The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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14 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 20 THEATRES and OPERA HOUSES Ws Insert UTtrtlMntmto Id this solemn ill soeclal riU of 11.78 per Mat* line tor S nwstts (Sill K TsU Will MSblS l*0tl UIUMI teMa* thtlr tosses prealatatly tad oomtiaaAiir Sifo» the t»>Mm »f ewHuil-. Derlai t*. daw tit ad. li rualsi ws will Mat sack adr»r- ! a espy of The Olippib f rat. nnn T 17 ACT? ELKS THEATRE, MM Vtllt LtSAofi Kans. Modern up-to-date bonding. Only theatre In city of 18,000, Mil FLORIDA LYCEUH '^n 0 ^ 08 Beats 1000. Stage 2OT80. Full scenery, MM rooms,'complete" electricity, steam heat, all ateat WHITEHALL, N.Y. ™ w " > they ajlget the money. Factoi all Summer. " terms »pply to eii»itijB» Htitgtr Whitehall Theatre wtorytown. Big payroll weekly. Open r. Breakyonr lump here. rortlme apply to CHARLES F. ROTH, MUSIC composed and ARHAHOKO tor any tnitromeht or number ot Instrument!, Bongs, Words and Music. Sketobes.eto. Bendstamp, CRAB, L. LEWIS. «» Richmond St.. Cincinnati, 0. GB5T HV LATEST PARO0Y HITS. 250. each [with every order I send my two version Elec- tion Parody, free]. Rube, B. P., Messenger Boy, Suffragette, and Straight Monos., $5 each: Negro Sermon, *2; classy e ketches, etc.; material for club workers. Enclose sump. F. J. LaPIERRE, BOX 818, PEN8ACOLA, FLA. WANTED, FOR YOUNG'S OCEAN PIER ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. WILL CONSIDER LEASING SPACE FOR CONCESSIONS OF PROPER CHARACTER Card Printing, Wire Workers, Burnt Leather Goods. Novelty Jewelry, Japanese Ball Game. Glass Blowing and Engraving Stand, Mechanical Shooting Gallery, Flower Stand, Penny Arcade, Laughing Mirrors, Orangeade, Ice Cream and Soda Bland, etc., etc., etc. Have plenty of attrac- tive booths. The only free pier at this, the greatest Summer retort In the world. Act quick, come on, look It over; the best spot on the Boardwalk. Run byBhowmen. Address YOUNG'S OCEAN PIER, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Holding Its old friends and making lots of I new ones. ■* MADISON'S BUDGET No. 14 Contents Include w sure-fire parodies, 11 I funny monologues, 10 original acts for 2 males, 7 new acts for male and female, a great minstrel first part, a complete one-m-t musical comedy; also red-hot acts for two females, for male quartettes, and a tremen- dous assortment or sidewalk patter, gags, etc. Price One Dollar. Back Issues out of print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will send both tor $1.60, or Budgets 10. 12 and 14 for $2. JAMES MADISON 140* Third Avenue, New York Wanted, MUSICIANS Strong Tnba, 8. Trombone, Flnte, donble Piccolo: Cornet. Alto, Trap Drums: must handle standard music/Ooncart Band, 18 pieces. Old reliable three car lent show. We pay all after Joining. Reliable people: tell all first letter or wire. '■ .. BILLY BENNETT'S BIO SHOW, Wllllston, Worth Dakota. WANTED AT ONCE, FOR "The Millionaire's Wife" Han for Characters, Woman for Leads and Small Character Old Lady. Long season. Most dress your parts. No kickers wanted. Tom Madden, wire. Address GEO. O. BALL, Swan island. Me.. July 18: North Haven IS, Rockland 20, Waldboro 21, Weecosett 23, Kenneounk 24, New Market, N. H., 25. ■ OUT OF TOWN NEWS TXCB Having disposed of my contract for a consideration, all communications for The Princess Theatre FT. WORTH, TEXA8 I should be addressed to JOE ARONOFF, Prop, and Mgr. WILL A. PRTBRB. Letterheads HBO Good Bond Letterheads,$1; 1,000, Mk 950 White Envelopes. Si; 1,000, $-4. 