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The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9 ONOE MORI THEY'VE HAD ME DOWN FOR THE COUNT OF NINE BUT THEY HAVEN'T LICKED ME 1 RESERVED til LEW DOCKSTADEK'S DIG COMIC BONO. HIT SEASON 1019-1013. BY JEAN IIAVEZ AND J. FRED HELF YET THAT EDUCATIONAL. MARCH SUNG SUCCESS LINCOLN'S COLLEGE FLAG snam pirst VERSE: mmnnB- * By J. FRED 11KLK TIIAT BALLAD BEAUTIFUL FIRST VERSE: ..... ».mH were oyer, and the echoes loudly rang, ™ e ^" ,?,S,,«That told of victories bravely won; . SKfiSS^wUlS banner, and voung voices proudl j sang, MM There 01IORC8: I've heard you cheer for Harvard, And for old Princeton too; I've heard yon yell for old Cornell, For Columbia and the old Yale blue; Bull my school flag floats prouder. Of my old school I'll brag, There Abe Lincoln learned life's story, From Its flagstaff waved old glory, That was Lincoln's college flag. FEED HELF, 138 W. Nth St., S. T. City. HIT OF THE JIEBRY GO ROUNDERS, COLUMBIA THEATRE, N. V. CITY You're Just as Sweet at Sixty As Tou Were at Sweet Sixteen FIRST VERSE: Since yon became my blushing bride. What Joys to me you've brought: For forty year* you'vo been ray guide In ev'ry word and thought. Since life's long Journey we've began You've made It brighter, darling one: You've always said, and always done, "Just what tlie Good Book taught." WILL LI CBortrs: You're Just as de*r to my old liearl, As In the days of old; You're Just as fair aa when no silver threads Bhone 'mongst t e gold; You're just the same sweet girt I courted On the village green; You're Just aa sweet at sixty As you were at sweet sixteen, Copyrighted lOia. hy J. FRED HELF, 130 W. 37th St., N. Y. vfe pon- POREVER. City. HBW YORK'S BIG SO.VG HIT BY JAMES BRACKMAH BEAUTIFUL CHILD BALLAD HE'S A JOLLY GOOD FELLOW EVERY PLACE BUT AT HOME SWEET HOME Hfc * ■ By ED# j 10 h\k and J. FRED HELF GREAT IRISH SO«G A WEE LITTLE DROP 0* THE CRUISKEEN LAWN 3 MADAME SHERRY CO'B WILL USB IT. BY ED. MOHAN AND J. FRBD HELF HOME BALLAD IS IT LOVE OR ADMIFtATIOlSr? BY BERN1E WALTERS GREAT MINSTREL SONG THE R08E THAT ONCE BLOOMED FOR ME BY BEN BAR SETT A»D BEN EDWARDS ORCHESTRATIONS IN ALL KEYS SEND STAMPS AND PROGRAMS ALL SONGS ILLUSTRATED ■w* •rJBffggjgjga J- FRED HELF, 136 W. 37th Street, H.T. City iPJif^TJiMgl^Sga HI arrangement* ntiT OF TOWN HEWS ■" '. .„- tCw Fontaine Ferry l'ark ; ,on, "m J"' ml? aSy "oyer, the popnl.r (Harry Mag."pf B «, were features week flwter. ana Vinson's Circus continues to snow. Fontaisb |J™" k ot u . u^kxly Matt a, ■aalaan 11.1.11. y«b ' ^ o1(Js uJ Donegao. " , i,vSv^ffi«U.t£or»iT.)-U ? ?PUUp ; ■ K^.ml andSoxsnne Leiimaiin, soloist, are plnl s Band ana bus. cuffor j Webster will , -Tiii Corner Btoue" was presented for &,"» grow*' JS pSSSi with the patron *bSmNMB1 (Max L. Simon, mgr.)-Motion •-r>,o Prize Essay features wees 1*. ^..1X0(1.81000. mgr.)—Motion pictures. "The Cowboy Kid" features wee* 14. ^mu (I. Simon. mgT.)-Motlon pictures. "Pas Medicine" features week H. Avenue (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—Motion pictures. "The Deputy's Sweetheart" features wee* 14. 1 mLbstici (L, Dlttmar. mgr.)—Motion pictures. ' "A Child's I'rarer" feotnres week 14. _- * . NuYeJ .