The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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6 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.(LlmlUd) raortirroit, ALBERT J. BOBIB bwtciiai. ahd Butariss Maiusm NEW YOBK, JULY 20, 1912 ■attend JmM it. 1878, it the Pott Office at Rtw Tor*. N. T., at second elm matter, under Uw act 8 Much S, 1879. WINTER GARDEN SHOW OPENS JULl 17. The new Winter Oardcn production, origi- nally announced for IS, was postponed to 17. The bill will Include "The Passing Sbow of 1012" and "The Ballet of 1830." . The cast for "The Passing Show of 1012" Includes: Trlxle Frlganza, Charlotte Green- wood, Anna Wbcaton, Jobyna Howland, Shir- ley Kellogg, Ilyla Allen, La Petite Adelaide, Charles J. Iloss, Willie Howard, Eugene How- ard, Evelyn Beerbohm, Sydney Grant, Albert S. Ilcwson, Moon and Morris, Ernest Hare, Oscar Bchwarz, Edward Cutler, Rosalie Ce- balloB, Florence Cable, Mae Dealy, Kitty Kyle, Marie Lloyd, Isabelle Jason, Olga Hemp- stone, Bllllc Claggett and Fanny Kldston. The principals for "Tho Ballet of 1830," alt AdvertJaement*—12.80 per loci, tingle eolomn. of whom appeared In tho original production Advertisements set with border, 10 per ct. extra, at the Alhambra Theatre, London, are Emlle subscription. Agoust, Nellie Brown, Qrevlllc Moore, Kmll OM year, la advance, «4; the months. 12; three Z»i?h a^ B. anfrettt. p Harold A. Attrldge, and the music Is by Louis A. Hlrsch. Each character will be the embodiment of some well known character of •tootfcfT |1". Outda and foreign poitage eitrt, single coplea will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents. ■ ' Oar Terms owe Ctvsh. THB dmppkr is teoed every Wednesday maniac. The Bret and last four pagea QO TO PRESS os FBI DAY, and the other pages on MONDAT. Tho Forma Closing- Promptly on MONDAY, at 0 P. M. Plena remit by express money order, check. P. O. order or regtitered letter. All etih enclosed with letter Is at risk ot tender. Address All Communications to THB HEW YORK CLIPPER. 47 Weat 28th Street, New York. Tel. 2 27 4-M • ill son. X tttoerii gabl e Addrt u, "AornoxtTt." THB WESTERN BUREAU of Taa Currm It located st Boom 805. Ashland Block, Chicago, Warren A. Patrick, manager and correspondent. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at U Leicester Street. I^lcetter Square. London, W. O.; Henry George Ulbhert, manspr and correspondent. Trb atom osw as ormnrn wbolbsau axn imn, at on agents, Brentano't news depot, 87 Avenue de l'Opera, Ptrlt, France; Diamond Newt Os., 128 Prado. Havana; Manila Book tnd Sta- tionery Co., 128 Rseolta, Manila, P. I. THB NEW YORK CLIPPER pabllsmee only one edition, and that la dated from New York. ANSWERS T O CORRE SPONDENTS. DRAMATIC. A Constant Reader. —We do not know tho Iiresent whereabouts of party. Address him n care of this office and wc will advertise the litter In Tub Clipper letter list. A, Us—He is alive? J. H.—The Standard or the Century dic- tionary, and almost any encyclopedia, will give you what you want. These books can be referred to at any public library. J. O'D., New Brunswick.—Arthur C. Sid- man died Aug. 12, 1(101. at Biggins Beach, Me. Death was caused by lung trouble. AVIATION NOT AN AMUSEMENT. In the early development of the "airship" it was believed by many that It would become a popular amusement feature of fairs, carni- vals and other outdoor exhibitions, and for a short time the public curiosity was aroused and the various flying meets were largely patronised, thus giving color to the thought that here was a novel amusement feature that would hold the public Interest for years to come. Tho long scries of appalling dis- asters which have overtaken the aviators In varloim parts of the world have caused tho public to pauso and wonder whether aviation can be regarded as an amusement. It is quite true that there Is a morbid