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AUGUST 3 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 17 WANTED QUICK ■\« i Juvenile Leading Man, Young Ingenue Woman, good sized Character Woman Women with specialties preferred. All most have good wardrobe and be able to get op in two bills a week.- Hake your sola r j low, aa It la sure, as th|a Is guaranteed stock. Pay your own telegrams. Other - HAY A. SMITH, Iijrric Theatre, Kama, H. V. good people wlltf. «• * » In a repertoire of nothing bat orglnal plays. Supported by the beat co. of artists In America. The _ who broke record* In seven out of every ten towns in which he appeared. Thanks to Southern and We<tern managers for time offered—cannot change our route this season. CAM U8K A FEW WEKKS TUB KAHT. ALWAYS PLEA8ED TO HEAR FROM LIVE MANAGER8 This Tour Is under the. personal direction of II. BROOKS HOOPER Short Cast Scripts For Sale All the plays.I.used here In stock daring the past two seasons. The list includes: Sunset Trail, Hal o' the Bills, Tom Warner, How Women 8Jn,_ Classmates and a dozen other good Mils.' Send stamp for complete list or send me one dollar to guarantee cxprcssage, and . me how your cast Is framed and I'll send three good bills for your inspection. They are three tell dol'ars each: parts, two do'lars per set your cast, will exchange, Will guarantee every Most of the plays can be done with to 'our and ;o. or, two. If It don't eult JOHN LAWRENCE, HOTEL WALNUT, CINCINNATI, 0. For FRANK WIffllH'S VARIETIES DRAMATIC PEOPLE IN ALL LINES YOTJNO PRIMA DONNA, JUVENILE MAN, with Singing Voice, NOVELTY ACTS, CHORDS 01RL8. BEND PHOTO. State lowest salary for long sure season. . FRANK W1WW1WOBR, Morrison Hotel, Chicago, IU. CLARA TURNER WANTS tOUSm STOCK LOCATION FOR SEASON 1912. Company of 14. Carload ot scenery. Scenic Artist. Two Handsome Ponles-for Street Advertising. Presenting the> Beat or the High CInsa Royalty Plays. Just closing the fifth triumphal season at Whllamaport. Open time week Hept. s. . _ • W, V. 1IAUHY, Manager, Rolling Qreen Park, Sunliury, Pa. V»a/ /% r%iT-E D fO JOIN ON WIRE, FOR RBPBRTOIRB COMEDIAN, with Specialties; LEADING WOMAN, GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN State lowest salary. ' Pay your own. Show works Summer and Winter. Kos mast make good. Address CHAS. MORRIS, Holdonvllle/Okla. ' A Real AGENT Ronte, book or wildcat. Capable of securing best tunc and terms. Know country from Maine to California. Close contractor. Promoter and adjuster. Tent or hall show. Can handle anything, and guarantee remits. Age. 43. . Experience, 20 yean. DRINK, NO. If you want a hustler at a reason- able saury, address rkal AUKsr, 493 West and forest, Now