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JULY 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 15 His Hearing Was Restored Veteran Could Not Hear Bis Beloved Bugle Tells How Deafness Was Overcome "" RpIow Is a picture of Henry Farrar, a Civil \v»r veteran, who Is a natural born musician, rod whoso bugle has led troops to many a rirtoir' -With the approach of old age'and li" Infliction of various disorders, he gradu- ally became more and more deaf until he could not hear hie own bugle which he had iM-en accustomed to play on various occasions throughout the year.. He also became harassed with those beau noises which so often aceora- nam the advancement of deafness. This In- nrmlty distressed Mr. Farrar greatly. Be Is r man of activity despite his age—la fact, he looks much younger than the 70 years that be If. Hie loss of bis hearing was a sad misfor- tune, and the future looked very dark. Of course Mr. Farrar had tried one thing after another; he bad followed medical advice, had consulted specialists and bad adopted various devices and remedies, but all to no avail. He lelt that be was doomed to end his life In tbnt melancholic stillness which Is dreaded by all who are Inclined toward deafness. Mr. Farrar has always been popular, and all bis friends were exceedingly sympathetic, but even these kind sentiments did not ap- pease bis deep dejection. One day, however, lie happened to learn of a simple and harm- less home treatment, which he decided to try. He did not. have much hope, because he bad I been disappointed In his previous attempts. Yet in this case, to bis surprise and joy, be found that his bearing began to Improve al- most Immediately, and It continued until he became so well that he has recently done jury Outy. listening to the various witnesses and the court proceedings without the slightest difficulty. " . Mr. Farrar Is so delighted with the manner in wbtcb he was liberated from the thraldom of deafness and head noises, as well as the «ay In which' his- health was generally Im- proved that be Is giving information about this wonderful treatment to all who write him. He has nothing to sell, but he will cheerfully send full particulars of how his own hearing was restored, and will tell how others may get the same treatment. Persons of all ages—men. women and children—have followed the Information given by Mr. Farrar, and many cures of deafness have been re- ported after all else has failed. To obtain the desired Information it Is only necessary to write to Mr. Henry A. Farrar, 320 A Main Street, Hanover, Mass., enclosing a stamped envelope for reply. ROUTE LIST. Hoaxes Intended for This Column Must Reach This Office Not Later Than Saturday at Each Week to Insure Insertion. SUMMER PRICES Look at these prices, cask with order. No stock paper. All special, from your copy. Union Label. 10M eru heralds, 2 sides, - • - - lio.M 10M12X18 heralds, 4 pages • 14.50 10M 14x21 heralds, 4 pages. • • • 17.W SOU 4X12 to-nigbta, one side, e forms, no casts, 9.00 MM same, with casta, .... 10.60 salt same, two sides. 13-00 SOU 3x8 to-nlghts, 8 forms, no casts, - 7.60 SOU free tickets. - . - • • S.00 10M3HX9S card heralds, ..... 6.00 looot-ply tack cards, type, .... 7.00 600 one sheets, tvpe, black on yellow, - 1.00 icoo one sheets, black on yellow, • • 11.00 600 half sheets, black on yellow, • - - 4.