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! 4 ..■■Jsfl g£ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 13 TALBOT'S HIPP • ]» ROME LOUIS, MO. NOW BOOKING FOR SECOND SEASON :•«*•*' OPENING AUGUST 19, 1912 »•■ ■ v< *<?; HEADLINE FEATURES, SENSATIONAL ACTS, EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN NOVELTIES tf "&& NO ACT TOO SIC. Commanioats Immediately with FRANK Q. DOYLE, Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO I extend my sincere thanks to all acts, big and small, that have contributed FRANK T TAT Rht the past season to make the Hippodrome the success of the theatrical world. iAliiAm Ut aaJjDUI ^SMMBMIfertMiB *1 LONDON LETTER. 11 Hi I I ttOU OUE OWN COrlJiBftPOHDBrTT. CH»par Banks, 14 UtiMttr Street, Leicester Wtm, Lnlos, W, C M "Al!U> UM SUE." 5±5SS25SS?S& 'An»»eUoM for week beginning j„|t 7. m i ■;.i ■ •;• m I) Wothing Is talked of to-day . 1 tne command per- Ian ?8." in "the world where one 1b moused" «a<5 the command per- formance by muMc hall artists, dae on Mon- day. They say tbe third time pays for all, and Indeed this twice postponed function seems likely to be a brilliant success. Tbe Palace Theatre bas been made Into a bower of roses. Every scat ls "old, stalls command- ing $52.50, tbe quaint English currency of guineas belnc rigorously observed on tqese occasions. Tbe program, after much cogita- tion, has been settled as follows : 1. Overture, 8lr Alexander Mackenzie's ''Britannia." In- cluding many naval airs for the delectation of tbe sailor king. 'i. llplfax and Panlo, in "Ilompatl Bumpstl." Tbe queen Is able] to I have liked these artists very much at a gar- den party, and to have specially nominated them. Artist*, however, have been aggrieved by the selection of so flagrant a "copy" act 3. Barday Gammon, the "drawing room en- tertainer," at tbe piano. 4. Tbe Palace GIHb (a Tiller troupe). 5". Cblrgwln, the whlte- » — c / eu K *O r (standing for the nonce as 'the ^"*" ' dean of vaudeville artists, o". The' Bo- gannlcs, a trouno of English acrobats' doing __ an act called "rive Minutes In "Chinatown- :tiTi 1. Fanny Fields. 8. Paul Clnnuevtllf. l 0. ^* Harry Tate, In "Motoring." lO.'Idn'Crispl and Fred Farron, In a aong o.nd dance "from tbe Empire nqic. 11. v'eBta Tlllev.'aa »" "AUry." 1'2. La Pla, an Illusion ''dancer. IS. Little Tlch, In his "gamekeeper" caricature and big boot dance. 14. Arthur Prince and "Jim." 15. A pot-posrrl of old time music ball tongs, by Herman Fink. 16. Alfred Les- ter, in "Village Fire Brigade" caricature, IT. Clarice Mayr.e, singing 'I'm Longing fpr fcjome One to Love Me' T 18. Charles Alq>|ch. In quick changes and conjuring. 18. Geo, Hobcy, me red nosed comedian. 20. David pevapt, the society conjuror (quite a newcomer to vaudeville), ill. Wllkie Bard, with "I Want to Sing In Opera." 22, Anna Tavlown, In a scries of dances. 23. Harry Lauder, singing "Boamln' In tbe Qloamin'." 24. C|aele Loftus. 20. Variety's Garden Tarty. 9 group of 150 celebrities In vaudeville, arranged by Albert , Toft, the scnlptor. There has been a vast deal of unpleasant- ness nbout this group, many well known peo- ple, pqliied by their omission from the Com- '■- mand Program, having thrown It down. The group Is to be very, carefully tdiMrsed to- morrow Then on Mondsy frilghrIt will be P^J ' got In perfect order, at the neighboring ■st** Queen's Theatre, and quickly deported to the pnlace In sections, by automobile There is not room at the back of the Palace' stage to assemble tbe party. Charles Frobman has arranged a novel at- traction for the Duke of York's Theatre, at the end of September. Sir Arthur Tlnero, James II- Barrie and George Bcmqrd Show have each undertaken to write a play tor production one evening. Each author ls to take charge of tbe casting and rehearsing of his work. • "• . . 