The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 13 THE HSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 -Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid of Cold Cream It easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork' or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. «t , WAOH-UI>»» ArJADR »A®Y ' FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS "WILL DO IT' WM. WALTKE & COMPANY Used and endorsed by the leading members of every branch of the profession. We want every member of the profession in the United States to test the merits of Lava Soap. Send us your name and address, and we will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAM- PLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SAINT LOUIS, U. S. A. ROUTE LIST, ■»»•<■■ Intended tor This Column » DRAMATIC AMD MUSICAL. Academy Stock (Samnel P. Klngaton, ragr.)—N. !5tf^.M mgr.>-Ph.>«de.. Ap^-S^ 8 (8 I m d 1fi«; mgT.j-Magsra Falls, ESBrfe?. Ulthe. n>^.)-GU*n. bur«, claT. 10, Wetland 11, Peterboro 12, Port BooMelle^Jessle, and Associate Players—Detroit, Hlcb.. 8, indefinite... „ _ ■ . _ Brtnier, Una Abel, and her Players—Newark, N. BowlllsU Stock (A. N. Bowdlah, mgr.)—OTelrton. Blibop V pii<yer»'(H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Call, 8, Indeflnlte. . . . - . . Belasco Theatre Stock (OlUer Morosco, ragr.)— Los Angeles, Cal.. 8, Indefinite. Barrow-Wlnnlnger Players " (John D. Wlnnlnger, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nebr., 8, Indeflnlte. Burkbort, Lillian (J. S. McQroarty, mm-.)—San fiabrlc-I, Cal., 8," Indeflnlte. Biers Fred A., Stock (Dick Tbork, mgr.)— Marshall. Okla.. 8-13. _,._.. _ a Bailey & Lockwood Players—Fort Scott, Kan., 8- 13. Springfield, Mo.. 15-20. ___« Brlant Stock (Roy <\ Briant, mgr.)—Wlnfleld, Kan., 8-13, Arkansas City 15-27. Burna Stock (Paul E. Burns, mgr.)—Manila (trove "ark, PottsvlIIe, Pa., 8, Indeflnlte. Bun* .I'Jwotre Stock (Joseph D. Glass, mgr.)— Cr ovii'io Springs, Colo., 8, Indeflnlte. "Bouslit and Paid For"—Wo. A. Brady's, Ltd.— N'. Y. City 8. Indefinite. "Buntv Pulls the Strings"—Sbnbert-Brtdy'e—N. T. City S, Indeflnlte. "Bell Boy" (J. A. Galtln, mgr.)—Joplln, Mo., 8-13 i . • . toiumblo Players (Fred 0. Berger, mgr.)—Wash- ington, D. C 8, Indeflnlte. Carleton Sisters' Stock (Varney A Montgomery, mirrn.)—Charleston. S. 0., 8, Indeflnlte. Colonial Stock (E. H. McLaughlin, mgr-l—Clere- land, 0.. 8, Indeflnlte. Casino Stock (L. D. Pellssler, mgr.)—Mountain Park. Uolyoke, Mass., 8-Ang. 24. Colonial Theatre Stock (Oortland Hopkins, mgr.) —Charlottetowo, P. E. 1., Can., 8, Indeflnlte. Court Theatre Stock (Felnler k Moore, nigra.)— Wheel Inc. W. Va., 8. Indeflnlte. Callahan Players (L, W. Callahan, mgr.)—Mar- seilles, 111., 11-13. -.'■' ''., 1 County Sheriff"—O, B. Wee-'s • (M. 0. Jenkins, mgr.)—.Port Henry, N. Y.. 10. v , Davidson Stock (Sherman Brown, mgr.) — Mil- waukee, Wis., 8,. Indeflnlte. Davis Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Pittsburgh, Pfi, 8. indeflnlte. Dudley Slock (Frank Dudley, mgr.)—Lake Mln- r.equa Park, Pueblo, Colo., 8. Indeflnlte. Deimar Park Stock (Conrad Becker, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 8, Indeflnlte. Djmont Stock (A. M. Diamond, mgr.)—Alpena, Mich:, 8-12, Cheboygan 14-20. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., 8, indefinite. Empire Stock (Frederick Oago, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y„ 8, Indeflnlte. Elltch's Stock (John D. Long, ingr.)—Denver, Gilo,, 8, Indeflnlte. Fealy, Maude, and James Dnrkln Stock—Lake- side Casino, Denver, Colo.. 8, Indefinite. Francois Stock. (J. 0. Hooley, mgr.)—Montreal, Can,, 8 Indeflnlte. Frank, John E., Players (C. Ausklns, mgr.)— De'nlson. Tex., 8-13, Fischer's Follies (E. A. Fischer, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 8, Indeflnlte. "Flirting Princess" (H. P. Hill, mgr.)—Cal- gary, Alta., Can., 8-10, Edmonton 11-13. Graham, Oscar—Carthage, Mo., 8-13, Pittsburg, Kan., 14-20. Garalde Stock (Jis. S. Garstde, mgr.)—Alrdome, Dubuque, la., 8, Indeflnlte. Greet'B Players (Ben Greet, mgr.)—The Zoo, Cin- cinnati, O., 8-27. Gordlnler Bros.* Stock (Earl Gordlnler, mgr.)— Astoria, 111., 8-13, Vernon 15-20. Gayety Theatre Stock—Hoboken, N. J., 8, Indefi- nite. "Girl or the Mountains"—O. E. Wee's (Harry Myers, mgr.)—Sayvllle, N. Y., 11, East Hamp- ton 12, West Hampton Beach 13, Good Ground 15, Amagansett 10, Fort Jefferson ID. Banter-Bradford Players— Hartford, Conn., 8, indeflnlte. Hayes and Associate Players (Lucy M. Hnyes, mgr)—Vinlta, Okla., 8-13, Bartlesvllle 15-20. Harvey Stock, Northern—H. D. Orr's — MoJlne, HI., 8. Indefinite. Hall's Assoclato Players, A (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.)—Lnkcmont Park Theatre, Altooun, Pa., 8, Indefinite. Hall's Associate Players, B (Eugene J. Hall, _ mgr.)—Casino, Mansfield, 0„ 8, Indeflnlte. Home Stock (F. H. Home, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y., 8. Indeflnlte. Hudson Stock (J. B. Smith, mgr.)—Hoboken, N. J.; 8. Indefinite. Harvard Stock (James Carroll, mgr.)—Lowell, Ma»B., 8, Indeflnlte. llllngton, Margaret (Edward J. Bowes, mgr.)— Tacoraa, Wash,, 10, 11, Spokane 12-14. Juvenile EoBtonlans (B. B. Lang, mgr.)— Hono- lulu, H. 1., 8, Indeflnlte. Kjyes Stock (Chester A. Keyes, mgT.) — Iola, Kan.. 8-13, Atchison 15-20. Keith Stock (B. E. Keith, mgr.(—Portland, Me., 8,- Indeflnlte. Knickerbocker Stock, Eastern .(Eugene J. Murphy, niBr.)_cilnton, la., 8, Indefinite. Knickerbocker Stock, Western (Eugene J. Murphy, mgr.)— Brookfleld, Mo., 8-18, Moberly 15-26. King Stock (Chas. P. King, mgr.)—Eagle Pass, „ Tei., 8-18, Uvalde 15-20? Kolb and Dill MuBlcal Comedy—Los Angeles, 0al„ 8, Indefinite. "B* Alice (Werba k Loescher, mgrs.)—Boston, Mass., S, indefinite. Lytell-youghan and Players-Albany, M, Y„ 8, Indefinite. '•ang, Eva, Stock (O..D. Woodward, mrr.)—Kan- iJS, °l t!r ' Mo • 8 - Indefinite. Lnellle La Verne and Players—Ocean View Ca- l n , i ll " > '«, Nolfo, *i v »-j. *i Indeflnlte. LUley Stock (Dick Woife, mgT.)—Ohllllcothe, 0., 0-1.1. lyru; Musical Comedy (0. a Deardourir. mgr.)— , Deimar Garden,' St. Louis', Mo.. 8-S«pt. t4. Lm »lana _ Lou"—Horry Askln'e—San Francisco, ..Cal.. 8, Indeflnlte. i "•""."'J"! 1 »«ock—Oha*. B. Blaney'a—N. Y. CMy 8. Indeflnlte. vr* 0 " i ,ock <Llnosay Morisoo, mgr.)—Boston, stt" 1 " 8. Indeflnlte. "P* Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Utlca, N. Indeflnlte. "urat Players (Leonard Blumberf, mgr.)