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July 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 17 Clipper Post Office. In order to avoid mistakes and to lasure the prompt delivery of the l.ttrr. advertUed In till* ll»t, g> cat elope plalaly addreaaed ant be ••at (or each letter, and a written or ,er for the letter, signed with tho j B ll name and nddreaa and the Una 0 l paalaeaa followed by the Mender, m a >( also) be eaeloaed. Fleaae mention the date (or ituin- ben of the CLII'PEIl la rrklch the letter* seat for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Aatella Ststers Kltxgerald, Marke, Dorothy Allaril Bo*. Mattle Moxle, Miss «. Austal - Ettle Fisher. Mlncle Morris, Buster thbott Ul«s E. Ferguson, Martin, Blanche Adams MrsPblE Minnie Louise Marlowe. Klxle S3 Mrs WW Franklin, Beth Martin. Mne Sorae' Evelyn Far. Anna Eva Malrlu, Eva Rruni Nina - Gray, Zells Nsynon. Rosa ■teeter Mrs. Oralghton, Miss Oven, Flo Bancroft. Viola Glides, Agves oleot, Vera Barrr Edna Gardner, Myrtle Owen. Jessie E, Benton. Helen Greenwood, Oliver, Ethel Bailer Kay Charlotte Ouell, Bay Bnrnham Eunice Gross, Susan Phornlx, Veny Burt Bessie Gill, Sadie Patterson, Flo Barn's Saxanoe Qlllngwater, H. Phelps, Lillian Bordeaux, Rena Hughes Florence Ryan, Millie Reverie. MrsC.E Hart, Bessie Russell, May Bower Jennie Haskell. Bed Feather. £~ron. Rose Mrs. Oilman Mrs. Chief Craig MrsChasG Hall, Helena Rice, Frankle Chase. HuDter,' Mabel Roberts, Edna Nettle Benard Happy, Mrs. L. Stanford, Pearl Curry Annabelle Hyde. Frances Sargent, Eva Cooler, Una Houston. Stewart, Olive Carroll. Cherry Margaret Smith, Agnes Chase DorotbyM Haller, Alma Seaton, BlUee CiaSln Sisters Hlldreth Edna C Stuart, Wanda Crewe. Ann Harlowe, Starr. Carrie Cardownle " Beatrice shilling. Sisters Holcomb. Grace Josephine Csrlsoo, Ainu Isaachson, Sans, Belva rushman, Rosalie Shrewsbury, Mrs. Blag Kelley, Oeorgle Margie Clark, Mary M. Keene, Loralne Thompson, Ciaflln, Kelly. May Mrs. H. I. Josephine Kendall, Mrs.C. Thomas, Hilda Darrell. Mabel Norman. Taylor, Mattle neToy, Mildred Gersldloe Teanyek. KateG. DeNonrle, LePsige. Hasel Vanity. Mile. Helaloe Lewis, Edna Valentine. Desmond, DoUVc Little, Miss M. Mrs.Wm. Del Vslle, Leon, Dolores Van, Alice Mrs. B. F. Lewta, Florence Wlabart. Rose Deeves, Mrs. H. Loftsa, Jeanle Wood, Mrs.Geo. Donaghnr. Lewis, Marie E. Walker, Dell Alice Stewart Mlllett, Murle Whiting. Francs Doling Mrs. J.L Morgan Florence West, Marie De BolHs. Mayo, Martha Wilson. Bell Mrs. Will MaMhron. Eva Wallace. Helen DelMar, Helens Medosa, Mile Winter. Haxel Drestel. Butt Morrison. Wlllard. Margie Earl, Mareelle Rosabell Warueld, Emmett, Glenns Meets, Marie Marie Dlxio Fuller, Lbtette Melrose, Fern York, May CEiTLEBEN'S LIST. Atkins, Richard Aarews, Fred Adamson, Carl Arlington. Edw Alblets, Ed. Alkens, Edw Arlsona Mr. Anilreeff, W. W Adams, at B. Anderson. Geo. Arcby, J. H Adaiulnl. A. B. Brown. Kirk Baldwin Barney Birch. Jno. Baker. Nick Bedell, Clarence Brown, C. Ward Basket, Blllle B Bruno. Will Breltlng, J. A Braden, E. B. Brown, F. W. Flnley, Tom Farrell, Blllle Green, Joe Gayles, Billy C. Gorls. Q. C. Griffith, Jack Grieves, Jno. Glaser. Harry A Goodfrlend. 0. Gardney, H. D. Garden, Geo. E Gerald, Cbss. Grofr, Rich. L. Goldman, Sam Goodwin A Goodwin Gallardy Eddie Garden. G. E. Cray. Barry Herring, Ira Hildretb, Root. Uallen, Freak. Harvey, Fred Belmont, Jos. T Holtogshead, R Belt. A. L, fiallard. Ray Barrlngton. C.B. Bingham Rossel Bowley, Geo.S. Brown Frank L. Bessest. Claude Boslwlck, Leoa Boyd. N. E. Barry D. A D. Bereuds. C. W. Boms, J. F. Belmont. C. K. Champion, Jack Chnnn. J. D. Carroll, Tbeo, Cook, Frank Courtney, Oscar Chase, Carroll Cannon, Jack Clinton A Nolan Christie, Frank Chagnon, Fred Coleman. TV. J. Cutloa Med. Co. Chunne. J. D. Cobb, Wm. D. Coffmann. CarlE Collins A Rice Chambers, H.K Cornell, Harry Chapln. Arthur Carutliere C. E. Crackles. Blllle Campbell, Bob Clinton, W. Co. Carroll, Jas. E. Clive. Henry Cuthbert. C. 0, Carr. Nat Clark, Frank L. Drane. Wash. Demacos, The DeCorsey, Ed. Deming, Arthur DePew, Tuos.E Davis, Harry Donogboe, J. W, Dean, Loots Dunn. J. B. Dudley, Great Demlson, Alb. DeBaven