The New York Clipper (May 1912)

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<> **Vi •;.-.... />■•*> "-....'. •' '«*' .«,-,. < ' '..j i ... r ,.f • i r'l 1 »■ v-s, -H'n'O' V^"l''VT' 5J;H r f MAY 25 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ..,■*;■•■ '-■ ..vvr • . '. «?i.>7 Hi .- 17 ATTRACTIONS AT THE NEW YORK THEATRES. wihtergarder ?^srs,'^ n r^ b r 8, • NEW SPRTNO EDITION OF WHIRL OF SOCIETY S « tVC B'WsrfftaBtNBt. Phone 6073 Mad. Sq. UAL X *3 Eves., 8.00; Hats., Wed. A Sat., 3.16. gS&JIE EXPLORER A new P)»y by w. somerset maugham. cut Includes: Lewis Waller, Charles Cherry, Constance Collier, Grace Lane. i« a aalU A Broadway A astb St. Phone 3846 rA\lHII Oreeley. Evenings 8.16. Matinees UHO 111V 'wed. and Sat. 2.15. THE MESSRS. 8BUBERT PRESENT »f POWERS yfcSt TWO UTILE BRIDES S& PLAYHOUSE ^ Kvga. MO. *■*■• Wed., Tunn. and Sat, at 2.M. Bought and Paid For Direction. WILLIAM A. BRADT, Ltd. St?. Comedy 4lstnearB'way. Tel., (194 Bryant. Erg. 6.16. Mat*. Tues., Than, ft Sat., 2.16. HUDSON V th8tnr - Bw »7- Kve.8.26 rx\JUO\J\* Matinee* Wed. i Sat, 2.20. CONTINUING THE NEW YORK. RUN til WALKER p x THE .1 WhitesidE in Typhoon A DRAMATIC SENSATION MQ8T TIMELY PLAY OF THE C'ENTPRY ITPTJPTV w est 4M 8t, nr. B'way. LLDCIU Z M»t«. Wed. and Sat, Ere. 8.16 2.16. HENRY MILLER IN .IIME3 By A. K. THOMAS. TJS Theatrical Lawyer EDWARD J. ADER Fifth Floor Btrans Bid*., Clark ft Madison St*, CHICAGO, ILL. Practice in all Stale and U. 8. Courts. ADVICE FREE. ORO. ^COHAM'Sk^J?, b ' b m:Kw^«: BLANCHE RING In a New Musical Comedy THE WALL ST. GIRL A ATUTV <* tn STREET and B'WAT. *»****«* * Eves., 8.18. Rata. Wed. A Sat. COHAN A HARRIS present OFFICER 666 A Melodramatic Farce by Auguatln MacHugh. With CEOHBE WASH ano WALLACE EOPINGER ZIEGFELD MOCUM R0U6E «^«j m Bunty Pulls The Strings 'Kilt CTVDDT Thea., 89th St. IB'waj. Tel. 413 d»in Maauul Bryant. Evge. 8.16; Matinees Wed. and Sat., 2.16. Hr. Lewis Waller has the honor to submit A. BUTTERFLY ©i\ T1IK WHEEL. Noted Enf Uib Dram a, with Excellent Cast. ■ %# fjpa- I 55 5 St., West of Broadway. I T Iff I !_• Phone, 6S16 Bryant. Evgs. ■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ^"* 8.16. Mats. Wed. ft 8at. 2.16. Last2weeki. Star Revival of Gilbert A Sullivan's PATIENCE 8 %C N iva1 r o d rThc Pirates of Penzance Hew Amsterdam Ra\fM*S*. THE DR KOVEN OPERA COMPAIf V In the American Light Opera Classic, IN it WITH ITS GREAT OAST OF GRAND OPERA STARS "A WINSOME WIDOW'S York Theatre) Mats. Wed. ft Sat 2.16. Smoking Permitted. A ZIEGFELD ENTERTAINMENT :ed by ■ Mitchell 73 A WONDERFUL CHORUS T5 PROCTOR'S cth AVE. Mt 8 - —-^^s^"" » ** » **• 25c. and 60e. SUNDAY CONCERTS 2.18 and 8.16 IDA BROOKS HUNT AND CHEKIDAH SIMPSON, Taylor Holma*, onda. Vnreat and Co., Mils Robbie Gordon*, SEAM, ALLEN AND CO., 1IYLPA HOLLIS AND CO., MATTHEWS AND ALSHAYNE, and others. MURRAY BILL THEATRE Lexington Ave. and «Sd St., N. V, This week, BKHMAN SHOW COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STREET, If. T. This week, THE GOLDEN CROOKS PERCY G. WILLIAMS' Mow Vork Clrcnlt COLONIAL ALHAMBHA OIIPIIKUM CRESCENT UREKNPOINT GOTHAM BRONX BUSHWICK NOVELTY 1 ROUTE LIST. Hoates Intended for This Column Mint Reach This Offloe Not Lnter Than Haturday Of Each Week <*> insure Insertion. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adams, Maode— Cbarlca Frohman'e — Oakland, Cal., 20-22 . San Jose 23, Stockton 24, Sacra- mento 26. _ - Aborn KngllBh Grand Opera (Milton ft Sargent Aborn. mars.)—Baltimore, ltd.. 20-Jone 1. English Onnd Opera (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, men.