The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 27 THE NEW YORE CLIPPER. A* «hb vAUDByii^i/B Aivr> dramatic houses a*aa*a*% Fifth A»e»«e (Que McCune, Proctor ■ » ^,1. , f tnll 0 f excellent ■"^'''.TrnteBCiitcd here tills week, and «u City (Ben Leo, mgr.)—Tho bill for July 18-20 haa several novelties in the vaudeville line, and enthu- The Mllano Duo, a lady and a gentleman. lnlB 11 .niiwed by a fair s>«eu ana eninu- ine juuano uuo, a way ana a gentleman. '"'m omili-nce Monday afternoon, July 22. sang operatic airs In clever atyle, singly and elastic B ~ju"| 0g a nd Carroll, one of the beat together, and earned much applause. nig, although this week there Is an orchestra ", p9 «»»« in vaudeville, oro one'Of the fea- The Four Everetts, two ladles and two of four pieces. The following acts were of- sliig'ng a y B »».._ n_~i . singing »"*' HBual, more than lived up- to gentlemen, entered as toreadors, in red, and forod for approval: tlirc ?'iiiin»' The singing of all three came in proceeded with an Interesting routine of "Adonis" opened the bill with the asslst- acrobatlcs. On a platform supported by two ance of a well trained dog. "Adonis" Is * the others went through hand balances and well built man who poses in difficult po- fnr ninny encores, as the bllHng.^T^^ jgj Jj^ |£g ragtime piano acrobatics. On a platform supported by two, ance of a well trained dog, well built man who r~ sltlonj. He Is strong a his stunts on a raised off by attractive drops. Keith's Union Square (Elmer K. Rogers, Jonks' (M. T. .Tones, mgr.)— Vaudeville. uigr.)—A larger audience was present on and photoplays. Monday afternoon, July 22, than has bojn, Kli-ni AvBNiri (M. H. Saic, mgr.)—Vaudc- I ttendlng the opening matinee for the Inst vlllc and pictures. month. The regular orchestra Is still miss- Horn, (Marcos Lotrw, mgr.)—Too latest pictures. Kollt (Wm. For, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. Columbia (A. Silchrl, mgr.)—81c vaude- ville acta and pictures. Comedy (Was. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville and lilnyliiS- K t ana com pany were seen In other stunts. They finished with shoulder sltlonj. lie Is strong and gr-rcful and do?> pictures, i invlet entitled "The Real Q," and du- stilts and a potpourri of tumbling. his stunts on a raised platform, nicely set n |s play'f*' auccess made at other theatres. Csmllle Sc&erer, an attractive little woman, plicated. uw ■» ftn excellent portrayal of the had a nice repertoire of selections, Including Mr. lvcn . l _Jj „.. capably aopported by John "If a Rooster, etc," a German song, an. doctor, and was_™P"°'£ 52?K n.H.n wall and "T ! The Victoria Four (Storm, Reals, McBorley and Rillsburg) put over some real classy Likdxk (A. H. gchwarta. mgr.) — Four vaudeville acta and the latest photoplays. Program changed twice weekly. °* im \.«nn and James E. Parka. Italian wall and "That Yiddish Dance," for singing. They dress In white, with dark blue "' t ' r irl from Milwaukee," a singing ast, each of which she was applauded. She also coats, and sing much better than some othe- i,V inn hlzzest successes ever seen flashed three changes of costomes. quartettes we have heard playing the same was °%° New Acts:) Crosby Lee and company had a rustic time. ,£' i*„? c Perclval and Harrington Rey- comedy, showing the return dome of a young J. C. Nugent, In a playlet called "The ■* .ml eommuur presented their sterling country chap from a two days' visit to New Regular." was a big hit. Sir. Nugent looked nolas anu j-v e^* ^ nolce .. ^a were a big Xork. Bis conversation with tho young lady and acted the part of a popular clubman on STOCK NEWS WHITNEY STOCK NOTBB. Under the management of Welsh A Wal- umi-nuiro i«.ii.-u«n» nuu «-■»».v.»«.o^» «.. vj .■.««.- pnim nuu •»»*••* ••• bs —'- They b 0 umo we are In our tenth week, under can- 0 ii p ilnnrtPovIe In their Bklt, "The Belle and ot the rube's statements. 