The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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10 THE MJblW YOEK CLIPPEE. TtoJOHNW. gixnjccma»| 152 Wert 461tt St. Tdtphono. 550 Bryant H EW YORK CIT Y WE CONTROL EXCLUSIVELY POK8TOCKORHOAD TOUlli PRISONER OF ZENDA HtR HUSBAND'S WIFE TAKE MY ADVICE CALL OF THE CRICKET THE PRINCE CHAP THE LOVE R8UTE FULL COMPANY FOR PBBBIAlfKKT STOCK. MANAGER S1XW ST. THEATRE STOCK CO., COSHOCTON, OHIO WHAT SOME OF THK STOCKS ARES PLAYING THIS WEEK. (FvrtiUhtil oo Daren 6 Wolford.) Hitiw;i;pouT— PoH'b. "The Three Twins." C0WI1.U10 SvRl.NGS.— Opera House, "The Blue Mouse." Coiumulb. —Hartmon, "lu Fifty Years." Culi'miius. —Olrntnngv. "Heven Days." Daito.v. —Falrvlew, "Heir to the Uoornh." jAnuno>cTiLLE.—Portable, "A Good Fel- low." Kansah City. —Willis Wood, "The Deep Purple." LiNroLWv—Ollver, "D'Arcy of the Guards." Lorta Island., —Hill's, "Arizona." Minkiafoms. — Shubcrt, "The Lottery Man." Montiigai.. —Frnncnis, "Our New Minister." Monthbal. —Orphcum, "Mndame X." New fin— Vox, "The Christian." Nbw YonK.—Tremont, "The Charity Ball." New ohi.i.anh. —Dauphlnc, "Woman Against Woman." Niaoaka Kam.n. — International, "Alias Jimmy Valentine." Ottawa.— Colonial, "A Circus Girl." OTTAWA—Dominion, "Arizona." OCBiH Vibw. — Casino, "Ucllo of Rich- iimml." _ . . PtrrsiiL-KOH.—Grand, "What Happened to Jones." I'noviriKXCB.—Empire, "Pals." Pohti.and. — Capo Cottuge, "Beverly of Graustark." Rochkbthh. —Temple, "Uncle Tom's Cabin. Rochester. —Lyceum, "Fort.y-flvc Minute* from liicmdwny." Kociibsteh. —Baker, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Ht. Louih.— West M "The Baw Mouse." SciiiiNEiTABY. — Van Curler, "Brewster's Millions." Svhaodnb. —Welt Inn, "The Crisis." Bybacvhb. —Empire, "The Easiest Way." Salt Lake. —Orpheum, "The Coaonerorj." Tbbnton.— Broad St., Toe Third Degree." Otica.— -Majestic, "Mother." Wiiitk Plains.— Newell, "Seven Days." Wiucbb-Bamik. — Poll's, 'The; Third Do- free." WiLuwonu.—Bilker's, "Tho Dairy Farm." Wilmington. — Brardywlne, "What Hap- pened to Jcncs." Washinuton, —Columbia, "The Wrong Mr. Wright.' I Washington. — Poll's, "Tlu? Fourth Es- tate." _ Todnostown. —"Grand Opera House, "Tha Wolf." Long Reach. —Bontley Grand, "The Blue Mouse." i ■ MADDOCKS-FIKLl) PLAYERS ASSIST ELKS' IJHII.K. Being such great fnvorltes with the peo- ple In general, at Palatkn, Fin., we were re- quested by the local lodge. B. P. 0. Elks, 1232, to assist In cclebrntlug their first an- niversary ou Thursday, June "0. Our time on the circuit was so arranged that we could remain over. A farce com- edy whs produced for the occasion, and kept the large audience luugkliit; from start to finish, Tlie l-'.lks attended In a body, dressed In white duck trousers, white shirts, white shoes, and purple ties and hose. A hundred or more they inarched down the aisle to tbo strains of u march, arid were in the reserva- tion rondo for them in the parquet. Loud and lingering was the uppluusc as they seated themselves to eujuy the play. And they did enjoy It. The two riot numliers were J. Fred Helf's song. "Here's to Our Absent Brothers," sung by Frank L. Muddoeks, and Ted Snyder's "Everybody's Doing It," In the llrst act, by Happy Jack Kearney and company. A num- ber of the Florida Press Association were present, and congratulations came from all sides until we almost felt that wa had tho best show In the world. After tbe show the Indies of the company wore entertained by the Indies of the Elks, at the home of Mrs. Morrluin, and the innle members attended the smoker given at the rlubrooms which lasted Into the wee hours of the morning. Everyone voted It the best time they had had In many a day. and wo will nhvnvs have a warm Bpot in our hearts tor