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., 20-Jone 1. Aborn Knglta Grand Opera (Milton ft Sargent Aborn. mgrs.)—Pittsburgh, Pa.. 20-Juno 1. Aborn English Onnd Oiiere (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, mgrs.)—Washington, D. 0., 20-Jnne 1. Academy of Manic Stock (Samuel V. Kingston. mgr.)—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. American Theatre Stock (James Wall, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa., 20, indefinite. Appell Stock (81m Allen, mgr.)—Niagara Falli, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. Academy ot Music Stock (Tunla Dean, mgr.)— Baltimore, Md., 20, Indefinite. Auditorium Stock (Frank McBrlde, mgr.)—Balti- more, Md., 20, Indefinite. Anscin-Gllmore Stock—Buffalo, N. Y., 20, indefl- idle. Armstrong Follies (Ferrla Hartman, mgr.)—Loa Angeles, Oal„ 20, Indefinite. "At Sunrise" (Darrell H. Lyall, mgr.)—Clarion, la., 22, Hampton 28, Allison 24, Dumont 26, Mason City 20, Nora Springs 27, Fredericks- burg 28, New'Hampton 20, Sumner 80. Blanche Baten—David Belasco's—Portland, Ore.. 20-25. Seattle. Wash., 27-June 1. Blllle Burke—Charles Frohmnn's— Battle Creek, Mich,, 22, Goshen, Ind.i 23, Orsnd Rapids, Mich., 24, 25. BoiiMellc, Jessie, and Associated Players—Buf- „falo, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. Butlcrfleld, Everett, Players (B. 0. Oraerln, nitir.)—WaBhlngton, D. O., 20, Indefinite. BlHlion Players (H. W. Blsbop, mgr.)—Oakland, „ iVI.. 20, Indefinite. Brlnker, Una Abell, Stock—Newark, N. J., 20, In- dclliilte. Belftanle, -Sadie, Stock (Moyo ft Kenton, nigra.) —Gloversvllle, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. Euntlng, Emm, and Her Player* (Schiller Amuse. Co., mgrs.)—Memphis, Teiin., 20, Indefinite. Barlow-Wlnningcr Players (John D. Wlnnlnger, mgr.)—Lincoln, Neb., 20. Indefinite. Brcckenrldge Stock (CUaa. Brcckenrldgv, mgr.)— naverly, la., 20.25. BaldwIn-MelvUle Stock—Wheeling, W. Vs., 20, Indefinite. Bowdleh Stock (A. N. Bowdish. mgr.)—Clarion, Pa., 20-25, New Bethlehem 27-June 1. Black Pattl iMusicul Oomeily (B. Voelekel, mgr.) ,—Atlantic City, N. J., 20-22. Bought and Paid For"—Was. A. Brady's, Ltd. „.rt N - T. City 20, Indefinite. butterfly on the Wheel" (LewlB Waller, mgr.)— „ N. y. aty 20. Indefinite. Ben-Hur"—Klaw ft Krlanger's—Ivondon, Eng.. 20, Indefinite. Bunty Pulls (he Strings" — iSbubert-Brady's— N, Y. City 20. lndefinTtc. ,. ! r. the i<ld"—St. John, N. B., Csn„ 23-25. « l), „r <,el0P0I » Psrk Theatre, Jamestown, N. Y., 27. Cohan, Geo. W.—Cohan ft Harris'—Fall Blver, Mass., 23. ■ °m5jL Del'"—Pendleton, Ida., 22, Walla Walla, Cnrncli.rrlce' Players (Cornell ft Price, mgrs.)— ivol ont ?"j. elr ' Ind - 2°-25. Llgonler 27-June S. i^ en w S l' Kk < p - °- Williams, mgr.)—Brook- rhSt& ?' Y " M ' Indefinite. USJUs Square Stock (John Crelg, mgr.)— BostOO, Uass., 20. Indefinite. taH? P'sJ'ers (Fred G. Bergcr, mgr.)—Wash- ng on, D. C, 20, indefinite. < <j onlat Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.)—Cbar- ,.'""."ewn, P. E. I., Can., 23, ludeflnUe. 'nrieton SUters Stock (Varney ft Montgomery, msn.)— Charleston, 8. C. 20, Indefinite, i'"!!.,?. ,<>ck I 1 " W. Callahan, mgr.)—Paston, A P-JO. aibson City 80-June 1. COlumhla Theatre Stock (H. W. 8cberer, mgr.)— '■c^SH'^Si. Pa - 20 ' Indefinite. itS' .TJe"—David Betoseo's—Plalnfleld, N. •V?",, 2S > Atlantic City 28-2B. nh°TS? . 0per ' 1 (D - v - •*"«>". mgr.)—N. Y. r^. C ".? 20 - Indefinite. "eh?, %S% < Blllle A - L «' hl W. mgr.)-Aurora. "SSS S'oek (Sherman Brown, mgr.)—Mll- r)»^f. Uk ^ ?'■• 20 - Indefinite. Pa m 00 ? , < ? , 1 "' Dm|8 ' mgr.)—Pittsburgh. 