The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 13 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 19 Sip Jaintg ll(int (Sobered (Sattpg Gott fc6 Giiotoutg (Sunt Look for the Bird Card* in the Sockets. You can secure a eautiful Bird Album FREE. Half a million folks of all kinds- including grown-ups, children, teach- ers, etc., are collecting our wonderful Bird Studies — faithful reproduc- tions of American birds in full colors, with description of the birds' plum* age, habits, and how to know them on sight. You will find one beauti- ful bird picture in each packet of Chiclets. Send us any fifty of these pictures with ten cents in stamps and we will send you—free—our splendid Bird Album. The refinement of chewing gum for peo- ple of refinement. It's the peppermint — the true mint. For Sals at all tl. Bttttr Sort el 5c. tho Ounce Mid la 5c., 10c. and 25c. Bailele SEN-SEN CHICLET COMPANY Metropolian Tower New York DRESSY DANCING OlOUS 3.SO ••*.SO DELIVERED FREE RIPLESS CLOG CO., Brockton, Mass. TRICE i lip Make $20 a Day with ourvtondorfalChamplon Cloture Huhlne. Takos, dewioris, Halation RnoCo In halt mltiuUi: 300 ao hoar. "darkroom. Erperlmce unit rem- sarv.riiotol'oBtcartlsaDd Buttons all tho rago I Yon coin monoyaov. whoro, Small Inveslmenti big ? Touts. Bo jour own boas, write or Free Book. Testimonials, etc. AMERICAN HlrlUTB PHOTO CO. 840 Nehoe Blk. Chicago, III. TIGHTN AND SHIRTS of every description, Pudding-, Frog, Snake and Honker Salts, Elastic and Cloth Snpportera, Gnnnaajtie Fnmpi and Gaiters, ■panslea and Bullion Fringe. fiend for catalogue and sample of tight*—-ITRBI! JOHW 8PICER tucoeesor to Splcest Bros., 86 WOODBINB ST, BKLTN. N. X. Letterheads a no GoodBond Letterhead!, tit 1,000, M, »B0 White Envelopes, *tt 1,000, $i. 10,000 0x0 TO-NIGHTBRS, *4.S0. 5,000, 8U.80; 10,000 3x8 Snipes, $3.50. «cl our prices on anything In stationery or small bill work. Samples, 2c, stamp. NATIONAL FRINTIJIG CO., Shflbyville, Ind. [Successors to Don Wlramer, Mfg. Printer.] FREE-MAGIC CATALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved ■tope, Chain and Sensational Kscapes. Newest creations In Advanced Illusions, Bplrltnallstlc Ef- ««•,.Challenge Miud Heading Acts, newly per- fected card Tricks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, i uzzles and Jokers, Secrets, nana, Apparatus, 'allies or Accessories, w. aluhrt TRIPP, Route 10, New Bedford. Masa. INVENTIONS Patented free; sold on commission. Fine' Inven- tions foraalo. 47-8. ADAM FISHER, St. Lonla, Mo. SONG POEMS WANTED .„_„ Caah or Royalty to Yon. NBEDDAM MU8I0 HOUSE, 47-6 ST. LOUIS, MO. teadrng Honse JmI • a> ""3H™"* ."?* _ ? and Street Shoes Individual Orders Filled. We at oat Theatrical Couipn nirt l*ra>nipUy. Theatrical Folder No. 90 mailed on reqaeste Cammeyer Stamped on a Shoe means Standanl^Merit HAS ON THE FACE Neck and Ami Instantly removed without Injury to the most delicate skin. In compounding, an Incomplete mixture was ac- cidentally spilled on the back of the hand, and on ili washing afterward, It waa discovered that the hair was completely romoved. We named the new discovery "MODEMS." Ap- ply for a few minutes and the hair disappears as if by magic. IT CANNOT FAIL. Modene supersedes oloctrolvBlB. Used by people of refinement, end re- commended by all who have tested Its merits. Mo- dene Is now for sale st drag stores, or will be sent by mall In safety mailing cases on receipt of $1.00 per bottle. Postage stamps taken. Address Modene Manufacturing: Co., Dept 11, Qndmutl, 0. BROWNS Bronchial Troches A remedy of superior merit for Coughs, Hoarse- ness and irritation of, giving wonderful relief in Lung Troubles, Bronchitis and Asthma. Free from opiates or any harmful Ingredient. Sold only Id boxes. Sample mailed free. JOHN I. BROWN St SON, Boston, Mass. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 6lb An., bet. 27lfi nd 2Btb Sts., Net York BIOHT POPULAR FRENCH HKHTAUllAKT PARISIAN OAFB tt H MUSIC »M TO 1 A.M. DON'T FORGET FUNK'S "THE WIS MAKER" FORMERLY _ '- McVlokers Theatre Building WOW at 412 North American Building Northwest Cor. State and Monroe Els., CHICAGO UNIFORMS and COSTUMES ANY CHARACTER. Cowboy, Clothing and Equipment. RUSSELL UNIFORM CO. B' way, 48th Bt. and 7th Ave.. New Tort. A 1.1. I'll I: COMFORTS OP HOME! |APARTMEra po %ri F,v - Completely anil nowly furnished; telephone, I electricity, olevalor; mission brass beds, I I sliver, linen, One block Horn Subway. By [ week or month. SMITH, 501 West llldi St., New York City. MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Melodies written to song poems. Ref.-Wltmark A Son. W. H. NELSON, 128 W, 86th St., M. Y. NEW 212 PAGE ILLUST. MAGIC CATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjurors, BOO. New 63 page book Oatal., lOo. None free W. D. LEROY, 103 Court St., Boston, Mass, FULTON, FOSTER THEATRE ». v. Population 12,000. Inquire C. EARL FOSTER. POETS-AUTHORS Get CASH for your Bongs and Stories. MUSIC SALES CO., 47-1 ST. LODI3, MO. Plays And Producing Rights at cost of MSB. New Catalog ready. N. V.l'LAl BUREAU and AUTHORS' EXCHANGE, Tremont Theatre.N. Y.O. ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL QA5. h. SMITH & CONLANranchx. Acts rehearsed. Acts to lease. 003 GAIETY TUKA- TllK BL.D0., N.Y. 'Phone 2*02 Bryant. Hundreds of great sketches on hand. NUNLEY'S CASINO, South Beach, Staten Island All first . Acts desiring time, write WM. No act too big for this house. Meyer A May, props.; Wm. Sllbor, mgr Class Vaudeville SILIIOit, mgr. FREE mi CATALOG Send flc. atornps for Ick and particulars. MAO io N.Y. MAGI 208 pages. Bend flc. stamps Pocket Trick and particulars. MA CO., Dept. 1, 270 VV. 3»th St OUT OF TOWN NEWS BOSTON. Asddo from toe rsodevllle and moving picture house* we are practically tbeatrtless. All the pleasure seeking people are patronising the beaches and parks. The weather la. and has been, extremely hot. and there doesn't seem to be any sign of a let-up In sight. Majbbtio (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—After be- ing clond for a week owing to the hot ware, this bouse re-opens July 8, with Nance O'Nell as a special feature. She appears In "The Fires of St, John," and la supported by the members of Mr. Morlaon's slock company. It has been some years since Miss O'Nell appeared In this city. Tbjhont (Jno. B. Schoetrel, mgr.) —This Is the tltth week of Alice Lloyd, in "Little Miss fix-It." The comfortable auditorium Is fairly well Oiled at every performance, and tt looks as If the show will remain here for a while. All depends on who Is the best lighter, the weatber or tbo show. KBiTB'a (B. IT. Keith, mgr.)—The Melelerslng- era are la their second week with new songs. The act Is certainly a most pleasing one for the Summer months. The remainder of the bill ts Bupplled by Leo Oorrllo, Brenner and Ratcllffe, "In Old New York," Newklrk and Evans Slaters, SutellfTc Troupe, and the Juggling Wilsons. onriisru (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—For the drat half of tho week: Carletta, De Alma and Mne, Green and White, Robert and Robert. Lo- retta Le Roy, "The Love Specialist," Clarence Oliver, and the l/ctta Brothers. Bill remainder of week: Juliette, Short and Miller, May and Lily Bnrns, Lora, "The Lore Specialist," Fisher and Green, and tho Lambert Brothers. The benefit tendered to Manager Morris by the Boston Lodge of Elks, June 20, was a great success, and showed the esteem In which he Is held by the n-.ernk'ra of the local lodge. (Horns (Robert Janette, mgr.)