The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. ACKERMANN-QUIGLEY LITHO CO., Kansas City « Chicago Office, Suit* 30 Grand Optri Kouse BId_,, 87 South Clark St. PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH PAPER IN STOCK " " _~ styles lor DRAMA. MELODRAMA, MUSICAL COMEDY. OCA 3 5 O FARCE COMEDY, MINSTRELS and BURLESQUE OOU a Lares Un« ol 4-Color Lithograph Paper, ill Sizes. Carried ia Stock (or CIRCUS and TKHT SHOWS. Write (or Prices oa Special Paper, including Block and Type Work. Htfalda Date*. Banners. Cardf, Etc. Writ* for Illustrated Catalogus. aUlllJ-TVIUI Of COUPON THEATRE tickets mi numbered strip tickets ' Address all Correspondence to fMANfcQUnUI LITHO CO. «___ KANSAS crn COSTUMES SOUBRETTE DRESSES GOLD AND SILVER TRIMMINGS WIGS TIGHTS MAKE-UP u. ,i,e for Catalogue, BO pnirea, 000 Ulastrattone 11 R1TZ SCHOULTZ A CO., 10 Wrot Lake St. (Established 25 years), Chicago, HI. The Headquarters of the Profession ROWLEY'S HOTEL and CAFE a<K*m Heated [FOHMBRLY BIJOUI All Modern Improvements 34-36 WEST STREET - - PATERSON, N. J. Bvmnistlon. 140 000. Two Vaudeville Theatres, Three Combination Theatres, One Stock Theatre, Fifty luyaiaii i • Theatres, Two Burlesque Theatres lEaatern and Western Wheel!. ' For terms apply to J. HEIfRT ROWLEY. SAVOY STOCK CO. For nermaneat engagement, opens Sept. 2—LEADING MAN, LEADING LADY, 8. and D. 80CBRETTE s and D COMEDIAN. All must be young and good looking. SCENIC ARTIST -who plays parts. nMMn write Prefer those who do specialties, state all, Including salary, first letter. Photos and programs will be returned. BAtf g. HANAUBR, Savoy Theatre, Beaver Palls, Pa. WANTED, To Join Immediately Al. 6. Fields'Greater Minstrels CELLO for Orchestra, to Double Alto In WM. WALTER GOLD BAND W* farnlah Instrument, Also WANT ASSISTANT ELECTRICIAN, SIX SONO AND DANON HXN. All must bo Experienced Minstrel People. Telegraph. AX. O. FIELDS, 60 Broad Stroct, Colnmlma, Ohio. WANTED FOR KING DRAMATIC COMPANY Useful Dramatic People for Repertoire n*n and woman for General Business, Juvenile woman and man, Character man, etc. State (nil partku.a™ in first letter, Including age, salary etc. on ah P. KINO, Comfort, Texas . . , "Mr Advertisement In last week'B OLIPPER was not Intended to reflectInany way on Will A Peters H JOBS ARONOirIc *""""• . princess Theatre, Fort Worth, Texas Pleased at all times to hear from good Stock people. WILL, A. PKTKKS Beaumont Claxton at Liberty STRONG LEADS, CHARACTERS, HEAVIES, DIRECT, GET RESULTS Wardrobe ot transportation, rienoo. reliability, wire. 310 6ft. 10ln.. lMlbs., age 88. Stock or repertoire. Can-Join on receipt MONTGOMERY BT., MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA. JUNEAU TM J. II. RBICHBRT, Manager ONLY PERMANENT STOCK IN MILWAUKEE, WIS. LEADING LADY, LEADING MAN. COMEDIAN and GENERAL BUSINESS MAN. All must be young experienced Al people. NO JOINT ENGAGEMENTS. Sp^^^^^^gj^SmSSt OUT OF TOWN HEWS WASHINGTON. bust- HARVEY D. ORRS ATTRACTIONS People la All Lines tor Stock, Repertoire and One Piece Production. Three Compfnle*; WRBT 0LAB8 LBADI1JO pfoPLB, Comedian and B^ ttf.Wltll JIgaouJtMft GENERAL BUSINESS PEOPLE with SPECIALTIES, for the best Repertoire In the Middle West. State fully lust what yon OH do. Leading P§°]&^ D?ORR, F . mlly _,_ e »„.., Wollne. 111. WANTED-CAPABLE DRAMATIC PEOPLE. AL80 TWO FIRST-CLASS A0ENT8 FOR «'THE COW-PUNCHER" CO. Ooset Opening, Angnst 18th Central Opening, September tot •>luna RIVERS" CO.. Now in ita S2d Conseootlve Week Reasonable salaries and long season to competent people. Can place Al union carpenter ana two expert Ropers for street work with "THE c6w-PUN0HKR.'' Address BRANDON AMUSHMKNT CO., lock Box »1», Minneapolis Minn. AT RAYMOND W. ROBIE hod appearance and wardrobe. Sober and FAIRVtEWV BURNETT CO., WISCONSIN. JUVENILES and LIGHT OOMEDIAN. Height 6 ft. 0 In. tellable. Prefer one nlghters. Address CENTRAL TRUNKS 2fe »M9: 28ln„ $tt.G0; 321n., $10.50; 361n.. $11.80: 40m.. S18.00. Circus Trunks. 