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22 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. July q ■<: for if »» -July He will be at the Albany Hot~i New York, with i. CAT LIVE WIRI 8ON03 KISS YOUR HONEYBUNCH GOOD NIGHT K m.i< v a*— t- Ainpi p-aa iiaiipu nranii -fi nur BHr nniflr Hflnnr I! "DON'T GET CARELESS, HONE! DEAR" 11 ME SOI E" Shake hands with 'Billy," and let him go over these songs with you; or send stamps and we wiU mall you copies of all three mWHT; JMTuslo J»ixl>> ■ 64=1 OTABRELL ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAT, World of Flayers. Notes fbom tub Duvall-McNett's Big- gest Littu Show ok Eabthj —We opened May 28 at Caldwell, 0., and we have been doing a One business ever since. The 8. R. O. sign has been oat quite a few tunes since we have been open. The roster of the show li as follows: C. 8. Duvail, manager; Mrs.C.S. Sural!, secretary and treasurer j Johnny Mc- Laughlin, general contracting agent; Capt Anderson's troupe of trained dogs, the Three Earls, aerial; Modjeika Dalley, vocalist; Eleanor Blanch, Ingenue; Leota Royce, sou- Irctte; Frank McLaughlin, comedian; Ches- ter Earle, general business; Dick Draymour, heavies: Jack Dow, producer and leads; Prof. Coffman. pianist: Mrs. H. McNett, ticket taker; Harry McNett, operator; Dave McCourt, electrician; Tod Singer, In charge of cook house; Charley McNett, boss can- vasman. Although late sometimes, Ths Old Reliable is a welcome visitor with this show. K. F. Knsir's company, playing "The Rivals," closed June 22 after a prosperous season of forty weeks. Mr. Kelsey states that next season he Intends putting out three companies of "The Rivals," one to go to the Eastern Coast, one to the Western Coast and one into the provinces. Oct CicriiAN and win, Constance Cauf- man, who met wtlb much success In the leading roles of "The Wolf," under the man- agement of Jones & Crone, have signed with trie same firm for next season to star In their production of Edgar Selwyn's play, "The Arab," Constance Cnufman appearing as Mary Hllbert, the lead; Mr. Canfman as Jamil, the title role. A full scenic produc- tion is promised. The closing bntbutainiibnt of the Liter- ary and Dramatic Union, on Friday last, was well attended. Mrs. Katharine Carpen- dcr Fay delivered the address of welcome, followed by Mrs. John Mlldcrsbcrger, Bar- oness Rebagllate, at the pl.ino ; Horace Oreely Knnpp, Fern Floyd and company. Countess Knslm, of Russia; Carrie Hnapp, Mrs. J. H. Why to and others, under the direction of Irene Ackerman. Joseph Kino's "East Ltnnb" Co. Notes. —We played the new theatre at Port Jervls. N. Y„ June 10, to complete sell out, and several hundred people stood up to see the grand old play, while hundreds of others, who could not get seats or even standing room, were turned away. This, in view of the fact that the new theatre seats twelve hundred people, Is quite gratifying to the management at this time of the year. Joseph M. Ucmshinsky, who was brought from the other side by Jacob P. Adler, and who bns been the musical director for Mr. Adler for the last three years, has signed a contruct to direct one of A. II. Woods' mu- sical shows for next season. Howard T. Collins, the musical director, was made a member of the Green Room Club recently. Mr. Collins will conduct the sea- son of Summer opera at Boston, Pa., and, together with his wife (Lillian Dalley), has been re-engaged for one of the "Mutt and Jeff" companies by Gus Hill for the coming season. Ben II. Brown, musical director of wheel shows, and last season at the Bijou, Battle Creek, Mich., was In New York making ar- rangements for next season. NOTMS FROM CARL M. DALTON'S "OLE Olson in BhuxMHt 1 Co.