—For this week tho following are booked: Billy Travis, Adam* and Conway, Dan Henley and Cstelle Barry, Paul Aznrd Trio, and the Rays. BownoiN SquAR* (G. B. Lothrop. mgr.)—Tho Violet Mascotto Uurlesquers are still merry-mak- ing, and so ts Pat White. This is tbe second week of the letter. Richard Hamlin and Janette Rlcardo are other vsudevllllans. Wabhinoton (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Batchellot Sisters, Oluess and Jennings, Jones Brothers. Billy Kenney, Alec Craig, and the Great Martell are omorjg those present this week. Old South (F. O. Collier, mgr.)—Alfred La Sell find company, Bailey and Turner, Wlckfleld and Heep, Shaw and Swan, Juggling La Mar, Emll Chevrlcl and others furnish the show current this neck. Lexinoton Pihk (J. Ormand Jackson, mgr.)— In the Rustic Theatre are sees this week: The Frnnkforts, Orpheum Four, Morgan and West, Darmody, and W. J. Mills. There are also many outdoor features Of sn entertaining type. Ka(ii,s —The suppliers of fun are: Frances Ger- ard. SaJle Fondeller and Pearl Stevens. Xorvuiisua I'aiiic (Carle Alberte, mgr.) —Tbe benulful open air theatre Is given over this week to a musical ahow, entitled "Tbe Maid of Japan." BtmroBO Boulsvaio (W. J. Gorman, mgr.)— "Lass and Laddie," a musical concoction, Ts the drawing card current week. Manager Gorman has always done well with his tabloid mnslcal shows, and be Intends to present a great many this Sum- mer, at Norumbega Park and here. Pamook Park (G. A. Dodge, mgr.) —The palm garden la the big attraction here. A band and orchestra and a Targe corps of entertainers aro utilised. It Is needless to state that tbe busi- ness Is big. Oobdom's Olympu (J. B. Comerford, mgr.)— Pbotoplsys snd seven excellent vaudeville acta continue to entertain the patrons of this new honse. Pabit. (Harris A Frobnmn, mgrs.)—The Paul J. ftslney African boat pictures are still being shown. Tbo prices are now reduced' to 25 and SO cents. ArrasMATH, Naw pictures and songs at tho BIJou Dream, Pas- llrae, Puritan, Beacon, Sbawmut, Back Bay, Pre- mier, Norfolk, Oomlque, Unique, Niagara, Now Palace, Wlnthrop, Williams' Ideal, and tbe Superb, Manaoss Jossrn Maost. of the nub, has de- cided to rat out vaudeville for .the 'Hummer months. The show now consists of pictures with a few songs Intervening the pictures. Habst Pbtses, one of the leading advertising men In this city, entertained a largo number of friends at bis homo July 4. Quite a number of vaudeville people appeared during the day, and en- tertained those present. Mr. Peyaer la also one of the leading T. M. A. men in Boston. S Lynn, Mass.—Central Square (James H. Donovan, mgr.) moving pictures and songs, to One business. Oltmpia (A. B. Lord, mgr.)—Business is ex- cellent. Bill July 8: Ah Ling Foo, Oolgan and Mack, May Yoho, and Feeley and Kelly. Buster Brown and his dog was tbe feature week of 1. Coiiiqua (Al. Nowliall, mgr.) — Motion pic- ture and songs. Great business. Pastiub (B. A. Loud, mgr.)—Fine attendance. Pictures and songs. Kloatjno limniiB Pabk (J. W. Chase, mgr.)— Is now In full swing. J. W. Gorman's Theatre Is under tho direction of J. W. Chase, the new resident manager. "The Missing Miss" neck of 8. Good business. Fireworks and other features nre the outside attractions, Relay, Naiiant (Robert Hogg, mgr.)—Pictures anil vaudeville, to good business. Tiibatoiiiuh, Nauant (A. A. Fuller, mgr.)