The New York Clipper (July 1912)

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JULY 27 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 13 ?) , .»u.»* v Fixtolisber - - SUITE 400, 1367 BROADWAY, N. Y. C.< OFFKI18 FOB YOUIl APPROVAL A COLLECTION OP REM. SONGS. THKSE NUMHKHS ARE THE ONES YOU AUK LODKINU FOR AND HAVE TO BK HEARD TO BE APPRECIATED "WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE" A BEAUTIFUL HIGH CLASS BALLAD. ORB WORTH WHILE. "ALL X WANT IS SOMEONE" (On who twin lhm you) ••ONE OP THE CLASSIEST BALLADS I EVER SANG" UOB SHKItWOOD of the Golden Gate Trio. "YOU'RE THE ONE I'M THINKING OF" A WONDBBIXL LYRIC. A WONDERFUL MELODY. A GREAT BAHC11 BALLAD. ONE YOU CAN'T RESIST. A GREAT IlfSTRUMBNTAL BAG. .- OH! VOU FUIMIMY IVIR. MOON JJ A REALLY DIFFERENT MOON SONG. Got them While they are mew. Orchestration* In your key. Send stamps and late program. - SUITE 400, 1367 BROADWAY, N. Y. C. OUT OF TOWN HEWS Plttuhargh. Pn. — Hippodrome (John P. Ilnrr" mgr.) Ml' 'or week of July 22: "L*< BhV lit CUslqie." Loyn Troupe, Ercottl and LllUim- Men. De Ben«a ind Lb Doe. Fire Martell". Ebe- hur TroBpei the Rexos. Fire Musical Hongcs. Four Milton.. Downing. Hero and Downing, Pan- tonne, ihe Highland Lassies, Bupert and Sadl, Una. and Jacobs' Dogs. Habbib' <E. B. Salter, mgr.)—«lll for week of "2- FulKora, "Toe Dream Walt*." Karl Hewitt and cotupany. Melrln and Thatcher, Three Ital- ian Troubadours, Wllllama and Kent, Blanche Colvin 01IB B. Nelson. Kommer and Francis, and moving picture*. Business, capacity. Man- ager Salter continue* to make friends among patrons and performers. ..,_-.. Gbakd (John P. Harris, mgr.)—Jnly 22-87: Harry Datls Stock Co., with Corliss JUes. Thais Murane and Dennis Harris present "Bill;," week of 22. Corliss JUes opened here week of ID and scored an Immediate hit. He was forced to make a few remarks at every performance. Thais Magrane continues to gain new friends, while Grace Valentine, the pretty little Ingenue, la a prime favorite. .... KlHWTWOOD Pabk (A. S. UcSwIgan, mgr.)— Westlnghonse Band and the Library Quartet. Large attendance continues. Wkbt Vnw (O. C. McKalllp mgr.)—Caputo's City Band and the Eighteenth Beglment Band lo concert. Ail attractions are doing well. NOTTS. Missis Mat* and Addis, at the Harris, week of 15, made many friends. The girl put over a very clerer act. and won a One success. Kcksst and Bxso, the headline act it the Harris, week of 18, were greatly enjoyed by the music lorers. The act Is welt set, and they both jwneess singing rolces. Oco. Mooasi, the down Juggler, offered the natrons of the Harris "something different" last week. He juggled large and small articles grace- fully, and tot a bis band. Scranton, Pa.—Poll (John H. Docking, mgr.) Poll Stock Co., la "York State Folks/' week of July 29. ''Charley's Aunt" 15 and week, to good houses. Acadbmt (H. B. Smith, mgr.)—Four photo- plays, changed dally, and Illustrated songs. Lbna Pabic (T. M. Gibbons, mgr.) Is featuring big out-door performar-ces. Manhattan, HiPPODaousv Bijou Dames. WONUXIS. WOMDBHLAND AND VlCTOBIA report gOCd returns, presenting inorlng pictures. Wllllananport, Pa. — Tallamont Park Pa- vilion (W. II. Anwr, mgr.) the Vallamont Stock Co., In "Her Bitter Atonement," July 22-25. "The Wolf" 20, 27 Springfield, Ian.-Poll's (8. J. Breen, mgr.) "The Spendthrift" was Onely presented bv the stock company week of July 15, and Ruth Rhenley added to her local popularity as Frances Ward, and Jessie Mueller, as her sister, was nleuslng. "Throe Twins" 22, and week. "The night of Wsv" week of 29. Nsxsos (It. I. DUlenback, mgr.)