1 ' There lins been an Important revision of -' the first reported judgment In the O'Uorroan divorce suit. Counsel re-argued the legal points before ihe Judge on Saturday with the -—• result that wbeteas 0 Gorman. Is. h^ld. 12 bflVe •been guilty of rnlisondjict and cruelly, the single Indiscretion of whleu the Jnrv de- / clared Irma Lorraine to "have been guilty, Is -:- ' allowed to have been commit tea "under stress of terrible tcmptatluu. when she ^hs suffer- Jng from neglect, and In ain unhappy nervous state/ The net result is Unit tji$ marriage between tbe parties la dissolved. The costs of Qtc 'case, which approach |15,0Qfl, malnly *nl!lng Oh' O'Oo'rninn. Graham Moffdft Is to have another play produced nf the Comedy Theatre, entitled "A Scratch "of the. Tanr Charles Klein declares that ho Is delighted ■with BIB sacccta here.' "Find" tbe Woman" Is drawing satisfactory audlcttecs to the Gar- rick Theatre, In spite of {be weather. Says Mr. Klein, "1 am going' to write. ' a play called' "The Ne'er Do well," "which will be based on Bex Beach's novel. The 'scenes will be laid In Panama and New York, and Mere Iilsw, now In London, will proceed to toe continent immediately to discuss e new musical play with C. M. B. McLellan and Ivan Caryl!. This Is fOpndod on a French farce, by Georges Berr and Marcel Uullle- maud. It tells tne story of (h artist engaged upon a picture of Venus. He tries model after mode! in order to obtain a perfect ■boulder.' The idea Is to describe tbe play as "Her Left Shoulder." . .- - r Charles Frobman contrived to sign two pe- titions apropos to the censorship, one pro- moted by tbe managers, begging the king to maintain tbls office, and "one promoted by tbe dramatic authors, urging His Majesty to abolish It " ' Henry Arthur Jones needed to undergo a serious operation last week.'and for'a time bis condition was critical. lie ls now making good progress toward recovery. J. J. Kcssler reports tbe complete success of his season of Yiddish plays at tbe Mile LnJ Empire, formerly known as, the Para- gon Mus? fbla side He proposes, {9 sfoy on pn, a well known actor, is lo B6V i!JBf„ J* u Bdetatua|ed F. St tbe St. James Theatre, in ffifr.rcinn AT *h ■ t- anfrtr'o will deal wlththo futility of giving a'bum a college education which has nothing; whatever to do with his future career. In January I shall wMte She/ther, called "'The Outsiders," wn'lcli ■will deal' with Aristocracy vs. Fliito- cYacy, ajari tnltcs an Its text the threat °t tu« Clrlcigo inllllcfnalfc to kick open the door of the New York" Cfnb that bod been shut on Ilm. 14 EngJand you Uave! (Jne arlsfefrracy. In'^eifTva We'have V m ft * one (jefWpg ffbm'the IVjur Htindrc 5 a.' Hie oftw Irom (he pork Tracker* I a en go hi 2 to ctrainatbu! t£« Hctik&e Wtweei W Wo? 1 "' T-" ""FWnYs First 'TlaV'' Was done at tbo Ktag*rTay ^etttrc T fflf the' fivf V<nd>ecjtli tim"tt" ' * '" " ' rbrbes Uobcrtson declares that his tour of the English ptbVtneos fb.' fh» Fb.ll wiU *e his absolute ftrcVeJ! of the' cf^W lie fl«tts> TheYe *Vs talk 'of Ve6rftanlsln« 'rOje Pink LaclT"-Vhexi Tts'" Afi^flcan' cipSnonts tnust ncerfe rctuftf to New TorV.