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1* J|ABOfi'?28' THBNEW YOBK GlilPPEB. XrOOAX, oi^^^Riisro» oi^ the) we>^k AX THB VAUDBVXI^I,© AND DRAMATIC HOUSES® _.. A ..,„«, (Elmer P. Roger*, bit.)-- WatioMal (Henry Loew. mgr.)—On Thura- rttt P .TnlVeMMT week at the Plfth day evening, March 14. was presented a bill TW* "«Slul» bill. In every lenm of the that would seem pleaelng to tie moat critical Aveuue, anu»*» Twe f ve headline acts were eye some parts even a riot. The hoote was word, "A .noeared, and ontslde of a few well filled, not a vacancy to bo noted from billed. JWLflKS nerformnnco Monday after- the lower boxes to the most remote part of fSP&S k th P e, .how went with »;- noon bang, the gallery. TjJS. art the. ball rolling with a novelty As a good starter Lloyd and, Torer, eccen- ' w.ionrlMr act, HIb work la clean-cnt, trie dancers and singers did good work. ha 2 a "5J nilrfonns with Bklll many difficult And now a charming little miss (name un- ws4 . iSnnls has a fox terrier, which la well known) with a great big voice, featuring "•ft a Tnd fldas greatly to the success of the Harry Von Tllzer't big hit, "Oh. Mr. Dream tr V«hich wm a decided n,t - t ^_ M* n / „• f v «y b0 *> •*«™«l *o •!«« her and ■ c V.^in LucuiToffered somo tongs an* bta the ballad. . 'ESSJS impersonations, which were Next to appear was Sr. Maximo, one of the °( £ ,,ift over Bis act Is aomewhat dlf- moat sensational slack wire equilibrists seen f 1 **^ Kin other offerings of Its kind, and In this vicinity for many moons. Good ap- fertut croon «"»> plauee was accorded him. m^S,S^PSSS^^SSQ ttat wouS ^ple.u.lng to the most .fastidious n om . '^"attmts worked upwtth an V'SLlw?' BothTBert and Nellie Wheeler. j£d juBlera. Tha art wat a hugh from nSrithy Brionan and Joaepn Ratuff (tee M %anua 2. Byan-Btchfleld company, In the Efuttla comedy absurdity, "Mag Hag- rty'i Bewption," «e muI. *«■ » w * Uugfi- in hi« protean playlet, "A h Entertainment," was one of tKnfoyable features on tho bill. His char- Morais that of a master■ grttat, and Mi a long way to see, Csilno (Bam B. A Lee Shubert, mgrs.)— Baron TVencitj a comic opera In two sets, English version by Henry Blossom, lyrics by Frederick P. Schroder, music by I'cjli Albini. Produced llondaj evening, March 11, by F. C. Whitney. The cast: Baron Trenck Frits Sturmfels Nikola John Slavln Josef Royal Cutter Captain Krana Alfa Wanja Herr Von Trautcubacb l'acic Ripple Marquis D'Aucanetcrre Joseph Herbert Count Zukoskl entries Sherman A Herald ..Raymond Bloomer Countess Lydia Von Schwalbeatn, Blanche DaBeld Mariza Perle Bart! Colonial (Pcrey G. Williams, mgr,)— With the close of the present season less than two months away, It Is reasonable to suppose that the average weekly business of the sea- ton will be maintained, and If this surmise proves to be a correct one, the season of 1911-12 will be marked at the most success- ful one In the history of this house. Ths usual big Monday audiences occup ed Mitchell Lewis every available space of the commodious the- Charles Galiiher atre March 18, when the following excellent bill for the week was placed on view. The youngest snd the very latest addition to vaudeville from the dramatic stage Is Florence Nash, who, supported admirably by Joseph Jefferson Jr. and Mlnette Barrett, la a delicious satire of the suffragette subject entitled "In 189B." la upholding the dignified in big time houses. In the talking piece, "life's a Gamble." he gained applause, and it was repeated when be sane "I With 1 Had My Old Girl Back Again." Next came two very pretty girls, who seem, right now, to be chockful of n boF lllng over with _ uiscblef and enthusiasm, and their funny Chick Ho charming personality makes a strong and fa- vorable Impression on the audience from the start De Lisle and Vernon, the score board reads. They are good singers, and the pretty changes they make makes every number look ■o different. Part of the songs used are "Packet Up Tour Lips," "Italian Serenade," sung singly by the one whom we are In- formed la the Vernon part. Sbe went great with