The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 6 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 "MY BEAUTIFUL ROSE" ■nv JACK "WTUTT and JACK BMITH. Words beggar description of this most wonderful song. The greatest lyrio and melody ever put together. Don't take our word for it. Send to-day for a COPT. OBBAT tor ASTT kind of ACT, Single, Double, Trio, Quartet . fi I GOT YOU, STEVE" By ED. MORTON. The neweot of new idea*. The song that geta 'em, holds 'em and brings you baok where all others fa l. Profti. and orohestratlons all keys. Send program. No oards. m m -^s Mucin Dnhliohoro BOSTON OFFICE: Gaiety Theatre Building rmsW m f ITludlU lUUIIOllClo 665 Washington 8t. phil dolan, Mgr. Prof. Dept. NEW YORK OFFICE: 1431 Broadway BAKU at UOOB, Mgra. JACK RICHMOND, MgT. Prof. Dept. WnrMS , ,. „., equal owner- mm un(w> whiik. «»mm.« «fgjgi^- are ., er UBlM . Wlthrew, R. J.. •«'" M »£ ppt . 0reltCT VBitti , WUIman. Walter, eoncess'ts—Great Inter-State. Winlama (8). aerUU—Leoosrd Amuse, ww Sydney, gen. press rep—<Ferari:e. ". ,re> y'^SS' Zu^n—Afiev'a Olvmnlc. "BDFFAW BILL" ■ CWCIMATI. ROUTE LIST, GREAT CROWDS GIVE THE VETERAN SCOUT AN OVATION Waterman. . W1 Hinch Welsh Mlchl. be*d Naek'sth—101 Ranch. Wu »*«. OrV ft wife. ~ft.—Blppel Bros. Wilier, fJL. blllposter--101 Ranch. Walte, L. A., epp'nr-Braag. AC., «cll.t^ pa 0Mitw ^ Wloeman. J. O.. press—Great Parker. Wright. Harry, cootr. art—Great Parker. Wit Earl. mar. ehowa—Great Parker. Warren, Bert. "Ferris Wheel"—Great Parker. Woodward, Clarence, annc'r—Young- Buffslo. Went, Harry, perf.-iLa Mont Bros. Wilson, FIllT, ticket*—Young Buffalo. Walte, Fttd. billposter—Howe's. Wvnoe, Courtney, billposter—Howe'a. Wlgdns. Peter, etc/— Howe'a. Williams, Fred, elown—Frank Klnnle. Wesley's Scsls—Kline Show. Wsylsnd. John, front—SIMey's Water. Woods, Prof., bears—Great Patterson. Wilson. Jack—Oreat Patterson. Wagner, R . mgr. conccse'n—Great Pstterson. W«lloni (0). aero.—Sparks. Worth. "Flstlron," clown—Barnaul A Baiter. William*. Fred, chfe. ecnecrt—Klnnle. Wilson. Mtch'l, anpt. lights—Osrllsle's W. W. Weston, Dick, jen. ann'cr—Wortham A Allen's. Wllaon, Lonny. chief porter—.Wortham A AlJen'a. West. Tbo*., aole owner "Horac Show"— ' Wortbam * Allen'a. Weat, lira. Toot., treat. "Horse fhow"— ■ „ . Wortham A Allen'a. Warner, "Dutch," bead groom "Hijrae Shew* 1 — Wot tiara A Allen'a. Wlntera, Jack, pert—Wortham A Allen'a. Ward. V. O., anpt. canvas—Wortham A Allen'a. Warren A Lynch, ogre, cooceas'n— Wortnam A Allen'a. Warren, Mrs. W.. trtaa.—Wortham A Allen'a. WlPltnu, L*rn. mgr.—Wortham A Allen'a. William*, Young, aaat. ragr.—Wortham A Allen'a. Woodruff, F. H„ mar. couceaa-n—■ Wortham A Allen'a. Wlllard'a Temple of Music—Ferarl. Water*, Chas., promoter—Ferarl. Wallace. John, chief electr'n—Ferarl. Warwick. Arthur, iopt, animal*—Ferarl. White, Alex, animal act—Campbell Tiros. Walburg, Hampy, bandleader—Campbell Broi. Wilbur;, Bay, vocalist—Campbell H'os. Weaver. J. L., band—Campbell Broa. Yeaba. Wm„ blacka'lh—Gollma: Broa. Yamida, llatan, aero.—Rlngllng. Youturkey, wire—Jlarrrum A Blley. Young, Henry, aid* abow—Gollmar Broa. Yount. L. O. eonceaa'n*—Leonard Amuse. Ybanet, Tony, aaat. Ire**—101 Ranch. Young. R., lltbos.—101 Ranch. Yellowhoy, Prince, aworda—Song Buffalo. Young*. Aerial—La Mont Bros. Ysrborougb, G., orch.—Great Patteraon. Blncrclla. Mile., free tttrae.—Great Interstate. tinedo. Geo., cones, dlr.