'a.. 20, Indefinite. rflSB 9,"*"t«r. and Grace Van Auken Stock— n,S^'! en i. N ^ J " 20 - Indefinite. S l 5'.°? L A ' *•• Diamond, mgr.)—Ionls. "ImS: 2 A -2fl ' Beldlng 28-June 3. li? rci >, k 9"e«tlon. The"—Rowland ft Clifford's, inc.-Clifcago, 111,, 20, Indefinite. Eltlnge, Julian—A. H. Woods'—Boston, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Empire Thentre Stock (Spits ft NatbanBOn, mgrs.) —Providence, R. I., 20, Indefinite. Emerson, Mary, Stock—<Lake Brady, Kent, 0., 30, Indefinite. Evan»ton Stock (Wm. M. Vance, mgr.)— Krans- (on. 111.. 70, Indefinite. Empire Stock (Frederick Gage, mgr.)—Syracuae, N. I.. 20. Indefinite. , Feuly, Mnu4le, and James Durkln Stock—Lake- side Tark Casino, Denver, Colo., June 1, la-' definite. , Frnocala Stock (J. 0. Hooley, mgr.)—Montreal,, Can., 20, Indefinite. Falrrlew Park Stock (Elmer Redelle, mgr.)—' Dayton, ()., 20, indefinite. Frank's, John K., Players (C. AuBklngii, mgr.)— Oherryrnle, Kan., 20-26. Ooffcyvlllc 27-Juue 1. Fischer's Follies (E. A. Klicher, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Qlsaer, Lulu—Werba ft Lueacber's—West Su- perior. Wis., 22, Hancock, Mich., 2.1. Calumet 24, smilt Ste. Marie, Out., Can., 28, Toronto 27-June 1. . Ollmore. Paul (8. A. Jnckaon, mgr.)—Roanoke Kaplds, N, 0., 22, Newport News, Vs., 23, Petersburg 24, Fredericksburg 2.1, Charlottes- ville 27. Harrisonburg 28, Front Royal 20, Win- chester 80, Martlusburg 31, Gbamberaburg, Pa., Jans 1. Gunning, Louise—Sam 8. ft Lee Sbubert, Inc.— Kansas Oily, Mo., 20-25. Glaner Stock (Vaugban Gloser, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., 20. Indefinite. Graham. Oscar — Chanute, Kan., 20-25, lola 20- June 1. , „ Gnrslde Stock (James B. Osrslde, mgr.)—Du- buque, la, 20-June 1. Gillette's Players (J. W. Gillette, mgr.)—Butte, Mont., 20, Indefinite. ...... Grand Opera House Stock (Pophem ft Mci/eod, mgrs.)—Winnipeg, Msn., Can., 20, Indefinite. Grunde Stock (Robert Grande, mgr.)—JuckBon- vlllc, Ter„ 20-2(5. GorilInter Bros.! Stock (Eur! G. Gordlnler, mgr.) —FJmwood, III., 20-25. ■ ■ Gnyely 8tock—Hoboken, N. J., 20. Indefinite. Gutta Percba Stusical Comedy—Okluboiim, Oklu., 20, Indefinite. "Greyhound, The"—Wngenhals ft Kemiier's—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. "Girl of the Underworld, A"—0. E. Wee's (0. H. Brooke, mgr.)—Lyndonvllle. Vt., 22, Orleans 23, Rlchford 24, Newport 20, Ooatlcook, Que., Can., 27, Oolcbrook, N. H.. 28, West Stewarts- town 20, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 30, Gorfaam, N. II., 81, Bethel, Me., June 1. "Girl and the Tramp. The" (Thos. Alton, mgr.)— Wadena. Io., 22, Volga 28, Elknort 24. Gutten- hurg 2D, Holv Cross 20, Dyersvlllc 27, Earl- vllle 28, Hopklnten 20, Montlccllo 80, Wyoming .71, l.«iHt Nntlon June 1. Hnckctt, James K. (Wm. F. Mnenater, mgr.)— Pltlsbiirgh, Pa.. 20-25, N. Y. City 27-June 1. Hiilos, Mlisl—Werba ft Lueacber's—Sau Fran- cIbco, Cal., 20-June 1. Hnrtman Theatre Stock (W. B. Garyn, mgr.)— ColumhuH. O., 20, Indefinite. Ulllmon's Ideal Stock (F. P. Hlllraon, mgr.)— McPbcrsnn, Kan., 20, indefinite. Hlllmnn's Ideal Stock (Frank Manning, mcr.)— IlPlolt, Kan., 20, Indefinite. Hnj-e«, Lucv. and Aasoclote Players — Elkborn. N'ehr 20-22. Holiltn' Stock (Holden Bros., mgrs.)—Indlanapo- IIh, lnd„ 20, Indefinite. Home Slock, No. 1 (F. H. Home, mgr.)—Eric, Pa., 20, Indefinite. _ _ -. Hlnimeleln's Associate Ployera (Ira E. Earle, ingr.)—Warren, Pa., 20-June 1. Henderson Stock (R. J. Henderson, mgr.)—Air- dome. Kalamatoo, Mich., 20, Indeflnl e. Hnrvcy Stock, Northern—H. D. Orr's—Mollnc. 111., 20, Indefinite. _. _ H-irvey Slock, Southern—II. D. Orr'a (H. II. lludfle. mgr.)