—Indian- ,.J^JW. 8. Indeflnlte. " Missouri am,'' Western — Norton * Blth's— Grand Rapids, Minn., 10, BemldJI 11, Black Duck 12, Fort Francis, Out, Can., 18, Inter- national Falls, Minn., 14, Baudettc 15, War- road 18, Roseau 17, Thief Blver Falls 18, War- ren 19, Argyle 20. Manuattnnl'larers (Geo. E. Brown, mcr.)—Tren- ton, N. J., 8. indefinite. Masonic Opera House Stock (A. R. Wolfe, mgT.) —Chlll'.cothe, O., 8, indeflnlte, liaber Stock (Phil Maher, mgr)—Canton, N. Y., Manhattan Opera (Geo. Lydlng, mgT.)—Rorick's Glen, F.lmlra, N. Y., 8, indefinite. "Modern Eve"—Mort U. Singer's—Chicago, III., 8, Indefinite. «... North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, mgr.)—Okla- homa, Okla., 8, Indefinite. Ornheum Players (Grant Loferty, mgr.)—Phila- delphia, Pa., 8, Indefinite. Orpheum Players (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)—Montreal, Can., 8. Indefinite. Olympic Park Opera (M. Balnger, mrr.)—New- ark, N. J., 8, indeflnlte. "Ofllcer 066"—Cohan A Harris'—Chicago, 111., 8, • Indeflnlte. "O ion School GlrlB" (Alex. N. Lyons, mrr.)— Kingston, N. Y., 8-10, Chatham 11, Pbilmoat ■12, Athens 18. • , . Payton Stock (Corse Payton, mgr.)—N. Y. City .8, indefinite. Payton Stock (Corse Payton, mgr. (—Newark, N, J., 8, indeflnlte. Pall Players (Thos. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn. 8, Indeflnlte. Poll Pltyers (0. 0. Edwards, mgr.)—Hartford, Conn.. 8, indefinite. Poll Players (Lewis D. Garvcy, mgr.)—New Ha- ven, Conn., 8, indefinite. Poll Players (John H. Docking, mgr.)—Scranton. Pa., 8, indefinite. Poll Players (S. J. Breen, mgr.)—Springfield, Mass., 8, Indeflnlte. Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Washing- ton, D. C, 8. Indeflnlte. Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.) — Waterbury, Conn., 8, Indefinite. rill Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Wllkes-Barre, l'a., 8, indeflnlte. Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass., 8, Indeflnlte. Prlugle, Delia, and Stock—Edmonton, Alta., Can., 8, indefinite. Phelan Players (B. V. Phei u, mgr.)—Cape Cot- tage Theatre, Portland, Me., 8, IndetiulU'. Princess Summer Stock (H. .0. Judge, mgr.) — Montreal, Can., 8, Indefinite. Princess Musical Comedy (Ted Hepler, mgr.)— Fort Dodge, In., 8, Indeflnlte. "Pink Lidy"—Klaw 4 Erlanger'e—London, Eng., 8-27, "Quaker Girl"—Henry B. Harris'—Chicago, 111., 8, Indeflnlte. Hiverview Players (J. J. Garrlety, mgr.)—Rlver- vlew Park Theatre, Louisville, Ky., 8, Indefi- nite.- Royale k Tong Stock—Esctnaba, Mich., 8, In- definite. "Rose Maid, The"—Werba A Luescher's—N, Y. City 8, indefinite. "Room 44"—Cohan * Harris'—Atlantic City, N. J., 8-18. n "Ready Money," H. H. Fraiee's—Chicago, 111.. 8, Indefinite. Spooner, Cecil, and Stock (Chas. E. Blnney, mgr.)—Jf. Y. City 8. indefinite. Summers Stock (Geo. H. Summers, mgr.)—Moun- tain Theatre, Hamilton, Can., 8, Indeflnlte. Spence Theatre Stock (Harry Sohns, mgr.)—New. ton, Kan., 8-13, Saline 16-27. Star Theatre Stock (P. O. Cornell, mgr.)—Buf- falo, N. Y„ 8, lndelliilte. Stoddart Stock—Sprlngback Park, Loudon, Ont., Can., 8, lndefloKe. Springs Stock (Rb W. Cook, mgr.)—Brandywlne Springs. Wilmington, Del., 8, Indeflnlte. Spanish Fort Opera (Jules Bistes, ragr.)