—Old Sir. Harrl*. Zwlekey, Jack, bandmaster—Hanger Show). Zonetta (Mr*. B. E. Blckman), (lm«r— Kit Carton Zora, Mite. LoeU, elephant act—Sella-Floto. fanion Bros., ring*—Gollmar Broa. Ishn, Frank, billposter—Young BufTolo. lands. Joe. aide "how—Great Parker, ttllkcts—Great Parker. Zeno, "Doc." mgr. coareaa'na—Wortbam A Alten'aj, telmo. Great, magic;—Wortbam A Allen'a. Biwra iROi w mm. Tbc Rlnglina; Bros.' Cirrus ended their Canadian tour at St. Thomas, Ontario, on Saturday, June 22, croflslne the border at Windsor, giving two performances at Detroit 24. The trip throughout Cnnada was phe- nomenal In point of attendance. The large cities of Montreal, Ottawa. Toronto, Hamil- ton and London gave extraordinary attend- ance, while the smaller cities crjuaied In at- tendance any of th« cities of the same atee In the United States. In some of the amnllcr plncca the attendance at the matlneea -was very satisfactory. Prom Montreal West each city visited held the day aa n holiday event. The Grand Trunk Hallway handled the Ave large trains from Montreal to Loudon, the Michigan Central transporting them the bal- ance of the trip to Detroit. Wella Hawks, the genial precs agent, atated that the at- tendance throughout Canada wna enormous, ana although Rlngllng Bro*. had not visited t ana da alnce 1004, people lind not forgotteni the excellent circus, and patronized the per- formances very liberally. The police au- thorities were delighted with the manner in which the show was conducted, little or no trouble being caused during the tour. Will. BltOS; NOTES. Mrs, Fred. C. flollmnr and son Joined the ■ww «t Jamestown. N. D. Tracy Andrews, -Who was Injured by fall- i;'LJ r<>m ■ trapeie some time ago, returned «o the show apparently aa well aa ever. The concert this season conulst* o<f Prof. McLane"s troupa of trained dogs. Prof. Mc- Lane baa one of the best troupe of dost In m world. Geo. La Mar, singing and dan- •en, Herculean act; a*^'-..*- Oollmar received test week a 15 000 (Pierce Arrow) automobile. »vi I 1 *' Wilson Is principal clown with this ihow this season. Tnafhe has a lively bunch oi taunakers with him It attested by ! i »v Mr -. Wilson has the audience with blm ■■i the time. There Is not a dull moment. The burlesque, "Barbershop," put on by Mr. Wilson, la one of the leading stunts. BIUT JOlSfS ■UttUNflON'R FOBOE8. John 0. Robinson III. of Robinson's Clr- «&■. «ai been out tn Iowa, wfcere hla tereral f r . 00 r» of trained animals are showlnr. He ?*■ .dojjd a deal with Manager Bray to •uk"*'? Paibiuwks writes: M I nare sunied the «f ft! •*•*.«« we tre playing along shLfh Uw £f»« Wver. Everyone with the ■WW Is enjoying life under canvas." Cincinnati turned out two magnificent crowds to greet Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill. The Wild West and Far Bast of Col. Wra. P. Cody and Major Llllle showed at Norwood, five miles from the Queen City. The famous show wns quite as tbrlllful as ever, and a new generation witnessed the famous Indian chase after the old stage-coach. A new ban- ner was carried in the pageant—CM colors of the Woman's Suffrage Party. The In- scription, "Votes for Women," drew many cheers as the banner, carried by Comanches, streamed In the breeze. Buffalo Bill received a splendid personal ovation. The -veteran is a wonder and his Wild West de Iims as big a magnet as ever. A C0MMMIC1M June 20. "Nbw York Clippkb, "Dbab Bibs —I beg to express a strong In* terest in the article, entitled 'Play Pirates,' In your Issue of June 22. As the author of a dozen plays, I know from personal experience that all the outrageous schemes for piracy of plays The Ci.irpxR enumerates ana con- demns, are hard facts. But Tub Cmppcr erra In excusing a manager on the ground of Ignorance. No such excuse holds good In law, and, as a rule, the manager who commits a piracy Is far more knave than fool. Every per- son tn the theatrical profession knows that every manuscript play has on owner. In the case of published plays, when copyrighted, the copyright notice appears on the title page, wanting Intending producers against produc- tions without the formality of a contract. Men and women who engage In other than theatrical businesses hare the plain common sense to learn the lawa