—Mexico, Mo., 20-25, Colombia Hiul 7 son in stock (J. R. Smith, mgr.)—Hoboken, N. "IlaYnky 'Panky'"—Lew Fields*—Boston, Mass., 20, Ill'lnS. 'ilnrgaret (Edwar.1 J. Bw ajflfft fa- Lawrence, Knn., 22. Topekn 23. Wichita 24. Colorado Springs. Colo., 25, Denrer 27-30, Reno. Nev., June 1. _ , rtl , lni«Iai Stock (Kllmnt ft Qarsolo, mgr».)-Cl,l- caao. III.. 20, Indefinite. ,„ JanT Elsle-Charlcs Dllliogham's-Clilcago, III., jSutSfiSSmfem (B. '■. LC« mgr.t-Hono- SB t^fftrfH. Francisco, KenaU'sVk^nalph Kel.srd. mgr.,-8rr.«u«, K e?« Y S.oc 0 k' {SeSrA-Keysy. mgr.,_8ed.lla. Ke^'s 2 Sk N rB a,, V 27 -a. 1 -mgr.,-Port..nd, "Ktat of' Tramm I •• (Fuller ft Cole, rogrs.)- Rcfses PolM, N. T., 22, Champlalr, 23, Essex 24, Westport 25. *; Lloyd. Alice—Werba ft Lueacber's — Lincoln, Nebr., 23, Skua City, la., 24, 25, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., 20. Mankato, Minn., 27, Winona 28, La Crosse. Wis., 29, Madison, Im)., 30, Grand Raplda, Mich., 31, June 1. Lockcs', The (Will H. Locke, mgr.) —'Jasper, Minn., 22, Lareme 23, Adrian 24, Wlndom 28. LytellVrughan Stock—Albany, N. Y., 20, In- definite. Lang, Eva, Stock (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)— Kanaas City, Mo., .20. Indefinite. Lucille La Verne and her Associate Players— Richmond, Va., 20, indefinite. Lewis-Oliver Players (Jack Lewis, mgr.)—Spring- field, 0., 20. Indefinite. Lewis-Oliver Players (Jack Lewis, mgr.)—Lima, O.. 20, indefinite. La Porte, Mae (Joe McEnroe, mgr.)—Plqua, O., 20-June 8. Lyric Stock (Edgar W. Ruff, mgr.)—Geneva and Penn Yan, N. Y. (three nights each), 20. In. definite. Lambs' Club Gambol—Alanbatan 0. II., N. Y. City, 27. Philadelphia, Pa., 20, Brooklyn, N. Y., 30, Springfield, Mass., 31. Lanhnm's Lyric Players—New Castle, Ind., 20-25. Miller, Henry—Klaw ft Erlanger's—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. MacDonaUl, Christie—Werba ft Loescher's—non- ton, Maas., 20, Indefinite. Mack, Andrew (A. E. Caldwell, mgr.)—N. Y. City 20-25. Manhattan. Stock—Chas. E. Blaney'a—N. Y. City 20. indefinite. MorlMin Stock (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.) —Boston, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Morlnon Stock (Morlson ft Mark, mgrs.)—Lynn, Mass., 20, Indefinite. MoroBCo Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Las An- geles, Cal., 20, ludeflulte. .Majestic Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Utlca. N. Y., 20. Indefinite. May, Alleen, nnd Associate Players (Leandrr de Clordover, mgr.)—Wilmington, Del., 20, Indefi- nite: Msrgo, Jean, end Her Players—Milwaukee, Wis,, 20, indefinite. McCord Stock (Fred P. McOord, mgr.)—Milan, Mo., 20-25. Mason ft Street Stock (O. J. Mason, mgr.)—Wil- mington, N. 0., 20, Indefinite. Murphy's Comedians (Frederick Wilson, mgr.)— Ponfar Bluff. Mo., 20-23. Myrkle Harder Stock (W. H. Harder, ingr.)—As- bury Park, N. J.. 20-23. Maher Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—Waverly, N. Y.. 20-2JI. "Mnran's Baby Coy" (Geo. W. Lederer, mgr.)— N. Y. City 25, Indefinite. "Modern Eve"—<Mort H. Singer's—Chicago, III., 20, Indefinite, "Miss Nobody from Starland"—Mort II. Singer's -—Jackson, Mich., 25. "Millionaire's Wife, The" (Geo. O. Kail, mgr.)— East Fairfield, Vt., 23, Jeftevnoiivllle 25, Under- bill 27. Milton 28, Middlesex 20, Plalnfleld 30, North Bros." Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Okla- homa, Okla., 20, indefinite. National Stock—Bourse ft Brown's—Auburn, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. Orpheum Players (Grant Laferty, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Pa., 20, Indefinite. Orpheum Players (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)—Mon- treal, Can., 20, Indefinite. Opera Houso 'Stock (John J. Goetschlus, mgr.)