— Motion pictures and songs. Dream, Oliitonoalb (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) —Motion pictures und songs. Prof. William WII1- lamo, musical director, is Introducing many nov- elties. Notes. —Col. Wlllnnl G. Stanton, former man- nicer of Central Square Theatre, In this rlty, and who Is to be the resident manager of Harry Kates' new Auditorium, In Fltchburg, Mass., Is rnendlni; the Summer at his farm on tbe shore of Slulco Lake. He entertained many theatrical friends 4. Mrs. Stanton Is recovering from a se- vere illness When the Young BunTolo Wild West and Col. Cummins' Far Vast Show was here 1, Joseph B. Smith, "Young Buffslo;" Murrltt Ilellen, William G. Binder, Walter S. Day, Mau- rice H. Hoeifeld and Rdwln La Gorman, of the company, were given the degree of the Theatrical Mechanic*! Association, by Lynn Lodge, at a apo- dal meeting after the afternoon show The stage bands of the Olympla Theatre sro oat on strike. The men are members of the Inter- national Association of Theatrical Stage Em- ployees' Local, 73, and tbe cause of their strike la that the number of men employed during the Summer was about to be reduced Little Dauphin, for many years known In vaudeville aa tbo smallest strong man In tbe country, has quit the profession, and Is now Interested In the oil business. He is still a resident of Lynn, and says he la "making good." Shaw and Nolan, and tbe Vernon Sisters la the latest vaude- ville sketch team from Lynn. Katheryn Vernon, known In private life as Alfreda Joslc, sings well, and la a good dancer AI. Haynes and Julia Iledinrnd are nt their home In this city for I be Summer. In August they will begin a tour on tbe United time, playing their akeeb, "The Critic and the Girl." Young Buffalo and Col. Cummins' Show played to big business July 1 :Klttl« Klley wss the winner of tbe piano offered as the first prise In Oomlque Theatre voting contest. Lowell, Maaa.—Merk, Sq. (James Carroll, mgr.) bill for Inly 8 and week: Pierce and Knolls, Edgar Foreman and company, La Gusta, Alice Bngley, and the photoplays. CANomr. Labi I'aiiic (J. W. Gorman, mgr.)— "Seven Hours In New York" 8 and week. Notbs. —After two weeks of stock the Merri- mack Square Theatre went back to vaudeville and pictures Phil Lederman returned last week from a two weeks' auto trip Fred B. Brown la managing a Summer park In Pennsyl- vania..., ..The picture bouses are all doing good business. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaiaVaiA, F-OR REMOVING MAKE U F» At alt good drug end department storn or direct, potUg* prepaid, on receipt of Tac. for pint tin. Plteiant, quick and economical to uie. No wax or paraffins; won't grow ha'r. Improves the complexion. A. P. STEVENS «o. 1182 BROADW AY. W5W Y ORK HEADQUARTERS POR MONEY-MAKING AUTOMATIC INSTRUMENTS ON EASY TERMS Military Band Organs White Queen Orchestrolaa Charter Oak Orchestrolaa Empress Electric Pianos You can have SPLENDID MUSIC at a Very Small Expense WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION Amusement Parks and Concessions, Roller Rinks, Moving Picture Houses, Restaurants, Cafes and Ice Cream Parlors, Billiard and* Pool Rooms and all other resorts where people congregate for amusement and] recreation LYON&HEALY 23-72 East Adams Street Chicago THEATRICAL LUMBER STII.KB, BATTBHS, STRIPS, ItAIl.S, HIIOK8. FllOFILK.STAGB KLOOKHIO.KIi. Always on hand for prompt shipment. Write for delivered prions. Shipments made In any quantity desired, THE JOHN CILLB8PIE LUMBER COMPANY 2M AND LA.FMN BTKEET8, OHIOAOO, ILL. THE AFFILIATED VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT President.'' HEIDELBERG BUILDING 8ecr.'t«ry'an'd Treasurer BROADWAY AND 4Hd STIIKKT 'Phonas, 0401, JIM, 0453 Bryant Sole Booking Agent for the Moss & Brill Circuit, Cunningham «tc Fiuegeiman circuit, and many other theatres BEST HOUSES. IIKMT TREATMENT. BEST ENGAGEMENTS. THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDBVII.M2 PAPER, THE and THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester 8t. f Leicester Square, London, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, New York Office: 86 West 26th Street 8a. 8d. PER YBAR • 2a. ad., Blnarle Column Inch Telephone: 1772 Madison Hquars. PLATING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULLIVAN Bind OON8IDINC Oil GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE I SolllTan and Conaldlne Bids*, Third and Madlaoa Strceta, SHATTLB, WASH. FRED. LINCOLN, . . Q«n, Mjr. GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE I 1440 Broadvear, Cor. 40th Street, NEW YORK CITY. CHRIS O. BROWN, ... Hsrr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICDSi PAUL GOTJDIION, • North Clark Bt, cor. Madison, Chicago, 111.: MAUUICH J. BURNS, 8d and Madison Bti., Besttlc, Wash.; W. P. BBBI8B, 995 Market Bt, San Frandeco, Cal.; B. OHERMAYBK, 16 Orcene Bt. London, Bog. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN TO ORDER AND LEASED ON SMALL WEEKLY ROYALTY. Have several high class Dramatic and Comedy Sketches for eale to intelligent people on easy payments. No manuscripts submitted lor peruBsl and no trust. PLAY DISTRIBUTING CO,, Chtlds Bldg., IOth and Chestnut Sts., PNILA., PA. "THE MYRTLE VINTON COMPANY" KTB •« COsa IN REP., Play/Ins Ono, Three and Six Nignt Stands The following people: Men for Lends uml HosWei, Character Hun, Comedian, Man for Mght Comedy mid Juveniles, (lood All Round Useful Man, anything cast for; Good Useful Woman for Second llusi- iii'K4, some Characters; preference to tliriso doing specialties, Can place Man for Tarts who iIoiiIHch Drums In Orchestra. Will place Smalt Urcliostra. rionsed to hear from Violinist with music, I'lanlxt and other Orchestra Musicians. No hand. All pcoplu must hosnlier, have wnrdrolio, l>o alilo to study hik! Join on or before July 24, In Kaatorn Iowa, for rehearsals. Season opons Aug. 1. 1'ity own hotel und telegrams. Tell all In first letter, no lime to dicker. Address 11, 1*. ui'l.M Kit, Max., "iilYKTl.F, VINTON COMPANY," N10 East .Hid Street, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED, FOR REP. SHOW fig Gen. Bus.lMan orjComedian with Specialties and Specialty Man that doubles Piano STATE ALL IN FIRST LETTER. GORDINIBR BROS., Astoria, III., »*1B; Rusltvlllo, III., Hl-re. ED QUICK PEOPLE IN ALL LINES ZZssvtj/- FOR1TWOTCOMPLETE COMPANIES Must Join on wlro. Guaranteed alrdomo and fair dates to follow. BUQBNE J. MTJItPlIY, Manager, KNICKBRDOCKEH STOCK CO., July », llrooklleld, Mo.; July 16, Holierly, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE JUVENILE and HEAVY MAR, CHARACTER ACTOR, DIRECTOR with Scripts, MUSICIANS, SPECIALTY PEOPLE who play Parts Thoeo who wrote before write again. Mum join at once. Pay own telegrams. One ahow at night. Week and two woek stands. Mention lowest salary, which Is sure. All useful people write. Address 7 IRENE JEAVONa, Pltrulrn, Fa. WANTED, a Union Piano Player FOR MUSICAL COMEDY Who can arrange. All city time in the Kant. Address BILLY ALLEN, Walker Opera House, Champaign, 111. ~~ wStrrS SS For a full description of our trunk. Wo can show yon I hat It pays In the end to use US W. efith STREET, TRUNK3 CATALOG O on request. \sVII_l_IAtVl BA.1_, Inc. HVW YORK CITY In amworing ad: pleaie mention Clipfib.