'Ihe young country appear as a country couple Just married, but Tas ana although we have not turned tbcm rlno 1" had the largest part of the audi- chop was well played, and the lady also took (heir line of talk hardly fits their make-up. .—J. at CTery performance, our business baa f I 7 <rh^Performance of both principals Ib boarder from New York was full of laughs his way home after a night with the boys'. "'■.i > \nipr and deserves i all the success and Interest. When told that he was a He first told some good stories, and then, rube he had something; to say about some with the assistance of Julc York, acted a , rubes who went to the cities from the short sketch. Ills personi'" ji, encore winners. The singing country and made history. lie sang and the make htm a big favorite, act, we . r <■_„'*....„ ro iH n , »hi> Mo-cost share vovuuz ladv sanir some. There was also a "Just Married" Is the name of a skit used __,'lns, rhe Belle and of the rube's statements. _'Ihe young country appear as a country couple juitli ' had" the largest part that came 119 A11|>n , n a g | ng i n g and talking rubes who went to the cities from the short sketch. Ills personality and easy acting 1 aMW encore winners. The singing country and made history. lie sang and the make him a big favorite. act, were ""» . Bettlnc the biggest snare young lady Bang some. There was also a "Just Married" Is the name of a *.'" n i„.,L half-witted farm-hand who corroborated all by Mac Melville and Robert niggl t>,,ie nnd'Boyle in their Bktt, "The Belle and of the rube's sti the lleau" haa the largest part of the audi- chop was well j ^T/tlW Rounds^of approval greeted care of her role. 21 ^Sr^Tnals removed his wig at tEe con- "That Kid" opened with a . ballad, them V ''{".."f-Vrtormnnco Knickerbockers, then did an Italian charact They closed with a rather cntchy song that been very fair. In got them several bows and an encore. W( > have a nice, pleasant little company of Rlla tlould has done much better work fourteen Our roster Is the same a* at our i r, nf ttielr Derformance. xuiicKerDockers, tnen aia an Italian cnaracx- una tlould nag aono muen Dct-ter worn fourteen Our roster Is tho same as at our nEn'Ncll gave out maav laagh prescrlp- er song, followed by a Lauder Impersonation than sho showed at the Mondny matinee. 0D e n |ng, and Includes: J. C Welsh, Billy nJSi wiikn were well taken by the nudleacc. In "My Bonnie Lassie' and "She s My Her first few songs were badly chosen, and ^fisbmrn , Ralph Barton, Wm. Hedges. Frank i'Sr-'S./rtor" Is an excellent monoIoglBt. and Daisy." In regulation kilts. Tne act went are not suited to her. But the last two she Ri c h ar d, on . Jl I>. Heckwllli. t'has. tierlach, /1, hered his material In a clever manner, well. • offered went very well. Her costumes are j k oorndy. Wm. Hagerman. Antony Melrs, SakS should always assure him a hean, J&±B&&%»»^J*l£*!*&&* handle and ta 300* tjjtc. (;eo . Rroughton. f.nlu Oneroid, I lan« ; hr. Bow- in New York for some time, presented their rec f P'.m.' r>nri assisted bv Miss Dolly, gave enjoyable musical sketch, 'patterned nfter their dancing specialty. The dancing was A «^/%wtaSm^^<B%nSmS Ea& "The Music Master." The 'cello solos by fnlr. a J 5Sv«? luBriers and do their work In an the typical old music teacher were applauded. Nat Wills had 'ho house with him from nnil srnceful' manner Juggling seven Miss Hoffman enters as the pupil, and sang the start. He told n number of good stories £„ii« ,iU time bv Mr. OnrI was a feature, several soprano solos, of which the "Mellow and sang a goodly number of songs. H1b 1 went big. est. ' icoverv that ml. Sammy Burns and^ Allce^ Fu ,^° n l _ on * e ^ < 2 e'rs and Mlsa I.o'u Whitney, with Little Oypsy. SAXB BROS. INCRBASB HOLDINC8S. Saxe Bros., of MHwnukee, have taken over tho Star Theatre, the former home of the Melody" was liked best. Tho discovery that tirodlca'are clever; as usual. Western '•JmI buricBque attrnctlonB. and "S.i.