Carter Dalbev. E. R. Dee, Roy Daiueral. Geo. Dick. Geo. L. Eberuardt. Hy. Elliott. Max C. l.'lmucils, A. Ellis. G. Elliott, M. 0. Edmund*. Art Erneat. Ted Fountain. Bobby Frailer Baymnd French. Henri Forsman. Harry Fields, Harry Fairbanks, Theo Hampton, J. W. Hamlin. Walt. Huntington E.SS Harvey, Leo Hanson, HarrjL Harvey. Lee Hunt. C: W. Hoffman, W. Howard. Joe Hightower, Dr Bines, W. E., Herman, Cal. Ha mil ton Cbas. Harvey, H. L. HoHdget, L, H Hughes, Frank Hopkius. J. T. Harrington E.A. Ingram, Harry JenDey, Joe Jackson HiKate Jagers, Peter Johnson, Joe Jobnson, BIllyM Karm. Jno. D. Kelley, Tom King. Earl Kelly & Wentnorth Klmburu. O. V. Kola, Fred Keeley, O. A. KUdo, J. F. Lawrence. E. S. Lorvett, Jules La Marr Arthur La Pearl, Roy LaPearl, Jack Lawrence Lionet Lester, Great Lemer. David Langlll. Jutlson Llewellyn, Geo. I.awreuce Lionel Lewis, Chas. A. Locke A Llnder Lavlne. wit. C. Lee. H. A Vlrg. La Rue, H. S. Lazergren. Jno. Lawter. BUI Lewis, Tom Leonao. Vie. Lake. Harry Murphy, F. J. Noar. Ben Nestell, E. H. Noble, Milt. Jr. Ogden. Donald O'Neill. Jas. H. Omar, Abble Overton, it. B. Oxars, The Owens, Frank Pitts, M. M. Price, Harry Pery, G. H. Pike. F. I. Peruchl. C. D. Perry, G. Herbt Patten, Tlios. Pelot. Fred A. PIsteL Levr Palmer, Frank Powell, Halton Plnskl. Lou J. Pbyle. Albert Pearce, A. C. Parker. Harry L Raymond, Carl Rubins, Joe Ramza. Geo. Royle E. Milton Rlee, Chaa. Rammage. Bowl Ransom, Jno. Robertson, Will. Richmond, Jos. Royal. H. M. Russell. Fred Rolason, Joe Rnlaselle. Great Ryan. F. W. Rawson & Clnrc Roods. Myer Russell, Eddie Russell, L, L. Basin. I. Reynolds. Abe Reld. Johnny Randall. Ned Rome. Jas. E. Stratton, S. R Kuitfelles. Slg. Shields. Jas. M. Simpson, F. Stovsl A Stoval Blotters. C. C. Stevens. Bert Small. Chas. T. Stepp. Musical Sylvester. Mr. Sloan. Will II. Shaw, E. D. Spuun, Bryan Stoddard. Burt Sorcho, Capt. L. Tncker. Nels.E. Three of Us Trlplett, W. E. Taylor. C. A. Thornton. H. Tlionet, Jos. Thompson Billy Tucker, N". E. Vaughn, Rae VanDolsen II.C. Vaughn, Chas. Will lam;. FjIw. Woodhntl. 8. D. Wllks, Ben Webb. Walt Mantell Wettley,Williams. F. W. Messing, Moe Murphy, Paddy Mathieu. Car IF Murphy, Jno. Murray, Jno. T Monte, Gns Marshal), G. 0 McKlnnou, A. Morrlsh, C. W. Marion. Harry llurpby. F. J Ward A Redden White, Jack Wilson Harry E Velmar, Prof, t» Whllan, Jas. F. Wllbert A Terry Woodall, Billy Wonlell. Harry Wood, Culmer Worth, Loots Webb. Walt Montague, Jack Warren, B. B. Miller. J. E. IWrlght Trio Mnmlell Rlcbord Walneld, C. A. .. Madden, J. C. Walters, Fred J Ferry, Clint. P. Mantell, Geo. Wilbur. Newton Fallon. Cbas L. Merrill. Viola West. Ed. Fox. F. Matthews. Artli Welch, Joe Fields. W. C. Muoroe, Elwood Webb. B. H. Fischer. J. A C. Manny. J. Fred |Yoong Wallace Foreman. C. E. Maynard Edwin Yard, Geo. Fields, H. W. McCarthy. F. CI Yule, Arthur Mack, Tony SEE NOTICE AT MEAD OP LIST. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? NEVERI NEVER1 A Tan Minute Rube Kid Mono- log n*. A Scream. Only ONE DOLLAR. A typewritten copy. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money back. Supply limited. Send registered or money order. EXCLUSIVE ACTS TO ORDER. LE ROT ii BROWSING, Sure Firs Vaudeville Supply Co. 171 W. astli St.. Sew York City, K. Y. P. S—Nnt Le Roy, of Le Roy and Wood- ford, is the author of this excellent mono- logne. _ Rosco and Sims report gucceis with weir comedy musical act, playing the nlr- oomes m St. Louis. ' " '-» FROM THE SELIfJ SEWS FACTORY. Ok Arn. 2 the Sellg Polyscope Co. will re- lease an. exceptionally timely educational sub- ject In story form. It is entitled "The Wreck of the Vega." The picture shows the various methods employed In anlvnglng big ships that have been wrecked. As a special climax to this unusual film wc see the wrecked "Vega" blown Into a thousand atoms by gi- gantic explosions. Geo. L. Cox, Hellg pro- ducer, secured the pictures. When "The Count of Monte Crlsto" comes to town every one is naturally nnxlous •to see It, for It Is one of the few great plavs of all times, and moving picture exhibitors tbroubgout the country arc reporting un- usual anxiety on the part of lliclr patrons as to the