-"A Mid-Sumnier Night's Dresm wM Minted lir the Frank McEntee Pastoral Players Kl erf the Country Club. 8. MlillcentEvl- wu as Itock. and Frank McEntee. as Bottom, were pleasTng ond the work of the e..t« f'ulll«*....:..0»n.ldertng the warm weather, the rations picture theatres report good hualness. Plttabnrtrh, Pau —Grand q Mfgat.M agfc, swri ttarrr Davis' Stock Co.. hi "Bobby Bur- 3P week of July 15 Corll» JHes made hi. first a-.|carauce aa the new leading man. lo. buijt ■Si and week. Business good. lUasis' (E. B. Salter, mgr.)—BUI for week ef IS: Eckert and Berg. Michel Brothers, dr- ier and Waters, Move and Addis, Emily SjSgijr. li IM Moore. Galtlerl and Domars, Haxel Fear.}. Wallace and Van. and moving pictures. Buil- "nirroDooua (Davis k Harris, mgrs.)—Bill for I". mil week: Hlckey'a Animal Circus. Harris llunlllmt Horses, Olympic Trio. Aerial Bar; etts, lirimlt Urolliers. Four English Hose Buils. 11. B. Howard, Selblnl and Oroilnl. Aerial Fatowirds, )lu.lcal Hodgea, Treat'a Educated Seals, the Racing Ostrich, and moving pictures. Business W Wr5r M Vi«w P*»«: (O. O. MeKalllp. mgr.)— Mr'!.i'> Band and Jaa. Camoroda. the teaor. »>-vl the Urge crowds to dally attendance. Kanrrren (A, 8. McSwlgen, mgr.)—Bocere- tos Band ot soloists. All soricesslons are dolnj Tell. Dancing laUy. Over 30,000 oereona at- Icwlisi the orphan's nlcnlc r.-eek of 8. Nutbs.— The Plttsbnrith Band, under conductor- ship of Jean de Backer, ylays at Scliculey Hrg*.i- jr.l irseaal, N'octUiIde, West, inu South pnr'a l"SB *eci ilwsrs. Joan 3 tls»lln and li-v. J. Xlcolal, at die icm of atalr * Bavlln. are }X_ necteO hi this city wee* ot 15. to coafer with C. R. Wilson, manager of the Lyceum T I**tr*. lelallve to re-decoratlag and re-malellcg tlie loopy on the Pennsylvania Avenue entrance. The Sixth Street Mitraoce will be dlacontlnned. and durinc the coming season prices wU. be 25. SO. sn.l T3 cents The Empire Is being re-moil- eletl. ami will re-open Aug. 12. under the iimn- sg«nent of A. A. klcTlgbr, presenting ten cent vaudeville. Sernnton, Hsu — Poll /John H. Docking. sisr. 1 Poll Stock Co., to "Charley's Aunt." week ot July 15. "The Barrier," 8 and week, had fowl houses. Acausiii (H. B. Smith, mgr) — New rhoto- slsys. changed dally, and lllnstrated songs. Tues- day Is amateur night. I.i-na I'.rk (T. al. Gibbons, mgr.) la featuring nuslcal melange and dancing contests. Iti:'i''iiini>MK, Buou Dr.iUKs, Wotvntas, Vio- voaiA, MANBaiTan and Woncoxand all report food returns, with moving plctureu as the at- traction. Znnesvllle. O. — Orpheum (B. B. Harris, sigr.) Mae La Parte and ber compauy began their fourth and laat week July 15, to "Jnat Plain Mary." "The Devil" and "A Brother's Re- venge." HtrrooRoica (Henry Stemni. mgr.)—Talking plcture> 15-17. JJuslness Is good. QotHBT's (W. C. Qnlmliy. mgr.)—Oood pro- grams ot moving pictures to packed houses. AusaicAX.—alovlng pictures. . Moxihala Pais.— All conceaslons are doing titg business. Notes. —Barnum A Ballcy'a Circus ahowed hero 15.......Jack Rlcbarda, who Is singing nt <Ju!m- by s Theatre, will leave this city 20, for Oolum- tua. o., to Join AX 0. Field'a Minstrels The U. 0. T.'s aid a nine from the Barnum & Bailey Shows, arranged to play a game of base- l>jll at Athletic Park, Sunday, 14. TUe clowns pt the show bell their second annual outing here, 14. Colomlms. O Hartman (t^e M. Boda. mgr.l for wce» 0 f j 0 | y 15 _ .^jj, patriot." "The Boys of Corop.ny B" 22 and week. ..J? LESTAN0 * Pais: (W. J. Ousenbary, mgr,)— The House Next Door" week of 15. Kbith's (Wm. Prosser, mgr.)