desire in people to sco marvelous acts performed, and the more dangerous tho acts appear tho more tboy are sought after. This, however, nppl'cs only so long as no fatal accident occurs; tho people like to see a thrilling, dangerous uot, but they breathe a slgb of relief when It is concluded without accident. The tragic fate of so many aviators, boom of them tho most expert In the business, has convinced the public that aviation Is far too serious a science to bo regarded as an amuse- ment, and consequently there are now very few exhibitions given for the benetlt of the a urn Keiiiuit -loving public. Aviation will un duubtedly continue to develop along scien- tific lines, and will, perhaps, eventually reach a stage where the danger will be cither wholly or In part eliminated, but until then It cannot be regarded as an amusement. Various features of It may be adapted to acts from time to time without any danger to life or limb, tbat may become attractions and secure popular recognition | but In Its present stage aviation Is purely scientific, and when Ihe correct principle of flying Is discovered the most wonderful possibilities arc In r.tore for It. By It modern warfaro may be revolutionized and the problem of ' real rapid transit may be solved. • «)•» GOOD BILL AT MORRISON'S. Among those who appear on this week's bill at Morrison's Kocknway Beach, L. 1., are: Sam Mann and company, in "The New Leader;" Mosher, Hayes and Moshcr, comedy wheelmen; Melville and lllgglns; Minnie Allen, comedienne; Klein Brothers and Sibyl Brennnn, Adonis and dog, nnd "California," the musical comedy. I ■ *> WM. GILLETTE RETURNS. Wm. Gillette returned from Europe 13, after a pleasant tour. lie stntcd that he bad not formed any definite plans for next season. s he » SAVAGE! ENGAGES HARRIS. Wadsworth Harris has been engaged by Henry W. Savage for the part of Nobody, * "Everywoman," for next season. ■ l > In the stage or person prominent In the public eye.- The role portrayed by Mr. Boss, for example—that of "the strenuous citizen"— Is a dual personality made up of the beggar in '■Kismet," Roosevelt and the husband, In "Bought and Paid For." There are travesties on "Bought and Paid For," "Bunty Pulls the Strings." "Kismet," "The Quaker Girl," "A Butterfly on the Wheel." "The Typhoon," "Officer COO," "The Pirates of Penzance" and "The Woman." One of the picturesque scenes will be the harem room in "Kismet," with sixteen girl swimmers. "The Passing 8how ot 1012" will serve for introducing specialties. Among these, Adelaide and Hughes, and Moon and Morris, in new dances. The production has been staged by Ned Way- burn. "The Ballet of 1830" Is 'rom the Alham- bra Theatre, London, with the original prin- cipals and ballet. Including Kmtl Agoust, Nellie Brown, Grevllle Moore, Emlle ZaJah and E. Zanfretta, In all eighty dancers. « ■» ONE HUNDRED FOR "ROSE MAID." A gala performance of "The Bose Mold" occurred July IS, to celebrate the one hun- dredth time at the Globe Theatre and the all Summer run in New York of this operetta. Managers Wcrba It I.tieschcr presented all the stars together for this one night only. The regular comnnny sang the principal roles, while the Worba-Luoschcr stars ap- peared In minor roles, and Introduced fea- tures for which they arc famous. Christie MncDonnld, star of "The Spring Maid," was one of the heiresses with but one line to speak. Louis Mann was seen as tbe comic French hotclkeeper; Alice Lloyd, who closed her starring tour In "Little Miss Fix- It," In Boston, 13, in addition to playing a small part, sang "Splash Me" nnd other song hits. Tom MacNaughton appeared as one of the guards and introduced bis "Three Trees," from "The Spring Maid." Gene Luneska, of "Tbe Soring Maid," was one of the heiresses; Clara Llpman, who will star next season In "It Depends on the Woman," played a French maid; IOlglc Ilowen