probable date on whlrh the Seltg Polyscope Co. will release their spectacmur Sreduction dT this great melodrama. Toe ellg Polyscope Co. has beim responsible t <r many wonderful masterpieces in motion pic- ture production, and the mention of this firm's name in connection with a plctnre version of Dumas famous drama Js, Df course, a signal for unusual Interest on the part of exhibitors. "The Count of Monte Cristo" was written over fifty years ago, and Is just us interesting to-day as it was the first year of Its career, for the story contains all of the essentials of good drama. And It Is said that the Sellg production Is ctaged in such an elaborate manner that no advene criticism 1b possible. Every atten- tion has been paid to the scenic effect, from the first scene In tho quaint old French port to the last beautiful setting in the forest where the duel occurs. Tbb exterior of the Chateau D'If. la the midst of the terrible storm, where Edmund Dantes makes his sensational escape. Is said to be, without doubt, the most thrilling and realistic effect ever secured in ptctnres. The Sells; Polyscope Co. Is still somewhat In Hotfbt as to just when they will release this masterpiece, but it Is not expected to be suown before the late Fall. l SARAH BERNHARDT IV "ELIZABETH." A historical photoplay, adapted from Amiel lioreau s "Queen Elizabeth, was pre- sented at the Lyceum Theatre, in New York City. Friday afternoon. July 12, with Sarah Bernhardt In the title part. Loul Tellegln was seen as the Earl of Essex, Mile. Romaln as the Countess of Nottingham, and M. Maxld!an as the Earl of Nottingham. The play will be put on at the Lyric Tueatrc, In this city, abut Aug. is. * MOTIOJf PICTURE SUITS CONTINUE. The soldiers of the motion picture com- panies who paraded In Santa Monica Canyon end Edendale, Cal., week of July 8. must rest their arms for another week, pending an order to show cause wby the New York Mo- tion Picture Co. and Fred H. Balsofer, the defendants, should not turn over to the Universal Film Mfg. Co. the property now held by the defendants. s MEW CORPORATIONS. Arrow Motion Pictcre Co., New York. Universal Film Exckanoe, New York. s RE LEAS ES, INDEPENDENT FILMS. Gaasaoat. July 18.—"Love's Sorest Proof" (Dr.) July 18.—"A Lion's Revenge" (Dr.) July 23.—"The Silent Castle" (Dr.-Cotored). July 1!5.—"Love's Floral Tribute" (Dr) July 30.—"The Pricon on the Cliff" (Dr.) On same reel with "The Isle of Msrken." Aug. 1.—"The Romance of the Palm Garden" (Dr.) Anr. 8.—"Androclos and the Lion" (Colored). Aug. 8.—"A Phantom of the NlgbL" Aug. 13.—"Dream Driven." Auk. 15.—"Their Lives for Gold" (Dr. 2 reels). Aug. 20.—"Her Supreme Sacrifice" (Dr) Comet. July 15.—"Reggie Breaks the College Rolea" (Coin.) Reliance. July 17.—"At Cripple Creek" (Dr.) July 20.—"Love Me, Love My Dog'' (Dr.) Thanhouser. July 14.—"The Finger of Scorn" (Dr.) July HI.—'•Vengeance Is Mine" (Dr. t July 18.—"The Ranchman aud the Hungry Bird" (Com.-Dr.) Republic. Joiy 15.—"The All-Seeing Ere" (Dr.) July 22.—"Tho Octoroon's Sacrifice" (Dr.) July 2t>.—"Evolution of a Duck Eg,;" (Ed.) On same reel, "A Housetop Kosiance" Lux. July 10.—"Stones that Rebound" (Dr.) . American. July 15—"The Fatal Mirror" (Dr) July 17—"In the Nick orf Time" (Dr.) July 22.—"Indian Jealousy" (Dr.) On same reel, J "Views of Sun Dies"" (Picturesque). July 24.—"How He Mude Good" (Dr.) July 25.—"The Canyon Dwellers" (Dr.) July 20.—"It Pays to W*lt" (Dr.) Aug. 1.—"A Life for a Kiss" (Dr.) Aug. 5.—"The Meddlers" (Dr.) Aug. 8.—"The Girl and the Gun" (Dr.) Majestic. July 14.—"Patter's Bust" (Com.) Joiy 14.—"The Widower'* Widow" (Com.) July 17.—"In Her Brother's Defense" (Dr.) Solax. Joiy 17—"Slippery Jim" (Dr.) July 10.—"The Foor-Flash Actor" (Com.) LICENSED FILMS. Sell*. -"The Pennant Putsle" (Com.) -"The Girl ami the Cowbor" (Dr.) -"The Polo Substitute" (Sorting). -"A Day Off" (Com.) . -"On the Trail of the Germs" (Ed.-Dr.) -"Tlie Double Cross" (Dr.) -"The Miller of Burgundy" (Dr.) -"A War-Time Romance" (Dr.) On same reel with "In Maotlland" Travel). Eauaaay. -"The Smuggler's Daughter" (Dr.) -"Curlrt'i Quartette" (Com.) -"Hearts of Men" (Dr.) -"A Wife of the Hills" (Dr.) OaassaV (0. Kiel no.) -"Disowned" (Dr.) -"The Part the Servant Played" (Com.) -"A Daughter's Diplomacy'' (Com--Dr.) -"Two Many Sweethearts" (Com.) -"The Inventor's Secret" (Dr.