^KnirWttl Sisters the perfect gym- the girl Is bis own loag lost daughter lends The Frcy Twins, thoso well trained young will speud *2u,000 to nut same In nrst class »*Vl hSS^theri seated un 11 tVc finish of a little pathos to the sketch, but Is only men who show the different holds In wrest- condition for.stock. Meta Miller who is la ?ffn-nerformon™ "sbtly touched upon. In conclusion a Httle ling, were watched with great interest They charge of the Davidson Stock Co. at ttie their perform recitation of thanks was a novel finish. keep on the Job and do not hold the stage too present time, has been "wured as tnanngor and Bhe expects to take with her tho greatest part of the Davidson Stock Co. SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, VAUDEVILLE ACTS EQUIPPED !t>w anil Second Hand Bcenury In Stock MURRAY HH1 SCENIC STUDIO HURRAV HILL THKATRK, N.Y. WALT Kit 1HAXBT, N|r. Tel. 3813 Mur. Hll NEW YORK THEATRES. WM. A. DI IVHsalTOl? «» Street, Bas BRADY'S rLAIIWlMi pS'Xnt. Evga. 8.10. Mats. Wed. and Sat., at i.10, PLAYHOUSE 1.10. Mats. Wed. and Bought and Paid For Direction WILLIAM A. BRADY. Ltd. William Collier' 41st K»3tofirw»y.Tel.,61M Bryant. Kvg. 8.16. Mats. Tubs., Thura. 4 oaU, 2.11. ?. Comedy Bunty Pulls The Strings WELD MOULIN ROIM* 0 ^ 1 ' Ne * Yurie Theatre) Mats. Wed. A Sat. 116. Smoking 1'ermltted. A ZIEOFELD RNTKKTA1NMKNT Staged liy Julian Uitchell T5 A WONDERFUL 0HORUB 70 "A WMOME WIDOW" B. P. KEITH'S UNION SQ. THKATRi:, H'way A 14th St. Phone 440U Stiiyvvsant. Mailnee Dally Wo.; Nlglits, 260. to 11.00 Bth WEEK OF CLASSY VAUDEVILLE Nat Wills, }. 0. Nugent and Co., Klta Qould, ttammy Burns and Allen Kalton, Molvllle aud Ulgglos, Krey Twins, Vlotorla Kour, ••Adonis," others. Canflcld and Dcnham, a girl who did long. Hiimmersteln's (William Hammersteln, mostly dancing, and a man given to topical BCT.j—Hold-over acts are relied upon aa the songs and recitations, filled out some Inter- „ ■■■■i ■ -t^-.j ..^ » . makes the Snxe I»rq;. the biggest theatrical nucleus of attraction and "drawing power" cstlng minutes, after an Introductory march n " ,'.T. t!_ " , of the bill offered here this week. Of these, duct. The young lady Bhowed a tambourine / "V./i "i. r„„i„ Honrher Tlnrke and alt "••■--"•" SlZ^r^i% nmh^.m at .: ."i_i it*. ...„iuii ,.»,.or,n iirtiot hsiniii h..^..„ c,,ii ,.» hui, v,i,.i,., "u,..,t.i.,„i „v i"„m. ■ i. jobic ticatner, tinrie anu rianiu- Lyric in Minneapolis, ana tne urpneum, « Includes: Joslc Heather. Clarke and Hamll- x^yrlc In Minneapolis, and the Orphcum, at ton, Sidney Drew and company, Tempest and g{ ix>uls Mo. ft Is expected to have this Sunshine, Willie Weston, O'Rrien-itavcl com- ] l0 'use opened the second week In September. itoudlnl, the sensational escape artist, began dance, full of high kicks. "Somebody's Com Dls fourth week Monday, 22, and he has Ing to Town" was well put over by Mr. Can- proved «rttl^«^5^JSfS^S£ Kk-JTSJ ^'„ A "l e L lne " they Cl0Kd tbe ° Ct ' I""/. Sam Mann and company. Linden Beck- ton seen here In years. It Is not altogether singing and dancing. £.,,;/ »,._. rvres Bert Melrose Tom and what Iioudlnl docs, In his stage performances, Fronds and Dale, as the college student £'.%, { Kg./ ** 1 * uerl • 1,clr08e - lom <» na but It Is the showmanship quality of the and the "bug"' collector, were again liked. '„' "' ,"' ,. „ , . . . feats he performs that appeals to the audi- They had a new line 0/ talk and business, p J n " (David Benjarnln, mgr.)— Loew ■»■■».- ' vaudeville and motion pictures, PROCTOR'S 5th AYR. B'WAV ANU •JMH ST. Dally Mat., 2So. 2 CO.NUKHTS SUNDAY. I'HE OIHI, KHOM MII.