—We opened up the Summer season at Greenwood, wis., and, after spending two weeks In Northern Wis- consin, we Jumped across the State of Minne- sota into North Dakota, where the show baa been doing a fine business. The roster In- cludes : Boris Dale, Vemn Irene Dalton, Ada Runten, Bob Davis, Emll Hanson and Carl M. Dalton. Oeutkiidr Ewino will start rehearsals with her company. She will opeu July 20 In Missouri. liiEBLBB k Co. will open the Plymouth The- atre, Boston, for next scnon, with "The Man from Home." Chab. Kino will piny the Cohan role In "The Little Millionaire/' with Leila Rhodes as Mb leading woman. Emilt Lba has been successfully playing In "The Rose Mnld,"at the Globe, New York. is understudying the Princess, and Is IcadlDg the opening chorus. A Westehn and Southern "Rose Maid" company are now being formed by Wcrba & Lucscher. The No. 1 company will stay In New York well Into next season. Gordon k Wallace Comedy Co. Noteb. — We opened under canvas June 8, and are doing a good business. This Is our one hun- dred and nlnety-slxrh consecutive week. The roster Is: C. s. Mick, proprietor and mana- ger: Tom Ellison, eccentric comedian: Bert Hudson, Irish Alia Dutch comedian; Georgia Hudson, soubrctte and characters; Eldlna, novelty, the Hudsons, sketch team; Amon Salisbury, pianist, and Walter Barman, gen- eral utility. Jules Benson, the theatrical real estate agent, was mnrrled on June 27, to Rose Hol7.iT, a non-professional. Floyd W. Stanton, musical director with "The Missouri Girl" last season, opened with the Prof. Band of Clayton, Juno 28, for a season of ten weeks at the Thousand Islands, Arthur C. Aiston will next season star Estlin Williams In "A Mnn's Game," a new play by Owen Davis. The tour will open at the Lyceum Theatre, Pittsburgh, week of Aug. 10, and will Include the entire circuit of Stair k Rnvlln theatres. Edwin Walter has been engaged ns the chief male support. Reginald Knorr and wife (Eleanorc nolle) have signed to return to Rowland & Clifford's production, "The Rosnry," Miss Rclln to play Lcsurn Wntklns, the role she crcnled, this making her third season with the Arm. Roster of "Tub Volunteer Parson," opening Aug. 20, on *hc Stair k Havlln time: Frank MacMunn, Charles I,. Griffin. Charles Kyle, Roy Templeton. Walter De Lnnn, John B. Vaughnn. Lewis Dlldcne. Charles Williams, Jnrk Davidson, Do Louis. Rstcllo Sprague, Orlo Lea. Mary Bond, Ulllnn Grant, Jane Dnvls. Mnrle Vaughn. Louise De Luna, Lil- lian Green, Willie Moulan and Edyth Totte/i, ns Fanny Fnrrlngton. J. R. Grainger will be the manager. Birtine FAnNswoRTii writes: "After clo.v lug a year's engagement with the Illmmeleln Associate I'lnyers I have been engaged ad •oubrettc with the Whalom Opera Co., at Whntnin Park, Fltcbunrg, Mass., for the Sum- mer." Kelly-Brennan Notes.— The Kelly-Bren- nan Dramatic Co., No. 1, arc In their seventh week of S. R. 0. business, and everybody la enloylng prosperity. The roster: J. J. Kelly st J. F. Brennan, managers; Raymond Hat- ton, Harry Oleson, Ernest Vevay, Thoa. Oak- tey. T, I. Fahl, C, 8. Foil. Art Strong, Floyd Darling, Clarence Bonewltz, Chas. Morrltn, Mrs. J. J. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. John Powell, Ralph Wordley, Allecne D'Orsay, Reta Bad- cliff, Babe Fahl, Master Tommy Oakley and little Ida Kelly. Old Bfj.ia.ble comes rega- larly. Uaudcoillc notes. The Sub Goodwin Tbio are playing the Wells and Greenwood time through Georgia and Florida. They opened at Tampa, Fla., Sunday, June 28; from there to Key West, and then to Miami, with other dates to fol- low. Miss Goodwin is now featuring her two partners Homer Monette and Ray Craw- ford, the lattcr's dancing being a feature of the act New wardrobe has been added, making thirty costumes In all. "Ida" con- tinues to be a big song hit for Miss Goodwin. The trio will open on the U. B. 0. time, un- der Mr. Greenwood's direction, Sept. 1. Lalonda and Yabick, female Impersona- tors have signed with Sam Massell, to play through Alabama, Georgia and Florida for the Summer. Thb Bonhams (Jim and Hazel) are spend- ing their Summer In Blloxl, Miss., at their home. They are having a fine time, fishing, hunting and bathing. They will remain there until the first week in September, after which tbey are booked up solid on the Inter-State time, to produce their new electrical dancing act, which carries Its special scenery. John T. Haggerty, the Irish agitator, spent four davs with the