— Paterson, N. J., 20, Indefinite. "Officer 11(10"—Cohan ft Harris'—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. "Officer 000"—Cobaa ft Harris'—Chicago, III., 20, indefinite. "Only Son"—Cohan ft Ilarrls'—Chicago, III.. 20, Indefinite. Powers, James T.—8nm S. ft Lee Sbubert, Inc.— N. Y. City 20. Indefinite. Povton Stock (Corse Payton, mgr.)—N. Y. Olty 20, Indefinite. Payton Stock (Oorae Payton, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., 20, indefinite. Poll Players (0. 0. Edwards, mgr.)—Hartford, Conn., 20, Indefinite. roll Stock (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)— Bridgeport, Conn., 20, Indefinite, Poll Stock (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—New naven, Conn., 20, indefinite, roll Stock (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Waterbury, Conn., 20, Indefinite, roll Slock (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Poll Stock (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—WIUds-Batre, Pn.. 20, Indefinite. Poll Stock (Jamea Thatcher, mgr.)—Washington, D, 0., 20, Indefinite. Poll Stock (8. J. Breen, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Poll Stock (John H. Docking, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., 20, Indefinite. ■ ivihum Stock—Glrurd, Pa., 20-25. I'crklna-Brown Btock (Ooeffrey Whalen, mgr.)— South Knimliig-hiiiu, Mshs,, 20, Indefinite. "Pink Lady"—Klaw ft Krlanger's—London, Bog., 20, Indefinite. "Pink Lady".—Klaw ft Erlanger'a — Seattle, Wash., 20-25. "Patience" — Shubert-Brady's — N. Y. Oily 20- June 1. "Pearl Maiden, The"—John Cort's—Chicago, 111., 20. indefinite. "Quaker Girl"—Henry B. Harris'—Chicago, 111., 20. Indefinite. Blng, Blanche (J, .R. Goring, gen. mgr.)—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. Raymond, Jack, Oo., Cleveland, Teiin., 20-25. "Hose Maid, Tho"--Werbu ft I.uescher'a—N. Y. Olty 211, indefinite. "Ready Money"—Chicago, III., 20, Indcilnlto. "Romance of the Underworld"—Paul Armstrong's —Chicago. III., 20, Indefinite. "IU'lwcca of Sunnybrook Farm" (Joseph Brooka, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., 20-20, Mlnueuiails 30- June 1. Skinner. Otis—Klaw ft Erlanger'a—N. Y. City 20-June 1. Spooner, Cecil (Blnnoy-Spooner Amuse. Co., mgrs.) —N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. Servorw. Mary, and Associate Players — Grand Rapids, Mich., 20, Indefinite. Standard Stock (J. II. Rucken, mgr.)—Philadel- phia, Pa., 20, Indefinite. Stanford ft Western Pluyers— Elmlra, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. St. Clair Stock (Horry St. Clair, mgr.)—Lash- burn, Snsk., Can,, 20-23. Spence Theatre Stock (Hurry Sohns, mgr.)—Em- poria, Kun.. 20-31. Sharplcy Thentre Stock (A. J. Sharpley, mgr.)— Burlington. Vt.. 20-25. Summers Stock (Geo. II. Summers, mgr.)—Moun- tain Theatre, Hamilton, Out., Can., 20, Indefi- nite, flheehan, Joseph, English Opera—Detroit, Mich., 20-25. Savoy Opera—Springfield, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Spanish Fort Opera (Jnlea F. Blstes, mgr.)—New Orleans, La., 20, Indefinite. "Spring Maid"—Werba ft Lueacber's — Salem, Mass., 22, Dover, N. II., 23, Bangor, Me., 24, 25, Augusta 27, Wntcrvllle 28, Lewlston 20, Portland 30-June 1. "Bausw Man"—Clarence Bennett's—Ferule, B. <]., Can., 22, Michel 23, Coleman 2-1, lllnlrmora ML Plnchcr Creek 27, Lelhbrluge, A1U., 28, 20. Turner, Clara, Playern (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— lock Haven, Pa., 27, Indefinite. Turner, Clara, Plnyere (W. F. Harry, mgr.)