the home. Following tbat Miss De Ef%«3ttasnd«lfft fife doto J a r°A«»«B •»■«. "Rocking My F r°ede7ick the Great Trenck, ""*&! Adorns Bisters the two little singing. Jaby to Sleep/' put over In clever style. have become a scandal at co a ^^Ta^erXtle'PariteBnes. went along They have a great finish with "College Rag" commanded by his Empress to dancing ana *^S*l„IzLn mrf. and proved they were the real hit of the bill, ■ «ffiSm& Chape" to their talking, taking Ave bowt at the flntsh ; it ^Twenty Minutes Before Train Time, went along at their usual spied, and were a Irene Franklin, with the assistance of Burt Green at tbe piano, as usual cleaned up on .V bill Mist Franklin ssng the following: 5«Wt I Friend of Mine," "The Chamber- ■33? "I "ant to Be a Janitor's Child " "A Cborut Girl's Debut," "Tbe Girl from rhlld's " "I Knew Her When." Clifford and Burke, In their skit, "In de "^l£^>tS l %SLa9aSS& a fa i that Is one of the best musical offerings in ornclsl Test" t Sella) vSdtvllSr In a poo, poaltlon on the bill $™'J» JgSttFffl they held their own and were a hit. "Cleyenne Days" closed the bill. » t Proctor's Twenty-third Street (F. F. Procter mgr.)—The bill offered at this thea- treihe'lafter part of last week has seldom. If ever, been surpassed In a popular priced house, and good business ruled. Burrow and Nllo, two well built young men, appeared In the ntoal routine of strength feats. Their best stunt hat to do with tbe larger of the two holding his part- aer for several seconds straight out from hit body. Coffman and Carroll, a man and a woman, offered a variety of singing, dancing and comedy talk. In which they were amusing. Dorothy Russell and company are written up under New Acta In this Issue. Charles Ktane and wmpiray appeaerd In a nlenslnr little playlet. The scene shows a log cabin In the West, which, is tbe home of a blfhwsymsn who has Just robbed a stage- coach. A severe storm comes up, and the stage, having lost the road, happens on the bandit's retreat. The sheriff of tbe county and sn attractive young woman enter the cabin, and during their talk fall In love with each other. The hlgawnyman la discovered by the sheriff, and the fight which takes place Is excellently acted. The bad man is beaten, tod tbe discovery is made that he Is the young woman's brother, and previously had killed the sheriffs brother. Because of his love for the girl the sheriff lets tbe bandit go on his promise to reform. II It a good sketch, and with tbe exception of the sheriff being a little too artificial nt the beginning, was well played. Viols Duval offered three songs, with change of costume for each. She dresses extremely well, and makes a nice stage appearance, but ii not a Melba. Gardner and Vincent are written up under New Acts, In this Issue. Charles and Ada Latham have an amusing sketch, in which a middle-aged- man, looking for a maid, hires bis own daughter, Whom be "The Fortune Banter," a clever sketch, by two men and a woman, went good. Four curtain calls at the finish. Next were the Three Musketeers, singing and talking comedians, displaying plenty of comedy and good singing; some harmony, too. They go good. Closing the Dill was Schepp'a Circus, billed as the most pleasing animal act In vaude- ville. It deserves good comment for It It an animal act in reality. A lot of dogs and monkeys, and at least four horses, and at much quality at quantity. Among the motion plctnres were: "The ' 'i. "The First Women ■nan), The bill for tbe first half of tbe week be- ginning Monday, March 18: The Three Mack Bros, and company, Coleman nnd Frances, Hanson and Bijou, and Four La Delia Comiques. s City (Ben Leo, mgr.)