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l\. AUG08T 3 THE iSTIEW YOEE CLIPPER. (.- JVOOA.lv OFFERINGS OF ^HB WE>E>K: A* *HB VAUOBVII*I,B AND DRAMATIC HOUSES Milium ju i. h ' W ii j [ »»ll? i"N « ri B Ot m t* jgHft l5y!SJSS^^P«5i ^^..iL i?S!.t.fe a ' h .? gr, l~ V *. ude T U . le *?' ' American (Charles S. Potsdam, mgr.)— Keith's Union Square (Bluer6\ Rogers, ragr.l—One of thebest prwama oftoe pictures entertainhere at regular intervals. As the weeks -roll along, each succeeding bill - Bummer season !• t*ln* PWfoted here this The bill.tor Jul,25-27 Included: shows Improvement over previous ones. A. l^l "The Monday matinee, 2», «J"»«°«, Grlffla .and Lewis presented a sketch good sized audience was on hind Thursday. .-Men was also tie largest this Summer, wherein the lady expected an operatic tenor ■ nnd received an Irish piano mover, who, how^ were lug I most liberal In applause, each act com- n for a good share of It ever, could sing some, and was pressed Into i In tor a goou "»•" ,"'.,"• ., « »»«., i»mu <nu« nuw, suu was presaea into lifsutlful and musical Nanette scored one service. Their Vocal duets were well re- *t ihe biggest successes In her career. Her colved. In "My Wild Irish Eose" and "811- Snataa and violin playing were both rare ver Threads Among the Gold" the/ her ,Z.t* and at the finish of her meritorious monlzed excellently. Irisis. »" . ...i.,.. „,„ no land She fji-lffln than tnnlr n 5o od uly 25, and all went away at eleven bells thoroughly satisfied with tho entertainment. Clay Smith, he of the "Jovial disposlsh," started things on a merry whirl with his mgr.)—Bnmalo and Delano opened the btll Monday afernoon, July 39, and were well liked. Both, of these fellows are strong men, aud use good Judgment in (heir selection of stunts. They went better than other ath- lete* better known. John GHgcr surely puts a lot of fire In his ga and piano selections, and Just to show violin, and It surely uoea "nearly" talk, and lie still Is "there" with tho classy foot ho manages to get a. let of comedy as well ss work. Clay reeled off some refreshing danco music out of it. His performance was well steps. "Somebody's Coming to Town" and liked on Monday afternoon. "On, You Chicken," were big numbers. Bedford and Winchester, as a team, rank Mahoney Brothers and "Daisy" Is the way high In tho Juggling line. These two put these two comedians and dancers bill them- over some classy stuff. The one In tramp make-up mado a, bit. They went through son, us Violin solos by Mr. i,rrfornjanc» the applause was so loud sho Griffin then took up some time, when the J" several encores, leaving the audience lady returned In a green harem aklrt, to f.kfnr for more. Thbj talented young woman aome burlesque drama, finishing with "1 floserfes all the success that comes to her. as Want a Glrl> ■be is always on the alert for new material, Hal Castle and company showed a Jealous selves. "Daisy" la a clever little perform- and also dresses In the latest fashion, husband who wanted to know about every- Ing canine, and "she" scored Individually their performance without a miss at the John T. Doylo and his company presented thing, an Impromptu visitor, a charming with a waits that was loudly applauded. Monday matinee, and they do some difficult his latest success, entitled Putting one wife and a wise servant girl. The visiting Tho men are lightning fast dancers, and got stunts at that. Ovor." a sketch dealing with police life. It victim is flnslly deprived of all his wearing by nicely. Dorothy Brenner and Joseph Ratcllff pre- set wltfh Instant approval with the audience, apparel^excepting a union suit, over whlci "The Derelict" a dramatic sketch dealing ""ted a musical skit, entitled "At tho who was onco a FI «J wr ..?J* B f'' Th £ act M, crtmpoeed of songs and a little talk. Some of the songs sung by listener were liked, but as a whole tho act seemed to lack life. The Three Lyres (Harvey, Henderson, Lewis) Inserted a lot of go in the show with their up-to-date Jokes and lively music. The fellow In black face was the starter of all the noise, and deserves