24x18x18, "00 Lltho. Trunks, 42%x28y.xl2, Inside, Jlo.OU. except over H00 miles, then remit whole amount. $8.00. Bill Trunks, .10x23x15 Tnslde. $12.o6. Lltho. Trunks. 42%x2B%xl2. Inside, WMM. f&WS an recf'l" Ot $3.00. bO C. O. D., except over 300 miles, then remit whole "mount. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Eat. 18C4, SIMONS & CO., S. W. cor. Tth A Arch Sts,, PMla. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Uteit snd Matt Popular Stylos In Ltdlss' Hair Dratsli| A. M. BUCH & CO. 118 N. Ninth Street - - - - PhiUsUlphJ-, Wax For STOCK, REPERTOIRE. AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THB WORLD. Books for borne, amusement. Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jarley s Works. Catalogue Free I Free! Free I gAMlJBL FRENCH. 88 Weot 88th St., W«w York. UJAIII fit •_>_%■■ Come across with SOc to get stage material worth $80.00? If so, send at WOil D YDU o?coto?tt?gTeatert boofof tellable Sketches. Monologues, Parody Reel « VHlilJ | UV tationa. End Garrs.OrnsB-Flre Staff, Toa*' •Hoe. AU &» MM,< stamps iaken. tatlons,:EndOair«.Oro»-Flre*tnD^oaitij. SSSS'SHSSJSffVi { Una. 0. ORANDALL, LocE Box ST3, 180 Dudley St., ROTldeooe, & L In spile of the torrid' weather satisfactory man cunllnues. - . U wj sco (L. Stoddard Tny lot. rngr.) — The scries of Klnetnacolor pictures now being given at this bouse are very Interesting snil instruc- tive. They sro now given on the roof during dear weather, and In the theatre when It storms, snd are doing well. I Columbia (Fred 0. Betgrr, mgr.)—Tbe Colom- bia Platers la "Zlra," give one of the best per- formances of the season.' Nothing too food csn be ssid ot the players. Frances Xellaon scored a moat pronounced hit. • Aline McDerraott was excellent. Violet Hemlng had little to do, bnt that Utile was well done. Julia Blanc was, as usual, excellent. Edwin II. Robins wss capital. Godfrey Matthews, George W. Barbler, Carson Davenport, Stanly James, J. Hammond Dally, anil Wlllarrt Robertson were all good, snd the rest of the company gave good support. "Pretty Peggy" week of July 15. • "Mrs. \Vlggs ot the Cabbage, Patch" week of 22. Pou'a (James Thatcher, mgr.)—The Popular Players, In "The Commuters," week of 8, gave delightful performances, which were attended by appreciative audience). A. II. Van Huron. Mark Kent, Robert Le Suer, Graham Velsey, Mlaa Jewel, Gertrude Bondhlll, Marie Howe, snd Helen Margua were all good. "Tbe Third Degree" week of 16. "A Gentleman ot Leisure" week of 22. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawakl, mgr.)—Tbe patrons ot this bouse were treated to a good pro- gram and new pictures last week, which drew enthuslstlc audiences, who were kept cool by the cooling machinery. Bill week of 16: Cavelle Family, Four Harmony Girls, Nelson snd Nelson, Baby Sobylson, Spencer and Spencer. That Trio, and new pictures. Tbe Sunday concerts, well featured, and with muale by "That" Orchestra, draw well. Majkstio (Tom Moore, mgr.)