The New York Clipper (May 1912)

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■i ■■■ - > » its THE STEW YORK CLIPPER. Mat 25 OUT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTOIV. From now on the .outdoor pleasure resorts, •took, burlesque, vaudeville and the picture show shops will control tb« amusement field. We are more thin having our ataare of rain, and the In- clement weather haa kept the business up to a satisfactory flgure. The theatre managers figure that .when, the'hot weather steps .Into Boston it U going .to Uo oo with a vengeance. •- Uoston (Harris ft .Probinan, mgra.)—Julian Kltlnge etart.-d 20 on hla fourth week, with "The Fascinating Widow".aa popular as ever. Arrange- ments are underway to prolong the engagement. After the performance of IB, CveVy member of the company,. from property man to leading lady, iratbereu T ou i llie~ stage of the theatre anil pre- sented-Mr. Eltlnge -with a luring cup to commemo- rate his birthday. The token of esteem came as ■ complete rsurpf Ise to the atar, who was not aware that anyone knew the exact date of: hla birth. The'cup Is of solid silver, standing fifteen inches' high.' On the front is the Inscription: "Presented to Julian Kltlnge as a token of esteem and appreciation, from the members or-.'Tbe Fas- icnallng Widow" Company, season 1911-1912. ' Tsbmont -(Jno,. B.- Schoeffel, rngr.) —Third week 'of "the Viennese operetta, "The Spring Maid," with Christie MocDonald In the title role. The Charming musical tidbit is delighting lovers of music nightly,'and the attendance U of satis- factory proportions. "•- . _. . Shubibt (Wilbur-Shubert Co., mgrs.)— There doesn't seem to be the slightest indication that the theatregoers 'are Ibsliig Interest' In the gay- etles. of Lew Fields' all star company, In the rauBlcsl piece, "Hanky Panky." The fifth week is now marked on'the boards. Rumors of going Into' New York for a Summer run aeem to In- dicate that the engagement may soon be cut short. Plymouth. (Fred Wright, mgr.)— "AHob Jimmy Valentine,", with'H. B. Warner In the title role, has entered upon-its seventh week. Not in a great many years "has a play achieved such a wonderful success or made a more emphatic ap- peal to all classes of theatregoers than thia fas- cinating play, of the bank burglar. Colonial (Harris 4 Frohman, mgrs.)—Tills house was closed 18 for the Summer season. Geo. Cohan) in "Korty-flvo Minutes from Broadway, although one of the author's earlier works, at- tracted large houses last week, and It was evi- dent from tile applause received the popularity of the play has in no way diminished. The novelty of the performance was the first appearance In Bwtoo. of Mr. Cuban In the role of Kid Burns. Mijisiib (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—tor cur- tent week Manager Morlson offers "The Thief, this being the first presentation by a stock com- pany In tula city.' Last week the company turned from parlor melodrama to pure farce In the shape of "The Commuters." It has always been the charm of Mr. Morlaon'a organisations tlnit its members are well supplied with versatility, and that they can demonstrate their ability to go from any form of entertainment to another without a ahock either to themselves or to the public. The present company Is no exception to the rule, and % I n !?. ur 7riol,!«teln the players cavorted through-the lines of •'The »2- Zta-ZaS Trto i Commuters" wlth'perfect ease'and vivacity. Next week, "The Lights o' London." Mollis (Charles J. Rich, mgr.)—At the con- clusion of the fourth week of Frances Starr, la "The Caw of Becky," which occurred 18, this house was closed for the season. P/.sk (Harris ft Frobmon, mgrs,)—Second week of the Paul J. Ralney African motion pic- tures. The strange ways of the "Jungle folk" and the complete story of Mr. Balney's adventures In Africa have attracted large audiences, and It looks very much' aa if a long and prosperous Tun Is In sight, The management has decided to give Sunday exhibitions of the pictures. Castls Souarb (John Craig, mgr.)—The bril- liant comedy of American life, "Nobody's Widow," la the stock offering for thla week. The leading roles are in the hands of Mary Young and John Oralg. The rollicking funny farce. Jack McOoiirt, Bureaux.' Jackson anf Bell, .ami Marie Wheeler. Back Bat (Norrla A Jones, mgrs.)—The bill for current week: Norre Sisters, La Toy, Octavlo Nelll, the Demays,"Harry,'Karl, Lillian Montrose, and, as a special attraction, Hani Anderson, cham- pion lightweight wrestler. -• • Aftermath.