special mention for keeping things moving. Linden Beckwlth did not take with the audience here as sho has with those at up- town houses. Her several offerings each re- ceived a band, but great enthusiasm was missing. Maybe It was because the songs sung by Miss Beckwlth have been heard so many times before, that they lack the merit of novelty. Her enunciation Is excellent. "A Question of Policy" Is the name of the turn offered by Butler Havlland and Alice Thornton. However, there Is not much well hlte Way life, tiresome point until uu," and the act then tloua ly clover. • with a piano act, the little fellow at the menaced to «et over to some applause. Will Oakland and company presented "A piano working his fingers and a smile over- BellBoy Trto Nufsedl These boys rag Night at the Club." (See New Acts.) time, and the partner, with a French mus- off tho popular stuff tho'same as many other -Volant." presenting "TheFlytog Piano," tache ; and goatee, singing "On the Boule- SsS^4s|w. , ^™y^% l 5 ,,, }t«™g "•^a'Va^hafe&^medlenne ffiftr, ^fflS^ &« ^S^-SfSsSW &£ ^'"?«of ra^tlme^ngs.heldoneof the ^^5-er^TSt-itUra X e'n^Ve nu^oer^tt r'lol^ WM and star positions of the bill, and surely did go contributed a fine piano solo, with some little some. As a singer of this style of songs she comedy bits thrown in for good measure, and is second to none. Having a style that I) the entire act was well liked. orlglnni delivering all her songs In n fas- Orvlllo and Frank had a fine Risley net, cinating manner, very seldom falling to get Mr. Orvlllc, despite tho snow on the roof, good results. She makes a fine appearance, doing splendid work on the pad. His foot and changes her costume for each song. manipulation of the barrel and with the That clever pair, Bedlnl and Arthur, as- table were without fault, and be also foot The Six Mcrrlotts, a European novelty act that Is a thriller. (See New Acts.) Lewis Sisters, two pretty girls who can sing, dance and score. (Seo 2»ew Acts.) Thermos Arktos, a study In modern science. (8ee New Acts.) Doily Morrlsey slipped four songs over In good old ragtime style, and "pulled" a new costume for each number. She Kot a big hand for her tasty dresses, especially her closing slsterl by Kddie Canter, are always sure of a juggled the little fellow In good style. The welcome here, and Monday matinee was no lad's work on the bar ladder, balanced by Or- (•xceptlon, as they carried off one of the hits vllle, was well done, and they got plenty of l a ' e "a' black velvet" thnT^l'ooked'^stunii'ins ln a name. Their offering was liked as w of the bill. Bedlnrs smooth way and Ax- applause for their turn. SK__"with Colly And she's stall lively fn «■ «» 'hat appeared. Alice Thornton la a thur's good comedy was received with plenty Ycnger and O'Brien are two bright looking the dancing line too fascinating young woman, and Butler (Slim) of applause. KL un * mcn ' *°° d dancers in various styles. , Three Stanleys, comedians and acrobats. Havlland lias a magnetism that makes peo- Walter and Georgia Lawrence. In a sing- T ,hcy meet on the street .remind each other (8ee New Acts.) Pie watch him. Their Imitation of a young Irg sketch, called "just Landed," were big ° fan ° Idac *j »*"* ln w »h "When Uncle Joe Valentine's Dogs, the clever performing couple and a married couple at a show was features. What little story there Is to the P^yed the Bag Opon His Old Banjo," with canines, won a good share of the noise with iMihahle. ..... sketch is very Interesting, snd holds the at- * lively dancing finish. An eccentric danco their educated doings, Arthur Deagon sang himself Into- favor tentions of the audience throughout. Both by oneof the boys follows, succeeded by some Among the films were: "The Bugler of render several songs with gooof results, Lew Brtce and Lillian Gonne, In their „f „ii. 1 . '" """""< ■"".