The New York Clipper (April 1912)

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APBIL v THE -STEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 new york cmr* (Continue* from page 7.) « cW A*»t*rd"»m (MalcolmDongUs,mgr.) 2i,Uan from VookH, a musical comedy la w mS adapted from' the French of Mau- MZ nXnncau by Henry Blossom. Music by SSmwd Hnboelt Produced Monday, Marcn « y by Klaw * Erlanger, with this cast Em ronton ....Marlon Murray Ktmrle Benton Stella hoben fiZS r^ontlne. Fiavla Arcaro &HlfdoBoT.-•••••..Eleanor Pendleton SJIria Bene Thornton fin J ;Nonette Lyle £" " ""', Josephine Harrlman 5*t4 i .Frwd. Brtgj. f" Ise ".'•' • Bes,le VuW- U Belle Tortlno .Beoa Hoffman JJirle • D al, I Rndd Knee Victor de Oiampaanax-Waltor Perclval nw™ Soulard... ..Fred Walton glcharv Benton...... ...John Dalr Murphy Krd Ms-Bertie Bafflngfone... Leslie Kenyon Itnbbs his valet. -...Antonio Moreno • Laurence O'Donnell John J. Dempsey niannit J- T. ChaIHe Leonard de Blron William Plnkham Johnson, a Cook's agent....... F. A. Bishop Cl.commottl. hotel proprietor...J. T• Challle Wetro a porter William Plnkham Wllhol'm. a P waiter;v...V..,...-..W. Hobart ■The Man from Cook's," as a Summer show fill* the bill nicely. Mr. Blossoms S3, while It falls below "The Bed Mill." ias m«DT genuinely humorous lines. The Em Is free from vulgarity. The mnstc— suite tbe most tuneful Mr. Hubbell has con* iributed—Is far and away above the book, ilk hit Is "We Can't Do • Without the Hen Second in popularity Is "My Girl of Chance" a charming love song. There are. if course, others worth listening to, but Ibeso two stand ont conspicuously. "The Man from Cook'a' 1 has a story It concerns a French prince and his artist com- unions and an American, girl touring with her Eareots. - Madame Leontlne, a restaurant teeter, has moved from tbe Latin Quarter to ■ more pretentious building in the Avenue it l'Opera. formerly occupied by a Cook's Tourist Agency. The algns of tho former ten- ants have not yet been removed from tbe vails. To'celebrate the opening she gives a luncheon, Inviting several of her customers. Including Prince victor de Champamax, Toto Boulard, and Leonard de Blron. At the end at the luncheon, as Prince Victor is about to (ay the bills, Mnriorlo Benson an American tlrl enters, believing the establishment still to be Cook's. She mistakes the prlnre for the manager, and tells him that she objects to an arrangement made by her parents for an Impecunious son of a British peer to Journey with the party to Naples. The prince tells ker he will arrange tbe tour without the un- desirable suitor, when Marjorle departs the prince tells Madame Leontlne and her guests that he Intends to .take them on a jaunt to Italy. Madame Leontlne consents to close lbs restaurant for a few days, and he sends Leonard off to bay- the tickets. Meantime the British wooer, who has also mistaken the ■eitaurant for Cook's Agency, arrives with his valet and baggage; Tbe prince sends him off on the wrong crack. Toto has successfully Impersonated the Englishman on the trip. To farther carry out the deception he challenges the to a duel for making love to Mar- jorle. Marjorle penetrates the disguises and all ends happily. Fred Walton, as "Toto," wag very funny la a role which gave him scant opportunities for funmaking,- and may be credited with scoring a good sized hit. As an eccentric comedian Mr. Walton ranks with the beat on tbe stage. Walter Perclval's splendid tenor -role* was given many chances, and It pleased Immense- ly. His acting of the role of the Prince was highly satisfactory. Stella Hoben. as Marjorle Benton, was pretty and charming, and her singing (so- prano) was delightful.' As far as we know she was a stranger to the New York stage, and she Is Indeed welcome. She has a re- freshing personality. To Bene" Thornton,' a handsome yonng woman, went the singing honors. Her suc- cess was emphatic. Eleanor Pendleton, as Estelle, was very conspicuous In the production, and what she lacks in voice she made up In dancing, which ibe does cleverly. She reminded us forcibly of Bessie McCoy In looks and mannerisms. Leslie Keivon, who long ago won success as a dramatic actor appeared for the first tune in musical comedy in this