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The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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mmmmn ——- - ■ --.-:; — JlJLt 13 — ■ ^ ■■■■ ,.,;•■■.. ,.,;■:—:..•■ . ,.•■■■.■..■■;■ ■ ™r~>- >■ ■ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ■ m"' 13 ;« "NA/MAT7 I'M aOING BACK TO OLD MISSOURI Wont You IPSease Tell Me Your RJame? | in the Land Where Dreams Come True Howard "Tom" Hnnlon's Big Boag Bit A Classy Wolls Ballad, Tanehl and Melodious R TRY AND GET ALONG WITH A Good Double Number—A Liva Oiu-EMIe Newton's *%**••( g . n d w^jgajg TOgf^ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MUSIC CO., Los Angeles, Cal. FROM AL. a. BABNES' CIRCUS. uy nam sura. ft&tmw\$. Smuttier Parks and Tairs Bismarck, N. D., June 17.—Nice little city of (1,000, nnii seat of the State capital. Show arrived early yesterday, nnd Suudaycd here. Nice, grassy lot. Italn which had been fall- THE HERBERT A. KLINE SHOWS. ur JOB HUT. SPARKS' SHOWS CELEBRATE THE 'FOURTH. In accordance With hli usual cultoin. Man- ager Charles Sparks gave lilt annual Fourth of July dinner, and this year the event oc- curred at Littleton, N. H. The dining tent was handsomely decorated with flags and tuntlng, and the ladles, headed by Mrs. Sparks, furnished the tables with beautiful bouquets of cut flowers. The banquet was served at 4.30 r. m., ana It was voted by nl! the floeat spread yet jpro- vlrled bv the popular manager. Steward A. C. Orcutt and Cucf Edward Wlrner certainly did tbeaiatlve* proud. The following was the went*; ItQman Cocktail •OOP. , Winter IWM ' Consomme Blcwed Tomatoes Olives Sliced Cucumbers) FISH. Baked Blue Fish, Auchc-vie Sauce Fried Smelts, with Tartar Sauce HK'i IlkBS. Saute Fillet Beef, Mushrooms no A ST. Reant Young Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Philadelphia Capon, Cream Gravy Waldorf Salad, Cold Slaw Asparagus French Peas Mew String Beans, German Style New Potatoes, in Cream DE8«(BT. Chocolate Custard Assorted Fruit Strawberry Ice Cream Jelly (toll Roquefort Cheese MUcd Nuts Burton Water Wnfers Coffee Milk Tea Jng continuously here for a fortnight, stopped B. & B. CLOWW CUB CHATTER. *Ul&»JblSZ£2JE& HI IIKBIUN JUSKI'II AND MNKST ANDBBION. A. C. Orcutt, Steward. Edward Werner, Chef. the: SELLS-FLOTO CELEBRATE! FOURTH. I'lio SeUs-Floto boys had a glorious time ">\ Fourth. The dsjy -wm. celebrated In imil was rounded gut with a, "1|J— the regal style, dinner for u fclng. The menu was »s fo||oyf>; OFF'CJAL HOpTB. P. B, Button, Map^ sours. Puree of Lynn Haven Consomme IIELI8UE8. Prime Itlbs of Beef, An. Im Suckling Pig, Sweet Potatoes ENTREE. Fricassee of Chicken Calf HraluB on VMlt Banana Fritters Boman Punch DEBSEB.T. Strawberry Ice Crc«m Chow Chow Ai'P'e Pie Asio Tea Coffee Milk aHneo ?'e TATAU tfflQKlWGi flPf, The acta booked for the Tatall Show were about to" sail' July '4, when a cable from Porto Rico notified that the tent bad been destroyed, and that no acts were to be sent on at present. Among those engaged were the Marriott Twins and John Hlgglns. Geo. Meek remains In New York. Young Buffalo^Hd We^a,ndpurruT)ln T ' Fir East. information Wanted CLAYHOSIER Believed to have been killed while painting sign for a circus. Reward. Address 0. A., euro of CLIPPER. It haa been very hot of late, end the clowns decided to take a dip In the ocean, so all the Jokers started for the beach. Atlantic City Is a great town for sport, and wc can assure you the funny folks enjoyed themselves. Among the bunch who went In bathing were Jack lledder. Bill Cornelia, Jsck llauton and Bill Devltt, The boardwalk was crowded with sightseers, when all of a sudden tbey noticed Krncst Anderson coming down the boardwalk. "Come on