The New York Clipper (May 1912)

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MAtfU THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 13 FOR RELIABLE ELECTRIC PIANOS and BAND ORGANS Send for catalog to f VaTsIM JP, UF AI V Worl <i'* Larsttt Mamie How LI \J™ OC I! Ej/VJ-i I , 23-72 East Adam* St, CHICAGO ALBOLENE (ibapb-maxk umno) By far the best preparation for removing make-up. Leaves the skin soft and velvety. Used and recom- mended by the best pro- fessional talent Sold In 4 oz. jars and 1 lb. square cans by all first-class druggists Sample free on request McKESSON * ROBBINS ft rutTM •rmrr. New Yom louse to be tdded to the Allardt chain. A special train over the Northwestern conveyed i party of Chicago friends and the executive iteff of the Western Vaudeville Managers' Association to the Wisconsin city. The Visdi Thbatm, which passed under the control of W. 8. Butterfleld, Is proving a good Investment Caraiet singers are breaking Into vaude- ville. -The latest to plan an Invasion of this popular field of amusement 1b Milton Kerr, who Is at present star entertainer at the Pickwick. Ckua Bloom, booking agent of the Inter- state Circuit, accompanied by Mrs. Lee Irani, left last week for a short tour of In- spection, of the Inter-8tate Circuit theatres la Texas. Vic Huoo left Chicago Ti^cday for San Francisco to witness the final performances of his colored minstrel aggregation which is to tour Australia. Among the houses recently taken over for booking purposes by the W. V. M. A. are the theatres at Manhattan, Junction City, Sallna, Kan., and at Miami and Colllnsvllle, Okla. Waxtxr Dbggan, general press representa- tive of the Rowland-Clifford attractions, has put over tome splendid matter In the dallies regarding his firm's latest production, "The Divorce," which moves from the Whitney to UeVicker's Theatre on Sunday, May 5. ■Ed. Oilmou, who has been a comedian with the "Cow and the Moon" company this season, left on Monday, April 29, to loin C. B. Bray's Spanish Fort Opera Co., at New Orleans, for the Summer, where he will play principal comedian roles and act as stage Manager. With the closing of "Louisiana Lou," 8ophie Tucker Is taking a plunge Into vaude- ville for a few weeks, opening at the Ma- jestic week May «. FiA.Njc. Q. Dotije has booked Bob Fltzsim- mons and May belle Byrnes for a twenty weeks' tour In cities on the North Pacific Coist and over Sherman's Great Northwest Circuit, in Canada, to open on or about May IB, In Hal field's play, "A Fight for Love." The supporting company will be a capable one, ana rehearsals will begin In Chicago this week. The Fltzslmmons tour will be under the direction of Wm. E. Burnham, sec- retary, and James T. Leatherby, treasurer, ot the Sherman Circuit. Mr. Burnham was In Chicago last week and perfected arrange- ments for the tour. "A Fight for Love" will appear In Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, "Vic- toria, Brandon, Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Ed- monton, Calgary and In other Canadian cities. In an interview with the Western representative of Thb New Yohk Clipper, In Chicago, Friday, Mr. Burnbam said: "Conditions In the Canadian Northwest are most flattering, and we believe that the Bob Fltzslmmons attraction will play to big money. We Intend to surround him and M'ss Byrnes with the beat supporting cast It Is possible to secure. We