- WAVKKK; 8. miller, Kent and Co.) Walter Perclval anil Ilarrliiutun Il»ynolds Co., VVestom, VlalOs and Carroll| Morris and Allan, Dnla and Hoyla, I/o« tt'Nnll, 4 Unettl Miliars, Arehla Onry anil Dolly. LEWIS & OLIVER PLAYERS. eiices here. His work on Monday, 22, was and the eccentric dance by the Inmate of applauded as heartily as during his first the lunatic asylum showed plenty of new week here, and his engagement has been ci- movements, tended Indefinitely. "Tho first Baby" is a novelty, showing Tbe engagement of Don, the "talking dog,' the nursery of the first baby, a boy. It opens bas also proved to be a wise business stroke, with the young mother singing "Blanket and the management will easily win out on Bay" to the prop. baby. The colored nurse the outlay of money for his importation and arrives, and takes charge of the youngster, appearances here. The dog has given evl- giving the mother minute Instructions what w,,^V\\^rnr"^n*Br«^^™IInnty , "l»uiU tht ield VoM stockTangemP! d-ice that he can emit sounds that resemble To do with the baby, while the nurse at- SSSSS 1 °£\,f J^V-sccond week 8 u, « a> '' T m fairly well the words (In German) requested tends a camp meeting, after she sings "- of him by his mistress, and this Is of suf- asleep with some old darkey tunc, flclent novelty to draw tbe applause In vol- arrives, and Is compelled to enthuse over the unaes. kid, while vainly trying to read bis evening It Is a pleasure to note the success of Crea- paper. He goes to sleep, but when baby lure's Band as a Summer attraction here, starts crying Is aroused. An overdose of Ynudcvlllc audiences as a rule Jo not xctlrfi paregoric Is given the child, the doctors and Froctor'a Flfty-elfthth Street (P. F. 1'roctor, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaude- ville. Monllu lliiune (Harry Harris, mgr.)— "A Winsome. Widow'" Is In its sixteenth week. Wm. Collier's Comedy (Bam S. & Lee Clair Tuttlb Is taking a two weeks' va- cation at her mother's home, Walnut drove Farm, Berlin HolghtH, ()., and cruising mining the Islands of Lake Erie on the yacht "Ar- The Lewis & Oliver players nrc now la their rjnth," owned by her brother, Dr, Tut tie. ninth week at the Murray Theatre, In Hlcn- i[ Ha Kiku-Lkncu Flavkuh. after n short mond, Ind., and will remnln there for the rest teB ^ w m ovcu „t the Society I'layuouse, Wor- ot the Summer. Mr. Lewis has secured eleven coator, Mass., July 20. new plays for the coming season, and tho Raymond ami Cavbklt will be tho stars company Is now rehearsing a new one eneli 0 r (|, 0 i,- ox mimical comedy Btock, opening with people ••whiKtn-dce-dee," Aug. 10, at the Acudeiuy r of Mi 1 Hie, New York. Strings''' Ib In its forty' Papa .. < ??? 1 f e (Harry Kline, mgr.) week. Tho company numbers eleven neoi: and « scenic artist, and Is booked solid fi the coming seoson between Slreator. 111., and Hamilton. O., both towns where they havo nts. -"The Rose Otto tiikui.'s has signed with the (lertruda lowing Company lu the capuclty of leading man and director. Wm. Thelitis, Ills brut her, will handle the comedy. Tho company opens at Brookileld, Mo.. July 211. TllH I.ATi.Moiii;-I,r,iim I'i.avcks lire being gement EDWIN T. EMERY'S ACTIVITIES. Maid" Is In its fourteenth wees. rm.,. Hummer compnny which Rilwln T. Flnyhoasc (William A. Brady, mgr.)— Kn ,p ry has Installed at the Starlnnd Theatre, organized for a peinmnent stock engni "Bought and l'a.d For" Ib In Its forty-fourth gJJS i-ark. Cal.. Includes: Lew Dunbar, at the Jefferson 'Ihen,re, Roanoke Vn. week. Monte Carter. Harry Burgess, Beth Van Ilal- Lyvenm (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)i—Motion tren, Ann Montgomery, Nat Wentwortl: ^llimevoil - Illltiieu'-CB ui> u line ju nui j. 1.111 ,...,. K ....v ... ^.»,u 4MV vxii.u, imv uvlwid ,,.,« —» v——T"- - t_ J Pi ' \_ Z :l I;... — Vi r ,»,_. — i n .. 