-Colored ). -'The Law and the Man" (Dr.) On Bame reel, "Carthage and Sldl-Bu-Sald" (Scenic). Eclipse. (0. Klelne.) -"The Grandmother" (Dr.) -■■Billy's Nightmare" (Com.) On same reel with "Freucli Army Action" (Mill- reel, "Maple Sugar Industry at Thomp- son, Pa." (Ind.) July 10.—"The Necklace of Crushed Rote I.eavea" (Dr.) July 20.—'The Little Artist of the Market" (Dr.) July 23.—"The Bketch with the Thumb Print" (Dr.) -"The Grouch" (Cont-Dr.) -"The F.seui* from Bondage" (Dr.). -'Tlie Relief of Lucknow' 1 (Dr.) -"More Precious Than Gold" (Dr.) -When She Was About Sixteen" (Com.) July 24.- July 2«.- July 27.- July 30.- Joiy 31- July 15.- July K.- July 10.- Jnly 15.- July 17.- Jnly 18.- July 10.- July 20.- July 22.- July24.- Jnly 25.- July2G.- Jnly27.- July 20.- Kalcm. "The Lnlr of the Wolf (Dr.) "The Suffragette Sherln"' (Com.) "A Prisoner ot the Harem" (Dr.) On same reel, "Egyptian Sports" (Sport- ksf). Lnbln. "Honor Thy Father" (Dr.) "The SeaorKa's Remorse" ((Dr.) '■Together" (Dr.) "Buster's Dream" (Com). On same reel, "The Uninvited Guest" (Com.) ■"A Western Courtship" (Dr.) "The Ranjer's Reward" (Dr.) "A Visit lo Lively Town" (Com.) On same reel, "The Talker" (Com.) "The Shepherd's Flute" (Dr.) "His Vocation" (Com.) "The Divine Solution" (Dr.) "Pueblo Indians, Albuquerque,. N. M." (Ed.) Ou same reel, "A Farmer's Son" (Com.) "The Derelict's Return" (Dr.) ■"The Two Gun Sermon" (Dr.) "Houseet'anlng" (Com.) On same reel, "Muu Wanted" (Com.) The DetNtlve's Conscience" (Dr.) July 15.- July 1 O.- July 18.- Jnly 10.- July 22.- July 23.- July 35.- July 20.- July 10.- July 18.- July 10.- July 20.- July 16.- July 20.- July 23.- July 27.- July 30.- Aug. 3. Jaly 17.- Jnly 24.- Jaly *»•—! •The' Trlsls of a riaywrlatt" (Oom.- Eilisoa. Jiilv Id.—"Nerves and tlie Man" (Dr.) July 17.—"Bevenge Is Sweet" (Cam.) 0» sane July 31.- Aug. 1.— Aug. 2.—' Aug. 3.—' Mellca. Aug. 1.—"The WIU of Destiny" (Df.) Biosrrapk. July IB.—"The Speed Demon" (Com.) On same reel, "His Own Faolt" (Com.) JUy 18.—"Heaven Avenges" (Dr.) Vltasraph. July IS.—"A MIsiIod of Diplomacy," or "The Mosey Kings" (Dr. 3 reels). Joiy 15.—"Conscience; or. The Chamber of Hor- rors" (Dr.) July 10.—"A Persistant Lover" (Com.) On same reel, "A Lively Affair" (Com.) July 17.—"The Redemption of Red Rube" (Dr.) July 19.—"The Black Sheep" (Dr.) July 20 "Rock of Ages" (Dr.) Joiy 22.—"Wanted, a Sister" (Com.) July 23.—"The Adventure of the Thumb Print" (Dr.) July 24.—"Martha's Rebellion" (Com.-Dr.) July 2tl.—"The Barrier That Was Burned" (Dr.) July 27.—"The Light of St. Bernard" (Dr.) July 29—"The Miracle" (Dr.) July 30.—"A Juvenile Love Affair" (Com.) July 31.—"The Adventure «f a Retired Army Colonel" (Dr.) Patbe. -"Psthe's Weekly, No. 20." -"The Mosquito" (Science). On same reel, "Wlffles Mourn* His Twin" (Coin.) -"A Question of Size" (Com.) -"The Brave Little Indian" (Dr.) July 15. July 10. July IT.- July 18. July 10.- July 20. July 22, July 23. OPERATIC SKETCH—Headllacr, Fur Pwi!i COL. MILLIKE5, 13918 Broadway, If. Y. 'The End of Robespierre" (Dr.-Colored). "The Holf-hreed Foster Sister" (Dr.) "Pathe's Weekly No. 30." "Jsne Seymour aud Henri VIII, of Eng- land" (Hlat.-Dr.-colored). July 24.—"His Second Love" (Dr.) July 25.—"Tbe Redman's Friendship" (Dr.) Jnly 24).—"A Bold Game" (Dr.) On same reel, "Over Mouoco In a Hjdro-Aeroplane" (Travel). July 27.—"For the Sake of tbe Papoose" (Dr.) > JsTe- w jtMl xnia Sellg. "The Girl and the Cowtoy" (released Jaly 10). —Dud Tracy, a dare-devil cowboy, Is employed on Al. Kerum's ranch, but there is bad feeling be- tween them, over Phyllis, the belle ot Three Pines. During a big dance Bod, who Is Intoxl- catfrd, gees to sleep In the hayloft of tbe barn, with a lighted cigarette between hi* linger*, and a Ore Is the result. It Is discovered by Kernon, and Bod Is awakened about the same time hy tbe smoke. They extinguish tbe Are, and Kernon dlscharKes Bod. Bud swears revenge, and rides away. Bud's eyes have been troubling him, and during the lonely ride acrors the plain be goe« stone blind, and falls front hi* horse. A buck board passes, the men recognize Bud, think be Is sleeping off a jag, ami after relieving hlin of his watch snd gun, drive on. A pup s*blch tlie men were taking to town In a sack slips out of the buckbourd, licks Bud's face, and awakens him. He take* the pup, calls his horse, and finds bis way to town by the feel of tbe son on his Uesli. There Phyl- lis saves him from death at the hands of Kernou's men. and finds him a surgeon, who has been visiting his brother's mine and whose wife owns the puppy. "Tlie Polo Substitute" (released Jnly 18).