ployed one of the "Kute Kiddles;" Thomas Conkey appeared with Lu- neska, In "Two Little Love Bees." from "Tbe Spring Mnld," nnd Lionel Walsh, the eccen- tric English comedian, who Is also to be starred by Wcrba k Lucscber next season, played the small part of the English waiter nnd snng his "My Word" song, from "Little Miss Fix-It." 4 > > THB JUBILEE ITALIAN GRAND OPERA CO. This company, numbering sixty children, will piny stock opera, Including "Tales of Hoffmann," "The Gelsba," "Carmen," "Tbe Mikado," etc. (every night a different opera). There Is no adult In the company,- ballet, chorus and principals, all being taken by youngsters. They carry elaborate scenery and costumes. Impresario Richard I'ltrot, the spe- cial American representative for tbe company, has made arrangements with Manager Orcen- wnll, of the American Theatrical Exchange, for a tour In America. They will open Sept. in. for four weeks or longer, at the Green- wall, New Orleans. 4 i » OPERA ON TOUR. The special sar company which Is to pre- sent the Gilbert and Sullivan operas on tour, under tin- management of the Messrs. Shu- bcrt and William A. Brady, started July IS. the organization, Including one hundred and ten people, remaining on the train until it reaches Snn Francisco, July 10. The operas to be presented arc "The Mikado," "Pina- fore," "Patience" nnd "The Pirates of Pen- nance." The company is the same as that seen In New York, nnd will open In Son Francisco July 21, nt the Cort. The tour will last until next Spring, when It will re- turn to New York for additional Gilbert and Sullivan productions. ♦ «» MANAGER A SUICIDE. Word was received In this country from London, last week, that the coroners jury returned a verdict of suicide, July 11, In tho case of C. Dundas Sinter, the theatrical man- ager, who took his life recently. A letter, which was found on the body of the man, told of his Intentions to end bis life. Ac- cording to the widow, Slater was In financial trouble and had threatened suicide. * »» HAMMERSTEIN WILL STICK. At tho conclusion of the London Opera House, July 13, Oscar Iliiinnierstelii stilted in his speech that his losses for seven months were f2!>0.000. He stntcd also that tho thought of withdrawing was an absolute horror to him, nnd that bo could not do so. lie has decided to give another season of grand opera In the Fall, starting, probably, lute in November. »i» PLAYWRIGHT ARMSTRONG'S FARM. rntil Armstrong, the playwright, has pur- chased " a the raising of stock and produce oh a large scale. Mr. Armstrong Is writing n play for Ilolbrook Bllnn, entitled "The Pirate." a) ■» 11A Tin: WILLIAMS AND RICHARD CARLE TO OPEN NEW HOUSE. LOTTV CRABTREE SAILS. "Lotta" sailed for Europe, from Boston, Isstweek^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OUT OF TOWN NEWS OrNrOUVJSTA.'M. Between the hot nave and occasional downpours tbe outdoor rnwrt men were given a sad twist during tbe second week In July. Cool nights were life-savers for tbe parched city. Picture shows ire still getting a fair share ot patronage, >nd Bome of tbe resorts confess to tbe power of the motion picture by giving free exhibitions. Tbe Zoo wss the last to pty this tribute to tbe power of the photoplay. Zoo (Walter Draper, mgr.)—The Ben Greet Players will commence their second week at Wood- land Theatre, under the trees, July 15, when "Twelfth Night," for the matinee, and "She Stoops to Conquer," at night, will be staged. Business last week was good In tbe face of un- favorable weather conditions. John C. Weber's Prize Band give concerts 14. Chester Pans: (Iaaac If. Martin, mgr.)—Ar- thur, Richards and Arthur heart tbe hill at the Opera House 14. Others: Virginia Grunt (My Lady Dulnty), Jnck Ward and Ertille Weber, Spell- man's ootnedy dogs, and Van Noss Troupe. At the clubhouse, "Rags" Fuller, Bud Remington and Eva Wilbur give a cabaret show. Const Island (Joseph J. Glrard, mgr.)