^nd oVcoavqlftg the Yun'Withy OloBe tttfatle, w^rsnTirjg- llifli 'cbrnrdany'; out;* coHpromlse eff^tecL TOr Afieflcin yls here hfatll Ibe Xn& «t W Probmiln, WVonihrnaflbn t . lancer.' will lntroddce "Edlfb^Wli "Kcbecca of Sunrj^irook Form.* eorgc A(ciaqc]er, «B4 also jjftd the revision" of, \6a( ^cfor's parts oh.tile road. Moron and wiser s§Jl for South Africa to- morrow. 11 B. Marlnelll, tbe agent, Is spending a few days, in town. of tte salilvan-ConslrJjBe Cfrcqlf, Is off to (0? continent for ft week 9r twp. VrftnK \U8Ban apd Fred ftyan are recent BrrlYsJs. They begin a long lour of tbls country s^t Birkenhead, On Thursday morning Or^qe Uaiard, and Fred Di'.nrci were joined in matrimony by the superintendent registrar of Saint Georges and Saint Giles, in Central London. Mary Elizabeth acted sb bridesmaid, and Henry George H1M?crt as best man. Gen. Bdwsrd Ln Vino should appear at the Victoria Palace on Monday. Adelaide Noel ls announced to make ber first appearance in London on July 15. Melville 3. Gideon and Mabel Bunyea were most popular contributors to the Alhambra program on Monday. Bert Kcldman, the music publisher. Is just home from New York, where, he says, be bns transacted tnbeh imooitsnt business. Lll Hawthorne reports that her Bllllken song has made a great hit In South Africa.' ■ Sir George and Lady Alexander enter- tained a thousand guests at tbe'Palatian Au- tomobile Club the otber evening. All the lltcrnry and artistic celobri'les of tbe day, and SnanV society people wore present. Herbert Shelley Is just home from the States. He returns later in she year. Iris Hawkins, lately kndwil as a clever child 'artrisjj. should have bden married to- day, but a inotor hecident Intervened. '" '■rns a tbe JSKtsFlSl— Xelllc Waring, of Wilson and Waring, must needs undergo an ©pe'rfitloa for nasal trouble. Jules Jordan arrived In town on Monday. He was a passenger "by toe "disitanla." Ho Is re'henfsrnjr'a *ew skdfch by Wal' Pink, which he wTIl produce fia. Jtlly. , •• '■ T 'An' English versfoh"of '"The Da nc,n B VtV 1 - nose" 'ls* ! to Is produced «t (hC' London Coliseum: on Wbnday, Wltn "Miss'Constnn'ce Drever for Its bright particular star. At'the oiitcet tbls opera was done 1n German. Charles DundBS '■Slater Is aboot to' resign his appointment as manager of the London Coliseum. lie will be succeeded by Arthur Cro*on, a we'll known newspaper man.' Sla- ter has been" In the buslfics's many years. He took'the'" first' Qillcty 'company to' America He'was nomlnatod'by Gcorgje Edwaryesas acting manager of the Empire. Subsequ#nt)y he had control of the Alhnmbra. Mnlvlti,- Lobe!, the Yiddish actress, ap- pears at the London Coliseum on Monday, in Max U. Simon's -play, entitled "Between the Acts." • " ... ' Wilfred Bohert Morgan, a well known sketch srtlst was' knocked down by n motjbr car at l'eckham, a Southeastern suburb of London on Saturday night, and was killed. Onre nforc TIHrt'b PaWce'SlrB'fcTe'at tbo theatre from which they tak;o tb,elr name. Wff.'*^ waterjng fUq grtsfOy bca,r toce. • ' pnma Ca^riis orJenei( at. the London^ ulnso- Death seems Imminent, Daring meaisi of escape are suggested by the captain, bat tbe men are Inclined to mutiny. Fearful scenes are enacted, ana In the very nick of time the suffocating prisoners are released. It it a one bit ot stage work, but can hardly be described as an "entertainment.'' Bedroom sketcbts seem to be quite the »c<Tte at onr vaudeville henses jfet -now. At tbe London Parilloa, oa Monday sight, Wilfred Sb'ne sad Polly Emery, clever come- dlant botfa, appeared la a sketch iron tbe jita of Lawrence Cowia, entitled "Before and After" Tbe Idea Is that a persistent widow Insists oa nursing a bachelor nelgbber back to health, and afterwards plays the domestic lyrant to admiration. Last week 9 news, to tbe effect that £, G. Knoirles ]sTj seriously III at Manila! 