—The bill for March 14-10 was well liked. Ed. M. Favor, Bdlth Sinclair and company bad their sketch, wherein the Irish laborer falls heir to a fortune and equips'his wife and himself In great style. Mr. Favor sing "Mooney," In bis powerful voice. Fennell and Tyson, at the dancing team, again made a hit. especially the young lady ta a boy, Joe Flynn unreeled bla line of patter and parodies with bis usual success. Walter Rossmore and company had a sketch, wherein a jealous husband It takon to task by a burglar who enters his bouse during his absence. The wife coaxes the burglar to drink and play cards. Tbe hus- Frau Cornelia Btecber Countess Von UoUteLn... Anns Mabel Ferry Ella. Ethel Hamilton This latest comic opera by the Whitney Opera Co., Including Fritz Stiumtela, recently of the Royal Opera Co., In Berlin, Germany, was witnessed by an audience that filled this house to the doors, and on tbe opening night was most liberal In applause. The book Is weak, but the score is pleas- ing. The murtc, which will most likely be played by many orchestras In New York, It as good aa any that has been beard here lu some time. Every piece is of a catchy order, one In particular, entitled "The Merry, Merry Way," a minuet, being a decided hit The story telle of Baron Francis von der Trenck, leader or his troop of Panders dur- ing the wart between Maria Theresa and k, whose affaire court, has been marry within the year, it "la at this"period that the Coun- tess Lydia enters Into bis lite. She has been captured by bandits, escaped, and Is rescued by Trenck. Trenck makes love to the Coun- tess, during the course of which each recalls a prophesy of which this Strange meeting socms to bo tbo culmination. Trench's im- petuosity, however, frightens her, and sbe makes her escape before Trenck has been able to establish her Identity. The Countess Is on her way to court to antwer tho com- mand of the Empress tbat she marry tho French ambassador for reasons of State. Tbo Countess is rebellious over the decree of the Km press tbat she marry the aged ambassa- dor, and she sends a letter to Trenck, which Is intercepted by her aunt Trenck arrives at court in answer to the demand of tbe Empress tbat be choose a wife, A lottery has been planned, and Trenck, whose lovo for Lydia has never wavered, and who up to EtheVbu'fre Houston position of hcsdflnlng this *««'■.P?"™* Jcanette Hqrton As Jean, «?™i«k w 2?»v„ M i::, ft ?". SCENERY Productions in Dye For Vaudeville Aots Best TrunU Scenery est the Market HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO MURRAY H'l.l. THKATRE, N. Y. TOM CRBsJIBR Tel. 3853 Mor. Hill Snort lesson Twice Dally govo an almost perfect characterisation at intended by William C De Mllle, the author of the playlet Ucr Impersonation of the new woman, and the wonderful things that ore to happen when tbe women of the world succeed In acquiring what they claim to be tbetr lust rights, was a remarkably One one. Mr Jefferson, us Itollo, her husband, gave sure proof that he has inherited his illus- trious fstoer's talents as a comedian, and Mlnette Barrett was excellent as Florence, the "friend" of both. #> , - .... Tho "added attraction" position of the bill Is sustained by tbe Boston Fadottcs, who are still under the able leadership of Caroline H. Nichols. From a theatrical standpoint there nro few arts that can nearly approach. In im- portance or eicellcnce of this group of female musicians. ._«.»- , ,, The selections Included: "Light Cavalry, "En Saurdene" (serenade), a musical gem; and the popular ''Musicians' Strike." It vou don't particularly like dogs, you must like the "kiddles" that compose tho act of "Tbe Top o' th' World Dancers," one of the "extra features" of this week's bill—but for Uxj en- act When the dogs came on. on Mond*ay, the ex- clamatlonsof oh's and aha evidenced volumes of appreciation from the big audience. The act Is sorely In the novelty class. Harry Breen. In his "somewhat different" act, put over his Jumble of nonsense In si manner which caused continuous laughter. Judging from the bit this young man mutt be credited with, his visits here are alto- gether too Infrequent. Ruby Norton and Sam Lee captured the entire audience with their artistic renditions of "I'm Doing Back to Dixie" and "Hypno- tising Man," The Irish song by Miss Nor- MADISON SQ. 6ARDEH OPENS THURSDAY NIGHT 8.15 DOORS OPEN OMB HOUR EARLIER BARNUM mi BAILEY CIRCUS OREATEST SHOW ON EARTH with the newly added HAGrVIFIOHrlT SPKITAILH CLEOPATRa