&o 1000 half sheets, black on yellow, - • 7.60 Slight additional charge for red and blue on white GAZETTE SHOW PHI.V TIN G COUP ANY Mattoon, 111,, V. 8. A. BEFORE AND AFTER THEATRE MOUQUIN'S 61. An., Ill 27tt aid 28tb Sh., Kn York HOST POPULAR FRENCH KBSTATJRAHV FAUaiAg OAF! :: :: MUSIC M0 TO 1 AM. Bronchial Troches Save the voice In all kinds of weather, Invalua- ble to singers and speakers for clearing the voles. There Is nothing more effective for Throat Irrita- tion, Hoarseness and Coughs. Sixty years' repu- tation. Bold only In boxes. Sample mailed free. JOHN L BROWN & SON, Boston, Mass. FREE-MAGIC aTALOGUE-FREE Catalogues now ready. All the latest Improved "ope Chain and Sensational Escapes. Suweet weattons i n Advanced Iilnstons, Splrituallstio Ef- ;?SJi,Oh* Uei "f e Mlnd Reading Acts, newly per- fected Card Tricks, Ventriloquist Figures, Books, jnaniea and Jokers, Secrets, Plans. Apparatus, ^bles or Accessories. W. ALBERT TRIPP, ■to 10. New Bedford. Rasa. flai KW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MAGIC CATAL ttooUlnlEr otlta of Leading Conjurors, 60c. a? w „ •» «•*» book Oatal., loo. None free w. 9. LaRQT. lot Oonrt St. Boston, Mass. FOSTER 'TIHTM T, » Population 11,000. Inquire O. EARL FOSTER. Real Kalr, tfrop wig, $1; Negro.afro.; Dress "i UjBBr ,. Hair (wool], ll.i Ilogos Papier Kasha Beads, Haimea, eto. *mpejt,M£r,4rcwtt AvaJLI I Wig, import Eald,""8oubrette, $1.60'each; ,9 yds. Crepe Hair [Wool], 11 .OS. Ask Cata- DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Academy Stock (Samuel P. Kingston, mir.)— N. Y. City 15, Indefinite. American Stock (James Wall, mar.)—Philadel- phia, l'a., 16, Indefinite. . Appell Stock (Sim Allen, rogr.)— Niagara rails, N. Y.. 15, indefinite. , Aylcsworth Stock (A. J. Ajlesworth, mirr.)—Van- couver, B. C, Can., 15, ludeflnlte. Bonatelle, Jessie, and Associate Plnjers—Detroit, Mich., 15, Indefinite. Booth, Virginia <R. W. Lalthe. mgr.)—Inavrsoll, Can., 10, Tilsonborg 17, Wetland 18, Port Col- • borne 19, Hamberstone 21, Fonthlll 22, Stam- ford 23. Thorald 24, Mtrrltton 25. Port Dal- houiile 20. ... - " , ... Burbank Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- avles, Cal., 15, Indefinite. Blshap Plaj«s. (H. W. Bishop, mgr.)—Oakland, Cal., 15, Indefinite.' Barrow-Wlnninxer Players (John D. Wliinlnger, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nebr., 15, Indefinite. Belasco Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)— Los Angeles, Cal., 15, Indefinite. Burkhart, Lillian (J. H. MeOroarty, mgr.)—San Gabriel, Cal.. 15. indefinite. Burns Stock (Paul E. Bunu, mgr.)—Manila Grove Park, Pottivllle. Pa., IK, indefinite. Bailey a Lockvrood PUyera—SprugfleR Mo., 15- 20, Pittsburg, Kan., 22-27. Brlant Stock (Boy G. B riant, mgr.)—Arkansas City, Kan.,. 10-27.' Burns Theatre Stock (Joseph D. Olaas, mgr.)— Colorado Springs, Colo., 15, lndfinlte. Baker Stock (Kltmt & Gatsolo, mgrs.)—Roches- ter, N. Y-, 15. indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— N. Y. City 15, Indefinite. "Biinty Pulls the Strings"—Sbubsrt-Brady's—N. Y. City 16, Indefinite. Colombia Players (Fred O. Berger, mgr.)—Waih- lngton, D. C, 15, Indefinite. Cornell-Price Players (Cornell'a Price, nigra.)— Onaway. Mich.. 15-20, Alpena 22-27. Colonial Stock (R. H. McLaughlin, mgr.)—CHere- lind, O.. 15, Indefinite. Carleton Sisters Stock (Varney 4 Montgomery, mgrs.)—Charleston, 8. C, 16, Indefinite. Casino Stock (L. D. Pellsaltr, mgr.)