'seem* to be entirely discredited by a letter received by me from tbe travelers In the meanwhile, ahlch makes no mention of Mr. Kaowlea' Ill- cess. Moreover, bis business agent In Lon- don has received 3 cablegram recording bis successful 'appearance at Shanghai, at a later dnt$ than that of the published letter men- tioning nis illness. Fred Melville sails for South Africa with the "Slotoiglrl" Immediately. Lea Marbas are members of tbe same company, formed to exploit tbe Grand Theatres Circuit. "Siuraurun" comes to England in the Spring of next'year; but (his time It will be ex- ploited by Alfred Butt at th e various balls under l)ls control. Lennle «nd Hast are this week pliy|ne tb.eir sketch entitled "Cleopatrai >ee f Ue" ? fflth rpucq success at the Pqlqce, tottepqam. Ca.ri Hertz Is lj(n^ sertously "in a( Aber- Wntt. „ .. . ,' ' pre a,s flMK iR'ayef'ttiVy'were," she M'd, . Brptbers and Jacpbsen qre again endiy. "It ijn't thajt. ^They're fnrgettlne Charles GuUlyer assumed the direction of the" London Palladlcrm or Monday flight. He featured Mathilda, Caumont, who Is de- scribed as "the French ' Connie Edlsa." Mile. Catrtnont appears In a aketcb entitle! "ftfttjng Out of IL 7 ' The idea Is tbat a J«W PjfyUlg C8tJre4 to rest, calls bsr liuiband to Vfljasteo her dregs, and la united upon by a BSntlemftnly burgjir, wlt« Wbonj loera ls ■xrxAcr ruoit "MY ACTOR RtMtfAMtV* trCBLtsHio b< em toas las* 00.) We did not go to Mamma Reward's thus time. Heretofore when Will played Chicago we had lived at a theatrical boarding house, kept by a dear old Scotch lady. Hers was one of {be few good ones throughout the country. Unfortunately, one had to take a lone trolley ride to reach her house, and Will's performances ended late. Then, too, lie bad npard tbat tb« table had gone off, and that the service was Inadequate. I imagine, however, tnat Will felt be bad ouUrowtT the boarding-bouse days. He decider! upon a family potel on the North, Side. During tbe week I called on Mamtn^ How- ard and took Boy wltt) pie. it was tpe first time she had seep hltn, ancj sne raved over the child, sufficiently to satisfy even a'young mother's vanity. She Inquired after Will and, had kept in touch with his progress. She bad. always been fond of him and had dubbed him Bobby Burns, whom be somewhat re- sembled. I saw she felt hurt by her ap- parent desertion, aid tried to assure ber tbat we should be much happier and more com- fortqble with her; ttiqt if it wasn't tor the distance frqjj {be theatre — The dear old lady patted my hand as. If to spare me turtper qlssemblance. "JhaVq the excuse they" sjl give, but It's no farther thqp (t eycr was, s,ncf the theatres Louiaaas' Loa." I fcalaey*8 African Hunt ■» iiag ■ Tarfcer, In . Oww.—M J tlonplctores. Comentlag Bandar "juli 91" iVJjfeU Hooper, in GllS?rt and %mS.S SAvn* —Alarta-llberla morion rilctures. f 1* M •5 e L l, ^ rtw, ^ T,w Serine iV^Ts, Lioa and the Moose." " iH OaPHEDii.—Opealag Sunday, 7: Belasni "Madame Batterty,^ Two d'Meors gi£J and company. Honors and Le Prince Its? i* Koyce, 9eoTge" Beans, the Elliott Saronii Gribarn Moffat's Cpmpany of 8cottist Pii T ! crs, and daylight motion pictures. Empress.