piece, and won decided favor. He recited a song (7) about a cup of tea that waa weH worth going miles to listen to. - ISuch well known players as John Daly ■Murphy and Flavla Arcaro were wasted on small parts. During the action of the piece there were rpeclnltles given by Nonette, the gifted and pretty mistress of the violin; the wonderful musical talented Bell Family and John J. JJempsey, who won much laughs with his tunny and difficult steps. The production by k. ft E. was a magnificent one. The costumes Ii/ C , be A utl,u , 1 and picturesque. Ben Teal staged the piece, and. of course, done his wonc m a capable manner. The second week began Monday, April 1. B( H w d ? on „ (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)— -The mtlht to Be Happy, a play In three acts, 5* -•• Kellett Chambers, received Its initial presentation by Henry B. Harris, at this Bouse on Tuesday evening, March 28, with uJ! tby Don ueHy and Edmund Breese In the leading roles In the following cast: 52 v »n Koof Louise Galloway {, 0l 7,J«n Roof. Grace Morrlssey Airrnl Van Boof George Le Gunre Janet \ an Roof .Dorothy Donnelly j*™"',; •.. .Arthur T. Hendon Jamos MorehouBe . Edmund Breese John Forrester ;.. .Leslie Faher -iS'JSP" «w laid In New York, and the J' 0 '?, deals with Janet Van Roof the eldest 5f n ?«er of a broken down aristocratic tamily in her efforts to save her weak nnd spoiled brother, Alfred, from imprisonment ior cml>ezzlcment of his employer's money. »ue desires to accomplish something herself, ann seeks employment with a large rubber manufacturing concern, of which James Woreboiue is president. Janet, In her strong.admirntlon of her om- l-° y ?L* , «*l»»" determination to "lead tho h<l u n L n h,s vocation, believes she loves Vn » he continues this belief until John iV» i r ) *■ Promising young Inventor, comes 5m i . llfe ano awakens a real love In her, ™J la . returned, by the Inventor, and ho confines in her the secret of his new process ofmnniifacturing rubber. Miirohousc is aware of the future rntn of n si own business should Forrester market It, ,'"'■ 'earning of Janet's infatuation for the h„ entor . determines to force her to divulge rno Mcret . DT declaring his own love for her. shlf, M Ce ¥ fu i» he threatens to J..I1 her brother a "onld she fall him. JnnT»VV' on 8S 8t scene'of the play Is where owrH,J rtog * JS 1 * two mpn *■« to face In her nrot f? mp '. Here Morehouse, feeling for the Sf .J,™ 6 In his life he Is being defeated, cra.i» ? ' 'P 0 ; by a woman, attempts to de- iiIvmLi- S'. 1 " the eyes ot Tne Inventor by hi.i S .'r, ,aI,c relations with her before she ua mot Forrester. She wavers between right thA ~, ang 2 nd decides to let her brother pay fnmiP PJ h,B ,0 J'y an d disgrace her own nnHlZ' "'ber thanlbetray the man she loves. xii fJ ore e«rns'"The Bight to Be Happy." ."Onnelly Is given plenty of oppor- tunity for emotional work In this moat Inter- ■ "»*\t. ;' .'< •v :* > •. estipg play of commercial life, and aha makes the most of her opportunity . SSSS" B ™ e8 «i «» James Morehouse, gave a cap tal performance. The role la that of HS S te ?' Be J«defeated man of business, to Jerfectlonf ht "" th " merd,eM *53B Leslie Faber, as the youna- invpntnr- Jj 0 " 1 " O* 110 ™/. «' the^v^UaulglnTlov: 9 S3SL' ^W U 0u «e. "the son and brother of the Van Roofs and the 222?2£22V ?, n !f 0r4ce Morr siey. as the ISSST* ?'". ter ' "L iea *™ P r »b« for the ca- pable assistance they loaned. The second week began April 1. ■ 2s^o ». ( ?? n n ^ , H BgT '2, _ :' l 7 ,e WH for March pictured 8 <* ta *P w:l » 1M,: » «a«i «,W 8he "? °e«">«d »lth a song about "The ?n„ih lJpon ^, e "°'!' r '" M<l responded with another on the ragtime craze, finishing with a nice dance. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, In a sketch, full of ilvely.conversation and business, showed how the lady overreached herself by purchasing a supposed stolen dog from her friend. In order that she may claim a fictitious large reward announced In a fake ad. They were well' ?}??