Palatka. MAE LA PORTE CO. NOTES. Fm- the coming season, which opens nt Sprluglleld, O., July SO, Mae La Torte will attempt to give the theatregoers In tho middle States one of the Kicutest stock or- ganizations ever attempted. Manager Mc- Enroe will surround Miss Lu Porte with tha best acting eompanv she lias ever had, and tbe plays will nil tic new to popular price theatregoers. After a number of fair antes the company will play only the best Ume In the central States. A complete new line of printing, from Erie Lithograph Co., -will bo used. Many of the old members of the com- pany have been engaged. I NO CHANGE IN FORMER WILLIAMS STOCK BOVSES. The Crescent and Gotham Theatres. In Brooklyn, will continue their former policy of stock companies, according to E. F. Al- tec's statement to the affect that no changes have been planned for the two houses. THE DE ARMOND SISTERS STOCK. The D» Armond Sister.? Stock Co. opened June 34, at Suburban Garden, St Louts for an Indefinite engagement, a lay lug: two bills a week with, special vaudeville features between each act. This Is a deviation from the regu- lation .permanent stock arrangement, and is- proving; very satisfactory. The roster of company Is as follow*: Mrs. D» Almond, proprietor; Fred Butler, manager; Lillian. It* Armond, leads; Irene De Amend, sou- brcttes; Luclle Phelps, character*; Marie Bonnet, general business; Jack Vinson, lends: Joe Murray, Juveniles; Ed. Mack, heavies; Chns, Martin, characters, and BUlle Looney, general business. ■ HARKS BROS.* STOCK ROTES. The May A Bell Marks Stock Co. wilt open the Fall season on the fair circuit Several people have been engaged for the coming season. May A. Bell Marks will visit New York City, Iter former home, In search for new plays and people, before tbo season opens. B. W. Marks is looking for a scenic artist to retouch op the scenery for next season. George and Malzle Marks are enjoying the lake breezes at Bed Cedar Villa. s Clada Ob Mar 4s back in stock at Owens- boro, K.v., for the Summer, and will be with "The Lottery Man" next season, that goes to tbe Coast. Spslnotirld, Mass., Poll's, "The Chorus, Lady" Jnlr 1-6, "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cab- bage Patch" S-13. Chestnut, Philadelphia, week of July 1, the stock Is offering "The World and Ills Wife." William Inqibsoll, leading man of the Orpheum Stock Co. Philadelphia, Pa., sails for Europe on July 0, on the steamship Vndcrland, for a three months' trip, and on his return In September will resume his duties with the company. "Teiutebt and 8unshinb" Is this week's bill at the Metropolis, New York City. ■Hell Hath No Fubt," a new piny, la the offering July 1-8, at the Prospect, New Tort City. "St. Elmo" is given by the stock at the West End, New Tork City, this week. Jean Mubdock, leading woman of the Balph Kellnrd Stock, at the Wletlng Theatre, Syracuse, N. T., has left that organization.'b stock shahon ended Jane 29, (he Aborn English Grand Opera, the W. T. Cm-teton company and the Thomas Players closing on that date. Owinu to tbe closing of the HoweU-Kelth Stock Co., under the management of L. Des- mond and Chns. Edwards, J. Harvey Mc- Klroy left for Ocean City, N. J., till Sept. 15. when he opens with the Knickerbocker Stock Co., at Lancaster, Pa. Tun Howli.l-ICkitii Stock Co., who have been touring In Pennsylvania, have had nn attachement served upon them, according to newspaper reports. Eddie Black Is organizing a permanent stock, to open .Inly in, at Macon, on. Montukal, Can., Francois, "Our New Min- ister" closes the season of this bouse, end- ing 0. Oakland. Cal., Macdonough, "At the Fair" June :n> July 8. Oa-klanii, Cal., Ye Liberty, "Seven Days" 1-8. Wheeling, W. Va., Court, "In Missouri" 