— This story revolves around a great International polo match at Pusndeua, Cal., In which the social elite of two heinhpheres are concerned. One of the thrilling passages ot the photoplay la a vivid scene showing the actual game between England and California. Hon. Probyn Hanipstcad, an English geutleman of wealth, visits Pasadenn In the nild-Wlnter Benson. He Is accepted into the social circles, aud fall* in lore with Mar- garet Bush, the most prominent and wealthy of the younger members. But Margaret I* already half-promised to John Smart, who circulates gos- sip to ^tbe effect that Hampstead Ib an adven- turer seeking wealth. The day of the great gaino arrives, and a member of the Pasadena team Is Injured, and Pasadenan* have no one to fill tbe reach. Hampstead offers bis services, and his great playing wins the game. Ono of the great lords of England happens upon tbe scene, and greets Hampstead so warmly that all Bnaplcloa of the latter'* sincerity is removed, and he wins Margaret. "A Day OS" (released July 10),—Con Ology snd HI Flyer, two henpecked husbands, hit upon a plan to escape from their domineering spouse* for a day in order to enjoy the company of two chorus girls, whom they have arranged to meet at a secluded bathing beach. Ology aud his better half are tbe guests of the Flyer* when Flyer receives a telegram, Inviting both lie and Ology to Join a fisblug party, and the deceitful hnbhles take their leave loaded down with fish- ing rods, etc. They dlsioBe of these and then make all haste to the place where tbe girls are waiting. They decide to start tlie day's festivi- ties with a boat ride, and, being able to secure but one boat, the entire four idle Into It, aud start out. Meanwhile the trusting wive* learn of their husbands' deception, and start In pur- suit. Tbe men learn that (hey are being fol- lowed, and, in their effort* to dodge their wives without revealing the cause of their embarrass- ment to the girls, they undergo many extremely ludicrous and exciting adventures, but the wives manage la get the upper hand, and the truant buabauda are severely punished. Estanar. "The Smuggler's Dnngblrr" (released July 10), —Old Silas Gregg lives with hi* pretty daughter, Venab, and unknown to the girl. Gregg Is the leader of a baud of smugglers. Vrdali Is loved by Brant Grabam. a sturdy young hlllsmin, and, Graham is appointed a depnty by tbe sheriff, and is ordered to be on tbe watch for smuggler*. Later he goes lo Gregg's sback, put* the ring on Vedah's finger, and asks to see her father. They •tart in search for him, and In pawing the barn Graham suddenly discovers Gregg and bis gang. Grahnm tells Vedah her father Is a ■muggier, and it Is his dnty to capture bit*. Vedah begs him not to, but Graham enter* tbe bam with drawn gnu, and Vedah, to aave her father, seises Graham from behind, and he Ih made a prisoner. Vedah pleads tor Graham's life, bat the enraged band draw lots to see who will kill the deputy, and Vedah is ordered awsy. Vedah mounts nnd rides farloiialy le '.no sheriff's offlce, gimp* oat tier story snd leads tbe posse bock, nnd arrives In the nick of time to save nrahnm from death. Meanwhile, Vedah has warned Iter rather, and be escape* while Graham and Vedah watch him disappear over the hill*. "Cupid's Quartette" (released July 18)—Gllly -THE HOUSE OF. SELIG a«iy«. THE three VALISES A decidedly unique Had dramatic story of mistaken Identity and dual person- alities. Original In plot nnd cleverly acted. Hie photography la excellent and abounds In double exposures. A good feature. About