— Opening 7: Tbe Eight Saiom, Mooarch Comedy Four, Grassl Bros., Man Dorr. Tad Gibson and company, Bronx asi Momton, Walter Montague and compaay, tnd tivillgnt pictures. * PAKTAosa'.—Opening 7: Marmcen Foot Lordy S. dos actors and acrobats. Allck Lit der, Hans Kublick, Jones and Mayo, FtUa, tbe Lessos, and sunlight pictures. The week of June 30 was the silver in-'. yer»a,ry of the Orphcum, It being Just twtarr- «ye years since Unstnv Walter, now (fecetsel ft ttl'ng t me4 to he fop tar, wgen the nay mpre tPBP e gb,t or ten dollar for tBCtr bpajd..". ..ahd the llttl they Altars little Wftltlpf for tbegi after 9UMMM .collofltry. It seems tint " 'Te of collapse, "I'jje Five FranUort- comes to an end at we Lytic TfcStre w-ui^otr it u a matter for surprise tnat this (harming play, so perfectly noted, has «°t enjoyed a longer run- It has only Just exceeded fifty performances. 'The Monk; and the Woman" will be played for the last time at tbe New Prince's Theatre tonight. Tho Melvllles cofttemylate a revival here of Wilson Barrett s fine. Uall Calne play, "Be'n-my-C^ree.'' ' „«5 Herbert Tree brlpgs bis season at HU Maiesty^s Theatre to a ctose On Saturday night. He will take a long TiolHiiy, and re- open his theatre in September, with an his- torical play, by Louis N."Parker, entitled "Drake."' "8en-Hur" will be played for the last time at Drqry Lane to-nlgbt Tbe Hlaw & Erlanger staff, with Its Impedimenta, will Immediately sail for New York. ''Some locations for next Monday, are: gtqel Levey, London Hippodrome; the Frank L. tiregory Troupe, London Hlppo- drpme; Irene JfJUar, Eniplre, Flnabuty Pjrk : Lily Lena, Emblre, New Cross; Padl Clnoue- valll,- Empire, Cardiff; tbwenworth "and Coljan, Eniplfei_ Cardiff; Three'Miers, Bm- NpV " 3- a weei suppcra njaniiga h|( the'Uj^tre.*^" . V1 She ?uTl»cd. but ftefa WM V* t r 8fe of Pltterqe.ss; "Jt s wW ygn must exinect wben jau get old §nd worn out. 't/s (ha way ef tfio 'worJc]? , ^ r 7 felt cho|tfdLftn4 there wn«. BO ipwtr I cquM mnkv. WJete formerly there 89,4 h|en l^a^digg plovers, eyqj^ stars, tftere wet? tjow Mm raaw, and, 'aw few of ss 1 "Wltb lb them. Nothing remained of the apod old days ex (he rows 0? phgto— them Oye to cept the rows of photogra'Dfc antogrupbed and Inscribed Mamma HewarrV' hvm In 8tm, wo reviewed this galaxy Qf players, "There Is —-W she said, stopping In front of a well known actor, "and bis first wife. She Is married again. Many a time she cried out ber heart' in mamma's arms, Yes, and thcra Is —1 ■. When ht was lead- ing man for Modjeska. And be 111 such a klndhcQrted men. f remember once he' kept tne fumqee going when oar man got drank and disappeared for three days, if I only bad a picture of bim shoveling In coal, with his sleeves rolled up and spouting Mucbeih, at the ton ot bis lungs. Jiear old ■—. He ws,s hlq 6wp'worst enemy.. Sbp >r?s getting old and' could no IqBBor .« ..' (iecet Srii lu'Suiurated vaudeville In t'lils'city,'ami slw ahlrfi time tho great circuit of Orpheum ibt- atrea has heea advanced. To tlttlngly cek- biate the event E. M. Hosner, who also (tk- brated his twenty-flfth anniversary as leada and conductor ol tho orchestra of tho hou», composed a musical burlesque on "Alexu. det's BegUme Band," showing how illfferrat composers, such as Verdi. Wagner, Chopin, Strauss and Sous% would have written the melody bffa either dap had the melody ti KHnsn i m "The Mtion ojj (he m a nagers in their wt BHtbrelk i(icl b,g influence in any way. ihi;* gr mABOer Oft aJy reljgqfttion. Fully si weeks ago \ tendered my resignation verbally tq' MessTs., Anderson