—Vsadevllle and I'lctures. BaoAnwAT (Wm. James, mgr.) —Vawletlllo and idetures. Akron, O—Lakeside Park Casino (Harry A. Ilswn mar.) Mil for w««k of Jsly 15 lucludes: J'jMlililne tlsiwman. Halcbt. Denne ami cirajiany izl- J*>' m " th» Shillings, Dorothy May, and Rosa Velerlo Troupe. "." " " IIkadv Lakb (it. D. Hartman, mgr.)—For week of 15. the May Emerson Stock Company, a repertoire. KiTIO.tAL, PaSTINB. DaiAltLAMD. OlOTTO, Ltm*, ail Wintbb and Bank, motion picture houses, report gooil business. Nutss. —Ilamsoi & Bailey Circus was here 8. Great United Shows 15 aud week. Tacnma, Waab. — Tacoma (0. H. Herald, mgr.) Margaret llltogton In "Kindling." July 10, 11, will closu the season here. There Is a possi- bility of a stock coiupuuy apiiearing at this the- atre daring the rest of the Summer months. Pbimcess (C. L. Richards, mgr.)—"The Walls of Jerlcbo" week of 7. "Alias Jimmle Valen- tine" 14 and week. This Is the twenty-fourth week of this stock company, which has produced plays of the highest order and become a perma- nent fixture la the city. Eiii'iBss (Dana Hayes, mgr.)—For week begin, ning 15: Hanlun aud Uanlou. May Ellnoro, !« Uoy Hnriey and company, E. J. Moore. Kceley and Wilder, Clarence Wilbur, and 'The Hew Scholar," by BUllo Burke. U featured Pantacss (W. J. Tlmuions. mgr.) —BUI for week of 13: "The Hold-Up" Is featured. Other sets consist of the Four Janowskys, OankolT ant Belmont. Howard and Dolores, Bert Lennon, and tlie blograpb. Bijou, Ciiclit, Diieam, Idlb Hotra, Ltii>.'. Palacb. Ross, Roval, Scenic, Siuili., and V.u- nrrTB, moving picture houses, are doing well. Notkh. —The Sells-Floto Circus, IT, for two performances llurnutn & Bailey Aug. 13 Through the efforts ot John W. Consldlne. a deal has been consummated whereby Lew Fields will produce. In miniature form, all the New York musical comedy successes of the Weber A Fields Arm, exclusively for the Sullivan & Consldlne Cir- cuit ot Empress thestres. This will be a novelty to a number of the cities on the Empress time. From ten to twenty players will appear In each cast, and there will be a complete scenic produc- tion in each case Jane Boynton. a player on the Orpheum Circuit, who was severely injured by a fall while visiting friends In New Jersey, Is recuperating at her home near this city George E. Trumbull, for some time manager of the Empress Theatre here, has resigned to accept a position In Los Angeles. Dana Hayes, of Los Angeles, has been appointed to the vacancy and has entered upon his new duties. Siirlnicfleld, Mass.—Poll's (9. J. Bteeo, mgr.) "Mrs. Wtgirs ot the Cabbage Patch," as pre- sented by the stock company, pleased good housea week of July 8. Maude Atkinson, as Mrs. Wlggs, did excellent work. Jessie Mueller was most charming as Lacy, as was Ruth Shepley, aa Lovey Mary. "The Spendthrift" 15 and week, "Three Twins" week ot 22. Nbi.son (H. I. Dlllenback, mgr.)—Bill for 15- 17: Bumelle and Peters. Msrtlne and Elliott, and Clsnde fiolden. For 18-20: McBrlde and Kava- naiuth. Vandyke Suiters. Helen Baldwin, and the pictures. Plaza (Goldstein Bros., mgrs.)—BUI :or 15- 17: Ezra Kendall Jr., and Goldlng and Keating. For 18-20: Viola Duo. Tllford, and pictures. Buou (E. L. Knight, mgr.)—Vaudeville and moving pictures. _ AnniXL. Eoisokia. OAriTT, Otosa. Palacb. Noteltt, Obanb ano Sobwat, moving oicture b-juses, report sood business. Nm-ES.