—New Orleans, La., 8, indeflnlte. Turner, Clara, Players (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— Rolling Green Park, Sunbury, Pa„ 8, Indefinite. Turner, Clara, Players (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— Vallamont Park, WUllamsport, Pa., 8, Indefi- nite. Teck Theatre Stock (Messrs. Shubert, mgrs.)— Buffalo, N. Y., 8, Indeflnlte. Ten<pest Stock (J. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Tumbling Run Park, Pottsvllle, Pa., 8, Indeflnlte. Van Dyke & Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Air- dome, DeB Mclnes, In., 8-Aug. 14. Valley Theatre Stock (Philip Honold, mgr.)— Syracuse, N. Y., 8, Indefinite. Ware, Helen—Henry B. Harris'—Vancouver, B. 0.. Can., 10, 11. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, ragr.)—Wichita, Kan., 8, Indeflnlte. West End Heights Stock—St. Louis, Mo, 8, In- definite. Wletlng Opera House Stock (Francis P. Martin, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y., 8, lndennlte. Whitney Stock—Richmond, Mich.. 8-13. "Winsome Widow" (Florcns Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.)— N. Y. City 8, Indeflnlte. HUIlLESdl'E AND VAUDEVILLE. Avenue Burlesqueta (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)— Detroit, Mich.. 8, Indefinite. Qnyety Burlesquers (John P. Eckhardt, mgr.)— Pblladelolila, Pa., 8, lndennlte. Lafayette Uurlesquers (C. M. Bngg, mgr.)—Buf- falo, N. Y.. 8, Indefinite. Merry-Go-Rounders (Lefller-Bratton Co., mgrs.) —Columbia, New York, 8, Indefinite. Merry Whirl (Louis Epstein, mgr.)—Columbia, Chicago, 8. Indeflnlte. Star Bnrleaquers (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)— Cleveland, o;. 8, Indefinite. Star Burlesauers—T. W. Dlnklus'—Toronto, Ont., Cau., 8, indefinite. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Anita Ladles' Orchestra — Chnutnuque, Logans- port. Iml.. 10. Bouumlc Kryl's Band—Chautauqua, LogariBport, Iml., 14. Oreatore and his Bond—Lakerlde Park, Denver, Colo., 8, Indefinite. Oavello and his Band—Forest Park Highlands, St. Louis, Mo., 8, Indeflnlte. Carroll Glee Club—Chautauqua, Logansport. Ind., Fuh's Meropolltnn Band (Jacob Fuh, mgr.)—Sea Isle City, N, J., 8-Sopt. 10. > . _• ; Henry 4 Young's Military Band—Sbellpot Park, Wilmington, Del., 8-Sept. 7, »_, IUinca Concert Band (Patrick Conway, leader).— Willow Grove. Philadelphia, Pa., 8-20. Ladles' Spanish Orchestra — Chautauqua, Logans- port, Ind., 10. Le Brun Grand Opera—Chautauqua, Logansport, Ind ,12. Mickey and bin Orchestra ' (A. Stanley Ma eke j. leader). —Woodslde Park, Philadelphia, Fa., 8, - Indeflnlte. _ • •• • _ . , . Musical Favorites—OhanUsqtu, Logansport, Ind., •- 13, Natlcllo ind hli Band — Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville. Ky., % indeflnlte. Prvor, Arthur, and his Band—Rlvervlew Exposi- tion. C*lcago, III., 8.Sept. 1. Philippine. Don, and his Band—Rlvervlew Park, Lonlsvllle, Ky., 8, Indeflnlte. _ Passerl and his Band—Waahlngton Park, Glon- cester, N. J., 8, Indefinite. rteymend. Marguerite, Orchestra — St. Marys, Kan.. 8-13. Royal Marine Band—Luna Park. Los Angeles, Cal., 8, indefinite. Tommaaloo and his Band—Point Breeie Park, Philadelphia. Pa., 8, Indeflnlte. Washington Marine Band — Chew Chase Park, Chevy Cbsse, Md, 8, Indefinite. Weber's Prlte Band (John C. Weber, leader).