— New 'pictures and songs at the BIJou' Dream, Premier. Apollo, Norfolk, Unique, Hhawmut,' Comlaue, .Liberty, < New Palace, Star, Scenic Temple, Niagara, Wlntbrop, Roxbur.v, Will- lams' Ideal, Superb, Dudley' Street Opera 'House and Back Bay...,..The following are coming to Keith's in the Immediate future: Maud Lambert and Ernest Ball, Lasky'a "Antique fjlrl," Nellie Nichols, Chick Sale, George Petty and Lee White, Mlrano Brothers, and Trlxle Frlganxa Robert Fulgora was the headHner-nt the Scenic Temple last'week. -Marlowe and Plunkett, sup- ' ported by Jessie Marsden. were "also on the bill, and scored n big blt'ln their travesty on "Aoraoo and Juliet.": .... .The proprietor, of the restau- rant at 18, Howard Street -holds the balance of power In a ♦1,000,000.project,, which has for. Its object the rasing of tlie buildings nt the corner of Tremont Row. and which takes In Austin & Stone's Museum, through 'to , the Howard Athe- ' nrenm. Upon the site will be erected a nine story building, which will be used nj'a vaudeville'and picture house, and for Turkish baths. Because the restaurant proprietor, will not yield, although he has been offered a substantial amount, there Is much speculation as to developments, According to the syndicate plans the tearing down of the structure will begin June 1.- Every overture has been made to the cafe proprietor, who is holding cut for )40,000, which' Is 'considered excessive. He has been offered 110,000. \If he does not re- linquish his bold on the five year lease, trouble is In store for the syndicate, which Is financed by M. Marks, the original moving picture show owner In.this city. Fearing that'damage might be done his establishment, the proprietor of the little eat- ing house engaged men to watch It day and night. Plans are under wAyto.pnena restaurant In the same building and sell foodntuffs at cut prices. - ■. Noruruliegn Park. Is. drie "to open May 10, under tbe - management of Carl Alberte. who hns de- voted the Winter and Spring to perfecting plans for tbe new season. The "open' air theatres will continue to present afternoon and evening shows of vaudeville and musical comedy supplied by J. w. Gorman. Sprlnnflpltl. Mass.—Court Square (D. O. Ollirore, mgr.) Weber ft Fields' Jubilee Co., May 14, played to a big bouse. "The Siren," 10, 17, enjoyed good business. The Savoy Opera Com- pany opened a Summer season, 20, with "Pa- tience," followed by "Pirates of Pensance." The Lambs' Olub Gambol afternoon of 31. Pou's (S. J. Breen, mgr.)—Leila Davis scored an Individual lilt In "The Deep Purple." presented by the stock company, week of lit, to crowded houses. Ruth Shapley and Carl J. Rrlckert nlso did creditable work, "The Easiest Way" 20 and week. "Seven Daya" 27 and week. Nelson (H. I. Dlllenback, mgr.)—BUI for 20- 22: Kendall's Auto Girl Spelro anil Lorlns, and Maud Kramer. For 23-2B: Marvelous De Frotes, Cameron and Kennedy, and Valentine Vox, and Bros., mgrs.)—Bill for 20- Gorman and West, and Vera II I I llll » II ■II- ■■ ! [^CORRESPONDENTS I OUH. THEATRICAL CO-RE- SPONDENTS ARE HEHKIIV NOTIPIKD THAT THE CREDEN- TIALS NOW HELD BY THEM WILL EXPIRE ON JUNE 1, 1U1». THEY ARE REQUESTED TO RETURN THEM TO THIS OFFICE AT ONCE, FOR RENEWAL FOR ioia-i3. ' a s s i n II •♦«- •«• VicToniA (Chas. E. Lewis, mgr.)—Bill for 20 and week Includes: Jules Levy Family, Geo. Ro- land ami company, Conley and iMerea, Don Rosen- thal, and Granto and Maude. Louisville, Ky. — Fontaine Ferry Park (Harry Bllger, mgr.) Natlello and his band fur- nished the music for week of May 12. Bill for week of 10 Includes: Chas. B. Lawlor and daugh- ter, Piccbianl Troupe, Carl McCulloucb, De Faye Sisters, and Gardner and Revere. ltivmiviKw Park (L, Simon, mgr.)—Don Philip- pint and his famous band, and Susanna Lehmann. soprano, were tbe special attractions for week of 12. Biverview Park Theatre (J. J. Garrlety. mgr.)—The Rlvervlew Players opened their sea- son 12, with "Tbe Private Secretary-" Lillian Rhodes made a pronounced Impression In tbe lead- ing female role. Edward Woodruff Is leading man, and the entire cast gave excellent support. "Lit- tle Grey Lady" week of 10. Hopkins' (I. Simon, mgr.) continues to big business. Tbe house will remain open throughout the Summer. Bill for 12-1B: Town Hall Min- strels, Sherman and Galgano, De Lea and Orna, Three Bartoo, and Eldora and company. For 10- 18: Moehcr, Hayes and Mosher, the Dobertys, Four Mnsoiis, Lew Cooper, and the Great Harrah and company. Aybnub (M. A. Shaw, mgr.) —This theatre Is running first clsss pictures, to big business. Hifpodrous (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"A Mil- lion for a Day" was tbe feature film week of 12. Bijou Dream (J. Nichols, mgr,)—-''Saved from the Titanic" was the) feature film week of 12. ChTSTAL (M. Swltow. mgr.)—"In Friendship's Name" featured the films week of 12. Columbia (I. Simon, mgr.)—"Attacked by a Lion" featured week of 12. Casino (L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Eye that Never Sleeps" featured week of 12. Novbltt (iM. Swltow,' mgr.) —"Long Years" featured week of 12. SIajrstio (L. Dlttmar, mgr.) — "The Turning Point" featured week of 12. Broaowat, Wbst Broaowat. Crown, (irons, Norman, Rotal, Oltmfio and Star, picture houses, continue to good business. Notes. —The Russian Symphony Orchestra were at Mnc.iuley's Theatre 20 William Groves, SmTiS^Mn^m. vTWm,' the oneof Louisville;, most promising young dramatic Steebe's, (Matty Qulnn, and the pictures. Bijou (B. L. Knight, mgr.) —Mme. Morelll 20-22, and the Goodwin Bros. 23-2B. with the pic- tores, are the current week's attractions. Arobll (It. J. Moreton, mgr.) — Motion pic- tares. Edibonia (M. R. Smith, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Gaibttt. —Motion pictures. Novbltt.