-creaea dj sooju Among the films were: "The Bugler ot TO-JgS t L » > waS *Jg.Jg ttyJUtftaerI then Battery V (Kalem), "The Sheriff's Daugh- a double clog, with many catchy steps. It is t er" (Lubln). "The Man Inside" (Melles), some pretty gowns and finished in a short Tama suit, lu red, with legs bare down to the socks. She opened with " 'Way Down ln Mississippi "The Defeat of the Brewery Gang" (Kalem), and "Captain of the Nancy Lee)" (Sellg). iBIll announced for first hslf of the week beginning Monday July 29, Included: "The Delicatessen Shop," Rosner and Felton, Mr. SCSi.- BZ2. i. _ IS ' " c "1" ""''"y' ana lira J. uouann ana company. Harmony jy**i "*"".»_"" g Two-step Now," with some cute movements. Beaux and Belles, the Vivians, George F. Monday afternoon. from the start, closing with a dance with a female dummy, which he says Is tho only woman his wife will let him work with. It was warm work for Arthur, but he seemed to like It The Bight Texas Tommy Dancers closed the show with a whirlwind of fancy steps. These young people have made a big hit In New York, and certanlly lost nono ot clever skit, have been playing In and around a SB"** , New York all Summer, and, needless to say, "?• M* they duplicated formfcr auccestes. As usual. Lew's dancing featured, as did, also his im- ^Thc na Ahlue 0 rg». e in a va*riety of vaudeville Jind/' Then, In wfilteT "she did "EVTrybopV inTMrsTT MoCann a^a'Vompany,"Harmony ^ork"aad wtinliy Iwfnone'e? thelrTaurels stunts, pleased. They do acrobatic tricks, ^ -■- " dancing, singing and play musical instru- ments, and demonstrated their ability with each. They received several encores at the conclusion of their excellent performance. s SCENERY THEATRES AND PRODUCTIONS, ; VAUDEVILLE AOTS EQUIPPED (■•W and Sumnd Ha.no; wcenery in Stock HURRAY HILL SCENIC STUDIO *».. JHP RAY "ILL THKATRK, N. T. WALTER MAXKY, Mgr. Tel. 8853 Mur. HU NEW YORK THEATRES. WM. A. M IVDAITPtf «th Street, East. brady's rLAlHilUSfe -^5SSSi. Bvgi. 8.19. Mate. Wed. and Bat., at 3.10. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR Direction WILLIAM A. BRADY, Ltd. «oxh Time Monday, Ang. u. William Collier' list East of fi'way. Tel., S1(M Bryant. Rvg. lis. Mats. Tnes., Than. * Bat., a.n. .Comedy] BTJNTY PULLS THE STRINGS 40Oth TIME, MONDAY, ACQ. 13, Z1BGPELD MOULIN ROHM ^r^rer Mais. Wed. t Bat. XU. Smoking rarmttted. A ZIEGFELD BNTEHTA1NMENT "A WMSOME WIDOW'S;' A WONDERFUL CHORDS TO »5 ■. F. KBITH'g UNION SQ. THKATRE, B'wsyA 14th St. Phone MOO Stuyvessnt. Matinee Dally flic.; Mights, 2*0. to 11.00 9th WEEK OF CLASSY VAUDEVILLE 8-TH I AM TO MM Y DANOBR9-8 Linden lieokwuh, Dorothy Urennor A Jos.lUtilil, Arthur Deagon, Havlland * Thorn. ton, 8 Lyres * other big at Is. PRocrors 5th AVE. B'WAY AND am ST. Dally Mat., Jfto. 2 OONOBRra 1 SUNDAY. "TH* FXTTING PIANO," Walter tt Qaorgle Iaav« renoe, Imma O'Nall), Ba- dial * Arthur, stoatette, John T. TJoyIs * Co,, W1U OaAIaMd A Oo., othera. "The Skeleton Rag" was the finishing num ber, and she worked her limbs, which were very much unlike those of a skeleton, to good advantage. When her voice gets strong- er the act will go much better. The Boys In Blue gave a drill by twelve Hall. Dantela and Jackson, Alter's bears, and Freeman and Dunham. Bill for Aug. 1-8: Jeanne and Muller, Bells Dixon, Martini Slstera, MUndot, Bordon and Shannon, "The Delicatessen, Shop." Ma- bel Florence snd company, Woo. Bonelll and Globe (Harry Kline, mgr.)~ Maid" la ln Its fifteenth week. "The Rom Preetor'e Twenty-third Street (Frank then ••* went through the gun manual of company, Rndolph. Daree 'and company, and week Howell, mgr.)—Tho bill for the last half of * rm »- , An , artillery drill followed, with a MsrtS and Nestler. Flayhoaiae (William A. Brady, mgr.) — Bought and Paid For" Is In Its forty-fifth last week drew good Summer attendance, Thursday evening, July 25. Elsie Hale, a young violinists, played several numbers. Her repertoire consisted entirely ot selections from operas. She plays nicely, and did not wear out her welcome. Sweeney and Rooney. two men, dressed In black suits with white ties, would have looked very neat If they had worn black shoes In etend of tan lively fusllade from the gatllng guns. The gunners were all killed In the battle. In the encampment a courier delivers a measage to the general, who despatches a trusted soldier to the forts to enter and open the gates. The signal lights gave a good effect In the moon- lit night. The doors are opened, the battle commences, the fort is taken, and the ace ends with the exhibition of wall climbing Lyceum (Daniel Frohman, mgr.)