1-6. Cleveland, 0., Colonial, "The Spend- thrift" 1-0. Syracuse, N. Y., Valley, "The Show Girt" 1-0. WiLLiAMsroBT, Pa., Vallamont Park Pa- vilion. "Wife la Name Only" and "The Oc- toroon" 1-6. Ki.MiuA, N. Y.. Knrlck's Glen. "Ula Honor, the Mayor," by the Manhattan Opera Co., 1-0. Lowkll, Mass., Mcrk So., "The Rosary" 1-8, "St Elmo" 4-8. Lowell, Mass., Canoble Lake, "The Sub- urbanites" 1-0. tHIS OP HT BKE8T YOU MAY HAVE MISSED, Tuk present high price of beef Is likely to stick all Summer, and It may go higher still. Baltimore has appointed Mary Steele Harvey on the police force. She was sworn In. on the regular force, and was given a regulation badgo She will guard young girls In connection with, her work for fibs Federation Charities. Tub bodieb of three more Titanic victims were picked up last week by the steamer II- ford, 370 milts from whero the liner sank. Cmables BUR defeated Harry W. Rich- ards recently In an endurance contest for the plnno playing record. Mr. Uyon played continuously for &lxty hours at Elks' Park, Brooklyn. Samuel Gompkhs, John Mitchell and Frank Morrison were held guilty of contempt of court at Washington, D. C, In the Supreme Court, In connection with a court injunction. A stuixb of the Pennsylvania Railroad employees 'will probably bo announced beforo long. The now official flag, with tho two addi- tional stars for Arizona and New Mexico, will be unfurled on July 4. Ovkb 10,000 Is now the number of de- positors for the I! S. Postal Bank, and de- posits exceed 3211,000,000. Daub Devil Uuntkr was killed In a race on the Luna Park motordome, Cleveland, O., June 20. Claud- ORAHAMU-Wiimo, English aviator, was married to Dorothy Taylor, of New York, at Wldford, Essex. England, June 27. BoiiBABDriR Wells, of England, was knocked out by Albert Pnlzcr, at Madison Square Garden, New York. June 27. Tan. waiters strike in New York Is off. Lierj-r. John 11. Towxiu) attained a speed of eighty miles an hour recently, with his aeroplane, In crossing Chesapeake Bay. Annie Beukdale, a negress, was lynched June 24, at Plnehurnt. On., for murdering; her mistress, Mrs. B. ft. Jordan. Josern Stdbois, ticket inker at the New York Polo Grounds, wns found dead In. his chair nt the gate. June 24. Shout skihts for women bathers arc barred at Atlantic City, N. J„ also ball play- ing on. the beach and use of profanity. Thh Western Union Thi.kouai'ii Co., on July 1, established a new thirty cent mini- mum, rate zone for messages, applying nil over the country. Formerly there was no rntc between twenty-five and forty cents. l)n. Austin Flint testified at thi Thaw hearing that Harry T>nw Is a "hopelosa paranoiac, of a type that never recovers" and that he Is unfit to he released. A tornado did great damage at Reglnn, Saak., .Tune 30. Tim Amhrican rtAG was unfurled July 1. on the fifty-firth floor. 770 feet above the ground, of the new Woolworth Building; New York. Mavny Ross and Jack Richmond are with the Jos. Daly Music Co. Tho New York head- quarters are with liner A Hoot. WANTED FOR PERMANANT GUARANTEED STOCK &rttiwl$. THE HERBERT A. KLLUE SHOWS. Bt JOE HETT. liiutvooT mm IiKLOtT. Wis., June 2ft. The K. G. Barkoot World's Greatest Slows played to big business here this weak, under the auspices of the local order of Moose. The shows gave general satisfaction and are sure of a hearty welcome us the future. AI. F. German, the general representative of the Bnrknot organization, and the Western rep- resentative of The New York Clippbr were here from Chicago Thursday. SetU N Muylleld, secretary-manager of tbe Texas Cotton Palace. Waco, was also n vis- itor, and expressed himself as highly pleased with the general excellence of tho Bnrkoot aggregation. Mr. Muylleld Is on n tour of the