— "Motion pictures. Palaob (Mrs. II. D. Porcheron, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Subway (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures.'. Notes. — George Qulrey has succeeded Miss Keen In the ticket office, at Poll's Theatre. Harry Myrlck, who was head usher, hss been appointed Stock Com- "HevenDavs " sunnBed the natrons win plenty «s Mr. Qulrey's assistant Julia Arthur (Mrs. o' laiibs durlns'its fort i Slit's ™" "The 01* ft *. Cheney) gave her promise to be present st Court" Square, 20. Miss Arthur was under Mr. Major's management, who la running the company, for many years. performance of "The Taming of the Shrew" was given by the stock playera for tbe achool children of Greater Boston. Kami's (11. F. Keith, mgr.)—Joseph Hart's latest production, "A Night In a Turkish Bath," heads tbe array of comedy features for current Tougbey, pianist; Roy Gordon, soloist week. The remainder of the bill Includes: dm ■ „■-:;>< Conroy and Lemalrc, Joe Mllford, Mass.—'New Ideal (R. Perham, mgr.) motion pictures and Illustrated songs. May Big bual- lin, Steele and Carr, Keno and Ilosle Green, Four Londoiis, Potta Brothers and company, Phil Btaats, Romano and Delano, and Charles Montrell. . Orpiibum (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—First halt of the week: Lee Barth, Egsn and De Mar, Jo- sephine Saxon and Picks, McGlll and Livingston. Clayton, Hughes and Drew, Anderson and Gobies, and Fourteen Boys in Blue. For the last halt of the week: Mary Ambrose, Landes and Knowles, Mary Keougb, the Ilelffs. and Murray, Bernard and Roberts, and tbe Fourteen Boya In Blue, National (J. W. McLaughlin, mgr.)—This house, one of the city's newest theatres, which has produced vaudeville since last September, Is dark current week, but will re-open on the nf- Lyceum (Luby Bros., mgrs.)—'Motion pictures and illustrated songs. Sadie Rodgers, pianist; Paul Hollander, soloist. Good business. Notbs. —Lnko Nlpmuc Theatre opens for the Bummer season Monday, May 27, under the man- agement of Dan J. Sprague. The theatre has been renovated throughout and a new entrance added. Vaudeville will be the attraction... .Badle Rodgers, planlet at the Lyceum, will also he at tbe piano at Nlpmuc this season, making her fourth' year there The Four Sullivan Bros. have returned here for the Summer, after a suc- cessful season of forty-two weeks through tbe West Madam 8toccell, of the Boston Opera House Co., has returned to ber farm In Medway. She will rejoin the Boston company next season. ternoon of May 27, with a change in policy. It The local Lodge of Elks held a social and will be transformed into the flrst cabaret abow In Boston. The orchestra chairs wll be removed and tables Installed. Tables will also be placed in the boxes, and reserved for parties. During the two performances daily refreshments will lie served. The greatest feature of the National The- atre Gardens will he the first appearance In Bos- ton of 11. A, Rolfe's famous Atlantic Olty Band of fifty pieces. Siieclal features will also be In- trci'iuced during the concert, GLOSS (Robert Janette, mgr.)—The players this week are: The Famous Buch Brothers, Reckless- Reeklaw Troupe of cycle wonders, Johnstone and Wentwortli, Jessie Kdwarda' Eight Pomeranian wonders, Harry Bestry, the Raya, and the song review, Howard (0. 15. Lothrop, mgr.)—Old Howard Buresqueri, In Ihelr fourth week, with Violet Mascotte at the steering gear. The vandcvllllans: Mori Troupe of Japs, Dens Cooiier and company, Harlette Doullagc, Chas. (Sandy) Chapman, Kee- ler nml Don, Pearl Stevens, Adams and Glroui, Green and Weathers, Prof. Karl, and "Honey" Johnson. Casino (Charles H. Waldron, mgr.) — Dave Marlon and his Dreamland Burlcsqucrs Is the closing attraction of the season. The Golden Crook Co,, with Billy Arlington as the principal fun-rnnker, did a regular mid-season business. "A Trip to the Moon," a combination of mirth nnd melody, proved lo be a splendid vehicle, In which the talents of the company were exploited. The specialties proved to be exceptionally good. Gaibti (George II. Batcheller, mgr.) — This house is dark until the Fall and Winter cam- paign Is started In August. The Hurry Hastings Big Show had a good week, the ninny entertain. Ing features of the performance being enjoyed by the followers of the house, Bowuoin Square (G. K. Lotlirnp, mgr.)—The Murray-Lane Opera Co., In tabloid iierformance of "Pinafore," Is the feature of this week's show. Among the other performers are: Don nnd Zcldn, Jon Morrlsaey, Jack Marshall, Dynes and Dynes, and Lucille Lnvllle. Austin ft Stone's (John 0. Patrick, mgr.)— The Kentucky Minstrels, twenty-one in all, are the leading card In the curio hull. Other curio acta are: Joe Moxley and Mile. Lamliert. lu llu> theatre: Otissle French nml the Florodoru Olrls, Walsh, l'lynn nnd Campbell, Oetavla Nelll, Maud Dunn, Ida Ciunpliell, nml pictures. Oltmpia (J. K. Oouierford, mgr.)