The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 20 TJfcLK JMJdW YOBK OJLI.PP.EK. 5 IVOOAr* OFFERINGS OF THE ^WJB>E>M: AT THB VAUDBVIHB AND DRAMATIC HOU8B8 • .nil Fifth Awen«e (0. B Mc- n.or i — Tie weather seems to have !""''• 2.7.V oq the patrona of this bouse, and Sl^nSSA" Monday matinee, July i: 'i. "sic Wyan.^ne'of America's lending sing- , ililr^" Held the feature position ln ^i program, and, needless to say. she was 0!l i. J hit I" ner original dainty manner \.rendered four songs and. Judging from f ' .mount of applause she received, she " ii i.-Tve slvrn as many more. ""! hv May and company In a new sketch, ,"■ The Inspector from Kansas," did not ^.m to"me uTto expectations. (See New At 'i mi Anger, the witty comedian, In his hu- i« Herman soldier monologue, pleased m ?°!iv ills poUtlcal speeches about the erf?* 1 ;.- „'" « .scream, and kept the SffiS oaring vrith laughter. He was one *- .h. iniehln* hlt» of the bill. ot tV .e I uJkr - » latest sensation, "Visions DArt" featuring Flourette a beautiful and i L i„ vounc lady was a big feature * b Ti nonahue and Alice Marlon Stewart. . , ! , '^„«n.lcallty called "nim and Her," £ r * ° ««. While the singing of 5 Vrformance could easily bo cut out, ash ESS *«» bi « fea , ture - Jack fv* li,ninls dalce some, exerting an eccentrl,- SoVhBt brought h m plenty of applause. *M? and Mr* Thornton Frlel, In their In- tereliiug niral sketch called "Economy June- (inn " were well liked. The Strolling Players sang and played in « N,oi,mtlng way, earning plenty of encores 6 l\t Van der-Koors. Introducing "Fell;." the mind reading duck, was a sure cure for ih. WiuU All the burlesque magic performed went over nicely md got them many encores. "l.rnenso Brothers, recently returned from Europe, went big with their funny musical acrolatlc st unts. Cltv (Ben ^eo, mgr.) — Fair buslnes* nl lcs lien- in spite of the heat. The bill for Jnlv 11-13 had several novelties In vnuue- Title ami four reels.of Interesting motions. The l.oJ'> Troupe of five stocky acrobat-; tliowed some interesting work on the gionad Ind on their novel apparatus. On the paral- lel tight wires they performed many start line fiats, including a bridge by the five, with the little wiry topmounter as the key- stone of the arch. A, leap from a high Krcli onto a seesaw board py tie under- ttander sent the topmounter, waiting on be ether end, Into an armchair held by a third Dcmiier, after doing a perfect triple soniei- lault. The entire act met with heartiest I.owe and Devere are two energetic hell toys who sing and dance. "Waiting for the Robert K." is their first vocal offering, •iter they Introduced themselves with some lunar shop talk. A "Texas Tommy" bit Is followed by soft shoe evolutions and by a Cossack dance, nnd both finish In sailor loiK with the most approved hornpipe steps. Thomas and Ward, a colored gent and lady tartner. placed good black comedy talk on tlie tapis and the stuttering exclamations by the decidedly black buck, addressed to and replied to by his copper-colored partner, kept lbliigs agoing In tine style. He wore a full ares* coat with a high vest, but that didn't li.rt. A '•bumblebee' 1 song, an exchange of >oetrv nnd other pleasantries were well liked. The lady changed her suit and furnished a solo, to lie joined again by Mr. Thomas In c regular song and dance suit, to a good IdIsu and several bows. Geo. X. Wilson and Carroll Schroeder had a nice line of talk' about sundry tonics, start- tig with a ill tie flirtation. Sir. Wilson ssaj 'That's Why I Never Man-led." Miss fcebrofder sang "Oh, You Wonderful Boy." ind together they put over "The Love Kiss." vbU'h had done duty In burlesque last sea- ran. Miss Scbroeder la a pretty, stately woman, who was one of the good looking 'itiLclpals in the Knickerbockers, and si.e core a fine gown. Mr. Wilson looked and acted well hi his straight role. Itose Gordon and company had a little sketch wherein a young man in love with ''the girl," Induces bis friend to speak for Urn. The friend loves the girl, but on flnd- fcig that she loves (be