—Bill for July 32-24: Qllmore-Brlgham Trio. Freeman ami Free- man, and Billy Brans. 23-27: Byron and Kelson, Ryan Bros., Arthur Connelly, and the pictures. Rivxbsidi Pabic (Arthur Wooley, mgr.)—Bill 22 and week: Harry W. Smith, the Ruesells, and daylight pictures. I'iaza (Goldstein Bros., num.)—Vaudeville nuil motion pictures. N'OTBS.—The Goldstein Bros.' Amusement Co., of this city, have secured the Columbia Opera House, at North Adams, Msbs., and after reno- vating, will open It about Aug. 15 James Lundsberry, of the Colonial Stock Co., at Pitts- Beld, was taken to the House of Mercy Hospital in that city, suffering from ptomaine poisoning form catiug sandwiches made from canned crab meat. Three other members of the company »' ■ the sandwiches tint were not sick Arthur Wooley, who recently closed with "The Sprlu? Mold" Co., is to manige the theatre at Riverside Park, until the season opeas again Mana- ger Breen, of Foil's, made elaborate arrangs- inents for the production of "Three Twins" for week of 22. The original scenery and costumes were secured, and s chorus of twenty-four sjlrsa eiiguged. Fred Arundel, austral director of one pf the "Three Twins" Co. took charge of the re- Mortals The Court Square season will open Aug. IS, with a three days' engagement of the French farce, "The Millions." Fall River, Mass).—Savoy (George S. Wiley, mgr.) regular season opens Aug. T. with Ben Welch's Burleaquera, for three daya. Tlie house has undergone a thorough overhauling. AcADEirr (L. M. Boas, mgr.)—Bill for July 22-24: Carlton Sisters, Lucler and Evans, Bessie I.cCoitnr, Ed. Bacey and company, and Art "MDldlcg. Bill 25-27: Woodward's Dogs, Major Doyle, Etler and Webb, and James Rennle and company. Phbmibb (L. M. Boas, mgr.) —Bill 22-24: Harry Bouton and company, Straight nml Crooked, and the motlon_nlctnres. Pause (A. H, Ashley, mgr.)—Motion pictures nml Illustrated songs. l.raio (Ed. Doherty, mgr.) —Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Nickelodeon (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Motion Pictures and Illustrated songs. Stab (R. Mlchelfclrter, mgr.)—Motion pictures and Illustrated songs. Scenic (H. r. Archer, mgr.)—Motion pictures. St. John, Can.—At the Opera House (F. i>. Spencer, mgr.) the Ring-Lynch players closed "nn, e * k °' Mt business, July 13, presenting "illy." Good cotnpsny. Coming: Paul Qllmore, In Havoc," Aug. 1-3; May Bobson, In "The R>- B-lo"" " 0t Aunt Mar '" nnd " A N, « ht 0ut '" Niokxl. — Betty Bonn and BUI San Souccl, and morlng plctnres, l/Niqua.—Moving pictures. "Tab. —Moving pictures. Lvma—Moving pictures. Hamilton, Can.—At the Temple (J. G. Ap- wlon, mgr.) week of July 22, ."The Road to vsierday." w«* nf so "Th» niri nitu tin. Ml Yesterday." Week of 29,""The) Girl with the tlreen Eyes." ^ M ?.^, NTAU ' ■ <0. H. Summers, mgr.)—Week of 2». "GransUrk." Rune* has It that a new theatre, of the very ntcst design, is to bo erected here to a central location. Tub Monarch Greater Shows week of 2b. Montreal, Can. — Orpheum (Geo. Driscoll. mgr.) "The Olrl with the Green Eyes" had good attendance July 15-20. "Alias Jlmmle Valen- tine" 22-27. Somas* Panic (L. J. Lajole, mar.)