—The Social Maids are booked to open the Ollmore Theatre the latter part 3C August John H. Sparks' Circus exhibited !r Psimev Jtlr 16 Wle. Berenice and her oertorming t'oiar Kiev were 3 itroug featote at Riverside Park week }f S. Mllford. Wsma. —Lake «:mnc (Dan J. 8urague, mgr.) vaudfvlile and*K. BUI for week of 15: Harry Tauda. Follies Srrgere Trio, 8adl- fio'-gers, Frank Albairr. Lester BjB* Kv "'rt. s:d »^ "i« addeil at'-sc'.ln. r":jd»'-'j Band, of Worcester, Mass.; also the Thuie Slng- Iny Club. Ltcbujc (Lnby Eros., mgrs.) — Illustrated songs and motion pictures, Paul Hollander, ling- er. Business is good. New Ideal (Perhnm A Noden. msrs.)—Illus- trated songs and motion pictures, Al. Liberty, singer. Business Is good. Note.— Downle A Wbeelcr 1 Circus gave two performances, to big nouses. Taanton, Mass. — Ssbbatla Psrk continues with moving pictures and Ulustratcd songs. The park U situated about two miles from the center and free admission is given to all who come on the electrics. Satisfactory negotiations have not been made with a vaudeville agency, so it Is probable that pictures only will be given. Casino. Stab. Nickel, and Columpia. moving picture houses, are all doing well. The Casino distributes Ice cream to ladles and children every Wednesday afternoon. St. Joan, Can.—Opera House. The King- Lynch Player., week of July 8. In "The Typhoon" 8-10. and "Hilly" 11-13. to fair business. Com- ing: May Robson week of Aug. 6. Nickel.— Bill Ssn Soncl sod Betty Down, In songs, soil the moving pictures. Gem.— Songs and moving pictures. UNiquE.—Moving pictures. Stab. —Moving pictures. . Lime—May end Collins 8-10, Miller and Her- bert 11-13, nnd moving pictures. Notes.— Week of 8 was "Old Home Week" here, and was a big failure, both to mercbtinta and cltlsens In general. Business at the various theatres was very disappointing, particularly so at the Opera House and at Col. Francla Ferarl's United Shows. In both cases the attendance has not been at all equal to the merits of the pro- grams offered Harvey L. Watklna. general manager of the Keith M. P. theatres, wss to town 10 Msrgaret Anglln passed through this city K. rn routs to New York. Her season dosed iu Hnllfsx H. This was Miss Angllo's laat appearance In "Green Stockings." Hamilton. Can Tenple <J. O, Appleton. m«T.) for week «f July 15. "Charley's Auot;" week of 22. "The Koad to Yesterdsy." Tie origi- nal ten weeks' season, largely an ran-rl-ne-' hss been so successful It will he extended to Include week of Aug. 5. On Aug. 1» vsadevllle will Again hold tlie bosrds. MnrwTAm (Geo. H. Summers, mgr. I—Week of 16, "G0I113 Some." Montrenl. Cnn, — Orpneiim (Geo. iWacolj. rairr » "A C» "i""iuau of Leisure" hail fair attend- ance July 8-l">. "The Girl with the flreea Eyes" 15-20. "Alias Jimmle Valentine" 33-27. Sohuer Tabk (L. J. Lajole, mgr.)—Bnslness good. Bill for week 13-20: A»abl Japanese Trouiie. Zeno, Jordan mid Zciio, Bob and Tip Co., Brlansa Trio, Held alsiers. New Orleans, l.o.—Spanish Fort (Jules F. Blstes, mgr.) the Spanish Fort Opera Co. pre- sented "Olivette." to gNul business, week of July 7. "Ermlule" week of 15. I'rof, Toso and his orchestra continue in favor wltb the Lake patrons. FisiiTKNiitRo'a Entebi'eihcs (E. Flshtenbcrg, owner 1.—These cosy picture houses. Alamo, Dreamworld and I'lcto, coutluue to d<i good busi- ness. "Under Two Flags" and "In Swift Water" were the feature pictures week of 7. Lavavetti (Abe Sellgman. mgr.)