10,000 0x0 TO-NIGHTERS, $4.50; 5,000, $».50; 10,000 3x8 Snipes, $3.50. Get our prices on anything In stationery or small bill work. Samples, 2c. stamp. IATI0ML PRIlfTHG CO., Sb*lbyville, Ind. [Successors to Don Wlmmer, Mfg. Printer.] BUS. MGR. Bober, reliable hustler, with ten. year*' experience In all lines. CAN BOOK, ROUTE or WILDCAT E. Y. STEWART, 2028 E. 55th St., Clavelind, 0. FOR SALE Modern Moving Picture Theatre Wnntnd Quick For BOW DISH STOCK CO. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Actors and Actresses, Band and Specialty Peiple, tor balance of Summer aud regular season. State lowest first letter. We pay all. Grace and Palmer Leavells. wired you money three weeks ago—why not loin r Address all communications A. N. BOW- DISH, Mgr. BOW DISS STOCK CO., Warwood, W. Va., July 18 week. AT L.IE To Manager, who IKRTY have the regular aalarjr habit only, James A. Rolfe CHARACTERS, GEN. BUB. Ht», 5 ft. 7 In. Wt., 160 lbB. Wardrobe, Alon and off. No boose, cigarettes, dope or specialties. Ticket? Yes. Rep. or perm, stock In Canadian territory preferred. Address 9 SHERMAN PLACE, APPLETON, WIS. AT LIBERTY CHAS. J.YOUNC Juvenile- Leeds, Character* or Gin. But. Versatility, sobriety, ability and experience. In- vite offers for next season. Ono piece production only. Address, 680 Harris St., Parkeraburg, W. Va. WASTED, H.4LCV0S PLAYERS Under canvas. Orchestra Leader, violin, mast double band; Baritone, donble stage or orchestra; Tnba and double bass; Trap Drums, band and orchestra; Trombone, band and orchestra; Woman tor Juveniles, Heavies and some Char- acters; Actors doubling brass. Write. Twelve weeks, under canvas. Regular season in houses. Work year 'round. State salary. I pay all. Join at once. Address THOB. H. 8KWBLL, Reading, Mich. Olty In Pennsylvania, over sixty thousand; best location; long lease; large capacity. Part cash: balance weekly. Don't waste time If you haven't location; long lease; large capacity, balance weekly. Don't waste time ff y ten thousand dollars available. Address PICTURK8, care of CLIPPER. WANTED QUICK, »T OWE A GOOD SKETCH TEAM MAN and WIFE Change for one week singles and doubles. Long season. Salary to a good team, *40 and transpor- tation. Live in hotels, Bhow In tent. Must be lady and gentlemen. Positively no booze. Tell all yon do In first letter. Address quick . OR. OHAS. LYNDON, H0L8TEIN, IOWA. AT LIBERTY For first class stock or rep. MAN for Leads or Heavies, WOMAN for Leads, Ingenues, Soubrettcs Experienced, reliable, versatile. Plenty Al ward- robe. Also new and handsome scenery. Address EUUESK TESSON, Oare of Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. IU. MEDICINE PEOPLE Oood Versatile Sketch Team and Single Comedian Tor Med. Bhow, under canvas. Pleasant engage- ment to right people. State age and tell all first letter. No tickets over boo miles. Address liOP KOSTHILLO, Renville, Winn. WANTED For LA ROY STOCK CO., under Canvas REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES Those doub'lng brass or specialties preferred. Can use Al Pianist. Write; state all In first. Salary sura evei