are under obligations to Mr. Doyle for making this tour possible, and we believe that it will prove most suc- cessful." Frank Q. Dotle, one of Chicago's busiest booking agents, has recently taken on the bookings for four new theatres . The Majestic, Hannibal, Mo.; Star Theatre, South Wh'tt- ley, Ind. • Grand Opera House, Pana, III., ana the Orpheum, Van Wert, 0. Altogether the Doyle Agency supplies acts for forty-one houses In ifltaofs, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, South Urollna, and Washington, D. C. la an in- terview with the Western representative of Tnc New York Clipper, In Chicago, last Saturday, Mr. Doyle said: "Conditions gencr- any are verr good. Our agency Is exerting every effort to supply our big string of houses with the very best acts. Reports from the houses for which we book attractions are most encouraging. It la probable that many or them will remain open all Hummer. Elec- tric Park, at Kankakee, 111., will open Juno i. under the management of Cmlk & Fraxer. The Doyle Agency will book the vaudeville ana musical comedy attractions, the latter to be produced under the direction of Jim Kavmond. The Gaiety Theatre, at Kankakee, win change from vaudeville May 6, when the Sherman Players will onen In stock. ' It Is we lntertlon to rebuild the Gaiety and to E Jk l w, one of ^e beB ' ▼audeville theatres to the Middle West. SHivmiaw Exposition throws open its .. ,J or lts eighth season on Wednesday, r™.J 0 '. under an entire new management, a "jrganUation of the corporation having wen effected, in which the following officers nrr.ol'ectors were elected: William Schmidt, resiaent: George Goldman, vice president; P. Merle, treasurer: Geo. A. Schmidt. presli Wm, »ecretary, and Roland D. Whitman and Paul „' J- a oper, directors. The active manage- Rehmi^: tt !i P* rk wlu ^ vested in Geo. A. m tt iS. t v ana p * u ' w\ Cooper. The Casino, tnVrf? JS?, J 08 "* Improvements have been m W«y wUl be managed by ttamtd Eroyn, tor eleven years manager of Kinsley's, the Hoff Brau, Richelieu Catering Co, and other Im- portant resorts. It Is his Intention to in- augurate an entire new service, employing the best of skill In every department. Music will be an important feature of this service, bands being stationed in the hall, terrace and belvedlere. Many new features have been added in the way of shows and rides. Among these the new spectacle of Dante's "Inferno will occupy the Creation Building. A new ride, the gee whiz, is 6,000 feet long and full of thrilling falls, dips and whirls. The stadium, Motordrome, seating 15,000, and the fastest track in the world, will put on all (.tar motor cycle races on Wednesdays. Satur- days and Sundays. Bohumlr Kryl's Bohemian Military Band of fifty musicians will furnish the afternoon and evening free concerts from the band shell located In the wooded grove before the Casino. OUT OF TOWN REWS Buffalo, N. Y.—Stir (P. 0. Cornell. m 3 r ) Bonetelle Stock Co., in "Nobody's Widow," May 6 and week. "8even Days" net with succoss week of April 28. Tzok (Messrs. Shubert, nigra.)—Lyman Howe's Travel Festival week of May «. Anxm-OUmoro Slock Co., In "The Stalest Way," b-.-gia t Sum- mer season's engagement 13. Convention Hall (H. L. Mecca, mgr.)—The May Festival was a but success Aurll 29-Uay 1. T.lanlc musicians' benellt, und.T tbe ansplce* of the Chromatic Club, netted a goodly sum 4. Academy (H. M. Marcus, mgr.)