l'4BO PBKflOBS. CHORDS OP 400 BALI.KT OP 300. IN MIflliTT 8TA0G PIUTUKK8 AND ENBKMBU38. ADMISSION 26 A 600 The Australian WIRTH FAMILY of Equestrians. THE lArlDWIBJAS. HI Japanese Wrest- l«r.. Swordsmen A Jim Jttsn Exports. A WHIRLWIND OF NO.VBENSE DT 00 — CLOWNS -BO ENLARGED ZOO. Baby Giraffe 6 Weeks Old. Reserved Boats, Tic., 11,11.60. Box Bests, |2 and $2.60. Children under 10 half price to nfternoon performances, offloe open 0 A. M. to 9 P. H. Box the "extra reatures- ot tun wees s dmi— 4f you ere of a nature with a liking for I beautiful colllo dog. you will get a double i loyment from witnessing this pretty • this time Is still Ignorant of her Identity, j--"!-"," mar , , ,. -7, he shall marry the woman who draws the winning number. This is drawn by Lydia, but Tronck, not knowing of the Intercepted letter, and desirous ot admlniateriag a ro« buke to the -woman who ran away from him, rotusea to marry her and surrenders bis sword. At tbe same moment the Intercepted letter Is found, and a reconciliation takes place, tbe Empress withdrawing her com- mand that Lydia marry the ambassador god consenting to tbe marriage of the lovers. Frits Bturmftls, seen here tor the first time In this country, while somewhat nervous, gave an eicellent performance. Me bet an excellent high tenor voice, and tang tbo several songs allotted to him with much sue- cost. Blqncb. Duflleld. as Countess Lydia, portrayed her role In an artistic way, Bli» Is a beautiful woman, and has a good high Lee't dancing wat excellent. They were a solid hit, and Mr. Lee made • little speech ot thanks at the finish. . ...... . Clltr Gordon It here this week bringing hit usual budget of German dialect talk, line of which la redolent with orlgl Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—They have no fault to And with the returns here, as house Is crowded from morning until night. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—vaudeville and pictures of the beat continue to draw big bouses at most every performance, and It looks at If It would keep up. . ___, Metropolis (It. W. Little, mgr.)—Cecil Bpooner and her able cast continue to draw u packed house at every performance. This week, In the domestic, romantic Irish play, "Kathleen Mavourncen." Next week, r 'The Barrier." . . . _,. Bronx (Fred O. Hosebush, mgr.)—The bill thlt week It: Amelia illqghtm and com- pany, Edward Abelet and company, "He Tried to Re Nice," Olive Briscoe, Htepp, Mehllnger and King, Mlddleton and Spull- r, Isabello D'Armond and Frank Carter, erno, Corcoran and Dixon, comedians, and others, „ . ,„, Proauoot (Frank Oorsten, mgr.) — file attraction Is tbo Prospect Stock Company, presenting "Oliver Twist," tills week. Next week, "The Merchant of Venice." Miner's Bronx (Fred t'ollet, mgr.)— irasww £SU»fiK«9a his own. His new monologue was enjoyed as heartily on Monday here as during the week, Just past, at a downtown theatre, where hit act was, unmistakably, the laughing hit of The Havelocxs, in the opening position of tbe bill, won lmmetjlate favor with their artistic Juegllog, which they b|ll aa "Fun at a Five o'clock Tea." They dress their act very neatly, and thti are Jugglers par ea- rellertce. Their stage setting and parapher- tbtt It dette and company, in a comeoy p Honeymoon In the Catakllla;' llti In llluttratod tongt; lily Dawson, comedians; Lewln and Martcl. x bind returns and then the burglar turns out » B » "J*"'"• ^OSf^SJSf how^tsttTo «»»» are a great aid to an act to be the flrst husband, and kills himself. Kg r h no t v „°i" ^?' c fl n 8ne " nc " 1B Il0w * U,e W worthy of a better program poiitlon Jones and Mayo had tn entertaining act of Impersonations, Including Cliff Gordon, 6am Bernard, Junle McCret and a broken- down actor. They then made up on the stage for Montgomery and Stone's straw man and tin man, and finished strong. The Ilalklnis showed their shadowgraph scenes, Including a hunting scene, "Life on the River," "The Bowery" and "Modern War- fare." King and Gee are two clever colored dan- cers and singers. As a boy one of them wat especially