—Manager rtellgninn returned from a business trip to New York vrei'k ot 7, and brought with Llin n numls-r of nnv (lira contracis. Good business rules. "The Ailoptrd Child," "Vanluiau's Italluou," slid "An Indian Summer" were feature tlluis durlin; the wes'k ending 13. I'Eabch & Kins' Enterprises (J. Pearce ft Sons, mgrs.) — The Trlun, Bijou, Grand. Ktectric, and Dreamland report satisfactory business. Noras.—A strong light Is being made before the legislature, now In session at Baton Rouge. I.n., to aniend or repeat the Child Law. which for the past few years has baiidicappiwl visiting theatrical companies playing children to their |iei foruances Annouucemeut was made for the o|ieiilng of the Crescent week of 13. with a r-turn engagement of Madame Bernhardt and Suns Gene moving pictures, at popular prices President John King, of the local T. M. A., left for the annual convention to be held week of Aug. 1. It Is hoped the recent strike between tliein aud the local houses will be straightened out to the satisfaction of all concerned. St. Louis, Mo. — Delmnr Garden (Conrad Hecker, mgr.) the Delmnr Stock Co.. In "The Olrl Question," week of July 15. Prof. Creature and his band will give three concerts dally. The new event, the artlucta! bathing bench, is a sne- cesa. West Xnd Heiohts (Harry Wallace, mgr.)— "The Woman of Mystery," week of 15. The Jos- sey Stock Co. are doing well. Forbst Park Highlands (D. E. Russell, mgr.) —PHI for week of 10: "A Night In the Slums of Paris." Fred Hamlil and company, Three Sbolvey Boys, the it. A. G. Trio, and Gaylord and Herron. Business Is booming, Mansion's 1'abk. —Bill for week ot 15: Bessie Browning. Eldrldge and Harlow, Musart Trio, Hick McCoy, Louise De Togge, Roland Trovers and company. Mason and Murray, Guesxl Sisters, anil Wells Bros. Ooloseok Oadokn. —Bill for week of 15: Ms- tlldla and F.ldlua, Bros.. Fest Musical Duo. and moving pictures. Bonita (Louis Wolllirlnrk. mgr.)—Bill for —k of 16: De Vanse, Gorbara and Phillips, and Jurtynne. Business la goo J. Battle Creek, Mich. — At the Country Clab. July 18, the Odium Players will give "The Taxing of the Shrew." B«otr (Will Marshall, mgr.)—Bill 14-17: Er- nie and Mildred Potts, Powder and Capmau, Bogert end Nelson and Us Four Quartette. Fir 18-20: Beck and Preston, Van and Carrie Avery, Carl Randall, aim Baric.II ami Murphy. Day City, r...-h.—Wenona Bench Caalno (1 H. Ne.teoab. a ? r.) bill fjr week of Joly ia includes: Verne..a-Clark Trio, George and Geo.-ge, Carlta Day. Lewis and Dunn, and new mo:.on pictures. Nomt. — The Haienbcck-Wallace Circus drew tvro large crowds 9. Kainmaioo, Mich. — Majestic (H. «. Cruli, mgr.) bill for July 15-17: Beck aud Pres- ton Van and Carrie Avery. Oarl Randall and Hartelll and Murphy. For 18-21): Ernie and Mil- dred Potts, Powder and C'apman, Bogert and Nel- son, and Dixie Quartette. Note. —AH the moving picture shows are doing nice business. Norfolk, Vn. — Academy of Music (Otto Wells mgr.) bill week of July 8 Included: Arm- strong and Ward, Lieutenant Ktheredge. Gordon and Buasell, Four Stagpoles, and the Dixon Sla- ters, to good business, despite the excessive hot weather. Ocban Vibw Casino (Otto Wells, mgr.)