—This new house baa loped Into popularity not only on ac- count of the good entertainment offered for the small price asked, but nlsu for the reason that the management hns provided so ninny comforts tor the patrons. The management were very much up "agulnst It" Inst week, us on Hie oiMiilug day "six of (he seven nets who were hooked for the week, failed to put In an iippcnrnucc, ami quite a Utile hustling had lo be done In order laudcvllle entertainment at tbetr homo here, IB. A presentation of a magnificent roll top desk and chair and a handsome solid gold badge of office was made lo Brother J. J. Onlcl, who Is also the chief of police of this town. The frolic wound up with a banquet In the gamo room of the club- house. Tim order has bought a large tract of land at Lake Nlpmuc for u Summer home, wblcb will be ready for occupancy by the Drst of July. Fall River, Masai.—Savoy (Geo. S. Wiley, mgr.) George M. Cohan. In "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway," May 23. Aoadkmt (0. L. Benson, mgr.)—Bill for 20- 22: The Relfts and Murray, Bernard and Roberts, Chas. Wlldlsh and company, and Mary Keogh. For 23-25: Maximo, Ohns. Wlldlsh and company. McGlll end Livingston, and Anderson and (Minos. I'naMiKu (0. L. Beuson, mgr.)—Bill for 20-22: Landes and Knowles, Mary Ambrose and Onpt. Stnnley Lewis. For 23-215: Lee Barth, Egan and Delfur, ami Knthryu Rayner. Bijou (0. L. Benson, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Palacb (A. n. Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures and illustrated songs. Ltrio (Ed. Doherty, mgr.)—Motion pictures ami Illustrated songs. Nkikkmidbon (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion pictures nml Illustrated songs. STAn (K. Mlchelfelder, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs, Sobnio (H. R. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. l.iiwrcnoe, Mass.—Colonial (Julius Calm, mgr.) Geo. M, Cohan, In "Forty-five Minutes from Brosdwny," May 20. Julian Kltlnge June r, Niokki. (John R. Oldflcid, mgr.)—Bill 20 22: Minnie Fisher, Marimba Serenade!*, Henderson mid Thomas, and Ohns. Deland and company. mil 23-25: Sam Barton, "Kid Hamlet," Eslcr and Wehti, and Fields nnd Coco. Bboahwat (W. E. Spragg, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures and Illustrated songs. Victoria (A. KelUmnii, mgr.)—Pictures and songs, with "Camllle" hb the feature Sun. to ca- pacity business 20 nnd week. Prkmibh (N. Demnrrn, mgr.)—Pictures and Il- lustrated songs, to good business. Paatimk (Chas. R, Saunders, mgr.)—Ploturcs, to good business. Bkrkano Is durk, Taunton, Mann. — Park (Marie Kearna, mgr,) the season of this house closed with "Ex- cuse Me." Local talent present "Pinafore" May 22-24. Oaaino, Columbia, Musio Hall and Niokki, are all doing well. Notf. —The Star, morlnug picture theatre, fea- tured "The Coining of Columbus" 20-23. Baltimore, Md.—Ford's (Chas.. ft,; Ford, .. a to get scls to replace them. It appears that two nurr.»"the Ahorii Opera Co., In "Lucia" and'"Mlg- other local bouses induced the six nets to cam-el non," May 20 and week. "La Tosca" and "Lb their Olyinpln contracts with promises of tin- Bobcme" week of 27. mediate oooklngs on their circuits. Hun (Joseph Mack, mgr.) —Current week: Brocko, Dick Howard, Three Gllden Sisters, Her- mann nnd roiiipnii.v, Belle Browning, and Dave Klmller. Om> South (V. 0. Collier, mgr.)—Gillette and CnniiiMl, the Vnrrnws. St. Gotharil Duo, Wllle Howard, Tom Heffron, and Belle Baker. Washinoton (F. O. Collier, mgr.)—Tills week: Payne end lie. Sue Emerson nnd company, Win, Smith, Kdilla Bndger, Blllle Newtou, and Austin Walsh. Puritan. — The Diamonds. Zsyarras. McOune nml Grant, La Tour and Znia. O. W. LlttleUeld, end Harrington anil Miller. Pastihk (Mr. Murphy, mgr,)—'Tills week: Academy (Tunis Dean, mgr.)—The Metropoli- tan Plovers, in "Oliver Twist," 20 arul wct'k. "The Randolphs of Virginia" 27 and week. AuniTORiuM (Frank McBrlde, mgr.)—Weber ft Fields' Jubilee Co. 20. Thomas Players, In "Brewster's Millions," May 21-25. "The Bish- op's Carriage" 27 and week. Maryland (Jbs. L. Kernan, mgr.)—Concerts and a Cabaret show, and Maurice Levi's Bsad. Oayhty Is closed. Kmi'irb (Geo. Rife, mgr.)—Darlings of Paris 20 and week. Znllah's Own Show 27 and week. Nmv (Geo. Schulder, mgr.)—Bill for 20 nnd week: Hawkaslan Opera Troupe, Warren Hntcii and company, Lavcllc's doga, Kdltb Dumund, slid Bowers and Wade. stars, baa left to Join the Powers' puny, In Pine Bluff, Ark. Detroit, Mich. — Detroit (B. O. Whitney, mgr.) James K. Hackett, In "The Grain of Dust," played to good attendance May 18-15, John Drew, in "A Single Man," had good houses 10-18. The Sbeeban English Opera Co. week of 20. Garriok (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—E. H. Both- ern and Julia Marlowe, In Shakespearean reper- toire, week of 20. Ltobum (E. D. Stair, mgr.)—Vaughan Glnser and company, In "The Chorus Lady," entertained packed bouses week of 12. "Old Heidelberg" week of 10. Avbnvb (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)—The Cen- tury Girls, with Baba Yasbl, drew good crowded houses week of 12, Tbe Monte Carlo Girls week of 10. Gatbtt W. M. Ward, mgr.)