forwards' ry night. Please give mall time to be Id. HARRY LA ROY, BYE8V1LLE, 0. CROMER'S SPARKLE EMBROIDERY *$$& to NEW gowns, and new life to OLD ones. We also Bake ana embroider table banners, curtains, dra- Ssrlee, etc Add. CRONER A WALLING, 206 W. <3d (., N. T. 0., opposite Hammersteln's victoria. Phone Bryant mi, ■ AT LIBERTY-PIANIST W. B. BRWIN, Experienced In Vaudeville and Ploturei. Sendrtlckot to Madison, B, Dak. Will wort for tlt.QO per. JHUSIG ARRANGED PIANO ORCHESTRA Melodies written to song poems. Rof.—Witmark A Son. W. H. NELSON, 128 W. 88th St., N. Y. Experienced, versatile Medicine Performers only need write. Long Beeson, salary sure. Address J. B. GENTRY, Gen. Del., Pitt.bnrg, Pa. Jay Poland Wants MEDICINE PERFORMERS TEAMS AND SINGLES, PIANIST to work In acta, MAGICIAN who can change. SEDALIA, MO. WANTED VAUDEVILLE ACTS Teams and Singles only. Salary must be low. Two matinees a week; noSnnday. 11.76 R. R. from Chicago. Also want a good Black Face Comedian to help put on negro acts for Summer engagement. 1IARRY LAMONT, Orphenm, Belolt, Wis. EDISOS UMVEBSaI PICTURE MACHINE Same as now, with gas burner aud 12 reels good pictures, all for one hundred dollars. Hake rea- sonable deposit and will ship with privilege ot ex- amination. Address DR. JOHN E. FUYE, McMECIIEN, MARSHALL CO., WEST VA. Care GREAT LKON SHOW. Med. Performers silent ACT that can work in acts, musical COMEDIAN up In med. biz. Salary 126 and trans. DRS. 11. and V. SHARPSTBEN, General Delivery, Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED QUICK SOBER, RELIABLE MAN WITH MOTION PICTURE OUTFIT Plenty of film and song slides, and gas outfit or electricity. Oood salary to the right man. Med. people In all lines write at once. Address DICK SHERMAN, Fnrmlngton, Ills. Big Money With par Diamond Pott Card , Gun: Ukoa pictures without N ear* atlvct— I'ostnlt, Buttons.nil sites In OnoMinuto—Largo profit. lattraailoul Metal k Fmt C*. D»»l. W, Cbi«M», llllaele 1-1E All Around Singing and Dancing, Dutch, Irish and blackface, and Straight PERFORMER. Spe- cialties and acts; good producer, descriptive lec- turer and salesman. Al PIANIST, eight reader, lake and transpose. - Hard worker. Striotly sober and reliable. BlUy-HARRIS and MEYER-Marle, Pennington, 111. ^j- At Liberty, Sketch Team MAN AND WIFE. Singles, doubles Dutch and Blackface comedy. Chango for week. Just had a lemon handed ub, and gave a receipt for it. - CLARENCE BBREND8. TAQUS, NORTH DAK. JACOB A. ANDREWS id Hand Store. Ml N.Clark St., Chicago, El. Specialty of FnU Drees Suite and Tuxedos LADIES' STREET and STAGE OOWHI. LargeStook PrlnceAlbert and RngllshWalklngSnlta In answering ads. please mention Cluteb. .... ,- IVU til i Dramas. Comedies, Fams. Comediettas Tableaux-vtvantea, Entertainments, Onlde Hon**, etc., etc. Send for descriptive catalogue. KI'KI) SCHILLING .HI., 441 Scheuck Ave., Brooklyn, N.T> i. <.... :m, .• • . (. ■:. S 4 i ' ..liul**-'- ■ ,1A- -„■• BOSTON. The weather remains nnhparibly hot. and the business at the few indoor theatres open la the omillent It has been In rears. As a rule the the- atres that reonln open during the Summer do very well. But this year Is an exception, all right. All are flock lor to the beaches and parks. TaiKONT (Jno. B. Seboeffel, mgr. t—After Hue weeks ot Alice Lloyd, In "Little Miss Fix-It." It was Oecliled to close the theatre for the season: Miss Lloyd will open tbe coming season Labor Day at -I'rovhlence In tbe same vehicle. Mjusstio (Lindsay Morlaon, mgr.)