—The IWimsn Show, under the management of Jack Nlng-r. presented "Tbe Broadway Olrl," week of 8, to good business. Same company will put on "A Day and a Night In Chinatown," week of 15. AllBBlC'AN, AnrAIlE, ROVAL, FoTOSlIO, WoNDSB- LAND, BONITA, AMD COLUMBIA report good buel- iiesa wltb moving pictures. Richmond, Vs. — Colonial (R. P. Lyons, mgr.) bill for week of July 15: Emperor aod Empress, Barry, Ilalrers and company, IlattleTlm- Iterg, Prosit Duo, Belian aud Esteile, and motion pictures. EHi-isa (Lonls Myers, mgr.i—Bill week of 15: Rubin's Bong Birds, Soils Bros., the Pamirs, Dollo and company. Joah Dale, and the pictures. Lobin's (Mr. Knight r.) — The bill for week of 15: Four Dolly Dimple Olrls. Patterson and Titus, Helen ami Cannon, tin- Van Cooks, and the pictures. Norn—Notwithstanding exceedingly hot weath- er the vaudeville and picture houses are doing -Academy ami Lyric tbea- .)— Motion pie- well. Petersburg, Vl tres are dark. VuaiNuif (Dick Richards, m< tares to capacity dally. Cockaob (Uoy llolsleln, mgr.)—Motion pictures to good business. Noras—J. C. O'Brien's Georgia Minstrels are billed for IV, under canvas. BnaTalo, If. V.—Star (P. O. Cornell, mgr.) the Star Stock Co. present "The Seven Slaters" week of July 15. "i.adj Wlodermere's Fan" fol- lows. Shea's (M. Shea, mgr.)—BUI for week of 15: Lucy Weston, Mile. Lorrette, Boyle ami Dale, Geo. II. Reno and company, Ben Welch, Devlin and El- wood. Five Msrtells, and new klnetograpb views. Carnival Court (II. G. Johnson, mgr.)—The Regnella .re a new addition to the park entertain- ment. Business Is excellent. An ostrich farm Is a rather new feature. Crystal Beach (II. It. Rogers, mgr.)—The Midway shows and concessions are nourishing. rjAiraN (M. T. MldOleton, mgr.)—A beaett GET IT Iff CHtCAGO-THK HDB_OK_TUB AMVSEMENT AVOBL.D CJJliM U WEB£8 :i^^^ t ^^^M0^0^" '■ J( ' HN L ' w ™ £ ■ America.'. Uail lug .Tluil tli d«-r IL»oi« JOHN L. WRBEB C HI GAG O COSTUME WO R KS Importers axiil Msthxtfactnrsjrs—Tlita I .rlcal'Tl^lits. 'Iu ScexiuryV;' : UOA'EAllS' pi\OF£i-", ; Rental Department > St We cater to Stock; Coxf aliSffJhit\M and ■ C"^ r-""', s HtnsbfJvSho?^;|iSSffi -IflE PROFES5I0S; <ipc> 11 ei.' and giils, Siiiiiigica. i,s| Iudirtu ftfld ■?WJ».»Srn' Ocod.i!.' .TELErnONES [CF.NTRAI/.CM-- 14» IV. Tietwb^ &1; CHICAGO, IhLJ, TJ.S.A;, Opposite Cort Thcatro was given 12 for the families who suffered from the Fugle Park drowning horrnr, which huppi'iied here a month ago, when forty perished in the collapse of a defective dock on the Nlngnrn Itlver. Memphis. Trim I'.ist End Park (A. B. Morrison, mgr.) business Is Idg at every perform- ance. Bill for week of July Mi Top o' th' World Decocts. Ruhelle and Rolierts, nrey Trio, Stu- art and Keelley, and the motion plctnres. MijssTic. Star. Colonial, Queen, Impeuiat., 1*ALACK, OAIBOLLTON, ALAMO, GKU, ROYAL, P/isv, Pbkin, Pastimbi, Savor and Jot, pic- ture shows, leport good business. Popvlab, Madison and Hbtbopolitah, air- domes, tei doing line business, Chattnnooiga, Team. — Majestic (W. B. Riweli, mgr.) bill week of July 15 Includes: Howard Animals, the I.slours, White Brothers and Bister, llartwell and llarva, and Bill Condon. Biyovj.—tocal talent played to a large bouse, f). the features lieing: Robert Strauss. Karle Wester, and I»rralne Mlsbler. Tiibato, Cominial, l'lrrro, IIonith anp Cues- tent, motion picture bouses, report eicelleut busi- ness. Alton, III.