—Vaude- ville. Bnslncsa Ug. BUI for week of 22: noff- Jjan, Lee and Allen, the Two Jacksons, Two Stamfords, Ten Vassar Girls, Omaha, Neb Oayety (H. L. Johnson, mgr.) ■Wvmg pictures and vaudeville. Bill for July 21- ■Jh Ward and Barton, Hapjiy Jack Jackson, ami Dlerlck Bros., For 25-27: Miller and Frank, Mme. ZuleUa, and Wilson and Clark. /.,- Botd (Frank Phelps, mgr.)—Moving olctures continue to draw good houses. Notes. —101 Ranch 27... . Klngllng Bros.' Cir- cus Aug. 9 Clrlclllo and bis concert band was at Krus Park July 20-23. Income, TVaih.—Princess (C. L. Richards, mgr.) the Princess Stock Co. presented "Alias Jimmy Valentine" week of July 14. This piny was secured only by payment of an unusually heavy royalty. Clifford Thompson, In tin* title role, was at his best, and Miss Bell, as Lane, gave excellent aid. For week beginning 21. "David Harum'* Is produced. Emfrbsi (Dana Hayes, mgr.) — "The New Scholar," with a company of seven people, heads the bill week of 10. Others were: Kelly ami Wilder, Le Boy and Harvey, Htnlon and Hanlon, May Elinor*. E. J. Moore, and the Empresscope. Pahtaoib' IW. J. TlmmoDS, mgr.)—The bill for week of 22: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morris, the Three Madcaps, Clipper Quartette, Toklo Murato Troape, Frank Bush, and the Pantagescope. Tacoma (O. H. Herald, mgr.) will remain dark for the next two months. Ki-acno (F. Graham, mgr.) — "A Nation's Peril." "The Adopted Son," and "A Guardian's* Lack" were feature films 16 and week. Splen- did business Is reported. Omctnx (John Selfert, mgr.) "Behind the Scenes," "Cangbt by a Flash," "Coming Genera- tlon.'V "Weight of a Feather" were feature films, to good business, week of 15. DaSLAif (M. J. O'Brien, mgr.)—Tacoma, photo scenes of the Montamara Festo, and Tacoma's auto race meet. Toe boose has played to capacity. Palaob (P. A. Snider, mgr.)—"The Medal of Honor." 'The Greater Love." "Hard Luck Bill," and "A Double Misunderstanding" were feature films 1018. Rubll (I. Davis, mgr.)—Films shown 10-18 Included: "Pseooo Sutan," "dose of American Revolution," "The Deerslayer'a Retribution," and "The Farmer's Ooosln." Ltbic (P. A. Solder, mgr.)—Films Id-is: "The Parson and the Medicine Man," "A Quention of Hair" and "A Gentleman of Fortune." Buotr (Mrs. W. S. McXIsh. mgr.) —10-18: "The Land of DarknesB," and "Love's Miracles." VACDiTra <L. A. Richardson, mgr.) — Moving pictures, to good business. ltusE (L. J, Prunko, uucr.) —'Moving pictures, to good patronage. ii'LE Houi (B. R. Potntb, mgr.)—Moving pic- tures, to fine liualness. Denver, Col.—Lakeside (Frank Burt, mgr.) bill In Casino. Jnly 21 and week Is "The Colonial Olrl," with Maude Fealy. in the leading role. Eupbbssb (Geo A. Bovver, mgr.)—Bill 20 and week: Paris by Night, Henry and Llsell, George Yeoman, Ethel Whiteside's Pickaninnies, the Five Musical Maelireoe, Roland West Players, and Gaumont's Weekly. ELrrcH's (T. D. Long, mgr.)—BUI In theatre week of 21: "The CXty.' 1 Business fine. Taiob Gband (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—Bill 21 and week: 0-rrllle Stamm. De Marest and Doll, McGrath and Page, Lottos and Loftos, two other acts, and three reels of pictures changed dally. Manhattan Bbach (Karl Candy, mgr.)— Katherine Grey and company are In alrdome, In- definitely. Peoria, III,—<Prlnceas (Beaver Amuse. Co., nigra.) Taudevlle. pictures. Al Fbisco Pabk (Seaver Amuse. Co., mgrs.)— Vaudeville, dancing, outdoor amusements. Yraomu Buck (Frank A. Helneke, mgr.)— Vaudeville, tongs and dancing. Demi-set's (Martin Dempsey, mgr.)—Stock bur- lesquo and pictures. Faust's Gabdbnr (Fauser & Heltsch, mgrs.)