1 a n |,,„„j llie hlarc of drum, cymbal and brass except drug stores arc called up on the'phone. Pupa p.otures of IVil J. Rnlney's African hunt Hazel Wilson, tinsel Belmont and a uiorus In homeopathic doBes. Creatoro not only has a parades the baby with disastrous results to began the fifteenth week July 22. of eighteen. llie compnny win reni« n linnd of excellent musicians, but his pro- his dressing gowu. All is well when, oa a Mndlaon Square Iloof Gnnlen This throughout the Summer, presenting ngni mu- grauis are arranged so skillfully that encores hurry call, the nurse returns, and fixes thln«s ioof garden, with a tbres ring cj buret show slcal plays a nd upeins^ ire numerous, and lie) act on the big bills with a change of flannels. The act was well and open air dancing, began tho seventh week presented and realistic. The -pictures included: "Any OUl Clothes," (l'nthe), "The Artist's Joke," with Harry Furniss (Edison), and "Tbe Bravo Little In- dian." wins greater applause. M;ix':i Comedy Circus pleased the audi- ences so well Inst week that tho act Is re- tained for this week, and the funny nntlcs of Max, the clown, and several other grotesque rcnudluni, together with tlhe trained nnlmnls end tho "wise," unrtd.ihle mules form a 11 rung combination. Of course the Ico skating scene on the roof with pretty Grace Helane and Eddie Hassett as the principals on tho Bteel runners, cctir (nines to be tbe big card roof attraction, and teems to draw the crowds at night. Ot the Incoming attractions for this week, promlmtico Is given to the sterling musical, comedy nni dancing act of Isabellc D'Armond "id Frank Carter. The latter Is a capable comedian and a nimble dancer, while as a tinging comedienne, Miss D'Armond la the personification of grace and daintiness. The Courtenny Sisters received a humper welcome on Monday, In their songs, and easily repeated the hit scored by them during their last engagement at "the corner." riay one ^ft a Tu^v h e Cr .?th? d goK'%u% th the?e ,t nee n a fi^ 00 no fear of a welcome and appreciation of " „:,, your act. *>" , Mnx Hart's Six dances, which .for July 22. The amateuf performances havo STOCK FOR HALIFAX. rruved so successful that an extra "amateur The stock company which bas been at night" la to be given every Monday night Keith's Theatre, Portland. Me., (or some, heiinfter. tlmo will open nn extended engagement at Wert End (Carl W. Hunt, mgr.)—"Tho the Academy of Music, Halifax ^ N. S.. lu Lincoln Siinuri- (Chas. Ferguson, mgr.) —This house held an audience at the matinee of Thursday, July IT, which nearly filled tho orchestra and looked to be top-heavy in tbe gallery. The balcony had many vacant seats, but, for a midsummer audience, It was of surprisingly good proportions. Collins and Hawley started the new show going in a fair singing and dancing act. In- terspersed with dialogue that was of mediocre calibre, and not well put over. They also make the mistake that la so prevalent with performers In these hot Summer months, of appearing In clothes of sombre black. Why don't performers dress appropriately to tho time and temperature? Joscphino Rcllls, looking decidedly cool In a costume of white, and which she very sen- continued to wear during her entire folk wed In a vocal number of decided Miss Itellls is endowed with un en- red her manner, though it was a pcasure to entertain her Road to Mandator," a farce comedy in four nets, written by Carl W. Hunt, was presented at this house for the first tlmo on any stage on Monday, July 15, and wbb withdrawn after tho first performance. "Paid In Full" was put on for balance of the week. For Meek of 22, "Tho Easiest Way." "The White Sister" week of 20. Keltti'a Unrlem Opera Roane (F. Sell- man, mgr.)