—Mountain Park, Holyoke, Mass., 15-Aug. 24. Colonial Theatre Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mgr.) —Charlottetown,- P. E. 1.. Can., 15. Indefinite. Court Theatre Stock (Kelnler A Moon', mgr.) — Wheeler, W. Va., 15, Indefinite. Davidson Stock (Sherman Brown, mgr.)—Mil- waukee. Wis., 15, Indefinite. Davis Stock (Harris Darle, mgr.)—Pittsburgh, Pa., 16, Indefinite. Dudley Stock (Frank Dudley, mgr.)—Lake Mln- nequa Park, Pueblo, Colo., 15, Indefinite. Pelmar Park Stock (Conrad Hecker, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 15, indefinite. Dyroont Stock (A. M. Diamond, mgr.)—Cheboy- gan, Mich., 15-20. Marquette 22-27. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., 15. Indefinite. Empire Stock (Frederick Oage, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y., 15. Indefinite. Elitch's Stock (John D. Long, mgr.)—Denver, Colo., 15, Indefinite. Fealy. Maude, and James Durkln Stock—Lake- side Casino, Denver, Colo., 15, indefinite. Fischer's Follies (E. A. Fischer, mgr.)—Los An- - geles, Cal.. 15, Indefinite. Greet's Players (Ben Greet, mgr.)—The Zoo, Cincinnati, O.. 16-17. . . Graham, Oscar—Pittsburg, Kan., 15-20, Inde- pendence 21-27. Uarslde Stock (Jas. S. Garelde, mgr.)—Altdomc, Dubuque, la., 15, Indefinite. Gordlnier Bios.' Stock (Earl Gotdlnler, mgr.)— Vernon, III., 10-20. Gayety Theatre Stock—Hoboken, N. i., 16, Indefi- nite. . „ Goj Stock (C. W. Mercer, mgr.)—Montpeller, Ind., !5-20. _, „ Gallup Stock (B. R. Gallup, mgr.)—Cleburn, Tex.. 15-LO. Dallas 22-27. Gilbert A Sullivan Operas—Sbnbert A Brady's— San Francisco, Cal., 21, Indefinite. "Girl of the Mountains"—O. E. Wee's (Harry Myers, nigr.)—il'ort Jefferson, N. Y., 10. Bsyes ami Associate Players (Lucy M. Hsyes, mgr.)— Bartlesvllle. Okla., 15-2U.- ■ Harvey Stock, Northern — H. D. Orr's—Mollne, 111., 16. indefinite. __ , _. _ Harvey Stock, Southern—H. D. Ore's (H. H. Bodde, mgr.)—AlbU, la., 15-20. Edlns, Mo., 22-27 Hall's Associate Players, A (Eugene J. Hall, truer.)— Lakemont Park Theatre, Altoona, Ps., 16, Indefinite- „ _. T _ „ Hall's Associate Players, B (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.)—Casino. Mansfield, O., 15, indefinite. Home Stock (F. H. Home, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y., 16. Indefinite. Hudson Stock (J. R. Smith, mgr.)—Hoboken, H. J., 15, indefinite. , . „ Harvard Stock (James Carroll, mgr.)—Lowell, Mass., 16, Indefinite. . . _ . Howell Stock—Lancaster, Pa., 15. Indefinite. Juvenile Bostonlans (B. B. Lang, mgr.)—Hono- lulu, H. I., 15, Indefinite. Keyes Stook (Chester A. Koyes. mgr.)—Atchi- son, Kan., 15-20, Jefferson City, Mo.. 22-27. Keith Stort (B. E. Keith, mgr.)—Portland, Me.. 15, lndellulte. _ _ „ .. Knickerbocker Stock, Eastern (Eugene J. Murphy, mg,.)—Clinton, la., 15, indefinite. Knickerbocker Slock, Western (Eugene J. Murphy, mgr.)—Moherly, Mo., 15-20. _ Klna Stock (Chas. P. King, mgr.)—Uvalde, Tex.. Kolb and Dill Musical Comedy—Los Angela, Cal., 15. Indefinite. „ _, _ ,. Lytell-Vnnghan ami Plyers—Albany N. Y.. 10. Indefinite. __ _, Lang. Eva, Stock (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)— Kansas City, Mo.. 15, Indefinite. "Louisiana Lou"—Harry Askln's—San Francisco, Cal., 15, Indefinite. „ _ _. Manhattan Stock—Chas. E. Blsney's—N. Y. City 15, Indefinite. . „ . Morlsou Stock (Lindsay Morlson, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 15, Indefinite. ¥ „, Majestic Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Utlca, N. Y., 15. Indefinite. , Mnrat Players (Leonnnl Blumberg, mgr.) — In- dianapolis. Ind., 15, lndfinlte. Manhattan Players (Geo. E.'Brown, mgr.)