country, looking over the various carni- val companies with the view of contracting one of them for the Waco Exposition, which •Is to be held Nov. 2-17. The attendance at the Cotton Palace last Fall was 110,000. Ac- cording to Mr. ..Inyllcld, the Texas crop con- ditions are excellent—the beat la ten years, nc will visit the Parker. Patterson, Worthnm & Allen, Nat Relss, Mazcppa, and Greater United shows before returning to Waco. WORTHAH & ALLEN NOTES. Tlits Is the first time that the Worthnm & Allen Shows United have been routed throagh what la known as the copper country of Northern Wisconsin and the Upper Penin- sula of Michigan. Business lias been Im- mense through this territory. At Ishpemlng, Mich., we opened on June 24, and It was a regular Fourth of July crowd, as nil the mines close in this section on city. Directly across from the lot a picnic was held, ami over twenty thousand people from all over Marquette County were In attendance. It Is useless to say that both shows nnd concessions reaped a harvest. In fart, It was a regular "clean-op," Juice Joints and lunch stands cetng completely sold ant by 0 r. m., and not a show bud to give a tally to get a crowd. '1 hey were anew hun- gry, sad Jnst "ate" tbe shows upx The Worthnm A Allen Shows have keen out nine weeks, and the shows and concessions have all done rcflinrkably well. Buckskin Ben baa enlarged his band and lias broken in a new dog act. Captains Miller and West fro still the great drawing card with the hrrsc show. Waters' Concert Band always makes a favorable Impression, and their concerts sever fall to bring them out. Doc Turner, of International fame, says this Is the llrst year he has had a dollar on the right Fide of tho ledger before Jul; 4. J. George Roy and Elmo Davis arc con- testing hard, dally, for first place with tho fun factories. Roy Paiincll, the dare-devil high diver, who Jumps onto a skid, Instead of water or net, met with an accident and has been laid up for the past few days. His understudy, Fearless (lav, Is now doing the act. Doc. Zeno, of the Edwards Animal Show, bills bis show like a circus. This is one of the f/>w Independent shows that have their own special line of paper. > FBRARI SHOW IN CANADA. Halifax, N. S., June 28 (Special to Tin Clipper) .—The first regular carnival com- pany to play through the province of Nova Scotia Is the Col. Francis Fcrnri Shows United, which have been creating such a sen- sation throughout the province of New Bruns- wick, where they have been playing the past two weeks. The Iferarl Shows ore hilled here for Dominion Week, and will set up on the common a few blocks back of the citadal or gnrrlson quarters. A deal of Interest Is being taken In the event, and the local committee have given tho affair a deal of publicity throughout the surrounding country. Sydney Wire and a staff of advance promoters are on the ground, and things are bumming along In an encouraging direction. The Fcrari Shows will lenvc here on Sat- urday, July fl, for St. Johns, N. B., where Col. Fernrf lias arranged to play his shows tinder civic auspices. Reports from St Johns state that the city and suburbs arc well ad- vertised 8AENGERFE9T OPENS. iMuch enthusiasm attended the opening of the twenty-third Saengcrfcet of tha North- east Sncngcrbund In Philadelphia, Pn., Sat- urday night, June 20. A chorus of more than two thousand persons participated In tho Inaugural concert, nnd a program of ex- ceptional merit was rendered. Tho concert was held under the auspices of the United Singers of Philadelphia, TIIT'S WHAT TIM ALL SAT DEAR SIR—Flensed to ten ymrt that I i-ecelTFtl »vrr forty aaawer* to my nil. In THE CLIPPER Your vssrsmbla ■taper always) Rtrhrara r-* wnmt I want. Yours trittr, JIlWwIW