good. They ssng "Bend for Me," and finished with an Indian song in proper costume. Allor and Barrlngton had a mlx-np be- tween a doctor and a piano tuner. Mr. Allor had a number of comedy bits, of which hit Imitation of a rooster was best liked. The pictures were Interesting especially "Iola'i Promise." i s Greeley Bqaare (Julius Bernstein, mgr.) tbe best advantage, The only comedy role was given to John slaving, and be got quite a few laughs. An old fashioned kaio dance, performed by him, assisted by several members of the company, mads quite a hit. Psrle Bartl, recently from burlesque, ac- quitted herself with credit, tinging several songs to numerous encores. Joseph Herbert, Cbtrlea Galagber and the rest of tbe company were w«ll cast, and gave good performances. The eccona week began Monday, March IK. Frank Richards and Lonlae Montrose were liked In songs, dsnees and comedy lines. "Bamboo Baby Reg" was a good opening song, and started them off finely-. They did ■well in other songs, and their grotesque sol- use dler finish, In funny costumes, brought than * to I mads their are going good; pscked houses at every per- formsnee. Next week, the Century Ulrls. Trenont <B\ A. Jlncb, mgr.)— Business Is good hert. The bill for tho first half of tbe week beginning March 18: Ettelle Wor- dette snd company, In a comedy playlet, "A " Harry Hurst, black lace . xylophones, and Owsr Bros, springboard artists. KaKlnler Sauttre (Dan nupplo, mgr.) — The McKlnloy Square musical comedy stock bogan their second week hero on March 18, presenting "Tbe Telephone Girl." Next week, r 'Tho Gingerbread Man." _ .. UruoklVn, N. Y.—All of the Brooklyn Theatres are doing fairly woll, considering tbe weather and Lent. The circus season will soon bo here, Baroum A Bailey's Uroal- t'Ht Show an Berth open tt)e Le^t sesson %t i Four'aeadinit closed the floe bill with h»reTweek of Aprt)'"«.7o|lowed j^MHMK " class afrobatlc work, whleb _wat Praia's iM Iffi .week ofApril 89. nt Hudson (Htory B. Harris, mgr.)— Urns. Slmone, on Monday, March 18, changed lier Offering to frou-frou. The performance will be roviewed next week, NewAmstsrtamfMaleelm Douglas, mgr,) —"Oliver Twin" Is in Its fourth anil last week. "The " March 20. WalUek's) gymnasium At tbe scene. Tlio boys do q,.. tbey give the audience an Impression that they enjoy It. And, what is moro to their credit, the fact th»t (bey wore In the closing position, with many leaving the theatre, did not cause tbtm to alight or hurry tbtlr line work m tbe Itait. aUiNTiiix (Udward j'k Wallfngford" tCls week, Weuk of "Naughty Marietta,." olibly effective by a pretty setting In Muntai lssltim, and appropriate eoslqmtF to nicMJulak Walllnafort scene. The boys do quick work, and ajjJSmma TronMnT, in '^nu«llt.„ Tttxnu's Broaowat (Leo C. Toller, mgr. The Commuters" this week. Week of 8(. ?tgomerjr and Btono, In "The dm Town." IjyngRf (C. J^. Bodrtguus, mgr.)—-"Th* ablers" thlt week. Weok of iij, Klnema- Trs.il, "mar.)— "Oet- reek. arietta." Woek nt 35, Man from Cook's" follows (Charles Burnham, mgr. i- has not Been for yeers, owing to a disagree- —The Mil for the latter part of last week George i r use. In "Disraeli," la In hit meat with the young woman's mother. The *»• w 1 .*""^. If ,. the lar ? eBt audiences thnt .^m week. sketch is well acted, the portrayal of a tough have vlrtted this house since it-was opened, yenag woman it paruciilarly well portrayed. The Diving Girls, jwho. have, been playing Hammeratein's (William Hamrnsrtteln, MM—The excellent bill offered at this house for this week played to tbe uaual crowded house Monday afternoon, March 18. The offerings were In all respects up to the high standard usually seen on the corner. . The ihow opened with the Tlerney Trio (jee under New Acts). Ward and Culbene, blackface singers and dancers, held the stage for ten minutes, dur- ing which tbey offered some good toft shoe dancing, and the specialty offered by one of them was very good. The other offered a comedy tong about cigar coupons, which went jell. They closed with "Ilexandcr't Rag- time nand.