Bonhams. He Is working the Williams time, South. Little Thelma saw- yer also spent a few days with the Bonhams. Jack Cannon, of Jack and Gllda Cannon, Is now the Jack Cannon appearing with the Morry-Go-Roundero In New York, at present. Father Raymond, of St. James Church. Falrbaven, N. J., held high mass for Lottie Gllson Tuesday, June 18. Among those pres- ent at the service were: Bell Mason, Dan Gracey, Annie Hart, Mrs. Frank North, Ada Burnett, Maggie Cline, Lottie Wesson, Ted and Elsie Evans, and other members of the colony. Jack Simonds writes: "After finishing w4th the Loew, Sheedy end) Prudential time, I am now enjoying a pleasant trip through the provinces and Nova Scotia. Beautiful weather and business great In September I play a return over the Losw circuit, with S. k C. to follow." The La Maze Trio will arrive on the President Lincoln on July 10, to open on the Orpheum circuit, after two years on the continent. Nan Hf.wi.n8, of roomer and Hewlns, writes that she purchased last week a piece of property, 88x131 feet, of the Tan Cort- landt Estate. Her lot Is on Bailey Avenue, two blocks from Broadway and Two Hundred nnd Thirty-eighth Street, and Is valued at ?2,000. Harry La Claib, after finishing a week at the American Roof, New York, June 29, will go with his family to their Summer home at Atlantic City, N. J., for a vacation. Harry Fbnn Dalton will spend his vaca- tion In Nyack, N. Y., and will manage the Nvack Alrdome for the Chas. L. Strong Amusement Co. Musical Walker Joined Rlngting Bros.' Circus July 1. He will do a comedy act In side show. He was prevented from opening in Chicago with the show, on account of being 111. He has been playing vaudeville time for tbc last eight weeks. Julius Steqeb will remain In vaudeville next season, and has booked his route, com- mencing Sept. 16, to produce his playlet, en- titled •'Justice." Sweeney, Nelson and Ross are featuring "Waiting for the Robert E. Lee," at Little Hungary, on East Houston Street, and taking many encores. Thb Hawthobnes, merry minstrel maids, presenting "A Night In Minstrelsy," Just finished thirty-seven weeks on the Gus Sun Circuit, where they were featured. Mrs. Hawthorne soils for England in July, and will return In August to fill engagements for next season. Margaret Seioal has signed to take Mot- ile Williams' place In "Enticement," who opens Aug. 5 In vaudeville. Frank Fanning and company open their scii son Aug. B. Brown, Harris and Bbown wilt open their season Sept. 23. Frank Thurston baa signed with them. Bennett 8. Mitchell, a member of ( vaudeville team, made a dash from the Greenpolnt section of Brooklyn, on June 24, to St. John's Hospital, in Long Island City, In an effort to save the life of Edward Murphy, nine years old, of No. SB Box Street, Greenpolnt, who had been run down by Mitchell's car. But the boy died In the arms of one of the men In the car before the hospital was reached. After the race to the hospltnl Mitchell went to the Greenpolnt Police Station and surrendered. Be was given a summons to appear In court. May Rozblla sails for England July 17, for a short vacation. Addison and Livingston write: "We are In our seventh month with the C. W. Park Dramatic Co. doing our specialty, and arc meeting with big success. Snow Is playing to turnaway business nightly." Marnell and Melrose are In their thirty- second week on the Gus Bun Circuit, and making good everywhere they show. They will take a much needed rest in two weeks, after which they will continue with a forty weeks' contract on the same time. Edward Leslie opened on the Miles Cir- cuit at Detroit, last week, with good success. Sf.ymour and Duprb will continue to play the Western time. They wore at Devil's Lake, N. Dak., last week. Jamks A. Welch wTltes: "The Jsa. A. Welch company closed ten weeks In New England, and myself and wife, Cells, arc at our Buffalo home. Wo have brought the good weather with us. We had a family rc-unlon on Sunday, June 23. There were twenty- X'vcn plntcs served, and everyone was happy. Wo have enjoyed a very prosperous season and