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18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. June 22 This Is Opportunity Week at Ninth Street and Broadway Men who want and must wear good clothes—men who9e clothes must reflect their personality—must have their clothes made for them. This week we have marked down regular $40, $35 and $30 suitings. A full range of materials—the pick of 6,000 patterns—all imported suitings— ete Suit Compl Coat and Trousers $25.00 $21.00 Made in any desired style—fitted—finished and tailored as only Arnheim can—only the price is marked down. These exceptional values will move quickly, so an early selection is advised. qy and 9 th S treat OPT OF TOWN NEWS WASHINGTON. Delightful weather, good attractions at all the houses, and satisfactory business done. Bblasco (L. Stoddard Taylor, nigr.)— The Huttcrfield Players started the week Tuesday, June 11, in "The Prisoner of Zenda," and gave an excellent performance. Franklin Jtitchle. Brigham Royce, Walter Wilson, Jane Marberry, Miss Melville, Miss (ilendcnnlng and the rest of the cast did good work, "The Way to Win a Woman" week of 17. Columbia. (Fred Q. Berger, mgr.)—The Columbia Players made a hit In "Mary Jane's Pa," week of 10. Prances Nellson was good. Miss McDermott, Miss Blunc and Miss Item- ing were also capital. Little Helen.Hayes, as Mary Jane, scored a triumph. Edwin 11. Robins, Stanley James, Wlllard Robertson, Carson Davenport, George W. Barbicr, J. Hammond Dally and Godfrey Matthews were oil fine. Rig business ruled. "The House Next Door" week of 17. "The Climbers" follows. Poi.i'r (James Thatcher, mgr.).— "The Chorus I.artv" was well done by the Popular Flayers and was enjoyed by large audiences week of 10. Izctta Jewel was a charming Pat. and made a big hit. Gertrude Bondhlll and Marie Howe did good work and were well received. A. II. Van Ruren was good, and the others gave a good account of them- selves. "Three Twins" week of 17, "Alias Jimmy Valentine" follows. Casino (W. T. Kirby, mgr.)—Monday matinee and evening of 10 was devoted to the annual benefit of the attaches of this house. It was a success, and wltb the final curtain this bouse closed its very successful season. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawskl, mgr.)i— This house Is Ice cooled and therefore the hot weather has no terror for the manage- ment, lllll week of 17: "Fujiyama" opera Troupe, Looaco, Walllsch, iiack and wal- dron, toe Four Musical Klelses, and new pic- tures. The Sunday concerts, well featured, do well. The "Fujiyama" Troupe, which was announced for week of 10, was post- poned until the current week, the Six Mu- sical Harringtons lining their places In pro- gram last week. Majestic (Tom Moore, mgr.)—BUI week of 17 : A. Hampton and company, Pearl Day- ton, Mysterious Radah, Doollttlo and Spiel, Dawson (Ben and Gladys), and new pictures. Sunday concerts, well featured, do big busi- ness. Notes. —The many admirers of Carrie Thatcher, who was out of the cast last week (with the Columbia Players), Is this week eeeii In "The House Next Door." The rumor of the wedding bells around the Co- lumbia Theatre proved false for tbe time being at least Among those who wit- nessed tbe Columbia Players, In "Mary Juno's Pa," week of 10, was David Bclnsco, accompanied by W. J. Dean, and It was evi- dent that Mr. Bclasco enjoyed the perform- ance and the players by tbe manner in which lie bestowed Ills applause Washington li.is gone crazy over the baseball situation. The wheels of the Government are closed hy the way the "Senntors" Jinve been doing. That little affair at Chicago has not stirred up the excitement the ball team bns, Elec- tric score boards are everywhere. The Na- tional Theatre put in one for Sunday, June 10, and then Managers Berger and Messrs. Metegorotts got the fever and they Installed one In the Columbia for Sunday. 