The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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THE NEW YOKE CLIPPER. Jl l-Y 6 3 SUMMER HITS HARRY VON TILZER OH£ MR. D RE AM MAN THE^ RAC^ TIME GOBLIN MAN THAT PRECIOUS LITTLE THING GALLED LOVE 3 SUMMER HITS SPECIAL NOTICE tt'MKS IN rillcAG<». c grand oi'KRA house HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 125 W. 43d St., N. Y. City >•:« i in i. on,,, CORRECT AGAIN 1 Ediiob Clipper : DAVID BELASCO SUED. A suit was filed on June 24, In the United States District Court, by Anrella Bachman, BROOKLYN'S FIELD DAY. THEATRES TO BE ERECTED. Dear Sir.—It was with of tils city, and George L. McKay, of Ruthcr* much satisfaction that I read your truthful fprdton, N. C., against Davld^BeJasco, ^or A great day for No. 22 was Wednesday, June 20. The Held day was a perfect success In all particulars. A great crowd gathered ndlu^rdUoriaMnSecu^t^sucofTn. a.&ed infringementof co^ri^f the play at theBrighton Beach track and .wfienaui- Cur«R: "Vaudeville Booking Agentf." •IS*Slle," written by the plaintiffs. In col- mented by tkt ™f.*« t ,' Mk >n J' r ' '° '?* It Is time that the made known laboratlon, In 1909: This bill states that antomoblfe e»rade,^he stond^and^ Fobt Wains, Ind.—A new vaudeville the- atre «o be booked by Sullivan * Consldlne, wia'Bhortly be erected and will, It Is hoped. be opened In September. The house will have a seating capacity of 1,400. Henry Crull, who Is an officer of the company building th» playhouse will be Its manager. Atj .nd& l nShod 9 rfthrgr a fr.n™u.aui SliY BaSma^ Ynj'Mr "McKay Id we.,, a.thea.ld and Lthe m %*^"™* ^W &nt 'S.bWS' tht'l^ie bear. As Thb Clippek correctly stales, the -Etelle" In December, 1909, and In the fol- lively sight The automob es, gajly deco- ne " * ne . r galamazoo, jflch. system was started with the Idea of securing lowing February submitted It to Mr. Belasco. rate! and their occupants '""^d up to ^g^> n ^ e x^ tteatre to cost between ___—..-•- «„- nrfnniiai >nfl fn nhtni* ,» •_ ->.„._. j »{,.t <„ n*tnh«i. inn Mr. Ro. a holiday Ditch, left the clubhouse on _"?¥¥"' .^xA;..«« _S. -,.r_ii_ v- ...„.»»J raiments for performers and to obtain ltl,chareed that In October, 1911, Mr. Be- a holiday pitch, left the .clubhouse on "^I'^^o will shortly-be erected pood acts for manageri! msco produced a play called "The Case of Schermerfiorn Street shortly before 2 oclock. *™W» *o" e 7 0 { Eta and Pacific streets. Instead of which an irrferlor grade of act? Bccky, B which appropriated the substance and After arriving at tie Park they circled the »" the ,= or 5|, r , ? DC {$£ t±e furrfshlngs. " has be forced upon the managers by n gome of the language of "Etelie." Damages track and then took up convenient portions 'IL.S? „.— system of double dealing and conspiracy on are n ot stated or aBked, but an injunction Is In the field and parking reservations. Among the part of certain booking agents. The sooght to restrain Mr. Belasco from further the paradcrs were the Al. Beeves and Andy merits of the acts booked have had little or production of "The Case of Becky." Lewis cars. . „_. . rro bearing; In the matter of sccurluc time, r This B0 lt has caused Mr. Belasco to re- A big program of circus acts had teen pro- but the acts—good or bad—that paid the iterate a former statement by him, that in vided By James J. Armstrong, and the fol- largest fee to the agent go; the time. Th<* future he will positively refuse to read any lowing appeared on the track n front of the army of so-called agents Is as thick as and a n plays submitted to him by unknown stand: The Winkler-Kress Trio of acrobats, shyster lawyers, and their vile system of ex- authors. bortion should be fully exposed. In many cases they have absolutely forced