• a ? a th .? '! ttlB Pomeranian played his little role well also. ../S re , t J* ^ ack C *S C out ,n &&* a nd drawled Oh, Mr. Dream Man," In regular coon style. Please Don't Send My Lovln' Man Away" waa another wall of the same order. She livened up things with "The Hypnotizing Bag. after changing to a becoming gown of white, and exited amidst applause. George A. Lawrence putyed a popular actor, of whom a girl has become Infatuated. She visits his apartments at night In order to ask him to put her on the stage. She awaits his arrival. He is brought home In an Intoxicated condition. Upon learning of her purpose he tries to discourage her, but agrees to give her a trial by letting her give her conception of the feelings of a wife who finds herself deserted. In this she falls, and then he shows how a husband In a similar predicament would treat the case. He then finds out that the lady Is one who has often visited the theatre to see him act, and with whom he has fallen In love. She Informs him that she Is married and an emotional scene follows, ending by her being sent home alone. The servant sees her to the door, but returns with the Information that the girl told him she was not married, bat had simply lied because she had found her Idol Intoxicated. He swears off. A stronger finish would have been If she had returned to ask ' him how he liked her acting, especially as he had ridiculed her former attempt at emo- tion. The lady was very good in her work, and the old servant, who liked his toddy, also the taxlcab driver, were well played, Mary Ambrose sang "In the Shadows," with her own violin accompaniment; also sang "Hello, Tut, Tut," at the piano, with several character Terses, and finished with an Irish song. Introducing 'The Wearing of the Green." She was well liked. "A Night on a Roof Garden" was an en- tertalnlng skit, Introducing a double sextette of singers and dancers, led by a lively waiter, who were well drilled. The six ladies were pretty and graceful, and the six evening; dressed swells looked the part. The speaking parts were allotted to a young Texas girl visiting New York, played by a charming young woman ; her chaperon, a society ma- tron, who scheemed to marry her to a young; society man, who turned out to be the right party, after all. The musical numbers In- cluded "Jimmy Brown," "The Powder Rag" sonr. by tbe twelve, in "Yarns Tama" suits; "1 Was Never Meant for You," In which a mirror was used to advantage by the society man. upon the faces of the different girls, and a rousing finish. The entire production has been Improved and scored a big hit. Ruby Lusby was a capital Texas girl: Juanlta Owen played the society lady cleverly, and Ed. Hutchison did the society man and Bang -well. Burns and Lawrence, two young men in full dress, had an original way of putting over their songs, opening with "Bamboo Baby Dance" together. One then sang "An- tone" and the other "That's How I Need You." In "Beautiful Doll" they had the house agoing with their prancing, and a parody on "Everybody's Doing It" made the applause good and plenty. The Aerial Budds bad a hot act from the time they hoisted themselves to the trapeze by their teeth to the finishing trick. The feminine Budd was a veritable Tanguay on the trap, keeping up Incessant action and Bmlles throughout the act. She handled the little male member of the team in clever fashion, and they together displayed many clever tricks, all of which were applauded, including the swivel belt finish. The pictures Included: "A Victim of Fire- water," "Cupid's Leap Year Pranks," "The Lost Car," r The Girl and Her Trust" and "When Memory Calls." FOR REMOVING MAKE UP PINT TIN, 75 CENTS VI nil cnoil ilrug i»n«l rtejit. «tnrn or direct, iioiti«K<' prepalil, on rei-fipt of price.' l'lrttsnnl, <|iili'U nnd ftonomlrul lo «»». An wi* V or purufliii,.; n.iu'i null mil nounHiuiMiHTciin CREAM icrnV hair. lni|irb»fs tl»e equipi«Jtl6nV . Vn«il by lie ml llnv i> «\ Try It. .,...' STEVENS CO., lb ASTOR PLACE, N. Y, C, markablc strength, notwithstanding the fact that she Is of slight physique. Tbe gro- tesque comedy of the male drew the laughs aplenty, and his finish from the tables was a corker. Lincoln Sqnare (Cbas. Ferguson, mgr.) —The new vaudeville show which came in on Thursday, March 28, was welcomed by an audience which ■ filled every seat in the the- atre. The gallery was packed with the usual atre. The gallery was packed with a crowd of young "hoodlums.'' who did