10. Every house, including the Cosmos and Majestic, is nt it. In fact, "everybody's doing It," and trill continue as long as the "Senators" con- tinue to be a surprise. Bnffnlo, N. Y.—Star (P. C. Cornell. 'tr.gr.) the Bonstcllc Stock Co. concludes Its engagement here June Tl, and opens in De- troit 24. Its closing production Is "Green Stockings." Another company has been or- Knnlzrd to continue hero for the Summer, headed by Norman lliickett and Ilarrlette Worthingtnn, and includes: Hugh Dillmnn, Maud Earl, Alice Seymour, Isabel O'Mnril- gnn, Doilson Mitchell, Robert Smiley, Wnltcr riherwln and Florence St. Leonard. "The Witching Hour" will lie given week of 24. Tbck (Messrs. Shubcrt, nigra.)— "Peter Pan" is presented week of 17, "Just Out of College" follows. Business Is excellent. Julia Marlowe was too ill to appear with IQ. 11. Sothern, 18-15. Siika's. —Bill for 17 and week: De Fnye Sisters, Parrell Sisters, Mrs, Louis James nnd company, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Da now, Bonita nnd Ilenrn, Chick nnd Chlcklets, Cesare Nest and Josle Heather. Caiinivai. Couht (H. G. Johnson, mgr.)—•• Rollo, motion pictures and the divers arc attractions In readiness. r.ArAiBTTB(C. M. Bagg, mgr.)—The Broad, ■way Belles week of 17. Note.— The Hngcnbeck-Wnllncc Circus wltt Show here 24. Klmlrn, N. Y. — Rorlck's Glen (George ILydliiR, mgr.) "Sergeant Kitty," presented by the Manhattan Opera Co., cnloyed ca- pacity business week ending June IS. "Ilia Honor, the Mnyor," 17 and week. Majestic (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Bill for week of 17: Melvln and Thatcher, Carter nnd Waters, Howard nnd Prcvost, and Thomas Holer and company. Colonial (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Motion picture* are drnwlng larrje sudlerees. KLiminoR Pahk (George Lawrence, mgr.) —Band concerts continue to attract large <rowd*. Notes. — Lincoln Benchey and William ' nemstrought arc scheduled to give aviation exhibitions at Maple Avenue Park 18, 10, the dates of the Knight Templar Conclave, under the auspices of The Star-Oczettc. Heschcy appeared here In exhibition nights last Summer, and made many friends by his courage and daring Hemstrougbt will try for b!s pilot's license during tbe coming meet, when his flights will be observed by officials of tbe Aero Club of America. St. John, Can. — Opera House (F. 0 Spencer, mgr.) "The Gay Musician" enjoyed four days of big business, at advanced prices, June 10-14. The house will be dark until tbe coming of Margaret Anglin, in "Green Stockings," July 1-3. Nickbl. — Margaret Pearson and Cleon Coffin, In songs, and the moving pictures. Stab.— -Moving pictures. Uniqub. —Moving pictures. Gemj —Anita Bennett, in songs, and the moving pictures. Ltbic. —Vaudeville and moving pictures. Nona.—"The Gay Musician" Co. remained ever and gave two performances 15, owing to a political meeting occupying the Opera House, 14 Ground was broken, 10, for the erection of Keith's new theatre here.... Torrle & Winter, who control two houses in Moncton, N. B.. have bought a large tract of land in Moncton, and will fit it up as an amusement park. Montreal, Cnn.