—Tbe Bon Tons pleased good houses week of 12. The Bowery Burlesquers week of 10. Tkmi-i.b (J. H. Moore, mgr.)—Capacity busl- ness week of 18. BUI week of 20 Includes: "La Somnambula," presented by Nina Payne and com- pany: Slgnor A. St. Ella and company, Brenner and Ratllffe, In "At the Flower Stand:" Harry and company, Chick Sales, the Cham- berlains, Mosher, Hayes and Mosher, Vun Hoven, Elisabeth "Otto, and the Mooreoscopc. Milbb (C. W. Porter, mgr.)—Business was good week of 13. Bill for week of 20: Everest's monkeys, "The Watermelon Trust," Mac Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Edatrom, the Flying Fishers, and the Mllescopc. Grand Rapids, Mich.—Powers' (Harry 0. tionuners & Co., mgrs.) Emma Calve drew a crowded house May 14, as did John Drew 10, Blllle Burke 24, 26; ''Little Miss Fix It" 31, June 1. . Majbstio (Orln Stair, mgr.)—For week begin- ning 10, the Mary Servosa Company present 'Trlnce Chap."" Orphbvm. —BUI for week of 10 Includes: Buck- ley's dogs, monkeys and bears, Calne and Odom, Blllle Ooldle, Ous Sohlke'a Summer Girls, and Andrew Toonhs. Ramona Park (Lew De Larnarter, mgr.)—For week of 10: Jooea and Nelson, Pouchot's Flying Ballet, Richards and Kyle compnuy, Claude Rootle, and wills Holt Wakefield. Bay Olty, Mich.—Washington (W. J. Daunt, mgr.) the Sbeehan English Opera Co. May 0, 10, pleased appreciative audiences. Bijou (J. D. Pllmore, mgr.)—BUI for week of 21 Includes: Avon Comedy Four, Arthur Rich- ards and Arthur. Kelso and Lelghtoii, Lawrence Johnson, and the Bljouscope. Notb. —Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cum- mins' Far East did only fair business on ac- count of a heavy rain storm, 11. Jackson, Mich.—Athenmum (II. J. Porter, mgr.) "Casey Jones," May 11, did well. Society vaudeville (local), 13, 14, to S. R. 0. Blllle Burke, In ''The Runaway," 21; "Miss Nobody from Sturliind" 25. Bijou (Frank R. Lampman, mgr.)—BUI for 20-22: Three Bartos, Hurry Van FoBseu, Ned Burton mid company, I^onurd and Drake, and Paul La Toska. For 23-25: Seky, Zenlta, Fer- guson nnd Northlane, Seamon and Killluu, and "Venus D'Arta." Kalamsioo, Mich.—Majestic (II. W. Orull, mgr.) bill for May 20-22 Included: Keith and Kernan, Logan and Ferris, Una Clayton and com- pany, Gruet and Gruel. For 23, 24: McFurlund, Weir and Leopold, Porter J. White and company, l.ydcll and Butterworrh, Edward Zoeller Trio, and the Majeatlcscope. Airdomh opened for the season 18, with the Henderson Stock Co. Nashville, Tens,—Orpheum (Geo. H. nick- man, mgr.) a fine business Is being done here, sml hlgt class bills are presented. BUI week of May 20: Fndettes of Boston, Herman and Shirley, Dave Ferguson, Al. and Bessie Drown- ing, and the pictures. Princxsb (W. P. Ready, mgr.)—The bill for 13 and week, headed by Alethla, Included: Eddie Foyer, Kennedy nnd Melrose, Lucy Tonge, Mimic Four, and the pictures. Fifth Avbkub (F. P. Furlong, mgr.)—Good business week of 13, with and Van, Dollo, Wegntta Trio, Louis Borlts, L. H. Rose and com- pany, nml tbe pictures. Crystal, Elitb, Dixib, Almamrra, Rex and Bonita are doing good business, with pictures. Knoxvllle, Tcnm.—Staub's (Frits Staub. mgr.) Fraternal Order of Eagles' benefit mln- strels May 17. Granu (Frank Rogers, mgr.)—Business Is fine at this house. The bill for 20 and week Includes: Eddie Foyer, Mlralc Four, Alethela and Alekn, Lucy Tonge, Kennedy and Melrose, and Patbc's Weekly. Gay, Bonita, Crystal, Bbx, Majbstio and Ltrio, picture houses, all report good business. Nora.—One of the strong features of the Gay, the new picture house recently opened, is the or- chestra, under the leadership of John T. Jackson, With the closing of B. F. Keith's regular sea- son, thst house and the American holds the down town field with ten cent vaudeville sa the card: Ambbioan (Harry Hart, mgr.) — Emily Page, Mile. Camilla's Circus, Nick and Llda Russell, Richardson and Bernard, May Mulligan, ■ and Charles Hammond were on the fait bill. Chbstbb Pabk (I. M. Martin, mgr.)—Circus VLudevlile continues 10, for another week, with John Robinson's animal acts. The Novell! Broth- ers and the Lyric Quartette are others on the bill. B. F. Kbitii's (Charles L. Doran, mgr.)—The Summer season of vaudeville and motion pictures at ten cents admission, will begin IB. The Tus- cane Brothers, Wallace's trained cockatoos, Harry Morse and company. In "Uncle Seth and His Hoo- doo;'' Verona Verdi and Brother, and Hanley and Jarvla will be on the bill. Grand Opera Houbb (McMahon A Jackson, mgrs.)—"Captain Scott's Trip to the South Pole" Is the film to be seen 10. Thi Zoo,—The musical season will begin 20, when tbe Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, under John Sprague. will give twice a day concerts. Ltrio (McMahon ft Jackson, mgrs.)