—Tho Ms 1 vern Troupe of acrobats will occupy the arena 14. In the slrdome theatre on Lake Como: Th» Three Longs, Harry Lake, Mnrnell ami Melrose. Burt "Gone'' Meiburn, and the Valdoa Troupe of trained dogs will be seen. Ludlow Laoooh (John J. Weaver, mgr.)—W. E. Douglas's wild Weat begun tbe second week's engagement 14. Tbe show pleiaed good crowds 1IIH t WW* at B. P. Keith's (Charles L. Doran mgr.)—The I.a Belles head tbe Summer bill promised 14. Others include: Tbe Omega Trio, Bollcy, Hall and Burnett, and the Three Franks. Puttie's Weekly and other motion pictures. GlANO Ofbba House (McMahan ft Jackson, mgrs.)—Three Marx Brothers nnd company, Henry Rego, Mabel Blondell, Von Jerome and Three Har- ris Brothers come 14. Motion pictures. Rivck's Or-mii. House, Ltiio, New I.tceum, EMrissfl, Fauily and Ryan's Centuiiv, all regu- lar nooses, are still giving motion picture shows. BCHMEH NOTES. The Lyjic's preliminary season will begin the •middle of August and run for five weeks. Lyman Howe's pictures are to be shown. Col. James k. Fsnnbrsy, of tbe Lyric-People's forces, has gone East with bis wife. They have been enjoying life at the Fennessy farm at Spring Lake, Ky., and will get a taste of tbe metropoli- tan feast before the regular season opens here. Tub Hawaiian Four are singing at the Blue Grass Inn every evening. Tin lAHinr of tbe People's Theatre 1b being remodeled and brightened. Tub Cbester Park people are already preparing for Irish Day, Aug. 18, and Prof. Farrell's Pitts- burgh Band of Irish bagpipers will coma on for the celebration. Cleveland, O.—Colonial (II. B. McLaugh- lin, mgr.) week of July IS, tbe Colonial Stock Oo. will give "Seven Days," which has never been teen here at popular prices. The stock com- pnny has met with good success In Its two weeks of Berlous work, and It Is honed that good com- edy will be a great drawing feature. Ofesa House (A. P. Harts, mgr.)—Week ot 15 the feature of the bill will be "The Garden of Allah." the film tbut has attracted ao much fa- vorable notice. The regular bill includes: Six vuudevllle nets and pictures. Keith's IIiit-odroue (II. A. Daniels, mgr.)— Week of in, Tom Terris' "Dream Walts" will be tho headllner. Other features not announced. Stab (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.) Is closed for the Summer Amiahiika (P. K. Farnsworth, mgr.)—Week of IS. the Temple Male Quartette will render popular selections, in addition to the feature dims and or- gan solos. Tbu singing of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Guenther the present week has been un- usually flue and much enjoyed by large houses. Kniok nauocKEii (B. N. Downs, mgr.)—Week of IS, several first time films are promised for this week, In addition to the musical program. Luna Pabk. —Week of IS, a new ballet, "The Daughters of Allah," was put on Sunday after- noon ; QuglJotta's Band will furnlah music. The Peer Bros., Arabian acrobats, will feature, nnd Louis Battel and several acts at the American Theatre. Notes. —The anti-fly campaign now on here Is being ably assisted by the pictures being shown In the Hippodrome, 0|>eru House. Alliiiiubra, nnd other places, of the work of White Whigs remov- ing piles of refuse covered with flies, and show- ing conditions where swarms ot flics were circu- lating from animal refuse Into neighboring kitch- ens. Films showing the fly us an Individual on a large scale and ns a carrier of disease', and how young files are bred, are made plain to people who Notes.— The Lubln Stock Co. of twenty-six people ore making a six weeks' visit here, taxing motion pictures In and around Portland ana tne Cnpe Shore. Ethel Clayton nnd Harry 0. Mien bend the company, with Barry O'Nell as director. Will J. Deane'waa a recent visitor here and at Schngo Lake, Me. Los Angeles, C«L—Majestic(Oliver Mo- rosco. mgr.) Kolb and Dill, in "Dream City," week of July 14. PusDANK (Oliver Moroeco, mgr.)