— For July 22-28: Dairy Maids Quartette. OOLDUBIA. CRBSCBNT, DB LUXB, EMI'BESS, IL- LINOIS, Libbxtt, Lyceum, .Majestic, Rotal, Kanoamo, picture bouses, are all doing good busi- ness. Maiixn BsoinEBS have opened an alrdome in the South End. Two reels of pictures are given, changed nightly. Thb Cbtktal will be a new picture house, to bo opened about October. Alton, 111.—At the Alrdome (W. M. Sauvejre, mgr.) vaudeville and pictures. Siieclal film for July 23, Pathe's "The Adopted Child." I'l'hjiTXKS (J. J. Beilley, mgr.)—Motion pic- tures and Illustrated Bongs. MilYvnnlcee, Win At the Majestic (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.) the Davidson Stick Co. gave a de- lightful presentation of "Mary Jane's Pa" July 15-21. "The Time, the Place and the Girl" wilt be the attraction week of 22, after which this company will vacate the Majestic and return to the Davidson. Theatre for tbe rest of the season, opening with "Sherlock Holmes" on July 29. Cbystal (Edward Raymond, mgr.) — Rube Welch and Kitty Francis, In their little comedy, called "A Musical Revue," proved a hit tor tlio patrons of Ills popular little theatre. Manager Raymond announces the following bill for week of 22: Chas. Mack and company, Five Musical Lassies. Frla Carry, Herb Mitchell, and Hayes and Wynne. Racine, Win.—Racine Theatre (H. C An- dreas, mgr.) Is closed anil will undergo exten- sive changes snd renovation. Nnw Obpkirj.m (H. C. Andrers, mgr.)—For 21- 28: Rubs Welch and Kitty Francis, in a musical comedy. Moving pictures. Business excellent. Buod, MaiEfTio, Gband, Lyric, Ahubb, Gau, and Cabino, ajorlng picture houses, are all doing nicely. F. B. Stiffoiiii, formerly manager of the Bijou, la now running a booking agency Ir. Chicago. Tun Elks' new building Is progressing rapidly and comer stone will lie laid with elaborate cere- monies la the near future. McAleajter. Okln. — Star Alrdome (R. H. Busby, mgr.) the Whltaker Stock Co. continues to good business. Yale-Majbstic (A. C. Brown, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville, to capacity business. Fobum (J. A. Stelnson, mgr.)—Moving pictures conLntue, to good business. Vioroit (Will Tlbbltts, mgr.)—Licensed films continue to please. Norfolk, Va.—Academy of Music (Otto Wells, mgr.) the Metropolitan Minstrels, Powers Trio, Sjs'iKvr and Williams, Brit Wood. U'oiiard Kane, and pictures, played to good business week of Jnly 15. Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, mgr)—Tho Bebmau Co., presenting a double bill, "A Hot Town" and "A Day and a Night in Chinatown." drew well week of 15. Same company will irrc- sent "The Belle of the Seashore" week of 22. Petersburg, Ta.—The Academy Is dark. Lraiu (0. O. Mow, mgr.) — Husann Carter's Minstrel MaJdn played to good business week of July 15. Viboinian and Cockadb.— Motion pictures. a. F*. Hakaden'b Vaudeville Snow, under canvas, opened week of 15. Newark, Tf. J.—Olympic Park (J, M. Bel- don, mgr.) Olympic Park Opera Co., In "The Echo," week ot Jnly 22. Gatbtt (Leon Evans, mgr.)—Bill week of 22:. Clark and Lewis, Newport and Htlrk. Frank lo Slgel and Bob McDonald, Rosa Mandon and com- pany, and Margie Schenck and Brother. THRBB DAYS WOODMEN PICNIC, Aug. lb. 10 and 17. For concessions write cuarlks F- OARE, UERRICK. ILLINOIS. WANTED—Med. People, slnglo performed' Change for week. Play and fake piano. Also B, F. Comedian. Tent Show. Stop at hotels. Salary sure. Treatment good. Salary first letter. No booze. GIBSON SBOW, RCSS" LlA'ILI.E, IND. WAJITED "WANTED Fall Acting Co., for small time show. New produc- tion. No boozers. Save stamps. Must have good wardrobe on and off. Write, wire. Jog. Price. 