-- Rolling Green 1'ark, Sunbury, Pa., 27, Indefi- nite. Turner, Clora, Players (W. V. Barry, mgr.)— Vallamont Park, Wllllams|Mirt, Pa., 27, indefi- nite. Twin Olty Stock (E. II. Perry, mgr.)—llsdasa, Wis., 20, Indefinite. TetnpcBt Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Hopewell, Pa., 20-25. Temple Slock (J. (I. Appleton, mgr.)—Hamilton. (Jut., Can.. 20. Indefinite. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Terry's—Fenton, la., 22, RliiKnted 2.1. Ceylon. Minn., 24, Triumph 25. Van Uyke ft Eaton Stock (II. Walter Van Dyke, ingr.—Milwaukee, Wis., 20, Indefinite. Van Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)— Des .Mllnes, la., 20, Indefinite. Wure, Helen—Henry B. Harris'—Denver. Oblo., 20-2.1. Colorado Hprlnga 27, Oreeley 28, Salt Lako City. IT.. no-June 1. Walker Whiteside (Walter Floyd, mgr.)—N. Y. City 20. indefinite. Warner. II. B.—Llebler Oo.'s—Boston, Maas., 20, Indefinite. "Farima Cigarettes" are th« star smokes on the stage of life. A great Turkish blend with & distinctively individual flavor. Have you enjoyed the pleasure? Big package— OOfor ilS cents With ,oth padtnf o/FaUma yea erf a ptnnanl coupon. 25 o/iehkn mat rt a henitom* fta cslfeft ptiy mMU2i32)-mkcilono/IOO. Waller, I^wls, In Bepcrtolre of Plays—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. Weher-Flelds' Jublloo (Weber ft Fields, mgrs.)— Wllkes-Barre, Pa., mat., and Scranton 22, Utlca, N. Y.. 23, Syracuse 24, Rochester 23, Buffalo 27, Cleveland, <>., 28, Toledo 20. De- ■ trolt, Mlcb., 80, Fort Wayne, Ind., 31, Chicago, III., June 1. Woodward Stock (0. D. Woodward, mgr.) — Omoba, Nebr., 20, Indefinite. Wlnnlnger Stock (Wlnnlnger Broe., mgrs.)—Mil- waukee, Wis., 20, Indefinite. Wolfe Stock <J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 20. indefinite. „ .. Wheeler Sisters' Stock (Ion Carroll, mgr.)— Clarksburg, W. Va., 20-25. Wight Theatre Btock (Hllllard Wight, mgr.)— letcber, S. Dak., 20, Purkslon 24, Letcher 30. Williams Stock—Elkdale Park, Belma, Ala., 20- Weat End Heights' Stock—St. Louis, Mo., 20, In- definite. . , _, "Within the Law"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.—Chi- cago, 111.. 20, indefinite. "Wild Goose"—F. C. Whitney's—Philadelphia, Pa., 20, Indefinite. ... "Winsome Widow" (Floreni Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.)— N. Y. City 20. Indefinite. BURLESQUE SHOWS. Ilehman Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Murray Hill, New York, 20-20. _ _. _ . Bowery Burlciquers (Manny Rosenthal, mgr.)— Oayety, Detroit, 20-25, Gayely, Toronto, 27- Big Review (Henry P. Dixon, ingr.) — Empire, Brooklyn, 20-25, Casino, Brooklyn, 27-Juue 1. Bohemlana (ftl. Lublu, mgr.(—Empire, Nework, 20-25. , _, Oentury Olrla (Morris Walnatock, ninr.)—Star, Oleveland, 2025, Folly, Chicago, 20-June 1. Columbia Burlesquera (Frank Burns, mgr.)—Star and Garter, Chicago, 20-23. _ . Cracker Jacks (Harry Ixwnl, mgr.)—Garden, Buf- falo, 20-25, Olympic, New York, 27-June 1. Dreamland nurlcaqueri (Isay Urodi, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Boston. 20-25. Darlings of Paris (Ohaa. E. Taylor, mgr.)—Km- Plre, Baltimore, 20-20, Empire, Newurk, 27- June 1. . „ Follies of Hie Day (Barney Qeranl, mgr.)—Ca- sino, Brooklyn, 20-25. __ Fuils and Folllea Burlesquers—Gujety, Phlladel- phln, 20-25. Ginger Girls (Geo. II. Ilarrls, mgr.)— Star, Brook- lyn. 20-25, Oayety, Brooklyn, 27-June 1, Golden Crook (Jamea Fulton, nigr.)—Columbia, N. Y., 20-25. Gnyety Stock Burlesque (John P. Kckhnrdt, mgr.) — Philadelphia, Pa., 20, llldfllllllf. Howard Hurlesqucrs—Violet Muscolte'B—Boston, MHBS., 20, Indefinite. Imiierlals (Sim Williams, mgr.)