The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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)0 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. JtJLY 13 Clippe r Post HiVm. OUT OF TOWN NEWS in ) «c. t '0 > 70'.d sjtistnkes and to ir.. ir- «*■» . .ij-i'ipi dr<iverr of thr leti*.- i «>i.—-sen las 1M1 list, itn ;..»f.<-iH ,'»l«.t> r..1..>'-;ed aul be «i-nf :vf (art Jrit.-v, » -J a wrlllpn cidi-i f»* the letter,. «* ._ed with the tuli o/.io," and rni.rtri->-< and (he line •••' Bvuf.iri* xoil»</t-<>. by (be lender, •««ui»> >!■»« si* *r.-.-Ji*-ed. *••«•.• •••« ^jt-jfl" J (be date (or imra- !•>>. >.i »•,.* ..'.-I'Ell In which the i* .>i» ■ »•».»• <i>. were ad vert lied. i.ADIKr LIST. £.'.•>• .' '• dilijir.elB hi Gertrude Mora, Jane / -'.rf i ■ • J lOerould, Helen ' '• *•• 'i -» Iflra/ce, Helen atrlee <illlette, JI.i rle . .«■*, jilbel .- M. Millie ..gingham Mlllin Boden, Miss It Brown, Hcrmlne Brestoo, Oladje BaW, Heinle Bolts. Mrs. Vincent Bordeaux, Rena OallUun, Irene Collins, Mrra Carter, Sella Oorwlii. Julia Callioun, Ocrtle Ourwood, Rhea Caameroj Irene Cliaae Dorothy!! Chatbam, Flo De Fullsrt, Evelyn DeMoot Qcrtrud Drew, Bcn'rloe nudlej MrJ.Wm Ktueraon, Nellie Karle. Julia Karle, Alys Fair, Pearle Far, Aledah Franklin MIssT. Fontaine. Beaale Frlck, Mrs. W'm Fleming Mlaa J. Flynn, Rose Fisher, Mlunle Orsr, Mrs. Julia Gold. Vera Ilsrnlah, Mamie llamlltoo. Vera Hlllsrd, Stella Hall, Minerva Harris, Mrs. Clias.K. Hough, Bdna Hart, Hazel ilolconh. Orace Hall, kin-ma Hall, Mrs. Lafayette Irrtnff, M. Mar Jackson, Kvelyn Jofanaoa Matilda Kemp, Alice Ktncaid, Erel/n King, Margaret Llojd, Bona Laltelne. Oladjs Long, Flo. I^aVere, Louise Long, Jeannette Lenox, Oecll La Mae. Bod Lee, F>::th Leigh, Leasa l.*wls, Bdaa I-ong. Mai'e Mortimer. Jean Meredith. McOlll, F.Oe Moulton, Nina (Rice) Masters, Olara March, Marlon Uona Lisa 4 Pal Mason. Lillian Mathews, I\ A. McDowell, Alice Marlon Ik Thompson Miller, Grace Opel. Mm. H. Ordway, 1,auric Powers, True Pleraon, Viola Pltcbafd, Florence Plunlett Kstelle Paul), Madge Rivers, Waoda Hochte, Antlonette Roheftsoci Helen HIcUnoBd Kstele Hansel, Rrelrn Rne, Helen Boeell, Anna Roaaell, Christie St. 01 air, l'ansr Sulllrau, » Mrs. Dan M. Seamoos, Mabel Snyder, Agnes K Snaler. Miss Teddy Seymour Vlrrio St. Clair, I'linay Xevooor Lillian Varesl, Qllda Wilson, Frankle Wheeler Slaters Walton, lottle Wells. Mar Whltealde Pearl Yeagee, Norma Zeiss, Olgi OKVTLEMEVS MIT. Anders, Robtno France, H, H Mortimer SAOo. Abbej, Ly. K. Fatrmaa, U. W. Mooraa. The Armatrang Ciyd Fields * Fink Mack & Waters Arnold, J. FleMa, H. W. Nnttall, Jack Arcny, J. H. Fane. Walt. Kaete, B, Alvarado. H. Fields, Nat Nenman, 0. B. Alrln A Kenaey Fletcher, O. L. Xowlln, Dare Alman. Dan Frederick. Geo. Newsome. Oscar Adams, Gna Geriter, Obester Nlrhola, D. L. Alton. Tom Orsr, Julian (FNetll, J. J. Ardata * Bock Gem Austin Overton, H. B. Andrews, H 40. Gotdonar, C. H. O'Brien, Flrask Burdlck * Grlvea, J. O'Keefe, Ton Brlfraxe OoMle. W. If. Osars, The Bractar Rroa. Garicla ft Olmi. Oet>. Brlgga, Hal Benlnfwar Ofden, Donald Brewer. Aadr Ooddlng. Fred Pettengtll, Geo. Beall. Jaa. A. Gnlda, Henrr Prnetor, Bert Barrett, K. L. Gardner, Oeo.B. Price. Fteal L. Bennett, A. B. Orlffln, Frank Powell, Balton Bowery Trio GraTea, G. L. I'araona, Jack Ron-Air Billte Hanna, Albert parne. Oshrlal Iiotnhay, Mr. Uebcrt, Arthur Perkins. Phi! Butler. Geo. Hallen, Fred Present, Walt. Boles. Jack B. Uodaons, The Pa