105 W. Monroe St., Ft. Dearborn BIdg.. Honm413. Chicago. AT I.IBERTY,Jlm-W0ODS A WOODS-Rosabel le Character, Comedy, Sketch and Specialty D o, Vaudeville, Rep. or Musical Comedy; change (or week. R, R. tlcketa, yea. WOODS A WuODS, 221 EAST CENTRAL. AVE-, KANSAS C1TT. KAN. WAilTBD-Performers who change for week, Piano Player Who work In acts, Sketch Team, Co- median. Reasonable but sure salary. FOR SALE— soxsoTent Theatre. lOlengtbs of 8-tler seats, a com- plete outfit, or wiU consider small Rep. Co on per cent, or salary. Have Al H. P. Machine, complete, for $80;a bargain. Manafleld'sShows, Brimfl eld, 111. DERUE BROS.' IDEAL MINSTRELS Wants, to Join for season of 40 weeks, Oocd Street Cornet, to donble viola or cello; also Slide Trom- bone, double viola or cello; Al Clarinet, B. A O., and Al Street Cornet for to assist In front tf house. No telegrams sent collect; sore salaries; no fares advanced to strangers. Useful Minstrel People plsced. Address Stamford, N. Y., 26; Margareis- vlllero, Pownsvllle 27, Fletscbrnanns 29, Ph> enlcla SO. Catsklll 81, Athens Ang. 1, Chatham 2, Pine Plains 8. WANTED-For 'A WESTERN GIHL" CO., to Join on wire, Man for Irish comedy pa*t with spe- cialty, to doable bass or snare dram m or. hj ; cor- net Player, band and orchestra. Actoisln all lint s, doubling brass, write. Address J. M. COLE. Mgr. "Western Girl" Co., Sussex, N. J., July 24; Branoti- vllle 28, Frankiyn Furnace 27. Hamburg so, Warwlcn, N.Y., 81; Monroe, Aug. 1. P. 8.—State salary, pay own board. Would like to hear from Al Agent. WANTED — COMPLETE, CO., including S elite Leading!.arty. Three blls; long season. Easy tstancj from Ptnla. or N. Y. Pianist, also room for amatenr and Treasurer with sma'l capital guar- apteed. DIXIE COMEDY CO., DURHAM, N, 0. WANTED at Once for The New York Vande- vllle Co., Al Blackface 8. and D. Comedian Willi good specialties for a week and put on acts. Team, man and wife, If one plays pbno. Others write. State all and lowest salary. Money sure. I p »y all afler Joining company. Answer oufck, no time to diofcer. Address Manager, N. Y. V.Co., Care of Ball's Hotel, Anaonvllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. "The Fate of a Crown" Brazilian) "The Street Singer," "Meadow- brook," "The Be ter Way," and others. Address Alice Howland, Davenport, Iow a FOR SALE-SCRIPTS Add. ROBERT PAYTON, Gen' 1 Dot., Orrensbnrg.Pa- Ltbio (R. C. Stuart, mgr.)—Bill week of 22. first half: Btswu and Barrows. Inei McCauley and company, Anderson and Davis, the Colllern. Pearl Dawson, and Evans ami Clifford. Last half: Roberta and Vlvcra, Salvator, Times Square Quartet, Combei Bros, Searle Allen and company, and Smith, Volk aud Croiilu. Patt-raon, N. J.—Mnjestlc (W. H. Wulsli. mgr.) bill July 22-24: Fred and Oap Elliot, Will H. Connelly, McOormack and Irving. Slarr and Evans. For 25-27: Tho Runtons, Flo anil Ollle Walter, VaBsar and Arkcn, tbe Ragtime Trio. Capacity bouses. OuriiEuu (Billy Watson's) will open nn Aug. IT. Wheeling, W. Va.—*.t the Victoria (Ceo. Slinfcr. mgr.) moving pictures constituted the bill for week ending July 20, and hid big -cturns. Wukklino Pabk (J. A. Moore, mgr.)