—Standard, 8L Louis, 20-26. Jardln do Paris Girls (Burt Kendrlck, mgr.)— Folly, Ohicagu, 20-25. l.ailv Buccaneers (II. M. Strouse, mgr.)—Bronx, New York, 20-25, London Gaiety Girls—I<afnyette, Buffalo. 20-25. Merry Whirl (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Columbia, CIiIcuko, 20, Indefinite. Monte- Carlo GlrlH—Avenw, Detroit, 20-26. I'uee Makers (It. E. I'alion, mgr.)—Empire, New- urk, 20-25. Boclnl Maids (A. J. Phillips, mgr.)—Onjcty, l'ltlsbiirgh, 20-25, seasoii ends. Taxi Girls (Lou Hurtlg, n^r.)—Gayely, Washing- ton, 20-20, Gayely. Pittsburgh, 27-June 1. Welch, Ben, llurlesquers (Jacob Lkls-riunn, mgr.)—Olympic, New York, 20-25, season ends. Wlnnlug Widow (Dave I*osuer, itg.)—Gayely, Brooklyn, 20-25. Ziilluh Own (W. C. Cameron, mgr.)—Allshler, AN loona, 22. VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. La flelle Musical Oomedy—Peoria. III.. 20-25. Murdock Bros.' Comedians (Al. Miirdock, mgr.)— Maclilas, Me., 20-26. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Cavello and his Baml—Forest Park Highlands, St. (.mila, Mo., 20, Indellnlle. Edmiardcs Band — Woodalde Park, Philadelphia, Pa., 20, indefinite. Ferrnlo and h'a Band—Delmnr Garden, 8t. Ixiull, Mo., 20-Atlg. 31. Kilties Concert Band (T. P. J. Power, gen. mgr.) —Kewanee, III., 22, Princeton 23, Mendota 24, Aurora 26. Royal Italian Band (Frank Gregory, leader).— l.iiuu Park, I/is Angeles. Cal., 20, indefinite. lliiviiiond Ladles' Orchestra—Lyons, Kan., 20-25. Ellsworth 20-June 1. White Hussar Band—Alrdomc Alton, HI., 20-25. MINSTRELS. Oibum's, J. A.—Ukeslde Park, Akron, 0., 20-29. TENT SHOWS. lii.riniin ft Bailey's—Syracuse. N. Y., 22, Schenec- tady 23, Troy 24, I'lttsncld, Mass., 25. Humes', Al. O., Circus—Wallace, Ids., 24, Mis- soula, Mont., 27, Unite June 1, 2, llutrslu Illll-Pnwnce mil (Maj. Gordon W. Llllle, mgr.)—Gloversvllle, -V. Y., 22, Utlca 211, Syra- cuse 24. Lyons 2.1, Rochester 27. llntavla 2H, l/>rkp»rt 20, Buffalo 30, Dunkirk 31, James- town June 1, Gentry Bros," Combined—South Boston. Va„ 20, Danville 21, Lynchburg 22, Charlottesville 23, Oulpeper 24, Alexandria 2,1, Washington, D. C, 27-Junn 1. liu gen leek ft Wallace (B. ES. Wallace, mgr.)— Auburn, N. V., 22, Cortland 23, Blnghnmlon 24, Owego 25. Elmlra 27. Wllllamsport. Pa., 2S. Honest Bill's—Aldrlch, Mo„ 22. Fair Play 23, Dunnegan 24, Iluraanavlllo 26, Collins 27, Homer's '"Jdyasey," In Moving Pictures — St Paul, Minn,. 20-2" 1-25- Ilowe's Moving Pictures (Lyman II. Howe, mgr.) —Montreal. Can,, 20, Indefinite. Howe's Moving Pictures (Lyman II. Howe, mgr.) —Oinnha, Nebr., 20, Indefinite. Howe's Moving Pictures (Lyman II. Howe, mgr.) —•Newark, N. J., 20, Indefinite. Klelnschmldt's, Copt. I). F-, Arctlo Scenes In Moving Pictures—Philadelphia, Pa., 20-June 1. Miller Bros. A Arlington Combined Wild West In Moving Pictures (W. J. McQiilun, mgr.)—To- ronto, Can., 22-26, Oahnwa 27, 28, Napanre 20, Deaeronto 30, Plcton June 1. Rnlney's, Paul J,. Africa Jungle In Moving Pic- tures—Boston, Maas., 20. Indefinite. Rnlney's, Paul J., Africa Jungle In Moving Pic- tures—N. Y. City 20. Indefinite. Rnlney's, Paul J.. Africa Jungle In Moving Pic- tures—Philadelphia. Pa., 20, Indefinite, ulo'a Moving Pictures (F. 10. Rule, I Triumph, Minn., 2022, I.ainliertou 23-20, Fulila Rule, mgr.) - HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN III NATURAL COLORS AT THE AUTO PHOTO OHROM STUDIO, IB W. 4)6th ST., H.'Y. O. ♦ / Gender 28, Weaubteau 20. Klkton 30, Hcr- mltugo 31, Cross Tinders June 1. Onllmur llros.'