—Tbe bill for week of 6 includes: H. O'Connor and company, Collins and Hunter, SI. Jenks, Anna Lehr, Two Ablbergs, Lewln and Kartell, Billy Barlow, La- belle Clark, Lucky and Tost, and Paul Perrv. Shea's IM. Sbea, mgr.)—Bill for week >t 6 Icclcdes: W. C. Fields, Mullen and Coogan, Grace Hazard and company, Miller and Lyle, Maraei'les and Madden and Fltspatrlck. LATATrnE (0. M. Bags, mi..-.)—New Century Girls 6 and week, followed by the Fay Foster Co. for week of 13. GaaoBN (M. T. Mld'Jleton. mgr.) — GoMen Crook Co. week of 6. Dreamland Borlesqoera week ot 13. HirroDBOKB (J. Wallingford, mgr.)—The 11m fectnrea for 6 and week Include: "Biasing of the Trail" (Bison), and "Cry of tbe Children" (Than- honser). "Twenty Years ,n Sing Sing" waa the feature week of April £9. Columbia (J. Walllnrford. mgr.)—All feature releases of the association, together with Geo. Service, Mabel Burns and VanteTl and Moore, are trt attractions tor May 6 and week. Happt Hona (H. Morrtasey, mgr.)—Pictures ami vaudeville. Fault (A. Sherry, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pic- tures. New.—Pictures. Notes. —Bantam k Bailey Circus Is booked for May 20 Buffalo Bill Show 30 Among the Auon-Gllmore Co. play vs at the Teck Theatre an: Robert Dempater, <:ecll Yapp, Reginald Bar- low, Rath Chester, Beatrice Noyes, Edwin Coin- man, Margaret Farelelcu, A. St. Botsford snd I.n- tile Wat bod Crystal Beach and the other Summer resorts open the season, Decoration Day. Albany, N. Y. — Hermanns Bieecker Ball (Edward M. Hart, mgr.) the Lytell-Vaugh.u Stock Company presented 'The Talk of New York" to crowded bonnes week of April 26. The Albany Musical Association's annual May festival Mas 6, 7, Lytell-Vauglinn Stock Co., In "Tbe Re- generation," 8-11 i Weber-Fields company 13. Empibb (Jas. H. Rhodes, mgr.)—Star and Gar- ter Show April 20-May 1, and tbe Honeymoon Girls 2-4. Oiled successful engagements. Tbe Belles of the Boulevard 8-8, Bebman Show 9-11, closes tbe regular season at tbla house. Dastln and William Foruum. in "Tbe Littlest Rebel," are booked for 16-18. "The 8prlng Maid" 20-22. (Iaistt (Oliver H. 8tacy, mgr.)—Tbe Regatta Girls close tho regular wason of this bouse week ending 11. The season haa been extremely satis- factory. , . PaocToa's (Howard Graham, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures continue to do good business. Majestic (Enall Delchee, mgr.) — Vaudeville snd moving pictures continue to draw large crowds. Notes.— The Barnnm A Bailey Circus is billed for two performances 17 Buffalo Bill end Pawnee Bill's Wild West will show here 20. Jamestown, N. Y.—Samuels' (James J. Waters, mgr.) Home Stock Co. gave a pleasing performance of "The Great John Canton," week of April 29. "A Bachelor's Romance" May 6 and Lt'bic (H. A. DeardourfT, mgr.)—The Gardner It Vincent 8tock Co., In comedy playlets, to good busir-ess. . . Note.— The too at Celoron Park, so long a fea- ture of this resort, has been abandoned, and all the animals have been shipped away. The man- agement decided to do this because the Humane Society censured them for the way people said they treated the animals during the cold weather and floods. Btna-hamton, N. Y.—8tone (Fred allien, tegr.) for week commencing May 6, vaudeville, excepting 8, when Kitty Gordon, In "Tbe En- chantress," will give matinee and evening per- to AEMoar (a Sheehan, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures, three shows dslly. Milwaukee, Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) the Davidson Stock Oo. presented ?