Vorlr. City. Jacob Stock Co. Suppurtlnte MIS® BI^I^A KRAMER II high Classed Stook productions, A No. 1 LEADING MAN. HEAVY MAN. GENERAL BUSINESS MAN, COMEDIAN and 80UBKK1TE. both must do speclaitlts; CHARACTER WOMAN. All must have np-to- date wardrobe. Bend photos and late programmes. Season opens In Pennsylvania Aug. 19, rehearsals) Aug. 11. WANTED TO BUY, DIAMOND DYE SCENERY. Pleased to hear from managers who wish to piny btock Company from two to four weeks. Positively no fares advanced to any one we do not know. Address BNOLB it JACOBS, Andover^ N^Vy^g» «»• ROY BNOUB CORNET m TROMBONE 1 Director and have good library of music. Trombone, double stage. Btate what you can do. No parades. One night stands. A year's work to right people. STATE SALARY. Ipay»n Comet, must be At 1 after Joining. Car and tent show. Five year* without closing. TV . o. A. PHIIalilPB, care The Moha w Co., Mllltown, lnd. Hillman's Ideal Stock Co. Three Cood General Business Actors with Specialties Join Immediately. Young, experienced and positively sober and reliable. Salary low, as it• to'tire. Address F. P. HIliliMAW, 1703 Podge St., Omaha, Nobr. WANTED Specialty Team, man and woman, must play parts;Al F«»ature Vaudeville Act,, General Business Man with^Specialty, Singing and Dancing Soubrette, Comedian with Specialty State full parubnlars, age, height, weight, salary, etc. Must Join on wire. Address Viuap ciiAUNCKV, Mgr. Onanncey-Kloner Oo„ Hotel Bpeyerer, ROCHESTER, PA WAT* A No 1 TPtmvii wnviN nnme Heavies and inmnuea; LIGHT COMEDIAN with Specialties; also SOMANfws'M^DBraiW^ Piano; also A No.l.CBOHESTKA LEADER Vf atW ^^tfflk^ JHreg gMgP SBSgSiKBS or Stage; TRAP-DRUMMER with Bells. 'State •8?iS«to t B w S» h i»™4? w g t .%'.* ."eek'oeJwUtoX board. Photos if possible. Year 'round work. Address BERT MELVILLE., this weea.uarrouion, Illinois; Aug. 6 to 12, Whitehall, Illinois. •--■■■' . . HOUSE MANAGER Capable of handling a better grade proposition of 4mJ*±J£22g l j&£3?}r& thL^ea^&rkon two first class legitimate and vandeviUo theatres and swell known circuit of a theatres wora on rttalght sala^or saU™ano^roentage. Present contract cancelled on account of theatre changing fcMHta. qiltod.fi references farnlshe£ Addrew ^ MI1A g j p,,,; p..,, A Iba»y, W. T. OomeaeroM with _80o,toget..tag, '^»g^^JSS^ 9 SiStL& rfiTlaflsmSitttaolottenable Sketches, Monolognes, £■*&}&«• - 1 tJags^roaS-Flre Stuff,Toasts, Petter.eto,. ever put out at that alAP. 0. Bo«»78, Oak Bluftti, Mass., untU Oct. 1. WOULD YOU ^« »noe. All for aoo.; stamps taken. 0.0— . . ROBINSOr BROS.' UNCIE TO£8 CABIN CO. WANTS AGEWT TOR WAGON SHOW SHU. ONN.routeVvrffild*ugT?! BetSeW 8, UfiuOB 6, Franooffl.«, Northwood Stock »- ALL NEW UAlil-aUlKE. ■ \. ..