—"The Fall of Troy" will be put on IB. Musio Hall. —Weber and Fields' Jubilee Com- pany is coming June 0, for two performances, giving as a finishing touch their burlesque on "When Bunty Pulls the Strings." Auditorium. —"Everywoman" will he pot on June 12, at the graduation of tbe Goldenburg Dramatic School. Ethel Gcnsler will be tbe reader. Everywoman will be played by Eves Hlckey, post-gradnnte; Nobody by Anna Doppler. •12; Truth by Mayme Goldenburg, '12, while Youth, Beauty and Modesty will be portrayed by Elisa- beth PlUckcbautn, Alberta Cnrllss and Miriam Kurttnian, '13. Elsa Weber, '13, will play Flat- •ST. _ Const Island (Lee H. Brooks, uigr.)—The Shrlners of Syrian Temple will "own" the Island 25, a day before the regular opening of the sea- son, 28. Ludlow lagoon (John J.' Weaver, mgr.)— Several picnics will be forerunners of the regular opening 20. Hsuck'b Opbra Houbb, Ltostom, Family and Rtan's Cbntubt, former theatres, are atlll de- voted to motion pictures, Colombo's, O. — Hsrlman (Lee M. Boda, ragr.) "Beverly of Grauatark" week of May 20. Kbith'b (Wm. Prosser, mgr.) —For week of - 20: Psul Dickey and company, and the Summer vaudeville and pictures. Broadway (Wm. James, mgr.)—-Vaudeville and pictures. Dreamland. Pastimb, Lyric, Exhibit, nin»i>- dromb, and Nsw, sll report good business with moving pictures. Notb. —Norman Hackett Is announced to suc- ceed Ornc Caldara as leading man at the Bart- man. ' . -,.- Springfield, O. — Fairbanks (Sun Amuse- ment Co.. mgrs.) bill for week of May 20 In- cludes: Jennie De Weese, Blind Oopeland and Brother, Nick Long and Idalene Cotton, Keene Trio, and tbe Great' Francella and company. Notb. —Spring Grove Park will open for tbe Summer 20. The casino at the park will open June 10. Milwaukee, "Wis. — Davidson (Sherman Brown, mgr.) tbe Davidson Stock Co. delighted large audiences week of May 18, In "Seven Days." "Peter Pan" 20 and week. Siiubbrt (C. H. Bennett, mgr.)—The Jean Mingo Stock Co. presented "The Mills of the Gals" 18 and week, to splendid business. "The Wolf" 20 end week. Majbstio (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—BUI for week of 20 Includes: Neu Wayburn and company, Nor- ton and Nicholson, Burnham and Greenwood, the Four Lyric Latins, the Marvelous Millers, Johnny Johnson, and Delmore and Oneida. Pabbt (Ludwlg Krelss, mgr.)—The Slmmonds Comic Opera Co. gave a delightful presentation of "Tbe Gypsy Baron" 13 and week. Thomas Vsn scored in (he leading role. "Tbe Mikado" 20 and week. Crystal (Edw. Raymond, mgr.)—Bill week 20 Includes: The Connolly Sisters, Roser's dogs, Ben- son and Bell, Joe Gardner, and Valentine and Bell. Junbau (J. B. Relchert, mgr.)—The Jnnean Stock Co. presented "Oliver Twist,' 'to good bosl- neaa week ending 19. "Wife In Name Only" 20 and week. . v Columbia (Wlnnlnger Bros., mgrs.)—The Win- nlnger Stock Oo. presented "The Moonshiners" 12 and week. "Tho Music Teacher" 10 and week. Notb. —The Empress Theatre closed for the Summer IB. It will re-open the latter part of August. Racine, Wis,—Racine (H. 0. Andreas, qgr.) Lyman U. Howe's moving pictures of travel snd adventure May 10. Bijou (F. B. Stafford, mgr.)—Bill for 20-22: Melbourne McDowell and Jesaatlne Rogers, Chai. Snlllmnn's dogs, and four other acts, and moving pictures. New orpiieum (H, C Andreii, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and moving pictures. Grand. Majbstio, Orfubuk, Ltrio, Amuku Gbm and Casino, moving picture houses, are all doing well, Notb. —Anton Kink, wife and child, surviving passengers of tbe Titanic, related their experi- ences of rescue, at the BIJou Theatre, 18-15. Fond Do Lac, Wis. — Idea (K. C. Prln- sen, mgr.) two Wosneskas, Sylvan and O'Nell, Young Samson, and pictures, to good business, week of May 20. Buou (W. E. Smith, mgr.)—Moving pictures, tto packed houses. Notbs. —The Henry Bazle Theatre Is announced to re-open during June, under the management of tho Cummlngs Amusement Company The Royal will re-open soon with pictures Mr. nnd Mrs. "Teddy" Ward arrived lu this city May 15, from La Crosse. They propose opening a dramatic school In thla city In tbe near fu- ture. Ban Claire, Wis.—Grand (0. D. Moon, mgr.) the great Allilnl-Avolo all star company of vniidevlllliins, May 10-12, Included: Onetta, Three Stratum Brothers, Mile. De Vnllance, Four Allen Sisters, Tom Branttnrd, Four Musical Avollos, snd Herbert Alblnl. It was the best vaudeville bill seen here In a long time, and played to S. R. O. nightly. May festival of the Philharmonic So- ciety, under the direction of Edwin Howard, 15-17, Orpiibum (E. L. Dowllng, mgr.)—The Marshall Bros, and Mantel and the pictures drew splendid business week of 13. . Ltrio, Unique and Rbx, with motion pictures and Illustrated songs, report good business. Boone, la.—Arte (Ben Wiley, mgr.) bill May 10-18 includes: Tbe Lasselles snd tbe pic- tures. Business Is good. Pbinobsb (Brown ft Anderson, mgrs.