Ion. W. B. lltondell, Ed. Illtner, D. O. Parker, Lera B. Bell. Dick Hewitt, narrr Powers. Kugeue llelgnrde Stock inula, Paul Pcafce, G, Barry. J. H. Howard. .Tea. B. Psfker, 1L L. Balfour, J. K. Hogan ft White nxmtb. J. Baldwin, Arnold Harris, D. D. Riley, Ed. Uerans, Alex, Irving, W. O. Richardson, B. Brown. Ray A. Jenvona, T. 0. Roasell, M Ilelmour, Harry Jordan, Oua Roddy, Cornelias Blondell, P.d. Johnson, Otto Redgate. Geo. Cameron, W. 0. Jeo-Jays, The Uulsselle, Groat Ohtlstr, L. O. Jam, Ohrls Itoaers, Darld Carroll, Jaa. B. King, John H. Rickctts, Ttios. Cutter. Wal. R, Kent, Richard Roth ft Webb Clem, Ralph B. Kola Dros. Slater, Freal Clark. Herb*. Keble, Frank Spangler, 3. B. CoUla, Ohaa. a Kohler, Otto Hiadnek ft Ontalano. Emll Keller, T. O. Talbot Culmrn ft Pierao King, Prank K. Sullivan, J. P. Corrlgsn, Jaa. Kantor, Alblna Smith, Barry Cbunn, J. D. Kulll, M. J. Small. W. B. Oortrs, Jaek Koater, Ohas. A Sanson, Blacka Conway, Jack Kohler, Otto Stephens. Walt. Cramer, Andy Keller, J. F. Seilley, Hairy Campbell Rusael Knower, FraukL Smith, Jos. F. Cilien, Harry X*. Klnnaman, H.A. Sheedv, Patrick Carroll, Tboa. J. Lobar. Eddy Simpson, F. Clenion, Osliorac Lawrence. B. S. Sylvester Carlos, Chrla lomard, W. B. Stanley, Attn Carroll, Theo. LoUelle Troup* Stevens * Hoyt Orunley, Walt Lawrence, B. 8. Trapport, Harry Davlaon, "WeU. Le Vard, W. 8. Todd, Wo. Delaroy. Will Light, Richard Turner, E. A. Deer, John Layton, D. D. Tbebos, Otto Dallry, Thurston Lee, linrrr ft Testa, Henry Dugau, W. F. Virginia fan Anden, Geo. Duna, Robt. I* lovett Bercsford Vernons, The Dunn, Tom Lane ft Adell Von Walden J.H Dolan. lidwln LaVard. Win. Van Ellen. 0«r, De Vllhla, Great Mlllen De W. 0. Victors. Four DeSylvIa lieetor Maunhag, W. S. Volk, Al. Baluey, E. B, MoShane, Jack Wallace, Voroon Dean. Levr Morton, Albert Wilson, doc Darnell, Jesse Manors, Geo. White, Al. Doyle, John A. McRvoy, J. M. Wilson. J. W, Denncy, R. W. Mack, Raymond Walters, FretlA Doiilta Monte, Gua Walto, Jas. It. Donahue. J. W. Morrle, Lionel Walah, FTcd Drew, OhaB. O. Morrlssey T. P. Welsh, Lew Elneman. Peter Masaey, Holt. Wllllsms. Thoe. Kldon, Q. Bar. Marshall. J. O. Wlnstanley. Bob Elliott, John H. Murphy. Tim Walte. Willie Karle, Lou McOreevey Jaek Weber, D. Ellis, Geo. M. UcAnallan. Joe Worth, Louis Ellsworth. By Mack ft Worth Williams. Frank Eureka TrloT Moran. Billy Webb, Sam Karle, Graham Mills, Rob Walek. F.ars 0. Rvana, Al. S. Murray, Edgar Woodall, ltlll/A Elliott, Walt. J. Mortimer. Chaa. Young. H. W. Enoch Mnxaen, Ray 8 Zello. Edwin Flint. Geo. B. Moid. Al. Zlerow, II. H. Fox, Phi D. Mann, Martin R. Zobedle. Fred MentI ft Blent a SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. VtfA®HIJVGr*rcW. Good Weather and good attractions last week reunited In good attendance at the varloim houseH. Belasco (L. Stoddard Tnylor. ingr.) — Tula limine ooened July 1 with Kliieinaoolor pictures as the attraction, and the routine ahould prove huc- erssful to Manager Taylor, and the large audience on the opening night showed approval. During the intermission a trip to the roof garden affords an onportnnlty to have a beaatlfnl nlglu view of the city, as well as eacellent music snd also refresh- ments for those *rlo wish them. Engagement w- dennlte. OoLi.itnii (Fred 0. Berger. mgr.)