— The Zoo, Cincinnati, 0., 8, Indeflnlte. CIRCUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS. Barnum 4 Bailey's—Cumberland. Md., 10. Clarks- ' burg, W. Va., 11, Marietta, O., 12, Cambridge 13, Zanesvlllo 15, Newark 10, Mt. Vernon 17, Akron 18, Canton 19, Mansfield 20. Barnes', Al. (!., Circus—Wadena, Sask., Can., 8, Humboldt 0, Rostbern 10, Melfcrt 11, Shell- brook 12, Prince Albert 13, Saskatoon IS. Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill (Major Gordon W. Lll- lle, mgr.)—Flint, Mich., 10, Saginaw 11, Owos- so 12, Lansing 13, Jackson 15, Grand Rnplds 18, Kalamazoo 17, Elkhart, Ind., 18, La l'orte 18, Chicago, 111., 20, 21. Campbell Bros.' Circus—MInot, N. Dak., 8, Stan- ley 8, Wllllston 10, Culbertson, Mont., 11, Glasgow 12, Malta 13, Havre 15. Gollmar Bros.' Shows—Cavalier, N. Dak., 10, .Grafton 11, Warren, Minn., 12, Uallock 13, 'Ada 14, 15. Gentry Bros.' Combined—Windsor, Ont., Can., 8, Chatham 0, St. Thomas 10, Urantford 11, Wood- stock 12, Gait 13. Toronto 15-20. Hagenbeck A Wallace Shows (B. E. Wallace, n«r.l—Greenville, Mich.. 10. Big Rapids 11, Cadillac 12, Traverse City 13, Manistee 15, Ludlngtoo 16. Honest Bill's Shows—Slater, Mo., 10, Miami 11, Malta Bend 1*. Waverly 13. Hoggland's Wild West—The Lagoon, Ludlow, Kv., 8-20. Miller Bros, k Arlington's 101 Rnnch Real Wild West—MInot, N. Dak., 10, Rugby 11, Devils Lake 12, Crookston, Minn., 13. Rlngllng Bros.'—Menominee, Mich., 8, Escanaba 8, lsbpeming 10, Hancock 11, Calumet 12, Iron Mountain 13, Ashland, Wis., 16. Duluth, Minn., 10. St. Cloud 17, Fergus Falls 18, llrand .Forks, N. Dak., 10, Faigo 20. Robblns', Frank A.—West BrownBvllle, Pa.. 10. Sells-Floto—1'orocroy, Wash., 10, Walla Walla 11. Pasco 12. North Yakima 13, Seattle 15, 16, Tacomn 17, Oly.npla 18, Aberdoon 16, Cen- tralli 20. Sun Bros.' Shows—Tecumseb, Mich., 10, Chelsea 11. Mason 12, Charlotte 13. Sparks', John U.—Clareuiont, N. H., 13, Brattle- bom. Vt., 13, Palmer. Mass., 10, Willluuintlc, Conn., 17, Bristol 18. Silver Family Circus (Bert Silver, mgr.)— Mnple Rapids, Mich., 10, Eureka 11, Elsie 12, Ovid 13. Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cummins' Far East (Vernon 8. Seuver, gen. rtgr.)—Manches- ter, N. H., 10, Nashua 11, Kecne 12, Green- field, Mass., 13, Northampton 15. FILM SHOWS. Carnegie Exposition of Alaska and Blberia, In Moving Pictures—Chicago, HI., S, indefinite. Dante's "Inferno," in Moving Pictures (Collins Bros., mgra.)—Philadelphia, l'a.. 8, Indefinite. Durbar, The, In Klueinacolor Moving Pictures —Urban-Smlth.'s—Chicago, HI., 8, indefinite. Durbar, The, In Klnemacolor Moving Pictures —Urban-Smith's—Boston, Mass., 8. Indefinite. Klnemacolor Moving Pictures— UrbimSnilth's— Chicago. III., 8, Indefinite. Ralney'a, Paul J., Africa Jungle, In Moving Pic-' tares—N. Y. City 8, Indefinite. Balney's, Paul J., Africa Jungle, lu Moving Pic- tures—Boston, Mass., 8, Indefinite. Rule's Moving Pictures (F. E. Rule, mgr.)— Utlca, Minn., 8-10. Elgin 11-13, Pine Island 15-17, Goodhue 18-20. Thompson's Moving Pictures (F. H. Thompson, mgr.)—Merrimack, Wis., 8-10, Riley 13-16, Highlanl 18-21. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Barkoot World's Greatest Shows (K. G. Barkoot, gen. mgr.)