—Manager Moore offered bis patrons, for tbe closing week of the season, ending 13, a program full of variety ami novelty, with excellent pictures, that pleased all. It Is the purpose of Manager Moore to hare the house thoroughly overhauled during the closed rlod. Tbe ro-opening la set for an early date August. NIWS NOTES. WniLB In mid-Summer and Old Sol on the stand and faithfully carrying out bis part, some of the managers era talking about the opening of tbe Winter season. IlKNir Mili.m, with his excellent supporting comniiny. In "The Rainbow," will he one of the earliest bookings, nose Ohatterton. who will he with the company, has a warm welcome awaiting her. Popolab Eddie Fowler, treasurer ot tbe Colum- bia Theatre, la watching his chances to slip off tor a rest. He deserves It, as be has been faith- fully st bis post, his pleasant face never from the window, una always ready to serve you. Pom's popular general manager, Edward Ren- ton, made a flying visit to the city during the past week. Edwin H. Ourtib waa a favorite as an actor. He la a past grand favorite as director of the Columbia Players and that bis services have been appreciated by those who "know" be ban tucked away several pleasing often to take up work else- where as soon as tho Columbia Players season closes. Julia Blano, as Lady Constance. In "Zlra," gave another example of her capital acting. Her performance was one ot tho boat seen .In Wash- ington In many a day, and was one of which any actress might well feel proud. St. Paul, Minn.—Empress (Chas. A. White, mgr.) business continued good week of July 7 at all performances. For week.of 16: Abella Com- Iquea, Joseph B. Mcflee, lllllle Wsy, Lena Cooper, Berry and Berry, Wallace'a educated cockatoos. Majistio (H. S. Mitchell, mgr.)—Business big week of 7. The usual bill afternoons and even- ings week ot 15. Wildwood (Wnrra Bern Lake). —This Ideal picnic resort, with thirty minute trains on week days anil fifteen minute trains on Sundays, with Its beautiful new pavilion, is receiving big pa- tronage. The attractions Include dancing, bath- ing, (stating, bowling alleys, csroussel, fun fac- tory, photo gallery, roller coaster, awlngs and water chute. Orchestral concerts Sunday after- noon and evening. Harxint Isi.anii. —Swimming and band concerts. Ooho Park. —Boating and hand concerts. Tbe city fathers are devising plsns niid ways to raise the lend of Lake Como, which haa no Inlet, but And that the evaporation during the heated Sum- mer months will require many millions of gallons ot water to overcome and to maintain a reason- able level. This can probably be done, however, with tbe big additions being made to our water aupnly. Tits matter of granting a license to tbe North- ern Theatre Company to operate the Grand Opera Bouse la now before the Council, with some atrong opposition from business houses In the Immediate vicinity. The matter la being watched with eon- , slderable Interest. Joiw P. Kimc, Into manager of the Star The- atre, has associated others with hlin, and - will conduct said theatre in conjunction with a circuit. They have leased the theatre, anil will call It the "New Star." He la a popular manager, and has always made good here, and success la predicted for his now enterprise. itiNni.iNii Bros. Cinons comes 24. The Investigation of vudevllle and moving pic- ture houses nil over the city 1b being pushed by the building department, and will not cense until all such houses have been thoroughly lns|>ected. and are compelled to comply with the building code, and aro made ante. So far, hut minor rle- foots, easily remedied, have been found. St. Paul's building code, ns It re»|iects theatres, la one of the strangest In the country, and might well be followed by other cities. Dnbnqne, In.—Grand Opera House (John 11. Mseluy, mgr.) Is dark. Majebtic (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—The Garslde Stock Co. Is the attraction, with matinee Wednes- day and Saturday. AimxiUK (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—Garslde Stock Co. IImioh Pabk (Jake Rosenthal, mgr.)