—The Colum- bia Players, In "The Wrong Mr. Wright," gare another of their satlafactory perfonnnnces, to the usual large audiences. George W, Barblrt was ex- cellent. Stanley James gave an excellent bit of character acting. Godfrey Matthews, J. Hammond Dally, Willard Robertson and Edward H Robin did goad vork. Frances Nellaon was capital. Aline McDertnott, Violet Iteming and Julia Blanc were all excellent, and they were all well received, Blc business. "Zlta" week of 8. "Pretty Peggy" week of 15. Poll's (James Thatcher, fflfr.) —-The Potialar Players, in "The Fourth Estate," which had ant been seen before In Washington, gsve a eanital prformance. A. IT. Van Itiiren made a hit. Mark Kent, Robert Le fluer, l/ortla Balnea, snd Gra- ham Velsey were good. Miss Jewel was excellent. Marie Howe and the others nil did wfll towards m.Hnr the performance a success. The play was well mounted, and all details glteft careful atten- tion. Big business was the result. The Ooama- ters week of 8. "The Third Degree" week of 15. Oosiios (A. Julian Brylawskl. mgr.)—The pro- gram offered last week was of the usual good grade of vaudeville acts snd motion pictures. Bill week of 8: The Texas Tommy Dancers, Frances snd De Mar, Louise Hudson, National City Quar- tette, the Synods, and new pictures. Sandav con- certs, with "That Orchestra," and Ita excellent music drew large ateodance. Ma/Kstio (Tom Moore, mgr.)—An attractive Mid pleasing program, roll of live, up-to-date vaudeville and new pictures, did good business last week. Bill for 8 and week: loin's comedy dogs and hnnisn monk, Una; Miller and Shelly, the National Trio, Joe and Marie Belmont, and new picture* Sunday concerts do satisfactory busi- ness. hot as. MAffsflfa L. Brom>iRiu> Tatlos. of the Belasco, who la now prsentlng the Klnemacolor pictures, has very wlselr decided to transfer the pictures to the roof garden, commencing Wednesday night, Juno 10 Should the weather prove unfavorable, the pictures will continue In the theatre. Aa the pictures are doing nicely, this new move on the part of Mr. Taylor should show a big Increase In attendance. Axnouxobmbnts from Chase's sew home state that the box-office will open Monday, Aug. 5, at 8.80 A. si., and matinee of Aug. 19 will be (he grand opening. The night prices: Boa seats, |l; first Boor, 50 and 7G cents; first four rows of first balcony, 50 cents: the rest of balcony. 85 cents; second balcony, 25 cents. Dally matinees: Box seats, 50 cents; Brat ten rvwa of flrat floor, 50 cents; sll other seats, 28 cents. Bstorday and holiday matinees: Box sests, 75 cents; first floor. 50 cents; first balcony, 3.1 cents; second balcony. J5 cents. AH seals on all floors will be reserved st all perfomunc*. a i Zanesvllle. O.—Alrdome (E. K. Harris, mgr.) Map La Porte nod her company ended the flrat week's enirngement July 8, to good business. Qmunr'a (W. C. Qnlmby, mgr.) — Business good, with moving pictures. Jack Richards is slntrlng Hie illustrated songs. Hipp (Henry Stemm, aigr.)—Moving plclares. to isxxl returns. Aiibbicam (James Collins, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures. .MnxxruLi Pabic. —Everything going fine. Is rinsed. Note.— Barnusi ft Bailey's Circus Is billed here 15. New Orleans. La.