-m First violin" week of April 29 to splendid business. John Drew, in "A Stagle Man.'' May 2-4. played to large audiences. During Mr. Drew's engagament tie stock -WPW' the Bijou. r Tbe Dawn of a To-morrow" « and week "Seven Deya" 18 and week. SmnwS (C. H. Bennett, mgr.)-Davld Be- Chains Patsy Doyle, and the Eugene Trio ofT&e^wsrt S-2jj2g Rose and Arthur, the Three Flying ""hers. Peiie i'nU^lrfr.^urvHo^Ym^U^lc^w.l^be iTS»S%sS. giving tbe sad new. from on. of r! he - u To 0 "i vtiav mir )—The Slmraonds Village Counterfeiters" 5 and week, TBe saoon shiners" 12 and week. Racine. Wla.—Baclne (H. 0. Andres., mgr.) "SeTtr. Stafford, mgr.)-BIU rfkVM .JJIIj. Emmett'a nantomnae dogs, Katherlae opeied ^ril, », with nndnlUe as4-»lctwes. Tbe opening was a social event, and many promi- nent managers and booking agenta from Chicago and elsewhere attended. At cloie of the per- formance the out of town managers sod agenta wive banqueted at the Country Club by the management of the house. Tns .Majestic, Gband, OUHSOM, LvBIO, Amuse, Gau and Casiho, moving picture houses, are all doing well. Green liny. Wis,—"J. n." Theatre, the Mil for May 6 8 included: Paul Stevens, Clinton ami Russell, the La Tours. Wm. Bplvlns, and Cantor's Happy Youngsters. For 8-11: Emmett'a pantomime dogs, Pellltler and Messenger, Budd and Claire, Musical Iloran., and Teasle O'Hare. New Orleans, La. — Orphean) (Jules F. Blstes, mgr.) tbe bill for closing May 0 In- cludes: Rooney and Bent, Bond and Benton, and others. Manager Blstes reports a most satisfac- tory season, and himself and staff will move over to Spanish Fort, to take charge for the Summer season. Gbbenwald (Arthur Leopold, mgr.) — Brlnds- mour the handcutr king, was a drawing card week April 28, and good business ruled. LAFATrrrB (Abe Sellginan, mgr.)—"Tbe Lesser Evil" and "The Old Kent Road" wen tbe two feature pictures at this bouse week April 28, and drew large crowds. Psaxcb k Sons. —Good buslnesa wa. reported for week of 28, with the usual high-class pic- tures. Alamo, Dreamland, Dbeamwobld and Picto, picture bouses, are all doing well. Notes. —Spanish Fort opened Its Summer sea- son May S, with the Spanish Fort Opera Co., preecntlug "The Mascot." Tbe Fort will be un- der tbe management of Jules F. Blstes, the popu- lar manager of the Orpheum. Lincoln, Neb.—Oliver (F. C. Zebrung, mgr.) the Barrows-WInnlnger Players, In stock, week of April 2D. in "The Fortune Hunter." The roster of the company Includes: John D. Win- nlnger, general manager; Francos Barrows, busi- ness manager: Barbara Hall, A.-thur 0. Howard, Louise Grassier, Frances Young. Babble Gale, Eugene Dautell. J. T. Prince, stage director; John Osgood, Harry Holllngswoi-th, Jess Devere. utility; Norman Fowler, and Cbas. Beeken, scenic arti.t. University Kismet Club presented "Tbe Diplomat" Mav 3. Tbe Barrows-WInnlnger Play- ers. In "The Witching Hour," week of 6. Louise Gunning, )n "The Balkan Princess," 13; Russian Symphony Orchestra 14, Helen Ware, In "Tbe Price," 18; "Little Miss Fix-It" 23. Libic (L. M. Garman, .ngr.t—The bill for week of April 29 Includes: Rhea Keene and com- pany, the MubIcsI Bells, Moore and Browning, and Ehrendahi Bros, snd Dutton. Oxphsvm (B W. Plerong, mgr.)