their best—or W orst—to prevent tho patrons In other parts of the theatre from enjoying the show. Manning and Ford opened the show In songs and dances, their stepping being above the average of dancing acts, and bad tho merit of quickness In its presentation. Lively dancing Is always appealing to the favor of audiences. The boys evidently appreciate the value of stepping in time with the orches- tra. The audience liked their act. Maurice Wood, in her songs and Imita- tions, was the "clean-up" act of the bill. The vivacious young woman did a long act, for after she hnd rendered the customary three numbers, she gave Imitations In songs and peculiarities of two well known vaude- ville stars. These were her best numbers; There is a bright future ahead of this young woman, but she will never attain It by dan- cing the "Turkey Trot" In the aisle'of a the- atre with a male "plant" during her .act Tlffany-McClellan nnd company followed la a sketch wherein improbability was domi- nant, but they were capable farceurs, and this fact got them by nicely. The young man who played tbe role of the servant was a capital aid In the funmaklng, and the little company answered several curtain calls at the close of the sketch. .- . .. Announced by tho stage cards simply as Callahan, the audience was favored with half a dozen Impersonations of famous men, tho performer ninking his changes of costume in full view of the audience. His impersona- tions of Abraham Lincoln. Mark Twain and Pope I*o were excellent, but they were too "classy" for the gallery element. Ackerrnan and Jcpson followed in a mu- sical and "rulio" comedy skit, with the male end of the skit as tbe "rube" storekeeper and manager of the "town hall." The act Is placed In Iront of the village store, and tho woman appears as the advance of a travel- ing company. They put over some funny dialogue here, and the woman also renders, very effectively, a refined ballad io her own accompaniment on the violin, she also dhl Imitations or the occarlna very cleverly. The man was excellent In the "rube" character, and the act should pass easily on the big Tlie illustrated song number, "Mr. Drcnm Man," was well rendered by a young woman with a good voice, and the slides were radiant with color. . . „, -.„ ._ The Bimbos closed the vaudeville bill in comedy nnd expert acrobatic 'work. The ■woman did some excellent stunts In lifting her male partner over her head, showing re> Keltfc'a In Ion Sqoare (Geo. M. McDcr- mott. mgr.l—The eight vaudeville acts of- fered at this popular house the latter part of last week were appreciated by a large audi- ence on Thursday afternoon, March 28. Adelon and company, comedy jugglers, ap- peared on full atage. Adelon, In comedy tramp make-up, was tbe whole act. The company consists of a atout young man who does not help the act In the least. Adelon is a comedian of merit, and provoked many laughs. His work Is just a little too slow. Hensel and Pierce, Dutch comedians, of- fered their talking specialty and some sing- ing. Their make-up Is good, but their act Ta too long drawn out. They need some new material. The Knox Brothers end Helena appeared In their musical specialty. Their specialty is rendering music on peculiar looklnc; Instru- ments. There Is eome good comedy offered by one of the men, and the young woman la pretty, but on Thursday afternoon several of the Instruments were very much out of tune. • Lewis Harr and company, In their South- em sketch, are a novelty. The negro dialect is excellent, and the scenery, which shows a hut on tbe bank of a river, Is good, but tho moon is in tbe wrong place. The role of the old negro woman was well taken. Florence Gregson and company, In their mnging and dancing offering, were pleasing. Miss Gregson makes several changes In cos- tume, and, being pretty and well dressed, was well received. The man appears In full dress. Their several offerings went well. The Harlem Opera House Players, In a comedy of one act, entitled "Winning His wife,' made their usual hit. The scene shows the living room of a French citizen's . home. Hie wlfo is under the illusion that she Is still In love with an old lover, whom she believes dead. It appears that ho is not dead, and after many months, presents