and Castle, ana tst« lentWReta ful. 8.'ubsfqntl«tc It. At tbat Hoe tqey reiijsedi to accept It. On June 21 1 tr* dprcd ft again tQ *lf- director, representing ti "is ibr :rccj "IV ajMln to \Jr. Kohl, as manaxkl rector, representing the board. "Mv reasons for resigning were net -' stated—'brought about by too complete vk- leqsq an "exacting cjlentelj. hpse whqm shp had tided gjit'lkjB of day, but a motor nccldent Wteryehed. P'fPt^eWPort; Chung Ling Soo.'Enjplrc, No A-n Important limitation of tbf terms "M""© : ,f rien 4 anj. DpWhing, EtrJpjte.. Gla under Wblpb V'p agenV'* Is'accorfled'Vo a k't A tiT\«" s « and May, EmRlrg, Belfast; M commission man. has been affreed to Vi the ™ta anil Dufor, TmplTe, Dubllnrxpoi ni?nTs f aslocTntlon? -f^--- n? ■ and Two Itottcrts, Empire, Leeds; Campbe eald softly, breaking a long sllcrfct 1 ,' w<illo we looked beyond the' pictures. "I don't blame them for not comiBst belfe to live. I ita» .-.-j. Cooke and Two Hotherts, Empire, Leeds; Campbell and Barber,'Empire, Liverpool; Wheeler and Berkeley, London ' Coliseum; the Aerial ££"}#• ^tt» Blackburn; Scott « and Sre!^ T £9' acc ' ?Jpdford: Phil and Nettle SSt*!'«, Bn tif f f'% I'li^ 0 "! Gilbert Glrard, Lonilbn Palladluni onc| Uolborq Empire; May McjOre Dupret, H'PJ>pd rom e. Putney I Din- mond and Beatrice, Hippodrome, Aston : Bad- ford and Ya>nt!ne. Hippodrome, Southamp- ton, Jen Latona, Hippodrome 8outhend. Lydia Ycamtjns Tltnq a.nd her husband, Fred J. Titus, are recent arrivals in town. Miss Titus gets to work next week simply ■with an orchestral accompaniment. Mr. fltus says ho HMU the idea ot a ntanolortc ccccfmpanlmcnt, but now proposes to cut it cut. 11 a bjlly—? JYl&b ttey-d. drop ip tn Me'inc somc- BClgjsl •" OtH to. town, Jnstlfci auld Whep^j told Will of mx visit ne looked very ijerlpqs. I am snreae fclt'jprrr we"Wp;d pot goqe back to her. thd next day Ve wept together to see ber. Will todk htr n'bpttlo of port wine. Later be sent her two scats for tbe performance, and I promised her that %5 3&$£ heh ItS h^Bflesjs^e'rf set the next rime , stay wjtb, hsjc \t& ? c Sffl e to Chicago, wo chould 1 ^V 111 gene a, ^a,r. vas eomethlng pialnUvp about the fK sat Ja tire shadow ot tho set cSS Bty -IsalOBt 'the OIL ■ Tie haps she waa thinking of those days when J^Lnilft " BUr ' < whcl * WW, a « at WWt uiipler Si (u's mm Am 1 nrjou'tney of more than 15.Q90 miles, taken In (be Interest of the forthcoming pro- cineUon ot 'th,e spectacular ChlneBe drama, i.:z~ ",»;"_«;»r:;*"^': s-■'^'?2 , { ,, » l, • »«* «n« "The Daughter o£ Heavefl?' ^t th? CeSSry ?^f L ± £ .f?SIt tC< l , ? , ° S J^«k wbrlqnet. -»l!s,t sent to. China by the the producers of i'S E'92. returned to New York. Iftst week. ( f. Broun took over, eight hundred photo- ^%JVBk7TL/l. B9HA. clpthes y Ihere nretio snubrettcs. nowadays. The tc?m Bb^S".. Ifer ipothcr had been a Kreat actrcsg Booth and ** Red sonje . Jje bct'arfln; IMS^^^'t^^nT bi'the Eooth^a'nT Barrett "dayg. ™9§c ner? had liBp+q- soine fWldlsb lines wltn^tne tp d drome last ^ondaj. pr'csMon that sne is If created \he ^ftn- pfcss1on"'tliat'"s'hc" Is very mucn'iictte.r titan the songs site ls singing at this momedt. Her reception was friendly enough. "DeWnm Moofe reaebca tidme from, South AfrtcA "iesreVday. She'lB to "a"pn<?nr at. the 8t.'j«me« Theatre In a Wnjf crifltlca *!Jonn Ift«>l D* Vrlea^s rnfel¥sted In the pro- duction of a dramatic sketch, rJnfftled^'Bub- martne FX." «'M ; D«frfTcm Palla,dluin, but 4»«1ibljerscmklly^&Trt.