—Tren- ton. N. J., 15, Indefinite. . Masonic Opera House Stock (A. B. Wolfe, mgr.) — Clillllcotlie. O., 15, ludefinlte. Maher Stock (Phil Maher, mgr.)—'Massena, M. Y., 15-20. Walone 22-27. . _ . .. Manhattan Opera (Geo. Lydlng. rngT.)—Itorlck s Glen, Elmlra, N. Y„ 15, Indefinite. "Modern Eve"-^-Mort H. Singer's—Chicago. 111., 15, Indefinite. „ „ -• "tSwwl Girl," Weatern —Norton 4 Rlth«— Roseau, Minn., 17, Thief River F«,lls^t8. War- ren 10, Argyle 20, Stephen 22, Hallock 23, Em- erson, Man., Can., 24, Carman 25, Morris 20, plum Coulee 27. „ ' ' . _. , - .. "Messenger Boy" (Geo. D. Sweet, mgr.)—Lexing- ton. 111.; 17, Stanford 18, Mlnler 19, 20. "Millionaire's Wife" (Geo. O. Kail, mgrO— Swans Island. Me., 18, North Haven 19, Rock- land 20, TValdboro 22, Wlscaaset 23, Klnnebunk 24. New Market, N. H.. 25. North Bros.' Stock ("Sport" North, Of*-)— Fair Pork Theatre, Oklahoma, Okla., 16, laden- oilleim Players (Grant Lsferty, mgr.)-Phlla- ilelphla, Pa., 15. Indefinite. __ ._ Mm ,__, Orpheum Players (Geo. Drlscoll, mgr.)-Montreal. Can.. 15. Indefinite. „- !_»«. Olympic Park Opera- (M. Ralnget. Bgr.)—New- nrk N. J.. 16, indefinite. ■ OllveV Slock (Oils Oliver, mgr-)-I* rsyetle. "Offl«V 1 e«l"' f -Coh.n A Harrls'-Cblcw, "U •MS««r (Alex. N. Lyons, mgr.)- Hinlnon.'N. Yv 15-20. _ -. Pnyton Stock (Corse Payton, mgr.)—». T. City 16. Indefinite. • ; ___. nAln , Poll Playen (Thos. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Brldge- nort. Conn., 15, Indefinite. •»-■««..* VoV. rlsyera (O. O. Edwards, mgr.)—Bsrtford, Conn., 15. Indefinite. _-,i_v»w Poll Players fLewis D. Garvey, fiJgr.) — new Po!l7^y^Tjohn\.'CklS. B «r.)-8cr.n«o.. i.ori fl Pl"eri na ('s fln, J*- Breen. mgr.) - Sprl.gfl.Id. Mass., 15,- Indefinite. - ^^ Bliht . Poll Players (Jsmea Thateber, mgr.)—Wssaing- tnn. D. 0.. IS. indeflnlte. ,^__ Poll Plsyers (B. Z. Poll, up.) — Waterbury. Conn.. 15, 'ijcnnlte. TJ7lk»».Bnfre Poll Players (S. S. Poll. m|t.)—WUMa-Baire, Ps., lit IndttoH* Toll Playera (S. Z. roll, BUT.) — Worcester, MaM.1 1'i Indefinite.- \*4 Prlngle, Delia, and Stock—Edmonton, Alia., Can,, 16. lndefir-lte. I'helan l'lny:r.i (E. V. Phelan, mgr.)—Cape Oct- 1 tage Theatre, Portland, Me,, 15, Indefinite. Princess Theatre Stock (0. L. Blchards. mgr.)— Tacoma, Wash., 16, indefinite. Princess Summer Stock (II. C. Judge, mgr.)— Montreal. Can., 15, Indefinite. . , "Pink Lady"—Klaw * Erlungcr's—London, Eng., 15-27. Reynolds ft Ross Playera (Billy Ross, mgr.)— Excelsior Springs, Mo., 15-20, Richmond 22-27. Rlvcrvlew Players (J. J. Garrlety, mgr.)—Rlv- erview Park Theatre, Louisville, Ky., 15, in- definite. "Rose Maid, The"—Werba ft Lnescber's—N. T. City 15, Indefinite. Spotiner. Cecil, and Stock (Chas. E. Blauey, nigr.) —N.'Y. City 15; Itideflnlte. Stm-mera Stock (Geo. H. Summera, mgr.)—Moun- tain Theatre, Hamlltoh, Can., 15, Indefinite. Spence Theatre-Stock (Harry Bonus, mgr.)—Sa- Una. Kan., 15-27. Star Theatre Stock (P. C. Cornell, mgr.)—Buf- falo. N. Y. 15, Indefinite. Stixldart Stock—Spring bank Park, London. Ont., Can., 15, Indefinite. Spring! Stock (A. La Roe, ngr.)—Brandywlne Springs. Wilmington, Del., 16, Indefinite. Spanish Fort Opera (Jules' Blstes, mgr.)