other, unselfishly re- lotitccs her and helps them to their engage- ment. A pathetic finish ensues, where the friend is left outside, slowly crumbling up a rose given him by the girl, while the success- . Jiil lover Is singing to (he girl In the house. | lllss Gordon looked charming, and her two inlitants also worked well In their respo rre roles, especially the unselfish one. Scv- «ral songs are well placed In the act Doiies and liorell, a baritone and soprano, «ontr!huted another good singing act. Open- Z-Z 5?:th -Dreaming," they changed costumes •eveul times for their other songs, wblclt i-.i::ed "Good-Bye, Hose." and finished with '■■■»•■-* Itosle," a rag with a whirlwind ,.-'' a ' oicn earned them continued applause. .. * Gregorian Quartette of operatic vocui- 52 -*'o ladles and two men, made good In lie r vocal offerings, starting with "Lucia" testate, followed bv '-Moonlight Bay," with wlljutful variations; »ioth«T ?->-mtlc se- lect. ia. and iielr "Ann:'; T.r.-i\ to re- K'tid encores z-frl nu~ba- ?r .-ecu.ia. Mar* Ai-velle made an Immediate hit by *er soprano solo, in a neat white and green Kelth'a Union Square (Rimer F. Rogers, mgr.)—This week's hill nt the big time downtown bouse opened slow, but everyone telt he had bis money's worth at the end of the show. Kdgar Berger, an equilibrist, opened. Ills performance was nothing out of the ordinary, unless It lie the last stunt, in which he proved he has a limber body by twisting It around In a reckless fashion. James McCormack and Eleanor Irvlng's offering appears under New Acts. vVentwortb, Vesta and Teddy (n man, a woman and a dog) did an act made up of gymnastic stunts, in which the work of the dog excelled. Evans Lloyd and Grace Whitehousc really started the big time stuff. Lloyd's perform- ance at a piano and Miss Wbltehouse's bur- lesquing a song, got the first enthusiasm out of the audience. They closed strong. Carter De Haven, who has not been seen In vaudeville for sonic time, appeared here, and with the assistance of a young man and a grand piano, created a so-called riot on Monday afternoon. He dresses as well as anyone could, making three changes. Ills se- lection of gongs Is excellent, and his dancing is graceful as ever. Homer Mad and his company, in "The Opera Singer," gave their usual clever per- formance, but hot weather Is not suited to the pathetic In life, and as a consequence their reception was not as cordial as It usually is. An exceptionally clever young woman Is Fannie Brfce. She had the house with her from the first line of "Mammy's Shufllln' Dance" until she closed. She has a manner- Ism of her own which Is attractive. Her per- formance was a big success. The Four Itegals are men of great strength. One of them holda an anvil weighing three hundred pounds in his mouth, while two of the others pound It with large sledge ham- mers. Their work throughout Is astonish- ing. They do most of their work with jaw holds. i American (Charles S. Potsdam, mgr.)— The perspiring weather of last week had M effect on tho attendance at this house, and the change of bill taking place Thursday matinee. July 11, found another "full house on band. Murray and Scome, comedy jugglers, got by nlcoly with their offering. They sprung something new In the shooting of arrows Into the air ond catching same on what re- wmbled an apple fastened lo the wrists and one on the bock of the neck. It thrilled the audience some. Flc'ds and Clare, two peppery young girls, offered a neat singing and danclug act th-it caught the crowd Immediately. One of the girls In male attire rendered a catchy sonz concerning "Becky," i.nd scored fiucly, while her partner looked sweet in ankle length dress and "opry" cap, and sang "Won- derful Boy" as well. The girls sing well together and should have no trouble landing the "time." Rert Dawson and company, with Bert In a Yiddish role, had the "folks" breaking into the laugh column quite often. The act, "The Marriage Fee," is well worked out, but too much time is wasted between "doings." Edith Clifford! Here's a girl probably just