—Princess (H. C. Judge, mgr.) Princess Summer Stock Co., Is "Prin- cess Chic," June 17 and week. Ohi'hhum. (Geo. DrlBcoll, mgr.)—The Or- pheum Players, In "A Dawn of a To-mor- row," drew good bouses week ending 15. "Seven Days" 17 and week. Fraxcais (J. O. Hooley, mgr.)i—iFrancals Stock Co., in "The House of a Thousand Candles," to good attendance week of 10; "Mrs. Dane's Defense" 17 and week, "The City" week of 24. Sohmkr Park (L. J. Lajolc. mgr.)—Bill for week of 17: Lei Cadets de Gascogne, Bedford and Winchester. Wartenburg Bros., Three Pendleton Sisters, and Wilbur C. bnentman. Dominion Park (H. O. Dorsey, mgr.)— Business Is only fair, due to Inclement weather. Hamilton, Cnn,—Temple. Business con- tinues good. "The White Sister" week of June 10, "A Gentleman of Leisure" week of 17. Mountain. —Big audiences. Week of 10, "Alias Jimmy Valentine;" for 17 and week, "Kip Van Winkle." Springfield, Slam.—Poll's (S. J. Brcen, mgr.) tbe stock company gave an excellent presentation of "The Third Degree/' week of June 10, to big houses. Ruth Shenley, Carl llrlckcrt. John Hunter Booth and E. J. BlunkaII did well. "A Gentleman of Lei- sure" 17 and week, "Tbe Chorus Lady" week of 24. Nut son (H. I, Dlllenbnck, mgr. 1—Bill 17- 10: Three Musical Follies, Petite Sisters, and MouahSTi. For 20-22: Clucus and Jen- nings. McGarry and Kccfcr, Rodolfo, and the pictures. Plaza (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—Bill 17- 10: Wheeler and Qoidle, George F. Hall, and the special Sim, "The Coming of Columbus." For 20-22: Clinton and Nolan, Lsjourna, llronson snd Monson, and pictures. Iiuut (E. L, Knight, mgr.)—Rcldy and Currier, 17-10; Richards nnd Thatcher, 20- !!2, and the pictures. AnDBLL, F.DISONIA, NOVELTY, OBANR, PAL- ACE, GAtHTI, GLOUM AND SUBWAY, movlug picture houses, all report good business. Notes. — The Austell Musical Trio ap- Soared at the BIJou 0-8, in the place of the iuslcal Kings An open air theatre Is being erected at Riverside Park, and will have a seating capacity of 1,000. Vaudeville and moving pictures will be the attractions. Mr. Stevenson, manager of the Hun- tcr-llradford Players, who are playing a Summer engagement at Parsons* Theatre, in Hartford, Conn., has been looking over tbe local field ns to the advisability of playing a two weeks' engagement at the Court Square nfter the close of tbe Hartford season. Mllford, tunas.—New Ideal (Rodger Per- ils m, mgr. l motion pictures and illustrated Mings. Lorcm-M (Luby Bros., mgrs.)—Motion pic- tures and illustrated songs. Business is good. Lakh Nipuuc (Dan J. Spraguc, mgr.)— Motion pictures and vaudeville. Bill for week of 17: Natalie Norniandlc, Le Bcufe Bros., Kartc's dogs, the Morakeno Trio, Sadie 'Itodgers, and Teelc's Band, in concert. Notb. —One of the Bon Air Bros., playing nt the Park this week, went out In a wind storm In a canoe and could not get back, owing to a terrific wind. He became ex- hausted nnd wna rescued by motor launch. St. Loots, Mo.—Bclmar (Conrad Heckcr, mgr.) "Tne Girl Question" June 17 nnd week. "The Honeymoon Trail'' entertained large audiences week of 10. west 13no Hkhiiith. —The stock compsny presents "Life's Shop Window" 17 nnd week. Foiinr.HT Park (D. BL Russell, mgr.)