and restrictions that govern the trades In wheh they engage. But since adventurers of both sexes, and un- scrupulous riff-raff crowd the theatrical pro- fession, with a contempt for the rights of others, and the same contempt for the law, it Is well that Ignorance Is no excuse for violation, since It Is wilful ignorance)— evasion. The manager who Infringes a copyright, and pleads that he obtained It In good faith, even to the extent of having Said a trifling sum to a bogus claimant, may nd himself charged with a violation, and he Is liable for the full penalties. Tns CLirrnn says that few managers will de- liberately steal a play and produce It. I beg to state that not a few, but many, will not only deliberately steal and produce a play, but they will boast that 'they got away with It.' Of course, these arc willful criminals— criminals by Instinct and choice, and they Steal plays, as professional criminals, Just aa other professional criminals blow a safe. A thief la a thief, whether be steals a play or a thousand dollars. "The greatest damage is done the play owner from the unscrupulous alleged 'play brokers,' a horde of peats, with their cut- throat, knlfc-ln-tbe-back 'business' methods. Anyone, male and female, who can rako up the price of a disk and a fountain pen Is self-labeled a 'ploy broker.' They ac- quire a stock of manuscripts by every foul means at hand—from dishonest directors who take copies of the many plays handed them for production, and dishonest actors, who—especially In stock work—have excel- lent opportunities to become familiar with a freat number of playa, and aclie this oppor- unity to transcribe a good or bad copy. In the case of dramatizations the stealing con- tinues on a wholesale scale, although the present copyright law affords exactly the same protection to a dramatization aa It does of the original compositions. The fake ?ilay broker, dealing In stolen goods; the ake exchange selling manuscripts at an ab- surdly low figure, the director 'with 'scripts,' the stock actor with his trunk filled with stolen plays, and the dishonest manager who esks the privilege of- reading plays only for the purpose of copying the same—thcac are the willful criminals we must reach by means of tho criminal statute, and I strongly urgo every play owner who suffers from the steal- ing of his or her property to Immediately In- voke this statute, it may be well to state In un-lc-gal language Juat what the criminal statute means. It means arrest, charged with a crime, prosecution by the Federal government. The complaint Ib lodged with the United States attorney In the dis- trict having Jurisdiction; this officer will Issue the warrant, which Is served by a United States marshal, or member of the Secret Service. This warrant calls for the apprebenalon of the accused In any part of the United States or possessions, at any hour of tho day or night. The accused—that Is, the prisoner—Is required to furnish cash ball, In lieu of Which be or she will be locked up, pending a hearing. The next step '» arraignment before a Federal magistrate. Next the complaint is taken by the United States Attorney to the Federal Grand Jury, end an Indictment Baked, In the Indict- ment handed down, the accuacd must stand trial In the criminal branch of a United States court Conviction carries with it a very heavy fine for each violation, or Im- prisonment, or both. I sugrmt that the hardened play thief and the intending play thief panae at any stage of these proceedings and ask himself, is the risk, the bitter hu- miliation end the punishment, preferable to paying for the goods he acquires and sells to the public. If It looks like a comedy at the start. It may develop into a tragedy—for him —at the tlnal curtain. "And this Is saying nothing of the retribu- tive Justice that must- fall