-' ROUTE LIST. Routes Intended for Tkla Column Bnat Reach This office Not Later Tiinn Saturday of Bach Week to Inaare Inaertlon. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Apncll Stock (8Ln Allen, mgr.)—Niagara Falls, N. Y.. 20. Indefinite. Autirey Stock (D. Otto Hltner, mgr.)—Ohllllcothc, 0., 20-Aug. II). Drown, Ollmor (F. A. Brown, mgr.)—Alamosa, Colo., 31, Aug. 1, Monte Vista !t, 3. Booth, Virginia (R. W. Lalttie, mgr.)— Oolborne. 'Can., Aag. 1, Trenton 2; Wellington 4, ricton B, Oananoque 0, Deseronut 7, Napanee 8, Pres- cott 0. ■•■ I «. ,, -\ . Bomtclle, Jessie, ami Associate Players—Detroit, Mich., 20, Indefinite. Belgssde. 8adlc (Leslie E. Smith, mgr.)—King- ston. N. Y., 20-Aug. 10. Bishop Players (H. W. Bishop, rarg.)—Oakland, 0al„ 20. Indefinite. Balrd, Grace and Iter Stock—Tulsa, Okla . 20- Aug. a. Hot Springs, Ark., 5-24. Iiarrcw-Wlnnliiger Payers (John D. Wlnnlngcr, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nehr., 20, Imleflnlte. FW».i-.v, Jack, and I'layvns—Alritotvc, Hot Sprlags, Ark., 28-Ang. 8, VeAlnter, Okla., 510. Burbank Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal.. 20, Indefinite. Hnrrjmorc, John, and the Belaseo Theatre Stock (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—4os Angeles, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Burkhart, Lillian (J. 8. Oroarty, mgr.)—San flabrlel, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Borne Tliealre Btock (Joseph D. Olaas, mrr.)— Colorado Springs, Colo., 20, Indefinite. "Bought and Paid For"—Wm. A. Brady's, Ltd.— N. Y. Cltr 29, Indefinite. "Bimty Pulls the Strings"—Sbubert-Brsdy'e—N. Y. City 20, Indefinite. Cobum Players—Columbia University Campoe, N. Y. City, 20-Aiut. 8. ciiiiic-l.tstcr. Northern (Qlenn F. Chase, mgr.)— Atlantic. la.. 29-Aug. 10. Culunibla Players (Fred 0. Berger, mgr.)—Wa«U- IiikWii. D. C, 20, Indefinite. Oolonlul Stock (It. II. McLaughlin, mgr.)—Clete- liiml, <»., 29, Indefinite. Oourteiiny-.Morgan (K. D. Way, mgr.) — Dillon, Mont.. 20-Aug. 8. Oorr.clM'rIce Players (Cornell & Price, mps.)— Alpena, Mich., 20-Aug. 10. Corleton Sisters Stock (Varnoy k Montgomery, mprra.)—Charleston, 8. C. 20, Indefinite. ChbIik> Stock (L. D. Pellssler, mgr.)—Mountain I'nrk, Holy ode, Mass., 20, Indefinite. Colonial Theatre Stock (Cortland Hopkins, mrr.) —ChnrlottetoWD, P. E. I., Can., 20. Indefinite. "Countr Sheriff"—0. E. Wee's (M. 0. Jenkins, mgr.)—Alexandria Boy, N. Y., 31, Cape Vin- cent Aug. 1, Chateaugay 3. Davidson Stock (Sherman Brown, mgr.)—Milwau- kee. Wis., 20, Indefinite. Davis Stock (Harry Davis, mgr.) — Pittsburgh, Pa., 29, Indefinite. Dudley Stock (Frank Dudley, mgr.!— Lake Mln- neqna Park, Pueblo, Colo., 20, Indefinite. De Koame Truman and Associate Players (Wyl- der Waller*; mgr.)