In, Ernie!" "No, I guess not." After a Utile Coaalng aa English chap went In, and he, too, thought the water was fine, ilatlsg around, be spyed Herman Jo- seph. In the water. All be could sec was nose. "What are you doing in there all by your- self fi "If I go on the beach they will throw snnd At me, so I had better stay lu here." The bunch turned flip-flaps until H was ttwe to go back to work. They will remember At- lantic City. The Hart Bros, are figuring on a new act this Winter—If Tom Hart can get Pelrre to listen to him, , Mr. Wlrtli, the Australian clown, is a great favorite. Phil Darling, the originator of the one man prizefight, had a clowns club all by himself. Jqst before the matinee performance nt Atlantic City, Ed. Bound's telephone ex- ploded, hitting one of the clonns on the head, But you can't kill a clown. Denver Dnrllug sprang n daffydlll on Flat Iron. Flat Iron belongs to the Moose base- ball team. The Moose team played tlio Charley Grapcwin team, and the Moose lost. Score, 4 to 2, la favor of Gnpewln's team. Turning to Flat Irun, Denver said: "\t tim Moose lost, did (iropewln?" Paul Jerome Is not on good terms with Rossi. Poor Jim—they arc all against blm. • _ -WILD MOOSE OV EVHin^TIQN WITIf MILLER. BBQS. # ABLIWOTQDi'S IPI I\41t?H. Jgttfat (y¥»«ft.) Lodge, No. 001. Loyal Older o| Moose, palled off one of their mi, usual stynft, (n honor of Geo. L. Nelll, the secretary of Colfax Lodge of the Loral Order of Moose, who returned from his wedding trip Sunday, June 23. Miller Bros, k Arlington's 101 Bancb Show assisted materially In the success of the un- dertaking. The baseball team of Colfax Lodge of Muosc arrested, Brother ftjei.ll and coqcjlicted him to the Lodge Hall, where lie was tried and sentenced to confinement to the moos' cage, which ruus pn wheels. Tho septence was Immediately carried out by Nell) being conducted to the cage In the street, where the official photograph of the "Wild Moose" mid the ball learn was tuken. Nelll was given a ride ncound the main streets of the city (ami (hut. wagon, sure did ramble) and was tbco taken, to the 101 Branch Show, which played two performances in Colfax, after- noon and evening, to capacity business. Tho firocesslon of Moose with Brother Nelll In lis cage marched around the big ring of the 101 Ranch Show In the grand entry, and then took their places In the section of seats wblrh had been reserved for them by tho management of the show. Every courtesy was extended the Moose by the Miller Bros. & Arlington, Shows. Of the' many stunts pulled off in Colfax for the benefit of tho "Ncwlyweds," the Moose Lodge have nulled off the most original and pleasing exhibition.' HBBfW DUOS. We A FJRE. At Arcanum.. Q., while Heber Bros.' Great- er Shows were returning to the lot, tin;'cy- clone that started at jCnngas Glty struck them In full force, the storm tearing down stalwart 'trees and knocking dowu bouses and barns In every direction. Tho storm sub- sided, at 3 ('. m. Thcq, wlM'K tin: night audi wai Burke and his staff was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Capacity afternoon and night house. Last wagon off tbc lot at 11.30, and show trains moving shortly after midnight. Valley City, N. V., June IS.—Last section In shortly before 8 o'clock, notwithstanding a 100 mile haul. Col. John Pollock, for al- most a quarter of a century a prominent showman, but now president of a big overall factory, in pshkosb. Wis., was a visitor. Big afternoon and night house. Castleton, N. !>., June 10.—Another long run, but everything In early and parade left the lot at 10.30 o T cl«ck. Harry Parish, tho well known clrcua trainmaster, Joined here, and has a side show ticket box. Harry and the writer both hall from Trinity College. Parish's nnelc, Col. Julian S. Carr, Is one of the principal owner* of the American To- bacco Co., Mid is a multi-millionaire. Good afternoon house, but threatening weather cut down attendance at night show. Fargo, N. D., June 20.