—Spanish Fort (Joles F. Blstes, mgr.) business ruled good week of Juue 30, WANTED, WANTED —One Good, SlDgle- Mnatcal Man, MusicaI Comedian preferred, or one Good Red Hot Sons and Dance Man, no teams wanted. Weak stands. Must be gentlemen. No booieor cljrarettca. Good show; nlnopeople; lire 10 hotels; show In tent; monev sure; playing all return dates. Tell Juat wluit yon can do ana all you do In first letter. Salary, |23 and transporta* Hon. Add. Dr. Chas, Lyndon. Moimclo, Ida Co., la WANTED-Partner, Lady or Gent, to take small financial and active Interest In Musical Com- edy Co. Company ban been out all season. Bare wardrobe, paper, and show booked In good terri- tory. Splendid opportunity for lady or gent with flood tinging voice. Tlila Is a legitimate proposi- tion and will bear rigid investigation. Address MGR., MBSIOAL COMEDY CO., Ml W. GRAND AVE., SPRINGFIELD, ODIO FIRST Class Company, playing resortB WAHTS PARTNER, $250. A reoi cfianoe. Also LADY PIANIST and TEAM, lady and gentleman. MEYER, Room 209, 1547 Broadway, Kew Tort AT LIBERTY alter July 20-COMEDlAN, 8' and D. Change for week. Up In Med), biz- Double Cornet and Violin, rake Piano. Address BOB DAVIS, Oars "Ole Olson In Splritland" Co, New Rockford, N. Dak, WANTED—Performer. Must change for one week, play piano; also good B. F. Oomedian. Give salary flrat letter; it 1b sure. Tent show; stop at hotels. Will buy B. 0, Piano. Csarey's Vamde* rllle Ihsw, Marshall, Indiana. FULL COMPANY Married people preferred; Man or Woman,capable doubling piano, most read; salary low, but dead ■ore. No drunkards or amateurs. Yon must have wardrobe. State all In flrat letter, or wire. Prepay your telegrams. MISS D0RR1T A8HTUN, GENERAL DELIVERY, OPELOUBAB, LA. RIPLEY'S BIC TINT MOW WAttTS VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE all lines. Several Slrls that can chango for Summer and Fair season, tate very lowest and all first letter. Join on wire, OWEOO, ». Y. wanted, ron Frank Hair* Vaudeville Show Al SKETCH TEAM, man and wife. Must change for one week. Address FRANK T. HALL, CHlLLlCOTHE, MO. tJ&S SILT ATM. SIM Ready to play general utility or responsible part*. Address in WEST lath STREET, NEW YORK. WANTED. PIANO PLAYER FAKIR WILL DO. BILLY McOLISTOCK, ORIVITZ, WML OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS PREMIER ATTRACTION Gorgeous Spectacular ENDS LONG SEASON AT WHITE CITY, JULY 28 Write or lire, WHITE CITY, 631! Ml So, Nlfclft, CHICAGO THE BROOKS STOCK CO. "Wants for K©p©rtoixe BTTaCSD Useful Repertoire People Also SPECIALTIES THAT CHANGE KLAWK URBAN CO., Bucksport. Me. Address WANTED, RED. LECTURER Qnlck. Handle anything you want, BUTLER'S TENT SHOUTS Hantoon, atentiea Ca., laid. At Liberty, B. F. S. and D. Comedian, cbange, and pnt on act for a week. Address Gd. St. Clair, Fargo, N. Dakota. . Music Composed and Arranged PRICES MODERATE HOWARD HOOK, 29 Whiting St,, Lynn, Mass. when "QlroflV-Glrofflu" was uliljr presented bj the Spanish Fort Opera Co., and pleased. "Oli- vette" week of Jul/ T, with charming Vera Sun- ROU TB I /IST. ftupiilesneBtal List—Received Too ksato for Claaaltteatloat. Arlesvrortli Stoak (J. S. Aylcswoftn, mgr.)—Van- omver, B. C, Can., 8. Indefinite. I'.iwr. Ttaurlow, and Flajtra—Ticoana, Wash., to. ll. r.iker Stock (Kllmt k Gaiaolo, mgrs.)—Boebes- It-T. N. Y„ 8. Indellnltc Tinkling Show (O. K. Onnkllng, ragr.)—Wood- Isairne, N. Y.. 12. l/wh HMdrake 13, Liberty 14. Ii.inu-'n "Intenio." In Moving Pictures (Colllna I'.ras., mgrs.)—I'hlladrlphla. Pa., 8, indeflnlts. On)- Slock (O. W. Mercer, mgr.)—-Usrtfonl City, Intl.. 8-i;l, Munlpeller 15-20. (lallup Stock (R. K. Uallun, mgr.)—-Waxahachle, T*x„ B-U, Clclsirn 15-JO, L.trls Slock (Hurry I^esrla. nvgi.)—Ovando, Mont.. IV, 11, Ilsliurllle 12, 13, Phllluabora; 15, 1(5. I.nuliam Lyric I'layora—Dunkirk, Ind., 813. I Munlock lima.' Tent Showa (Al. Ifunlock, mgr.) —Cllutoii, Me.. 8-13. "Mtwaaianrr Boy" <Qco. D. Sweet, mgr.)