him- self at the citizen's home In disguise. He persuades the wife to elope with him. The husband is aware of their plans, and pretends to agree to his wife leaving him for the other man. This makes the wife jealous, as she thinks her husband has another woman, and the readiness in which he gives his wife to another makes the lover believe that he Is doing the husband a favor and that tho woman must be very hard to live with. So the lover refuses to take the woman, the woman refuses to leave her husband, and the husband for the first time believes that his wife cares for him. It Is an amusing com- edy, and was well put on. The part of the husband was exceptionally well played. Harry Bestry Is a nice looking young man, who dresses neatly in full dress. He dances well and renders several songs In a pleasing voice. The Russian Crown Sextette Is composed of four men and two women. They open in full atage with a Russian song that was very much out of tune. Bach then offers a dancing specialty that went much better than their singing. ACTORS' FUND SHOW. The Actors' Fund benefit, held at the Cen- tury Theatre, Friday afternoon, March 20, brought a tidy sum into the treasury of the Fund, between |4,000 and 15,000 being realized. There was standing room only, and not a small part of the audience was made up of men and women of the stage, who enjoyed an unusually Interesting and varied program, which bad been ar- ranged by Daniel Krohman, president of the Actors' Fund. The feature of the program was the trial scene from "Tho Mercnant of Venice," Nat Goodwin appearing as 8bylock, Constance Collier as Portia, A. E. Anson as Antonio, Julian L'Estrange as Bassanio, Fred Eric as Gratlano, Fuller Mellish as tbe Doge of Venice, and Olive Wyndham. aa Nerlesa. Among other Interesting numbers was a musical playlet, called "Three Little Broad- way Maids/' introducing" Sallie Fisher, Ger- trude Bryan and May Buscb, with tbe choruses of their respective plays, "Forty- live Minutes from Broadway,' 1 ''Little Boy Blue'' and "Over the River." Grant Stewart was responsible for the dialogue, and Arthur Weld contributed the musical arrangements. The surprise of tho afternoon came with Ed- ward H. Peple's new playlet, "The Girl," pre- sented for tbe first time, and was played by Henry Kolker, Frank Craven and Albert Tarker, to advantage. Mmc. Slmonc gavo two recitations, and was generously ap- plauded for her services to an American charity. David Blspham gave a trio of songs. Maud Fulton and Wo. Rock danced. Percival Knight, assisted by Arthur Klein, F. Pope Stamper, Arthur H. Metcalfe and Sibyl Klein, presented "Detective Keen." Ed- win Arden and Alice Fischer repeated their burlesque of "The Garden of Wallah." Louis Waller himself, assisted by Madge Tltheradge, appeared In the mooning scene from "King Henry V." Otis Skinner made a dlpnlfled and appropriate introductory speech. It was a joyful success from beginnng to end. a ■ » PROFESSIONAL MATINEE OF "OVER THE RIVER." The professional matinee given by Eddie Foy and his companv In "Over the River," at the Globe Theatre, March 28, attracted nn audience of actors and actresses that filled every seat In the playhouse. John L. Golden, the composer of the music, and George V. Hobart, tho librettist, held a reception fit tho lobby before the play began, nnd Mr. Foy held another' reception In bis dressing room between the acts. Among those present were.: Otis Skinner, Louis Minn, Joseph Weber. Lew Fields. Wm. Collier, Robert Billiard. James J. Corbctt, Clifton Crawford. Joseph Jefferson, George Bcban, Malcolm Williams, Fred Stone, David Montgomery, Walker Whiteside, George M. Cohan, William Harrlgan, Gertrude Bryan, Kmma Carus, William Rock, Ina Claire, Clara Palmer, Ada Lewis, Flossie nope, Wm. G. Smytbe, Martin Beck and Marshall P. Wilder. » »» CLERGYMAN READS HIS LATEST PLAY. Rev. Dubois ilenrv Loux, associate pastor of the Metropolitan Temple, Seventh Avenuo and Fourteenth Street, afternoon of March 20, read to an audience his latest play, "Doon Miiirl." It Is in four acts and contains many original ideas. Mr. Loux said that In draw- ing his principal character, that of a boy, he had Maude Adams In mind r a the actress to play the part. The ma .uscrlpt