—1*11! for week ending 20 was very good, and did well. Fur week of 22, -Ed. Winn conumnv. Wiieelino Lodge, No, 28, T. H. A., has gone in Summer camp on Slste.'s' Island, about four miles NojrUi of the city, snil Is entertaining friends in royal style. A Inrge dogelntlon from Pittsburgh T. M. A. Lodge members were there week of 15, and had a great time. Manager Tun l.areaur has charge of the camp nml sees that every one has a good time. St. Panl, Minn. — Empress (Charles A. White, mgr.) big business week of July II. Bill for week of 21: Charles Wayne and Gertrude Des Ruches and their Inenhutor Girls, Breen, Mcllenry and Deane, Ward-Blare and company, Russell and Church, and Chapman anil Berulie. This house will continue open all Summer. Majestic (II. S. Mitchell, mgr.)—Continued good business week ot 14. The usual moving pic- tures week of 21. Not"eh.— Btarland will reopen about Aug. 10. The Orpheum II Rlngllng Bros.' Clrens shows here July 24 Buffalo Bill unil Pawnee BUI Aug. B. Memphis, Tenn.—At East End Park (A. B. Morrison, mgr.) capacity business reigns ot thla place. Bill for week of July 21: "Tvum Tommy Dancers," Monies Troupe, Count Beau- mont Co., Srnythe and Hartman, It. A. <). Trio. Lottie Mayer will lie the outdoor attraction. All picture houses continue to hove fine busi- ness as follows: Majesties Nod. 1, 2, 3, 4. Alamo. Colonial. Queen. Carrollton. Star, Palace, Intnerl-il. 1'astlmo Nos. 1, 2, Gem, Pekln, Royal. Joy, Daisy. Savoy. Madison, Pofdlab, Metuoi'iii.itas. all air- domes, also roiiorl cnpuclly business. Charleston, S. C—Victoria (Pastime Amuie- ment Co., inara.) Frledluiuh'r's Muslcul (V>. drew well week of July 1.1. The house will be closed for several weeks. IIamithn Park Aiuiiouk (CIibj. It. MntlhewK, mgr.)—The Curletna Sister,)' Co., in rejicttolre. conlluurs lo gotsl bnslneHH. Wl.NI)EIII,\NM. Tiieatobiuu, I.Tim and Cbsh- cent. iiiclure Iioum-s, are all d<lng well. Note. —Tlie Majestic opened 22, aftor umler- goiiig BaPSmdva huiuovemviits. I & C. WILL NOT COMBINE WITH The unusually numerous reports as to com- binations, nlllllntlons, separations that are row being ventilated In the papers Included one published last week to t!ie effect thnt Strlllvan t Consldlne would combine wltb si.vcrnl other circuits. At tbe New York headquarters tilts wag denied absolutely. CARL KET7LER, Tta. and TlCM. HERBERT KETTLEir, Stcy, CARL KETTLER WIG CO. SnOOBSSOR TO ' WM. HEPNER WIG CO. FACE POWDEHS For SO Years America's WIGS OHEASH PAINTS ____ tettL-BIWMl 1*— cosmetics WIU' MAKERS toupees Write for Illastrated Catalog B—best luacil In tills country STAGE MAKE-UP S $&£$£?& Mr. Carl Kottlor gives his personal supervision to the minutest detail of all orders, whether latgo or small. BEACHEY A LAWLER BUILDING K. W. Uor. Washington and Dearborn Sts. 66 WEST WASHINGTON STREET - • CHICAGO, ILL, WANTED IMMEDIATELY Leading Man and Women, Comedian with Special* ties, First and Second Comets and Baritone for Instrumental Quartette Under canvas. State salary. Regular season In theatres. Repertoire. Week stands. FLOYD 11. BHIOOS, Qoodland, Ind., July 22-21; ltensBelaer, Ind., July 20-Aug. 8 For the Ellis-Nowlan Co. Qood, Fast Acrobats—also Musicians All people engaged for the coming season, and all who hiivo been with mo before, answer quick Care Riverside Hotel, Jordan, N. V. NAT ELLIS. TOM C. RYAN ELEANOR FOSTER Heavies or C. B. Second Bus. Wardrobe, Experience, Ete. Positively make good. Address ... TOM C. RYAS, 110 North Bassutt Street, Madison, Wli. Tbe "wortli-its-welglit-ln-gold" book of gilt edge comedy inutorlal. MADISON'S BUDGET No. 14 Contents Include •» sure-Ore parodies, 11 f uuny monologues, 10 original acts for 2 I males, 7 new aots for male and female, a I great minstrel Drat part, a complete one-act I musical comedy; also red-not acts tor two I females, for male quartettes, and a tremen- dous assortment of sidewalk patter, gags, ete. Prico One Dollar. Hack Issues on11 or print, except Numbers 10 and 12. Will [ send i,oili lor fl.60. or Budgets 10. 