FAIRBANKS, Moulluettc, Out., Can. MAR for Juveniles and Heavies. SCBNIO ARTIST that can build and All most be first class stock people. Btata lowest salary. Join an wire. Open. Addles* RDD1E HLACK, ou* BaaiU VxtosUre), stace. PIANO I ica July is, at Ms .ire, Atlanta, PLAY KB. Maoon, G». NEW YORK CLIPPER—.Vm c»cloa* Inn: yeu a few "nofea" uf, tike RasrlH. Pnrklnsun Stavk Co., iitxo mxy sincere «kjm k» nnd comnllmentn. Ninety (OO) per cent, of tUc peaulc on my snow were nrrnred thranacn tbe u<lv<<rtlit— infr columns of y«inr paper. In answer to one aitvertlMriiM-nt I received over oeventy <70> nisnUcsrtloaH. "Pretty stood, ekvl" AsrcBt. £ 0LY6 PAVOltlTB BEHOKXTOtrS FOR RRPHK«KJITAT-(VH SHOW PKOPI F THE WELLINGTON HOTEL & D. CUMMIWOfi, M-«-«- 2A?A?£i'*E^ d CHICAGO* ELLS., U. S. A, EursneaB. Gab sad Baffd Sanies Uoaxcsltal. VISIT THE INDIAN Ron* En Roots, June 35. The overcoming of apparently lDSBmasmntV able difficulties show the timber a sum bt made of, and no one will gainsay that a stub- born railroad tympany Is a tough nut to crack. The first half of the fifteen hundred mile jump from Minneapolis to Calgary was a revelation In transporting a show, and an behalf of the entire company I wish to ex- press onr thanks to the gentlemen of the Great Northern Railroad. The show train had right of way, and made better time be- tween Minneapolis and Brandon than the regular passenger trains, arriving at the lat- ter place almost sixteen hours ahead of schedule, despite a wreck which caused con- siderable delay. After the transfer to the Canadian Pad li- the troubles commenced, and were of sucb magnitude and nature that would overwhelm an ordinary man, and either make him ac- cept the dictatorial terms of an antagonistic railroad or trait. Herbert A., however, Is no quitter, and lone-handed, pottnded and slammed, snd by sheer fore? of wIB power accomplished the seemingly Impossible, so that after a slight delay the train was en route to destination. J. P. Wagner, the seven foot footman on the Princess Victoria Show, met with painful Injuries. In a wreck a few miles East of Bran- don, Manitoba. California Frank who, It may surprise some to know, Is a physician and surgeon, attended. Visitors at Minneapolis: James Patterson and sister-in-law, Barle Hearne and wtfe, Messrs. Pajano Johnston, Noyes, Wilson and Howe. INDIAN ROOM for Tna Carnival JlaaagW Assoejhattosi of All UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING GO, EDW. P. NEniLalW Jr. Pres. WALTBB P. DRIVBR, Vlee-Pres • EDWARD R. UTZlNOEB, Secy. "wres. MVan VORTH DESPLAIITES STREET, - CHICAGO 1SJ, TENTS, BANNERS AND 8HOW PARAPHERNALIA WRITE FOR CATALOGUE * m RICE & DORE WATER CARNIVAL AND XX SHOWS stage, WrU.TED-6ood lady Swimmers Who Can Dive This Is the Largsst Water Show in tn* World. Water heated, dressing rooms on with good floors, vou peroiBHl comfort should he worth something. WB CAW cTSB OWE MOrUa GOOD BALLYHOO SHOW. Privileges of every kind can be placed except Poodle Dogs, Vase, Cook House andShooUni r.»n«™ HOBTE-mnton, RL. June 17; Pekln Bl„ Jane M: Jollet, III.. (Diamo nd Jubilee ,Juiji THE GREATEST FLOCK OF FLYERS IN THE WORLD~ HEADED MSSWtM First woman, to pilot an aeroplane across the English ChanneL The greatest drawine card ,hi, centnry. ^T. LEO BTElTEliS, «W1 lagjr., Roa Ml, uig.