—Brownwond, Tex., 20-Aug. .1, Brady 6-10. Drlinar Park Btock (Conrad Hecker, mgr.)—St. Louis. Mo., 20, indefinite. Dyraont Stock (A. M. Diamond, mgr.)—Iibpem- Ing, Mich., 1(i Aug. 8. Manistee 7 12. Dillon A King's Musical Comedy—Oakland, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Downing; Hbovr—Lakevlew Park, Lowell, Mass., 30. Indefinite. "Day at the Circus, A"—W. A. Eller's—Sterhen- aoo, Mich.. Aug. 1, Peshtlgo, Wis., 2, Duck Oreek 3, Neensb 8, Burlington 7, Grays Lake, 111.. 0. Hiving, Gertrude, and Players—Bronkfleld, Mo., 20-Aug. 3. Klwln, l/onie, Sock—Keene, N. H.. 20-Aug. 3. KimTimu, Mary, Sock—Brady Ijike. Akron, 0., 20-Aug. 8. Klltch's Stock (John D. Long, mgr.)—Denver, Goto., 28, Indefinite. "Rll and Jane" <Uuls M. Daly, mgr.)—Fowler, , Intl., Aug. 10. Fesly, Slandr. snd James Durkln Slock—Lskealils Casino, Denver, Colo., 20, Indefinite. Klucher's Follies (F.. A. Fisclwr, mgr.)—Los An- geles, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Ullinore, Past (S. A. Jackson, ingr.)—St. John, N. II., Can., Aug. 1-8. nratmm, Oscar—Cnanute, Kan., 20-Aug. 8, lola 4-10. Onrnlde Stock (J. S. Oarslde, mgr.)—Alrdorae, Dubuque, In. 20, Indefinite. Gluner I'tock (Vaughan Olaner, mgr.)—Rochester, N, Y., 20, Indefinite, Conllnler Btoh' Stock—Vermont. 111., 20-Aug. 8. Gordlnlcr Bros.' Stock (E. O. Gordlnler, mgr.)— Table Orovo, HI., 20-Aug. 3, Industry fi-10. Onytty Theatre Stock—Hoboseo, N. J., 20, Indefi- nite. Gunnlvnn Stock—Antwerp. O.. 20-Aug. 8. Gallup Stock (Bert B. Oullup, mgr.) — Brady, Tex,, 20-Aug. 8. flordner-Vincent Stock—Electric Park, Albany, N, v., 20, Indefinite. Gilbert ft Sullivan's Opera—Stiubert-Brady's— Man Francisco, Cal., 20-Aug. IT. "Olrl of the Mountains"—0. K. Wee's (Harry Myers, mgr.)—Ellenvllle, N. Y., SI, Itosendale Aug. 1, New Palti 2, Saugertles 3. "Olrl From Monrmsrtre"—Charles Frohmsn'a— Ixing Branch, N. J., Aug. 1, Asbury 2, 3, N. Y. City B, indefinite. "Olrl of the Underworld"—O. H. Wee's (0. H. Brooke, mgr.)—Babylon, N. Y., 81, Good Ground Aug. 1, Bastbampton 8, Port Jefferson «.. New Canaan, Conn., 6, Port Jervls, N. Y., 10. llackett, James K., and Summer Stock—Han, Fran- cUco, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Hickman, Our, Stock — McAlester, Okla., 20- Aug. 3. Hayes, Lucy, and Assoclste Players — fiapulps, Okla., 20-Aug. 3, Parsons, Kan., 5-10. - Harvey Stock, Northern—H\ D. Orr's — Mollne, III., 20, indefinite. Harvey Stock, Southern—H. D. Orr's (H. II. Budde, mgr.)—La Harpe, 111., 20-Aug. B. Hall's Associate Players, A (Eugene J. Hull, mgr.) —Lakemont Park Theatre, Altoona, Fa., 20, Indefinite. Hall's Associate Players (Eugene J. Hnll, mgr.) —Lake Park Casino, Mansfield, 0., 20, Indefi- nite. » Home Stock (F. H. Home, mgr.)