*' Collins and Hart, with their clean cut com- eay acrobatic atuntt, were laugbt from the rise to tbe fall of the curtain. Their old *lre teat still gets by with a rush. Dorothy Russell and company played their nrst big time engagement with their musical act, and went nicely. Further details, under r<ew Acts. Frank Bush, the monologlit, told bis •cones ki a pleating manner, and received nany hearty laughs. lam Dickey and company, In "The Come nack, bare a most Interesting playlet, and uickey made a personal hit with his charac jy mado l . J", that of a college freshman. The rest of the cast, with the exception of the young liT'.*.? 0 wa ' s°°d, hardly got all possible out of the story. 1*1.,* -A- _ < around New York for the past four or five weeks, was the headllner, and certainly lived up to tbe billing. Tbo act is one of the best and neatest of Its kind in vaudeville, both girls performing remarkable water stunts. Tho mother of tbe {iris, with her humorous business, continues o be a feature. Tbe Dancing Comedy Four, a quartette of fine Blngers and dancers, is the extra attrac- tion, and demonstrated their ability as such In a capable manner. Two of the boys work straight, with the others working ss a bell boy and a Jew comedian, both getting over some funny stuff that got many laughs. Walter Daniels and company. In a sketch called "Monday Morning Behcarsol," was a big hit. Tbo Leonadas. In a trapeie performance, have an act that should be on tho big time. The tricks they perform are all wonders, the Rudlenceglving them plenty of applause. The Haywood Sisters, in comedy and soDgs, are two clever girls, putting over their material nnd singing In a capable man- ner. The net was ft big success. The American Trumpeters have also been seen around New York recently, and dupli- cated their success with their capable mu- sical performance. Wood and Uarrls, comedians, are on a par with anything seen here, their whole per- formance making a big Impress on. Tht Mil for March 18-26 Incudes: Albinl, Wm. P. Burt, Manley and Walsh, Klmberly and Hodgklna, Victor, Anna Lehr, Martin twenty* Lyceum (Daniel Frobman, mgr.)—Ger- trude Elliott, In "Preserving Mr. Pantnure," Is In her fourth and last week. Gartiok (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—Paul Orleneff. Is this week presenting Oiar Paul I. New York Hippodrome (John B. fits* Patrick, mgr,)—"Around tbe World" is In Its twenty-nlnth week. On Monday, March 18, a new bill of circus actt was presented, In- cluding: Louise and Kobert Cottrell, eques- trians; Mlrano Brothers, equilibrists; Ble Ilasson Ben All's Whirlwind Arabs; La Rose Marguerite, equestrian; the Gasch Sisters, head and hand balancers; the Three Donals, strong act: the Seven Francois, acrobats, and rowers' elephants. Grand Opera House (Jack Welch, mgr.) —Alma. Where Do You Ltvet Is here this week. Kobert Hllllsrd follows 25. Manhattan Opera House (Prank O. Miller, mgr.)—The IMIHor. thlt week. "The Girl from Rector's" follows. Academy (Samuel V. Kingston, mgr.) — The ttpar ting Cuc/lee* Is tbe stock offering this week. <<ni<ty (J, Fred Zimmerman, mgr,;— "Offlcer 606" is in Its eighth week. Belaseo (l)avlrt Belatco, mgr.) — David Warfleld, In "Tbo Return of Peter Grimm," it In hit twenty-third week. _ Wm. Collier's Comedy (Bam 8. A Lte Shubert, Inc., mgrs,) <— -"Bunty Pnlli tho Strings" Is la Its twenty-fourth week. New York (Klsw A Brlanger, men.)— The Klnemecolor pictures of "The Durbar" West pad (J. K, Cojkion, Mr-)— "T\* K'WjyilltrV' with Eva Davenport and tfoj- ert Warwick Is tho kldlrur roles, and the original Casino company, lb tht attraction for week of 18, and nrospeett aro bright lot week. Week of 35, "The Gamblers." ibra (Dave Robinson, mgr.)—/This always packed from one week to —-"the Commuters" this week Mon Si GsmL.. color pictures of "The Durbar." MAfRSTic (Cbtrlcs B. Mj*4,,mgr, — "The Wedding Trip" thlt wcok. W«ok of W, "The Kiss Waltz." Cms»N* (Lew Parker, mgr.)