—Tbe bill for week of May 6 Includes: Ida Fuller and com- pany, Robt. T. Haines and wmpany, Jock McKay, Brown ard Nevarro, Frank Rogers, Hilda Carle, Frank Cole ami dogs, and the moving pictures. Kansas City, Mo,—Willis Wood (O. D. Woodward, mgr.) the Woodward Stock Co. gave excellent pcrform-inces of "Tbe Girl of the Golden West" week of April 28. Eva Lang did aplendld work and the rest of the company all deserve special mention. "Love Watcbea week of Mar 5. Sbubebt (Earl Steward, mgr.)—Howe's pic- ture, drew well filled bouses week of April 28, and continue May 0 and week. Margaret Illlng- ton, In "Kindling," week of 12; Louise Gunning, In 'The Balkan Princess," 10 and week. Howe's pictures close this bouse week of 2d. Gband (A. Judah. mgr.)—"Graustark" drew fairly well week of April 28. "The Stampede • week of May 5. Oii'iieum (Martin Lehman, mgr.)—The Mil for week of 5 Includes: Louise Diesaer. Chlnko, Minnie Kaufman, Paul and Marmlnu Stone, Tuxedo Com- tdy Four, Pouchot'a Flying Ballet, and La Born- nambule. Buslnesa la good. Ehfxesb (J. R. Brwaon, mgr.)—Tbe bill tor 5 and week Includes: Maxwells Dancing Girls, Lev; Welch and company. Vine, and Mons. Fer- nard Dorys, Lew Paimore. Leo Beers, snd Adler and Arllne. Cxktubt (Joseph Donegan, mgr.) — Tbe Dar- lings of Parla gave good performances week of April 29. The Jardln de Pari. Girl, week ot May 0, William. Burlesquer' week of IX Gatbtt (Bart McPhall, mgr.)—The Merry Whirl, with Morton sad Moore, to good buslnesa week of April 29. The Columbia Burleaqoers May 6 and week, the College Girls week of 12. Alton. 111.—Temple (W. M. Sauvage, mgr.) Knights of Columbus Minstrels (local) pleased ca- aclty bouses April 23, 20; Margaret Illlngton, "Kl:dllng," closes the season of this boose Mays. Ltric (W. M. Sauvage. mgr.) —Dante's "In- ferno" was tbe feature dim 2, 3. Princess (.Vaa. Relliy, mgr.)—Pathe's Weekly draws big business along with other dims. Tub Bioobaph also reports big business with motion pictures. Nora—All reco.-ds for local theatricals were broken by the Altos Council, Knights of Columbus, when they presented their annual minstrela at the Temple Theatre, April 25, 26. Tbe grand drat part, entitled "An Evening on the Lawn with the K. of O.'s." was s scene of beauty and gorgeous- ness, being a view of clubhouse exterior, with all the members seated around tables la full dress and blackface. Tbe soloist, snd end men, com- prising tbe cream of local talent, Included: J. J. Hammond, John Braunaxle, John Bckhard, Jos. Sbntkey, John Maloney, Jos. Crlvello. Geo. Long, John Boese, Walter Green, Theo. Tlmper, and Aug. Orlvello, and Tub Clifpbb correspondent. The olio consisted of numbers by tbe K. of 0. Quar- tette, and the afterpiece, entitled "Chasing the Rainbow," a musical comedy burlesque. Tbe mu- sic and entire libretto was composed by Dr. A. Don Stocker, a local composer of prominence. Tbe production waa a great financial success, the pro- ceeds, above all expensea, amounting to 1800. Hartford, Conn.—Parsons' (H. 0. rar- sons, mgr.) "Excuse Me" May 0, 7, William and Dustln Famum, In "The Littlest Rebel," 13-15; Donald Brian, in "Tbe Siren," 18. The Hunter- Bradford Stock Company opens here 20. Henry Kolker will be the leading man. HAfrrroBD (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Tbe bill for week ot 0 Includes: George Ball, Cbas. H. Tuck- er, Reeves and Werner, the Gagnoux, Beth Stuart, Manny and Falco, and the motion pictures. Pon'a (O. 0. Edwards, mgr.)