The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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18 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. July 13 "IB arc lit m HSUffi-ttibty THE MOST WONDERFUL SONG OF THEAGE-ANQ WE ONLY MILLION COPY "HIT"OF 1912 ! " w the ORIGINAL "sommor VlEDmYOUlo Oil EQUAL IT Iff ED. MORTON'S BIG "SUMMER" HIT CENE GREENE'S BIG STAGE "HIT" Author of * M Y WIFE'S CONE TO THE COUNTRY. By GEORGE WHITING Send for the extra verses for "SHE'S GONE AGAIN."!A "SURE-FIRE" HIT for ANYONE WHO CAN DO CHARACTER SONCS YDUHT IIKIBE5 FROM ME "YOU'LL NEVER KNfflW the GOOD FELLOW I'VE BEEN," "MAMMY'S SHOFFLIN' DANCE," "HE'S (TEDDY) COMING BACK" "TEXAS PRANCE;" Gilbert & Gideon's New "Hit," "DOWN HOME BAG," "'^"XLT " T " rk " I3« w. LAKE ST. LEO WOOD CHICACO, ILL. ?,/-, gggagg II WHEN YOU SEE THE SUCCESS OTHERS ARE HAVING WITH the "GOOD-LOCK" SONGS WHY DON'T YOU GET "WISE" AND JOIN tli» W. R. FAMILY? - Prof.Copies S£ WILL SUMMER PRICES Look at tliwie prices, o.ih with order. Mo ttook paper. All special, from your copy. Union Label. 10M 8x24 heralds, 2 BldeH, .... $111.1,0 IOH l'Jiift heralds, 4 pages • • • • • 14.40 ion 14xai heralds, 4 pages. • • • 17.(0 MM 4X12 to-nlg bta, one aide, 6 forma, no casta, 0.00 (Oil aame, with casta, .... 10*1 aame, two sides, is.oo. •Dal 8X8 to-nlghta, 6 forms, no casta, • 7.60 WM free tiokets, • 0.00. loaf atixth card heralds, .... u.ou 10004-ply tick cards, typo, - • • 7.00 BOO one Bheela, type, black on yellow, • 7.00 1000 ono sltecta, Mack on yellow, • • 11.00 600 half sheets, black on yellow, • . • loooiialf slieota, black on yellow, • • 7.60 Blight additional charge for red and bine on white QAZBTTB SHOW PRINTING COMPANY Mattoon, 111., V. 8. A. WE MAKH BKTTKll FOR L,BB8 MONBY We make a specialty of special canvas for apeola £arpotM, ospeolslly Small Tops, Ballyhoo, Car Una, Dell Rack, Hoods, eto. For Fairs and Garni vaia. Write (or prices. TUMEB CUCK&RUBBERCO., FI.S.tlt.Altl. OUB HOT TEBM White and Black Tenia, 8,000 Foldingchairs, 212 Special U. F. Chairs. Send for Free Bar. (•In Booklet. R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFG. CO., Springfield, Illinois. Performers •KKfVSa picture with 94 and receive* one out and BOOlettorheadB, flnoly printed, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER, 24 E. 21 tt 8t.,Htw Ytrt SNAKES and MONKEYS Choice lot of Pythons, Bulla, Pine and Turtle-head Snakes. Broke to handle. Also Monkeys and small Animals, Show Birds, etc. J. UOPB, U N. Ninth Btreet, Philadelphia. SECONDHAND GOWNS BTAUK AND STREET BARNETT, 503 80. stits »i„ CHICAGO Out-of-Town NEWSPAPERS oouid he tonjid on sale at 87th at., and Broadway. a. 1. cor.: AM Bt, and Madison Avo., B. W. oor.; 4M at, and Ota Ato., B. W. oor., New rork. BPB- 01AL attention given to t he Theatnoa. Profession. JACOB A. ANDREWS OUT OF TOWN NEWS Id Bans 8 to re. 551 N.Olark St., Chicago, iu. Specialty of Poll Dress Baits and Tuxedos LADiKS' STRBBT and STAQB GOWNS. Large Stock Prlaoo Albert and English Walking Salt. 1250-pngo Magazine of 15 original vaudeville aats forfl. Special sots writ- ton, l'luy ml Musi - jtal Coniedlea to leaso. WETZEL, ROSKNER A JAMKS, 1402 ll'way, N. Y. VUathnPafhM Oablneta 12.60 a 100,from elt- » aaV M. VB tinea, negatives or pictures jour tut, ltouonui WaUh ats,, Utioago., E The twenty-third National Bacngcrfcst drew, more :han 25,000 visitors to town lost week. The big convention hall at 'Broad Street -awl Allc-, gheny Avenue, which was built expressly for the purpose, and which has a seating capacity of 20,000, was packed at all of the