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Good business. Ltrio (H. 0. Wstklna, mgr.) — Motion pic- tures only. Good business. Pianist, Lee Bir- mingham. Stab (S. L. Herman, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Vaudettb (Hap Ward, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Fair business. Notbs. —Gollmar Bros.' Circus showed here 21. Advertising car No. 2 urrlved here 14. Dnbnqnc, la. — Grand (John H. Maclay, mgr.) this 'jouse closed the most successful sea- son In its history with "Louisiana Lou," May 4, Majbstio (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—The Gar- side Stock Co., In lepertolre, at popular prices. Union Park. — Jakes Rosenthal will open a vaudeville! ahow here as soon bb the weather permits. DllBAMLANEB, ROTAL, PBINOBSB, AMUBB and Star are all doing well, presenting moving pic- tures, Notb. —There are rumors of a new theatre being built here, and It la said that tbe Sbuberts ore interested. Davenport, In.— Grand (D. L. Hughes, — ItlM ~ mgr.) Kittles Band, on tbetr third American tour, May 10. Burtis (Howard L. Eorll, mgr.)—Two shows daily or vaudeville. Tbe bill for 18 and week Included: Ted Bailey's dogs. "Paris Green," W. ..,,.,.,... ....... . •—v .......t ....,-■■ v* vv.o. a. ««waou». |,,V,l,.ll 't . ACT! UUII,; If UIKD, ,D1,D T»,V^II. ,» • The other members arc waiter Jackson, John B. Patton, Mills and Moudton, Paul Kllest and Vennnce and J. A. Conn Ingham. Chattanooora, Tcnn.—Lyric Is closed, Buou.—"The Mikado" (local) May 29. Majbstio (W. B. Russell, mgr.) — Bill for week of 20: Dollo and company, Wegota Trio, R. II. Rose and company, Huron and Van, and Lewis Bored. TiiBATo. Colonial, Picto. Cbbsoent and Bonito, all report good business with moving pictures. HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN IN NATURAL COLORS AT THE AUTO PHOTO C1IROM STUDIO. 18 W. 40th ST., N. Y. 0. ■» » «r • •m.i'-ij >■■ >..! Vl.l.lf.lll VUVVto " »i.)l,.o.. .III'., J'fAIr company, and the motion pictures. Ambbioan (Charles Berketl, mgr.) — Bill for week of 13 included: Diamond Comedy Four, Miss Franklin Gale and company, Fred Wyckoff, William Morrow and company. Fogarty and Har- ris, and the Amerlcascope. This theatre closed for the season 10. Cedar Rapids, la.—Majestic (Vic. Hugo, mgr.) bill for week May 20: Town Hall Min- strels, the Marvelous Hiltona, Gwynn snd Gos- sett, Brooklyn Harmony ■ Four, Horn and Mar- shall, Frank I'arrlah, and tho Bdengraph. ' *.jl:i, . ■: " .. .'. .""> . .11 , .U .. .. Scran ton. Fa, — Lyceum IT. M ri u,i " mgr.) Weber ft Fields' JubtU^ CoipaTy BS day evening. May 22. """psay. vYcdncs- Pou. (John H. Docking, mgr-)—The Poll hi«.l. Co. Jo \Tbe Deep PurpTe," 20 and week HftS Fortune Hunter" drew good bouses week of 13 Aoadbmt (H. R. Smith, mgr.)—Bill SL>?' , 20: Geo. N. Brown, Olsrk snd Lewis ■ Al^l »' Van, and four photopUys, changed dally "' •Columbia (G. Nelson Teets, mgr.)— bXir- .„ nival Tuesday evening, 21. ' " 0,ln * ear- Luna Pabbj (T. M. Gibbons, mgr.) ooen. as featuring the Great American Indian Band ' =JS!? 0D »■"««. WONDEBLAND. WoNDWa (,.. PaauM, HirpoDROME, and Manhattan .ii "" port good returns with moving pictures. .*" JliST "* * B * BB ffln^rtows hew Carbondale, Pa—Grand (Frank B. Trailer mgr.) was dark week of May 13. «*»<*. -Familt (B. H. Barbeau. mgr.)—Fine bualneu three times daily week of 13. Bill for week J? ^Includes: The Bsrbesu Orchestra, 8attonM c f Intyre and Sutton. Merbreler and Burns, Haw. and Lillian, Farber and De Voy. Oadi■ »,, i O'Brien. Young Reynolda, Billy Brandon, singing Sllsbec, snd Miss Annette at the piano. Three reels of motion pictures changed twice dally Peoplb*8, Idbal, Gbm and Satot. picture houses, are being well patronized. Note.— Rlngllng Bros.' Circus Is billed here announcing an exhibit at Scranton June 1. Lancaster, Pa.—.Fulton (0. A. Yecker mgr.) Geo. Holland and company, in "Hogan hi Society," headed the vaudeville bill May 10-1H Moving pictures are also given. Colonial (Chas. 'M. Howell, mgr.) — Bill for week of 20: Dolly Marshall, Gibson snd Ranue; Brown and Stann, De War's Comedy Circus, BUM Richards, Pierce and Rosslyn, Andrew Kelly, and Warren and Brockway. Familt (G. F. Dunbar, mgr.)—BUI for 20 and week: Chas. Fulton, Parrlah and De Helen Bell, Stanton and Mae, Lyons, Walker ami West, Fields and Fink, and Boulden and Qulnn Note. —. Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus will show here June 1. Altoonn. Pa.—MIshler (I. 0. Mlsbler, mgr ) Zallah'B Own Company May 22; Moving pictures have the rest of the week. Obphium (Wllrner ft Vincent, mgrs.)—Bill for 20 and week Includes: The Metropolitan Min- strels, Mott and Maxfleld, Carl Hewitt and com- pany, Madeline Sacks, snd the moving pictures. Blznlra, N. Y.—Colonial (G. H. Van Demark. mgr.) closed May 18. with the Stanford ami Western Players, in "D'Arcy of the Guards." After a month's rest this company open a Sum- mer season In Wlldwood, N, J, Majbstio (G. H. Van Demark, mgr.)—BUI for week of 20: The Two Lowes, Three Marx Broth- ers and company, Jeannette ChUds, and the Four Lukens. Mozart (G, W. 'Mlddlcton. mgr.] —Bill for week of 20: Pete Lawrence Trio, Raymond and McNeil. Coyne and Lee, Allen and Clark. Gladys Gold, Major and Roy. Work and Ower, Williams and Culver, Dick Thompson and company, and Billy McDermott Robick's Glen (George Lydlng, mgr.) —The Manhattan Opera Company will open Its season 27, presenting "Sho Dun" for the week. Eldrivob Park (George Lawrence, mgr.) will open 30, with hand concerts and other outdoor at- tractions, Jamestown, SI. Y. — Samuels' (James J. Waters, mgr.) the Home Stock Co. endeJ a suc- cessful run May 18, with "Clouds and Sunshine" as the closing performance. Lrnio (H. A. Deardourff, mgr.)