—The bill tor week ot 0 includes: Master Gabriel and company, Norton and Lee, tbe Aeroplsne Ladles, Richard and Kyle, ttawson and Clare, Ramsdell Trio, and tbe Edwardacope. EurtBB (P. L. McMahon, mgr.)—Good crowds continue at this bouse. Film, are changed dally Stab (Harrison Barrls, mgr.)—Motion pictures continue to draw good business. Nora—The Poll Players open their Summer stock season 18. with "Nobody's Widow." The cast will Include Edmund Elton. New Haven, Conn.—Hyperion (E. D. F.1- drldge, mgr.) Klncmacolor moving pictures May 80. Poli'b (Lewln D. Gsrvey, mgr.)—Bill 0 snd week inclndes: Jlmmle Brltt, "Poems in Msrble." Three Lyres, Mamie Fleming, Sampsell and Relliy, Poleen Slaters, and Dorothy Roger, and coin pa ny. Gband (Ben). Jackson, mgr.)—Baslness con- tinues good, with moving pictures and songs. Battle Creek, Mich.—Post (E. B. Smith, mgr.) bouse is dsrk. Buou (Will Marshall, mgr.)—The bill for May 5-8 Included : Arthur, Rlebarda and Arthur, Peters and O'Nell, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts. I.eons, and tbe Five Bragdons. Bill for 9-11 Include*: Lillian Slaters. Arthur Toombs. Charter, and Ilot- llday company, Barry Von Fosen. and Buckley's dog.. Familt (II. B. Knapp, mgr.)—Ha* re-opened for the Bummer season and la running Independ- ent alma, and two longs by E. J. Wheeiock. Hot Spvlnsca, Ark. — Auditorium (Frank Bead, mgr.) tbe moving pictures of Homer's "Odyssey" week of April 29. Pbincbss (Frrnk Head, mgr.)—Excellent busi- ness continues. The bill for week of April 29 Includes: Cbas. Glbbs, the Vagabond Trio, Heard and Gardner, Dolad and Lnnharr. Five Muslral Glrte, Van Camp's pigs, Eddie Foyer, Maxim's Models, and the Musical Klelsses, snd the pic- tures. Ltbio (Hirry lisle, mgr.)—Business continues good. Bill week of 29: Beekle snd Adams, Clark Renslle, Adaau and Lewis, Waller Rodger., and latest notion pictures. PiioTorLAV, Cbntbal and Ltcbdm, motion pic- ture houses, report good business. Whittinoton Pabk opened for the Summer sea- son Wednesday, May 1, snd shout 5,000 people were, present. Aibpoms, sfter msny alterations and additions, opened Monday, 9, with tbe Albert Taylor Stock B WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE AND HER OWN COMPANY Have been engaged for a five weeks' run at the Majestic Theatre, Evansville, Indiana, of the American Theatre, Cincinnati, who, after looking over all nf tho by Carl Hart, companies in this territory, bought the show outright "THERE'S A SEASON.'* CAN PLACE A FIRST CLASS SCENIC ARTIST THAT DOESN'T BOOZE Address WINIPRBD ST. CLAMS, Kranavllle, Indiana We are now on our ninety-second consecutive week—and hold house records for eighty, If you must splash, splash hard—ripples don't count, says Winnie. .--«. ~—m -w -m-m -mrm MANAGER FOR J-Fo 9 AlTXa WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE v»</ Eight Plump Ponies for chorus, two clever Sister Teams, play part- ; Quartette, play parts; Single 8. and D. Man, parts; Leading Man, Strong Tenor, Director for numbers, Prima Donna, Musical Act. Change tor week. WARDROBE, SOBRIETY, ABILITY AND LOYALTY essential. Positively no married couples. All week stands. Flaying farces, with a pony chorus. Mr. Manager, have you any Costumes in first class cond'tion? Address, DRYFUS THEATRE, LA FAYETTE, INDIANA Presenting^ ToJblolcl