^—Motiou pictures of I's'ii J. Ralney'a African hunt bi'gon the sixteenth week July 20 joof garden, with a thrcj ring cibsret Haaaaaersteln'a (William Hammereteln. mgr.)—Turning Into what may be termed the homestretch of the Summer roof season here, facts are at hand to prove that when the books are balanced in September It will be found that this season, In point of pe- . . cunlary profit, will compare very favorably ballads and ragtime songs; Clark Lincoln, They offered dancing steps aM . w»vtng of the American flag to great with any preceding season of this popular Americsn tenor; Mr. Olson, George Hayes Columbia. (A. Slchel, mgr.)—Big vaudo- vllle acts and pictures. Combdy (Wm, Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures. » LiHoaif (A H. Schwartr, mgr.)—Vaude- vllle and the latest photoplays. V. C, C. AT ATLANTIC CI1Y. "One big week" was the description of the Madison Square Roof Garden.—Tula V. 0. C. benefit period at the Savoy, Atlantic t show City, given by Jas. J. Morton, the comical announcer, for the fourteen performances. that were fair. The Itced Twins and Wallack, three young women, went very nicely. The twins open with n song, then retire, and Miss Wallack offer* a song. Her singing was well liked. Then all sing a song, do a little dancing and all Is over. These young women dress nicely and make a change. Their act Is a good applause. Don St. Clair, faultlessly attired In even- ing clothes announced himself as a triple- voiced vocalist. He opened with a splendidly sung baritone selection, then Introduced a high soprano, with real chest notes that cess. house. There Is also little donbt but that the en- gagement of Houdlnl, the "escape expert," and who continues to headline the bills here, Is responsible to a great extent for this sue- reached every nook ln the house, and con- cluded with the "Lullaby Yodel. He re- small time act. and could be made better by celved several encores for the enjoyable en a little more life and dancing. tertatnment he furnished. Ray Alexander and company appeared In The pictures Included; "The Polo Substl- a dramatic sketch, entitled "The Speed Girl." tute" (Sellg). "The Understudy" (EsBanay), The first scene snows a young woman, evl- "A String of Beads" fUelles), "The Mos- dently of the wealthy class, just awaking qultoes" and "Whiffles Mourns His Twin." from sleep. She rings for her maid. The s maid appears with breakfast They speak », , _ ..»_—_• In English with a very poor imitation of n Jfjlmacaalaa Square (Chaa. Ferguson, mgr.) For the roof shows at night credit for the big business (which is frequently capacity) must be accorded to the Ice skating scenes and the artistic skating of Qrace Hefane and Eddie Bassctt. The pretty and shapely girls who assist In making the ice scenes attractive also deserve a word of praise. Any donbt about the engagement of Don, the German, "talking dog," proving a success waa removed upon his first showing here, and the continuation of his engagement snd open air dancing, began the eighth week July 29. The bill Includes: Edna Ellis, tho Among those who helped to entertain the big Irlah queen; Marguerite Bernard, Miss Balr, houses were Eva Tanguay. who appeared at Miss Adams, Miss Uusscll and Miss Mayo, in every performance, and ''clinlred'* between and after shows on the boardwalk, accom- panied by ber pet bulldog; James J. Corbett, Montgomery and Moore, Chip and Marble, Trovato, S. Miller Kont and company, Con- roy and Le Malre, Felix Adler, Connelly and Wcnrlch, and many ethers. For the Sundny show, 28, the rules were relaxed and the regular bill waa presented. Including Miss Broadway (William Wood, mgr.)'—Lew SBKF<!h9" I J? Telty Doncing Four, Conroy _.a_> I.V.J ■ _ ™ .... .___ HUH T.n Unlrn ICtiwyn an.t f!»....n.. \f n ... 