—Oheooa, III., 10, Lexington 17, Stamford 18, Mlnaer 10. 20. Princess Stock (0. h. Richards, mgr.)—Tacoms. 1 Wash.. 8. ludeilnlre. Beyn.ilils A Roes Plsyers (Billy Rosa, mar.)— f Cllnlou, Mo., 8-13, Excelsior Springs 11-20. Rice ft Dure Carnival—Chicago hclghu, 111., 8- Slafer and Ills Band (Wm. Y.. Slafer. leader).— j Brighton B<"sch Hold, Brighton Beacb, Coney Is1mi,.i N. Y.. R, lnilcinnlte. : Vtfunx Uuffalo Wild Weal and Col. Ouninilna' Far Kast (Vernon S. Seaver, gen. mgr.)—Spring- Held, Miss., 10, Wvstueld IT, PlUsfleld 18, North Adnins 19, Troy, N. V.. 20, Glens Falls Um Jokks Iiob signed with tlic Gertrude Kwlng Co, (or the coining season. It will be »»r cighrJi season ajrtttr tlila attraction. ley In the lead. The dally matinees contlnae popular. OnaamriLD (Arthur Leopold, mgr.) — Jaek Singer's clever hnrtranae company made their final appearance week ending 9. In "The Oarden of I»vc," ninl drew good business. Boxing matches and the specialties proved good drswing cards. House Is dark week of 8, DtcrtCKB (Drunr A. afldglry, mgr.)—After a brief engagement of three weeks, the hooso closed 1, oivlm: to the aodden disappearance of Manager Midge)j, who left all salaries unpaid and the company atraaded. A benefit performance la to be given. I.AFivsnTE (Abe SellgauD, mar.)—Moving pic- tures continue to please large audience*. Paaacs's EnTanmisas (J. Pearco ft Sons, mgrs.)—The Trlon, lujou. Grand, Electric and Dreamland bouses, changing pictures dally, to- port good business. Fisiitenobbo's Kntiepuiseb (A. Flshteoberg, mgr. I—This papular trio of moving picture houses continue in high favor, and tie beat of pictures ore presented and changed dally. Noras.—The Constinlo Grand Opera Co.. which recently gsve several concerts st the Ttilsne The- atre, dlabandal here week of July 1, aud a num- ber of the members left for the- Baat. Constant? and bis tenor, Brnest Tortl, will remain here for a while, to watch the condition of 8br. Giovanni Oravlna, who Is confined at the Hotel Dlen, suffer- ing from an accidental wound from the aword of Constanto, during a performance some days ago. The Orescent, Lyric, and areenwatd the- atres opened 4, when full returns of the Jotinson- Flynn. Wolgast-Blves fights were reported to the audience. Plttnbna-srh, Pa.—Grand (John P. Harris, mgr.) Harry Davis Stock Co., in "Capt. Swift." week of July 8. This will tie Robert Olrcltler's last week na leading man. He will be succeeded by Geo. Jlles. "Bobby Burnlt" 15 and week. Business very good. HirroDBom (John P. Harris, mgr.)—-The open- ing neck drew over 80,000 people. Bill for week of 8: Hrnog'a Horses, Jnngmas Family, lshlwala. Will and IluHsan, Marsalllcs, Rossow'a Dogs and Monkeys, Knluna's Aquatic Cats, the Mau aud the Kunguruo, Three Grnesta, Musical I.uudts. Hnrvclle aud La nolle. Chester B. Jubuatou, Mans- Qeld Bros., Middlesex Coursing Hounds, Dixie Plantation Slngen, and Nlrllla'a Band. Business very good. \ Hanuia (E. R. Salter, mgr.)—Bill for week of 8: Theo. tlw balloon gtrl; Three Gerta. Rother and Anthony, Joe Whitehead, Doncourt and Mack, De Velds and Zelda. Muteflne Vack. Ilerbert and Lawrence, Jack Ball, and moving pictures. BnsliieHS good. Noras.