are booking solid, commencing In August, for twenty weeks in the West." Jack Wilson and Company, after a brief visit to the other side, have resumed their American tour at the New Brighton Theatre. Rosteb of Pepple & Long's Colonial Min- strel Maids: "Happy" Ben way and Billy Burke, Billy Van, of Van and a ark: Ned Troy, T, Dwight Pepple, and five Musical Girls. The Richmond-Alltn Musical Comedy Co. was unfortunately prevented from open- ing on the Gus Sun circuit week of June 17, and their bookings were re-arranged to commence July 8, at Fairmont, W. Va. They carry eight people and a special set of scenery. Marlon Lucas Joined the show June 19. I. S. Potts, a veteran minstrel agent, will celebrate his fiftieth anniversary of his birth on July 2, at his home at Detroit, Mich. He was for over a quarter of a century connect ed with Al. G. Field's and John W. Voget's Minstrels. Walteb Ross and Harry Hunter have Joined hands, after a separation of two years. They will bo known as the five hundred pounds of comedy. Paul F, Kolb has one of the best high dive dogs In the business. She dives off s fifty foot ladder. 8he was trained by Prof. Wiseman, of 100 Devoe Street, in less than three weeks. We-Ciiok-Be, the half-breed Slouz Indian girl, has completed her new Indian act The scenery and effects were executed by the Schell Scenic Studio, Columbus, O. < Her genuine buckskin costumes are creations of marvelous beauty and expense. The act, which will be booked by a prominent agent at Chicago, consists of four changes, singing, dancing and talking, with elaborate scenic and electric effects, running fifteen minutes, Geoboie Millner, "The Parisian Model," who was a feature with Guy Bros.' Minstrels last season, has signed with another promi- nent minstrel show for next season. The Bohres Musical Comedy Co. closed Its regular season last week at Des Loge, Mo., and Is now playing the best alrdomes in and around St Louis, presenting tabloid plays. The company includes: Edith Wathen, Kittle Tucker, Winnie Tansey, Sadie Orsech, Amanda Bohle, Kittle Esher, Bailie Esher, Pearl La Belle, Clara Statel, Andy Breen, Fred W. Wear, Bert Cushman, late of Cush- nian and Fields, and Lee W. Malloy. Henry Bohres Is manager. Tire Gkovini Sisters arrived from Europe June 22. and are visiting their Bister, Jennie, and aunt, Lottie Elliott, at Homewood, N. Y. Ethel Mae Barker, having completed her vaudeville tour, will rest for the Summer at the cottage of her parents in South Michigan. She has contracted to go with Dave Lewis next season, playing the part of Mabel Dou- bledny, the Ingenue, and Introducing her vio- lin playing specialty. Miss Barker Is styled 'The hubellk In Petticoats." HOTES FROM SO NGLAND. "WILL ROSSITER GOSSIP. Edna Whistler Is entertaining patrons of the cabaret at the White City, Chicago with a Will Rosslter repertoire, consisting of ■ You Oan't Ex- pect Kisses From Me," "I'd Love to Live In Lore- Vand with a Girl Like Too." "Oh Yon Circus Day," and "You'll Never Enow the Good Fellow I've Been." The Three Dreamers have been s tremendous bit with "Mammy's ShufflbV Dance" for the past twenty weeks, and will still continue to use it as their feature number. "When I Met Yon Last Night la Dreamland" Is said to be the hit of Nonette's act, with "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Bees" a close second, Edna Archer Crawford la also featuring the suc- cessor to "Met Me To-night in Dreamland," "When I Met You Last Night in Dreamland." "You Oan't Expect Kisses From Me" Is prov- ing the biggest kind of a hit with Sharp and Montgomery. "O-U-Olrcua Day" is a sensational hit with Nancy Rice. Billle ftoldle also finds this song s complete success for his act. The Burwlg Brothers were recent Rosslter call- ers, reporting the success of "I'd Love to Live in Loveland with a Girl Like You," "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been," and "Mammy's Suulnln' Dance" throughout their late tour of the South. Ferguson and Northlane laid off the week of the 24, Mid occupied their time rehearsing some new Will