—Show In early. Long haul to lot. Beautiful day and splendid business, Jimmy Carroll, the well knwn comedian and musician, closed here today and left for bis home In Boston, Mass. Jimmy Joined while the sbow was playing In Oukland, Cal., and has been making a big fait with his musical act la the side show. A previous contract calls for his appcaranco with a big minstrel show which shortly opens., Minn., June 27.—First and only stand In Minnesota. Long run, but as the Barnes Circus trains mo equipped for fast passenger service, tbey were In early. Parade out early, and back before 11 o'clock. HumII town, but the lnrccst crowds ever In tho city is here to-day. N Igtit house small. Grand Forks, X. D„ Juno 112.—Ileal circus weuthcr In evidence here. Good business, (.'apt. Itlcardo, who works the big twenty group Hon act. hid his coat slightly torn during the matinee. Circuses will hit Grand l''orks heavy this year. Due to General Agent Harold Bushes, the Barnes Sbow Is the lirst In. Although the show has been on the road seventeen weeks, but on two occasions have wc followed another show. There Is much i nith In the old, saying that "tbc tint ghow General Agent Harold » gratifyinf. Herbert A. Kline got nrst blood by sending l parade ever the lino of march (a ae> "st, and, augatenred aa Ave free act efcpjaanta In gets the inoiiev,'"* Bugnea^ caught nt alow Vera Ho mudg hi W'Ull.K were her* Tnfatf VVInol on twp erg) Agcn here w-djay- H 1 Hen Winnipeg, nan lie ha* TWterB for tba rgst ifcaBJ Canadian cuBtOvf Inapvatora filFrlrftfl^ * ,. . -u. Juno 28.—^k run of 100 llroads and the crossing of the boundary line delayed tho (bo*/ * jttlc, but the section wa» In by 0 o'clock. Train- master Charles Cook thinks It is. a record. A thirty block haul to the Happy Land show (roVLh/U.- Tea thousand people visited (hi lot Sunday afternoon. Col, If. 8. Kowe, of circus fame, was a visitor. He came up from Chicago. Other we)l kOvWI ncmbsn of the sawdust frntcmlty were visitors. Winnipeg, Can.. June 24.—rarade lenvoe grouqds at 0 o'clock, nnd the longest ever made by the show. Hack at noon. Good Kftcrnndn hoqte. At night six thou,saml nep- CAi.oAnv, Alberta, July 2, 1012. On June 20 tbc 101 Ranch Wild West showed within five minutes' walk of the Kz* position Grounds, where the Kline Shows were located. Despite the Inclement weather, patron* were turned away from the Miller A Arlington Show*, and our own business was very gretlfyluj ranciToi the* Wild \V*at,~a«a\ Mgasenred It was by Robinson's Ave free a< *■* a aeara *f Indians visiti** Oalltornia I'Ysnk's Show, It made a very Imposing spec- tacle. Opportunity for visiting after the matinee was well taken advantage of, and, look where oaa Bight, one ceald see eld friendships being renewed, and could hear "remember In Hi, when yon," and ^'«Mt became of so-and-so?" Invitations to visit the Jight Mrfaftnavica were extended by Joe Miller, IM all who were able accepted and spent a very enjoy- able evening. Billy Williams, of tbc Mamie Show, Is tho last to Invest In an automobile. Who's next? Manager Varcbly. of the Miniature World, has enhanced the appearance of his front by the addition of a six piece band. Doc and Mrs. Oiler hnve Joined the Mamie Show. No fog horn needed now; Doc's pipes are ou the Job. Joe (Irish) Geary has Joined the Delgarlan and Zlnney Show. W. G. Williams has been engaged aa ad- vauce-for Prlocess Victoria. W. K. Sibley has added twenty feet to his already colossal front, which, with his new orcbeoiratlnn and walkover wagon, presents Indeed an Impressive appearance. It Is estimated soma 00,000 people attend- ed the exposition Monday, and, weather per- mitting, an attendance of 100,000 Is ex- pected Thursday. „ One continual round of pleasure—dig dllchca show, irrigation show. bu«4 sewers show, dig trenches show, build dams show, dig drains show, ad iii/Inlfiim. Tn our friend Hartwlg f would say, When you from home attempt to stray, Just puck your »ultcasc full of hay Anil you'll have. * bed with you ulwqy. 