—New Orleans. La., 15, Indefinite. Turner, Clara, Players (W. P. Barry, mgr.)— Rolling Green Park, Snnbury. Ps.. 16, Indefinite. Turner. Clara, Players (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— Vallamont Park, Wllllamsport, Pa., 15, indefi- nite. Tempevt Stock (3. L. Tempest, mgr.)—Tumbling Run Park. Pottavllle. Pa., 15, Indefinite. "Tbelma" (Smith ft Sherman, mgrs.)—Antlari. Wis., 21. Green Ray 22, Sturgeon Bay 23, Al- gona 24, Oconto 25, Kewaunee 26, Wanaan 27. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Kibble ft Martin's (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Mt. Clemens, Mich., 22, pon- tile 23. Flint 24, Lansing 26, Jackson 20. Battle Creek 27. Tan Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)—Air- dome. Des Moines. .la., 15, Indefinite. Valley Theatre Stock (Philip Honold, mgr.)—Sy- racuse. N. Y.. 15. Indefinite. Wolf* Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.)— Wlcblts, Kan., 16. Indefinite. West End Heights Stock (Harry Wsllace, mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo.. 15, Indefinite. Wletlng Opera House Stock (Francis P. Martin, mgr.)—Syracuse, .V. Y., 15, Indefinite. Whitney Stock—Copac. Mich., 15-20. 'Winsome Widow" (Florens Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.) —N. Y. City 18, Indefinite. BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE. Avenue Burlesque (Drew ft Campbell, mgrs.)— Detroit, Mich.. 15, Indefinite. Gayety Burlesqoers (John P. Eckhardt, mgr.) — Philadelphia. Pa., 15. Indefinite. Murphy's Comedians—Christopher, HI., 16-20. Merry-Go-Rounders (Leffler-Brntton Co., mgrs.)— Columbia. New York, 15-Aug. 3. Star Burlesquera — T. W. Dlnklns' — Toronto, Ont., Can., 15, Indefinite. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Cavello and his Band—Forest Park Highlands, St. Louis. Mo., 15, Indefinite. Fob's Metropolitan Band (Jacob Fub, leader).— Sea Isle City, N. J., 15-8ept. 10. Hairy ft Young's Military Band—Sneltpot Park, Wilmington. Del., 15-Sejit. 7. Itbara Concert Band (Patrick Conway, leader). —Willow Grove, Phlladelphl, Fa., 15-20. Natlello and his Band — Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky., 15, Indefinite. Pryor, Arthur, sad his Band—Rlvervlew Expo- sition, Chicago, III., 15-Sept. 1. Philippine, Don, and his Band—Rlvervlew Park, Louisville, Ky., 15, Indefinite. Pa s s u ! and bis Band—Washington Park, Glou- cester. N. J.. 16, indefinite. Royal Marine Band-*Luna Park, Los Angeles, Cal., 15, Indefinite. Slafer and his Band (Wm. JC. Slater, leader).— Brighton Beach Hotel. Brighton Beach, Cuney Island. N. Y., 15, Indefinite Swedish Band—Woodalde Park, Philadelphia, Pa., 15, Indefinite. Tommaalno and his Band — Point Breexe Park, Philadelphia, Pa.. 15, indefinite. Volpe Orchestra—Hotel Astor Boof, N. Y. City, 14-Aug. 8. Weber, John O., and bis Band—The Zoo, Cincin- nati. O., 15, indefinite. CIRCUSES AND WILD WEST SHOWS. Eanium ft Bailey's—Mt. Vernon, O., 17, Akron 18, Canton 19, Mansfield 20, Lima 22, Kurt Wayne, Ind., 23, Elkhart 24, Kankake, 111., 25. La Salle 26. Mollne 27. Barnes', Al. O., Circus—North Battleford, Sask., Can.. 10, Lloydmlnster 17, Vermillion. Alta., 18, Vegrevllle 19, Fort Saskatchewan 20, Ed- monton 22. Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill (Major Gordon W. Llllle, mgr.)—Kalamasoo. Mich., 17, Elkhart, Ind., 18, La Porte 19, Chicago. 