—Jamestown, N. Y., 90, Indefinite. Hudson Stock (J. It. Smith, mgr.)—Hoboken, N. J., 20, Indefinite. "Hanky Panky"—Lew Fields'—N. Y. City Aog. D, Indefinite. c ... Illington, MaTgaret (Edward J. Bowes,- mgr.)— Iteglna, flask.. Can., Aug. 1-3, Winnipeg, Man., 010. , . • , Imperial Stock—Kllrot ft Osuolo's—Ohlcogo, III.,- Aug. 4. Indefinite,- '. . Kllmt ft Gonolo Stock (Kllmt ft Ososolo, mrrs.). —Rochester, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. % Heyes Btock (Ohester A, Keyes, tngr.)—Sedallt, Mo.,''20-Aug. 3. Nevada S-10. Keith..Stock (B. F. Keith, mgr.)—Portland, Me., 20, Indefinite. Kyle, Ingram, Stock—Orpbeum, Znnesvllle, O., 20- Aug."S.. Knickerbocker Stock, Eastern (Eugene J. Murphy, mgr.)—Clinton, la., 20, Indefinite. Kolb owl Dill Musical Comedy—Los Angeles, Cal., 20. Indefinite. Lewis Stock (W. F. Lewis, mgr.)—Oconto, Nebr., 20-Ang. 3. La Porte, Mae (Joe McEnroe, mgr.)—Wooster, ().. Aug. 6-10. 1 ' • . Lytell-Vaugt.an and Players—Albany, N. Y.. 20, Imleflnlte, Lang, Eva, Stock (O. D. Woodward, mgr.)—Kar,- sns City. Mo., 20. Indefinite. Lewis ft Oliver Stock (Jack Lewis, mgr.)—Rich. mood, Iml., 20, Indefinite .' Morlson Stock (Lindsay Morlson, mgr-)—Boston, Msns., 29. Indefinite. Murst Plarers (Leonard Blumberg, mgr.)—In- dl.inspolla, ln0.,~29. Indefinite. M»je«tic Stock (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Utlca, N. Y.. 20. Indefinite. .... Mndiloeks-Kleld Players—Wlldwood Psrk, Oolum- Ima, Os., 20, Indefinite. Mnhcr Stock (Phil Maber, mgr.)—Makme. N. Y., 20-Aug. 3. Manhattan Opera (Geo. Lydlng, mgr.)—Rorlck's Glen, Hlmlra, NY., 20, Indeflatte/ "Merry Countess. The"—8am g, ft Lee Shnbert, Inc.—N. Y. City Aug. IS. Indefinite.' ' "Moilern Eve"—Mort II. Singer's—Chicago, 111., 20, indefinite.. f "Missouri Girl," Western—Morton ft Blth's— -Crystal Olty, Man., Can., St. "Mew^Wdow Be-MarrW 1 —Chicago, 111., Aug. North Bros,'- Stock ("Sport" North, mar.)—Fair Hnrenbcrk-Wnllnce Combined (B.' E. Wallace I'nrk TtKntre. I)kliili<nim. okla.. 20, Indellntte. Oliver SKuk (OtlH 01Iv«t, mgr.)—La Fayette, lnd., 211-Aug. 3. Orplieuni Players (Grant Lnfcrty, mgr.)—Phlla- delphln. I'n., 20, lmlellnltv. On>hcum I'lnyers ((lev. Drlacoll, mgr.)—Montreal, Cnn., 20, Indefinite. Olymiilc Park Opera (M. Ralngcr, mgr.)—New- ark. N. J., 20. Indefinite. "Officer 00(1"—Colian ft Harris'—Chicago, 111., 20. Indefinite. ingr.)—OaknliioHn, In., ,11, Sewtou Auu. I, Grluiiell 2, Mtri'iigo .1, Vinton n, Iowa l'alla I). Honest Hill's—Wellington, Mo.. 31, Nnpoleou Au-C 1, Unekner 2. Blue Springs .1. Grain Valley "■, Oak Grove U, Ix>iH'Jsek 7, Greenwood H, Ituj- nsire 0, Helton 111. Miller Bros, ft Arlington's 101 Rsncfa Resl Will West—Cellar Rapid*, la.. .'It, Dubuque Aug. 1, lll.lilni.il Center. Wis., 2, Beaver Dam, 8. Mll- wnnkee 4, n," Itu.inc (I, Monroe 7, Darllnittoa 8, Plattevllle 0, Lancaster 10. "O You School Girls" (Alex. N. Lyons, mgr.)