will be submitted to Charles Frohman. * i » VICTOR HERBERT'S SPRING TOUR. Starting on April 8. Victor Herbert will make a Spring concert tour through tbe South and West with his orchestra of fifty. During the Summer he will complete a new comic opera he Is composing for Joseph M. Galtee. ROTES FROM SO NGLAKD. CHAS. K. HARRIS' NOTB9. Terry Sherman and Mottle Itrraan, tbe well- known authors and compostra, hare placed two raw sodes with Cbaa. Iv. Harris, entitled "The Booaie Man Rag" and "Au Revolr," played Mil- waukee last week, and Terry Sherman writes Hut tbty went Ilka a house anrc. "The Boogie Man Rag" Is a novelty, and the many friends of T«rry Sherman, In the West, will no donbt tie gtd to help posh his songi to' success, and as ItiKishlp counts for a great deal. It goes with- out najlng that Terry's sods* will be lilts before tbe Bummer Is over. Jack Stenard. the well-known producer of vaad«vllle acts In Ohlcaco, has Introduced "Au Revolr" In one of bla acts, and notwithstanding dm many tempting offers made to him by other publishers, this manauer believes In lining good songs for their merit alone. He Is the kind of a muiager tbtt always la successful. May Vohe. la vaudeville. Is meeting with great ■access singing Ohas. K. Harris' "Take No In Year Arms Again." Stella Tracy reports great auccoss with "Sway- ing Harmony " Grace Edmonds writes that "Fairy Moon" la the hit of her act. Mason and Murray are singing "Don't Yon Mind It, Honey" Marshall Montgomery, miking a big hit with 'Take Me la Your Arms Again." Tuots I'nka and company will ose "Take Mo In Your Arms Again" during their vaudeville lour. SnsanD* Roccamora is vary well pleased with the sneens she Is maktog with Ohss. K. Harris' new ballad, "Take Me In Your Arms Again." Homer Barnett Is still scoring a tremendous auc- coss with "Waa I a Fool!" and "Star of My Dnam, Shine On." Hyde and Williams are singing "Bless Your Ever Lovln' Utile Heart." . . Haywood Sisters, the two clever vaodevllllans, write that "Fairy Moon" and "Blesa Your Ever Lovln' Little Heart" are tbe hits of their act, and they will continue to sing them for the rest of toe aeaton. May West and Oeronl Bros, ate singing "Cud- dle Up and Cling to Me." Ellis Bros, and the Hawallans are singing "Take He In Your Arms Again." Marie Rnssell, on the Orpbeum circuit, la sing- ing "Take Me In Your Arms Again," and writes that ebe la making a big bit with same. King, Benoet and Fields are singing "Take Me In Your Arms Again." Leon- Bogee. the author of "Your Love Is My Paradise," is singing this song, and making a big hit with same. Bcrton and Stryker. playing Williams' circuit, are singing "Fairy Moon," "Don't Illume Me Kur Lorln' You." and "Bleas Your Ever Lovln' Llttld Heart." Young and Young are singing "My Browa-Ryed Baby Boy." Freeman and Dunham are singing "Hello New York Town" and "Where Oan I Meet You Next Summer." Margaret Firrell Is singing tbe novelty song, "All Alone on Broadway." Lew Beam, of Bonlta and Law Hears, Is sing- ing "All Aline on Broadway." Walsh Lynch and company report soccew with "AU A!cm on Broadway." ■ J. W. STERN * CO. NOTES. Reports from Buffalo, Providence, Boston. Al- bany and other towns Indicate that the'Two Lit' tie Brides," book by Arthur Anderson, music by Gustavo Kerker. may be classed aa one of the lead- ing successes of the season. Mr. Powers Is a comedian of the old school. He believes that a production which Is written for a atar Is not complete until the star himself has worked otst the book and until his personality In- vades almost every situation, thus bringing added fun and pleasure lo almost erery scene. It la a well-known fact that this la exactly what happened In the case of "Havana" and every oilier play In which Mr. Powera starred, and to him, therefore, Is due a great deal of the credit, not only as a co-author, but also aa a producer. It Is conceded that in "Tbe Two Little Brides" Jllr. Powers has the role of bla career, that of I'uljearp Ivanovltch, a young Russian who Is trapped Into a marriage with a woman he baa never seta before. As a consequence, the entire play Is replete with comic situations, which pro- voke roars of laughter, and In which the star la seen at his best. Supporting Mr. Powers arc