111., 20, 21, Jollet 22, Rock Island 23. Muscatine, la , 24. Iowa City 25. Oelweln 20. Decorah 27. Gollmar Bros.' Circus—Red Lake Falls. Minn., 16, Thief River Falls 17. Fosaton IS. Osss Lake 19. Grand Rapids 20, Hlbblng 22. Chlsholm 23, Virginia 24, Eveleth 25, Blwablk 28, Two Har- bors 27. Gentry Bros.' Combined—Toronto, Out, Can., 15- 20. Hagenbeck-Wallace (B. E. Wallace, mgr.)—Mua- kegon, Mich., 17, Allegan 18, Benton Harlmr 19, La Parte, Ind., 20, Hammond 22, Jollet, III.. 23. Honest Bill's—Houstonla, Mo.. 22, Ilugheavllle 23, Lamonte 24, Koobnoster 25, Moulserrat 20, Fayettevllle 27. Rowland's Wild West—The Zoo, Cincinnati, O., 18-20. Miller Bros ft Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West—Grand Forks, N. Dak., 15, Fargo 10, Wahpeton 17, Ortonville, Minn., 18, Slsaeton, 8. Dak., 19, Aberdeen 20, Watertown 21, Hu- ron 22, Sioux Falls 23, Yankton 24, Slonx City, la., 20, Omaha, Nebr.. 26. Rlnclrng Brothera'—St. Cloud, Minn.. 17, Fergus Falls 18, Grand Forks, N Dak., 10. Fsrgo 20, Mlnneai»lls, Minn., 22, 23, St. Paul 24, Man- kato 25, Rochester 20. Faribault 27. Bobbins', Frank A.—Grove City, Pa., 15. Mercer 16, Greenville 17, Meailvllle 18, Albion 10, Oonneaut, O.. 20, Geneva 22, Palnesvllle 23. Sella-Floto — Tacoma, WsshJ., 17, Olympla IS, Aberdeen 10. C ntralla 20, Vancouver. II. c, Can.. 22, New Westminster 23, BelllngUam, Wash.. 24. Sedro Woolley 25, Everett 26, We- natcliee 27. Sliver Family Clrcuo (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Durand, Mich., 17. Byron 18, Bancroft 10, Morrlce 20. Siwrka'. John H.—Wllllmantle, Conn., 17, Bris- tol 18. Big. Sautelle's—Greene, N. Y., 15. Gxford 16. Norwich 17, Shelburne 18, Hamilton 10, Orls- kany Falls 20, Oneida 22, Rome 23. Utlca 24. Young Buffalo Wild West and Col. Cuinmlna' Far East (Vernon 0. Sesver, gen. mgr.)—Spring- field. Mass., 16, Weetfleld 17, Plttsfield 18, North Adatns 10, Troy. N. Y., 20. Glens Falls 22. Schenectady 23, Little Falls 24, Rome 20, Wntertown 20, Ogdensburg 27. FILM SHOWS. Carnegie Exposition In Alaska and Siberia. In Moving Pictures—Chicago. Ill;, 15, Indefinite. Dante's "Inferno," in Moving Pictures. No. 1 (Collins Bros,, mgrs.)—Phllidelhla, Ps;, 10, Indefinite. Dante's "Inferno." In Moving Pictures, No 3 (Collins Bros., mgrs.) — Philadelphia, Pa., IS, Indefinite. Durbar. The, Klnemacolor Moving Pictures—Ur- ban-Smith's^—Bostan. Mass., 15, Indefinite. Dorbar. The, Klnemacolor Moving Pictures—Ur- ban-Smith's—Chicago, III., 15, indefinite. ' Durbar. Tbe, Klnemacolor Moving Pictu re s ITr- lun-Smitli's—Philadelphia, Pa., 15, Indefinite. Klnemacolor Moving Pictures — Urbsn-Bmlth's— Chicago, 111., 15, Indefinite. Balney's, Paul I., Africa Jungle, la Moving Pic lures—N. Y. City, 15. indefinite. Ttulney's, Paul J., Africa Jungle. In Moving Pic- tures—Boston. Mass,, 16. indefinite. Rnlney's, Paul J., Africa Jungle. In Moving Pic- tures—San FrzjKlsco, Cal., 16, indefinite. Role's Moving Pictures (F. B. Rule, mgr.)—Pine Island. Sllnn.. 15-17, Goodhue 18-20, Zumbro Falls 22-24, Mlllvllle 25-27.' Thompson's Moving Pictures (F. H. Thompson, mgr.)—Highland, Wis.. 18-21. CARNIVAL SHOWS. Bsrkoot World's Greatest Snows (K. 0. Bar- koot. gen. mgr.)—St. Cloud, Minn., 15-20, Kargo. N. Dak.. 22-27. . _ . . Fersrl. Col. Francis, Animal Arena and Carnival Show—St John. N. B., Can., 15-20, New Glas- gow, N. 8.. 22-27. Great Parker Show, Mo. 1 (Con T. Kennedy, mgr.)