spending a few weeks of the weather en- tertaining the small time audiences as sort of a treat. Edith has a taste for good songg and she knows how to ease them over to proper applause. "He's Just My Music Teacher" was a catchy opening number, and scored finely. Edith sang three others, and fctlll they wanted more. Fine! Bunth and Ituid, those "somewhat dlffei- ent" comedy magicians, were big favorites and won a hearty applause. Hammond and Forrester, one of the neat- est appearing singing and talking teams seen here for some time, were a bit handicapped with their position on the bill, and they found the crowd quite uneasy. No rcasoa for it, however, as this act Is good enough for any "time," and both are good entertain ers. "Bandy Legs" was a numb»r well sung, nnd the audience woke up and realized. Walter H. Browne aud company scored Another success In that prettv diainatic sketch, "His Father's Son.' Each of the four characters was finely acted, and they lung down to four or five curtain calls. Mason and Pierce, a man and a woman, in a smooth singing and a little dancing act, had no trouble scoring. The young woman of the team played an accordion capitally, and was compelled to repeat. Brown and Small, two "bear cat" young fellows, in putting 07er the raj staff, scored ivlth a crash in their s:ngl:r, a;c -acting of ■'Where You Coin'," "Mellow Melody" and •'Hypnotizing Men." A Ge~sn o=edy num- ber was a sure-tire hit by the sm:il;: man ot the team. Mnrgle Bennett and her sir ">?:?.'.s v-ancefl, danced, warbled and cut it" :: "»'-: it Us!:. 3* ail out front Marrie '.s -_n ;:. ::i;... ':••■ :.s girlie, and her "picia • give n«- 1r\ ->..?;?rt The Graces, nove-.ty iz.'.;:::.-*'* \ .: sco-.-cd alcely. lr.i:i; i'?- i.~'j J.i?77t w??= ""?.—.:; ix>ve. ' a 1'athe d.-ama; "The Schio: Teacher and the Wulf" (Bloernph) and "A Guardian's Luck," by the Kalem Film Company. The bill announced for the first half of the jown she stepped out smiling, and opened The bill announced for the first half of the *lth an operatic selection With. "Mine" wock beginning Monday matinee. July la, ln- •he took care of popular demand also with eluded: "A Mght on a Roof Garden,' De i A i_ "a*"**"*- OCIVkliUU, lllllf .UUlf mi v are of Popular demand, also with ii.i' ov r, ou '" an( ' f° r an encore she came tort with "When I Was Twenty-one and You were Sweet Sixteen." She could have stayed ouch longer. Conrad and Reed appeared as an Italian "ituo |K>dd!cr and as a newsbov. A piano iLui 0V( ' <1 out onto the sidewalk, and the jeaul.-r suddenly shows talent sb a pianist, Ertrtii llc " CW8 Ie shows that he can play tho in il.'i. TU ?, P'on'st sang "Wops. My Dear," «. *. an ^'"Ject, to a big hit. The violinist ic«u»i r , w ' tb ; several popular selections, ably Tr,,?n P » Bled b 3 r .. hl8 Partner m the medleys, i he act wns well liked. a bmJSS! were: "Portners for Ufo." Awfni , lm ! n , lal comedy (Edison) ; "Fate's Old L $• 1, 8h » w llfe Picture, nnd "Her Vlt 1 ^r t . 1 '. e,rt ^ a comic - with John Bunny (■■££"& i. ™« Man Inside." a Western Mn"l 2*5?»J and "«• Whirlwind Court- «"P. a co medy (Pathe). The 0 «"r b !f J J - Herbert Mack, mgr.)— Dan."''"^"c-onders Is In its sixth week. cli.ii- , < i?2 are & vai except Saturdays. Pletur^^i Edwa , rd Strauss, mgr.)—Motion f'cturesiand vaudeville. mies? 0r »' e ? ,h ., l,<re «« ('• Wesley Roaen- tiii,. n, 8 r ->—Motion pictures and vande- nu^T'™ Cb,p *««» (Winter Gnrden Co.. aSUnTv te-openlng of this house was WeUn,- n rt». from . aon . da J night. July 15. to Inz s ,n» y f", 0 ,?,'"!?' 3n] * 17 - wu en "the rW wffl l n. of , 10 L 2 ana " The Ba »et of 1830" Tr'xi i-?r oauccd - deluded In the cast are: ln.« vl K 1 nz ,!- Annl1 Wheaton, Shirler Kel- l".?rl„,hm M « ,Iare - Cn «r'es J. Ross, Evelyn Clirft. * , Moon a » d Morris. Emlle Agoust. *SZ^ t SSS m V9' Howard and Howard. HiiBh/, r\ nnt F i" a Allen - Adelaide nnd «»d OseaV Hc hwart'z Harvey ' iobyna Howland, b||f , ^^^ ^ '"™! , '^ Hockavwny Beach.