—The Clarence Staters ami Brother, the headline act at the Harris, week 1. scored a de- cided bit. The girls mad* a pretty appearanse. and their quick cnanges, sweet stuglng and grace- ful dancing brought mnch appiauae....... Anita Julius, formerly with rbei Behman Sbow, made many friends at the Harris week of 1. She has several pretty changes, and nattered her snags In n pleasing manner. She will have one of the prin- cipal parts next aeasaa, wltb tbe Queens of the Pol lies Bergrre Oo., on tbe Eastern wheel Plana were submitted to Col. Alien week of 1 for the new vaudeville house to be ballt oo the alte of tbe old Academy. TUey have not yet been ac- cepted. Portlaaa, >te—Ktltk'a (James B. Moors, mgr.) "Alias Jimmy Valentine" waa produced by the Keltb Stock Co.. week or July 1, to ex- cellent retnraa. Mlaa Krtm and Mr. Toler, Messrs. Lawrence Albion aad aanmaoe player] the principal rolea sdmlrably. Photos of Belle D'Arcy were presented to lady patrons. "Pretty Peggy" week of 8. Naw Pobtlano (1. M. Mosber, mgr,)—This bouse haa been favored wltb liberal patronage, and the wants of the patrons are well looked ■"'■/.„ , i r - Masher took np the managerial duties 1. Bill for week of 8 Includes: American Comedy emir, Orlmmtna imd Gore. Three O'Ooonor 8U- lent, Harry Tswla, aud motion pictures. Cam. Cape Oottage (». V. Phelan. mgT.)— Mirlc l'avey, Willard Blackmore, and the coin- P *". J '.«?. Smumer stock players, agreeably pre- sented "Beverly of Graustarl" week of 1. Tie friend* of Hiss Pavey ncconte.l her a big recep- OtaI (a W. T. Oodlug, mgr.)—The Gem, Mn- sleal Comedy Co. are pleasing the natrons, and n-Vti.* 1 a??'' safe. Km 1'Ti ijOm Harry, Miss Redding, Miss Courtney anU'fbe Ttemont Quar- tette are all favorites. Tbe offering week of 1 waa "All In," wltb a good line of pictures Blown for an hoar be'ore each entertainment aa well as between the acts. "The Charming Widow" 8 and week. Ci»co (M. 0. Blamenber*, marl) — Pathe'e Weekly, "The Girl at the Key/' "Western Hearts" and other pictures of Interest, wltb snug numbers, attracted good attendance week of 1. Cohohss. — After July 18 this house will close, and Is announced to re-open later on a» a family theatre, under the management of Jsa. W. Greely. Meanwhile the usual list of photoplays ore attracting good business. Bio Niokb, (Wm. K. Beeves, mgr.)—This pic- ture bouse is favored with excellent patronage under tbe new management. "Art and inno- cence" and "Let No Man Put Asunder" were among the featurea week of 10. QatixwooD Paviwos, Peaks Island (J. W. Greely, mgr.)—Moving pictures and dancing are the big drawing features here, under the direction of Miss Rlllle James. Large attendance opening week, beginning 1. Rivsjit'on Pauk (D. B. Smith, mgr.)—J. W. German's Comedy Co.. In "Tbe Dainty Quaker- ess," wltb Frankle Carpenter featured, and the Boston Concert Orcbeitta attracted crowds 1 and week. Rochester, N. Y.—Lyeeom (H. B. Wolff, mgr. 1 the Coleman Players gave on excellent pres- entation of "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway," weak ending July 6, and capacity bonses at every performance was the result, Lola Fisher, George Irving, Belle Starr and Baker Moore scored heavily, and praise 1* due Karl L. Diets for ex- cellent stage direction. "Hello, BUI,',' week of 8. Tkmplu (J. H. Flan, resident mgr.)—Vangban Closer and company added to old laurels week of 1. nutting ou a big revival of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Vaugban Glaser, aa Uncle Tom, and Fay Courtney, ps Topsy, made emphatic hits. "The Girl of the Golden West" 8 and week. Baker (Frank R. Parry, msr.) — The Baker Stock Co., under the direction of Kllmt and Gas- solo, hml a big week'a business, ending G. "Uncle Turn's Cabin" being tbe attraction. Madeline Journour. ns Topsy, scored a big bit, "The Cow- Iw.v and the Squaw" 8 aud week. Cook Omuls Housa (The Aster Amusement Oo., lessees).