4»ro*g*. What's tho dlfferepce betweena suitcase and a stjowtrlng? Answer—A. H. II. Calgary w (the booming: town oj Canada; PHheT W cents; sh»ve. 25 cents | glass of Egg, Jo cents; bread. 10 cent*; shoe* ihljjed. Id Ve»»i; "Durham," 15 «iit». onfthlp* ol the long Winter coming. Since tbc show opened In Flint, so many new tops and front nave been added that tho line-up presents an entirely new appearance. HARRIET ill'IM11V KILLED, At the Boston meet on July 1 till* ln« trcpld woman avla-tor. and W. A. I*. Wlllartl, manager of the meet, were Instantly hilled at Atlantic, when her Dlerlot monoplane fell Into LVrdicbter Buy from a height of a then- final feet. The accident happened when Miss Qulmhy and wI liiii- 1 wcro returning from a trip over Boston lia.-lmr to Ilojton Light, a dlstaacn of twenty miles In all. The flight was mado in twenty inlntttes. Both bodies were badly crushed. Several of Mis* Qulmby s bones were broken, ami there wer; many brulscn. Wlllnrd, who weighed 190 pounds, hit the water first, anil aver one ejv there wan a gnslt from which Mtwd was Sowing. He, too, sustained several frnctup's and bruises, Harriet Qntmby was) the first American woman to win nt» aviator'* llceme, the flrst woman to fly across the English Channel, and the holder of the Ametlcsn records tor height i*nd endurance tor women flyers lu Amrrlca. ' * ' ' ■ FALLS TO DEATH. Tom Moore, who tins been making par achats drops at the Ilellevlllc, N. J., Park for His past Ave scasnns, fell from the bar et hi* parachute, afternoon of July 3, at that park. Moore, who whs to have made n trlpls drop, fell about 1,200 feet, nnd every bono In bis body was broken. » — J PARK MANAGER* CANCEL ORDERS. Tho elimination of excursions In Ohio and Pennsylvania by the railroads has so serious- ly affected the Summer resorts that the de- maud for souvenir glassware and specialties has been tho poorest Ibil season than fur many years. The park managements bavo canceled most of their early orders. I ,,,.., . SLIGHT KIHB AT Ll'XA. On .Saturday afternoon, Juno 0, lire was discovered lu the storeruom back of "Tin Dragon's Gorge." nt Luna Park, Coney Island, N. V. Assisted by i|ii» local department, t|to I.mia tiro forces succeeded In extlngulshlpa the lluuii's after a damage of Sl.lMM) hsd been done. Fu.vnko'n (Iik.'iiestua Is furnishing tho concerti nt the Hotel Nassau, I<ong Bench. Tub Pn viuiwai.ic at Arvcrtie, L, 1.. wn« i declared unsafe by the dock pommlsHlouers July (I, end tin; large crowds usuully pranic- j nuillnir tbero were ComiieHcd to forego thslr J. IIV4H huvK»To*'» hvdrpnlane, m vital Jr.," won the twenty mllu rice on the Shrewsbury, at Red Bank, July 4. made by tbc sbow. Hack et »oqn. aftcrgafla boliie. At night six thousand nen- plo iverr refused admission. On, the ln«|dl uf o were pac|c4 lu Die pig top a mass of pcopl Anyone wishing \o know the price of luu< ber. ask ChBrUiy Abrh»n>s. Jolly 'Prixln has hci'u conOncd to the hos- pital since our arrival. We all hope for a speedy recovery, as her genial smile nul1 cheering word* are *»i||y missed. Next week, Winnipeg, eight hundred mllca away. mm snow in mm. using |IAJSS0H IS IgAPpV, ] sen, . DOCS an now go along tho crowded Ghaut hanging my head or a handkeiphuf to bide my face. Tti« llsrry L, HtDWP. of Fields sod IUm itc*: "I am i i »„ _ IkeicL... entire theatrical profession from coast to Wl' more happy. thoroughfares with • we^fiifi'lftn! c ?»