members of the profession to patronize them. They have hounded many standard acts—recognized trained professionals who produce meritorious nnd finished acta—to such an extent thai they have the greatest difficulty in procuring engagements unless willing to "come across" In cddltion to the usual five per cent, com- mission as stipulated in the contract. From personal experience and observation, and from facta and opinions expressed to me by managers In every section of America, it is plain to see that a Just indignation has been aroused against the unfairness and down- right dishonesty on the part of certain book- ing agents. It is nothing leas than brutal arrogance and injustice. It Is pernicious, grasping, dishonest and humiliating to both managers and performers. Any individual or publication that could advocate such a crooked system is an enemy of all members of the profession, including the managers. It is the manager who has to pay for his ex- perience by accepting the grafting agents bookings, and thereby reducing his box office receipts. .... The above statements arc actual facts and not oplnona or a "sour grapes" cry, as the writer la not In search of engagements. Tub Clippib advertising columns have kept this act busy for twenty-five years. For obvious reasons, which Tub Clipper will readily understand, I cannot give my name for publication. Yours respectfully, "VAtJDBViLLB Artist. 4 »» MODERN I LLUMINATION. " -Modern illumination—Theory and Prac- tice " is the title of a handbook of practical Information by llenry C. HorBtman and Victor H. Tousley. The book, which is a handy reference for electricians, contractors, architects and the users of electric lights, treats the matter In hand both from a theo- retical and a practical standpoint It Is written In a clear, terse and perfectly understandable style, alike to the layman, the student or the electrician. There are no long, Queer-Bounding, technical terms for the reader to stumble over. It gives the basic essentials and practical facts of modern light- ing In a direct manner. It treats of the correct placing of lights In apartment_ build Ings, stairs, halls and A. K. BARRETT, With bis "Old Standby." TO AMEND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. The Canadian Premier, K. L. Borden, and his fellow ministers, left Canada, June 25, Shaw's Comedy Circus, Including a cham- pion burking mule; O'Brien's Comical Clowns, the Aerial Bartletts, Fongo and Leo, comedy revolving pole; the La Belle Troupe, trampolin net; the Vincent Bros., triple bars: Schaller and Jordan, trapeze; the Na- tlonn! Comiques, tight wire act; the Cycling Todescos, and Franklin, one-legged acrobat Shannon's Military Band alternated with the Orphans' Band In furnishing spirited se- lections. A ten 'mile motor cycle race, with four entries, resulted in a close finish between two machines, the winner, John Constant, also establishing a new amateur record for a mile. J. B. French was a close second. A ten mile auto race was won by Billy Clarke, In a Mercer machine, In an exciting finish with Ben Qulnn, In a Correjea machine. A five mile Marathon was won by J. J. He- Mamara. Nine hundred orphans taken to the track In big auto buses, were the guests of the Elks, and none enjoyed the various events more than they did. After the field events about 1.200 ad- journed to Reiscnweber's for the clambake, and later to the New Brighton Theatre, where most of the performers in some way or other showed that It was Elks' Day. Marshall Montgomery, for Instance, came on in full dress, with a purple vest and purple hosiery, ■which he was particularly anxious to bring to everybody's notice. The entire bill was a big hit, despite the heat. "Tom" Moore gave the 11 o'clock toast, and the audience sang the anthem. After the show a dance at Relsenweber's, nnd then the autos gradually disappeared on their homeward Journey after a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable occasion. 