—The t ides • i^ 0k .oegtnnlng Monday. July IS. In-' Hr,M n,'„ x, 0 " 8 ""d dog, Klein Bros, and Aiini 2„^ , «" er - ,,l,vea °nd Mosher, Minnie ""Hlni JTbo I "Callfor i ni : a 0 " PI,ny ' MC,V " 1<! mmSm ftSi* mgr) -vaudeville Homaitnteln's (William Ilnmmcrsteln, mgr.)—Mucii interest has been manifested by the patrons here In the first appearance of "Don." announced as a "talklne dog," which has been quite a sensation abroad In the music halls. "Don's'* accomplishments aro reviewed under New Acts in this Issue. The engagement of the dog Is considered of sufficient Importance to Justify bis being placed at the head of this week's billing. Houdlnl, in his sensational escapes from handcuffs, straltjarkets, etc., continues to In- terest the audiences here at all performances ■for his third successive week. The Ice skating of Grace Helane and Eddie Ilnssetr, and their bevy of pretty girls, Is still the big feature ot the night perform- ances on the roof, and has proved to lie i big "drawing" attraction of the Summer sea- son. Creatore's Band continues as an Important feature of the weekly bills here, and well de- served applause is sure to follow each num- ber of his well selected programs. Blossom, Seeley, well and favorably known to the patrons here, holds an important po- sition on this week's bill. Her songs on Mon- day were admirably suited to her voice and style of rendition, and she scored her usual happy hit. Howard and McCanc returned for another welcome from their legton of friends here, and their "classy" methods In putting over songs of Mr. Howard's own composition met with hearty response from, the two big audi- ences. The Jungman Family, who but recently made the metropolitan debut In a most skill- ful wire act, scored strongly. Composed ot three dainty girls and tw> expert male wirj walkers, they did rartivaeels and somer- saults with wonderful itrn.-e and precision. Their carrying and Jumping feata were also done neatly. The Bison City Qunrt?tt» were given the glad hand of welcome, and It Is a pleasure always to note that the conscientious and finished work of these talented comedians and vocalists never falls to receive the Just appreciation from those in front. Jarrow, the sleight-of-hand artist, who fol- lows no one's lead In the tricks he performs nor In the original "patter" which accom- panies them, succeeded in again mystifying Ills audiences completely. His "lemon" trick, likewise the one with the tobacco, are gems lu their way. Louis Stone has verified all the predictions which were made regarding his work when he first appeared here last season. He is the same diligent and unassuming young man In all that he does, and has become very popular here. Max's Burlesque Circus Is funny enough to make one forget the torrid heat which pre- vailed on Monday. Rem Brandt started the show going with his beautiful paintings, and the Swaln-Ost- man Trio, male acrobnts, brougbt It to a close. Henderson's Mnslc Hnll (Frank M. Faber, mgr.)—On account of excessive heat n very small crowd was on hand at the open- ing performance Monday matinee, July 15. The management Introduced for t'10 Coney Islandltes an exceptionally good bill. The I'alvln Bros., European novelty act, opened the bill with a very clev-jr acrobatic turn which met with the Immediate approval ot the audience. Their work on the double spring board was a real novelty, and the boys were a hit. Orr and Gallagher, offering a clever sketch, entitled "At the Bazaar," was very good from start to finish, both members of the team work well in double harness. The girl lu the act has a good voice, and the act scored. Bert Melrose, introducing the Melrose fall, was a real laugh from rise to fall of the curtain, and be was well liked. Sully and Husscy shared honors with Nat Wills. They work up a lot ot good chatter, t>ni both boys have good voices, sing their songs well, and were a tremendous hit. John T. Doyle and company. In the police romance, "Putting it Over, gave a real clever offering. Mr. Doyle, as chief of de- tectives, was very clever. George Schaffer, as the chief's secretary, scored. Harry Hugenot, as Michael Donovan, was good, and Marlon Wlllard, as the suspect, was a real hit. Harvey and De Vora, with the assistance of a pickaninny (John Dough), sailed along Ju good style and scored. Joe Keno and Bosk Green are always big favorites, and It was necessary for the team to prolong their act four or five minutes be- fore the audience would let them go. Enough said. Nat SI. Wills just tramped himself into the same popular favor with his bobo stuff. Many new parodies and witty sayings made him the big hit on the bill, which he well do- st rred. T.