—Bill for week of 7 : Elisabeth Murray, Walter S. Dickson, Lnsky's "A Night on a Houseboat," llerrlek and Iiart, Donald Archer, the Shaw Twins, Knlraar and Brown, nnd the Four Famous Vanls. St. Louis police depart- ment's animal benefit will be the feature at- tract Ion of the week. Mannio.n's Fauk. —Bill week of 7: Petite Family, Morrlmey and Honlon, Hmest Racket, nnd Trunk PnrlBk. Notes. —The two bathing beaches, which nre rapidly under const ructlou at Forest I'ni'k Highlands and Dcluiar Garden, are ex- pected to open on or before July 4, and the event will be one of public Interest, as nothing In the line of outdoor bathing has ever been attempted in this ciiy The beautiful villa, which has adorned Delmar Garden for the past three years, was re- cently destroyed by Are, but fortunately It was covered by Insurance. A new and more complete villa will be erected on the old site, and will be completed before the season Is too far underway. Cleveland, O. — Opera House (A. F. Harts, mgr.) bill week of June 17 Includes: Eleanor Otis and company, Florlot, De Vere and Hayden, Harry Hoyt. Sadie Hclf, God- frey and Washburn, Bimbo's acrobats, and the pictures. Colonial (R. H. McLaughlin, mgr.)— Third week of Lyman Howe's pictures began 17. "Au Excursion Into Thibet," "Views in Italy," "Capturing a Hippopotamus" and other Interesting subjects are shown. Hippodbomk (H. A. Daniels, mgr.)—Mil- ton and Dolly Nobles, in a repertoire of their own plays week, of 17, changing the bill each night. Pictures are also given. Pbiscilla (P. H. Seas, mgr.)—Bill week of 17: William Daly will bave a minstrel troupe as headimer, the La Vallee Troupe, the Misses Eicella and Franks, Hicks and Hicks, Gray and Travis, Newell and Most, the Kennedy Sisters, and Harry Crawford. Grand (J. II. Michaels, mgr.)—BUI week 17: Jimmy Morrison and company. In "Slightly Mixed;" Jos. T. Kelley, Mile. Faus- tlnc, Tommy Burns, Leonard and Lewey. and tbo pictures. Star (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)—London Gaiety Girls week of 17. Luna Park. — Trostler's operatic ballet, "Farm Life," will be the free attraction in the Park pavilion 17 and week. The Motor- drome races continue to be well patronized. Zonesvllle, O.—Orpheunf (E. R. Harris, mgr.) Is dark week of June 17. AinnoMK (E. It. Harris, mgr.)—The Min- nie De Verne Stock Co. will open at this house 24 for an Indefinite run in popular plays. Quimbv's (W. C. Qulmby, mgr.)—This handsome new house Is drawing flue business with moving pictures. Hippodbomb (Hen. Stemm, mgr.)—A good orchestra nnd splendid pictures to good re- turns. Wbli.eb (Heck & Smith, mgrs.)—Tbe new managers are well satisfied with business, and are striving; to give the best obtainable. Amrrican (James Collins, mgr.)—Good business wltb moving pictures. Portland, Me.—Kclth'B (Jas, E. Moore, mgr.) "Tbe Commuters," presented by the Keith Stock Co., week of June 10, pleased large audiences. The stock presents "The Typhoon" 17 and week. New Portland (James W. Greely, mgr.)— For tbe week 10-10 the Nat Goodwin pic- tures of "Oliver Twist" were featured, with the usual vaudeville offerings. Bill for week of 17: "The Serpent of the Nile," Belle Stone, Milano Duo, Harry Latcll and com- pany, and the moving pictures. Casco (M. C. Blumenberg, mgr.)—Moving Slcturcs and vocal selections continue to raw large patronage. Congress (A. J. Peverada, mgr.)—Photo- plays and illustrated songs continue to at- tract excellent crowds. Itio Nickel (1. M. Mosher, mgr.)