—Minneapolis, Minn., 8-13, St. Cloud 15-20. Fernrl, Col. Francis, Animal Arena and Carnival Shows—Halifax, N. S., Cau,, 8-13, St. John, N. B.. 15-20. Great Parker Shows, No. 1 (Con T. Kennedy, mgr.)—Portage la Prairie. Out., Can., 8-13, Prince Albert, Sask., 16-20. Greut Inter-State Shows—Kendallvllle, Ind., 8-13. Kline Shows (Herbert A. Kline, mgr.)—Winni- peg, Man., Can., 10-20. Leonard Carnival (J. flam Leonard, mgr.)—Daw- son, N. Mex, 15-20 Relsg Carnival (Nat Relss, mgr.)—Valley City, N. Dak., 8-13, Jamestown 15-20. MISCELLANEOUS. Bhhvell * Wrlghter's Progressive Shows—Wyson, Pa.. 8-13. . Ideal Concert—Panama, FIs., 8-13. NorvcoodB, The, Hypnotic Show (M. H. Norwood, mgr.)—Sydney, N. S. W., Australia, 20-Aug. 4, Melbourne, Victoria, 5-31, Adelaide, So. Aus„ Sept. 2-28. Pamahaslkn's Performing Animals and Birds— Brooking* 8. Dak. 10, Plpcstou, Minn., 11, Conton, H. Dak., 13, Ilawardcn, la., 15, Duu- lnp 17, (.Hidden IS. Madrid 10, Ilooue 20. Raymond, Great (Maurice F. Raymond, mgr,) — Honolulu. H. I., 17-20, arrive at Han b'run- clscn, Cal., Aug. 5, Spiegel Show (Dr. J. Spiegel, mgr.)—Paris, 111., 8-13. OUT OF TOWK HEWS Lob) Angeles, Cal.—Majestic (Oliver Mo- rosco. mgr.) Kolb and DIU lu "The 1'vlltlclutui," Indefinite. L.VCBUM (Thos, G. Baker, mgr.) —- Fischer's Follies Co., with May Holey nnd Bob Lett, In "The Yankee Prince," lrHleflnitc Oamixuit (Clarence Diown. mgr.).— Bill for week'of 7 Includes: The Rltcliles, the Steadmans, Mountain Ash Male Choir, liert Uwlle and com- pany, Weston, Bendy company, Florence Roberts and company, and La Petite Miguon. Beusco (Oliver Moroseo, mgr.)—The Belasco Co. and John Barrymora, In "On the Quiet," in- definite. Colonial. —Sampson and Sampson, "The Ro- man Gladiator*;" Edo Gambold, Drew Avery, and International Duo, lndennlte, Adolfuos (Workman k Strum, mgrs) —Jules Mendel and All Star Company,. In '\Mlas Lib- erty of U. 8. A.," Indefinite. Denver, Colo.—Empress (Geo. A. Bovver, mgr.) bill for. July 6 and week: Wlllard Lawton, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Voelker, Alma, Hoach and McOurdy, Holmes and Riley, Landry Broth- ers, and Gaumont's Weekly, L4EK8IDK (Frank Burt, mgr.)—In the Casino, "The Great Divide" week of 7. Tabok Gianu (Peter McCoart, mgr.)—Bill (or 7 and week: Germain and Regalia, Wolfe and Richard. Kraft and Myrtle, Wilbur and Harring- ton, and moving pictures. hutch's (John D. Long, mgr.)—"Seven Sis- ters" week of J. Corned; material with a "punch," In MADISON'S BUDGET No. 14 Contents Include 20 sure-fire parodies, 11 funny monologues, 10 original sets for 3 males, 7 new acts for male and female, a great minstrel first part, a complete one-act musical comedy; also red-hot acts for two females, for male quartettes, and a tremen- dous assortment or sidewalk patter, gags, eto. Price One Dollar. Back Issues out or print, eicept Numbers lo and 12. Will send both lor tl.M>. or Budgets 10, 12 and urort-2. JAMES MADISON 140* Third Avenue, Now York FOR SALE Complete Dramatic Outfit sirt j by ninety tent, stage, reserves, blues, three sets of rceniry, two sleeping tents, good cooking outfit, diatiea au.l stove, electrlo wiring and eloties, marquee, box office, ticket box, seat. Out- fit Here. Must go quick. IlOY BURTOH, Arnold's Park, laws. THEATRE8 and OPERA HOUSES Ws insert Uverttjmtaatf la this column at a mclal rata sf IMS