-r >5ev»r and Bros, closed the show with ?. >:tT?=r! ?" rrlrt'i and ::tn!ltv. Yore. Herman and Stone, Major Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrry Tborne and company, Mona, Murray, Love and Campbell, the Kuma Fam- ily. Cornelia and Wilson, and Rose Kelly. New Brlchton (David Robinson, mgr.)— The hill for week beginning Monday, July 15, Includes: Stella Mayhcw and Ulllec Taylor. Bud Fisher. Belle Story, Molnsso's "Rose of Mexico," Donovan and McDonald, Victor, Hurry Tlghe and company, Florence Modcnn and company, Lcs Gougcts, Archie Onii and company, Oake Sisters, and Falls and Falls. Plnm (David Benjamin, mgr.)—Loew vaudeville and motion pictures. Proctor's Flfty-elKktli Street (F. F. Proctor, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaude- ville. Bill for July 1017: Martini and Trolse, Grey and Peters, Oriole Trio, Caufleld and Driver, Robert Emmett Keanc and Shaw's animals. Bill for 18-21: Hazel and Hazel, Manchester Bros., Curtis Trio, John A. But- ler and company, Soula, and Nelson's Rube Minstrels. Brighton Beach Music Hall (Chas. S. Breed, mgr.)—The bill for week of July 15 Includes: Carrie De Mar, Bonlta and Hearn, Raymond and Caverly. Coverdale and White, Fred and Adele Astalre, Joe Jackson, John Gelger, Pendleton Sisters, and Isblkawa Japs. Grand Street (Harry Beekmao, mgr.)— Vaudeville and motion pictures. Herald Square. — Motion pictures and photoplays are the offerings. Comedy (Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Motion pictures and illustrated songs. Greeley Sqaare (Julius Bernstein, mar.) —The bill for July 15-17 Includes: Edgar Alien and company, Hammond and Forrester, ("arietta, Geo. Leonard and company, and others. , ., . Manhattan (Wm. Oane, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. LoevrV Delancer Street (BernardFrank, raer )—Vaudeville nnd motion pictures. BUI announced for July 15-1T : Hilda noltlns and company. Josephine Rellls, Felix. Mile. Martha and Oily, and others. ' Keeney's Third Avenue (Ed. J. Mc- Mahon, mgr.) — Vaudeville and new motion pictures. *'-"><:tOT't< r-vrenty-tliiru Streec (Frank .i?-cu. mgr.)—A fair sized audience Friday afternoon, July 12. A novelty shown by the Manchester Bros, wns Gaandcr Humanus. an "iron man," who rides a bicycle, walks around the stage and does various other things thnt every well regulated "automaton" Is supposed to do. Caufleld and Driver appeared In an Irish comedy sketch, entitled "The Section Boss." The Curtis Trio, composed of a young -woman and two young men, pleased with their singing. One of the men plays the piano and Joins in the singing. They dress nicely, the young lady making several changes. Salvator, a harp player, played selections from the well known operas and popular pieces of to-day. Roberta and De Vera, In a singing and Jug- gling act, were well liked. The young man in this act Is a Juggler of quite some ability, ii nd working alone should become well known. Hazel Richmond and company, In a com- edy sketch, "The Editor," nut over some good laughs, ana were welt liked. Hazel and Hazel did not appear, owing to Illness. Their plsce was taken by Australian Almla. a magician. He appears In full even- ing dress on full stage. His work Is very good. Bill for 15-17: Toki Muratl, the Colliers. Hilton and Bannon, Gretcben Spencer, Hal Davis nnd company. Smith, Volk and Cronln, nnd Hermany's animals. For 18-20: Combls Bros.. Connery and Le Gnult. Amelia Hum- mcrvlllc and company, Dorothy Meutber, Hwat Mllllgan company, Coyne and Lee, and Killnrney Girls. « Globe (Harry Kline, mgr.)