—Ilootie, la., 21, Carroll 22. Logan 23, Blair, Nebr., 24, Albion 25, Alnaworth 20, O'Neill 28, Ncllgh 20, Norfolk 80, Wayne 31, Bloom field June 1. Hang's Mighty — (ireentllte, Pn., 27, Meadvllle 28, Oorry 20, North Tonawanda 30, Rliigllng Brothers'—(Butler, Pa., 22, Oreenhurg i'.'l, Johnstown 24, Altoona 26, Ilnrrlsburg 27. Solls-Floto — Montague. Cal., 22, Medford 23, Grants Pass, Ore., 24, Itosehurg 23. Silver Family Circus (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Trn- fint. Mich., 22, Smid Luke, 23, Grove 24, Grant 20. Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins' Far East (Vernon S. Heaver, gen. mar.)—Youngs- tewn, (J., 21, New Castle, Pn.. 22, Oonuells- Tllln 2.1, Oiamberland, Md., 24, -Mnrtlnsliurg, W. Vs., 25, Washington, D. 0., 27. FILM SHOWS. Bernhardt Sarah, and Mine. Rejane, In Moving Pictures—Philadelphia, Pa., 20, Indefinite. Dante's "Inferno," In Moving Pictures—Philadel- phia, Pa., 20, Indefinite. Durbar, The, In Klnemacolor Moving Pictures— - Urban-Smith's—Chicago, III,, 20, Indefinite. Durhsr, The, In Klnemacolor Moving Pictures— llrhaii Smith's— Philadelphia, I'll., 20, Indefinite. !# 27-20. Kaston llO-Jimo 1. Thompson's Moving Pictures (F. II. Thompson, mlt r.)—ilnvn Mills. WI«.. 20-23, Soldiers Grove 24-26, Viola 27-31, Readstown June 1-2. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Barkoot World's Greatest (K. G, llorkoot, gen. ingr.)—Terre Haute, Ind.. 20-23, Strcator, 111., 27-June 1. . Ferarl, Ool Francis, Animal Arena and Carnival Shows—Bridgeport, Conn,, 20-26, Hartford 27- June 1. Great Patterson Show—Cotiurvlllo, la., 20-25, Oskalaosn 27-June 1. Great Inter-State Shows (M. W. Meek, mgr.)— Ottawa, 111., 20-25, Morris 27-Juue 1. Great Parker Shows (B. It. Parker, mgr.)—Isl- ington, Mo., 20-23. Great Parker Shows (Con T. Kennedy, nigr.)— Calgary, Alta., Can., 20-20, Edmonton 27- June 1, ...... Ooodeli Shows (0. M. Goodell, mgr.)—Neoga, III., 20-25, Windsor 27-Juuo 1. Hart's Mighty Midway (II. M. Hart, mgr.)—. Sandusky, O.. 20-25, Lorain 27-June 1. Hatch Shows (J. Frank Hatch, mgr.)—Ypiillnntl, Mich., 20-26, South Ilend. Ind., 27-June 1. Leonard Amusement Show (J. Sam Leonard, mgr,) —Stillwater, Okla., 20-2.1. Wortbam ft Allen Shows—Decntur, III., 20-26. MISCELLANEOUS. Bldwcit ft Wright Tent Shows—{Handing Stone, I'u., 25, Cinnpliiwn 27-June 1. Great (Irliilth Show (O. B, GrllHth, mgr.)— Minor. N. Dak., 20-25. Mildred and Harry Rauclern (0. G. Maytiurd. mgr.)— WiuiiliK'g, Man., Can., 20-25, Brinulon 27, 28, Regliin, Sank,, 20-Jnnc 1. Norwood Hypnotic Show (M, II. Norwood, mgr.) Auckland, Now Zealand, 20, indefinite. Parker. Dalton ft Parker Comiily—Gllinnn, III., 20-25. Bayngnd, Greut (Maurice F, Kayniond, nntr. 1— Correction—.Hongkong, China, April 27-Mn.v 20, Shangtial 27-Junu 7, Yokohama, Japan, 17-22, Tnklo 24-July <l, Honolulu. II. I„ 17-30. Ar- rlve at San Friiiiclacu, (Jul., Auk. 0. OPT OF TOWN NEWS Winchester. Ky.—Winchester (S. Dlnclll, mgr.) Is dark. I'ASTins (Clarence llloomlleld, mgr.) — Voudt"- vllle and mollon pictures, Lvmo (Phillips ft Moss, mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures. Nutr— The new Lyric, situated on South Main Street, opened Saturday, May 11. It has a seat- ing capacity of 400. and la fitted up with all modem Improvements. Norfolk, Vn.—Victoria (lliirvey Byrcl, mgr.) bill for week of May 211: Gordon mid Barber. How and Bow, the Four Lsclers, the Beau Brumiuels, and Jane Ilara and company. Business good. Auademt (Otto Shells, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures, Business Is gixsl. ItorAf,, Aicaoi, AunurAN, Woniikrlano. Fo> Tosuo, CAMiMBtA and Bonita, motion plclure houses, report good business. #1