4i» SHAW-BARRIE-PINERO BILL. Charles Frohman has concluded an agree- ment Willi G. Bernard Shaw, James M Barric and Sir Arthur W. Flnero for each to write a play, which will be produced together in a triple bill. The trio of authcra have met and arranged the length of the respective plays. They will select the artists they desire. Each author will superintend the rehearsals of bis own piece The triple bill will be given at the Duke of will be known as the Dalles Hippodroaie. Shamokin, Pa.—L. J. Chamberlain, owner of the Theatorlum (moving pictures! here, has decided to build a theatre on Independ- ence Street near Eighth, costing In the neigh- borhood of $35,000. The house, which will have a balcony and boxes, will seat 1,000. 4-*-e> T. M. A. OUTING. New 1'ork Lodge will have an excursion and outing to Boynton Beach, on the New Jersey coast, Tuesday, Aug. 6. A baseball game between the New York and the New Jersey lodge teams, chorus girls' races and swimming contfsts and other diversions will furnish plenty of amusement. 4 »» DR. ZIEGFELD SAILS. Dr Florenz Ziegfeld, president of the Chi- cago Musical College, and father of Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., galled for Europe on June 26 by tbe Kaiser Wllhelm II. Jules Hurtlg, of Hurtlg k Seamon, also was a passenger. 4»» GEO. H. MURRAY'S SEW POST. Geo. H. Murray, one of the most widely known theatrical managers In America, ha; just been appointed Eastern repreaentatlve of the Morgan Lithographing Company, of Cleveland, O. every room In such for England, where they will discuss, among York's Theatre In September, and the per armories, studios, art other matters, that of International copy- tormance will be repeated In New York soor gSl&autmnoblies^^ballrwms, etc TherS right. The United States does not subscribe afterward, we numerous tables and Illustrations, giving to the Berlin copyright convention. Canada a pratlcal idea of how to obtain the beBt re- ta now negotiating for such an amendment to sX from all kinds of lighting. , *!,.?«"?,. ***2!S£> a " TJUhS."!. \ * The book, which Is from the press of Fred- arply such copyright restrlcrions to any Jo n BrookB j, aB eEgagea two tck J. Drake 4 Co., Chicago, Is handsomely country not a party to the cen-ventlon, as English actors to open In "Milei Itten up in leather binding* with Illuminated that countr y Imposes upon It. )n August ver. .-„«.„.. „ J M, „«».. . Or.e company will appear In — ,, „.» KNOWLES IN MANILA. the Liberty, New York, and th erlck gotten cover, ■».» MILESTONES." News_from London is to the effect that companies of Milestones" eariy LETTER CARRIERS' PICNIC, The New York Letter Carriers' Assocla KNOWLES IN MANILA. The Week End, Manila, P. I., of May 11, gives u q account of the tour of R. G, the play at the Liberty, New York, and the other com- pany at the Blackstone, Chicago. HARRY CORSON CLARKE, The "'Hustling Kid," landed at Sydney, Au- stralia, April 13. He was Invited to enroll under tbe J, C. Williamson banner and ac- cepted, and was oooked for n year. He has moved Into a beautiful flat overlooking Syd- ney Harbor, and has anchored. THE HENRY B. HARltls ^" ENTERPRISES. In October "The Quaker Girl' Is t„ be ».. scnted In Bio de Janrtro. This, it is rii? will be the first time In the hlstorr of th, Btage that an English modern muslc:i'i comtdi has been translated Into Portuguese whiel11« the official language of Brazil. AftA r nlartn. a nomber of cities in Brazil, the comnsin will tour South America, playing "Tip Quakl, Girl" In Spanish. * wm Marlon Fairfax, author of 'The Talker" has completed a play, entitled "Work " whlcl will be seen in New York early In November William Harris 8r. and Frank MeKee are going to establish a permanent muslca' stoci company at the Park Theatre next season but, unlike the usual stock companies oil? new offerings will bo presented. 