—"The Rose Maid" is in Its thirteenth week. Monday night, July 15, was the one hundredth time this play was given, and In addition to tho regular cast there appeared Alice Lloyd, Gene Luneska, Elgle Bowen, Dolle Dalnert, Rock and Fulton, Louis Mann, Eddie Foy, Tom McNnughton. Lionel Walsh and Thomas Conkey. Souvenirs were distributed among the audience. Savoy (Rosenberg Broi., mgrs.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Moulin Hosge (Harry Harris, mgr.)— "A Winsome Widow" Is In its fifteenth week. Win. Cnlller'a Corned r (8am S. k Hliuliert. Inc., mgrs.) — "Bunty Pulls the Strings" Is in Us fortr-first week. Fox (Samuel F. Kingston, mgr.)— Thrc« WctkM is this week's attraction by the stock company. The stock company closes 20. I'lnyhunHc (William A. Brady, mgr.) — "Bought nnd Paid For" 1b In its forty-third week. Lyceum (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)—Motion pictures of Paul J. Ualney's African hunt began the fourteenth week July 1.1. Mntlnees are given on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days. Madlaon Square Roof Garden.—This roof garden, with a three ring cabaret show and open air dancing, began the sixth week July 13. Lincoln Sqonre (Chas. Ferguson, mgr.) —The bill announced for first half of the werk beginning July 15 Includes: Carpentler Bros., Sherer and Dllwortb, Ruth lleckiv, Hon Air Trio, and others, atd the usual mo- tion pictures. West Bnd (J. R. Cookson. mgr.)— Bill for this week Is a new production, pre- sented for the first time, entitled' "The lload to Mandalay." Foe next week, "The Easiest Way." Kelih'a Harlem Opera Hnnae (F. Soil- man, mgr.)—Business here continues big for this time ot tb<- year. The bill for this week includes: Clara Thropp, Dixon and Mills, Rose Tiffany and company, Herbert nnd Lnng- wi-ed Sisters, Musical Loreattas, Chester Kingston, Vlday aud Hawley, "Dixieland" ond Plwltt _ Praetor's One Hundred nnd Turn- D-flfth Street (J. Holsteln, mgr.)—The bill for 15-17 Includes: Amelia Sumincrvllle and company, Killnrney Girls, Coyne and Lee, Combls Bros., Madge Hughes, Swat Mll- llgan company, nnd Connery nntl I.e (Juult. For 18-20: Tokl Muratl. tho Colliers, Hilton and Bannon, Ruth Allioy, Hal Davis and company, Smith, Volk nnd Cronln, and Her- many's animals. Metropolis (It. W. Little mgr.)—Closed for the season July 13, and the lnniingcmint reports a most prosperous one. Tho house will re-open early In August. Praaneet (Frank Gerstnn, mgr.) — Big business continues. Tho stock offers for this week "Uncle Tom's Cabin," with "The Woman In the Case*' to follow. KlM'hty-slxth street (Lee Govern, mgr.) —Vaudeville and motion pictures continue to attract good sized audiences. Loew**"Seventh Avenue (C. Seward*, mgr.)—This house Is usually crowded. The bill for the week commencing July 15 In- cludes: Tho Quaker Girls, James lliniulebo, Georgia. Four, lies Jennetes, Felix. Vlr- torlne and Lola, Carpentler Bros., Healey nnd Adams, Gene and Arthur, nnd Knapp und Comelln. HnrtlK A- Seaman's Mnsle Hall (Ham Ilurtlg, mgr.)-—Motion pictures will continue at this house until the opening of the regu- lar season. National (Harry Loew, mgr.)—Illll for this week includes: Joe Carroll, Brown anil Harris, Healey and Atlnms, Rena Stanton, I.evnrda, McOInnls Bros., and Geo. Leonard. Yorkvllle (F.ugene. Myers, mgr.) — Big business continues here. Rill for tills week: Carlton Sisters, Selieek ami D'Arvllle, Wlll- Inrns and Gordon Smith and Clininnlnn, Luzon Curtln nnd Luzon, Stelner Trio, MOM, Marshall Tibbie, Ed. F. Raeey and company, JCdlth Clifford and Cornelia and Wilbur. Gotham (Lcp. Solomon, mgr.)—Business continues line at this house. The bill for the week: The Conders, Finn and Ford, Car- ineln Trio, Haywood Sisters, Harney Williams, Clarion Moore, Florence Farr nnd company, I.undls aud Knowles, and Billy Barlow. Riverside (Herman Goldman, mgr.)— The bill for this week Includes: l.n Verne Bros.. Tetagroph Three, the Conders, Firm and Ford, Carmela Trio, Haywood Sisters, Barney Williams nnil Clarion Moore. Wanhtngton (Harry Thorns, mgr.)