—Vaude- ville. Printobsb (II. W. Falton. mgr.) — Pictures. Business good for hot weather. Amusb (A. L. Ntevens, mgr.)—Pictures. Busi- ness good for hot weather. Rural. (A. L. Stevens, mgr.)—Pictures. Drkaulano 1 (J. K. Boyle, mgr.)—Pictures. Ohange four times a week. Business reported good. Dxsamland I! (A. 0. Wright, mgr.)—Pictures. La Fayotte, Ind. — Dryfas (Ora Parks, nwr. ) la dark. Family (D. W. Maurice, mgr.)—Oliver Stock Co. opened here for a Summer season July 1, and will present a repertory of plays with a chai.go of bill twice a week, the audience to choose the bills for the following week, Otis Oliver heads this company, which includes: Ruth Amos, Blanche Levering, Halley Myers, Setb llsl- sey, K. J. Kmmerlck, Richard Hoffman, Harry N. Newton and Ray Winks. Instead of special- ties three reels of pictures are Introduced between the acts. Victoria (McWIIllams ft Sherwood, oats.)— Four reels of photoplays, program changed dally. Lr bio (Wo. Johnson, mgr.) — Pictures anil songs. Abo (L. A. Klene, mgr.)—pictures and songs. Hartford, Conn.—Poll's (0. 0. Edwards, mgr.) "Three Twins," by the Poll Players, week of July 16. "The Spendthrift" week of 22, IIabtvord (Fred P. Dean, mgr.)—Vaudeville and motion pictures continue to attract good crowds twice dally. Empirb (P. S. MrMalion, mgr.)—Dally change of Alma to good hualness, Happy Houa (Harrison Harris, mgr.)—Pictures exclusively la the program here. Noras.—Extensive alterations In -electrical wir- ing is to be made at Parsons' Theatre during the next month George M. Cohan will or»n the season In bis new play, "Broadway Jones," about the middle of Auguat. Trenton, V. J, — State Street (Herman Wnhti. mgr.) bill week of July 15: Brlslol's Ponies. Brown and Martin, Obarlotta Meyers. Margaret May and company, James R. Waters. Johnnv Reynolds. Stewart and Stewart, Nicholas and Croix Sinters, Francis and Palmer, and pho- SwaB Stbbbt (Oeorge E. Brown, mgr.) — For week of 15. the Manhattan Players present "Billy." "The Wife" week of 22. ROM.—The Flying flenrys. two Trenton hoys, are borne after a vaudeville tour ot twenty weeks tliroufc* tti Hew ■rjgUnd sKales sad Canada. MYRKLE-HARDER CO. HIGH QUALITY HEAVY HIV, Strong Line of Parte; also JUVENILE or HUE WOMAN, also GENERAL BUSINESS HAN Plays "Brewsterl Millions," "Heir to the Hurrah," "Girls,'' "The Barrier," "The Dollar Mark," "The Burglar" and "Tbe Lady bachelor's Romance." Rehearsal Aug. 1, Cortland, N. Y. Open is. Address W. II. HARDER, Pottatown, Pa. GRANDI STOCK CO. ■(ring Baas and Tuba People In all lines. A No. 1 Clarinet, Strong Cornet to doable atasrat thosr doubling brass or doing specialties given preference. Long, li. ARTHUR VINCENT, CbARKSiK HECKIST, wire. Address ROBERT ORANDI, Marlln, Te sure season. WINIFRED ST. CLAIRE GO. Going East this searon. "There's a reason.'*' Would like to hear from GOOD RELIABLE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Must furnish flrst class references. State all in first leitor and send photos. Charleston, Illinois, week Jnlylg. Homo Office, BaRL P. S1PK, 81PE THEATRE, KOKOMO, INDIANA Wi (Under Canvas) Good DIRECTOR with scripts, that can play Leads or General Business, Good GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN that can play some Leads, HAN for GENERAL BUSINESS, doing specialties. Can place people In all lines. Send photo aud programs—they will be returned. No boozers or chasers wanted. Money sure. keeping will Opera'house after October 1. You must have good wardrobe. Make salary in I. If you can't Join at once, don't write Wire or write. Address WM. F. LEWIS, Arnold, Nobr., July 15 and week; 8taploton, Nebr., July 2i and week. Long season, ih the times 24-SCRBAMS!