upon all male- "Thankine The Clippbb, I beg to remain, 4£3L?J DOBAH. "Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y." • i » CONCERNING CARRIE AVERT. ■ Grace Henderson writes: "Carrie Avery, at ono time a well known +audevllle perform- er, It lying helpless sod almost totally blind at No, 27 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, N. T. Her affliction cime suddenly. Miss Avery Is In most distressed circumstances and would like to hear from friends.". . , Itnutra Intended for This Column Mast Reneh This OBlce Not Later Than Saturday of Bach Week to Insure Inaertlon. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Academy Stock (Samuel F. Kingston, mgr.)—N. Y. Olty 1. Indefinite. American Stock (Jamea Wall, mgr.)—Philadel- phia, Pa., 1, lndeSnlte. Appell Stock (Sim Allen, mgr.)—Niagara Falla, N. X., 1, lndeSnlte. Booth, Virginia (R. W. Laltbe, mgr.)—Allen- dale, Can., 3, Beoton 4, Georgetown S, Strat- ford 6, Parla 8, Ingersoll 0, Ollsonburg 10, Wetland II, Peterboro 12, Port Hope 13. - Bonstelte, Jessie, and Aasoclate Players—Detroit, Mich., 1, lndeSnlte. Brlukner, Una Abel, and her Players—Newark, N. J., 1, lndeSnlte. Bunting, Emma (Schiller Amase. Co., mgr*.)— Memphis, Tcnn., 1, Indefinite. Players (H. W. Blahop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 1, lndeSnlte. Burbank Slock (Oliver Monaco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Oal., 1, Indefinite. Belaaco Theatre Stock (Ollrer Moroaco, mgr.)— Los Angeles. Cal., 1, lndeSnlte. Burkhart, Lillian (J. S. McGroarly, mgr.)—San Gabriel, Oal.. 1. lndeSnlte. Bnrrow-Wlnnlnger Player* (John D. Wlnnlnger, nurr.)—Lincoln, Nebr., 1, lndeSnlte. Boviillah Stock (A. N. Uowdlah, mgr.)—Midland, Pa., 1-6. Bailey A Lockwood Plnyen—Navada, Mo., 1-8, Fort Scott, Kan.. 8-1.1. Byera, Fred A.. Stock (Dick Tnork, mgr.)— Ciescent, Okla.. 1-6. Marshall 8-13. "Bought and Paid For"—Wen. A. Brady's, Ltd.— S. Y. Olty 1. lndeSnlte. "Ben-Hnr"—-Klaw A Brlanger's—London, Eng., 1, iiwteanlte, "Buntr Polls the Strings"—Shubert-Brady'e— N. Y. Olty 1. Indefinite. CorneU-Price Flayers (Cornell A Price, nigra.)— Bruit Bte. Marie. Mich.. 1-0. Oolamtrla Player* (Fred O. Berger, mgr.)— Washington, D. a, 1, likteanlt*. Oarleton Slaters Stock (Vsmey k Montgomery, mgrs.)—Charleston, B. O.. 1. Indefinite. Oealno Stock (L. D. Fellailer, mgr.)—Mountain Park. Bolyoke. Mass., 1-Ang. 24. Colonial Theatre Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.) —CharlottetDwn, P. R. I., Can., 1, Indefinite. Court Theatre Stock (Fetnler A Moore, nigra.)— Wheeling, W. Va., 1. Indefinite. "Oocnty Sheriff"—O. E. Wee's (M. 0. JenUn*. mgr.(—Delhi, N. Y., 3. Liberty 4. Montlcello t>. Ellenrllle S, Roeendale 8, New Palts 9, Port Henry 10. Davldeon 8tock (Sherman Drown, mgr.) — Mil- waukee, Wla„ 1. Indefinite. Davla Stock (Harry Darts, mgr.) —■ Pittsburgh, Pa., 1, Indefinite. Dudley Stock (Frank Dudley, mgr)—Lake Mlnne- qua Park, Pwblo, Colo., 1, Indefinite. Dorner and hla Players—Lancaster, Pa., 1, Indefi- nite. Denioreat Comedy—Lancaster, Ky., 1-9. Dymont Stock (A. M. Diamond, mgr.)—Onaway, Mich., 1-4, Alpena 6-12. Delmar Park Stock (Conrad Hecker, mgr.)—St. Louis. Mo., 1, Indefinite. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Oal., 1, Indefinite. Emiilre 8tock (Frederick Oage, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y.. 1, Indefinite. Elwyn, Lorne, and her Stock—Keene, N. H., 1-0. Rlltcu'a 8tock (John D. Long, mgr.)—Center, oiio., l. Indefinite. Empire Stock (Spits ft Nathanaon, mgrs.)—Prorl- mnce, R. I., 1. Indefinite. Fealy, Maude, and Jamea Durkln Stock—Lake- side Casino, Denver, Colo., 1, Indefinite. Francals Stock (J. 0. Hooley, mgr.)—Montreal, Can., 1, Indefinite. Fraser Stock (D, Baroett, mgr.)—Alrdome, Fort Dodge. la., 1, lndeSnlte. Frank. John E., Players (O. Auaklns, mgr.)— Denlson, Tex,. 