—Owing te tbe excessive heat this house did sot open but week, and tbe engagement of Nance O'Nell, la "The Fires of St. John," was postponed until July 15. «- ■ Kxitii'b (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—The Melster- slmrera are In tbelr third week. Earl sal Curtis. Rita Gould. Carl MeCollonrh. LUa McMUlao and company. Three Parelle Slateri, Muriel and Fran- cis. L»» Oopelind. and Walton and Lester. OSFUxuu (Victor J. Morris, mgr.)—First half: Morey and Scone, Teddy Do Pont, Billy Davis, Lottie Williams and company, Miinford and Thomp- son, and Derenso and Ladue. 8eoond half: Babe Smith, Mason and Pierce, Elsie Gilbert. Lottie Williams and company. Sam Barber, the Stantons, and the Sldonlas. . A _ Olobs (Robert Jaaette, mgr.)—This week the aclors and actresses are: Aostln Welsh, Flying La Mans, Bros and Maxim, Schrlner and Wood, and the Roys. . ^. Bowdoin Squabs (0. E..Lothrop, mgr.)—The Bhow Is supplied current week by Violet Mas- ootte's Burlesquers, Pat White, Count La Ousts, and Fred Nelson. . Washington (F. G. Collier, mgr.)—Week 0* IS: Alfred Teel and company, Wlckfleld and Heep. Albert Warner, Oberrell, Sartello, and Fred Hole. Old Sooth (F. O. Collier, mgr.)—Lang- and Bencher, Bag»n and Moore, Musical McDonalds, Todd and ward, James DufTy. Ohennee Walker, Lightning Weston, and Wallace Mackay. Lexington Pa»k (J. Ormond Jackson, mgr.)— Unison and Son, Johnson and Bonnell, Jack Sy- monds. Jack SlcOourt, and Millie Franklin. Noboubeoa Pabk (Oarle Alberte, mgr.) — The niatts, the Zoyarras, Horner Barnett, and Wink- ler Kress Trio. Meopobd IloDxrvABD (J. W. Gorman, mgr.)— For week of July 15: Saons and company. Ameri- can Trumpeters. Reed's Dogs, Knight Brothers sod Sawtelle. and Dan Haley. Pabaoon Pabk (G. A Dodge, mgr.)—<New fea- tures are being Introduced all the time la tbe palm garden and other parts ot tbe park. The business Is tremendous. Gordon's Olymi-ia (J. E. Obmerford, mgr.)— This new vaudeville and picture' bouse Is holding Its own with tbe other Indoor places of amuse- ment. 1'AiiK (Harris & Frohmsn. mgrs.)—The Paul J. Rnlney African hunt pictures continue to do enongh business to warrant continuing them. AREUUTH. Pictures and vaudeville are Been at the BIJou Dream. Hub, Pastime, Puritan, Beacon, Shawmut, Back Bay. Premier, Norfolk, Oomique, Unique. Niagara, New Palace, Wlnthrop, Williams' Ideal and tbe Superb. Rboboe Williams, the property man at Keith's, la on a five weeks' vacation, and, with his family, la abonrd his new motor boat. George Is doing a lot ot ashing. John Biti.eb, of the Tremont staff, will work tor Edison Electric Co. during tbe remainder ot the Summer while the theatre Is closed. Lynn, Mass. — Central Square (James H. Donovan, mgr.) Is offering motion pictures. Fred Bates and Mine. Flower are singing the Illustrated Bongs. Oood business. OLYiifiA (A. E. Lord, mgr.)—May Yobe was seen here July 11-13, In a pretty vaudeville act. Bill for 15-17: Three O'Connor Slaters, Walter Daniels and company, Leon Kogee and the Loretta Twins and company. Bill 18-20: Emily Dood and company, Nina Esphey, Jones and Grant, and Miller, Eagle and Miller. Good business rules. Couiqub (Al. New li a 11. mgr.)