got agate lis* tor I months .or II oawsl. Ills will« local managers to keep tsalr koases proeuaently and oontinaaily before the asDajer* of empsslcs. Daring tki 'ima tie ad. i tnalBg ws will send sacs adver- isrr • cepf Of Tata Ounn fret. FOR LFASE i LKS ^HBATRE, ranoni run JjfiAOfJi K Mg , Modern op-to-dals building. Only theatre In city of, with a monthly railroad pay roll ot 1176.000. Possession at Otice. GEO. B. KARB, PARSONS, KAN8. AT LIBEKTY F.EsDeBniri HEAVIES. GEN. bU*. PUY SOME ALTO flreeta Hason INGENUES, Kid Part*; <ibODSING:NG VOICE Positively no stock or repertoire. Winter season July. Address F. E. DK DRUNK, Palace Hotel, Chics*'- III. FRANCIS X. HEWKHbk u Irish Piper Scotch Piper Irish Dancer Scitch Dancer TIOLlNIST-lInslcUn. Partner Wanted—Irish Comedian or Co- medienne, fair singer and dancer. Would join act. Have sketch ready for scotch-Irish trio. Address 822 SECOND AVE., NEW YORK, N.Y., or care of CLIPPER. LIBERTY Geo. M. De Petit CHARACTERS, COMEDY, 6EN. BUS. Ability, experience, versatility, sobriety, Al Direc- tor. Have some scripts. Invite offers for balance of this and next seuxon. Permanent stock pre- ferred. Address POX 20, MULLIKKH, MICH. AT LIBERTY Thos. Fogg and Ruth Marston CHARACTERS. ROUGH HEAVIES. Age, Myrs. Height, 6 ft, 7 In. Weight, 160. INQENUEB, JUVENILES, HEAVIES. Age,24yrs. Height, 6 ft. giit, tw. sin. Weight, 140. flood wardrobe; experience and reliable. Tickets, yep. THOS. F000, BTKUDKSVILLE, OHIO. At Liberty After July 20 CORNETand ALTO to Double Stage; JUVENILES and GEN. BUSINESS Specialties. Sober and reliable. Tickets? Yes PALMER BROS., Oen. Del., Welrtton, W. Va.' week July 8. Permanent address, Uoswell, Pa ' Scenery vmna tut ttmv\r*mc " NEW AND SECOND HAND OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK M. ■». Knl K ht Studies 140tta St. and Mott Ave., N. V. City. 20 minutes from theatrical dletrl t. Molt Avenue Station, Bronx Subway. Tel., 1«31 Melrose, WAIMTtl Stetson'sUncIeTom'sCafciuCo. PERFORMERS and MUSICIANS, also COLORED PKOPLB who c n slug and dance. Season com- mcuues last. we> k In August. A'ldrenH LEON WASIIBUnN, < >if»l«r, Pa. WANTED, m CHAS. E. C0NKLM6 SHOWS A8SISTAKT SOLO COKNET: sddrcs OBO. BEST, Ilitiidinastcr. Also UOOD NOVELTY ACT wanted; sddrcsH CHAS. E. CONK LINO. Woodbourne, N. Y., 12; l^jch Sheldrake 18, Liberty, N. Y„ 1«. FOR SALE. CHEAP Because retiring from stage, New Aluminum Harp, perfect coudlt jn: easy to learn; great addition to act. Also handsome Rocky Pass Drop, 18130. VALENTINE, 82 Oantier Ave., Jersoy City, N. J. Ma jes tic Theatre For Sale at a Bargain New, modern, fireproof, fully equipped. Located In best section of St. Louis. Large stage. Capa- city about 1100. A big soap for quick deals. Easy terms. Add. E. Dreldcl, 113 N. B'way, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED PIANIST For vaudeville and Dictates. Permanent position for good man. CATARACT THEATRE, Wlagara gaga, «f. ¥. •' MUSIC ARRANGED KSffliS? - Words written to music: muslo written to words. References, F. A. Mills |Mnsle PnblUlierl. B. 8.8. HTJNTINOTON. care CLIPPER, (jj W, 2sth St., N. Y. HALLS TO RENT FOR REHEARSALS SOHUrZEN HALL, 12 ST. MARKS PLACE, N. Y 0 FLORIDA LYCEUM »">"d*-ohahm Seats 1000. Stage 20x80, Full scenery, dressing