—Business continues good. Tho Mil for this week Includes: Sickles and Allen, Harry Bcrnlre Lowe, Minnie Stanley, Kzrn Kendall, the Ungnoux, tho Chickadees, Harry permanent stock October. Sydney Tolcr is lending man with the company. ■ i MARRIED. Harriet Dnko, of tho MaJcaUc Theatre Stock Co.. Utlcu. K. Y., ami Cord 8. Ander- son, manager of the theatre, were married July 1:1, In that city. K.Mit, Mitciikll hits re-Joined the tJi'pheuni Stock nt tho Chestnut Street Theatre, Phila- delphia, and makes his rc-appi'iimncc this week, Tim Opera House Btock Co., l'atci-Hon, N. J., which closed i1om-h after a most suc- cessful run or one hundred and two weeks, will resume In August. Annum MvAiiam writes : "After iwcnly- seveii weeks Willi "Die Bell Hoy' Musleul Comedy Co., I will cWinc with tlie above com- pany VVt'ilni'sday, July Hi, ami Join the Frank liuilley Co., plnyliig pi'i'inuiieiit stuck lit i.nku Mlnnei|iiu Park. I'lietilu, Colo. Next hcuhhi will be my fourth sensnu with Mr. Dudley, playing heavies." Tin; SiiimiiAN & Ahiiikv STOCK Co. closed July 13, after a very Kiicrmsrul mciinoii of twenty weeks. Nellie Sherman and lomiiniiy will nppenr In a vaudeville net, "Home Com- forts,' 1 and Mildred Aubrey will slar In vaudevlllo la her sketch, "lllrm Flyu from Michigan." New scenery, new wardrobe ami STOCK AT THE QHEENFOINT. Tho B. 9, Keith office have announced that ''»ery equipment to make thu coming season .,ermnncnt stock will be Installed at the a > real success will be In evidence. 'Inn Old Sauber, Harry llolman and company, Brown Orcenpolnt. Brooklyn, the coming season, all Hkuaui.k was always 11 welcome culler, and Brown, and loin's dogs. vaudevlllo bookings having been canceled. _ Jack (.onnolt writes from llnu lltoii. (hit Proctor's One Ilnnilred and Twenty. ■ £an.j "I _close a fortjM'Ight weeks' engag; WHERE SOME OF THE STOCKS ARE FLAYING. Twenty llftli Street (J. Holsteln, mgr.)—Reports are of the best from this house. The bill for week of 22: Sweeney and Rooncy, Dnnlcl It. Raymond and company, McKlunon and com- pany, Blnnchard's School Boys and Girls, a,..„„ ,„ . -„_..., „, gaging personality, and she renJe aSKEK.. Jm°2SS2.2! songs In a delightfully good natnrcd » c lVf™™ 3*2 i£"*"X ns though It was a pcasure to cnteri Isle Hall, Dorothy Dc Schellls and com- pany, Burharns and Dnnforth, the Ucrsklnds, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome and company, Seven Plcaros, and Ford and Wesley. very favorably with any ever 1MB here are ns ' nol 'B n " wflB a P^'U'e to entertain, nor p PO «i,ect (Frank (icrstcn, mgr.)—Tho ■I1 Important* feature "o^fX bill 'rhe act ^^^JSRo^k^QuS."^^. weather has no effect on the busZ.s here. "JS! l ,«M appearance. , JaV^SJJi-- Sa^StaSl V5&*1&. *1 M ***** of attractions arc offered. It flllod life pVatfon^lTcWlt g'htK."?. and SJ« ,n «° od 8ty,e '" ' rh<!,r d,nlo « uo wfls "* ruere «c rc no kirks from the perf ormers. ini„« Kolllns and a company of three men , • appeared in a sketch that for Improbability i.oew'a Delnncey Street (BernardFrank, In Its theme and action was the extreme limit, oigr. I—Vaudevlllo and motion pictures. Bill The fact that nt Its finish the supposed man- anuounced for July 22-24 : Hilda Kolllns and ager of the theatre rushed down the aisle Ju^l'sny, Geo. S. Lander, Ward and Bohlman. nud berated tbe actors for their poor acting, m liedders, and others. t,tHh^ ner \ Th,ra Avenue (Kd. J. Mo Pictures 11 ' "" VaudcvlUo nna new motloa n,.^. , f , " ^tc, ; ,, *l^ s *'ee« (J. Wesley Rosen- fliiest, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. l<Fr»V ,1 '^ ^ ^.l G { ,rdc,, (Winter Garden Co., ght, Tho of and Harris, Follicrs' Barlow. lliirtlir & Senmon'a Mnsle Hall (8am Hurtlg, mgr.)—Moving pictures continue to draw good houses. National (Harry Loot, mgr.)—Bill for this week: Lewis Sisters, Illlile West, Hal g^M^^^ Swor »"■' »-"-«-•. #~ii-~^ in »o« n Barron, Mill Arnsman Boston, Mass., Majestic, "Leah, the For- saken" 22-27. PiiiLADKLriiiA, Pa., Chestnut, "Orean. Stockings" 22-27. "™"J Altoona. Pa.^ "Paid in Full" 22-27. opany, rociibstbh, N. Y., Temple, "St. Klmo" 22- tt,. 