--24 Parodies on "Doing It Now," "Rag Violin," "Jungle Moon," "When You're In Town," "We All " Was Twenty-one." "Baby Rose," -Navajo Rag," "Land of Harmony," Fall," Man," When I Was terlous Hag," , ,ok on Me, ,r "l Girl," "Love Me," "Beantltul Doll, 8 for 2&o., or whole M Big; Parod; Honey Brass Hand Epb. 'I Want A Ragtime Band," "Oceana Roll." Last 12 for Jew. lOo. each: Riots, fl.60. Cash or M.O.; no stamps I Other material. Send Twenty-one,-- --«w.i "Mysterious Rag," "All Alone," ■'Moonlight Bay," "Tip From Father, Jones," "Pick On Me,''"Chicken Rag." "LoveTo Uvoln Lovcland,"_"Ovqr Again/' 8 for 260., or whole 24 Big PBrody Klots, fl.W. casli or M.O.: no stamps I inner material, oen for catalogues and enthnslastlo testimonials. MARY E. P. THAYER, 2190 BROAD BT., PROV., R. 1. WANTED-REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Versatile Leading Woman, Comedian with Specialties. Soubretto and Ingenue, noneral Business Man and Stage Director. Olre height, weight, age, experience and lowest salary linn letter. This la a splendid Stock engagement. Your salary is guaranteed. Address JOHN A. HAMLIN, Muskogee, Okla. WANTRD, Med. Performers, B. F.Comedians. Novelty Acts, Sketch Teams, must be sober and reliable. State all you do and lowest salary. WM. FRANCIS, Thornberg, Keokuk Co., Ia. Care of Gen. DeL IIKIHINOER HALL, PALENVILLB, N. Y. Open for bookings July and August. Seat 3M. Good opportnnlty for live companies. THEATRE FOR LEGE WICHITA, KA N SAS TOLER AUDITORIUM Capacity 1,800. Address B. C. T«I,BR, 10th and Hydraulic Ave., Wichita, Kansas. AT LIBERTY LEO DALE INGRAHAM LEADING WOMAN For Leads, Heavies or Second Business. Stock, Repertoire or Vaud. Responsible Managers only, State limit. Oil City, Pa., week July 16-20 Franklin, Pa., 21 Fox St., Rocky Grove Wanted Immediately FOR Crawford's Comedians Leading Woman, Trombone, Traps, Actors that Double Brass, Show never closes. South tills Wlntor. Answer by letter or wire to RAYMO.\D D. CRAWFORD, Morehcsd, Kentucky. TWO CAR SHOW Week stands, no Modlclno Show. GOOD TEAK that can put on sols and mako them go. Change for ono weok. We pay nil alter Joining. State all in Unit letter. Address W A. IVUULTBY, Elllnwood, Kans. 105 MABIC TRICKS »■••«"»««•• jos. c. klbin, ilea catalogues. Broadway, IV. V. These toys made their debut as professionals at the Trent Theatre, laat Wlntor, and have scored u decided hit. Itewnrk, N. J.—Olympic l'urk (J. M. Belden, mgr.) Hi)iu|ilc Park Opera Co., In "The (linger Bread Man, ' week of July 16. Oui'iiEUit (SI. S. Schleslirger, mgr.) Is closed. Will re-open Aug. 10. Lyuiu (It. 0. Stewart, mgr.)—Bill for lfi-17: Curtis Trio, Manchester Bros., Grace Belmont, Fllxglbbou, M.ver anil Sheldon, mid John A. Butler and cumpuny, Bill for 1S20: Oriole Trio, Is-oiiu Hitlers, Geo. Dunks. Ouiilleld and Driver, l'nrier and Sullivan, ami Shaw's animals. GAtmr (Leon Kvaus, mgr.)—Bill for IB and week: Clark and Lew Is, Helen Renttl, Wilson iind Rich, Murg May and company, Jut-k Lylc, and Kelly and Kent, Albany, N. Y. — Hurmauus Bleecker Hall (Edward St. Hart, mgr.) the Lytell-Vauglnin Stock Co. had a successful week's business ending July IS. presenting "The Commuters." "The Prince Chop" week of 15, "Bobby Burull" 22 and week. I'nocrou's (Howard Qruhuiu, mgr.)— Continu- ous vaudeville and moving pictures. Majkstio (Emll Dclches, mgr.)— Pictures and vaudeville to satisfactory business. Maple Bbuok Pabk (J. J. Oarlln, mgr.)— Great crowds attend tbls resort dully. Bobby Wulthour and the l'rtncoton Girls were the leading features In the theatre week of 8. Kl.ECTBia Pabk (Lincoln E. Brown, mgr.)