—Prince Albert, Sask.. Can., 15-20. KMne Shows (Herbert A. Kliae, mgr-)—Winni- peg. Man., Ou„ 16-20. - . . . . csS* Removing make-up? . Lifebuoy does the trick. It cuts out the grease. Clears the pores—and keeps the skin healthy. Keep a cake of Lifebuoy in your make-up kit. For toilet, bath and sham- poo. /('* the Soap wUk the clean mull UFIIIIf HEALTH SOAP Removes make-up EASILY . at your Drag- 's gist's or Gro- cer's. If be hasn't K, • end five ots., stamps or coin, for a fall size cake to Lever Brothers Co. Dept. 16. Cambridge, Look for quality at the right price. Tel your wan to to the Manager of the TRUNK SCENERY DEPT. LEE LASH STUDIOS 39th and Broadway, N. Y. MED. PERFORMERS WANTED for Small Alrdotne 8oap show, stats all In Ural letter. Cood Team, Single Novelty Man, also person with pictoro machine, reels and gas outfit who CAN run same. If yon don't want a long engagement doa't write. Money twice a week. Tickets, if I know you. Eat on lot, sleep hotels, or to tent It you choose. Booze and ironhle, NO. Write or wire quick. Join immediately. Must change for • week. Address MAN AGRA, Boa 3*0 Pipestone, Mlnnssof. Secondhand: 20x110. 30x84, 20X38, 90X40. MxM, 24X48, 24160. 20XM, 30X15. SUM), 36x60, 80X80, 30X70. 4oXW, 80X00, 80X120, 80x120, 80X140, and stout 200 smaller tents. Sldewall by foot or mile, for Bale or rent. Largest stock of new Tents In iho State. Every slxe and shape. Write and state your wants, D. M. KERR MPO. CO.. <a ■ CHICAGO 10OT MADISON ST. lest you roaoavr WE SAY IT YET CROSS LETER HEADS Contracts. Tickets, Envelopes, Free Samples, sic, BTAQE MONET, loo. Book of Herald Cuts, 16*. CROSS JEBBSk CHICAGO DREWS SECOND-HAND GOWNS EVENING 80WNS STREET DRESSES SOUBRETTE DRESSES FURS 506So.St.tlStT.it, - • - CHICAGO Scenery trmnD vat •ntan/«tr " NEW AND SECOND BAND OF ALU KINDS IN STOCK M. fE>. Knight Studios* ltotb. St. »Bd Mott Ave., IT. Y. City. 20 minutes from theatrical district. Mott Avenue Station, Bronx Subway. Tel., 1881 Melrose. OUR HOT TERM Chairs, 313 res Ha.i- Whlte and Black Tents, 8,000 Folding! Special M. P. Chairs. Send for F gain Booklet, R. H. ARMBRUSTER MFO. CO., Springfield, Illinois, it Evening and Boubrette Oowns, Fancy sugs w it and Street Dresses, Opera Coats snd Puis, sr * Full-dress Tuxedos, Frlncs Albert* and * * Kngllsh Walking Salts, Silk and Opont * v Haul. 3*8 N. Clsvrk St., Chicago. ,# 1CAN PLACE YOU on the VAUDEVILLE STAGE Instructive course abiolntely FREE. I personally assist you to get an act and engagement. Experi- ence unnecessary. Method endorsed by managers. Thirty years' experience. Instructive book FRE*) for stomp. F. LaDELLE, Station c, Jackson, Mich. TRAINED WILD ANIMAL ACT Assorted specimens. Oood money and treatment with responsible R. R. Tent Show. ALSO WANT JAPANESE OR ARAB TROUPE State particulars and salary first letter, or wire. We pay all after Joining. BILLY BBNNBT'S BIG SHOW, Wllllston, North D.koto. WURUTZER-i ORCLilSTRAL HARPS Tto Accepted WsrtTi Staniwa Write for b«otlfol Cntalogne. Kasy payments. We supply the V. 8. Covrrn m' l with Uoricsl I nrtrumcoU l7IB«l%eiodss£a 34IS.W(kssk,CUca|s -—•S»jtj| — Performers •IRay.'S picture with f£ and rooclva on* oat snd 600 letterheads, flnoly printed, a bargain FINN THE PRINTER. 