three concert". The performances were all a big success, bolh artistically and financially, the soloists eonslst- Ing of Louise Homer, Marie tUniiold, - lli-url (». Hcott, all being received with- thunders of ap- plause. The receipts for.. the three- perform-, nuces were In excess of 100,000. Following the concerts wss a three days 'picnic at Washington Park. • • OimsiNitT (Grant Laferty,- mjr.) —The Or- pheuin l'lnycrs put en, week of 8,. "Nobody's Willow" for the first time as a stock production. "The World and Ilia Wife" waa a splendid pro-, iluctlon at the hands of the Players ■ last week. Despite the warm weather the houses were of large size. Obnrlcs Balsar achieved a'distinct success-as Don Ernesto, while big applause at-, tended the efforts of Wllmer Wnlter.' as Don Julian, Marlon Harney, Fraunle Fraonhols, Vlr- glnla Howell and John J. Geary also added to the success of the production. ' Oaybtt (John P, Eckhsrdt, mgr.)—The Sum-, mer season of burlesque continues to be the tneccn for the amusement seekers. .Sam Michaels, Billy Kelly, and Joe Rose arc Ihe big fun providers In the burlesques, and they keep everlastingly at It. Lotelle Bros., the Living Art Models. Kitty Roth, and Edna Gell. furnished the pleasing nambers In the olio. The Laugford-Flynn light pictures were an added number. , . . B. F. Kbith'h (II. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Carter Do Haven la the headllner of a diversified bill week of 8, which Includes: Gsrlln ' and Peon, Grace Rdnuvnd, John Gelger, Moshcr, Hayes snd Mosher, Parrell Sisters, Ramadell Trio, John P. Wsde and company, and moving pictures. Oband (Btslr A Havlln, mgrs.)—Week of 8: Kd. aingrsss, Brown snd White. Dorothy Stone, ' Anton Zlnkn's Dogs, Withers and Mullln, and moving pictures. . KhtstoN* (M. W. Tsylor, mgr.)—Week of 0: Bight Cabaret Girls, 'Joe I.anUau, Warren Hatch and compi.ny, Qeorge N. . Brown and company, Heidelberg Four, and moving pictures. : . > NixdN (Fred'k Leopold, nigr.)—Week of 0: "A Night Out," Al. West, "Three Kids from School." and Pcrrln, Itlti Marchanir and -moving pic- tures. Willow Oiova Pass (J. T. Davles, mgr.)— Beginning 7 the Pstrlck Oonway Band will be the musical feature for the- next three weeks. The biggest crowds of the season thronged the park last week, and liberally patronised all of the amusements. •,.•■/ Woonsioa Panic (Win. 0. Martin, mgr.)—Stan- ley Msckey'a Orchestra scored a big aueceas with their popular selections last week. Patronage was big, and the amusements all did-bis business. Point lianas 1'auic (Fred'k McOlellan, mgr.) —Tlile park is beginning to assume a finished slate, and within a few weeka everything will be In readiness. Tomuiaslno'a Band Is growing greatly In popularity. i The motordrome, with Its exciting races, continues to he the big feature. Washington Pass: on tub Dblawab. (H, F. Stetson, mgr.)—The boats were crowded to their capaenty last week carrying the crowda lo this popular resort. Passerl and- his band are win- iilug plaudits dally with their classics! concerts. IlIJlHI, llMl'IRK, GlBARll, FOBWA tail's, 11 AST'S, Majestic. PaLAC, VlOTOBIA, AMD ALllAWDSA give vaudeville and moving pictures. Kotkb. "Tin Talkbti" will lie the opening attraetlea of the season st the Brosd Street Theatre, be- ginning on Labor Day J. Fbsd. Ziumbbmaw, of Nixon A Zimmerman, left last week, accompanied by his wife, on en automobile tour through the New England Bum- mer resorts » Altoona, Pn—Lnkmnnnt Park (J. H. Shuck, nuir.) the Hall Dramatic Co. presented "The Man en Uie Box," July 4-0, to big business. "The Lit- tle Minister" 8-10. Jovlne's Orchestra closed their engagement at the CasRo. June HO, and the Royal Hungarian Orchestra- opened July 1. Notis.