The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 19 HOCHSTETTER UTILITY CO. PRESENTS THE Biggest State Right Proposition ever Offered Write us ajid we will show you how much easier than any other picture this production gets its bookings THE LIFE OF JOHN BUNYAN 2,000 ft. o* Magnificence -AND- PILGRIM'S PROGRESS 3,000 ft. of Perfection mi csoniiosr. Sells Popular Players, No. C. Scenes from the Rines Film, "TOO MANY SWEETIIEAIITS." (Released July 27, 1012, by George ICIclne.) ■ . • •■-. . . -■. ■■ . . ..." Hochstetter Utility Co. 40 E. 12th Street NEW YORK 'Phone-8496 Stuy. nuxYAN's roxvKUsinx ^2 [THE LIFE OF BUM. The Hochstetter Utility Co. enn well bo congratulated on the remarkable production that tlicy arc about to put on the market. Indeed, us the first release of groat feature pictures, for the making of which thl-i com- pany has been organized, it forebodes great things for the future. The first great production, "Tho Life of John Bunyan," followed with that remark- able nnd well known allegorical story which originated in the brain of this wonderful character, entitled "I'llgrlra's Progress," Is a combined production of five thousand feet, respectively two and three thousnnd feet long. It Is one to which a grcnt dcnl of expense was necessarily attached on account of the antiquity of the stage settings nnd costumng required, which were sometimes difficult to secure. Several scenes hnvc been taken at iOlstoivo, England, tho birthplace of John I In nymi. as well as lied ford, where the prison was situated In which Ilunynn was confined for so many years, which, nevertheless, hns been the cause of producing the greatest pub- lished literary effort that has ever seen tbu light of dny. Iieen accomplished. 'Tllgrlm's l'rogress." as It stands forth In literature, Is one of the most marvelous productions of the human mind, nnd Is called by some "n very Inspira- tion." It was done full justice to In the manner In which It wus treated In the pic- lure. m.wt in: WALSH, RELIEF FOH "MOVIES." Owners of tho smaller moving picture the- atres in Albany, N. Y.. with seating capaci- ties of less thnn Hut), hnvc protested against the restrictions Imposed upon them by the present building code. An ordinance to re- lieve the situation has been drafted and was put up for passage by the Hoard of Common Cornell, Monday night, July 10. It was prepared by the Chamber of Com- merce, at the request of tho .Superintendent of Public Buildings Fulton, to whom tho pro- tests nre made by the proprietors of tbu mov- ing picture theatres. HOSE COG II LAN AMI 1'LAVEIIS i:\Tr.UTAIN. Hose Cnglilnn nnd her Vllngmpli Players entertained over three hundred yachtsmen • The Illic ImukIi Scene from "MR. TIIIHS' CIMJK11EM.A," Bssnany's fine comedy (released July 25), featuring John Htcppllng and Lillian Brnnscombc. WAHMilt OIlASD, p' h n ° Jilayed the lending role In "The Parser." which played with great success at tho Berkeley •i'iin. t JI < \ *X r - 0lBn d Played tho chnrnctcr of John Hunynn. ns well as that of Christian, In i nenm s Progress," a feature production mode by the Hochstetter Utility Co., Inc. The historical correctness of the production and the nicety of detail has boon carefully supervised by Oscar I. I.amlierger, i'h. I)., who Is well known as a promoter In the edu- cational clement In moving pictures. Tho staging and dramatic ends were In the hands of Fruncls Powers, lato assistant of Mr. He- lnsco and member of l'ntlie Kreres' directing staff. Both of those men have used every energy to make the production a complete success, from a historical and artistic stand- point. These pictures are also the drst to bo placed on the market with the famous secret color tone process owned by Mr. Hochstetter. Walter Oland, lending man of "Tho Father," which has been played with groat success at tho Berkcly Theatre, played the character of "John Bunyan," ns well ns the character of "Christian," In "Pilgrim's Progress." There arc hardly any who are not ac- quainted with Ibis story. Sufficient to say that hardly ever has thoro bcea a moro pic- turesque or paradoxical character known to history as the ono of John Bunyan, and, in picturing same, a difficult work of ert has and friends nt the Atlantic Yacht Club, Hon Gate, N. Y., on Wednesday evening. July 10. Many thought the program was to lie In mov- ing pictures, but Miss Coghlnn and the play- ers appeared la person and presented her scene from "London Assurance." Marshall I'. Wilder presented a sketch called "Tho Five Senses," nod other dramas, all done In pantomime, were acted by Florence M. Turner, Kate Price, Charles Kent, William Shea, Charles Kldredgc, Maurice Costello, Van Dyke Ilrotliers and others. Appearing In u feature film production of "Itestirrcctloii," produced by Mosko Film Co. There's just the difference be* tween a raw, poorly made Cock* tail and a Club Cocktail that there is between a raw, new Whiskey and a soft old one. The best of ingredients—the most accurate blending cannot give the softness and mel- lowness that age imparts. Club Cocktails art afd In wood before bottling—and no Ireshly made Cocktail can be as good. Manhattan. Martini andothir itandard iltnJt, iattlid. nail l» urv* Ikrtutk tracktd In. Refuse Substitute. AT ALL DEALERS C. P. HEUBLFJN A BRO.. Sol, P,op,. Hulford N.w York London Flash Llko Genuine .iamondS. at 1/4 • IkM CMl-lN SOLID GOLD MHOS I ■u*4 etI<1 |«rt md •■pert •■•mltir.tloa. W» MtrantM (hrm. >•• inem flril-ihen itr, ■■>•■■•! Offer - Mb HIT... - -i 1 rt li ft Oente f le| I cl 1| IB Hi Med I ct MM he. V O D for Irtipsrilc.rt Cllaltg PACK, thum, full line I'aUnt r!nt n'Ji* laclude-d, 10 aslU,. I*.»-r^at..t-.lL i . e HHLtlcal.CMMII TRUNK 8ERVI Is what you w»nt. A $Z0.(JO Trunk that lasts 10 yours Is cheaper than a f 10.00 Trunk that lasts I ycsis. Kor tho coming teuton ny IBPI 146 W. iftth STREET, ■Lsaaa TRUNK8 CATALOG O on request. W1ULIAM BAL-, Ino. MsTW YORK CITY