27. "ITje Chorus Lady" 20-Aug. 3. RociiKHTEa, N. V., Ilaker, "The James Hoys In Missouri" 22-27, "Ten Nlgtha In a llnr Old Swcct- Iglitlng Chance" Alias Jimmy The Hclio" The Time, Kolb A 1)111, In "Dream City," Indefinite. Los, Cal., Lyceum, "Pinafore," indefinite, Jmh, Cal., Burbank, "The Deep Punile" 21-27. Portland, Mi:., Keith's, "Caught lu the Rain" 22-27. Podtland, Me., Capo Theatre, Cape Cot- •■*» "Salvation Nell'' 32-^7. ?ifi»H:r Tn A'L aml8C re-opened Monday night, i'i/•1,:"'u w,tu tlle new entertainments, "Tht lin " K r SU , w ? f 1012 " »no "The Ballet ol enn,„ a nc,u 5F d ln "• cast were: Trlxlo Frl- Bar?' Oh^i WU0 T nt(> ft Snlrle y Kellogg, Krnesl Moon EXr3& f ?. 0SB i Evelyn Becrbohm, 0rer.nJlS.7i u J 0 , rrl8 ' %">»* Agoust. Charlotto applaud, even „W, Howard and Howard, Sydney Zlska and S Clarencn tn D ' Adelalao and Hughes, raer In clever Iwor and Westbrook followed In coon gf.^ an ° d "cnff^v Seor <l lander MattB YfWg'"* a2 "-J' ' gs, dancing by the man, and dialogue g r ca I nc cy a * nd bSSS and Borden and Shan BJL«" 2»-Aug. a. Ich utterly failed to get over. Their **JJ no aaa company, ana isoracn and Shan- Hamilton, Can., ft. -_ t. 1 _i__i.. ...1 *».„ ,I„^ IIUI1, 0<>(>7 son WllKii in hi 1^ itiutu iu get win. MaWa« n(m songs, however, got by nicely, and tho dan- stnr <Ja k L )—JJuslness continues clng was good. The young woman sang „H" r ^ u J ^^ c b ^ '° fo ' m l r 'CSt^Iflea^aSjL "Circus Day" finely, and. aPhough her avoir- {;?~j ^° company Wo^rd and Lvnn' Rich: ■ A^n^Sn? '? tBe ca8t wcrc: TrixloFrl- dupols was far In excess of any female on . if"and1 Clark Charles^Fnrrell and iinuinl H.m.' ^""-Wheaton, Shirley Kellogg, Ernest the bill, she was so Jolly good natured ln nil D r n ]i a S nu LmrK ' Lnnrlc » *»«e". *»<1 "culah Mnn' „ S? r i£ 8 f Robb j Evelyn Bcerbohm, that she attempted that it was a pleasure to n in the hot temperature. Saunders closed tbo bill, the for- ,v,er feats of legerdemain, and, the BeW.;°. J ; Harvey, Jobrna Howland, Oscar latter a very capable assistant to him. Miss muwartB, narry Fox and L'Aerolla. - Saunders also rendered a sentimental ballad >'"l«liie (E, L. Weill, mar)—Vaudeville very effectively. Mr. Zlska has a deft method nd mn««- l.^..l:. 'of working, and bis patter Is all to the good. logo, Podtland, Mb., Oom, "Three Twins" 22- 27. ,. 1 Hamilton, Can., 'I'omple, "Tho Road to i„j„ mS™£ X 1 ' 81 ^"^". b2 "-.T- " t,, ° "Irl wltli tbe Oreen arauatark" Wind*- N. Y., Star, "Lad, 22-27. "Tho House Next Ooor" nod motion pictures. irowen° 10 ml" . Tw ««»<7-ihl«'d Street (Frank tur" ' m8r - ) —Vaudeville and motion pic- w n l 0 '". on '" M »»«o Hall (Frank M. AIcKlnley Square.—Business continues big. Another good bill is presented this week. Riverside (Herman Goldman, mgr.)— Tills week's bill Includes: Robert nnd Adnrc, Hilly Barlow, Four Alfords, Gtmley and Caltery, Milt Arnsman, und Llllle Stevens. Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—Reports arc of the best here, nnd Indications arc it will continue, as first class hills, both In vuadc- Amerlcan (Chas. Potsdam,mgr.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. The bill for 22-24 vllle and pictures, are presented. . Includes: "A Night in a Park," Dow and VorkyHle (Hugcuc Meyers, mgr.)—For i."'."-."^.)—Bill for week of July 22 In- Dow. Ursone and De Osta, Billy McDcrmott, this week the bill Includes: Harry Warden. 1 r ,,i? : %° Oscar Lorraine. Belle Baker, Jane Madison nnd company. Fallier's animals, Quaker Girls. Bherer and Dll worth, Itryroui A ltuin 0 ' ^ Icli:Q y nna Coritweli, Coombs ond Swor and Westbrook, Gordon Boys, nnd Flo and Coogan.La^Vado, and Tedd, Dumont. Mai. ii.7«i R,aB "J l,Cun « la company, John and Davis and Lew Palmorc. itrlulifoii Beach Maale Hall (Clias. S. Breed, mgr.)—The bill for week of July 22 includes: Ous Edwards and Song Revue com- I'nl Vfn,. . ' ."JO-n-RlcMeld company. Mile nnTJ.?«. 0 .l cn . bcr * Br08 -. mgrs.)-Vandc "J and pictures. 1n, m22 l "?™'"' "ockawar Bench ?.' w . wk of July 22 lnclurles. H.len Hlehn Bill Iliirrv ii 0f July „? 2 'nelo^cs: Helen Richards, "r"c,n n T cn '-r X ,6lons D'Art," Howard and Va» «*«,?«*«. i*onj and Y 08 co, and pnny, Maud Lambert and Ernest Ball, Cliff lie ■ - ~. vuiupuilj, .'