The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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20 THE NEW YOEK OLIPFEB. July is B.B.&B. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TKtTHK 6-TIAR GUARANTEE ■♦-In. •4-to. tS-la. 10-in. W-ln. aa-la. Bt-In. LOOK A» THE FRIOBI .110.00 ♦0-ln. 43-ln. 11.00 12.00 18.00 14.00 18.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 Bound with our New Cold- Boiled Steel BlndJJi*. Three-ply B. B. ft B. trunk wood, nand-riveted tl tray. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. $5 ro quired on C.O.D. shipment* Inc RB.4B. TRUNK T ACTOR rT 418 Federal It., If. • MS iMlthOfld St. 447 Wooa ■«. Vatetaryi 8S-40 Isabella it., IT. ■. PITTSBURG, FA. B. B. & B. TRUNKS THEATRICAL JEWELRY In endless variety In stock and mad* to order according to sketches. COMPLETE SALOME SETS HEADQUARTERS FOR TIGHTS, OPERA HOSEand ST0CI1IGS, GOll ud SILVER TWJUUIfiS, BRO- CANS, SILKS, SITUS, YELTKTS, SPAIGLES, WIGS, BEARDS. ALL OOOD8 THEATRICAL. CATALOGUES and SAMPLES upon request. Wood asking for Catalogue, please mention ▼hat gooda are Wanted. arALITTES the beat. PRICKS Use lowest. 9IEGMAN & WEIL TT-70-81 Wooiter St., Sew York * THEATRICAL 8UPPLT EMPORIUM WIWBfeJWKC CARRY U8 ALL H THL AJRJSIi'DsT LM. ||'lill"»BrjVMiijjSj] .-.:i,. Oh awsAtsM esstwe lll,Ht to 10 «..k., 1004 1*08 leoe 1007 Oaa ausMaa esrae* • la.sai in ts vesta, 1*!» oh sjmMm 4in»s aao.iae m a* wests, lait _ "Above figures will be verified to eustomere." C. W, PARKER, Leavenworth, Kas. Ears $35 ts $500 Wuttly. Study CTACC DANCING OIAUC SINGING VandevUle Acu, Sketches, Drama, Hake-op, Plsywrltlng. Personal 1*. a traction by phonograph at your borne IX yon cannot come on to He** Toil. Write lor Illustrated booklet bow 1,000 students succeeded. Engagement! guaranteed. failure Impossible. Airline Theatre School if Actiig Rid St. and 8tb Ave., New Tack, '/ « 'S STREETMEN, SHOWS AND DOCTORS ■LI0TR10 BELTS, VOLTAIC ELK0TR10IS80LE8 AND INHALERS are goods that ,eell and pay the big prom*. Jnit 1 what you are looking for. Send lto. tor (ample Eleotrio Belt or ' pair ot Insoles and get complete price list and lecture from the largest establishment of 11a kind in the 0.8. Belts,; Insoles. Mo. dosen pain op: In- halers, ooo. dos. np. Hypo kOoooannt Oil Soap, wrap- Ipod, |M0 Gross. Fast seller, big proflta. Send to-day. fjKo., 1818.) (Inc., 1881.) The Electric Ap>Uanc<t^.,Bnrllngtoi,Kaa. MreOHIflHflRADE iltOO MAKE-UP "Not How Cheap but How Good" ■old by Leading Druggists, Cost timers, Hair (Stores and Dept. Stores Flu Magical Apparatus ILLUSIONS, TRICKS. Btte. Grand End ot Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 25c, free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Trick* free. MARTINKA ft CO> Hfra. 4BI Sixth Ava_ N. TV if CATARRH CAPSULES midh iOISCRARBES Relief td b asnaasf a/oosmkr/Wtt TIGHTS Complete Lima of SILK WORSTED AMD COTTON THEATRICAL TIBHTS Always oa Hand Order* Filled THE BALIOT8 Proxoatlr Cotton Tight*, very food quality, a pr. ■ sffj Wonted Tight*, medium weight, a pr. 200 Wonted Tight*, heavy weight, a pr.. 2.TB 8llk Pulled Tight* (Imported), a pr.. a.BO Bilk Tight*, heavy weight, a pr 0.00 Pure Silk Tight* 8-80 Shirt to Hatch, same price a* Tight*. CLIPPER CATALOGUE FREE OH AmiCATION BERNARD MANDL 210-213 W. MADISOIf STREET CHICAGO STAGE SHOES WOOD SOLE CLOGS Plain KM, • • $3.50 Patent Laathir • $4-60 All (Morn, • • $5.00 Extra neat, will not rip. STAGE LAST In Oxford*, Slippers and Shoe*. ■end for Catalog- Sent C. O. D. If $1.00 per pair Is advanced. FINE MAPLE DANCING HATS, made to order at 80 eta, per square foot NEELY BROS. 720 W. Madison Street Opp. Haymarket Theatre CHICAGO YOU SAVE MONEY In both the purchase price and In freight, bybiiylng our L _ .... -- HON - BRHAKA BLE THEATRE CHAIRS. Large stock. Oaa ship immediately. Several lot* of Seco nd-Hnnd Chairs for sale at especially low price*. Also seating for out ot door use. Address DejL K, 8TEKL FUR- NlftJRB COMPANY, Grand Rapids. Mloh.: New Tort Olty, IN 8th Ave. Boston: SU CongreasSt. PhUsdel- phla mo Flanders Bids. Chicago, 86 B. Dearborn St. WE HAVE FOR LEASE, CARS, 60 and 60 feet long, for Bhlpplng Bcenery, automobiles, ad- vance, baggage, privilege stock, aeroplanes and merry-go-rounds. Desirable for show and circus companies. Reasonable rates. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO. Room 614,193 Michigan Avenue, CHI0A0O. -NEW- Jackson Hotel RATES: $4.00 and up; With bath, $7.00 and np. FRAIK HIM, Prop JACKSON BLVD. A UALSTED ST. • CHICAGO ORCHESirALHARP^^ The Accepted World's Standard Write for beautiful Catalogue. Easy payments. We supply the D. 8. Oovernm't with Htancal Inatromenta The Rudolph Wurlltser Co. nilUls.CUKfsssU 341 S.WsS*sa,Calear* _Bs t*bj (shtd IBM, JOSEPH NOLAN'S SONS Successors to Joseph Nolan MANUFACTURERS Of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Pic- ture Suits, Contortion, BearaDd Monkey Suits, Paddings, Elastic Supporters, Pomps. Send for price list and samples. 85 and 87 Hilary Bt. Brooklyn, Hew York 1CAN PLACE YOU on the VAUDEVILLE STAGE Instructive course absolutely FREE. I personal]; assist you to get an act and engagement. Experi- ence unnecessary. Method endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instruouve book FREE for stamp. F. LaPBLLB. BOX 0. DKCATUR, IHP. STRIKING MACHINES LIGHT. HANDY and BUSINESS GETTERS. Best on the rnad for least money. M. W. ANSTKRBURO, Box 1P3, HOMER. MICH. THEATRICAL WIGS Toupees. Ladles' Hair Ooods. M. Stein's Make Op. Bend for Price List. GEO. BHINDHKLM SB W. list BT.. New York. Tel, vm Bryant I> VAN FLEET %s^gg«^ CURZON SISTERS Original Flying Butterflies The Taylor Trunk Is Incompara- ble; wo consider It the standard trunk. SEND FOR 1012 CATALOGUE CA TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS CHICAGO; 36 E. Randolph St. . NEW YORK: 131 W. 38th St, 18-20 ELIOT ST., BOSTON, 1188. Tights Hosiery Shoes Cotton, worsted, silk plaited, spun silk, pure ellk. Opera and regular length. Lltle, illk plaited, elk. Ballet, clogs, sabots, one and three strap satin flippers. C n a n n I a 0 Gelatine and light weight metal 0 U d IIKI e 5) spangles, In all sizes, colors and Beads Velveteens Pearl, glass, Indian, spang. Ing beads, • High quality, 24 in. wide, 79c. per yard; fine grade, 21 In. wide, toe. per yard. SPECIALISTS IN STAGE CLOTHES for MAX or WOMAN. Send for catalogue, price lis: and samples. BPAXGLEI, «1.2A PER POUND GOLD OR SILVER Cotton Tights, pair.... $1.00 Wonted Tights, pair........ 2.00 Plaited Bilk Tights, pal*.... 