—Busi- ness continues good at this picture house. Notes. — The Bamum & Baltey Circus drew large crowds and gave a fine perform- ance and street parade 13 The Col. Francis Ferarl United Shows did good busi- ness here week of 10, under tbe auspices of the local lodge of Moose... .Adelaide Keim, leading lady of the Keith Stock Co., Is being visiter! by her mother, Mrs. Henry G. Keim, of New York Bartley McCullum, actor, Is visiting his niece, Irene McCullum, cashier at tbe Keith Theatre Miss McDonough, cashier of the new Portland Theatre, was prominent In the Moose "Queen of the Car- nival" voting contest, held here last week. "The College Hero" (local), for char- ily, was a big success at the Jefferson The- atre 12-15 The Gem Theatre, at Peaks Island, opens 32, with musical comedy and moving pictures.. ..The Cape Theatre opens with a stock company 29... .Rlverton Park and Greenwood Garden will also open In the next week or so. Richmond, Ta.—Colonial (E. P. Lyons, mgr.) bill for week of June 17: Max's Com- edy Cirrus, Al. Edwards, Archer and Carr, La Vicr, Leone and Dale, and the pictures, Empirb (Louis Myers, mgr,):—Bill -week of 17: Five Melody Maids. Ben Smith, Teomer and Hcwlns, George Dixon, Fred and Opal, Elliott, and motion pictures. LrniN (Martin Amusement Co., mgrs.)— Bill for week of 17: Graham and Randall, Louise Elllotte, Careno nnd Velda, and pic- tures. Ituon (Harry MeNlven, mgr.) opened 17 with vaudeville and pictures. Rex, Victor and Viboinia, moving pic- ture houses, all report good business. Notes. —Improvements will be made in the Academy of Music during the Summer months The new vaudeville house for the Keith & Proctor Circuit Is already under way. Norfolk, Va.—Victoria (Harvey Byrd, mgr.) after a very successful season, this house closed for the Summer June 15. Academy (Otto Wells, mgr.) — Bill for week of 10 included: McMabon, Diamond and Clemencc, Mcehan's dogs, Hlbbcrt and Warren, May Archer and Billy Carr, and Belle Onra and motion pictures. Business good. Ocban Vibw Casino (Otto Wells, mgr.)— The regular Summer season at this house opened 17, with the Lucille La Verne Stock Co., In "The Prince Chap." American, Royal, Arcade, Wonderland, Fotosho, Columbia nnd Bonita, motion pic- ture houses, report good business. Baltimore, Md.—Ford's (Chas. B. Ford, mgr.) "Faust" and "Martha" week of June 17, "Talcs of Hoffmann" and "II Trovatore" 24 nnd week. Academy (Tunis Dean, mgr.)i—The W. T. Carlton Opera Co. present "Patience" week of 17, "Mikado" 24 and week. Maryland (Jas. L. Kcrnan, mgr.)—Bill for 17 and week includes: Belle Story,Marie Fenton. Muriel and Francis. Golde Blair, Bonn Linn, Countess Lcontlnc, Clair and Crane, and Four Texas Tommy Dancers. New (George Schnider, mgr.)—Bill 17 and week: Jadoo, Leslie and Thurston, Atta- wny and Green, Sopor and Lane, Carmine Sisters, and Rice and Waters. VicroniA (Chas. E. Lewis, mgr.)—Bill 17 and week: Harry Keefcr and company, Jug- gling Mnllers, Murphy and Washburn, MIntz and Palmer, Maude Policy, the Frecbornes, Johnson Bros, and Johnson, Mignon Quar- tette. .. . ,™_ AtmiTORivH (Frank McBrlde. mgr.)—The Thomas Players, in "Paid in Full.* 17 and week; "The Three of Us" week of 24. Br Id Report. Conn.— Park (Wm. M. Ryan, mgr.) bill for June 17 and week: Lane and O'Donnell, Fred Oilman, La Rex and La Rex, Three Whealans, Neary and Miller, Two Rosses, BIJou Four, and Conroy and Lee. Eupibb (Steve Oswald, mgr.)—BIB 17- 10: Black and White. Jennie Ogden, Jack Rich, and dally change of pictures. Lyric (Wm. Isham, mgr.) Is closed. Pom's (Thos. A. Kirby, mgr.)