1*11.... French accent, which, as the sketch goes on —The big audience which assembled at the naturally followed. It la a fact that the Is forgotten entirely. It seems that this matinee here of Thursday, July 26. not only words (In German) Don Is asked to repeat young woman is to marry a rich mill owner <aw an evenly good show, inn, owing to the efter his mistress, actually have a resem- and Fred Dean, in songs; Sancho Pletov and Ethel Hartley, In new and fashionable dances. This week the European popular pannier dance wilt be Introduced. Monday and Friday nights, amntenr cabaret perform- ances aro given after the regular bill Iway (William Wood, m„ Fields' mid-Summer production,'' "Hanky Panky," will le-open thin house Monday even- ing, Aug. 5. The east will Include; Max Rogers, Carter l>e Haven, Bobby North, Harry Cooper. Christine Xlelson, Myrtle (III- bert, Flo May, Virginia Kvuns. Hugh Cam- eron, and Montgomery and Moore. West End (Carl W. Hunt, mgr.)—"The White Sister," by the stock company, July 29 and week. Keith's Harlem Opera House (F. Sell whose employees at this time are strlklne' cooling plant system Installed in the base- blance to the human voice, and what more A allot Is heard and shortly afterward a m( ' nt of the theatre, It was possible to enjoy could be asked of a dor.. young woman, poorly dressed, appears In the 'he new show under cool and comfortable apartment and asks to be hidden so the police co 55, , , t J on »- a , „ will not get her. In the talk which follows Wllbnr Sweatman started the new show between her and the owner of the rooms wo going In a musical act, consisting of clarinet find out that she has been "the speed nirl" ln and saxophone solos, ln which he excelled cumbers constitute the programs offered by t mill; that Is the fastest worker of all tho ""J clarinet playing heard lereabouta. As the accomplished bandleader. employees, and the other arlrls were wear- a n evidence of this Sweatman was encored For the drat time in vaudeville, and for Ing themselves out trying to keep up to her. tcar * Ime « »' his skillful playing. this, week only, the Ktoemacolor company Creatoro and bis band wilt likely continue to discourse excellent music here for the en- tire Slimmer. Selections from familiar operas, with soma of the up-to-date popular 8Ue realises that she has done them as much . Douglas. Washburn and company got by w showing. In condensed Jtonn. motion pic- Girl from Wyoming," Lew Fltxglbbon, harm as the owner of the mill so fevtlnr fairly well ln a skit with three people. One turcs of "The Durbar." The Monday audi- Jlmmle Rosen and company, and Cllvette •orry. she starts tho strike and shoots at ol «e males, as an Irishman, making love ' the mill owner. The rich young woman feels to a woman whom he meets for the first time, •orry for the gtris, and promises to use her wag rather far-fetched, but his brogue was Influence with her Intended husband to help redeeming. The female role was well done, and Lo Malre, Kcno and Greeno, Mary BUM- beth, Madeline Fltzpntrlck, Bchenek and Van, Macart and Bradford, J. J, Corbett, and Montgomery and Moore. Tho business was exceptionally big, the re- ceipts amounting to nearly 814,000 on tho week, with a goodly portion of It for tho club, a tact which should please Jos. M. Schenck, who engineered the affair particu- larly. A great many theatrical folk were In At- lantic City during tho week, among them: man, mgr.j-^lllgh class viudcvllle continues George W, Monroo, Harry Denton, Marie snd Billy. Hart, Charles B. Barton, and Herbert Lloyd. The exchequer of the club has been en- hanced by a check for $1,000, sent lo Presi- dent Leslie, to encourage the members ln con- tinuing to establish the pleasant relations between actors and managers. The check was accompanied by the foTlowlpg letter: .... - . "July 22, 1012. "Ma. Baar Lxslis, President, Vaudeville Comedy ■Club. My Dear Leslie—I note with pleasure, since your last yoar's benefit at Atlantic city, that your clubhouse has boen to draw good business. Proetor's One Hundred and Tweuty- flfth Street (J, Halateln, mgr.)