—Blchurd Ben- nett and the Burhnnk' Stock Co., In "The Deep Purple," week of 14. ■ ».;_ Belasco (Oliver Morooco, mgr.)—John Barry- more and Belasco Co.. in "The Honor of the Family," week of IS. " Lyceum (Thos Baker, mgr.)—May Boley and Fischer's Follies Co., In ''The Yankee Prince," It* definite. "Pinafore" Is In prevsratlon. Oapiiicv (Clarence Drown, mgr.)—Bill ror week ot 16: Frank Keenan. Kremka Bros., Sa- lerno, Princess Bojab, the Rttchles. Bert Leslie and company, Mountain Ash Mole Choir, and Al. and Fanny Stedman. -■ . RurriKs. (Dean Worley, mgr.)—Bill fot 8 ana week included: Barrows-Lsucaster company, Nat Csrr, Lace and Luce, Herron nnd Douglas, Mar- ron and Hlnes, and Harry Thriller. I'antaoeb'.— Bill for 7 ami week Included: Bow-wow No. 2, Louise George, Krnest Alvo Troupe, S'nni Hood, Leroy and Cnhlll, Frank A. Treuor and company, and the Democratic Con- vention, In moving pictures. Auditorium (L. b. Behymer, mgr.)—Durbar and the coronation. In Klnemncolor. Indefinite. Notes. — By nrrangementa completed 6, Ern- est shljimau, tbe well known theatrical mana- ger, becomes business msnager of the Eagan School Mortimer Lasaril, of this city, will mnnnge the road tour of Mme. Mareella's company nest season Frank Le Forge wilt be Mme. Sembrlch's accompanist next season. Detroit, Mich. — Detroit (B. 0. Whitney, mgr.) the Sheehsn English Opera Co. played to liberal patronage week of July 8. Gassiok (R. H. Lawrence, mgr.)—Tho Bon- stelle Stock Co., In "Tbe Deep Purple," enter- tained good sited houses week ot 8. "The Lady from Oklahoma" week of 15. Avsni'B (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)—The Ori- entals, with Tony Kennedy, drew line business week of 7. The Hector Burlesquers week of 14. Teiu'i.e (J. U. Moore, mgr.)—Business was. big week ot 8. Week of IS: Mile. Albertlnn Knsch and company. Mons. PermkorT, Le Roy nnd Murray, Michael Klclmrdlnl Troupe, Prof. Fred Andrews, Harry Breen, Butler Uaviland, Alice Thornton, and the Mooreoscope. Miles (0. W. Porter, mgr.) —Business con- tinnes good. Bill for week of IS: "A Night on the Beach," Ernest Curr and company. Princess Federova and company, Duffy and Lorenie, Frls- cary, and the Mllescope. NOTES FROM SONGLAM). "WILL HOSSITEH GOSSIP. Clark nnd Wolrtron have Just finished sixteen weeks of Southern time, and announce success with several Will Roesltcr numbers, especially "O-U-Orcus Dny." Al. Bernard, "The Boy From Dixie," reports three screaming hits In "O-V-Clrcus Day," ''She's Gone Again" nnd "you'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been" "O-UCIrcus Day" is a gigantic hit with Maud Ryan, of Innee and Ryan. Abbott and White are alto credited with a clean-up with this same number. "Manimy'a Sliufflln' Dance," "Yon'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been," and "I'd Love to Live in lx>vclund" are the big successes with tbe Lyric Quartette Tbe Knickerbocker Quartette are singing "I'd love to Live III Lovclond with a (ilrl Like You," "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been," and "O-U-Clrcus Day," to repeated encores. Nell McKlnley is finding "Stop That near Oat, Sadie," an excellent song for hi in In tbe com- edy line. Mason and Pearse, now In the East, write that "You Can't .Expect Kisses From Me" and "I'd Lore to Live In Lovdand with a Girl Like You" never fall to create encores wherever introduced by them. Mary Qulvle and Paul McCarthy will shortly be heard and seen ut the Union Squure Theatre, New York, In a repertoire ot Will Rosslter songs. Edythc Livingston Is reaping recalls with "You Can't Expect Kisses From Me" and "Id Lore to Live In Loveland with a Girl Like You." Heinle Hiivles will shortly make un Invasion of the East, Introducing for the fimt time la that section of Ihe country, "When