—The Poll Players present "Seven Days" week of 17. Buou. Crescent, Arco, Lincoln, Len-ox, Park City, Imperial, Stab, Wbst Ran. Electric PnoTori.Av, Pastime, Royal and Scenic, with moving pictures and songs, all reitort good business. Casino, Sea Breeze Island.—.Moving pic- tures and vaudeville. Good business rules. Notes. —Rarnum k Bailey's Circus comes FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES 531, 939, 533, S34 Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 1403 Broadway k„„ ■>• Phone, 0*48 Greeley. "Cleveland Circuit" Agency. L. D. HACKIftfcos ii V k ' Associated,Park, F^, Vaudeville,.Combination £S Moving Picture Theater Managers' Headquarter* XXTWT W4 mTrflBIGTIMEACTS. BESTOFE\T.RYTniNO IN VAUDEVILLE- tEt^.V? WW WU T» r% X% M. Farce, Musical Comedy and Drnmatlc People for Tailold Shows' -N O IV OR ULTJIV FOIl THOSHS THAT I SPECIAL. CLUB ANU CABARET I>EPAIlTMrV„ d'J nEfcn.5 make good \A/E 3EE EVERYBODY HARRY SHANNON STOCK COMPANY For balance of Summer and regular season—Al LEADING MAN, HRAVT MAN, man and wnui« with up-to-date Single snd Double Specialties, to play strong line of parts; the woman for a£/»£ Business. Wardrobe and ability must be Al. Mention lowest salary am letter. oecona HAHBT gHAJftlOW, Oak wood. Ohio NTE For THE PLAYTER PLAYERS CLEVER SPECIALTY COMEDIAN, WITH CHAN6ES FOR WEEKS Offer long engagement; guaranteed time. DRAMATIC PEOPLE ALL LDffiS WRITE. Those with Specialties preferred. TeU all and state lowest Summer salary. Springfield. Mo., week June ik. Pittsbnrg, gam., wee*. 23. B, c. Rahdai. lT ' WANTED, TO JOIN JULY~7 Musicians for B. and O., Alto and 2d Violin, Raas and Tuba, or Tuba B. and 0. First class Ion? ->, N.J. DERPEBR08. MINSTRELS engagement at sure salary. Address until July-1, Pleasantvtlle, 28 Ida Adair has been engaged as lead- ing lady for the Poll Players, replacing Blanche Hall Agnes Baylea, prima donna soprano, gave two concerts Sunday, 16, at Sea Breeze Island Week of IT is Old Home Week at tbe Park Theatre. Tbe bill consists of all local acts. Hartford, Conn.—Parsons' (H. C. Par- sons, mgr.) the Hunter-Bradford Players, in "Mrs. Bumnstead-Leigb," week of June 17. Pom's (0. C. Edwards, mgr.)—"The House Ncrt Door" week of 17. Hartford (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Pictures and the following vaudeville bill appear week of 17: McDonald and Kenny, Chas. H. Tucker, Foraottl, Boeder and Lester, Hen- rietta Reuttl, Ed. Gray, and Lambert Bros. Empirb (P. L. McMahon, mgr.)—Motion pictures continue to attract good crowds. Star (Harrison Harris mgr.) — Daily change of films to good business. Cr nt I'm- (Oeer & Dunning, mgrs.)—The latest pictures and Summer vaudeville to big houses nightly. Hot Springs, Ark. — Alrdome (Frank Head, mgr.) tbe bill week of June 10 was an excellent one, and Included 10-12 : Herbert and Davis. Kawana Bros., Farley and Butler, and the Aeroplane Girls. For 13-15 were: Bonsettl Troupe, Jack Farley and May But- ler. Bartelll and Murphy, Cbas. Saunders, and the moving pictures. For 17 and week, the Big Bell Boy Musical Comedy Co. Whittikoton Park Is well patronized. Band concerts are given nightly by Prof. Ltdgerwood's Band or Qfteen pieces, and tbe vaudeville and motion pictures in the Sum- mer casino. Bill for 17 and week: The Bu- chanan Sisters, Jack Connors, tbe Apollo Trio, and two reels of motion pictures. Photoplay, New Cbntbal, Lyceum and Princess, moving picture bouses, are all doing welL Notb. —The New Lyric Theatres—altera- tions and rebuilding are progressing. The management are doing away with all pillars and columns, so that an unobstructed view of the stage will be bad from all parts of tbe bouse. Tbe house will not be ready before Sept. 1. Peoria, HI.