—Continuous vaudeville Is proving an ex- cellent entertainment these hot days. Elmlra, AT. Y—Itorick'a Glen (George Lyd- ing, mgr.) "Hla Honor the Mayor," by the Man- hattan Opera Oo., was n distinct success week of July 1. ''Yankee Consul" 8 and week. Majestic (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Wlllard's Temple of Music week of 8. • Colonial (M. D. Gibson, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures. Ki.DBtnos Paast (George Laurence, mgr.)— Band concerts feature. Syracuse, X. Y, — Empire (Frederick Gage, ragr.) "Facing tbe Music" la the closing attrac- tion of tlw Summer stock season, week of July 8. Tbe season's bnslness wss excellent. Wietino (Francis P. Blartln, usgr.)—"BIMr" week of 8. "Raffles" week of 19. Vauar (Philip Honold. mgr.r — "Three Men ami a Girl" week of 8. "The Might of the Fourth" week of IS. Trenton. N. J.—State Street (Herman Wahn, xagr.) bill fur week of July 8: Four Bragdons, Kllnor Dunbnr. Martin and Clair, Moore ami Barber, Reckless Itecklaw Troupe, Palmer and Lewis. Harry Hoy. Farley aud Morrison. Tiller Sisters, and tbe photoplays. Bboao STarriT (Herman Wahn, mgr.)—Tbe Manhattan Flayer*, with a strong cast, present "The Great Divide," 8 and week. "Billy'' week Of 15 NoTW.—.Owing to complaints of church folk, White City Park baa been compelled to suspend all Sunday amusements. Msnager Peter E. Hur- ley says that be will take the matter to court. Pntersun, N, J.—.Majestic (0. G. Anderson, mgr.) bill for July 8-10: Johnny Murphy, Lock and Llmler, Princess Elisabeth, and Shaw's Ani- mals. For 11-13: Chinqueiia and Newell. Paula and Lasells. Hsrry Sauber, and Bight Rngllsh Hoses. Capacity bouses. PctersbarK, Va Academy (M. L. Hot- belmer, mgr.) Is dsrk. Vmiiiaia (Dick Richards, mpr.)— Motion pie- tares, to good business. OocKAoa (Roy Uolateln, mgr.)—SIolIon pic- tures, to excellent roturas,- Lyiio (0. O Mass, mgr.)—Dark. To Profesadonal People in Boston and Vicinity KB. HARPER will be In Boston, at Professor Hit hard* Studio, lluminuton thmmi,.,™ WON'T YOU BE MY SWEETHEART If you want a song for jour act that Is a decided bit and that baa not beta '■snu to death " be sure tn meet Mr. HARPER. ^^ ' w,Burew To all others: Send late programs for professional copy. 8ARGENT AJTD HARPgR, Mnalo Publishers, SsJeia, xataaaachaaetta. ALBERT TAYLOR WANTS YOUNO INI DY Not too large. Salary $50.00 and transportation. Dramatic stock people Hi all lines. Please write Season opens In Montgomery, Ala., on July l, for Are weeks, then Sbreveport, La., Dallas and El Paso Texas, to California. This Is not repertoire, bat a HIGH CLASS STOCK 00. plajlng extended aS gagement* In tbe Western cities. Address ■ * "*"""" :u cu ALasKHT TAYLOR, ears of Grand Thaatre, M ontgomery, Ala. WANTED QUICK For TBE GALLUP STOCK CO. Responsible Repertoire People. Those doing spe- cialties preferred. Long engagement. Salary sure. Don't misrepresent. State lowest and full particulars. BoozerB, stay oiT. Tickets! TES, if I know c. Write or wire BERT R. OALI.CP, Mgr., Waxahachle, Texas, week July 8; Cleiiurn, week Is; Dallas, week a. Wbitey Holtman, wire. WANTED First Class Band and Orchestra Leader. Double Comet and Violin, Trap Trimmer with BULLS, one who knows bow to play them. Clarinet