11 is' their intention, If success attends their cITorts tt send out on tour competent companies pre- senting these musical nits as soon as uev have scored a substantial success la New York. Florence Malone, leading woman In "B» Talker," sailed last week on the George Washington for a six weeks' tour of Q e r many and tbe Austrian Tyrol. Clifton Crawford Is writing a number of songs that will be Introduced la tbe new muslca! comedy which Channing Pollock in4 Rennold Wolf are writing, and in which Hr. Crawford will star, opening early in Sep tcmber. 4»» F. LDMSDEN HARE MARRIES SELENE JOHNSON. On Tuesday, June 25, In Jersey City, Selene Johnson, a well known actress, «m has eppeared In a number of Important pr» ductions, was marired to F. Lumsden Hire, an actor, who comes of a famous Irish family. The ceremony, which took place la 81 Joan's German Evangelical Church, In Jer- sey City, was witnessed by only a few rela- tives of the bride. Mr. Hare is the eon of the late Ma (the* Tennefather . Hare, of Balllngarry, Coontr Tlpperary, Ireland. He Is a nephew of Justice John Gibson, of Dublin, and of Loid Anhhourne, erstwblie Lord Chancellor of In- land. Miss JohnsoTh appeared In the lending rolts with Arnold Daly during the season of 1904, and attracted (articular attention while sup- lXH-ticir him In George Bernard Shnws "How Ho Lied to Her Husband," given at the Horkeley Theatre/ Three years ago sot plnved Mrs. Chandler, In "The Dollar Mark," a stay by George Broadhurst, produced it Wallace's Theatre. 4«» Ml'SIC-IAW WEDS DARONESS. Bnrnneps von Sclilmmclfenig, of Silesia. Germany, and Benedict Fitzgerald, organist and composer, wero married on June 27 In St. Catharine's Church, Somerville, Masi Mr. Fitzgerald, who has traveled ouch abroad, visited Germany and was eater- talned by the countess father, who was mavor of New Market, Silesia. She came to this country a year ago, and went to the Convent of the Holy Child, at Sharon Hill, Philadelphia, to perfect herself In English « ■ 0 "GRAIN OF DOST" PLAYERS. James K. Hackett has engaged Luke Martin and Olive Oliver for Important roles In 'Tit Grain of Dust" this Summer, opeular la San Francisco on July 21. 4«» MARGARET DALE RE-ESGAGED. Margaret Dale will again play Mrs. Noel Travers, In "Disraeli," with George Arllss, re-openlng at Wallack's Theatre early i» September. »i™ win hold their next annual Splenic at Knowles, which was widely heralded by Xe> , en^a^.rIf^ a N nU J^r I hu^ay: gg* Hind.e "the happ^ .Utle^advance July 4. The entire net proceeds will, as usual, bo turned over to tho Sick and Death Benefit Fund. Uncle Sam, strange to say, falls to make any provisions for his sick and dis- abled carriers, and this neglect has to be atoned for by the carriers themselves on the co-operative plan. Tbe magnitude of this undertaking is evidenced by tie fact that the annual disbursements of the Sick and Death Benefit Fund amount to nearly $20,000. The man." Assisting talnment are: Kelly and Ashby, Idris Lewis, Sinnlst; Winifred Johnson, Marie Terry and . S. Bcnlley. The company played the Grand Opera House, Manila, P. I., week of May 19. 4. > SALE IN THEATRE BLOCK. Brlgham Hail and William T. Bloodgood have sold tbe two dwellings at 133 and 135 West Forty-eighth Street to an laveBtor. drain upon the treasury has been unusually Tne ^^ )B Margaret C. Marnn, who has heavy during the past few years, and the com- ownoo the property for over twenty years, niltteo In charge arc making strenuous efforts Tlle combined plot has a frontage of 87.8 " feet by 10B.5 deep, and adjoins on the East the new Brady Playhouse, with a ten foot alley between. 