—Lyceum (Pelii Greenberg, mer.) Lyceum Stock Company continues. Pbincbss (8eavw Amuse. Co., mgrs.)— Vaudeville and pictures. Al Fbksco park (Searer Amuse. Co., mgrs.) — Vaudeville, dancing and outdoor amusements. Viboinia Beach (Frank A. Helncke, mgr.) —Vaudeville, songs and dancing. DBMrsRr's (Martin Dcmpsey, mgr.) — Btock burlesque, songs and pictures. Columbia. Crkscekt. Db Luxe, Empress, Illinois. Majestic. Royal and Sanoauo, picture houses, are doing good business. Notes. —-Nat Relss .Shows appear bere week of IT Rice and Dore's Water Car- nival arc nt Pektn. III., week of 17 Emerson's Cotton Blossom Showboat Is play- ing the tewes on the Upper Illinois River. Me Aleut or, Ok la.—Star Air tme (R. Q. Busby, mgr.) tbe Welch-Francis Comedy Co. Jilayed to capacity business week of June 10. fohn B. Frank Players 17-22. Yale-Majestic (A. C. Rrown, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures continue to please large crowds. Fobum (J. A. Stetnson, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures continue to good business. Victor (Will TIbbit, mgr.)—Business con- tinues good. Licensed aims are now pre- sented. Notb.— ^The Jack Besscy Co. turned tbem away while bere, week of 3, and they will play a return date bere week of Aug. 4. Wheeling, W. Vo^-Court (Pelnler & Moore, mgrs.) the Court Stock Co. gave Hello Bill l" to good returns week of June 10. "Tbe Rose of the Prairie" 17 and week. Victoria (Geo. Shafer, mgr.)—Moving pictures held the boards here week ending 15, and had good returns. Wheeling Park (J. A. Moore, gen. mgr.) —.Agnes Bobey and her "Boys and Girls of Long Ago" was tbe feature attraction week ending 15, and did well. Bill for week of IB: Three Zabors, Al. Wilson, Fay Hough, and Bohce and Hyers. Battle Creek, Mich.—Post (E. R. Smith, mgr.) May- RobBon, in "A Night Out," June 22. Bijou (Will Marshall, mgr.)—Bill for 16- 10: Brown and Hodges, Whitfield and Ire- land, Dean and Price, Ben F. Cox, and Rlva Larson Troupe. For 20-22: Scott and Wil- son, Wanner and Palmer, Scbrlner and Rich- ards, and a monkey hippodrome. Bar Clrr, Mien.—Washington (W. J*. Daunt, mgr.) May Robson, in "A Night Out," June 21. Notes. —Arthur Walt, wbo has been for the past three years connected with the Callahan Dramatic Co., is visiting bis par- ents In this city The moving picture theatres in tbe city all repart splendid busi- ness. Patenon, N. J.—Majestic (Wt U. Walsh, mgr.) bill for June 17-19 Included: Sawyer and Tanner, Arthur Browning and company, Nelson and Moore, and lloxey and Laroca. For 20-22: Leonard and Alrin, Jack Shepard, American Trio, and the Dixon Sisters. Ca- pacity housas rule. Opera Houbb (John J. Goteschlus, mgr.)— For week of 17 the stock company presents ■The Marriage of Kitty." Dallas, Tex.