loon ft. Jnly 30. THE PECULIAR NATURE OF THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN A thrilling stoiy of tho days when whiskey waa not allowed la tho Norrhwrs' territory. "Bootlegera" and niomt'crs of tho R. N. N. M. P. match titer wits against one another In dramatic, form. About looo ft. OFFICER MURRAY August 1. The thrilling story of bow a policeman lost, and rewon his star. Ono of the most thrilling feats ever nlLotogmphed oeenro in this picture. From the roof of a blazing building Ofllcer Murray Is rescued wjih tlie aid of a steel worxer's der- rick. About 100O ft. A OKBAT KEATURB. A» B «.t ». THE WRECK OF THE VEGA A dramatic, educational subject, showing how big wrecks are salvaged. See the divers, clamours, etc., and t lie great scene la wblch the huge arc boat la blown to atoms. On the same reel with The Right Way and the Wrong Way Au out-of-the-ordinary educational subject, (bowing tbe right and wrong way of alighting from street can, extinguishing fires, etc. Combined let gth about looo ft. O.V THE WAY I "THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO" In three reels. Greatest of all Sellg Spectacular HelodramaUo productions. "KINGS OF THE FOREST" In two reels. SeUga Greatest Wild Animal Masterpiece. ig Polyscope Co. 30 EAST RANDOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL.. Gayboy. a widower, has a pretty daughter. Mil- dred, who la loved by Philip Unnga, bnt liayiwy has plans of his own concerning Mildred's mar- riage, and forbids Bang*' attenthiiiM. A reception is given by the rich widow, Mrs Porter, aud Gayboy and Mildred attend. Bang* Is also a guest, uml Gi>yboy continuously breaks up tho lovers' tete-a-tete until be meets tbe wlduw and falls In love with ber, anil then Bangs and Mil- dred manage to also break up several talks of old (injt-or and the widow. Several duy* later the young couple, out walking, discover father aslceu on one of the benches, while seated beside him Is a large negress, who condescends to pose with ber arm about Uayboy'a neck, while Bangs takes a nhoto. Unyhoy Is amuses! a few evenings later at the wldow'B bouse to see tbe photo In Bangs' hands, and pleads for luerey, but Bungs threatens to band It over unless lie agrees to his marriage with Mildred. The old fellow storms. and threatens, hut anally gives tbe young people bis consent, and takes the unsuspicious widow in his arms. "Hearts of Men" (released July 10). —Bavo Melliorn, a couutry boy, comes to the city to make bis fortune, but finds the doors of employ- ment closed to him. Ills money gives ont, and he Is compelled to sleep In a slum lodging bouse. Here be receives a letter from his mother, saying she is III, and for him to come to ber. Be falla easy prey for a crook, who prrruadi'* him to do a "job" with him that night. They are discovered by aa officer, and put in jail. On the witness stand Dave tells tbe Jury bow he was lured to the city by adrertlsemeats of opportunities to make fortunes, his attempts to secure work, and his falling In with bad company. Mis mother's letter Is read, and the verdict Is rendered, and Dave Is foam! guilty. The kind old Judge appeals to the jury for fund* to send tbe boy home, snd be Is discharged, and leaves tbe court room In tears of gratitude. "A Wife of the Hills" (released July 20) Bart MeOrew, an outlaw, lives In tbe bills with bis young wife. One of his hand, Dan Trent. Is In love wltb Bart's wife, snd the two plot to go away. One monihig Trent sees a notice from the sheriff offering McUrcw and bis baud freedom for rurrender. If tbey will give themselves up, and lie rides to the shack during McQrew'a abseiiiv, tells tbe wife he will glv. 1 himself up and thus secure her husband's arrest. Trent carries out his plan, unci MeOrew Is captured. Realising he has lioen tricked. Mctlrew swears vengeance on Dan, ami is drugged off to Jn 11. Mctlrew escain?