—Business continues good. BUI for July 29-81: Car- bonl and Todaro, Grace Hampton and com- pany, Grace Belmont, Brown and Barrows, Edwards Davis and company, Wlxon and Conley, and Hush Ling Toy and company. Bill for Aug, 14 : Four Dixie Belles, Wm. P. Burt and company, Moore and Towle, "The and company. them. The sketch was well acted with tho exception of the "near French" accent, and £ ut ^n a little will be very InterestlnK. The Great Bartello is a well hullt young man who Juggles heavy weights. He offered nothing new, but filled his mission and found favor with admirers of his line of work. Uanlel R. Ryan and company offered a ?if'"?. tlc Bk et«h. entitled 'The Son." In jus Ryan does some good acting, which at times he mars by an Inclination to over act. SB * cen "y shows the Interior of a hunter's rabln. It seems that a long time before a stranger had run away with this hunter's lighter. She comes back to him deserted. and the boy who played the role of the waiter rendered a nice song at the close. Frank J. Brennan followed ln an Illus- trated song, entitled "Climb a Tree with Me." which had a catchy air. Hilton and Lewis, In singing and comedy dialogue, won their way from the start In a song medley. Their finish, ln grotesque Scotch costumes, was funny. George Leonard and company, In a sketch, with a setting In the cafe of a hotel, easily carried off the honors of the entire bill. Mr. Leonard's characterisation of an old man- about-town, who flirts with the young girl at the cigar stand, would be considered excel- enccs evidenced much interest ln the pic- tures. Elvhty-slxtu, Street (Lee Govern, mgr.) completed, opened and running with great An Important position of this week's bill —Motion pictures and vaudeville to good success. I am also pleased to hear that you Is accorded to the dainty character singing business. have a largely Increased membership, act of those cute and accomoliabed girls, Tern- Loew'e Seventh Awenne (C. Sewards, „ 'In behalf of the officers of the United pest and Sunshine. These girls are decidedly mgr.)'—Vaudeville and motion pictures. Booking Offices I enclose a cheek for $1,000, popular here, and they have never appeared Hnrtls & Beamon'a Mualo Hall (Sam payable to the order ot the Vaudeville Corn- to better advantsge than la their present Hurtlg, mgr.)—Moving pictures continue to cdy Club, which thoy take groat pleasure In offering. Their present act Is reviewed under attract good crowds. sending, feeling that yoor work, also the National (Harry Loew, mgr.)—Bill for members work In the Comedy Club, Is un- thls week: The Blforde, Savoy Quartette) holding the dignity of vaudeville and brlng- Dunn and Hughes, Deunlse Mayr. Harry El- Ing Into closer relationship tho manager and kins ami company, Brenner ana Wright, Leo " Delmnge, Anna Quoeman, Harris and Sti New Acts hi this Issue, Minerva Coverdale and George White are in the same category as entertainers of a high order of merit, their dancing being of expert quality and their songs right up to the minute. They surely set a swift pace for Another stranger comes to the cabin who 1( ' ut on the stage of any theatre. And the so much resembles the first one that the old n, P jonng girl was not far behind Mr. nunter Is going to kill him. Just aa he Is Leonard In her role. She also put over the aoout to Are, the daughter comes In and son K. "Take Me to the Cabaret." finely, fycognlzoa the second stranger as her son. l ' l0 ?i n ?, with , n ? at * an . cln *-„, J Mr ' J'* 0 ".?' 4 '" t-»rtnln. " recitation, "In tho Golden. Olden Dave," and Btonchsfd.', School Boys and Girls, five evey moment they occupy the stage. Charles Ahcarn and his troupe of expert and comedy bicyclists are back here this week for a quick return engagement Mr. Aheam has brought this act to the highest point ot excellence, especially from a comedy standpoint, and. as now arranged. It Is quite the "biggest I ing on wheels" this country has ever seen. JJf" ani > four girls, closed the show. Each u» a specialty, with comedy on tho side. The Sk'i'n**" imitation of Gus Edwards" octiool Days." gfaS? following pictures wore shown: "A Dance'' 0 '° M ^ t8 S~ (E8 ? an iy)' " Th ? r ^st The Kalem), fw- (8ell JJ>' "**■ K "he Detective." ' Oiauffeur's Cream." split comedy (Kali u . n ^Burning 8kles' r (Blograpn). Wm i. « Jl,ly 2 °- 31: F <W' "hrle Belles wm, i. B,irt and company, Moore and Towfe his song, "I Was All Right In My Younger Days," were gems. A graceful waltz bit brought a finish to a fine act. Announced as "The Quaker Girls," two young women rendered a couple of refined songs before swinging into the "Robert E. Lee" number, for which they changed their Quaker attire. The boys 'up Van Hoven, the "mad magician," got by and pictures, ew- art, and Dante and company. Gotham (Lep, Solomao, mgr.)—Vaudo- vlllo and motion pictures. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—(Business good, Vaudeville and pictures. MeKlaler Square.—Vaudeville and pic- tures to good business. Riverside (Herman Goldman, mgr.)— Vaudeville and pictures to good attendance. Nemo (Jack Lowers, mgr.)—Vaudeville. with a laughing hit, principally owing to his comedy patter and tho funny work with his two "boy" assistants. Maxlne and Bobby scored strongly ln ex- pert acrobatic work, and their cute fox ter- rier Is "some" acrobat himself. Tho Dumltrescu Troupe of aerial gymnasts, were ln the closing position of the bill, and Meyers, mgr.) — "Ti;; Y.,"."V "" u ™™p«»y. moore ana xowie, »<« a na Edith Frana closed tho vaudeville iim G L rl from Wyoming," Lew Fltxglbbon, acts In expert and comedy bicycling that held Jimmy Rosen and company, and Cllvette and tne audience ln to their finish, aVTnJ- E" A «K- 1-3: Carbonl and To- fta *.» *J? Hampton and company. Brown and S!i™5 0ra <* Belmont. Edwards Davis and getting reatleBS during the singing of the their fine work held the olg nudtenco ln their quiet stuff, but the lsst song brought the " applause ln bunches. seats until the finish of their act. The Old Homestead Octette, Qrlndell and Henry, and Revolving Collins made their first appearance here 20, and are reviewed under New Acts ln this issue. Vorlcrllle (Kugeno Vaudeville and pictures. Brooklyn, s. Y—-l-ulton (A. M. Llghton, mgr.) high class vaudeville and the latest photoplays continue to draw good business. Hiiiiiikiit (L. J. Rodriguez, mgr.)—Loew's vaudeville continues popular. Program changed Slondayx and Tburdays. Buou (George Schenck, mgr.)—This the- atre will remain open all Summer, presenting Loow'a vaudeville. the actor, This Is aa it should be, and wo are only toe happy to support that kind of a policy. Very truly yours, B. V. Aj.bbb." tie mm mm. The Pantages Circuit, which formerly con- finod Itself to the West, is gradually getting a foothold ln Eastern territory. Every an- nouncement concerning the plans of the circuit carries with It tho opening of some fine new theatre at some point along tho Pacific Count, or the addition to the circuit of some prominent theatre In the middle Wnst or Eastern country, The circuit now includes: Cook's Opera House In Rochester, N. V. (new) ; Orpbeum Theatre ln Cincinnati, o. (now); National Theatre la Datrolt, Mich, (opened t tow months ago) ; several outlying thratros In Chicago; Orpbeum Theatre la Fargo, N. D. ; I'aotages' Theatre In Bdmon- ton, Alta, Can. (new), and Pantages' houses In Calgary. Can.; Spokane, Seattle, Van- Fourteenth Street (J. Wesley Rosen- quest, mgr.)—Motion pictures and vaudeville. Unique (B. L. Weill, mur.)—Vaudevlllo and motion pictures. Henderson's Music Hall (Frank M. Faber, mgr.)—Bill for week of July 20 ln- i eludes: Rock and Fulton. Hney and Lee, the noaoei Musical Five, Cupid and company, Banjophlends, Melville and Hlgglas, Marie ■w J franks, Prince Canla, Illusionist; Kenton, tho Jordon Qlrls, Rcoves and T. n „ mp „ an T' w,xon ft nd Conley, and Rush Ling ■toy and company. 1 a mn2P'**l' s °n«h Beach, S. I. (William uiiar, mgr.)-—This week's bill Includes: The . «« **ug. i-o. vim Willi;* viiuurvtuu wi Hew Brighton (David Itoblneon, mgr.)— six photoplays make up the bill. Tho The bill for week beginning Monday, July 29. agement will present the largest vauc Includes: Clarko and Hamilton, Howard and bills ever offered at the prices of tbli SloCaue, Avon Comedy Four, Lyons and atre, beginning Labor Day. Yoaco, Max's Circus, Frey Twins, Great Oxford (Cyrus Gale, mgr.)