—Lake Cliff Casino (Chas. Oliver, mgr.) vaudeville and motion pic- tures, Obpitrum (Roy Dalton, mgr.) — Loroy White and company, motion pictures were the features week of June 10. Happy Hour (Roy Dalton, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. Notb. —The motion picture houses all re- port good business. Lodkl LOOK I—For Sale, World CreTteTt Somersault Dog, turns perfectly straight on ui,i e snd Pony; auto other Trick Dog and lligh Divine Dog, cheap. ^ PROF. WISEMAN, 100 Devoe St., Brooklyn, N y IPOR SALE—Oood Male and Female Dummies Fine Mummy of Mexican Horned Man, a full line of Prop. Animals, Breast Shields for Burlesque Cos., a few good Bally-Hoos and Parade Features. Prop, of all kinds made to order. E. WALKER, 309 W. Mth ST., N. T. "DO IT NOW" Make yonr kMr c- tractlve with or BRASS AND OXY- DIZEO POSTER AND PH0T06RAPH FRAMES Write for folders. AU makes of Machine, Mlrrorolde Screens. Economizer h. Rheostats, Asbestos Bootru,Machine pans, Theatre Construction. KVEHTTH1NG FOB THEATRES THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 145 WEST 45th ST., N. Y. CITV WANTED MUSICIANS ConetJulaJroibOHi; other Musicians quick GEO. W. ATTEBERRY, YOUNG BUFFALO SHOW, Newport, R. I., June SO; Taunton, Ma«., 21; Plymouth, Mass., 22; Brocton, Mass., 24. STOCKorORAMtTICCOS. {NOW ORGANIZED PREFERRED] HIPPODROME, Otwtgo, N. Y. TEMPLE THEATRE, Cortland, N. Y. Address CHAS. P. OrLMORE, OSWEQO, N. T. Iifonnatlon Wanted of MARIE A. BILLINGS. with "The Oreat Northwest" Co. about year 1899. 8ttgoname AILKNE MORETTI. ._„ Estate JAMES E. BILLINGS, MARIA J. BILLINOS, AdmlnlatratH, 45 Yanderpool 8t., Newark, a ■ J. ROC TB i vis^r* Supplemental Ll»t-RecelTed TOO Late for ClanlUcatlon. Allen Stock—Alrdome—Fort Bcott, Ean., 1T-23- Applfgate a Hugo's Big Show, under cinjas—-v«i- paraiso, Nebr., 17-19, Bralnard 20-22, Shelby 24-20 Bomtelle, Jessie, and her Players—Detroit, Mich-. 24, Indefinite. . , v Bowdlsn Stock (A. N. Bowdlsb, mgr.)—-Lcecb- burg, Pa., 17-22, Now Kensington 24-20. "Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill (Mater Gordon W. Lll- lie, mgr.I—Iror.ton, 0., 20. Portsmouth 21. Oarleton, V7. T., Opera— Baltimore, Md., 17, uv (lennlte. _ Cloud Show (Frank Cloud, mgr.)—Green Bay. Wis., 17-Jnly 29. _ _ Do Verne, Minnie, and Btock—Alrdome, Z»n«- Tllle, O., 24, Indefinite. FulTi Metropolitan Band (Jacob Fun, bandmis- ter).—Sea Isle City, N. J., 2»-Sept, 10. ^^ Fraser Stock (D. Barnett. mgr.)—Alrdome, Fort Dodge, la.. 17. indefinite. Gollniar Bros.' Shows—Aitkin, Minn., 21, Brain- era 22, Detroit 24, Lisbon, N. Dak., 25, James- town 20. Ooonerstown 27, Oarrlngton 2S, Caiulo 2B. Hall's Associate Playora (Eugene J. Hill, mar.)— Lakemont Park Theatre, Altooaa, Pa., 17, In- definite. Berbert-GIIpln Tent Show (Ed. 8. Gilpin. msr->— Metcalf. 111., 17-22. Hume 24-20, fildell 27-20. Klark. Gladys (J. B. Balfour, miT.)—Caribou. Me., 17-22. , Murdock Biob. 1 Tent Show (AL Hurdock, mgr.) —Socksport, Me., 20-28. _ , Pryor, Arthur, and his Band—Blvervlew Eipwl- tlon, OnittKO, 111.. 23-Sopt. 1. Pelham's, The—Sllrer Creek, N. T.. 17-22. Bobaon. May (L. S. Sire, mgr.)—Bay City. Mich.. 21. Battle Oreek 22. Spark's Sbow (John H. Spsrk. mgr.)—Eaatport. Me., 25, Skownegan 28, Bath 20. "Texas Oattie King*' (Brownlee A BMd, mrrs.)— Montlcello. Me., 20, Brldgewater 21. Westfleld 22, Fort Fairfield 34, Prtaqoe tale 25. "Unde Tom's Cabin"—Terry's—Fremont. Is-. !»• Ollle 20. Waylond 21, Wlnfield 22, Drtghtoo 24, Buffalo 25. Genesee. III., 20, Atkinson 27, Shef- field 28. Henry 29. _ Wortham * Allen's TJalted Shows—Qrees Bay, Wis.. 17-2H. THE 9ATOT DILI. Tlie bill at tbe 8aT0y. Atlantic City. ■£• this -week, Includes: The Flying Martins, Kline Bros, and Sybil Brenncrs, Mack ana Orth, Adonis. Musical Simpsons, in 1WJ". and Gladys Clark and Henry Bergman.