— The bill for this week Includes: "My OIBcn Hours," Rodgers and Donovan, the Dcniacna, Scott and Lattlmore, Lee and Allen, and Francis Leonard. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—Fine business. The bill for this week includes: Helen Vin- cent, Brown and Barron, Gommley and Caf- f rey, and the Wagner Four. Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—This house Is crowded most of the time, and one Is always assured of a good entertainment, botli In vaudeville and pictures. Brooklyn, IV. Y.— J-'ulton (A. M. Llgliton. mgr.) high class vaudeville and the latest photoplays, to good business. SHuriEnT (L. J. Rodriguez, mgr.)—Loew vaudeville, program changed Mondays and Thursdays, continues popular here. Bijou (George Schenck. mgr.)—This the- atre will remain open all Summer, presenting Loew vaudeville. Db Kai.d (Leon T. Carpenter, mgr.)— Vaudeville and pictures. The bill for the week commencing Monday. July 15, Includes: Kmpress Troupe, McBrlde, Sherry and Proc- tor, Holmes and Stanley. Ramon and Haw- kins, O'Brien and Mathews, and Hawthorne and Jackson. OxKont (Cyrus Gale, mgr;—Photonluys and vaudeville. (Fd.vard Strauss, mgr.)—Vaude- ville ind xot'.oc pictures, Ji>M.i' IM. T. Jones, mgr.)—Vaudeville and photoplays Fifth Avexuu (M. H. Snxe, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Royal (Marcus Loew, mgr.)—-The latest pictures. Folly (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Columbia. (A. Slchel, mgr.)—Six vaude- ville acts aud pictures. Olympic (Herman Wacke, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Comkuy (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville nnd pictures. LiNDRV (A. XI. Schwartz, mgr.)—Four vaudeville acts and the latest photoplays. Program changed twice weekly. FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES. The Fidelity Rooking Offices, New York, anno-ince that the opening of their Kastern and Western offices will not occur uut'l Sept. 1. 1012. la the men.i time the organ- ization work for the two branches, on" ot which will more than likely to located la Boston, In setting nlonc nicely. The Fidelity Booking Offices are handling from two hundred and fifty to three hundred acts every week, and among recent engsire- inents appear the following: Montague's Comedy Cockatoos, Vivian llano and com- lj.iny. the Young Hitters. Chester Johnstone, Harvard and Cornell, the Great Alrln and company, La Herldii, L* Rex and La Rex. Nellie Lytton, Welda and Herono, Byrd and Vance, Knillle Sisters, "The Operator" Co., Harry Doylen and the Miller Sitters, Bar- rows nnd Burrows, Wrlcht and Clayton, Dunsworth aud Voids, Frauk Elmo and Bob Chantrcll. Schuyler and company, Manello and Wolfe, Knapp and Knapp. Suzanne, Carter and company. Clayton Sitters, Ru- dolph!, the Great Krelger, Lorlnier John- stone and Ka'harlne Omh Co., KammMa Andlz Brown and Brown, Qnlnn and Qulnn, Stlth nnd Gardner. Bijou Comedy Trio, the Oreat Fonrcher, Ernest Duplllle. Pauline Robinson, Human and Newton, Tanner and Potter, Alice Latnonl, Hussey nnd De Long, Captain Lewis, Adams and Clark, James De- vote, Mite. Roslta, Hale. Hale ft Oale's Min- strel Co., of sixteen people, Including band and orchestra. < >» wm. sionni» eoma again. Wm. Morris sails for Hurope July 28. Hll return abroad after so short a stay here'will probably set the rumor factories busy again. SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED New and Second Hand scenery In Stork MURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO HURRAY HILL TI1FATKK, N. Y. WALTKR M.VIKV, Mftr. Tel. 3863 Mill. Illll NEW YORK THEATRES. PROCTOR'S 5th AVE. B'WAY AND 2Sth ST. Dally Mat. 2Ac 2 CONCERTS SUNDAY. BRSSIK WYKNf, OLIVE HAY and CO., Donahue and Stewart, The Hro:l- Ing PI»yer«,V Uloas D'Aii, Ua Anger, Hr. and V.r . Thornton Frlel, The V»«- dsrkoors, Cloroenso Bros. COLUMBIA THEATRE BROADWAY, 47th STREET, N. Y. This week. The Merry On Rounders* WM. A ..».