Rosslter numbers. They will feature the new ballad, "When I Met You Last Night in Dream- land" the coming season. Stein, Hume and Thomas, sow on Orpheum time, write that the big bit with them Is *'0-U- Circus Dot." Carrie (Lone) Starr is more than making good with a repertoire of Will Rosslter songs, featuring "You Oan't Expect Kisses From Me." NOTES PROM STERN & COMPANY. The Minstrel Four have selected our great bass song, "When the Bell tn the Lighthouse Rings Ding Dong." also S. R Henry's latest march bal- lad, "An Devoir, Sweet Marie," which they in- tend to bannotdse. Linden and Buckley, formerly O'Brien and Buckley, musical comedians, will appear In bur- lesque next season, In a specially arranged med- ley, using "The Time for a Time Is Summer- time," "Hear Those Chimes" ("I Was on tbe Rond to Glory, But I Lost Sly Way"), "Au Ite- volr, Sweet Marie." "In the Gloaming" ("Was the Song She Sang to Me"), "That Raggedy Rag," "The Subway Glide," and "Do You Re- member tlie Last Walts?" The Arm has received a letter from Henry J. Rail, musical director of Electric Park's Orches- tra. Osslnlng, N. Y., stating that the "Summer Bit" of 1912 Is Gene Hodgklns and Jack Coo- Ban's "The Time for a Time Is Summertime." lie said: "Everybody's singing it." Belle Baker Is introducing for the first time this sensou, Zlt's and S. R. Henry's "My Hus- band's in tbe City." Mnny encores nre de- manded. Shepard and Tell are featuring Edna Williams ami Thos. Gray's baseball number, "You've Made n Home Run with Me," also "Au Revolr, Sweet Marie." JEROME & SCHWARTZ NOTES. Tbe Three Franks, In their acrobatic act, are doing their thrilling stunts to the tune of "Rum Turn Tlcldle," the tune that lingers. There seems to be no limit to the populrlty of this song. Dolan and Boyle, a well known singing act. are doing Jerome A Schwarts song. "If It Wasn't for the Irish ami tbe Jews," which has Just been released to vaudeville singers Dolan and Boyle are receiving numerous encores for their rendi- tion of this song "bit." Haydn. Borden and Haydn, who have been play- ing the Eastern vaudeville houses, sing "Rum, Tuin Tiddle" with tine success. This song looks like an International hit, and the act la receiv- ing a gratifying reception on this song HAVE ROOM FOR A COUPLE OF GOOD PEOPLE MAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS and 1 GOOD DIRECTOR THE FOUR PICKERTS STOCK COMPANY SEASON OPENS ABOUT ATJO. 80. Address WILLIS PICKERT, 999 Cleveland Street, Brooklyn, X. V. SHERMAN KELLY STOCK COMPANY WANTS REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINES For two shows. One show goes to the coast. Will guarantee 60 weeks' work. Salary sure. You must have wardrobe and ability. 2 Piano Players, 2 Comedians, Leading People, Soubrettes. Heaw Men Character and Gen. Bus. Men, Man for Props., Sister Teams, Dancing Acts and Small Orchestra-write' People with Specialties and Singing Voices given preference. Show opens week July 22. RehcHrW wees July 16. 8. *.. KELLY, WOODSTOCK, ILL, Garratt Sisters, Dancing Halls, Malone and Malone writer HARRY V.WINSLOW r Past Six Seasons John J. Murray's Attractions. Best of References Write or -Wire. WARREN' OPERA HOUSE, WARREN, OHIO. WANTED QUICK, PEOPLE ALL LINES CIRCUIT Specially People given preference. Wire every particular; prepay same. BAILEV-LOCKWOOD STOCK CO., Nevada, Mo., week July 1; Ft. Scott, Kans , week July 8. INGENUE LEADING WOMAN Strong Enough to Feature, Must Have Ability and Good Wardrobe; also MALE PIANO PLAYER to Double Band Rep. People In all lines write. Bead photo and state salary and all Id first letter. No time for corre- spondence. Finest tent theatre on the road. Week stands. Pay own. Montrose Sisters, write. THB DALLEY-HAWK STOCK CO.. Plncknt-yvIIU. III. Sylvia Summers Recognized Leading Woman, Ingenue or Emotional Aldrid Pierce Capable Actor, six feet. A few good "Scripts" Good wardrobe. Quick, reliable study. Both young, good appearance, and have been featured trllb Write or wire. popular company past two seasons. Al.DRID PIERCE, O. D., Sherman, Texas. NTED A STAGE CARPENTER and A PROPERTY MAN Both must be able to do responsible parts. N. APPELL. International Theatre, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 11/All I la II All Come across with 30c. to get stage material worth $30.00r If so. send st Iff UULII fUU ?