and Cornet. State all, and lowest naiary flrat letter, Join on wire If possible. Long; stands In cities only. Address Dr. H. D. BTJOKBH, Muskogee, Oklahoma AGENT AT LIBERTY A li re t class small town Agent. I know Kew Tork and Now England. Ain't afraid to use a paste brush,. Oanloin on wire. Address JACK FRITZ, Port Lewclea, It. V. WANTED AT* OaMOsC Balance Summer and Regular Season. REPERTOIRE ARTISTS I.V ALL LIVES Those doing specialties preferred. Send photos and programs, No fares advanced unless I know ypu. CHAS. P. GILMORK, Hippodrome Theatre, Oswego, IV. Y. WANTED Halcyon Players Under canvas balance Summer, houses In regular season, work year round, woman for some ju- veniles, characters and heavies, can use few good band acton. Raymond Button and wife wire or write. Week stands, live on lot. state all. Money sure. Address Thos. P. Bewell, Mgr., Pioneer, Ohio III hi HEP. SHOW With • good Band, to play OCR FAIR date, during the week of AUGUST 4. GltO. B. DAVIDS**/, Manager Majestic Theatre. Bnahxtell, Ills. ^^ "" FOR MIIRFBH COMEDIANS i I Al LEADING WOMAN to Do Some Heavies; Also BAND ACTORS Pay your own. Answer VANDALIA, ILLS. BERT MELVILLE. AT LIBBRTV lg koi mam JUVENILES MO Fox St. NewTortCUy Experienced Med. People AM WliTtntT f/\ hi-to»ln 1 an-.-..* f*|L. . Aw ends That are wining to hostle. a flood tW those that can stand prosperity, old iffi °'i P o ^J lllfP i Bnmmerslde, P. E. I., Canada. P. B.-Ko tickets to Btramera-otherB, yea.^^ Wanted Immediately LEADING MAN BSL"B S elg!lt ' wel i,nt, and send photo with ■alary, for Summer and next season. stATTTiTE STOtk CO., week Jnlj 8, Sherburne N y^waak July la, Walton, K. Y7 nu '- t " uf ne > »• *•• »««k AT LIBERTY VIOLINIST HUNT, WERNER & HUNTS SHOWS VAKT$ Cornets and Tuba for Mff band; Olrcns Perfonncn and Clowns to double clown band: Side Show Manager, doing Punch and magic; Billposter that works: Candy Stands to let. Address Phllmont, N. v., il; Chatham, N. y., 13; Haasau 13, Stevens- town id, Berlin id. WANT TO BUY CAMELS AMD ELEPHANTS WAHTFI) rtlllftsf For BOWDISH STOCK CO., Peo- nHRICU VUIVI\pi e m s u lines—Actors and Actresses, Hand and Specialty People, for balance of Summer and regular season. State lowest n rut letter. We pay all. Grace and Palmer Learelli, wired you money three weekg ago. Why not Joint Address all communications A. N. BOWDISH, Mgr. BOWDISH STOCK CO., Welrton, W. Vs., week July 8. L-JB TY HELEN K. MAY Characters, Heavies and Gen. Btu. Wardrobe, ability, exp. Can Join on wire. Re- sponsible managers write or wire offer. am N. Main Street. St. Charles, Ho, /%GEr%i Sober, hostler, circus experienced contractor and Billposter. "Rep. Co." preferred on per cent. Address H. Q. ALGER, Boaxad Brook, It. ■»• WANTED QUICK R. 1. Joiinsoii's Attractions PEOPLE IN ALL LINES-fipeclalllea, two Hunt- ing Olrcns Agents. Soubrette to feature. State positive lowest salary. Sate, sure engagement. R. HI. JOHIfSOtf, Balom Theatre, Salem, Mass.- Wanted Quick Good Trap Drummer Join on wire. OTUEU MUSICIANS, write. ROBERT H. BARKIS, Dnqaoln, 111.. WfANTBD . LOUGH AND ELLIS AS- SOCIATED PLAYERS Under canvas. TRAP DRUMMER to double snare drum In band. Week stands, No parade*. P»T owa. Also want WOMAN for LBADS. Taylor- Tllle, Ills., week of July 8. LOUOB AND ELLIS. PLAYi5 SSctelB!| ,ab,oills to order _&g». Address ALICE HOWLAND, DAVENPORT, IOWA Wanted, VELVET DROP State size, color and lowest price. - TUB OBHAT CORDON, 324 West 19th St., Now York City.