- ^♦ ne ".BBF 1 '" A " M«w umtcd Shows \JSiSS*JrSt »A.H> nro Jji the marltlrqe provinces »f Canudq, and *"'!£'. ?.'. • ld J ! ? h °W' doing a iqccessful business. We play St. John, N. B week of July S, and there will be thinisanqs of out-of-town people here to attend the Mg Old Home Week's celebra- tion. All bands are doing well with tho show, and wc have had a very successful season up to date. Col. Francis Ferarfs Shows will bring to Bt. John twelve separate and distinct shows snd amusement features. Wc have the finest Hue of all new united shows of any carnival company In the business. Wo have trained wild animals, dog and pony circuses, African native village, vaudeville snows, crystal muzo and a number of other features. encc to the ring banks. The year. Hubert Kane, inn worked overtime. At a Two-bit 'affinfsidoii the kid show did tho biggest business In the history of the show. Uptown wagon on lot did a land oilleo business. Winnipeg, Can., June 2fl.—The second day of the Winnipeg engagement was a repe- tition of tho first duy. If anything, tho turnaway crowd >vs« even larger. Mr. Barnca Is a Canadian by birth, and as the Canucks are a bit clannish It certainly did help busi- ness. Everybody wearing n glnd Bmlle. Tho five Winnipeg papers) have sonio clever and agreeable fellows connected with them. They wtrc very sine] "nd, gave us comma q(ter the leopard act, was badly clawed dining' the < pnrnde. One of her felines was attempting to claw a horse, and while attempting to punish tho beast It attacked her. Wc will be back In the States for August 15. Wc look forward for a big financial sue- r J» assembled, the men were fljllng and Carmen,' Cp.nV, Juno 27.—Ideal Summer lighting the huge gasoline engines: for lln! day. Good buslncs«'at afternoon sbow, and cluster lights, one tank let go,'and In one only falr'o't ntglit, Instnnt the flames were leaping and roaring near the rigging and mam top. Hobcr Bros.' special fire engine arrived on the scene not a second too soon, extinguishing the fire. We played to a capxclty audience utter all the e|cltctn ent. ' '. ' W. W. Cochrane has closed with tho Young HuffftUi Hftld w c8| and Cummins' yar cess In the province*; '"Victor n: U1\tt, gen- eral manager of tho Fernrl Shows, Is somo liustler. dy Glenboro, Can., June 28.—With the mer- cury hovering around, 104 degree* Fahren- heit, the atock suffered severely here to-day. City officials very kind here. Good afternoon and night house. We are sow in the land « 24 o'clock. TUe »(gUt fho* bfiifpa \{ 19 o'clock. This Is noit'TJiC InnoTof "tTie mid- night sun, but almost. The sun sets around B. D. rrjfJlellJfflllOS, y»n»ger mssmtip* cmcAao, his., ^r, g. At European. Cala and Buffet Sirvlca Onaxcalied. VISIT THE INDIAN BGV* tjnlelU HeadqxmrUrs for Tho Carnival Matniggrs' Association of America ■ aaW—lfJilfJMIHlllllHII ■■ II ■■■»■■—■!!! UNITED STATES TINT & IWNINN CO- i«w. p^uSaIn Jr! fm- v \L± L V' R MWW **"» WAI EDWAllU B. LITZIHOGB, Secy. TWtS, BANMBB8 AMB 8HC.W BAR4\PHliR»IAa,IA VVUITB FOR OATALOOVB PARKS' SHOWS WAWT6 CIRCUS PERFORMERS IR ALL LINES WualcHana far His Bund, Qorneta, TrQinaanea and OlatJnetn n/ir™ Mnalclans, address BEN B. TAYLOlt, Bsnd Master: oCers addrers, 0BA8. BPABK8, Mgr. WOTB: Claremont! N. H.. July 18; Bratdeboro, Vt., July 16; Palmer, ktass., Jnly 10; w Ullmantlc, Co ■»«. J \V % ^hU^9q W .,JnJb; if. , conn.. ■Nice little cHy this'way' begin'at 7.3p o'olc Brandon, Can'., June 28'.