— Rlnirllng Hm».'—Albert I .en, Minn. 20, Mi*ia Rutland, Vt., 20-Aug. S Peyton Stock (M. S. Schleslnger, mgr.)—N. Y. City 29. Indefinite, Poll Player* (Tno*. A. Klrby, mgr.)—Bridge- port, Conn., 20, Indefinite. Poll Players (O. C. F.ilwardi, mgr.)—Hartford, Conn., 29. Indefinite. Poll Player* (Lewis D. Gnrvcy, mgr.)—New Ha- ven, Conn., 29, Indefinite. Poll Players (John EI. Docking, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., 29, Indefinite. Poll Players (8. J. Breen, mgr.)—Springfield, Mas*., 29, Indefinite Poll Players (James Thatcher, mgr.)—Wsshlug- ton, D. C, 20, Indefinite. Poll Players (8. Z. Poll, mgr.) — Waterbury, Conn., 29, Indefinite. —»■■•■• .-.-.-. —....^.. . -,., *..><>»., .,-, ...,,—■■ Cltr, la., 30. Algone 31, Shelikn Aug. 1, Minus Fall*, s. Dak., 2, Mitchell 3, Blftuz City. Is., 0. Fremont, Nebr., 0, Norfolk 7, Lincoln 8, Omaha 0. Atlantic, la.. 10. Bobbin*', Frank A.—lilgonlcr, lnd., 31, Three Rivera, Midi., Aug. 1, Buchanan 2, Lawtoa 3, South Itsveii .', llollnnd 0. . Sells-Flolo—Homier* Ferry, Ida., 31, Kal!n|>ell, Mont., Au«. 1, Fcttvte. II. C, Can., 2. I.cih- brldge. Alts., Cnn., 3, Metllclne list 0, Cal- gary 0, 7, Red Deer 8, Wetasklwln 9, Ednion- von 10 Sun Bros.' Progressive—Alpena, Mich,, 81. slg. Sautelle'*—Onnsjoharle, N. Y., 81. Silver Fninlly Clrcu* (Bert Silver, mgr.)—Dnvts- tiurg, Midi., 31, Olarkston Aug. 1, Orion 2, 3. Oifonl fl. Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.)—Wllkes-Barre, Yo «"«" Buffnlo Wild West snd Col. Cummins' Fsr Ps.. 29, Iiidcflnite, Ka * t (Vernon 0. Sesver, gen. mgr.)—Roches- Poll Players (S. Z. Poll, mgr.) —Worcester, ter.X. Y.. 81, Meillna Aag. 1, Niagara Falls J, Mans,. 29. Indefinite. Prlngle, Delia, snd stock—Edmonton. Alts., Can., 20, Indefinite. Phelan Flayer* (R. V. Phelan, mgr.)—Cape Cot- tage Theatre, Portland, Me., 20, Indefinite. Princess The it re Stock (O. L. Richards, mgr.)— racomit. Wash., 20, link-finite. Pro»pcct Theatre Stock (Frank Gersten, mgr.)— Bronx, N. Y. City, 20, Indefinite. "Puttln* It Over' 1 —Frank Hatch's—Chicago, 111., Aug. 1, Indefinite. Iluffslo 3. FILM SHOWS. Alaaka-Nlueria Motion Pictures—Chicago, III., 2s, Imleflnlte. AlH*ku-Hllierla Motion Pictures—San Fruiiei»e% «'nl.. 20, Inilt'llnlte. AliiKkn-Slberla Motion Pictures — 1/>» Ansiles, Cal.. 20, Indefinite. Dante's "Inferno," In Moving pictures, No. I (Collins Bros., mgr*.)—PhlTsdel|ihlu, Pa., 20, lmlellnlte. Rolisoti, May (L. 8. Sire, mgr.)