4»» LENNOX PAWLB ENGAGED. Lennox Pawle, who will be recalled for his excellent performance of Jerome Brooko- Iloskyn, In Louis Parker's play, "Pomander Walk," has been engaged for an Important comedy role In "The Girl from Montmarte," which Charles Frohmon will present with Richard Carle and Hattte Williams, at the Criterion Theatre, early In August. 4 '» TALKING DOG FOR VICTORIA. Wm. Hammcrsein announced last week thnt Don, "the talking dog," from Europe, will be the principal attraction at Hammcretcln'B Root Garden for two weeks, beginning on July 8. Mr. HammerBtetn took exception to an announcement that Martin Beck would prcacnt Don exclusively In this country in theatres of the Orpheum Circuit 41 » "DETECTIVE KEEN" AT UNION SQUARE. "Detective, Keen," Daniel Frohman's new vaudeville production was given for the first lime In New York City at the Union Square Theatre, Monday July 1. Tbe cast Included : ituby Hoffman, Palmer Collins, Arthur Hope, William Slider and Sterling Cbeseldlne. 4 » » BUCKNER MEETS ACCIDENT. Bucknor, who was engaged to fill a week's contract at Olympic Park, Newark, N. J., met with an accident while performing one of his feats on the bicycle, and was seriously Injured June 23. to make July 4 a red letter day in tbe asso- ciation's calendar. Tho amusements will consist of an exhi- bition of fireworks on a grand scale. A sen- sational aeroplane exhibition and flight by Oliver Burr Sherwood, and a first cIsbs con- tinuous vaudeville, afternoon and evening. ■♦■» SCENIC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ^_____ FAILS. _ The Ormston Scenic Construction" Co., manufacturers of stage scenery, has filed a petition in bankruptcy, with liabilities of $5,413 and nominal assets of $5,727. The petition was signed for tbe company by Jncob S. Friedman, the secretary, and it Is stated that George W. OrmBton, the president, left tho city some months ago and went to Van- couver, B. C. Among the creditors are: Daniel V. Arthur, $400; Albert Ethler, $400; Maurice Lustbnder, $121)7: Lillian Frled- mnn, $785, and Samuel Friedman, $1,273. 4.» LILLY AND HIS BAND. Prof. Lilly has organized a band of young musicians, with which he proposes to tour the country, beglnulng Aug. 1. The ages of tho musicians range from 15 to 21 years. The band gave the first concert of the sea- son at Allontown, Pa., May 28, which was attended by the mayor and several thousand people. Stewart Onssett will be the manager of tbe band.. 4»» OLD MUSICIAN AND WRITER DEAD. Arthur Wollslv Ten Rrocrk, a musician nnd writer for magnzlnes, died on June 2B, at his residence, 205 West Mighty-fifth Street. He was sixty years old, and a graduate of the New York University. Mr. Ten Brocek left a widow nnd sister. 4. » FALLS FROM SCENIC RAILWAY. Fsnk O'Rourkc, of Jersey City, fell from the top o>f the scenic railway at Glen Island, on June 24, nnd received a fractured skull and Internal Injuries. He was taken to the New Rochelle Hospital. •ON THE WATER WAGON" (LnbllO. NOTICE . HALF TONE PICTURES 1st the read- Ins; pastes of THB CLIPPER will ko laserted at these prleeai Froat Pa«4 Cat fH.oo Doable Oelasaa $io.4« ■laajl* Oalasaa |*.M FOR REMOVING MAKE . SKND 75. CENTS FOR PINT TIN CREAM At Ml (icu'd iirjig:_aiul ilejiaiiiiieiji. stuns nr direr!, pustule |\re|mnl, "n receipt price. Picasan.ti quick and crononiical-to u<e.' Nri uut or jvaTaffihcj ."'Oil t gW hair.- Improves the c<>mplrxion. -I'setl 1» i enliiix'r* cvervwlicrc. vn 4 A. H. STEVENS CO. > - . MN2 RROAUWAY._NlW ™! ▼ » TTT T »TTTVTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTfTTTfTTT TT » T T