-p«A m tl^pWirorta- ance. - The Idea ortglqated, with HArold graphs in Tl»e course of hVg trip. Ana arrtted Jti this city w'th one of the most curioqa ad- foriiucnts of baggage ever; brought in.'by a traveler. Moat Important, perbapB, were the qqltcd of «0 ttb/ciise but Baceaarlae sweet- njsa and vacaous prettlnesa —\nr\ yonth, Xttutb, M' 0«. the. harvest ot flge', Tho npbllc, wblcb, she bad amused for years, had wcgoitW *ei They acarcery rccnllei ler txlftence; aot even'a band of rccogJiltltfn on ance. Occasjonaliy a reviewer."Tell! all sbrts.- (op, Ve>Hate, t5 engog? h,er. ' all sorts. " ' ltonKBT Lorainc's American tour In Shaw's "Man and Supfcrninh" 'may' be postrjoneo ibr a ■fortnight In order that he may pWy a rperlal engagemetu In the title Tole dtTsIr Herbert Tree's production of Louis N. Park- er's "Drake."- - ■ • •- KtciiAan BRNftrrx returna to the manage- ment 9C We, llcblcr Co. this Sjcaaon. .: -.j|i> * — : ± kUnil. TAt.iAr»80 produced her own akeYA, ^nUtitt "T* iVtn,ri-<if toi sSn,' 1 ht Morrison's, SOtkawiy 'Beats, last Week. tpci' ot the managers, ot thu association -• because, firstly, tne tnsnagcrq il '- v " ^ no victory. Their recent move, while a trifk more strenuous than in tho past. It Is Dott- ing but a repetition of -wba't has token pjire perloalcaUy lor" tho past three years. I nsrs contemplated resigning over three monfw, and this Statement can be thoroughly »»• stantiated. I resigned because I was gout to better myself'In every way; because I be- came tired of fighting wltb a few mnnagtn that vera gonslantly demanding, schealnj and flgbUfag for more than they were entitled tq; because my autborlty "as manager sss curtailed, and I was therefore unable ti control tbo affairs of tbe association to la- sure the success of It. "For the majority of the managers no* booking through the association, I have note than the kindliest feelings; for those 'few to trjq foregoing I ban YartOW-mlndod,- sclfap. ™JS to theia lj ■ accrue to <ock of the assodatlo" ,„ff only one large .jbtijt on' thb^seCMic} Iffoor of this bullfllcg Majestic). When its name was synonymous wltb anything tut what was good and great- Wlth no other help than loyal" employeesi ana that glverimo bfllr. Beck and the Orpbeiia Circuit, It ba; grown onttl It occupies w m& tenW'Sol*slev?r4tU floors of the bulld- JgV It Mi IfOWB from Indebtedness to a trge paffle KMtqtlon ft has grown unt! I re^ognVecVaa being one of the biggest. . Jmld have qqntlriuea PU W cbarjc of tuij assoWtlod, anoT male It 4 still neater anj bcfter?"K the? same cociaiWnt bad prcraile*. as in tbe past" i a ■ » >. • MANAGER WEDS COAST M*l* Teresa Gnllndo. daughter of Mrs. Vn« "J llndi of 5401 TclegrsRh Avenue, oawas* Call', and George Fitch, bualness u^ll Se Columbia Thpatce, In that rlty. ig OTleUv. married In San Jose, W-^fZa Juno *7. Fltfli1(M the reclPJ^pt of niw presents t^mjhf Vmbers of U..; i«gg t uTb refjik to. Oa?«^d. aud the euo«j imSnceTST June'58 waa stoi.p.'d «»» Wlion weacntcd ^la, manap'r »»« ?U4 «llver ten svt. nod Introduced hia iudlencc bMore tb? prcspntnUon^Mj; llonsc, » l SpaaW lias b"* gr^olL^^^rc^^Blu^ Dlllca* King opened that p layhouse, Galw'av Beribert, wlw. wa» aw» 'a '"^ InSTMfof -The SeWttnt fa AclM* (l , which Tom upoq cTft'Thc' couble bqv;c tnken apnr the MadJaon''Square Apartment I cAlaM.' -fte paflndo X»iry. i y ( ; r with tor a teadlmf r. W»l3 nOSELLE KSOTT DIVOItCBD, in,* aa"a" He Knot i ot7cUv:c„, Agnes Jane. _ proW'sIcmBrlv ns m'tntnaocTjtoi Qaveksn &om , NeV^Yotk »ea July fc- • ^ '• •VcndTuvy" i* -Jell* ■CPfe