<. rUYHOKSli Ergs. 8.10. Mats, Wed. and Bought and Paid For ■antr> Street, East of Broadway. Tel.,wasUrj»ut. Ergs. 6.10. Mats, Wed. aud Sat., at 2.10. Direction WILLIAM A. BRAUT, Ltd. William Collier' tlst Kastof B'w*y.Tel..HM Bryant. Evg. Mats. Tues., Tliura. A S»t., 3.U. , Comedy Bunty Pulls The Strings WELD HOliLII, mm «BS&8T Mata, Wed. A Sat. lit. Smoking Permitted. A ZlKOFKLD ENTERTAINMENT "A WIME WIDOW 75 Iff Staged by Julian Mitchell WOSUERKUh 0MORU8 75 B. V. KKlTH'S UNION SQ. THEATRIJ. B'wsy A It'll St. i'hotie 44(10 Htoyvertauc Matinee Dally ttc; Nights, ac. to 11 oo BACK TO THE OLD POLICY OF HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE STARS CULLED FROM ALL PARTS OK THE WORLD r T Look for quality at the right •- price- Tell your wants tc the J Manager of the TRUNK SCENERY DEPT. LEE LASH STUDIOS I! 39th and Broadway, N. Y. »j CAB ARET HE WS. UWm SQUARE HOOP. If jou dance the turkey trot, yon are 'wry lichliid the tlrui-H. Why, do you know th.:C Mare Antony and C'leormtra, tnirty-ndd yes . II. C, triiipi'd this syncopated two-step lu ti.j holy lands, to sweet strains of a Houuin-uom . btilnif orchestra, on a stone floor lu t'..,- Temple of Mirth, in Muhyion (not 1.. 1.1. h. It. Tobin, of Mlluukee, wis., can prove th.t insert Ion, and at tbi> present tluic has - htune Hour, ldi iitical with thut upon which B..' I toman warriors nnd the fnlr ditmcx of J • olden times tripped the light fantastic- 11 Hsbylon. Imuglne (lancing on a atouc Hut;', ns slippery uuugliisa.v aa a specially J ballroom lluor. At un enormous sum S. 1'.. Tohln bought this secret composition, nil has one of the stone doors layed on the MaC- srm Hynnru ltoof. upon which the patrons <.' Ills three-ring cabaret pnluce can dnuce In tfc • pule moonlight their favorite figures. U ■ sides this, a- full ten act cabaret bill ln>lt: t forth nightly, alio, some ot the beat t;iK-..t money can procure entertains between BaWRA \vh:!e co'.iis beverage* an served. This new rendezvous Is one of New Yorlt'r mosi; popular reaorls at the prvaulii: t.aie The roof is handsomely decorated, colin ! lights are thrown upon the dancers, niakl=.{ u very oretty sight. The cabaret entertainment Includes: C'lia:i. Lincoln (tenor), Wm. Olson (buas), .Ml i Holm (character singer), Mlas Ilnhr (clas- sics), Raima Hlnger (popular songs i. Ml-< Temple and Lola Leslie. An orchestra ti twelve furnishes the music, . AT KELLY'S CA11 AltET. L. Wolfe HHbert and his troupe of rm- ulatsrts are putting over the entertainment at the popular Coney Island resort, "opposlt • Stauch h. The "Itohert K. Lee'' number, ■with, singers cropping up nt unexpected places, even from the skylight, with the \rlml • troupe finishing on the platform, Is a big lilt whenever nut on. Lewis I-. Mult- was a visitor July 1.1, an'! tin; big resort was crowded continually. Mr. (Jllbi-rt la fast increasing his popularity. STAGE MAXACIEIl SHOT. Tacoua, Wash., July 10.—The Infatuation of Otto \V. 1'lnce, aged twenty-four, fo- Carrie Lowe, a member of the Seven Avlatcr Ulrls, playing l'antages' Circuit culminated last night In the shooting of II. 1*. Kraerv, stage manager of the l'antages Theatre, l'urt- luiul. by 1'lnce.. l'lnce attctnnted to get Into the theatre, but was refus<>d admittance to the stage by Kmery, when be drew a revolver and ahot the stage manager, the bullet entering hlj ulslomen. l'lnce was captured later, and claims Hmery "butted Into) bis-affairs.' In jail he laugbe-.l and bragged of nU good aim. Ills victim Is In a critical condition. During the stay of the company In this city, dozens of letters were received by Ml».i , and some became so threat- police were notified. One "You aro" the girl I love, and you know It nnd I know It, and If yon wtll meet me In the lobby of the? Mason Hotel, near the little park, I will be inurrled to you by Jack Itob- lilns, of rurtlnnd. (Signed) 0. W. Plncc." I »♦ CONSIOIMB IN CALIFORNIA. John W. Conslillrie, head of the Sullivan 4 Consldlne vniiili-vllle circuit, arrived In Los Angeles, Cat., July 9. An announcement ot the plans regarding the building of a new Empress Theatre in that city will be made soon. ' city, dozens of let Lowe froaaPlnce, i enlng tbafwhe i letter readtT (' «.