24 E. 21st 8t, Nsw YstH SNAKES and MONKEYS Oholoe lot of Pythons, Bulls, Pine and Turtle-head Snakes, Broke to beadle. Also Monkeys snd small Animals, Show Birds, oto, J. BOPE, U N. Ninth Street, Philadelphia. SECOND-HIND GOWNS STAGE AND STBBBT BARNETT, 503 So. Stats St., CHICAGO Out-of-Town NEWSPAPERS OonUx he found on sale at Ittb St., and Broadway, S. I. cor.: 43d St. and Madison Ave., B. W. cor.; 4M St. and tta Ave., 8. w. cor., New fork, sre- 01AL attention given to the Theatrics. Proresilon. 260-page MagSElne of 16 original vaudeville acts fortl. Special acis writ- ten. I',aylets and Musl- ...___._ cal (lomedlos to lease. WETZEL, ROSBNBR A JAMKM, 14011 B'way, N. Y. El c I « c Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFOBMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS, QUN8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVEUY DESORIFTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that lino, I can supply It. New or second hand. Seud for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St., Flilladclplila, Pa, CONTRACTS LSTTIR HEADS, HHYBLOFBS. T10ISTS, PASAES, CARDS Eto. Write for samples. Webb Ptf. Oo., tia So. Dearborn St. Onloago, XL AT LIBERTY, VERSATILE SILENT MAN, W1TU MOVING PICTTJKE OUTFIT. AddrexH to EDDIE TURNEY, GENERAL DEL.. MONTREAL, OJJE., CAN, WANTED UIEIUI-tIIIIST OR PIHmST-COMEDIJH .BARWAKP, Mlllbrook, W. V. I>eonaTd Cartdval (J. Sam Leonard, mgr.)—Daw- noil, N. Hex., 15-20. lU-lHS Carnival (Not Reins, ntirr.l—Jamestown, N. Dak., 15-20, Abcrdern, 8. Dak., 22-27. MISCELLANEOUS. Norwoods, The, Hypnotic Show (M. It. Norwood, aur.)—#jdnej. V. S. W.. Aaalrulls, 20-Aug. 4, Uelboaroe, Victoria, B-31, Adelaide, Ho. Aus., Sept. 2-28. Psmsbsslka's Performing Animals and Birds— Dunlap. la., IT, (Hidden 18. Madrid 10. Iloone 20. Valley Falls, Kan., 22. Manhattan 23, Rallaa 24, Malvern, ls„ 20, Orlswold 20, VII- llsca 27. Booclore, Harry and Mildred (Ilarry Roaclvre, nyr.)—Calais, Me., 24. 25, I.ulxr 20, Kastiwrt RovmoiMl. Great (Maarice V, Raymond, mgr.)— Ilonolulo. U. I.. 17-SO, arrive at Bsn i'ran- cUe«, OaLi Aug, 0. . . INVENTIONS Patented free; told on commission. Fine inven- Uonsforsale. 47 - 8. ADAM FISUEIt, St. Louis, M A . SONG POEMS WANTED Cash or Royalty to You. NEEDHAM MUB10 HOUSE, 47-6 ST. LODIB, MO. POETS-AUTHORS Get CASH for your Songs and Stories. MUSIC BALEB CO., 47-4 ST. LOUIS, MO. Plays And Producing Rights at cost of M88. New Catalog ready. If. Y. PLAY IIVHE ATJ ana AUTHORS' BXOHAROBt TremontTbatatre, N. Y.C, Alitt KINDS OF MATERIAL OU5.H.SMITH& CONLANFrxndiX. Acta rehearsed. Aots to lease. «03 OAIiTT THEA- TRE BLDG., N.Y. 'Phone 3M2 Bryant. Hundreds of great sketches on band. SKETCHES, M0N0L0GS, Patters and Parodies, written to order. Good original work; reasonable pi Ices. JENNK k MARTIN, BOX 82, INDIANAP0L1B, IND. MUSIC ARRANGED ggSaar - Words written to moslo; music written to words. References, F. A. MIUs [Muslo Publisher!. E. 8. 8. HUNTINGTON, oaro CLIPPER, 47 W. 88th St.. N. Y. NUNLEY'S CASINOsSouth Beacb.Stateo Island Meyer a Hay, props.; Wm. Sllbor, mgr. All arst ■ viile Acta desiring time, write WM. Mo act too big for this house. clew Vaudev 81LDOR, mgr. Mask Composed and Arranged H. BOON, 26 Whiting St., Lynn, Hast. THEATRICAL WIGS Toapess. Ladles' Hair floods. M. Stein's Mat* Ud. send for Price List. tuo. bhisdhilm » W. 4ist ST., Hew York. TeL rm Bryant. OIBOUS •* JUGGLING Apparatus, Boiling Globes, Clubs, Batons. Onus. Wire Wslkers'Appararusand Novelties. Butaa for catalog. HDW. YAW WYCK. Cincinnati, 4J. VAN PLKIT IIMTITZ 47 WIST iSth STBBBT, MBW T«BX. P