I Met You Last Night In Dreamland," tbe successor to "Meet Mo To-night In Dreumland." Edna Whistler still continues to be one big noise at the White City Cabaret, Chicago, with a Will Rosslter repertoire, Including: "You Can't Expect Kisses From Me," "She's Gone Again," "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been." nnd "I'd Love to Live In Lovelnnd with a Girl Like You," I J. FRED IIKLV CO. "Tho Funny Buuny nug" ami "Lincoln's Col- lege Hug." the two latest Helf song successes, ore.the hits of Leffler & Bratton's "Merry-Go- Rounders," the Summer show, at the Columbia, which began n pros|ierous run on June 10 Clev- erly rendered nnd elaborately costumed, they continue to receive the cordlnl reception they won on ihe opening night and arc rapidly growing In popularity throighout Greater New York. "The Funny Bunny Hug,' r July 20 CLIPPER BUSINESS jg gjx at the rate of |10 foVone year 18a i-' 1 * ."*« copy of THi New Xoik Sl/m iu? i? 0 " • A toeach advertiser while tbe Sm SiSu^i gg 9ws^w^mmr-^n. A8BBDT08 CCRTAWJ A«D P,c^ 0. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 7B Pearl St., Boston u. ' , AUTHORS AND PRODUCEDB ** Bear! Allen, 222 E. 14th 8t.;"To S ' Wm. A. Quick. 288 W. Sflth It, New York Clt, CHIMBS, BELLS 4 8PECIAI tii-. B. H. liaylaad, 851 Adam. 8L. B "&"SS a. ;... •■ " CONFHCTIOKg. ■ ' 'SuSSS - * BCk,t * ln ' 245 **. Peori. St, -J ^ - . COSTTMERS. Prank Heyoen, 14S w. 38th St.. N. T rt Rldabock A :Oq., 149-161 W. 38 th St. NT m.. Robert Warring, 873 70th St.. Brooklyn ff 9* A. Foeger, 521 Walnut St., St. Loul* Mo * SSSSfS,^ • GYMNASTIC APPARATUS ' tt A. Hawkins. SS4 £ 87th 8t.,N. Y. city HALLS FOR REHEARSALS ' Donovan's Hall, 808 W. iwit"« i n • HOTELS AND CAPES. Commercial House. Kan Claire, Wit. MOV.NOP^ g RE H MAC G H r AM, W. B. Greene. 228 Tretnont St., Botton, m.m. - J M F 8 i°4 L BELLS AND NOVELTIES Bdwln It Street 28 Brook St., Hartford, Sin. N ?. ' 0wat AT *" Mnt!BbV . « « MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Deagon, 8890 N. Clark St.. Chlcsgo. Ill OPERA CHAIRS^ANI^AVDITOniUM H. J. Hsrwood, 280 Devonshire' St.. Boston aw POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Chicago? ■etattla, 84B So. Peoria St, SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. 0. L. Story Scenic Oo, Somervllle Station. Bo». ton, Mtss. TV N S W J ork S'orllot, 1001 Times Bldg., N. y o John 0. Becker 148 Southport Ave., Onlcaio. Manning Scenic Studio, Rochester, NY Howard Tattle. 12th and Center St., Ml'lwankw Sosnion A Landls Co, 41T S. Clinton St, Cfalean SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS ANB LITHOGRAPHERS. tit. Western Printing Co., 518-17 Elm St.. St.LonU. Planet 8how Print a Rng. House. Chatham, Oat Enquirer Job Printing Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET «... „ „■ „ CHOPPERS. The Cnllle Bros. Co, Detroit, Mich, _ < SNAKE DEALER. w. ft Letrn, 715 W. Oonrnierce 8t„ San AntonH, STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKETS. Tantlg, 104 B. 14th St, N. X. 0. TENTS. Kunkelr Tent A Awning Co.. 183 South St, N. I. THEATRICAL OOUDS. Boaton Regalia Oo, 88T Wash. St.. rtoaton, Man, a « l^MAT RJjQAjL HARDWARE. A. W. Oerstner, 834 8th Ave. (41st St.), N, Y. a THEATRICAL MAKE-UP. H. p. Miner, 203 Bowery. New York. Tucker Drug Oo, Demooolls. Ala. TRICK AND THEATRICAL POLDIHO _ „ „ BICYCLES. Ktllajlan, expert, 817 Ool. Ave.. Boston, M.m. _ . WIO MAKERS. Plocker A Abrcns, 180 W. 48th 8t„ N. I. 0. A. Fueger, B21 Walnnt St., St. Losls, Mo. WIGS, 8UPPLIE8, ETC. Percy Ewlng Supply House, 715 N. Water St., De- catur. 111. PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL SUMMARY FOR WEEK ERDKG JULY 13,1*12. BX W. M. IANKIN. iiic Cuiciiicst riijif Tenllze at present very little of such things 2 ura , of ffCRHlHI nml ,,llnc *d by I.cona Several races being : mimed Into almost I Spring; field, A. allien, mgr.) bill for week ot July 14 in eludes: Meredith Sisters, Mile. Emerle and com- pany, the Gllssandos, and Ferguson nnd North- lane. Portland, Me. — Keith's (James E. Moore, The X. r. 01000 of July 2. said: "George Tlddcn, a gentlemen of considerable experi- ence and perspicacity, took the trouble lo run over to Philadelphia last week nml com* the flies of Sporting Life for verification of the records. He thoroughly exmnlncd lbs crops of box scores harvested in the National Lengue between 1880 nnd 1801, and we string with him on his verdict. M-. Tlddcn discovered that Kcefe won only eight gntnei in succession In 18BS. and thnt Lubv was de- feated after seventeen successful starts. Mo Cormlck won fifteen In a row. » • • • Mr. Tldden being a gentleman and a scholor, an expert accountant, and older In the busi- ness than us, we hereby declare ourselves "a with him.'' J?" .. Then the following- "gentlemanly" nnd scholarly" correction was made In Th* .V. V. WorW of July 4: "It has long been claimed that Jim Kcefe. who was, once upon n time, the star of the New York Club's twirling stuff, held n record of nineteen stniiglit vic- tories In 1880. Investigation proved this record to be without standing, lint further i.» v -v^i-tRu* fl . n * mB f ch B*ff" composed tu/Tce.'" D*t^FT«*IMBTanei' iaMli f *SW!r ,>."■* Pt ° alBn ,0 w,n a ■• « n4 , JurtWhy he used the very "manly" erpres- were presented to luily patrons. "The Qamhlers' week of 10. Nsw I'niiTi.ANii (I. M. Mosher. mgr.)—Bill week of 1C: Don Curios. Minnie Fisher, Watson end Little, Jessie Livingston, nnd moving pictures. Oath, C*r» Cottauk (B, V. Phelun. mgr.) Good slietl audiences have been the rule here III LI, AT PALISADES PARK. Among this week's performers at this Hud; oneti Waller Rosenberg's ' New Broadway son Hlver resort nreVTheTcn l-ajama dlrls. Ke t wat^o K ve 1 r r? >'owi * J " ° D AUK ' E Th * llnrry Tliomson, "The Mayor of the Bowery ff flou " e MBtB 0Tff J, °^; ^ l».,lln Dili,.. nn.l W^^b n n .1 t\ - • ' ■ "DOING THE LIMIT." "Tbe Qlrl from Montmartre," featuring; since the opening. The stock compnnr presented Until..' WlllluniH and ltlchard Carle, will "Seven Van" week of 8. "Qulncy Adams Saw- open Waller Itosenbcra's ' New Broadwav Jer" 15 and week. Delia Rtacey, and Work nnd Owcr. This new farce comedy, by A. and A. (llasn- mcre, It announced for its drat production st Poll's. ■ Wlikes-Ilarre, Pa„ July 22. The company will Include: Iteiilnh I'oyntcr, Ada Q. Allen, Rita Davis, Winifred Kingston. *»• FORTUNE TELLER ARRESTED. The case of "Mrs. Ellzn nuichlnB," of Brooklyn, who was arrested by Mrs. Isabella Goodwin, a first grade woman detective, for telling fortune, was held over until July 10. t)»» FREDERICK IIOM> EXAMINED. Frederick Bond, who has been in Ludlow Street Jail for tho past clg/ht weeks, owing to his failure to pay alimony to his wife, Catherine Bond was taken, July 18, to tho Succns County Court to be examined In sup. t'tncntnry proceedings on a Judgment secured last year In the Supreme Court. 4 i» CANCELS RECATJSE OF HEAT. Edmund Hayes nnd his company was to .,.,., ... .... _ . , have been the "nddrd feature" nt Proctor's sihwabti settles. Fifth Avenue this week, but canceled on nc- . ,can Schwartz has settled the salt for . count of the hent. Mr. Hayes will not appear damages Jignlnst him by the Swoop family, Hon. and the nsual photoplays, drew good return.* In vaudeville until September. «' Plttsfleld, Mass.. after Mr. Schwartz a week of 8. ' •"" rt ™ n "* ♦ i » automobile injured the three members. Paviuon, Peaks Island (James W. Oreelv «>»» !!*'•)_—Thli moving picture and dancing pavilion yer Osm, Ptaics Isund (0. W. T. Coding, mgr.) —Dan Coleman Joined the company week of 8, for "The Charming Widow." Wallace, Leona Courtney, and tho Tremont Qunrtotte were prominent entertainers. "Miss Fix-It" 10 and week. "Three Twins" week of 22. Cisco (M. 0. Blumenberg, mar.) — Pnthe's Weekly camera men, In company with the man- ager of this house secured pictures of the auto- mobile races at Old Orchonl Beaoh 0. for ex- hibition In the Pathe Wee«ly News Service. Inet George returned week of 8, is soloist. At- tendance continues good. Oososksb.