—Alrdome (W. M, Saovoge. mzr.) bill for Jul/ 8-11) Included: Uanlou, lK-au and Hanlon. and Ksmeralda. For 11-11: Phlesuii's Pets, Karl, and change of pictures. The aiwclal Dim 10 waa: Kalem's "Tragedy of tlie Desert." Piimcess continues to draw big business, re- gardless of tbe worm weather. Nora.—Wllla lsley, the popular secretary to IV. M. Hauvage, of (he Temple and Alrdome, lias returned to this city, after a vacation of three weeks at Ambls. Ind. Wheeling, W. Via. — Court (Frlnler A Moore, mgrs.) the stock company closed their en- gagement week ending July 13, Iu "The Light That Failed," tc good returns. The bouse wilt is closed till September, when the regular season begins. Villoma (Geo. 8hafer, mgr.)—Moving nlclnrev to ?'Wm'i business Pabk (J. A. Moore. g>n. nnd— K.i f- M is.m : Baseball Flonils Co. had good re- turn, wc:-k > i. Hi»i sj'i-tnafi, Artr.—Alrdome (Frank (lean, pro-i. am. jjjr.) which has oerr cl.ispu for ten days, reopeueil Thursdnv. July II, with (hi Al- bert Taylor Co. for a three tslglit a' eiigigcmrtit. "The Man from Home" was presented to a lar ,-* and enthusiastic audience, jack Bessey Co. 15 and ireeU. WnirriNoriiN Pabk. — Big crowds patronize this cool snd popular resort nightly. Ledger- wood's Band concerts and free vaudeville and motion pictures ure strong drawing curds. Notes. —Excessive hot weather has affected the attendance at all the motion picture bouses Work on the new Lyric Theatre will lie rushed, aud tbe house opened not later than Sept. 1. Indianapolis, Ind.—Ma:at (I-eonard Ilium- lierg. mgr.) Ibe Players, wlp. Florence Webber, In "Tlie Cllmnx," wtek of July lit Pabk (Anderson A Zlegler, mgrs.)—The Csr- negle motion pictures of Alaska and Siberia week of It. F.nolish's (Blngbom k Crese, mgrs.)—Hill for week of 15 lucludes: Four Casting OamiMiellu, Jones-liunbar Players, and motion pictures. Keith's (James Weed, mgr.) — Vaudeville, plcturea and other novelties, to big business, Baltimore, Md— Victoria (Cbss. K. Lewi*, mgr.) hill for week of July 15 includes: Kudolpho, Orplila Albs, Lampe Bros., Htntsman and May. Illauclie Bishop, Price and Price, and (lie Lung- wurtha. New (Geo. Belinlder, mgr.)—Bill for 15 and week: Kelo and Payne, Willis and Uamsay, the Hydnos, Kvana and McGulrk, Vera Cunning, and Lo France and McNabb. (llinrleston, 9. C—Victoria(Paatlme Amass- ment Co., mgrs.) business is good. "The Suf- fragette," a musical coausly, week of July 15. WllNUEULANn, TftKATOlflOM, I.VBIO ANII ClEI- i'kst. with moving pictures, are doing well. ilAUPToN l'ABK AiinoMO (Clias. B. Matthews, mgr.)—Business was poor week of 8 owing to continuous Inclement weather. Fort Scott, Kan.—Alrdome (IT. O. Krnlch, mgr.) the Rally-l,ockwoori Co. week ot July 8. 1/omlne-Kcme CO. week of 15. "I'l.VK LADY" IN MANY LANDS. Contracts have been closed between Klsw & Krlanger and Maarlco Edward Ikiudiiiuini, of the I'.mplre Theatre, Calcutta, Ind In, by which the latter agrees to produce "The I'lnk Lady" next season In Tangier, (llbraitnr, Malta, Egypt, West Indies, Demcrara, Kra- I'lre of India, Ceylon, Malay Hiatei, Rtralti Settlements, Slam, Dutch Enst Indies. I'hlllp- pine Islands, Hongkong nnd China and Jnpnn. "The Pink Lady" will have the distinction of being the first American musical comedy to receive a production all over the world. Summer Parks and fairs BUN UMEKT'S IM.AVKUS. Cincinnati Welcome*! Their Return to the Zoo. Cincinnati Jlkca Ben Oreet'g l'lnycrs, rrnl fur the third successive acnson. this roiiipsny of Shnki'spenrenn iuteniretefg are nl tint ZmiliiKlnil (Jardi'ii, playing a three weeks' ciigngement nt Woodland Tlicatie. In '.lie open and under the trees, The InnugiKMl performance, "Tho Comedy ot ICrro''s," wna ^polled by a deluge, but at night, under dripping foliage, nntt on n slippery stage, "A Midsummer Night's LM'cnru" was given a dump setting nnd enjoyed by a damp aud; ence. Ben Greet was trlven a royal greet- ing. In his support ar.