- n ."-? r --?5. r " t *i- boo ~ ot i?" a . b !? Sketches, Monologues, Parody Reel; price. tatlons, End Gags. Cross-Fire Stuff. Toasts, Patter, etc., ever put out at that All for 80c.: BUmpa taken. Q. CJRAWDAIX, Oak Bluffs, Mass., until Oct. 1. HOUSE TICKETS-Hr. Manager, we can supply better Tickets at less than your last sets cose Write for prices and send diagrams. ROLLISON'S PRIST SHOP, LTKEN8. PA. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED tor any Instrument or number of Instruments, Songs, words and Mnslc. Sketches, etc. Sendsiamp, 0HAJ9. L. LEWIS. 4» Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. BANJO Players. Amateurs, Profs., FARLAND, world's greatest, will send you a copy of bis best olo FREE. AddreBBS81 E. 2d, PLAlSFIELD, K.J. GET MY LATEST PARODY HITS. 25c. each [with every order 1 send my two version Elec- tion Parody, free). Rube. B. F., Messenger Boy, Suffragette, and Straight Monos., $6 each; Negro SermoD, $2;cla9sysl;etche8, etc.; material forclnb workers. Enclose stamp. F. J. LaPIERRE, BOX 816, PENSACOLA, FLA. WANTED —SKETCH TEAM, one must fake piano, organ; BLACKFACE COMEDIAN, PIANO PLAYER who does specialties. No ticket over $6.00. Harry Burton, Join at once. CHIEF RED JACKET, Kenney, minds, WANTED, Quick, for Klrby's Novelty Sensa- tion, Single Male Performers, S. & D. Com., Musical Com., Magician, Trap Drummer, with Specialties; Other Useful People. All must change for one week. State salary. This Is a small vaudeville show under tent, week stands and show ner dav. ALVIN KIRBY, Phllo, Champaign Co., 111. HUMOROUS SONGS By the leading English authors, Including W. B. SCOKIELD, whose songs have made many of the leading comedians. HOW NICE TO BE SURE Scofleld's latest success and three other big hits, for one dollar; a laugh In every line. H. NEWTON, Box 80, Chartley, Maas. AT LIBERTY LE ROI SCARLETT 940 Fox St, N. Y. C. Scenic Artist Thoroughly capable and quick workman, who can play strong line of Characters and Char. Comedy. Would like to hear from Perm. Stock Mgrs for balance of Summer and next season. ._ „.°.;J* 4 MONTGOMERY. 703 Highland A-ve., Dixon, ill. PROFESSIONALS Having been In the D. S. land ofllce. at this place, for four years as register, thoroughly acn,unlnted with the country and people, have been requested to OFFER FOR SALE FOUR RANCHES OR FARMS. Good Investment for home or speculation. Largest 1280 acres,smallest 160 seres. These pieces all Improved. Address XV. H. McCANN, Chadron, N«l»r. SHORT CAST SCRIPTS With or -without line of printing. :o BYE OLADBROOK, . IOWA MOV. PIC. THEA. FOR SALE, $1,000. Only one within 20 miles. Powers; booth, 200 chnlrn, Jllr- rolde curtain, seml-floorlng, new piano, a gift. Reason, annual circus fever. Barnard's Theatre, Mlllbrook, N. Y. P. 8.—Want quick, Pianist (trans- poser) who is Comedian. AT LIBERTY-PIANIST W. 8. ERWIN. Experienced In Vaudeville and PiotureB. 8end"tlcket to Madison, S. Da*. Will work for $15.00 per. HUNLEY'S CASINO. South Beach. Staten Island Meyer A May, props.; Wm.Sllbor. mgr. AH flnt class Vaudeville Acts desiring time, write *■• SILIiOR, tngr. No act too big for this lions' 1 - . FOSTER THEATRE "K" Population 12,000. Inquire C. EARI. gggB To Lease, "A Minister's Secret." Pastoral Comedy Drama In 4 acts. Cast: 6 m. and 31. Can be doubled, 4 and 2. Torms reasonable. *•■']"*? CHAS. S. BLACK, 1622 Central Ave.. Cliicln iiaiM*; WANTED QUICK, Spot light Singer, Female. For outdoor theatre. Two shows night ! ''*' e salary, age; send photos, which will be redraw. A1RUOME THEATRE. Wlnston-Salcm ■ ^__ WANTED, JUVENILE m WITH SPECIALTY. Others write. Addrt • GERTRUDE ROBERTS, llarwicbport. •»_ I 05 MAQiC TRICKS^! ■ T JOB. C. KLEIN, 1103 Broadway. ^2 PHOTOS SKpWStSS JOHNSON, 140 Bonth Wabash Ave- Oh m' J^JZ In antteering adi. please mtntton Ci «■*