.ordon, Oharles Ahcam Troupe, Mack and Walker, Old Homestead Octette, Van Hovcn and the Juggling Burkes. Circle*—Motion picture* and vaudeville. Colombia (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— rtTjka Suratt and cornpnny. rt"KTan'd'mJ's'tr' K """" fSreeloy Square (JuHnfRnmsfnin mitrt The" Merry-Go-Ro'unaVrs" cioscd It's engage- commencing"Mohdiiy was headed"by"iciii'ncui -The Wif S3 iZ'iaHS'JPffiW'wSlKl menr Sntnrdav nlrht. July 20. Hall. Brooklyn, N, Y.—Fulton (A. M. Llgh'ton, mgr.) high class vnuilevllle and the latest photoplays, to good business. Shudbbt (L. J. Rodriguez, mgr.)—Loew's vaudeville continues papular here. Program changed Mondays and Thursdays, Buoti (George Schitick, mgr.)—This the- atre will remain open all Summer, presenting Loew's vaudeville. Db Kalu (Ida I. Ackerman, mgr.)—Vaude- vlllo and pictures. The bill for the week Mountain, 22-27. BurrALO. mere's Fan 211-Aug. S. ■Alhanv, N. Y., Ilarmnnus Bleecker Hall, "Bohby Burnltt" 22-27, "The Houso Next Door" 20-Aug. 3. Dbnvhr. Colo., Lakeside, "The Colonial Girl," 21-27. Dbnvbk, Colo., Rlltcli's. "The City," 21-27. INOIANAI'OLIH, Ind., Mnrnt, "IrlB," 22-27. Oklahoma City, Okla.. "The Ctty" 22-27. Lincoln, Neb., Oliver. "Girla," 22-27. Clmvrlanv, 0.. Colonial, ."Madume X," 22- 27. SvKAcitHg, N. Y., Wletlng, "Tho Bcllo of Richmond," 22-27. "Charley's Aunt" 29- Aug. 3. Stuaciisk, N. Y., Valley, "Tho Knicker- bocker Girl,'' 22-27. Willi am sr-oHT, Pa., Vallatnont Park, "Her Bitter Atonement," 22-2B: "The Wolf" 20, 27. Tacoma, Wash., Princess, "David Ilarum" 22-27 Elmiiia. N. Y.. Rorlck's Glen, "King Dodo" 22-27. Scdanton, Pa., Poll'*, "York State Folks" 22-27, Hi'niNOKiKi.u, Mass.. Poll's, "Three Twins" 22-27, "The Right of Way" 20-Aug. 3. Utica, N. Y.. Majestic, "Billy" 22-27. Lowrll, Mass.. Cnnohle -Luke Park, "The Lass and the Laddie" ■»!'.-27. ment with Ueorgo II. Suintners, Aug. -.'I. It has been one of tho best hoiihoiih for years. I havo hem engaged by Roy Crawford, of Tu- peka, Kan,, for the Majestic Theatre. Stock Co. of that city, season of 1012-la, to piny characters. The season opens Aug. 20. Tu- peka being my home, I look fnrwurd to a plensant season," Chacb Wiiitakhs, late of the Majestic Stock Co., Is Summering In tho Mnnatulln Islands. She will Join the forces of Juo Nleol, with his own. big company, for thu coming season. Tom Fooo, Ruth Marston, J. A. Grlfln. At. and Don Palmer, Arthur Kaufman and Mary Gourley, pianist, closed with the Ilow- dlsh Stock Co. nt Welrton, W. Vn. The Klks' Club, of Bteubcnvllle, tendered the closing members a bumiuet, after which they parted to accept other engagements. Davh Hhilman will ngnln blase tho trull for tho Mny La Porto Slock Co. tbo coming season, which will opeu curly In August. Mr. Ilellninn has been unending a few weeks with his brother on tin- farm In old Kentucky, ami will Join the eumiiiiiiy at Knncsvllle, O. CilAIILBHTON, S. t.'„ Illllllpton I'll I k Air- dome, Carleton Sisters Stock Co., continue to good business. John 0. Rah Is spending the Summer In tho mountains of Colorado, together with Ida Weston line and his family. Mr. line will be seen next season with "Mildred." In the middle West. Jed Carlton has signed with Manager Rue to go In advance of "Mildred" for the season. Mm). T. II. Winnktt will continue tho business of her late husband at 1402 Broad- way, New York. Harry Beekman, mgr.)— Oxronp (Cyrus Gale, mgr.)—Photoplays Madkl iirownkm. a.nii Cli?N)Uu C. Sthsk, pictures. "g.HSy Bk <• „„ -^... of the Corse Paytoa Btock Co.. at tho New -Motion plctuw. anil LtnERTr (Kdward StrausB, mgr.)—Vauds- Orphewn Theatre, Newark, N, J., wero mar- photoplays are the offerings. WW »«"> motion picture*. riea JviJ jo. TUB JOHN" XV. No. 152 WEST 40th STREET NEW YORK CITY FOUR OOOS PLATS FOR STOCK By EDWARD l'Kl'LK. THE PRINCE CHAP THE LOVE ROUTE TNE SILVER OIRL RICHARD THE BRAZEN Write to the JOHN W. ROHBEY FLAY 00. for terms.