— The Majestic moving picture theatre lias cloned, owing .to the building having been leased to other parties for mercantile purposes. 'Ili« Silverman Brothers recently bought the Sjirnnkle proiierty at Eleventh Avenue nnd Six- teenth Street, for $40,275, with the Intention of building a new vaudeville theatre within the next year. It thla new venture goes through it will be tin. only Urge theatre at the Western eud ef 'the business district. I'a r bond ale, Va. —Grand (J, 0. Firth, mgr.) moving pictures, changed dally, nnd Firth's Or- chestra In the evenings, , Utut (Alfonso Slrrlannl, mgr.)—Animated weekly and atrong special features. Change of program dally. H.ivnv (R. H. Barbcau, mgr.)—Barbeau Family Orcheslrn, Illustrated songs snd four reels of up- to-date moving pictures. IniiAi. (L. A. Fatrcll, mgr.)—Splendid photo-, plays nnd Illustrated songs. Pkopi.b's (Louts Matule, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures, changed dally. St. Paxil, Minn. — Rmpreos (Charles A. Willie, mgr.) business continues good.' Bill for week of July 7: "Fujiyama," a miniature opera, In two acta; Bud and Nellie Helm. J. Albert Hall nnd company, Bell and Mayo, and Kretore. Thla house will remain open all Bummer. Majbbtio (H, S. Mitchell, mgr.) — Business continues good, with vaudeville and moving pic- tures, with a change of bill twice weekly. Stauland (0. V. Rose, mgr.)—This house clesed, end will remaiu dark till the end of Au- gust. Noras.—The collapse of the Iris, the moving picture house In'this city, June 24, resulted In a vigorous Investigation, and all such places of smusement nre being Inspected by the city au- thorities, and-any place .not complying with the building code will be closed accordingly. So far as the Investigation haa progressed only minor defects have been discovered,-which can lw'eaally reme- died Band concerts are given at Oomo Park every night, - and Sunday afternoons and evenings were Intugurated 30. There will also be concerts at Harriet Island. .......Tint lake resorts are sll doing well, due to the very hot weather of the last: few days. Almost all vestige of Wonder- land haa been removed. The Olty Fathers are exercised over the subsidence of the water In Lako Oomo, It being difficult to ascertain the cause thereof. . They now think It Is due to sewer- age in the vicinity, and nn nrttempt will be made to -atop the waste RlngUng Bros.' circus comes 1 July 24....... .Buffalo Bill end Pawnee Bill's Show Is billed here for Aug. 0, Work Is ptngresalng rapldtv In .the Improvements and cverbaullng of the Metropolitan.,, WilmlntTton, Del.—6hellnot Park (James II. Henry, mgr.) bill for.week_of July 8: The Mannings. Norma Potter, Billy . Morse, Tommy Hughes, Henry Stock Co., In "The Welcome Visi- tor," and moving pictures. Dorothy D. Young. contralto soloist,' la the added attraction, Bbanotwinb SraiNOB (R, W. Orook, mgr.)— The. stock company, present "In the Summer Days," week of H. Gband (0. L. Bmdtleld, mgr.)—Pictures. Majbstki (W. (linns, mgr.)—Pictures. Savoy (Nick Jones & Co,, mgrs.)—Pictures. Piokwiok (B. Ssblowskl, mgr.)—Pictures. Bijou (L. Sablowakl, mgr.)—Pictures. Lyiiki (W, 11. Benner, owner and mgr.)—Pic- tures nnd vaudeville. • • 8i-niNas (W H. Popp, mgr.)—Pictures, Fort Doilire, la.