—Photoplays Asnul Troupe, Crawford and Montrose, and and vaudeville. Newt ■jewton and Banks, the ColtonB, and Varna's Werner, and the Two Alfreds. iroupe of Japs. Savoy (Rosenberg Bros., i ,,,,^" m * a »' J (Albert Kaufman, mgr.)—Motion vllle snd pictures. I |lc '»r"s and Illustrated songs. mgrs.)—Vaude- Sid Baxter and company. Plaaa (David Benjamin, mgr.) — Loew vaudeville and motion pictures. Proetor's Flfty-elnbth Street (F. F. Proctor, mgr.)—(Motion pictures and vaude- ville. Bill for July 29-31: Toil Muratl, Con- Haydn, Borden and Haydn, Will Herbert and ard Frank, LlMlan Goldsmith, and Fanny Brlce. pictures. Manhattan (Wm. (Jane, mgr.)—Freaks uKt-.l—This house and motion pictures. On exhibition arc Rob- ,,'',' "I*" Aug. to, with an all star hill of crt Roy, oldest Albino; "Electrlncl." who ii " _ w Performers. Frank Howie hoa been lights lamp with the touch of his fingers Morrlsoa'a, Reokaway Beaach. — BUI nery and Le Oault. Jean Ward, Hal Davis ~nd Lee, and Hilton Aug. 1-3 : Roberta Fnrr and company, <;reeley Square'(Julius Bornsteln, msr.) for week of Jnly 20 Includes: Gus Edwards and company, Coyne a —-»nudevllle and pictures . and his Song Revue company, Amelia Stone and Bonnon. Bill for ^„. Pr ! ,la Snnnre. — Motion pictures and and Armand Kallss, John snd Mae Burke, and Vevera Florcnco Photoplays are the offerings. mr- » vl D J e, ?.? ee » r Street (Berna ii.^ VBU ^S vMle ana motion plctui win"'"'" »,W". SRfS re-engaged aa electrician. Burbank and Donforth, Huth Avoy, 'Ford and Wesley, and Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Frlel. Brighton Bench Music Hall (Chas. S. Dreed, mgr.)—The bill for week of July 20 includes: Hayes and Norworth, "Fear," Mar- DiS Ka°b (lis I. Ackerman, mgr.)-Albert fiZ'^^^l^fJf'l^ft °^ O. Warburg and company heads the bill BL 'fflffi^ifflK, * k-«f A!?f e . lo Si. f " ,n here for July 20 and wcok, presenting "A f ?i r ^.„W' B T ), xi22h eir ir . a 0 '* 0 ™ U H n,M Good Nntured Mar," 20-31. and "The Sorol- ™*J »," d EL/?^.^ 0 W„ B . 0 2 ne ■ n,, ^ I> •If ,l : nee" Aug. L3. Five o.her yaud,vl..e„acl. and & B %^ff^S^' } Roaster vaudeville A,,,B ? t I"* r" a rlbault, Manfcato. Winona, orlccB of thlsthe. Austin, lied Wing, and other points In Min- nesota. Tho towns In Minnesota were added to the Pantages Circuit recently, although the houses had previously been operated with other grades of vaudeville. — ■ 4 « a- . . "F1NH FBATHKnS" 1« HEIIK Alt SAL. The "Fine Feathers" company left last week for Chicago to begin rehearsals at the Cort Theatre, under tho direction of Eugene Walter. In the cast are: Robert Hdeson, Wilton Lackaye, Max Flsman, Florenco Stone, Uose r.'oghlan and Amelia Sumcrs. fjiiiKirrv (Edward Strauss, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. Jonrh (M. T. Jones, mgr.)'—Vaudeville and pictures. Fiktii Avbki.'k (M. II. Saxe, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and pictures. Royal (Marcus Loew, mgr.)—Tho latest pictures. Fom.y (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville nnd pictures. w<ck. Emma La "France, fat lady, nineteen yearo shall Montgomery, Courtenar Bisters, Darrcll old, weight, 512 pounds: Bom Ilula, wild and Conway, Pollard, and Mullen and Coogan. man of the Ya You Ka tribe from Central Grand Street (Harry Beekman, mgr.)— Africa, and Larry, the cigarette fiend; height, Vaudeville and motion pictures. ■ r; 5 feet 11 Inches?- weight, seventy-eight Kenney'a Third Armor (Ed;. J. Mc- t. Inc., mgrs.) — "Runiy Pulls the pounds. atahoa, mgr.)—Vaudeville and new motion *ClMie^Vaudevllte naa plctaret, oloturw. 'iMome Widow" Is In lis seventeenth »hubS *tf! ' »j » «> ■ ■ ■■• *' (BamxS.i* Lee WANTED--THEATRE FOR PEHMAWIlfT STOCK In good live city on percentage. One or two bills a week. Nothing too large, as this Is for a stock r 'mpanv of reputation. WirlT TO HKAtt AT OaCIS FIuJm cKhJo STOCK PBOPUD is ALI, LI1B8 Boaeria Drookman ond olater. annwer. Address TIIK nbnDOUk nOtm. OO., SIOS War.rly Place, St. Vmnit, ate.