1-13. Fischer's Follies (E. A. Fischer, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Oal., 1, Indefinite. "Flirting Prlnceas" (H. P. Hill, mgr.)—Nelson, B. C, Can., 1, Oranbrook 2, Fernle 8, Letb- bridge, Alts., 0, Calgary 8-10, Edmonton 11-13, Gnrsldc Stock (Jaa. S. (Inrnlde, mgr.)—Alrdome, Dubuque. la., 1, IndrSnlle. Gonllnler Bros," Stock (Earl Oordlnler, mgr.)— Runwiium, III., 1-0, Astoria 8-13. Gayety Theatre Stock—Hoboken, N. J„ 1, Indefi- nite. Guy Stock (0. W. .Mercer, mgr.)—Auburn, Ind., 1-n. OlfTord A Donnelly Slock—Harmony. Ind., 1-0. ' "Girl of tho Mountains"—O. B. Wee'e (Harry Myers, mgr.)—Jlay Shore, N. Y., 0, Sayvllle 11, East Hampton 12, West Hampton Beach 13. Hajos, Mlsxl—Weiba A Lueachcr'a—Calgary, Alta., Can., 1-3. Hunter-Bradford Players—Hartford, Oonu., 1, In- definite. Hnrtmxui Theatre TW. B. Garyn, mgr.)— Oolumbua, 0.. 1, Indefinite. Hayes and Assoclnte Players (Lucy M. Hayei, mgr.)—Cherry vale, Kan,, 1-0. Harvey Stock, Northern—H. D. Orr'a—Mollne. III., 1, lndeSnlte. Hall's Associate Players, A (Engene J. Hall, mgr,)—<Laken»nt Park Theatre, Altoono. Pa.. 1, Indefinite. Hall's Associate Players, B (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.)—Casino, Mansfield, O., 1, indefinite. Hudson Stack (J. B. Smith, mgr.)—Hoboken, N. J., 1, Indefinite. Horner Comedy—Otfosi-n, la.. 14. Home Block (F. II. Borne, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y.. i. Indefinite. IlllngtOD, Margaret (Edward Bo-wea, mgr.)—Seat- tle, Waab., 14, Vancouver. B. O, Can., 8, ». Tacoma, Waah., 10, 11, Spokane 12-14. Juvenile Boatonlaoa d>- B. Lang, mgr.)—Hono- lulu, H. I., 1, Indefinite. Keyet Stock (Chester A. Xeyet, mgr.)—Cha- nnte, Kan., 1-6, Iola 8-18. Keith Slock (B E. Keith, mgr.)—.Portland, Me., 1, Indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock, Eastern (Hogene J. Murphy. mgr.)—Clinton. la., 1. indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock, Western (Eugene J. .1Hor- nby, mgr.)—Moberly, Mo., 1-6, Mexico 8-13. King Stock (Ohas. P. King, DCT.)-4)raekettvllte, Tex.. 14. Eagle Pass 8-13. Kolb and Dill Musical Comedy — Los Angeles, Oal., 1. Indefinite. _ . . _. "King of Tramps" (J. M. Cole, mgr.)—Hobert, N. Y., 8, Boxtmry 4. Uoyd, Alice—Werta A Lseacher's—Boston, Mass., 1, Indefinite. LTtell-Veugasn and Players—Albany, N. Y„ 1, Indefinite Lang, Bra, Stock (0. D. Woodward, mgr.)—Kan- saa Olty, Mo.. 1, Indefinite. Ludlte La Verne and Associate Playera—Ocean View Casino. Norfolk, Vs., 1. Indefinite. Latlmore Stock (Ernest UUunore, mgr.)—Lynch- burg, Vs.. 1, Indefinite. Lyceum Stock (Fells Green berg, mgr.)—Peoria, 11!.. 1, Indefinite. . Lanbem'a Lyric Players De ca tur. Ind., 1, Indefi- nite. ^ •" - ^ Lyric Musical Onmedy (O. a Deardourff, mgr.) —Lima. <)., 1, lndeSnlte. Manhattan Stock —Cbaa. B. Blsney's — N. Y. City 1, Indefinite. Morlson Stock (Undany Morlson, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 8, Indefinite. Msiestlc Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Utlcs, N. Y.. 1, Indefinite. Manhattan Players (Geo. K. Brown, mgr.)—Tren- ton, N. J.. 1, Indefinite. Murst Plsyers (Leonard Blumberg, mgr.)—In- dlimsrolla, Ind.. 1, Indefinite. Masonic Opera House Stock (A. R. Wolfe, mgr.) —Cbllllcothe, 0., 1. Indefinite. Msher Stock (Phil Msher, mgr.)—Aleiandrla Msss, 8, Indefinite. Manhattan Opera (Oco. Lydlng, mgr.)—Rorlck'a Glen. Klinlra. N. Y.,1. Indefinite. "Modem Eve"—Mort II. Singer's—Chicago, HI., 1, Indefinite. "Missouri Girl," Western — Norton A Rltb's— Ashlsnd, Wis., 3, Superior 4, Tower, Minn., 0. Ely 6, Bibbing 7, Coleralne 8, Bovey 0. Grand Rapids 10, Bemldjl 11, Black Duck 12, Fort Francis, Out.. Can., 18. North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Okla- homa, Okla;. 