12 and 14 for 12. JAMES MADISON 140* Third Avenue, New York DANIELS COMEDY CO. MUtr PtOPlf. SBIB TEAM. WSICK That nroreal, for orchestra. Preterenco to tlirso doulilng parts. Tcnl Thentre. Slop at lintels, We pay expenses. Kindly don't overestimate your nullity". FRANK II. HANiFLB, UudHon, Wlsconuln. WANTED FOR THE TRIO UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. people in all lines. Address Greenville, Mich., care TRIO UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. C. H. PITT, Mgr. MANAGER OR ACENT Thorough first-class man. Want engagement. Up In Stock or Vaudeville. Some hustler . Qood pros man. Anything good will take. W. S. »., caro Montfort, 104 West 40th St,, New York. AT LIBERTY TBOS. F0G« & RIJTH MAItSm\ Characters, Rongh Ingenues, Juveniles, Heavies. Age 28 yrs. Heavies. Age 24 .»rs. lit. 6 ft. 7 In., Wt. 1M lbs, lit. 6 ft. 6 In., Wt. ISA His Oood wardrobe, cxporlonco and reliable; must have tickets. Addrtss THOS. FOOO. Care of Blk Hotel, Steabesivllle, Ohio. sTlRKT^IiASS COMET, CUHUET \B CELLO riAYER for small Orclieatra; $17.00 weekly for fonr and one-half hours daily and three hours Sunday. Pat your own. non-union. Address KARL VAN LAWIIKNZ, nolel Patton Chattanooga. Tenn. WAKTPTi 80UIIRETTB to assist Comedian, iiillEJ/ for Vaudeville Act, Smitll time act. Must be experienced. Also good looting Young Ladr to tako small part, flood amateur will do. Send photos. Address COMEDIAN, caro of Ray A M i-on, 80S Madison St., Minneapolis, Winn. For Rent, Good, Brick "Opry House In city with people In one mile in each direction. Only th«htre In cltf. T— addrees, BOX fl A8HLANH, KY. Por particulars, Musical Bells CHIMES, XYLOPHONES, ETC, Send for circulars and prico lists. Always a few bargains in slightly used Instruments on hand. We are now In our new fireproof faclory. J. C. DKAOAN, 1710 Ilertenii Ave., Chlcngn, U, S. A P WANTED For VAUDEVILLE ACT Address T. BWIGHT PKPl'UO, caro SPRING aivOVE PARK, bPR INOFIBLU, OHIO. AT LIBERTY FUR COHINtl SKAUON HARRY RICHARDS COMEDIAN THE REST 18 NONE TOO GOOD. Address St. Charles Hotel, WILUAM8P0RT, PA. AT LIBERTY MUSICAL DIRECTOR PIANO far halsnco of summer and next Boason. Locate or travel. Address W. V. JLOCKIIAItT. Week of July 22, Lako Grove Park, Bast Auburn, Me., cure Suburbanites Co. After that (lenenii Delivery, Boston, Mass. OPERA HOUSE AND HU8U.E8H MOCK In good mannfacturlnKclty In Ohio. Erected, 1M6, atcostof IS0.O0O, Moiloni In overy respect, i'lay. Ing only high class attractlnns, plotnreH dnrinn Summer season. Big drawing population, will sell, lilgsacriilcc, quick sale; on easy terms. Would consider small amount good business property as part payment. Address CHAS. II. MAY, Plnjiaa, Ohio. AT LIBERTV EXPERIENCED VIOLINIST Thoroughly competent and reliable. Any business, anywhere. II. UVUiE", 10 Bullflnch Place Huston, Mass. NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MASIG GATAL Containing cuts of Leading Conjarors, toe. New 62 page book Oatal., loo. None free W. D. LEROT, ids Court St., Boston, " /