Frances Cameron, of "Meiry Widow" fame; Walter Lawrence, Ar- thur Clougb, and Mary Butler. Mr. Kerker'* mu- sic Is aa sparkling and bright ns anything be has ever written, and considered better than anything he composed even In tho old Onslno days. There Is hardly a number In the piece which Is not In demand, and If there Is any preference whatever shown by the audlcmce. It Is possibly for the fol- lowing half dozen numbers, erery one of which Is bound to be popular, and any one of which would be considered a "nnd" In the ordinary mimical comedy. The list Includes: "I Like All Qlrla," "Boas, Little Busy Bee," "Kiss Me Again. Belie," "Meet Me at Eight In the Hall." "Walls Without a Klas, Bwethcort," "It Reminds Me of Someone I Used to Know." Stern A Co. are the exclusive publishers of the music, which Is now In iircim, ■ ' I "WILL ROSSITER GOSSIP. i "I'd Lore to Live In Lovelnnd With a Qlrl Like You" ta still the pronounced hit of Maude Lam- bert's act. "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been" Is to be the featured song with Rltn Could, who la prepsrlng a new repertoire In preparation for a long vaudeville tour. Madge Maltland Is a big hit In tbe East with several Will Rosalter songs, Including the reigning favorite, "Mammy's Hhufflln' Dance." Tbe Knickerbocker Four will use exclusively tbs Will Rosalter songs. Including "In Old Ireland, Where the River Kenmare Plows," "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been" and "I'd Lovo to Live la Loveland With a Qlrl Like You." Among tbe many wbo ate making merry with Will Rosalter songa at present are: The Tlvoli Quartette, Trevet Quartette, Montgomery and Moore. McKay and Csntwell, Blossom Hccley, Far- tier Bliters, Courtney Sisters, Oene Oreen, Nell McKlnley, Jeanette Dupree, Oannon and Tracy, Bonnie Tsrr, Elsie Murphy and many others. The songs named as their favorites ore: "I'd Love to Lire In Loveland With a Olrl Like Yon," "Mam- tnv'a flhutnin* Dance," "You'll Never Know the flood Fellow I've Been" and "Yon Can't Expect Kisses from Me." * ' NOTES PROH FORSTER MUSIC 00. The following are successfully using "Onrlnnd of Old Fashioned Bowes," and "At the Ragtime Ball:" Violet Auburn, 'The Watermelon Trust" Co., Albert 8eha«fer. Frank Holland, Morrlssey and Burton, MacCarter, J. A. Jones, Zell and Stevens. Wm, A. Smith, Oraham and Norton, Ford and Bowen. Helen Marshall, Sans nnd Sans, Kief- fer and Alberts, Larry Ball, Tom Faxon, .Wm. B. Rnnia, Mack and Shettetls. Mr. Boulter, In Ibe Three Twin Stock Co.; All Trinity Four, Helen Wade Costello, anil Billy K. Jones, Esmeralda and Dins are Introducing "Why Did Yoa Say You Loved Me?" with great success. Mabel 8herraan Is using "When 1 Dream of You" with One success. "Kentucky Bag" Is the hit of tbe Lady Bucca- neers Ob. Williamson and Watson are scoring big with Shsunon's latest hit, "Mary Was a Ileal Wise Olrl." Davis and Davis are using "I Want to Hear a Southern Tune." ■ La Hoheme Trio are Introducing 1. R. Hlisn- non's latest bit. "Mary Was a Real Wise Olrl," and are making one big hit with It. - a . J. FRED HELF CO. NOTES. "A Wee Little Drop o' the Crulskee'n I.awn." J. Fred Helt's successor to "A Bit o' Blarney," snd "Tlppflrary," was featured by every prominent band In the country, nn Rt. Patrick's Day. Tlie Smith Trio ate scoring a hit with "The Chicken Rag." Lottie Olison scores one of her old-time triumphs with "A Weo Little Drop o' the Orulskeen Lawn." "How Would You I.Ike to be Loved" Is an ap- plause-getter for the Ten Merry Youngsters. The Harroonr Trio are scoring with "The Chicken Bag," "How Wonld You Like to be Loved" and "A Wee Little Prop o* the Crnlakeen Lawn." "A Wee Little Drop o' tbe Cralskeen Lawn" continues to bo the most liberally applauded song James F, McDonald has ever sung. The Empire State Four are cleaning up with "The Chicken Rag." t_«_- The Cecil Spooner Quartette's melodious rendi- tion of "A Wee Little Drop o' the Omlsketa Lawn" receives numerous encores The Daleya continue, to successfully feature "How Wool.I You Like to bo Lovedl" Zell nnd Stevens are making a strong Impres- sion with "The Chicken Rag." "A Wee Little Drop o' the Orulskeen Lawn" Is West and Clalre'a featured song. The Three Marks Brothers see tuuur "The