2.50 Beat Silk Tight* t am 0 Inch cotton top* f'«" w,w LIVING PICTURE SUITS Calf, Thigh and Hip Padding*. Gold and Sliver Trimming*. Send deposit and root* with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 887 Washington 8t» Boston. Mas*. "ALIDBLLA" DANCING CLOGS Short Vaanpn Fries, aU wood Mia, $4.00« SS.OO4 is> Hrered free. Patent fast- ening. Man- ufactured by Albert H. Rlamer 8ho* Co., Mltwaiifcaa, Wh. ************************** {Starr & Sacks? * SECOND HAND GOWNS £ 2 Evening and Soubrette Oowss, Fancy Stage J 5 and Street Dresses, Opera Costs and Fuis, J Full-dress Toxidoa, Prince Alberts and I Walking ^ulta, Bilk and Opera , 343 N. Clark St., Chicago. J English ? HtVtB* aWO 11. VlRIBl CJ8... ^ unais^u. . ••^•t*w «***•»*»***»**»*»*** FHOLTONS HARMONY HINTS f- An Illustrated magazine, containing many |" — articles of interest to musicians and full B deacrlpUons ot Bolton Band Instruments. D II OCR BIG BARGAIN LIST II Eof second-hand band Instruments show* ■*. excellent bargains. Terms cash or Install- I* ment. Old Instruments accepted as part In E payment. as. FRANK HOLT ON & CO. F 9837 Gladys Avenue. Chicago — LUCY GOODMAN SECOND-HAND DOWNS EVENING GOWNS, STREET DRESSES OPERA COATS, FURS, ETC. tUT 8. State St. 'Phone Oal. 1288 0HI0AOO ! 4T WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK. DoYouWANTMILITARYGOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that line, I can KBupply it. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. FRANK HAYDEN THEATRICAL COSTUMER 149 W. 36th St. - - Miff York Tel., 1581-Grceley. Modern Gowns, Costumes for Sister and Girl Acts; Ankle and Short Dresses on hand. CONTRACTS LsTTTKR BEADS, ENVELOPES nOKETB, PASSES, CARDS, Eto. Write for Sample*. Wbb Ptg. Co., §41 Bo. Dearborn St. OTuoago, RL CIRCUS SEATS, TENT POLES, STAKES, USED TENTS Send for list. PEARL VAN, NorthvlUe, S. T. "THEOLD RELIABLE" Planters oR b laCK C & c CAPSULES FonCATARRH ^DISCHARGES] Send for our Special Catalogue of Care's, lugirs ud Posters for advertising Fairs, Races, Carnivals, Fourth July, Picnicr, AVIATION MEETS, ATHLETIC EVENTS, BASE BAL . RE-UNION, BATHING BEACH, HORSE, POULTRY FLOWER, DOG AND AUTO SHOWS, ETC. Show and Theatrical Printers, Lithographers and Engravers. N atio nal BJMVOBK n CHICAOO, ST. LOUIS a Specialty ST. LOUIS OFFICE, 7TH AND ELM STREETS. FORMERLY GREAT WESTERN PRTC. CO. FOR EVERY PDRPOSB 1,000 STYLES ESTABLISHED 1808 WRITE FOR CAT. No. 41 115-117 So. Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. NEW TOBK OFFICH, 1165 Broadway SEATTLE OFFICE. 608-10-12 First Are., Bo. BAN FBANCIBCO OFFICH, 673 Mission St The A. H. Andrews Co. SHORTVAMPSHOES For Street and Stage Wear A complete line of Pumps and Slippers In all shades, for evening Ballet t""' 208 W.23!SST. N.Y. wearV Ycrobatic'ciog and Ballet Shoes kept In'stock %*1. 0506-? Crielsea. writeforcataiogneNo.i. I. MTLLWR, 1554 BroRtlway, New York. COSTUMES WIBS SOUBRETTE DRESSES TIGHTS GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS MAKEUP Write for Catalogue, 80 page*, COO Illustrations. FRITZ BCHOl'LTZ A CO., IB West Lake Bt. (Established 25 years), Chicago, III. RST. 1880. TRL. 187 PLAZA In amatring ad$, pleas* «ea«o» Cllf ru. Enterprise Cleaning and Dyeing Work L. DETJT8CH, Proprietor Factory: 162 East 03d Street, New Yoik THEATRICAL W ORE DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED FROM ONE ARTICLE TO 1,000 Special Offer in Wigs to Profession We are removing to onr new store and wish to clear ont all onr old stock, to be replaced by au entire new one. and have on band new aud slightly used wigs of every description. Auy DHKSS or CHARACTER HAN'S VI1G, any slyle or