rooms, complete; electricity, steam heat, sll latest Improvements. Wanted, First Ulass Attractions. WHITEHALL, N.Y.WK money. Factory town. Big payroll weekly. Open all Summer. Break your Jump here. For time and terms apply to CHARLES F. ROTH, Manager Wkltehall Theatre. WANTED-LADY MC8ICIAN8 all Instrn- meats, for band and orchestra for one month. Ad- dress "MUSICIAN," care of OLtrPKR. MUIIC COMPOSED AMD ARRANGED lor any instrument or number of Instruments, Songs, Words and Music Sketches, etc. Senditamp, OHAS. L. LEWIS. W Richmond St. Cincinnati, K GET MY LATEST PARODY HITS. itc. each [with every order I send my two version E lec- tion Parody, free]. Rube, B. P., Messenger llov, SnfTragettB, and Straight Mo'.oe., t» each; Negro Sermon, 82: classy iketcbes, etc.; material for eras workers. Enclose stamp. F. J. LaPIERRE, BOX 81S, PENBAOOLA, FLA. FOR SALE—Three imill t^t>pe of lorner- sault, high diving trick dogs, and doves: two pic- ture machines with stereo combined; eight reels a,' good Dims and loo elides, all for $8). wi'i ei- chsneo dogs and doves for good fllms. Prof.Hn — Smith, tiraiz, Pa. FOR SALE-Olant tncle Sam, Topsy, Pebcj ' man, Maggie Murphy, 0 feet high. Other FartMM ' Novelties, Basket Hone, Donkey, Giraffe. Other j Animals. Breast Shields for Burlesque Cos. Props, of all kinds made to order, and made right. E. ' Walker, 809 W. 89th 8 1. N. Y. LEARN TO ACT 8tag« Danelng, Els. ..Up to Data In everr eataUw EfWACEMR^TS SEOUED School Always Open P. J. RIlKJE, and TKN OTHEHg. 11 No. La Salle St., I IIICAQO.ILL- LEST YOU FOHQKT ftf* f\ CE CE WE SAY IT VET UIUIa9a9 LETER HEADS Contracts, Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, etc. STAGE MONEY, lto. Book of Herald cuts, see. CROSS JSBSSA. CHICAGO WANTED Tom People DOUBLING BAND Address 0. R. AINSWORTH, Mgr., STETSON'S UNULE TOM'S CABIN CO., Chester, Pa. WANTED MUSICIANS HWd.- Prefer those doubling stage. I pay all. State your lowest. WANTKII-Oood BO H OANVABUAN. Two car show. F.C. »CIIJI> LK,'»A Country Sweetheart" Co., care Unit. Uel., London, Ontario, Canada. ANDREWS 8IOOND-HAND COWN8 EVENING 60W1S STREET DRESSES SOUBRETTE DRESSES FURS 50S So. Stat. Simt. - - - CHICA90 LEE MITCHELL Impersonator of Female Characters Will be AT LIBERTY after July 18. Do any- thing In acts except principal comedy. Change for one week. Wardrobe Al. I sit ill he plcaHed to hear from thoso I have worked for liofore. Per* roancnt address, Box 200, BradenvlJe, Pa. WANTED MAN for Comedy and Oen. Baa. with apeelaltlesi JV VRNILE MAM with Spe- cialties, some loads. Others write. WIGHT THEATRE CO., Marathon, la., wee< July 8. P. B.—No boozers wanted. SKETCHES, MONOLtfGS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable pi Ices. JESSE A MA1JT1N. Box 82, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Waited, twis ul Sligli Ptrforurs, Those who play piano preferred; work, near Detroit Open last of July. Address JAPANESE MED. CO., 1181 East Jeff Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. JWI ^^'. For. nil ^^S^Trade Mark. BORATEO TALCUM For nil Sun .Imitation*. »uoh p* Prickly Heat, Cha(lng, Bun bu m, etc. fr,z ■AMFLX BOX TOR 4*. Df BTAMPe-QlBH j— VXWKXH OO, M ENNEN'S TOILET POWDER |ll> IVIenrien'M yifllet Talcum Toilet Powder rark, W. tT.