*, anil pursued by a posse, strikes straight for the shack, ar- rives and sees bis wife In Trent's arms. He Is nlwut to fire, when a bullet from tlie sheriff's gun, Intended for hint, sing* through the open window, nnd Trent fulls dead. Realising vengcamo has come, and Unit he Is saved from being a mur- derer, MeOrew allows himself to lie re ttii.cn, and smiles grimly through the open wludow where his wife is snhblng cut ber remorse across the dead body of Daa. Edison. "Nerves and the Man" (released Joiy 1(1) Tom, a happily married young clerk, Is a victim ot tbo worry habit, and for no reason st nil be fears losing hlu job, see* himself und IiIh wife and sou dispossessed. lie leaves the office one light prepared to give up tbe fight, and upon arriving home, finds that his little son has been relied with an attack of croup, ind only care through the night will save tlie child's life. Tom pleads with the doctor to do something for him also, hut the physician tells Tom his wife needs him and that It Is up to him to shonlder tbe burden. Tom realises tbat this is true, and in spite of her ?rotests, prepares himself for a night of vigil, t Is a pretty strong ordeal for him, and It re- unites ,s constant effort to ki-eii awake. But In those midnight hours he Duds tbat tbe real self within him is much stronger than be bad sup- posed, and when be measure* up tbe state of bis child alongside the possible loss of his Job, he realise* that his imaginary trouble wai a very slight affair. "Revenge Is Sweet" (released July IT).—Jlm- mie has a good job In an office where there Is a bevy of pretty girls, but be considers tbera In- ferior lo blui. So It Is his pleasure to make all the fun he ran for himself ot their expense. This time be reckons without hi* ho«t. Lunch time comes, and the girls chl|i In and get Jlmmle to buy tbelr lunch, and a royal feast Is enjoyed. One pretty girl In the office powders ber face too often to snlt Jlmmle, and when lie chides her ahoat It she daubs bis fare with tbe puff, and be decides to get even. Jlmmle goes eat to buy cigars for bla boas, and In passing a paint store see* a sign advertising the sale of lampblack, buys some for the powder boi, bat tbe girls turn the tallies and have revenge. On same reel with "Maple Sugar Industry at Thompson, Pa."—A plctnre tbat covers the maple sugar Industry from the lapping of tbe trees, from which tbe sap coses to the final stage of crystallisation, after which It Is made ready to crate and ship to mar- ket. Tbe scenic portion of tbe picture is splen- did, sad links well wltb the use pfaotography sml subject Interest. "Tbe Necklace of Crushed Roue Leaves" (re- leases) Jnly IP).—Tbe scenes are laid In sunny Italy and ailed wltb all the aevy passion of that race, rromlnent among the merry makers at aa Italian dance Is Tony, a wild, free-hearted lad, who Is m love with sit flie girls, and they with him. Tbe deep passion t*f life has never entered Into bis thought* a* moat of these girl* take bis £111ty lightly, and tbam he sjues natll be meets ■tin. and when be trie* (o kiss ber receives a box on tbe ears. He falls deeply In love with ber. Her slightest wish Is s rare necklace of crushed rose leaves she has ben shown at the priest's house, and his desire Is le wcare ber one, bat none is to be bad exeept tbat la the priest's borne. He steals tbe chest ami takes it to a locksmith to open, but this ssme locksmith is la love witb a uark-tyed lassie who loves SCENARIOS Goorl prices paid for high class staff. SOL-AX COMPANY FLUSHING. N.Y. Tony, and hero alt (lie trouble begin*. Zclla hear* tbat Tony Is the thief, and torn by anguish ami love she ilechles to return it to tlie priest to save the muu she loves. la securing the chest st night she Is shot and seriously wounded. She crnwlH to tbe homo of tbe priest, returns the chest, and i* cared for by lilai. Tony realizes nil list has happened, anil humbly goes to tbe priest for foigtvenesa and consolation. Lnbln. "Honor Thy Father" (released July ID).