—The Cres- cent Stock Co. presents ''Seven Days' tbl* week. Week of 20, "Tbe Thief," • jf Gotham (Pauline H. Boyle, mgr.) -The Gotham Stock Company presents "Class- mates" thlt week. Paxtom's (Corae Ptyton, mgr.) —The Corse Payton Block Company prctonta Ural Uughlln; Burton and Blrrker, Al. Ray- F &£!!& m2l^fiL™&,.\ -The nor', bull* terriers, Three LelAtons. »/*£££?%•, TomP"* present*. > "01 Ivor rrtnn Hrnttioru, and Prank Morrell. x T>il«?' ihU wook i!. 1 ?.'."*?SaS«»*! >¥9K%I PS"''. nj,r.)—Bllt week of 18: Bertha Kallch anil company, a big' AlhSM house Is another. This week: Julius Stcger and com- pany, Tom Wise and company, Willie. Bros., are In their Olth and last week, Broadvra* Hurtlg,- mgr.)— Robinson Crusoe Olrls are the attraction for this week, and Indications arc they will do well during tbe entire weak. Week of 20, the Gaiety Bbow. Family (C. Jacoby, mgr.)—There wat some improvement In business during tht past week, with only pictures to attract. Hlsrktr-slath Street (Lee Govern, mgr.) —-Reports are of the best from this house, ss tbe offerings are the beat obtainable, both In vaudeville and pictures, and the comfort of tbclr patrons Is well looked after. Keith 1 * Harlem Opera House (P. Sell- rami, mgr.)—There Is never a vacant seat At this bouse from tho opening until closing time. The offerings of the stock company prove big drawing cards, with good vaude- ville. The bill: The stock presents "Dream Faces)" snd "Gray Ragle's Debut:" tbe vaude- ville: Princess Chlnqullla, the Heabury Duo. Norman Merrill, the Woeckmers, Walsh and Currnn, "The Spirits of '70," Mile. Jenny's cat! and monkeys, May Yohe, Aerial Denies, Gorman and West, and Three Romance. l'roctor's One Hundred and Twentjr- ilftii Street (J. Holttcln, mgr.)—The man- agtment It doing all that can be done to please and attract tho public^ by providing Doodle Tho story shown bow three upper class- and Reynolds, Llna Pnntscr, and the plcturet. ot capacity business T > itn excellent Mil at all times. For this week: itiffiT. WseXlrSlk tSWmj&.^ssssL t iSf9LsA «?ro"p li (.c t rui a»i«, tw^M***** Cecil Letn and Florence Holbrook, Blxley and Lerner.Carl McCullough, Golden Troupe, Gerald Griffin and company, De Witt Young and Bitter, Miller and Lyh-s, and Blossom tieeley. DusjiiwicK (Benedict Blatt, mgr.)—Dill weok of 18: Ned Wayburn, Four Floods, Harriet Burt, Pestle and Uebs, Laura Outfits, Bobertr Trio, Strength Ilrot., and "A Night In a Turkish Bath." OnHUNroiNT (Hsrold Williams, m/jr.)— Bill week of 18: Master Gabriel, Old Soldier Fiddlers, Marshall Montgomery. Klein llron. and Bronnan, Bcdlnl and Arthur, Karl Kmmy's puts, Bpraguo and McNce, and Ethel Orccno. Star (II. W. Pleasure this wee! Inns' Big Show. , Gaysty (Louis Krelg, mgr.) —Clark's Ban- away Girls thlt week, week ot 20, Al, Reeves' Shots*. casino (Charles Daniels, tngr.)—Watson's Rurtesquert this week, week of 28, Yankee Doodle ( litis, Brlfinn (debtee McMtnus, mgr.)—Yankee oirls thlt week. Woek of •Li, Rogers, mgr,)—World Of , Week of 20, Harry liast- ';■" Plan to Klre a freshman the scare of bit a* Taev would have succeeded tn their Van but tor the freshman's girl telling him 2n.ii p an ' He turn » *he tables on them, !?"' .oesldes tearing them nearly to death, 'as them all arrested, i, 5.™ 17 f" v *- assisted by Mat Walker, who " "°T K ,r L *«a most entertaining, and the «L «.*™ ■*■» w,tn nl » comedy Bklt, Sihciidit r,>l, " , nomB * to * de ' , * m, .«?°. r i t Uy J '■ ■• ar i'«« of marked ability, wtii 1 " m l m wklch be used a tort of pro- J'™"-,machine to throw his drawings on a TIM, ' S n ° Tel - uillnn Shaw wat neat nnd Hill tbd Hllvany, Slawaon and Tyaoh McDonalds and Doc Kealcy, ' Flaaa (David Benjamin, mgr.) — Loew vaudeville and motion plcturet. .„„„„„ Circle (Edward Strause, mgr.)—)Motion plcturet and vaudeville. „..,»_ Comedy (Albert Kaufman, mgr,)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. .. YorkTllle (Kuaene Myert mgr.)—Veude. Till* and motion pictures. vt.iw Keith's Union Square (Geo. M. McDer- lnott, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Winter Garden .lWlnt«_Gardcn N) Co^ " Orfurl'orT (Chat Prohman, m B r.)-Lomt ??'