Chicken Rag," In their school act. to big ap- plause. "Lord, Have Mercy On a Married Mas" Is an encore winner for Jamea A, Orr. I S 'i "LET'S GO BACK TO BROADWAY." Orsce t,. IS. Wlnne writes: "Am pleased to an- nounce that my latest song, "I^t's flo Back to Broadway,' has proved a great success. It Is being featured by hundreds of Independents, and has been Introduced Into several big shows of tbe mid- dle West. "Mr. Rock snd myself aro working on a Spanish operetta which will abound with catchy tones and bits of comedy. This wa hope to complete for next season." ■ l Roast Oowan, of tbe New York office of the York Mtulc Co. (Albert Von Tllser), is at present taking charge of the Chicago otnee for the Arm, daring the absence of Jules Yon Tllser, who has a num- ber of vaudeville contracts to fulfill. VIOLINIST AT LIBBRTV-Would like LADY PIANIST, good amateur will do. JOHN SMITH, 14 jjOMtaj St., Lookport, If. Y. ■WASTED AT ONCE-Good Bong and Dance Comedian, Novelty Han and Musical Man. All moat be good and change, for one week. Want young people, all must beTUNDKR 40 years old, sober.and gentlemen. Long, pleasant engagement and good salary to good people. Wrlto quick, tell alt In first letter. This is an up-to-date niedielbo oo. Week stands. Address quick, DR. cn as. l. ysdou, Manaasa, Callionn Co., Iowa. FOR SALE, TENT SHOW OUTFIT. to rt, round top, with so rt. middle piece, U ft, side wall, used e weeks; 8 lengths of circus seats, T tier high; ground seats for 160 pooplo; suae, Uil4; s ourulnj, Baby Grand Piano, a St. Louis pressure lights, stako jpullor, rojo<, blocks and tackle, etc, aula Al condition; stored uu tr Chicago. A bargain at ISM. Don't wrlto unless you mean business. L.KDI.VBY,Flat20 l u26GrnndAvc.,Hllwaukee.Wls. WASTED-COMEDIANS for Street work. Small platform. Good, loud alngors. Play Banjo or Guitar. Name lowest first letter. Also white or colored. Booze, no. Address 8. O. DKAHE, flam, Del., Anderson, Ind. WA VTKD-MANAOINO PARTNER WITH IMO to handle well known money making attraotiun, balance this and Summer season, with next to follow I " patience, Edward I ce torn ana summer Boason, wiu next 10 r If you can stand the prosperity. State ex- ice, age, etc. Address L. H. HERHAN, King rd Hotel, BDFFALO, RVY. &g*L a ti ffl W't & &. Soubrettei, ingeaues; ?ge so- wi los. ■«• °- S; » ge M > wt ' "' Antthing that'pavs salaries. NO HOLD BACK. Permanent stock preferred. Address J.' B. BURTOIf, H.E. cor. >*ltb. and Hardest?, Kansa s. City Mo. Who Wants Me? Experienced, Reliable and Competent AGENT Salary, all I can earn and no more. Percentage preferred. Is. C. BA1LKY, Malign. rVabr. MUSICIANS All kinds. Cornets, 8. Trombones, Clarinets, Altos, Monster Tuba, Trap Drummer, for lB-plcce con- cert baud. Somo doiihlo orchestra. S-ear tent show. One day stands. 1 pay all after Joining. Open Hay U. HILLY BENNETT'S IIIU SHOW, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Gen'l Business Man and Woman SPECIALTY PEOPLE PREFERRED State ALL In first letter. Send photos. Other Use- ful People write. Salary most be low. Wo May open alt Summer. mattick »to<ik CO., Medina,«. Y., week April 1; Cortland, N. Y., April 8 to 20. WANTED CLEVER REP. PEOPLE In AU Lines Al DIRECTOR WITH SCRIPS People doing specialties given preference. MUSICIANS TO DOUBLE B. AND O. Show opens May 1. Address . . O. H. PULLKW, Sokomls, Ml. AT LIBERTY April 10 Soubretto and Light Ingenue Prefer tent. Give full particulars In first letter, salary, bills, etc. No hold back. Address. ULVIA PAVTON, Gen. Dal., Memphis, Tann. U8.CAL 8LA38EI ubstantlsl, load, pnre In tons, easy to tnne and play. Photos. references, catalogue, with full Information, will bo sent on re- ceipt of stamps. A. BrannelM, Olassophone Mfg.,l012arant Av., OheaterPk.,Klohmondlllll,N.Y. At Liberty, ML ARTIST Work In Acta: Pako I'lano. Ticket. OKO. W. SHOW., MIDDLEVIU.H, Harry County, MICH, IT'sTVn tal A ¥.aU 1 CASH, Candy and J? VJ* WisV-AUlTi Popcorn Oulttt, Crlspot Machine, Copper Kottle, Pans, Oas Htovo. Elec- trical Outfit, Motor, etc., |1 W. Oil AS. A. BKI0.GB, laUEPFEKBONAVK.. PUOOKLYM, N.Y. Waited Quick, Med. Performers. Week Stands. State all fl r st letter. PR. WRItNTZ, Luce, Minn, MEYER'S BLENDING POWDER, 2Sc. 6BIT AJID CUEAPKtT l*t-l .1