1, Indefinite. Ornkeum Players (Grant Laierty, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Pa., 1, Indefinite. Orpbeum Players (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)—Mon- treal, Can., 1, Indefinite. Opera House Stock (John J. Goetcblus, mgr.)— Paterton, N, J.. 1. Indefinite. Olympic Park Opera (M. Bainger. mgr.)—-New- ark, N. J.. 1, Indefinite. "Officer 0«6"—Cohan A Harris'—N. Y. Olty 1, Indefinite. "Officer 060"—Cohan ft Harris' — Ohloago, III., 1, Indefinite. "O You School Oirla" (Alex. N. Lyons, mgr.)— Scbohsiie, N. Y.,\ 8, Stamford 4, Fleishman B, Sougertlea 0. Kingston 8-10, Ohsthsm 11, Phil- mont 12, Athena IS. "flle Olson In Splrltland" (0. M, Dalton, mgr.) Michigan, N. Dak.. 8. Sarlea 4, Munich 8, Hampden fi, Starkweather 8, Payton Stock (Oorae Pay ton, mgr-)—N. Y. Olty 1. Indefinite. Paylon Stock (Oorae Payton, mgr.)—Newark, N. J., 1, Indefinite. Poll Players (Tho*. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Brlilgvport, Conn., I, Indefinite. Poll Plsyers (O, O. Bdwsrds, mgr.)—Har'ford, Conn., 1, Indefinite. Poll Plsyers (Lewis D. Garvey, mgr.)—Mew Ha- ven, Conn., 1, Indefinite. Poll Playera (John II. Docking, mgr.)—Ucranton, Pa., 1, Indefinite. Poll Players (B. J. Breen, mgr.) —■ Springfield, Mass., 1, Indefinite. Poll Playera (James Tbatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. O. 1, Indefinite. Poll Playera (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Waterbury, Conn., 1, Indefinite. Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Wllkes-nnrre, Pa., 1. Indefinite. Poll Playera (8. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., 1, Indefinite. Phelan Players (E. V. Fhelan, mgr.)—Cape Cot- tage Theatre, Portland, Me., 1, Indefinite. Princess Summer Block (H. C. Judge, mgr.)— Montreal, Can., 1. Indefinite. Park, 0. W., Stock (J. A. Park, mgr.)—Purls, Tenn,, 1-6. Prlngle, Delia, and Stock—Edmonton, Alta., Can., 1, lndeSnlte. "Pink l.udy" —Klaw ft Erlangcr's—London, Eng., 1-27. "Quaker Girl"—Henry B. Harris'—Chicago, 111,, I. lndeSnlte. Reynolds A Ross Players (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Columbia. Mo 1-0. Royale A Tong Stock—Kscanaba, Mich., 1, Indefi- nite. RIverTlew risjers (J. J. Osrrlety, mgr.)—Illver- view Psrk Theatre, Louisville, Ky., 1. Indctl- n " e - . „ "Rose Mild, The"—Werbs A Luescber's—N. Y. Oily, 1, lndeSnlte. "Ready Money"—II. H. Frasee'a—Chicago, III., 1, Indefinite. „ "Room 44"—Cohan A Harris'—Atlantic Clly„N. J. 8-13. Spnoncr, Cecil (Ohas. E. Blaney, mgr.)—N. Y. City 1, Indefinite. Summers Stock (Geo. II. Summers, mgr.)—Moun- tain Theatre, Hamilton, (int., Can., 1, Indefi- nite. Bpence Theatre Stock (Harry Bohns, mgr.)—New- ton, Kim.. 1-13. Btoddart Stock—Hprlngbank Park, London, Ont., Can, 1, Indefinite. Springs' Stock "(It. W. Cook, mgr.)—Brandywlno Springs, Wilmington, Del., 1, Indefinite. Sibley Players — Electric Park, Newark, N. J., 1, lndeSnlte. . Star Theatre Stock (P. O. Cornell, mgr.)—Buf- falo, N. Y„ 1, lndeSnlte. Sheclian. Joseph, Opera—Detroit, Mich., 1, Indefi- nite. Spanish Fort Opera (Jules Blstes, mgr.)—<Ncw Orleana, La., I, Indefinite. Turner, Clara Players (W. F. Barry, mgr.) — Lock Haven, I'n., 1, Indefinite., Clara, Players (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— Nun bury. Pa., 1. Indefinite. Turner, Clara, PlayerB (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— Wllllnmsport, Pa., 1, Indefinite. Teck Theatre Stock (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.)— Buffalo. N. Y., 1, lndeSnlte. Tempest Stock (J. L, Tempest, mgr.)—Tumbling Run Park. Pottsrllle, Pa., 1, lndflnlte. Van Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Alr- dome, Dea Moines, la., 1-Ang, 14. Ware, Helen—Henry B. Harris'—Portland. Ore., 3-0, Aberdeen, Wash,, 7, Tacoma 8, Victoria, B. O, Can., 0, Vancouver 10, 11. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)—Wichita, Kan., 1, Indefinite. Weat End Heights Block—«t. Louis, Mo., 1. In- definite. Wletlng Opera House Stock (Frauds P. Martin, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y., 1. Indefinite. Whitney Stock—eiendnsky, MIcb., 14. "Winsome Widow" (Florens Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.) —N. Y. Ctly 1, indefinite. DURLEBtgVB AND VAUDEVILLE. Avenue Burlesque (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)— Detroit, Mich., I, Indefinite. Gayety Burlesque (John P. Bckhsrdt, mgr.) — rhUadelpoU, Pa., 1, Indefinite Lafayette Brn-lesque (O. M, Bsgg, mgr.)—Buffalo. N. Y., 1. Indefinite. Merry-Go-Rormders (LefBer-Brattoo Co., mgr*.)— Columbia. New York, 1, Indefinite. Merry Whirl (Lout* Epstein, mgr.)—Colombia, Chicago, 1, indeBnlte. Star Burlesque (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.)— Cleveland, 0.. 1, Indefinite. Star Burlesque—T. W. Diaktaa*—Toronto, Ont, Can, 1, Indefinite. MINSTRELS. Cooum's Greater (J. A. Coburn, mgr.)—Lake Brady, Kent, O, 14. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Creator* and hla Band — Lakeside Park, Denver, Colo., 1, Indefinite. Cavello sad his Band—Forest Park Highlands, St Loots, Ho., 1, indefinite. . , aTvrrolo aad his Band—Delmar Garden, SL Louis, Mo, l-Aug. 81. Fob's Metropolitan Band (Jacob Fab, bandmas- ter).—«ea Isle City, N. J., 1-Sept. 10. " ~ Henry A Young's Military Band—rfnellpot Park. Wilmington, Del.. l-Bept 7. Ithaca Concert Band (Patrick Conway, leader).— Willow Grove, Philadelphia, Pa., 7-20. Mnckey and bis Orchestra (A. Stanley Msckey, mgr.)—Woodsldo Park, Philadelphia. Pa.. I, Indefinite. Nallello and Ilia Band — Fontaine Ferry I'mk. Louisville, Ky., 1. IndeBnlte I'rjor, Arthur, and bis Band—Rlvervlew Exposi- tion, Chicago, HI.. l-8ept. 1. Philippine, Don, and hi* Bsnd—Rlvervlew I'urk, iWsrllle, Ky., 1, Indefinite. i'asscrl and his Band—Washington Park, Glou- cester. N. J., 1, Indefinite. lteymond, Marguerite, Orchestra—Wsmego, Kuu„ 1-6, St. Marys 7-13 Royal Marine Band—Luna Park. Loa Augele*. Onl., 1, lndeSnlte. Theodore Thomas' Orchestra (Frederick Stork, conductor).—Willow Grove, Philadelphia, I'a., 10. Tommaslno and hla Bsnd—Point Breesc Park, Philadelphia, Pa., 1, indefinite. Washington Marine Band — Chevy Chase Park, Chevy Chase, Md., 1, indefinite. CIRCUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS. Barnum A Bailey's — Atlantic Olty, N. J., 3, llrldgeton 4, Lancaster, Pa., 6, York 0, Cham- bereuurg 8, Hageralown, Md., 8, Cumberland 10. Clarksburg. W. Vs., 11, Msrlelta, O., 12, Cam- bridge 13. Barnes. At, O., Circus—Daunln, Man., Can., 3, Wlnnlpegosis 4, Grsnd Valley S, Csuors, .Sank.. 0. Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill (Major Gordon W. Lll- lle, mgr.)—Wheeling, W. Vs., 1, Csnsl Dover. 0., 2, Akron 8, Cleveland 4, Sandusky 0, Fre- mont 0, Detroit, MIcb., 8, fort Huron 0, Flint Hi, Saginaw 11, Owooao 12, Laming 18. Gollmar Bros.' Hhowa—iBotllneau, N. Dak., 2, Rugby 3, Devils Lake 4, l-akalo S, Mayvllle 0, Langdon 8. Larlmore b, Cavalto 10, Graf- ton 11, Warren, Minn.. 12, Uallock 18. Gentry Bros.' Hhowa—Albion, MIcb., 8, Wysn- dotte 4, ML Clemens 5. Pontine 0. Uairenbeck A Wsllace (B K. Wallace, mgr.)— OUdwater, Mich., 3, Sturgla 4, Battle Creek S, Albion 0, Bay Olty 8. Saginaw 0. Honest Bill's Show—Arrow Rock, Mo., 8, Ollllam 0, Slater 10, Miami 11, Malta Bend 12, Wav- erly 13. Miller Bros. A Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild Weat—Medicine Hat, Alta,, Can., 1, Swift Cur- rent, flask. 2, Moose Jaw 8, Heglna 4, Saska- toon 0, Prince Albert 0. Weyburn 8, Kenroare, N. Dale., 0, Mlnot 10, Rugby 11, Dtvlls l-aks 12. Orookatoo, Minn., 18, Rlngllng Bros' — iMadlaon, Wit., 3, Radne 4, Bbebo/gan 6, Oshkoab 6. Bobbins', Frank A.