> the I'rinr Vivians— Uutu. Violet (Mrs, Charles Hopkins), dear,'". and Percy. Others Include: Alum Krugor, Douglas Ross, Charles Hopkins, mart u Qreet, Lawrence Bjrre and Kembk' t.'nopiv. The dances ore by pupils of the Onldenburs School. l''or the second week the b^l in- cludes: "Twelfth Night," "She Kin. ps tj t'onouer," "Merchant of Venice," "M.t.'itr-- mcr Night's Dream," "As Ton Lite It," "llomro and Juliet," "Merry Wives of V'L.J- yor," The Palace of Truth," "To* WlitVa Tale," "Pandora" and "Creatures cf Ii>- pulse." Twice a day performance* arc glvj.t. s DIRDMBN AT CINCINXATI'S COSEY ISLAND. A four days' aviation meet at Coney Island broke. In on the even tenor of t!u> weti 1.1 t:iat Cincinnati resort. The flitthti »•'-■! l;j::kcil for 5 e Hurt each evi'::!r.a lisf.'.» until 0.30 Jt.l» Jl-:4 1'au. IVi «ac >»:.'. I'lt.ricj wen- t!i: avlat:-t's Tirj -;s«< » Wrlgxrt blplao': not r '.'■;.um'.H' ipn:.. v> t::''t t-r.rt k-M CM ctun. I'-iniNyi r»:s' l!.';l'.r was most successful. l!n wtr.t t: a height ot ii.r.oo feet, and Wls la t:ie el:- twenty minute*. PAOEAN?' nwnjjEjc AT S.\:i t'l'OUA. During tbe week of Aug. 1!)-'J4 Ore will he held at Saratoga, N. Y., n great historic pageant. Jits. A. ilolden. Stole Uls'.urlnu, una Mrs. Walworth, of the Ilia- torlcnl Society, will lnnk uttet the historic fiMitiiii-M. Alfred nullum will have charge; of the musical pnwnnt. The icicbrullon will be held nt Congress Spring I'aik. s LUDLOW LAGOON'S BOOUY DANCE. t.udlow Lagoon, the Kentucky resort op- posite Cincinnati, has not licea quite as prolific In theatrical features as usual this year. Since the closing of the Cortoncy Stock Co. tho Itustlc Theatre has been dark. A novelty was announced In the Terpslchorcan Hall, where a Booby Duncu was given—al- legedly tho first of that sort. s CHHBTLuil'S CABAHKT SHOWS, Cincinnati's Chester l'ark Is enjoying a clubhouse specialty. Diners aro nmusiTl by n cabaret show, "Bags'' Fuller, pianist; Hud ICemlngtnn and Kvu Wilbur are the actors who have made tlio show go with a ruth. s Thousand Island Fauk, was devaststad by (Ire last week, with a ihinaite of ncarijr fGOO.OOO. The Hotel Columbian and lh« col- lection of hnndsomo cottages were totally destroyed. WILLIAM WINTBH IS SEVENTY-SIX. William Winter tho veteran dramatic critic, poet and writer on tho drama, celebrated his seventy-sixth birthday July 13. at the home of his son, Jefferson Winter, Tompkinsville. Ststca Island. Mr. Winter Is nt present en- gaged on n new liook which must he ready fur tho publisher by Fall, so ho will spend his blrthduy working. 1 1* WKHUA at LUHMCHICR BlUN EDDIE ror. Wcr»A & Luesrlicr have signed a contract with Charles Dillingham, when-by Kddlc b'oy, In "Over the Hlver," passed nndor their man- agement. It Is said that Sliri.OOO changed hands in tho deal, Mr. Dillingham confirmed the exchange by cable, and Mr, Foy executod a contract with his now managers.