—The Gardner- Vincent Stock Oo. are giving good performances and doing fine business. Moxart, Bijou Dbiam, Rbo, Mat's, Rotal and Guano are all doing nicely with pictures. NOTBS.—The Two Bills' Wild West Show here June l......The Hotel Samuels opened Hi. This Is s magnificent eight story structure, snd was built by tho owner of tbe Samuels Opera House. It replaces tbe Shermsn House, which was de- stroyed by Ore two years ago The Mighty Hoag Shows play Greenville, Pa., 27: Meadvllle 2H, Corrr 20, and North Tonawanda, N. V., .10. The show opens Its Canadian tour at St. Catherines, Ont., 81 The Home Stock Company, will open at the Celoron Theatre. Celoron Hark, for a Summer ran, 27, with "Billy,'.' Celoron ' Park opens 20. Blnaiiamton, N. Y.—Stone (Fred flllleu, ■ mgr.) vniulovllle, three shows dally, week com- mencing May 20. ' . r. • i r Armory (0. Sbeehan, mgr.)—Vaudeville, three shows dslly week commencing 20. " • Note.— The nagcnbeck-Wsllace Shows will give two performances at tbe fair grounds, 24. La Fayette, Ind. — Dryfus (Ora Parks, "mgr.) tbe Russian Symphony Orchestra, with Lytlla Lonowkowa, dancer, gave two performances during tho Oratorio Music Festival of May 20,-21. Tho children chorus of four hundred voices, and Alfred Ooltln, pianist, assisted In-the program. Hntelton's electric pictures 24; 25, Familt (I), w. Maurice, mgr.)—Five, vaude- ville acts, changed twice a week,' and moving pic- tures. Business Is excellent. ' Victoria (McWllllams ft Sherwood, mgrs.)— "The Coming of Oolumbua" wss the feature dim, snd packed this house 10, 11. High class photo- plsys. Frank Cory,' singer, and tbe Victoria Or- chestra, continue to draw good patronage. Lyric and Asc, picture houses, report good bLslnesa, Notes. —The Rlngllng Bros.' Circus Is an- nounced to nhow here Aug. 3. .... .William Jen- nings Bryan delivered Ms lecture, "Tho Signs of the Times," at tho Dryfus Theatre, 18, for. tho benefit of the local Y. M. 0. A. Indianapolis, Ind. — Psrk (Anderson ft Zlegler. mgrs.) the Ilolden Stock Co., In "St. Elmo," Slay 21 and week. Enolibu's (Bingham ft Orose, mgra.)—The bill for 21 and week Includes: La Mont's Monkey Circus, Low Wells,.Jones-Dunbar Players, and lite motion pictures. Business is capacity. Kbith'b (Ned B. Hustings, mgr.)—The regu- lar season, which has been the best In the his- tory of the house, closed week ending 18.- A Summer season of vaudeville and motion pictures, giving three performances dully, began 21, MU8AT (Fred J. Dalley, mgr.)—Lyman Howe's travel pictures delighted large audiences week nt 18. Although tbe Weber ft Fields Jubilee Com- pany Is not due here until June 8. the largest advance sale In tho history of the house has Isvn received by Manager Dalley by mall, many orders for seats coming from out of town patrons. Denver, Colo,—Broadway (Peter McCourt, mgr.) Helen Ware, In "The Price," May 20 and week. Obfhbum (A. 0. Carson, mgr.)—Bill 20 anil week: Mclntyre and Heath, Fearless C'Dnra. Master Schooler and Dickinson, Dorothy Dallon and company, Bell and Cnron; Dorothy Kenton, and Pntli'Vn Weekly. This bouse closes Its regular BeoHon 20. Tabor Grand (Peter SlcCourt, mgr.)—Bill 11} and week Includes: Curran and Edwards, Lovell and King, four other acts and four reels of mov- ing pictures, changed dally. KMpnBsB (Geo, A. Bovver, mgr.)—Bill 18 and week: George Auger and company of midgets, Beatrice McKensie Walter Shannon and company, Carl Randall, Sheridan anil Sloan, Moietta, Fran- cis Slurphy, nnd Gaumont's Weekly. <a Crystal (Harry Beaumont, mgr.)—Bill l" and week: Zeb Zarrow Four, narry Brown ami company. Rube Strickland, Fitch and Early, and the moving pictures. Wlieclliiir. W. Vn.—Court (Felnler ft Moore), mgrs.) the stock company presenieii "Madame X," to mod returns. May 13-17. J*J K. Hackett, In "Tho Grain of Dust," 18. The Deep Purple" 20. . WHBBLiNQ Park (J. A. Moore, gen. mgr.i opened for the Summer season 12, and a goon Tandevlllo bill was given. BUI for 10 and week Includes: Williams Trio, Italo and company, Florence Lnngdon, Dotty Robins, Francis Wood, Alice Belmont, and Schaefer and Mason. ■ Notb. —Rlngllng Bros.' Clrcua gave two per- forn.anees here IS, to big returns. Memphis, Tenn Lyric (BenJ. M- Stain- back, mgr.) Emma Bunting nnd Players, u "Anita, the 8inging Girl," May 12 and wert.. had a capacity house at every porfoTtnsnce. J1MJ Gambler 19 and week. . _„.„, East End Pabk (A. B. Morrison, mgr.)—Good patronage entire week of 12. Bill for week: or 10: Tbe Ourion Sisters, Armstrong and Oisrae, Imperial Dancing Four, H. P. MacOonncll, Ja- cob's dogs, and the moving pictures. ' Thb SlAjBBTioa, Imperial, Star, Oownijj- Palace, Qubbn, Alamo, Carroi.lton. daisy. Royal. Ont, Pastimb. Pbkin anp Savot nil re- port good business, presenting moving pictures. .■.1.3 * ■t.U'i SB* .a.f.1'0-.