—Rlmeraburg, Pa., 8, Clsrlos 4, Rest Brady fi, Tarentum U, West F.II*ol»-ih 8, Denora 0. Sella-Floto—Hamilton, Mont., 8, Mlesoula 4, Bsnd Point, Ida., 4, Occur d'Alene 6, Moscow 8. Lew- Iston 0, Pomeroy, Wash., 10, Walla Wall* 11, Puaco 12, North Yakima 13. Silver Family Olrcns (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Vlck- eryvllle. Mich., 8, Crystal 44, Oaraon Oily s. Hutilwrdston 0, Maple Rapids 10, Eureka 11, Elsie 12, Ovid 18. Sim Bros.' Khows— Ellwood Oily, Pa., 1, Char- don. 0., 2, Kent 8, Oarrollton 4, Norwalk 0, Bellevuo 0, Oak Harbor 8, Morencl, Midi., ft. Starrett's circus (II. 8. Btarrett, mgr.)—Perth Ainlxiy, N. J, 8, 4, Weat Nyack, N. Y., fi. u. Yankee Robinson Circus—Elk Point, H. link., :i, Cherokee, la.. 4, Le Mars 0, Randolph. Nebr., 0, Fullerton 8,, Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins' Far Bsst (Verron 8. Heaver, gen. mgr.)—elalriii, Mass., .1, Haverhill 4, Lawrence 0, Dover. N. II., 0, Portsmouth 8, Concord 0, Msncliester 10, Nashua 11, Keene 12, Greeufleld, Mn»«., 13. FILM SHOWS. Box From Larklns, In Moving pictures (D. J. Le Febvrc, mgr.)—Jlennlngton, Vt., 14. Carneglo Exposition, In Moving Pictures — Has Francisco, Oal., 1, Indefinite, Durbar, The, In Klnemscelor Moving Pictures— Urban-Smith's—Chicago, HI., 1, Indefinite. Klnemot'olor Moving Picture* — Urban-Smith's — Chicago, III., I, Indefinite. nalr.ty'B, Paul J., Africa Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures— ON Y. Olty 1, Indefinite. Ralney's, Paul J., Africa Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures—Huston, Mass.. 1, Indefinite. Ralney's, Pnul J., Africa Jungle, In Moving Pic- tures—elan Frandsco, Cal., I, Indefinite. Rulo's Moving Pictures (F. K. Rule, mgr.)—West Concord, Minn,, 3, 4, Dennlson S, 0, titles a- 10, Elgin 11-13. Thompson's Moving Pictures (P. II. Thompson, mgr,)—'Poyuette, Wis., 1-4, Merrimack s-10. Riley 13-10. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Bnrkoot World's Greatest Sboavs (K. O. Barkoot, gen. mgr.)—iFoml du Lac, Wis., 14, Minneapo- lis, Minn., 8-13. Ferarl, Col. Francis, Animal Arena and Carnival Hliowo—Muucton, N. B., Cull., 1-0, Hallfnx, N. H., 8-13. Great Parker Shows, No. 1 (Con T. Kenneily, mgr.)—Fort William, Ont., Can., 14, Portage la Praliio R-13. KHno Shows (Herbert A. Kline, mgr.)—Winni- peg, Man., Cm., 1020, Leonard Carnival (J. Ham Leonard, mgr.)—Ala- mosa. Colo., 1-0. Roliw Ouriilval (Nat. Rvlss, mgr.) — Kankakee, HI., l-il, Valley Olty, N. Dak., 8-13. Rice A Dore's Water Carnival—Juliet, III, 1-0. Wortham A Allen's United Hhowa — Calumet, MIcb., 111. MISCELLANEOUS. Bldwell * Wrlgliler'a Progressive Show*—Home, Pa.. 14, Wysox 8-18. Herbert ft Gilpin's Shows (Rd. H. Gilpin, mgr.) —Alvln, III., 1-4. Ideal Concert—Lynne Haven, Fla., 14, Panama City 8-13. Raymond, Great (Maurice F. Raymond, mgr.)— Toklo, Japan, 1-0. Honolulu, II. I., 17-20, ar- rive at Baa Francisco, Cal., Aug. B. Cllllit II SINGER FOR OPERA. Vera (.'. Curtis, soprano soloist of St. Mark's Church, New York City, was recent- ly added to the prima donna list of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York. Her contract will run for three years beginning next November, and she will sing mom than twenty roles In English, French, German nml Italian. Miss Curtis comes from HrldRcnoit. Corm., and declined a position In the Pork Street Church, Boston, Mass., to come lo Now York City to study under Oeorgo Hon- schell, and later an a pupil of Victor Muriel, end was engaged as soloist fit old St. Mark s Clnircb, where sho has remained for five years. a *» LESLIE STUART BANKRUPT. Leslie Stuart, the composer of "Florodora" and numerous other plays, filed a petition In tbo bankruptcy court In London, Eng., June 28. Mr. Stuart stated that for some years he had been In the bands of a money lender, who received the bulk of his royalties,' Ills Iiabllltias are ♦2B,O0p. His Income has amounted to between 120,000 and $20,000 a |s» . • •