*• £2£*VL!S3 Bloat and "aJSSSi ^J&PWMd B *» second, week, . .... _ ^ *»««■- n»rw n rfiinnenwt, •' ItniTnvin snii-r* l°*W f M. T. Jones, Globe (W. P. Burbnge, nigr.)- ' in his eleventh week. mgr* With „,) —"The Whirl of 8?clMy," "A . : icar-ffai SSfSS-tfi',^ .. tsasgsjjg sis furnish tiddle For, in "Over the River," Is Ih his eleventh week. klepubllc (David Delasco, mgr.)—"The Woman" In In Its twenty-seventh week. Century (George C. Tyler, mgr.)—"Tht Garden of Allan," Is In Its twenty-first week. Lyrlo (Sam 8. « Lee Sbubert, Inc., mgrs.) —"Little Boy Blue" Is tn its seventeenth ra'rlc (Frank McKet, mgr.)—"The Quaker Girl" Is In Ita twenty-second week. Playhossae (Wm. A, Brady, mgf.)— Bought and Paid For" la lb Ita twenty-sixth Vti.n<.' "■>' vaudeville. T^SLl fBdWard Btrauss, tagr.J—Vtdde- rsPtj " » n ^nfIhoteBh«». .*• and thurtfcty. 'i v Pttiyrort (Jacl C vKHArvllta sets i tiFESL Nono'of her Mw'tongt"are k. r 7 We TC 'r Popular. In the Dutch on» ele.Ti 1° aeveraf clever phrases which were 1» ?.r brou 'L bt ont bv Mis* 8 n « w - sk.?„i. E I c rybody," Teter G. Plnttl's morality akch.1. *".l rr "»ooy, r'eter u. nntti s moraiur •mi. ,ner * ls » etrong lesson to be learned, Mi.- - «.»^... n, r i. g goii will doubt W the only way to — PaU? M *?> J**!?!?.™/'!* sort nightly. Columbia (J. Herbert Mack, nr-)- GlrJs fsMt Ilapyvlani week Of March 19. Passing Parade followa. mi... Mn .» Mlner'a Bowery (Edwin D. Miner, mgr.) .»«» Whtt*>» ametu <Hrl» week of March bl~ ,;| on - /'elds and Carroll were one of the do ■>•„US' tne gnow - These boys certainly are .n -Vi 11 anB P lnto their work. They tlsv. \JPS s, nfere, and tht young man who fays the piano lu fe W equal*. Knickerhorker (Strry 0. Honrroers, mgr.)—Otis Skinner, ih '"Kismet," la In hit thirteenth week. . _ Maxlase Elliott (Oto. J. Apnltton, air.) —••The Bird ot Paradise" Is in Us ninth week at this house, Harris (Henry B. liar rid, rogr)—"Toe Talker" II In its eleven* week. Thirty-ninth fttresM (Ralph W, Long, tner.)—1'The Butterfly on the Wbeel" I* to. , OirU week High School^Olrls follwB. and mgr.)— Century llgl " Lubtn, March 18. Savor (Rosenberg Brol., mgn.) ▼llle tnd plcturet. i. AUKVIU Jill'. Al. iilllTiniW, After Dark in Cfilnatowb," Hoffavm and Carroll Loew'a Sevenlsi Avasne (C. Hewardl, tagr.)—Tboy are doing their full share 01 business hero. Tho offerings for week or 18 Kdmond Stanley and company, Hi Cota, Tif- fany and McLean and company, Miller and Russell, Bandow tiros., Don Kulano, Lloyd and Pa ever. Bonnls 0 ay lord, Ward Clare and company. Folly Bergere Trio, Poor La Delia CordlqucB. Gottaaaa (Lap Soloman, mgr.)—They con- tinue to pack them In here at all timet and Sftcr a first class bill. This week: Hope iodth and company, Wally Trio, Imperial Comedy Pour, Yvetto Buggies, Musical Balm, and Caldwell and Yates. Wnnhing«on (Harry Thorns. m(?r)— Be he beat and tt no time do> the) lack patronage, as they have the oclv house In thlt section and provide the belt of at- tractions. BlTertlde (nmnnn Goldman, mgr.) — They are doing a good business here to a flrst class audience, and present tn accept- able bill. Por this Week: Bohliyand Dale, LI, W Program changei mgf.)—Yapderlllo - igej Mohday ilea .Jflfk Spurrier, tagr.)— Blk vaudeville tKtk and pictures, changed tw Weekly, >mrrn Avtnot (If. H. Bate, mgr.)t-(VtUde- vlile and pietvtt*. -Hot At, (Marcus Locrw, mgr,)—The latest photoplays. PoiAf (Wkn. Vox, mgr.)— Vnudovllle and nlctufea. ' flSANH GraiA Hoctn (Wm. PoX, rngf.) — Vaudeville and jpitUrtt. DUotf (George flchenek, mgr.)— CobllbU- «ua vaudeville and plctufca. Coi.tiMtiiA (A. Bicbol, mgr.)— Vaudeville j* e.jSjjs ■ SBJ fAstts) ..,--.. OtVKpIc (Herman Waclw. mgr)—Bit blu ports are of the beat and tt no tltne do. they vaudeville nets and plcturei, cBanged wrleo Weekly. AHrmoH (M. C. Solomon, mgr.l—Pictures *and vaudeville. . . Da Kai.o (Leon T. Carpenter, mgr.) — Kdna May flpooher Stock Co. and vabdcvlllt arc proving yery popular acre., Connor (Wan. Pot, tngT.)—Vaudeville and plcttjret. (Continue* on pd0e> tt.) Page and Wilton, Hall and Stafford, Wm. Dick, Valcno Hlstcrs, Three Troubadourt.