. The Bellea of the Boulevard follow. Minsk's Kmi'Irk (Frank Abbott, mgr.)—The New Century Olrla nre here this week, with Tom Mellae. Joe Maiden and Tom Nolan prominent, snd Lydla Jospy featured. The Kllbane-Attell fight pictures. In twenty rounds, will be shown or the flrat time, Tlte High School Girls follow. Couvr (W. K. Smith, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Bill week of 11: Kstelle Wordctle and company. Hello Meyers, Evsns and Evans, Felgor and Murphy, Dravatle, Lavandra and com- pany. Hanlon and Ollfton, W. U. Brown and company, tlio O'Kirss, Messenger Trio. Shirley Kellogg. Hill md Ackermin, Arthur Browning snd dog, "Spot." Washington (0. R. Neu. sr,)-Viudeville snd pictures. Lrnia (R. 0, Htusrt, mgr.)—Vaudeville snd pictures. Ancios (L. O. Mumford, mgr.)—March 11, Jsmra Morrlsey and company, In "At tbe End of tbe Road." Portland, Mc—Jefferson, (Julius Calm, mgr.) Thos. B, Shea and hla company were setii, 4-0,. In "A Man and His Wife:" "The Bells," ind "Dr. Jekrll and Mr. Hyde," to excellent returns. "Biby Mine" appears 15, 10: James K. Hick- ett. In "The drain of Dost," 10, 20. Keith's (James E. Moore, mgr.)—A flno bill of vaudeville acta wat offered last week to large roturna. Week of 11: Sadie Fondeller. Arthur J. Pickens ond- eotnnany Schrodeand Mulvey, Clifford •nd Burke,- McOonnell ind Simpson, Btepp, Moll- linger and King, ind the Arco Troupe. Nfjw PuuTi.aNi) (Junes W. Oreely, mgr.)— Vaudeville and the pictures drew heavily last week. Week of 11: La Milse, Quail and Blaise, tbe Csrleton Slaters Pst Tonbey and coni|inny, Brown, Delmore and Brown, tbo Six Boltona. OoNOlxss (A. 7. Peverada. mgr.)—"Maklro" wsa seen here for the second week 4-0. This set, with tbe usual good picture program, drew excel- lent patronige. ' Cisco (M. O. Dlumenberg, mgr.)—This suc- cessful picture house eontluues to -attract to ca- pacity. An Increase In tbe number of films shown wis noted last week. Tbe usual entertaining vocal - numbers, with the Casco Orchestra, round out the program, Rio NioKit. (Oray ft McDonougb, mgrs.)—The attendsne* at this roomy resort for picture pa- trons continues floe. Miss Richards and Mr. Mete remained is soloists last week.. Vt. Worth, Tei—Bycr'i Oners Reuse (Phil W, Green wall, mrr.) March 4. the Imperial Una- (Ian Ballet, headed by Mile. Helena Schmols snd I. Alexander Vollnloe, plsyen 8. R. 0., at ad- vanoed prices. March 5 1). Kitty Francla and Rube Welch, In-"A Rorsl Reception," This ll the second engagement this season, hut they still draw well. Tney formerly pliyed Urn Msjeslle. MuisTifi (Arthur C. Best, mgr.)—Week Mirch B, tbe highest priced bill ever to play thla the- atre, and doing tbe business. Simon and Shields presented "High Life In Jail." with W. IT. (Bill) Mock, Porter J. White snd company, In "The Visitor;" Hable Wayne, Avon Comedy Four. Farly and Butler. Selblnl and Orovinl. Norton and Ayers, and Andrew Toombs. Psiwfixss (Joseph Aranoff, mgr.) — Princess Stock Co., Indeflnlte. , ' " ••' _ iMPniir. (iis.i linger ft Roberts, mgrs.) —Or- pbeum Musical Cvtaedy Co., lbdennlt*, . «il.W