—Motion pictures and songs. Fine business. Floating Bbidoe Pabk (J. W. Chase, mgr.)— Business is good. Bain interfered with the thea- tre performance 11. Tbe J. W. Gorman Co. week Of 15. Pastiiib (A. E. Loud, mgr.)—Motion pictures. Relat, N ah ant (Robert Hogg, mgr.)—Vsude- vllle and pictures to good business. TnEATOBiuii, Nahant (A. A. Fuller, mgr.)— Pictures and songs. Good bouses; Dbeah. Cliftondale (Thomas H. Cullen, mgr.) —Pictures and songs. Notes. — Gilbert Fitzgerald, well known In vaudeville, and tbe husband of Grace Kimball, la believed to have attempted suicide 10, when he was struck by a train of the Boston & Maine Itnllroad, In Lynn Manager Jeff Dalian, of tbe Lynn Theatre, announces that be will open tor the season Aug. 28. Lowell, 'Mass.—Merk 8q. (James Carroll, mgr.) bill for July 15 and week: De Graut nuil McClemmen, Edgar Foreman and company, Max Holden, Alice Bagley, and tbe photoplays. Canobuc Lake (J. W. Gorman, mgr.)—Bill for week of 15: Clifford and Burke, Fennel and Ty- son, the Luclfers, Adamlnl and Taylor, and Tor- cat's trained roosters. Lakevibw (J. W. Gorman, mgr.)—The Majestic Players, In "The Irish Priest," 15 and week. Spokane, Wash. — Auditorium (Chas. W. York, mgr.) is dark. Amesioan Is closed Indefinitely. Obfhuuu (Jos. A. Mudler, mgr.)—BUI week of July 15: Burr and Hope, W. H. St. James and company, Charlie Case, Robert De Mont Trio, Martin Johnson's wonderful South Sea Travelogue, Tom Kelly and Mayme Latterly, and Snyder and Curtis. Business good. Emfbess (Geo. E. Blakesly, mgr.) — Week of 8: Blllle Burke. In the Model ot Jarden de Paris, with a company of ten; also Ave other large acta, and motion pictures. Business fair. Pantaobs (E. Clark Walker, mgr.)—Week of 8: Jewel's Manikins, aud five other large acts, with motion pictures. Business fair. Natatobiuh Pabk Is doing quite a business this Summer. Free moving pictures are proving quite a popular stunt for tbe park. Tub Aebial Siibbwoodb, while appearing at the Orpbeutn Friday v. xi., July 5, through a misunderstanding of signals, fell heavily to the floor. Mrs. Sherwood received a number of bruises, and her husbsud received a badly sprained ankle, causing him to enter Sacred Heart Hospi- tal. They expect to be back at work about July 15. About one thousand Elks were entertained In Sitokane. Saturday and Sunday, en route to Port- land, to the annual convention. The "Antlered Brothers" and their wives made quite an Impres- sion on the city avenues In tbelr gay clothes. Omaha, Neb.—Extreme hot weather has put even tbe moving picture business nearly out; how- ever, the Boyd and Gayety are holding tbelr own with tbe smaller bouses. Johnson & Bilz, the owners of the Gayety, have taken a lease of the American for one year, and, with 0. T. Crawford, of St. Louis, will open the house Sept. 1. The name wUl be changed to the Hippodrome, and moving pictures and vaude- ville will be furnished tbe patrons four times dally. The bookings will be through tbe Theatre Booking Corporation, of Chicago. E. L. Johnson will have tbe active management of the Hippo- drome. Wilmington, Del—Shellpot Park (Jas. E. Henry, mgr.) bill week ot July 15 Includes: Edwards and Council, the Kenyona, Hodge aud Nelll, Joe Thomas, Dorothy D. Young, and the Henry Stock Co., In "A New Scream," and tbe motion plotures. Spbinqb (R. Orook, mgr.)