—Caleb Harris falls In business, aud his wife writes their son, John, ef tbe trouble. John and his wife, FXbel, offer the old folks a borne, but Caleb's pride will not permit klm to accept, John ar- range* wltb a commission house t» employ his father, snd assumes the salary himself. Tho old nun accepts, and all roe* well until Caleb's health begins to fall. John and Ethel again call a physician, who tells them that Caleb must have rest and quiet. John finds the deed of fifty neivs of Texas land which Caleb bail bought many years before, anil which Jobu knows is worthless, hut be anil Ethel plan to make the old couple Is." tlevc It valuable. Caleb receives a tetter, mak- ing him an offer of fl.tion a year for the prop- erty, and believing themselves self-siimsirtlng. the old couple go lo live with John ami Ktlid. niul seated fry the fireside they see a vision cif fertile farm Icul, wblch they believe Is yielding them an Income. "Tlie Henorlla's Remorse" (released July 171. —Of nil the Rowers in tho garden, none i com- pare lo the beautiful rose, hut little Cedilii llmls she eiiiinot reach It. Tmvio a|i|H-nrs, iiroeuies the desired blossom, and accepts her iliunU. slut had not gone fur before meeting the iK'nilclous Alfonso, who tried to persuade her lo iiri'omjniiy him to the tavern, nnd Truvlo riiNheil tn ber as- sistance. For his double kindness, I'erdltu gives Trovhi tho rose. Alfonso meets MinnicI, and brllies him to carry out u scheme, which menus ho iscii|te for Trovlo. .Manuel rushes up to Tro- vlo, and without provocation, slaps him In the face. Trovlo whips out his dagger, and pursues Mnunci as the latter runs away. Alfonso hap- pened to be a witness, and Trovlo Is tried, con- victed and sentenced to tlvo years' Imprisonment. Kvoii though forbidden, I'erdltu steals unity when she sees Trovlo, mid rushing forward, arrives just In time to see hint taken to prison, nnd (tenring what has happened, she faints. Alfonso und .Manuel take ber to a tavern, whero wine Is forced to ber lips until she swoons, ami glonllng over her helplessness, Alfonso dispatches Manuel to notify her mother. Seeing her apparently dis- sipated, the mother disowns I'erdltn, and Inter, without home or friends, Tortilla's only course is tbe life of a coquette, After five years, Trovlo is freed, and while passing I.a Cant lun Verdugo, be chances to see Perdlta Tn i-uuiimny of Alfonso. Alfonso leaves bis table, ami Trovlo starts towards l'erdlta, but she flees from tlie place, and rushing Into the garden she draws a dagger and plunges It Into ber heart, Trovlo follows, and she dies In bis arms. Klelne, "Disowned" (Cities, released July 10).—Daisy, tho charming daughter of a rich nobleman, mar- ries ber language teacher, and ber parents disin- herit ber. Misfortune come* to tbe young couple. Daisy attempts suicide, anil is saved from ilea th by her husband. The proud old parents bear the tews, forgive and take them back under tbelr pre- lection. "The Grandmotber" (Eclipse, released July IT). —Tho grandmother, a dear old lady, cannot l*'ur to see any of ber children suffer. One day she receives a letter from her granddaughter, pleading for permission to return home, although she knows that her parents will never forgive her runaway marriage. In villa the old lady argues wlili Ilia parents, and then visits tbe poor widow and her little son. They dress anil send htm tn Ring In front of tbe parents' mansion, Utile John Is ad- mitted snd Is permitted to spend the nlglit. Tho next morning, an orvriealoua butler heartlessly turns the little fellow out, aud when tills Is tils- covered the grandmother reveals bis Identity, mid the terrified perents Immediately institute u care- ful search of tlie nrlcbliornooil ami In tbelr anxiety, even send for tbelr daughter to return home. In tbe mean time, little John, returns lo tbe mansion, and tbo past Is forgotten, and the happiest of all Is grandma. 'Tbe Part tbe Kervsnt Played" (Clnes, re- leased July 20),—Gaspard, the old servant of fam- ily. Is greatly attached to Ills young master, George. The latter becomes engaged to marry against his father's wishes, snd Uaspnrd bears tbo old man threaten to disinherit George, ami offers 1.1s lifetime savings to tbe boy. George accents, and Invite* his father to the wedding. The father goes, forgives and forgets, and all ends happily. s Tun Farm: KliKitKl baseball team arc con- tinuing to win games. On Saturday, July I), they beat the Thanhouser representatives, 11-2. On July 13, 14, they played the "Texas Colts," at Albany, N. T, Pitcher Sanger, Of tbe rattics, Is making an enviable record.