shade, $2.60; LADIES' HUMAN BA1R, WIGS dretsed up :o. date, any style or color, $s.oo; FLOWING AND SOUBRETTE WIGS, human hair, from 14 in. to 24 In. from crown, any shade, 13.00. Write at once, as offer is good only SO days, RELIANCE THEATRICAL WIG CO., No. 126 N. 9th St, Pfcila., Pa. --SCREAMS :—24 Parodies on "Doing It Now," "Rag Violin," "Jungle Moon," "When You're In Town," "We AU Fall," "When I Was Twenty-one,'' "Baby Rose," "Navato RagJ' "Land of Harmony," "Honey Man," "Mysterious Rag," "All Alone," •'Moonlight Bay," "Tip From Father," "Brass Hnml Epb. Jones," "Pick On Me,' r "Chicken Rag," "Love To live In Loveland," "Over Again," "I Want A Girl," "Love Me." "Beautltul Doll," "Ragtime Band," "Oceana Roll." Last 12 for Jew. 10c. each: 3 for 25c, or whole 24 Big Parody Riots, $1.60. Cash orM. 0.; nostaniis I. Other mateilnl. Send for catalogues and enthusiastic testimonials. MARY E. P. THAYER, 21B0 BROAD ST., P ROV..H. I. CENTRAL TRUNKS 261n„ $7.50: 28ln., $8.50; 821n., $0.50; 86In.. $10.60; 40ln., $12.00. Circus Trunks, 24x1 Sil8. $7.50. BUI Trunks, 80x28x16, Inside, $12.00. Lttho. Trunks. 42^x28^x12, Inside, $15.U0. Shipped on receipt of $3.00. bal. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1804, SIMONS & CO., S. W. cor. 7th & Arch SU., Phi la. WHEUM IM.Y. IIMO BUIr ~^~ Have your TRUNKS and SCENERY MOVED by O. J. GLENN & 80N, 47 West 8wan Street We hare the most complete line In Buffalo. Phone 12M seneo a , or write ahead. NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Send 6c. for Catalog C, 13o pages 140 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO TOUPEES, GREASE PAXNTSrETC. And thi Utati and Mett Popular Styli* In Udlas' Hair Dnulaa A. M. BUCH & CO. 118 W. Ninth Street - ■ - - Philadelphia ORIGINAL DESIGNS BY OUR OWN ARTIST* Anklt and Street Drtsut a Specialty ESTIMATES FURNISHED Erin 107W.40tb.St.,N.Y. t Kr.Broad«ay- LU. MAHAMH E. KATZ,Manager- WIGS COSTUMES PLAYS For STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THH WORLD, Books for home amusement, Negro Play*, Paper, Scenery, Mr*. JArley I waa Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free! _ „ SAMUEL FRENCH, 28 West 38th Bt^ New Tork.. COSTUMES AND TIGHTS HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THEATRICAL MERCHANDISE Send 4c. for Cataloarne "C" CHICAGO COSTCMB WORKS, . . . wl N. Dearborn Street, OhlcBifO. B*fgawB** "* Comedian [B ackface, Jew or Eccentric]; new stuD, 60c. Acta for singles, mom. •>£ i ' r , e ,°. p ^5°. d ,' c . B (new vcra 'V, n . 9 ? r llltc Bongsl and two comedy recitations 60c. UEltH MON ARAN. Am '»r ot the great coon song, "I'd Like to sink My Puss In a Watermelon's vitals," Box 410, Biockton, Y-». Wflll W Vflll Come.aoross wltn 80c. to get stage material worth $so.oo T If IIULU I UU ? n .^° for lne 5. r «*le»t book of tellable Sketches Monologues, ParoJy ='; nrin^ in t* r «w . .,T,T. ^ ^^ End «ags. Oross-Flro Stufr.Toasts, Patter.etc., ever put out a '»» price. All for soc.; stamps taken. p. QRAWDAIX, Oak Bluffs, Mass.. until Oct. I. _ CIBCTJS «ft JTTCrOLING Apparatus, Rolling Glohs*, Club*, Wire Walker*' ApparatuiandNoTi for catalog. HDW. VAN WSCK, Clubs, Baton*. Guns, > orel tie a Stamt) WSCK, Cincinnati, 0. > Real Hair, Crop Wig, $1; Negro. 360.; '••«- f Wig, Import Bal(L_8onbr*tte. VM\* <*, .ay3a.orepenalrrVool], uM Ask -a -*- Ilogn* Papier Haone Heads, Helmets, etc. I Importer THlppert, Mfr^a Foirth Ave. J.r