—Princess (Ted' lTcpler, mgr.) the Princess Musical Comedy Oo. opened here for the Summer June 24, In "The Poli- ticians," and did good business. The company, under the direction of Wallle Brooks, Includes: Anshel Nlclson, Kfile aeorge. Helen Gordon, Vera De Verre, Frital Frits, Blanche De Rex, Fay Ilasrlton. Mable Van Meter. Belle Le Rvy, Flo Fuller, Grace Potter, Cecil Summers and Fred ' Gulllard. "The Saltan's Daughter 1 ', week of July 8. • •' . tf Notb. —A moving picture theatre will often In the new Carter Iiuildlng, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, about Sept. 1. The seating ca- pacity will be about 1,000. , Taunton, Mass. — Slbhatla Park'had tile business week of July 1, with moving pictures ' and Illustrated songs. Stab, Casino, Columbia and Niokbl, picture houses, are all dolug good business. fflLLMAN'S IDEAL STOCK CO. WANTS PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Leading Mas, Leading; Woman, singers; character Woman, Heavy Man, three good General Business Actors, male; Specialty Team. All members of this company must positively bo young, good looking, moral and experienced. One week and three nluht. stands. Photos will be returned, if requested. Rehearsals, Aug. 1. Write F. P. II ll.LII AN, 1791 Dodge St., Omaha, Nebr. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Good HEAVY WOMAN, must be young and capable playing strong line parts* GENERAL BUSINESS MANand WOMAN, Clever COMEDIAN with specialties Good actors, good dressers, good lookers can secure pleasasant engagement. Week stands. Repertoire. Ono matinee. Wire-pay tlicui. II. H. FRANKLIN, Princess Playera. Vernon, Texas, this week; OhlldreBS, July 16 and week. Peopl in All Lines FOR PERMANBNT STOCK ■ywo bills a week. The work Is hard, but money absolutely safe. Do not misrepresent Boozers, agitators and would-be managers save postage. WANT to BUY SCRIPTS. Tickets If I know you. Address JOE ARONOFF, Manager Princess Stock Theatre, Fort Worth, Tei. WANTED, CHAUNCEY-KEIFFER CO. m GENTEEL HEAVY tVIAN General Business Man with specialty, Singing and Dancing Soubrctte, Specialty Team to ploy parts. Union Carpenter and 8ccnlc Artist. Address, with full partlculnrs. Including age, height, weight, lowest Summer and regular season salarv. Send pliotos and programs. Addross gMD CIIAUNCEV, Manager, HOTEL SPIsVliRICU,' ROCHESTER. PA. Ml IBEK 3 A. RE HBAVIBS AND OHARACTBRS LEILA NIELSON REED om.„,. M ,i., i „ -. »«OJHINOlBS, JHVKNII.KH AND HUHHIIKTTKH. ...'_- 5S»iL. ilv5i « r » rdr 1 01 >oflwiol"««. Permanent stock preferred. Reliable managers only. Mary, your line. Write or Wire quick. ■ MILES A. RBKD, PE N. DELIVERY , OBEENVILLE, T.X. , For Summer and Next Season MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE For able IN ALL _ _ , _„ LINES , T ,l! >1 2!« M, i s iS* , . B 4!? wa ,S la 7 lni ?, WM,OTn Vandevuio Managers' Asan. time. AH people mmt w i to 8INO and ACT- Write with full particulars and lowest aalary, wltb. photo, at once, to — -i ■- -.. WILMAH O. OUsllMAN, Orpheara Theatre, Hammond, lad. can always place good Chorus Olrls. Ex-managorg, swoll heads and klokem savo stamps- woTTcEnvnssBILLIE ALLEN bUSUSS " BL P 8 ' "HANKY PANKY" CO., write me immediately. Important. MI88 JEAN MATTHEWS also pleaso write. HORACE LINTZ. den. Del. Terra ItintoVind^ulv 8-18: 807 Cbaml- UmiwSStD ••"""" "»««> « anu «" uv., write me immeaateiy. important, bicb <"»■■ iSSfl^^S^^.."•*■ ""J ° 9a - m - Terro Hauteflnd-.^uly 8-18; 807 Oband- At Libertv--MAX C. ELLIOTT e.--l A\e*Aar4Mm ■.___._ «. . __,. . . .. _ . l. ..hofv nl-f.4 Sa!: c AddV^M.n'BeS:ffigg^8r T - Kl,utfl ' u '°*< * mMi mo °* ,,rtt8 "' ox " ert "'" WANTED"F0R~MAKmL l '& AWDERSON'S, MUSICAL COMEDY CO. CHORUS GIRLS, PROPERTY kS?ti play parts. ^W"**™*^**!*** *•**• > play parts.