— Fine business Is reported. In the Rustic Theatre, tbe National Musical Co. presented "The Mikado" to pleased audiences week of 8. 1'tlen, S. Y. —Majestic (Pord Anderson, mgr.) stock continues to draw good business. Tbls week they present "Deep Purple." HiprooBOua (J. P. (Julnn, mgr,)—This cool the- atre Is enjoying good business, offering vaudeville and moving pictures. ORPiiBUat (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Pictures. Aliiamusa (Henry Lux, mgr.)—Pictures. Gem (L. II. Chapman, mgr.)—Pictures. Hiimuit Pabk. —Dancing and band concerts. Utica Pabk. —Dancing and band concerts. for v It I ., ■* f.. • *• M'Mf IMnKhamsua, N. Y.—Ross Park, bill week commencing July IS: Marco, Van asd van, O. V. Lee. and Tom and Gertie Mora. Nina.—Stone Opera House and Armory The- atre clows] until Labor Day. Jnmrsto—rn, N. Y. — Celoton (James J. Waters, mgr.) Ilorae Stock Oo. gsve pleasing per- formances of "Beverly of Oraustark" week of Jaly 8. "The Wolf" ID and week. Oklnhoma City, Okla.—Fair Park I Sport North, mgr.) North Bros.' Stock Oo. presented "The Melting Pot" week of July 8. "The Gol- den Hock Hound Up" week of 10. Olcoiiii Aibooias (Pete Borolope, mgr.)—Three reels of picture! and colored quartette. EMl'SBHS, OoLUalDtA, OLYMPIC, DBBAHI-NB, Ok- piiEi'M, Okm and Princess, picture houses, all report good bualniwa. MeAIeater. Okla,—Star Alnlome (B. tl. Busby, mgr.) Rush Stock Oo. pleased week ot 8. Gmie lialrd Block Co. IS anil week. Yai.s-M/Ushtiu (A. C. Ilrown, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville, fined hnalnesa. Fobvm (J. A. Hlelnann, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures continue to ilmw good ■.iislness. Victor (Will Tlbbltfs, mgr.)—Licensed pic- tures, to good business. Knnxrlllr. Tenn. — Grand (Prank Rog- ers, nwr. i vaudeville continues to good returns. Bex, Crystal, Majhmtio, Bohita, Oat and Lvbio, picture bosses, «n all doiag food busi- • [roup'. «r* s WANTED FOR DOROTHY STOCK COMPANY Second BuHlneia Man and Woman, must do spe- cialties: alHo Tall lloavy Man. Must Join at oiico. Wardrobe and experience necessary. Addrea H1LLIE A. LABIILIK, Nowton. Kansas. AT LIBERTY Al AGENT 3S years' oxporlonce. No allow too big or tno small it you pay the salary. Good character Actor. Good dresser on and olf. Boozer No. Ticket? Yes. HARRY BURTON 31)4 !ld Ave., 'West, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Wanted Qulok Leading Woman Long season. State all and lowest. Will advance ticket. Must have swell wardrolw and iio able to play strong leads. Bond photos and programs— WILL return. Address A. J. RAYMOND Fort Palrtleld, Maine. WANTED, FOR EMM BOULTON CO. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES WITH SPECIALTIES; ALSO SISTER TEAM FOR SPECIALTIES AND BITS H. B. ItQDY, Cariyle, III., 80; ML Vemon, wk, a . IIEATY MAN, tall; 80UBRBTTE with Specialties, BOSS CAK.'ASIAN Want TENT. SEATS, for for No. 2 Show. Address IIUBHKLL-DAVIS STOCK CO., Warren, Ark., July 16-20; Lanrel Miss., "-Aug. IT. WANTED FOR UNCLE JOSH PERKINS Orchestra Leader, Double Baritone or Trombone. Also Trombone Band and Orchestra. THOB. ROB 31* W. Superior St., Chicago, IU. AT LIBERTY, NAN AND WIFE, SINGERS, Sketch Artists, Feature Acrohatlo Acts, singles and doublet. Change forone week; np In acts. TIIK VAHNBLB, Pen. Del., Bloni Falls. So. Pak' AT LIBERTY, THE DANFORDS-Garl and Anna Versatile Med. Performers. Always "makegood.' Change for two weeks. Address CAUL DANFORI), Btonlngton. Ill, 1912 CATALOG 208 pages. Send do. sumps for Poo knt Trl c k and part leu- lalB. MAOICC0.,Dept.I,li10W.»thBL,N. Y. FREE