^ t \S Y , Miss Harriet WANTED Rr Stlrf 9R0S.' SHOWS Two Alto Players for big tap band, first Class Steward with circus experience, one competent Car Portwr, few six and four Horse Drivers. Join per route: Carrolton, O., July 4; Norwalk 6, Bellevue 6, Oak Harbor & After that, JTo. 888 Stuamit St. Toledo o CHAHGES n ORCHESTRA ARRMfiEMEATS. The new musicians* schedule of wages went Into effect In New York City, July 1. Tho Moulin Rouge Installed pianos on that date. The Globe Theatre is playing nnlon musi- cians under A contract, but have reduced the force. The Columbia have also eliminated a por- tion of the orchestra, under their contract with the union. Wm. Haromerstein has a piano player on the stage at his theatre. Tho Gaiety has an orchestrion. The Keith nouses, as well as those la the Proctor circuit, went back to the plnno for the present. CraBAMliEWS. FLIUSCIIMAW CABARET. The active Summer season of Fleltch- mann's Cafe, at Prospect and Westchester avenues, Bronx, New York City, was Inau- gurated on Wednesday, June 20, by a "Night of Flowers." The restaurant and cafe were artistically decorated, and aa each guest entered they were received by a special reception com- mittee, headed by Mrs. Louis Plclschmann, the popular wife of the manager, nnd at In- tervals of every fifteen m.nutcs pretty girls made their way around the tables distributing flowers. The music publishing fraternity co-oper- ated with Manager nclschmram In making tals a gala occasion, and the following ap- peared : Goodrich, Van and Zlpp, who sang their own songs ntnldst the wildcBt npplnusc, and were easily the hit of the evening. Jeff T. Brannen, Dick Jess (Jerome H. Remlck), AI, King and Prank Davis (Jerome & Schwartz), Ben Albert and Harry Jcntcs (P. A. Mills), Mort C rem and Tom Shannon (Kendls & Paley), Jack RIchman nnd Manny Ross (Joe Dalleys), Kred Fisher (Leo. Feist), Unrold Jones and Mort Welnstein (Jos. Morris & Co.), Clazton Pickaninnies (Al. Von Tllzer), Ted Snyder Trio. Tticsc are in addition to the regular per- formers, who are Moran, Kelly and Mornn (The Real Trio): Maud Mnynard, Lillian Jones, Alice Clark, Kdlth Carlisle, Charles '•"••I. Joseph Ksnbo nnd Mike B'ertlg, the well wnown and popular character singing c> eniiTtiilnor lent zest to the entertain- ment, which ran until the wco hours of the morning. ♦ »» OH, YOU FIDELITY! The boom of the Fidelity Booking Offices' 'business continues. Charles Hover's Acad- emy, of Hagerstown, and *he Colonial, of Annapolis, Md., and Mr. Boyer's new the- atre, in Cbambor&burg, Pn., are the latest houses that L. 1). Mackintosh has added to his "Cleveland Circuit." The remarkable showing of this, the newest of vaudeville agencies, 1b accounted for by Its straight- forward methods of treating both the per- former nnd the manager, and thus far there has not been one cancellation recorded. This speaks volumes for the efficiency of the ataff. ««» BRIGHTON BEACH NOT SOLD. The rumor that Wlllam A. Engeman'a Brighton Beach racetrack had been sold for an amusement 'park to ex-Senator William H. Reynolds, was dented Inst week at the office of the Benlty Association, 182 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N. T. Walter W. Greve, of the Realty Association stated that the rumor probably had started from the fact that be- cause Samuel Gumpertz, formerly business manager of Dreumland, had been made mali- nger of Mr. Engeman's property. otuewAL *uvjcixn.mvd kdbb Town Baiiie Wild Meat ao<Cammlr»' Fir East Second-hand: 10x30. 2ux3C, 20138, OTiM ami Mx48. MXM, 20X90, 30x18. 31x50, 3SX60, 30X6X) 30x11? 40XH4, 80x90, 6X1x120, 80x120, suxRo, and about m smaller tents. Sldewall by foot or mile, for s»le or rent. Largest atock of new Tents In the State. Every site and shape. Write and state your wants, D. M. KERR MFG. CO . . CUICAOO 1007 MADISON ST. WANTED, for Weak of Aug. 12 or 19 A No. 1 CARNIVAL CO. Most hear from jon at once. Beat carnival tori In Western Pa. This Is our fourth annual street fslr-dally attendance 20,000 people. Would like to hear from free acts: must be sensational. M, BUBKIN, Secy., Bamesboro, Pa. ATTRACTIONS WANTED ALL KIND*, FOR Tint F. IT. 1B. MOD! »""ft? ,on ' FIELD DAY, An*. M, una. Address all eommanlcattem to R. HIRLKV, Ckknlmaaua,P.O. Has VIS, BtnsntngtM, Vt! Vonrtevllto os Acrobaa, Aerial Acts or Midway Aitncllroin. Anything to eaicrCsia crowd tbrouKQ thaafterawm of the above date, win Kit privi- lege* o* miaj raidway aOraeUou on Knantairc. mEETHBiH, m\mm, mm, mamm, , SCHEMERS mi ClEIHTil 1 VOU NKBD Ud-WB NIEU YOC. I Write for Catalogue. Hailed free to Dealers. LEVINE Bat. 1886 Terre Haute, Ind. IiBWran. rHnlTU, OmmrrwA OUT OF TOWR HEWS Baltimore, MA—Academy (Tunis Denn mgr.) Is closed. AuDiToniuM (Frank McBrldc, mgr.) is closed. Maiiylanii (Jas. Z. Kernan, mgr.) — Bill for week of July 1: Annie Kent. Phil Mar- fan!, Emma, O'Neill, Beau Linn, Kolibv lieatli and eomipaiiy. Jack C. Clair?. Stewart and DonohJie, Dixie Crane r audi Goldie Blnir. New (Gtou Schnlder. mgr.)—BUI an- nounced foe week of 1; lantae BoodlB Girle, Breanan aad Wright, toe Beunonta, Nelsoa noad, Nelson, Perry aad, Elliott, and Louise Hwav Viexoaxa (Chaa. B. Lrwui. mgr.)—Lea Palgea. Wllkina and Wllklaa, I.'ehen. Murphy ana Wisblnni, Lea end Perrla, aad Miss Damooxl. Losrtarrnie, Ky.—Pontarfne Ferrr part (Harry llllgcr, mar.) NntielTo- and lis band continue to furafsn the concerts. Robinson's Menagerie Is a feature. I'OKTAJSI) 1'BSHY l'ABS TRBATlia < Harry Bllger, mgr.)—Bill fer weak beglnnlBK June 30 Includes: Meal, Kaufman Troupe. John noil Mae Butfa, I. rtaocfa Doolsy, and Julian am) JVyiiii. HivsuiviBw I'ab* (Lum Btmoa, torj.)—Don PliDIWlni* BaacL asd HuaanuaLtnaianu, eofolef, were *- ■' - -' •" BrvBBvmw Pabk Tiiioaxhb (J. J. Garrlety, nigr.Ji—Frederick J. Adams Is the new lend- ing man of the Rlvcrvlew Players, and mode a big hit In "Mother and Son," week of TS. Orpheuu, —The Kentucky Derby, in mo- tion pictures, was tho feature week of 23. Wllllnsasnort, Pn.—Vallamont Park l'n- vlUon (W. II. Bamcr, mgr.) Clara Turner Co., No. 1, did fine business here, and appear at Rolling Green, Sunhury, week of July l« Company No. 2. In "Wife In Nome Only" nnd "The Octoroon,*' week of 1. Peoria, III. — Princess (Seaver Amine, Co. mgrs.) vaudeville and pictures. Al Fbbbco Fabx (Seaver Amuse, to., nigra.) >-—Vaudeville, dancing and outdoor amusements. VtiiaiNiA Beach (P. A. Helnecke, mgr.) — Vaudeville and dancing. Dk.mpbev's (Martin Dempsey, mgr.)—Stock burlesqiie, songs nnd pictures. CoLUMTirA, CBBsemiT, Db Loxb, Ewruicss, Illinois, Libbrty, LTCBtnr, Majbrtic, Rojal and Saoamo, picture houses, report good business Nora—iRIngllng Bros, arc billed for the latter part of August. Dot Springs. Ark. — Airdome (Frank Head, mgr.) the John and Blla Gnlvin Mu- sical Comedy Co. closed a. two weeks en- gagement here June 20. Whittihoton Pauk, with lte many attri- tions continues to draw large crowds Fireworks and added attractions are an- nounced for July 4. New Cbhtral. —"The Coming of Colinii bus." whs the feature nlm June 26, 20, to capacity business. ... Pbincbss is enjoying good business with motlen pictures. Photoflai and Licbtsi axe doing well. Cnarleoton, S. C.—Victoria fPastime Amusement Co., mgrs.) bill week of Jply 1 ■ Haia Uroa.. Dollvan and Bngeta, K>Hy n<" 1 I'allock, Farley and Uutler. and Aeroplsue »t>NDH«IANl>. TBSATOalTX, LlMC AW CiwamtfT are doing nicety, presenting motiou pWrrrea. _ „., OAAirrort Paak AlBBOam (Ches. B- Blat- thewa, mgr.)—Onrleten Sisters' Stock Co. ere enjoying good business. Betttto Crrrk, Mich.—P«Bt |B.*tSaalth, Is closed • _ on (Will MarsheUj. mns^Wamc aigr.l Is closed. slcal Crasnedv Co., rn "The Ma- July 8. BUI for 4-0: Mazzaoe and ■aaswg; Chas. atbbs. Jane Howard and eaBwaoy. J« n ninr.s and Renfrew, and the Three Martins. Scott, BTan^AIxttane (O C Kt- g*) tSe Graham StocB^O*. _5*,° r ; Tobjea Stock. Oa, week e*JW L Fort Seott, Juno 24",