IVLusloal Comedy Have a few weeks open arur May 18. Prefer stock enKRftcniont. can use MubIckI Dlrtuton transpose and arrange. Two chorus Olrls, medium and aoubrotte, at onco. Address JRFKKR4UH THBATBE, COFFEYV1LLE, KANSAS, KELLY £ BOUHK. IrVABTTED INGENUE OR SOUBRETTE Specialty, Two Star Boy Parts* CHARACTER MAN OR COMEDIAN « P «»"r. BAILEY LOGKWOOD STOCK COMPANY, SprlngSeld, Mo. Don't write, wire. Show opens II. All Information. Permanent stock all Summer, Two a week. Salary absolutely sure, No Urns to lose, wire lowest. OdIt real people wanted. H. H. FRANKLIN, Mgr. Princess Stock Co, Best engagement In tbe South, Ft. Wortfe, Tex. Pianist, Woman for -Juveniles, General Business Man and Woman Tnoeo doing specialties preferred, durante* alrlome time. 20 weeks. Open Nay 30 bore. JAY HUNT, Hajeatle Theatre, Topeka, Kan.. THE STARNES STOCK CO. GEN. BUS. WOHAR, capable of doing some leads! GER. BUS. MAN Those doing Fpeelaltles preferred. Musicians at. aad O. Also Fall Acting Company fbr No. 9 show. ALEXANDER 8TARNBI. Care Rtsrnea Stock Co., Ilopklnsvllle, Ky. LOCATION FOR PERMANENT STOCK Pretasantl r* a Write or wire. 'oadway Suooataaaaa LOUIS J. FINSKI, Flint, Mich. ILVILVI ED I AT KL. Y To hear from Managers desiring Summer Stock. Also Actor or Actress Capable plating piano by note. Other useful people wiHe. State full particulars first letter. AG EST that can wildcat; moat post when necessary. No ticket* unions I know yon. MISS DORRITT ASHTON, Wynne, Arkansas. Th* Sansatlon of tho Oentury THE FIRST "TITANIC" SOHO II "JUST AS THE BOAT WENT DOWN Introducing "Nearer My God to Tnee." Written April 10, IT, 1013, by Marvin Lee. Sinsjersl-Send 200, tor beautiful Emergency Slides and free prof, copy, AddrcHB MARVIN LEE, Publisher, Gaiety Theatre Building, 414 So. State, near Vain Barest St., Chicago, III. EMU lb tns IM H JK D PI ■U? LEADS AND HEAVIES 44 BEECH ST., WEST ROXBURY, MASS. WILURDfflffl SIM CO. Ingenne Leading Lady, Heavy Ban, Character Man and Woman, Boubrette. People In all lines write. Age, height, weight, late programmes. Seven bill*; few matinees; Bummer salary; photo. pay own. Jack Snyder, llelene Relcka, write. F. R. WILLARD, Manager, Ollger Theatre, Sorwalk, Ohio. Address last week waa a mistake. AT LIBERTY SKETCH TEAM Singles, doubles, for week. Drams and Altos In Band, Piano In Orchestra; Bead, fake, tianspose; a'so have M. P. Machine and Films. Real mod. people. Beta work In acts. THB MOORES. Bowling Green, Ohio. At likrty-GEO. HITCHELL CHARACTERS and SCENIC ARTIST. Address 34 S. HALSTBD ST., CHICAGO. WANTKD ST< SWEETS BIB TENT ACTORS AND MUSICIAN! IN ALL LINES Three night and week stands. Give lowest a lary and all particulars Drst letrer. Pay own. Opes May 20. near Chicago. P«ople who have been uirh me write. GEO. D. SWEET, 410 Noith Claris St., Chicago, Ills. At Liberty VIOLINIST Thoroughly competent and reliable. Sight reader. Any business, will go anywhere. Could lead snd direct, and furnish orchestra. Library of stand- ard moBlo. 11. MULLER, BERLIN. N. H. LECTURER, 8. and D. COMEDIAN. Others write, Under canvas. Si ate lowest, FATHER DAM IBM MED. 00., BOX 188, COVINGTON, KY. BB BBB , I IbVIIVIKDIATKI-Y CHARACTER WOMAN, COMEDIAN with Specialties, and flood A < CIENERAL BUSINESS MAN to DM and Manage Stage % i M H ■AwE YOUR FJCTI,RE TAKEN IN NATURAL COLORS. AT TUB) AXJ.TO FHOTO CHROM STCDIO, IS W. 40th ST., N. Y. C. •a:Vi