- of 14,000. hbon and nl. vfsltor>gali{ end Striker Show In earl/. Capacity af'tcr- "t houjpe. II. B. itowe was a day, ' Another blustering" day (Orgo nnd his contingent of "Juice" peddlers worked overtime after salted pcanuis^at i'bcep pawafl out. Cam. n. Sxidbb la equestrian director and rlu'cfnaster with tilt] lOUor Shows, and la working trick ponies, donkeys, mules, dogs dud monkeys." His performing bears, Teddy end Topsy, are a big hit, ulso Wallace, tho untamable lion. Chqrle* .paly a 'URN. rlen w« ? GREAT INTER-STATIS BHOW NOTES. ""AtTWrt woyne, Ind., the sbow played to a, large ottendancc in spile of rain. Juno 27-:<fl. At Logansport, blrooucl's airship, while staking flight** ever the city; circled the carpi- vkl-grounda leVerdl times, then coining dowjl to a height of not over forty feet over tho ■tood tt r >renderv* t'•ollow^rl« , the* airship flights at night came the Six Flying Herberts' big nerinl return act: foot Jnggllng' add equlllbrbitlc act, and C'hrlntlo poTXaae, iff prnno tololst, the girl who sings with tile band. The show, week of June; 24. was pn the street* of I'cru, Ind., playing (o & fqlr busi- ness. Week of July 1 will ifiul the show on the old golf grounds, Ft. Wayne, Ind., where a big week Is expected, under the auspice* of the "Trail of the Moose," promoted by It. C, Carlisle, who will run a r contest, baby show, Olympla games. Itoman sports, aud many side features special for July 4. Mr. Carlisle got out n large souvenir pro- spec'af, for this week, with forty-four coast, Including manngcra snd agents, wgro well aware of tbo fact that my looks w««o greatly marred by an unsightly, illsllgurrd Mono, wlilcb lay t<> ppo aide of the fnca fujt, }nd gave mu tbc appearance of n bulldog. camo tip fronV Atljhtlc City and procured the service* of pr. V. IB. Hmftli, who nccopi* pllshed a most wonderful act of lurgery without tho uso of knife or Inflicting sjit I mill whatever, qnd not even dvtunlho frets tuslncss, by practically making n new on'l complete noso from the ono that was almost entirely destroyed," '— ■ • »» ij lli:i:itllon>l TREE'S DAUGIITBR ' WEIIS. ' The society folks of London wcro alt n 'flutter July S, over lite approaching mar- riage of Vloln Tree, daughter of Hlr Bar- hoiiiii Tree, to Alan lUiniulu Parsons, son "t n Surrey vicar. Miss Tree, Who I* twenty-six year* of age, inndu her singe dcl»it In 1(104, ind rectntiy declined'en offer of marrlago rprn, Mgrqulf of (JVahby. The wedding win aU place Thursday, July 11, nt the hlstorlo Churrli of Ht, Martin's In the Field*, the Bishop of London officiating. Tho honey- moon will bo i«ihxc<i nt Sir Ilecrbobn* country house, ltobertsbrldgc, ' '"" •*• ill BESSIE MeCOY BIAIlltlEI). ' Richard Harding Davis, the author, and Kllziilieth Gcncvlevn McAvoy, known ns Beljlo ■McCoy, were married nt Oi nwich. Conn., July 8, by Justice of the I'cacu Willlato'c. Ittingec. In the Intter's ofllco. » 5 The mold of honor was Mrs. Russell Celt, formerly Rtlicl Barrymnre, arid Mr. DSfli w"s nttendetj hy Qouvcrncur Morris, flu mm, wmm, mmm ami mmu, lb' Australia tbey were particularly suc- cessful, topping all bills, and baring their cuts expended „^ • every ^cU^ro in engaecments el They Will dpVn~'S?ro shortly on the United Ime, In one of their mimical, comedy and !«IW»rf!«TOTOtt UHl K Wf h WW* (rR to Ue «JTlf iVRVIN BtslP«. =w^ Kit. 1880 lUlQ & DORE WATER CARNIVAL A Tf« JBJ"< '""• XX SHOWS where they are boohed tor long engagement*: HtV«<wbv iwiwrt m*s»w«. The marriage of Dorothy Tennnnt the actress, snd Roland M. fntts, was announced Saturday. July 0, after having been kept a.K««ffV|KTWtt»vH '"^ "' T ' ,V " WAfrTEO-Bood Lady Swimmers Who 6an Dive wWtftoW? MSI (MAW XVSfa JMSsft*"* '^ on «| ^ WE CAN VSE ONE MORI GOOD BALLYHOO SHOW. Privileges of every kind can be placed except Pood'e Dogs, Vase, Oook House snd Shooting Oall •i i M