— A. J. Peverada terminated bl. sea- son ns manager of this house 18, having con- ducted the house successfully with moving pic- tures and Illustrated songs. The house will re- wen later under the man)g?tnent of James W. Greeiy, under a new name. Bio Nioxrx (Wm. R. Reeves, raer.)—The ani- mated weekly, featuring the Baltimore Oonven- slon: "But further delving Into the incom- plete records," etc, can only be nnswered by himself. Timothy J. (not Jim) Keefc's record was furnished to The World from tin files of The Nbw Yohk Currnn, and for th« gentleman's enlightenment we will say Hint every Important baseball event thnt hns tnkca place, at any time, between 1853 nod 1000, ■nplusive has been recorded In the columns of Tun CLirpgB, and will be found to ho mort correct and complete, than are the records of many of the baseball events which have hap- pened since 1802, when some .present day writers took up baseball. Tna Clipper's rec- Fred iknaai ~i.i^i"Zl «._■, °f? s , i re not •* the moonshine variety, cop Lml r^TE&!*£SQ^J*>mKM» Vllea *y wool gatherers, as arc many of the JEROME & SCHWARTZ NOTES. „.£ Te Li" If n, J? n ' nt the Shorcdltcb Umpire The- atre, Jcnne le Dnpre and Jess Felber arc creating n^SSa^l TCS t « n '!,'"°'i of "That OoomowS Quartette," and "Rum, Turn. Tlddlc." Both these songs are published by the Jerome & Schwnrls J"'. Op- »"d arc two of their "Big Four Hits." »i C i^ CT .„ l Y 0 flr * "T h , nt H«untlng S Melouy" and I_Love to Hear an Irish Band." Dolnn and Boyle, » well known tinging act In If It Wasn't for the Irish and the Jews." with Fred Stone, Jetder at . become a greet favorite with his audience. "Is featuring psrtl - .- ..>;.. — Irish Band," "Hum. Tom Tlddle," 'That Hauntliig Melody," and 'That 2^ , °^l!*8 u ' ,r,e "tu" * liew »»mters are ren- SS^^ mV * * the xylophone, In conlnnctkra with (he orchestra, tnd they never fail to receive numerous encores. receive *»««!«»''KSSH "The"Sr. r rIwW Is a stunmar, of the gam*, played during the week ending July 13: Amebican League. Per P.O. P.O. CLtms. TTon. tost. Cent. Quitted, lost OPENING DATE OP KEITH HOUSES. Unless other arrniiRcments are made In the Mean time, Ihe new Keith houses In New York and Brooklyn, will open on Aug. 12. , Mr. 8ackh, of *tarr ft Sacks, of Chicago, "JSBgg JW^Lj»ii ^»CV sthi*tji. f and stage wear for the coming complete **-*«Sg££» 5^5^^^ FROM STERN A CO. mX«ton'.\':.7 0 Lake and ScAroeder are featnring Stern's latest Philadelphia 4 nur nnmbcr. "Tliat Shnkcnpearean nag," which Chicago has populnriHMl them with tbe audience. Cleveland K 'SjS^'ng Sadie Barrow hove been successfully Detroit. .'.'.'."" 2 rendering S. R. Henry's inarch ballad, "An Re- St Lniila 5 »&,.,£:!*, ."'.'"' /JI" 1 S" Dawson and Gew New York 2 Hodgklns' latest namber. "ITear Those Chimes" atr (I Wts On My Wty to (Hory, But I Lost Hy way). " Erovrn and Brown, at the Brighton Theatre, are singing "An Revoir, Sweet Marie." and S. ft! Merry's conversation nnmber. "I Like the Hat. I Like the Dress." etc., and are being credited with many encores. Criterion Ounrtette, of Detroit, Mich., are ,t Rft,**"*' .001 .010 .670 .C51 .GOO .481 .280 .284 Cldbs. National LEAoua Per 11 ™ 1 _ 21 ~o - P.O. P.O. Rmsell'B using "That Raggedy'Rag." New York 2 Chicago 0 Pittsburgh S Cincinnati 4 Philadelphia 9 Won. Lost. Cent. Qa'incd. Lot' drew large crowds 8-13. 7 n . e ™T < '. rr ^ S| sters have selected for their new Brooklyn , 3 «' £&J!!nS p J$!r <u " 1 " to U>* Oioainlng St. Louis 8 Was tbe Song She Sang to Me" " ' Boston 1 .784 .010 .681 .620 .457 .895 .888 .278 1Z 8 4 - 22 5