—Springs Stock ft). present "Snow Ball" week of 15. Grand (0. L. Bradheld, gen. mgr.)—Pictures. Majestic (Wm. Glnni, mgr.)—Pictures. Savor (N. Jones A Oo. mgrs.)—Pictures. Piokwiok (A. Sablowsky. mgr.)—Pictures. Bijou (L. Sablowsky, mgr.)—Pictures. Lyric (Wm. Benner, mgr.)—Pictures and vaudeville. Sfbinob Pabk (Wm. Popp, mgr.)—Pictures. Bbkllbot Pabk (J. E. Henry, mgr.)—Pictures. Wichita, Kan.—Auditorium (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.) the Wolfe Stock Co. cloned for the Summer Joly 0, and will re-open Sept. 4. A company composed of a few members of the Wolfe cora- Kinv and some new people, Including Geuevleve uracil, Llssle Johnson and Robert Johnson, opened a short Summer season at this house R, In •'The Blue Mouse." Wondebland Pabk (J. T. Nuttle. mgT.l—Crea- tore and his band week of T, to good business. "THE MYRTLE VINTON COMPANY" My uef. IN REP., Flawing One, Three and Six Night Stands The following people: Men for Leads and Heavies, Character Man, Comedian, Man for Light Com, and Juveniles, Good All Round Useful Mon, anything cast for; Oood Useful Woman for Second p neas, some Characters: preference to those doing specialties. Can place Man for Parts who nonhT- Drums In Orchestra. Will place Small Orchestra. Pleased to hear from Violinist with music pii„iS! and other Orchestra Musicians. No band. All people must be sober, have wardrobe, be able fo «i„S; and Join on or before July 2*, In Eastern Iowa, for rehearsals. Season opens Aug. l. p ay own iE3 and telegrams. Tell all fn first letter, no tlmoto dicker. Address «. P. biIlmeb, M»r W "mTRTLE VIWTOai COMPAWV," 810 East 33d Street. Minneapolis, aft 1 ^ . . THE GREAT ENGLISH* VAUDEVILLE PAFBB, THEIVKUSIO *■■ THEATRE REVIEW 14 Leicester St., Leicester Souare, London, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, 8b. 8d. PER YEAR PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS. - - 2a. 6d., Single Column I» e . N«w Tort Office :M West 26th Btreet Telepaone: 1772 Madlaon Square. M PLATING THE • UULIVAN send < . GENERAL BDSINEBI OFFICE I Sullivan and ConalaUne Blag., Third and Hadlson Streets, SEATTLE, WASH. jTRXD. jUNCOUV, - . Qw«. Mgr. BEST IN VATJaJEVLLXX JON3IDINC OIROUI1 GENERAL BOOKING OFFICEi 1440 B *°**Zr* r ' ^'^ 40th ■treet, new youk crrr, CHRIS O. B ROWN, ... Ugr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICESt PAUL OOlTpEON, 6 North Clark Bt^eor. Madison, Chicago I1L : MAURICE J. BURNS, Sd and Madison Bts., Seattle, Wash.; W. P. BEEsS 965 Market 8t, San Francisco, CaL; B. OBBEMAYBB, 16 Greene St, London, Kng. FIDELITY BOOKING OFFICES 531. 53JB. 533. 53* Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 1408 Broadway, New York. Phone0448 Greely. "CLEVELAND CIRCUIT" Agency. L. D. MACKINTOSH, Prop, Associated Park, Fair, Vaudeville, Combination and Moving Picture Theater Managers' Headquarters OK lalBBITUFOR THOSE THAT I SPECIAL CLUB AND CABAUET DEPARTMENT Otr iTtMS MAKE GOOD | we SEE EVERYBODY Short Cast Scripts For Sale All the dIbvs I used here In stock during the past two seasons. The list Includes: Sunset Trail, Hal o' the IIllls, Tom Warner, How Women Sin, Classmates and a dozen o'.ber good bills ' Send stamp for complete list or send me one dollar to guarantee cxpressogc, and tell mc how your east Is framed and I'll send three good bills for your Inspection. They ore three dol'ars each ; parts, two dollars per set. Will guarantee every play to. go. or. If It don't suit your cast, will exchange. Most of the plays can be done with four and two. JOHN LAWRENCE, HOTEL WALNUT, CINCINNATL 0. WAHTED--CHORUS GIRLS AND MUSICIANS FOR McFADDEN'S FLATS ReliearBals Aug. e. Lorn CHAI season. Howard Tozler and Jack Larape, please write. Address . E. BARTON, Room 305 Columbia Theatre. New York. H. WILMOT MARJIE WANTED FOR THE YOUNG-ADAMS Al Heavy Han, swell wardrobe; Juvenste Han, with Vaudeville Team that play parts and change often. Aug. 20, at 10 A. H., Hassena, N. Y. Address. WILMOT IIPANY pectalty; Character Woman and Al Bep. Agent State all first letter. Send photos. Rehearsals YOUNG, BIJOU COTTAGE, HASSENA, K. Y. Frank E. Long Stock Co. LEADING MAN, LEADING WOMAN, must have appearance and ability; HAN for General Business. CHARACTER COMEDIAN, With Specialties. Other useful people. NOVELTY VAUDEVILLE ACTS. Tell all and send photos. FRANK E. LONG, No. 3731 Bloomlngton Are., Minneapolis, Minn. "r"r,«flrT SHOW aR V \ PI t I I"! g tOH 6x24 Heralds, 2 Sides, $9 I0H 12x18, Heralds, 4 Paps, $13. 10H 14x21 BenUs, 4 Farts. W 30H 4x12 Te-Nlghts, 1 Side, ao Casts, $5 30H Same With Casts, $9.50 30H Same, 2 Sides, $12 ALL, ON HEAVY PAPER - ASSORTED COLORS — CASH WITH ORDER Posters-Stands-All Slies-Type or Blocks at Less Honey than yon pay now. FEIST SHOW PRINT, White Haven, Pa, Send For Samples and PRICES To The HILLMAN'S IDEAL STOCK CO. Wants LEADING NA/OIVIAN (Ingenue) Host positively be young, good looking, moral and experienced. One week and three night Aug. 1. Doc stands, Photos will be returned, if requested. Rehesrsals, F. P. HILLMAN, 1731 Write lodge St., Omaba, Nebr. WANTED FOR REPERTOIRE UNDER CANVAS General Business Man with Specialties Leading Lady Send photo If possible, woloa will he returned. State all in Other useful repertoire people write. Must have good wardrobe and ability, first letter. ' CORDINIER BROS. CO. KushTllle, 111., July 18.a» Vermont, HI., Jaly 8*3-30 The Keeney Stock Co. (Under Canvas. Going South for the Winter). GENERAL BUS. WOMAN capable of doing leads, TUBA and DOUBLE BASS CORNET, B. and 0.; CLARINET, B. and 0.; TBAP DKUHHER with Traps and Bells. Others write. State lowest salsrj. Pay own. Bhow stays ont all Winter. Address BYRON E. WALTON, Manager, Parana, Mich. For the Return oi "THE STEP MOTHER" If the person who stole the manuscript ot my new play, entitled "The Step Mother," returns same to me, I will give them one hundred dollars, and aslt no uuestlons. Address - „ NITA PEARL, care of CLIPPER Office. For Coming Season, tor One Piece Bhow ._-, - . SI HENRY Small Sonbrette, good I Juvenile and *Wv°*e. Box ^ y l w ^figoai*. WANTED QUICK, FOR ROBINSON BROS.' U. T. C, FOR BALANCE OF SUMMER AND Winter season. Two Strong Cornets, Musicians for B. A 0., "Tom" Aotora In all lines who pl»J; b "*?, Must Join on wire. Low, sure salaries. Canvas show. 81eep at hotels. State lowest; quick. Writs or LIBE EMMA HENRY | MILLIE BELAND Ingenue and Characters, also A No. 1 Pianist. lro as follows 22, Newport 23. Colcbrook, N. IL, July 18. Permanent address, Line West Btewartatown 19. Norton Hills, Vu, X;MrbJ Ui ireas, THOS. L. FINN, HOOHOK FALLS, N. »» NEW YORK COSTUME CO. Said 6c. for Catalof C, 136 pages 140 N. Durham St, CHICAGO ■"ii'. tUt «