—«t. John, N. Dante's "Inferno," In Moving Pictures, No. t B., Can., Aug. 5-10. Russell-Davis Stock (L. Russell, mgr.) —Laurel, Miss., 20-Aug. 17. Reynolds ft Ross Players (Billy Rn>*. mgr.)— rbllllo.tt.e. Mo., 29-Aug. 3, Brookfield S-10. (Collin* Dro*., nigra.)—Plitladi-l|ihta, Ps., 20. Indefinite, Durlar, The, In Klnemacolor Moving Pictures— irrban-Hnillh'*—Pblladelplils, Pa., 20, luilefi- "'The.'jre, ffiertlle' K^^^ 9 ^ »£ ^iK^SZir^:.." 0 ^' a^fflrT ■■Rebecca of Sunnybrook Fann"-Klnw ft Brian- v,"*^,?™ 1 "l 1 ^ D r TiXJiL* 'i?,VE&n'. ger's—London. F.ng.. Aug. B, Indefinite. Z!, 111 J 'i» S11? ~ " rt,B ' 8lB " 1 "~ ""oTy •l n " 1 in,li l „ e „'.'fe- WW, " , * fflBR -* *• L.{e" , orB„fV , aio 2 ]!il. l . ,, r , M! B v.ng Picture. ,J. S. tWs; %£&."*« ■«'•'-»'"""• im^^-A\^^^% a. "Ro'hlnHood" (Daniel V. Arthur, mgr.)—Allan- - .?*»•?»•_ «J»tM Jsr"l»w» «»•• ?». Indefinite. Ic City, N. J., Aug. 0-10, Strontr, Klwln, Stock—Wahoo, Nebr., SO-Aug. 3. St. Claire, Winifred (B. D. Slpr, mgr.)—Decatur, III., 20-Aug. 10. Summers Hook (Geo. H. .Summer*, mgr.)—Moun- tain Tlimtro, Hamilton, Oan„ 29, Indefinite. K|ience Tlieatre Slock (Hurry Holms, mgr.)—Law- rence. Kan., 20-Aug. 10, Star Theatre Stock (Dr. P. C. Cornell, mgr.)— Buffalo. N. Y„ 20. Indefinite. Springs 8lock (A. La Rue. mgr.l—Brandy wine Hprings. Wlllliigton, Del., 20. Imleflnlte. Spanish Fort 0|iers (Jules Blste*, mgr.)—New Urleans, I.s., 29, Indefinite. "Stop Thief"—Ooban ft Harris'—Atlantic City, N. J., 29-Ang. 3. Turner, Clan, Players (W. F. Bsrry. mgr.) — Rolling Green Park, Sunbury, Pa., 20, Indefi- nite. Turner, Clara. Player* (W. F. Barry, mgr.)— ViilluiiMint Park, Wllllnmnport, Ps., 20, Indefi- nite. "Thelma" (Smith ft Sherman, nigra )—Waahburn, Wis., 31, Ashland Aug. 1, lromvonil. Mien.. 2, Aug. Illv Wikeilelil 3, Iron River 4, Crystal Falls II, Life of Buffalo Bill, In Moving Pictures (A. J. Margolin, iiurr.l— Philadelphia, Pa., 20-Aug. 3. Life of Buffalo Bill, 111 Movlnlg Flctures (M, K. Moon-. mgr.)—Chicago, III., 29, Indefinite. ' Life of Buffslo BUI, In Moving Pictures (Mon- tague Bros., nigra.) —Indianapolis, lnd., 20- Aug. 8. Italney's, Paul J,, Africa Jungle. In Moving Pic- tures—N. Y. Olty 20, Indefinite. Reiner's, Paul J„ Africa Jungle, in Moving Ple- lun's—«an Franclsoo, Cal., 20, Indefinite. Rule's Moving Pictures (F. H. .Rule, mgr.)— Hammond. Minn., 20-81, Minnesota Olty Aug, 1-3, Bangor, Wis., 0 7, Lyndon 8-10. COINlVil, SHOWS. Barkout World's Greatest Show (K. O. Bsr- kuot, gen. mgr.)—Grand Forks, N. Dak., 29- Aug. 8. Ferarl, Col. Francis, Animal Arras snd Csrnlval Show—Sydney. C. B., Can., 29-Aug. 8, Am- herst, N. H.. S-lfl. Grvst Inter-stale Show* (M. W. Meek, mgr.)— Monroe, Mich., 20-Aug. 3. Leonard Cnrulval Show — Florence, Colo., 20- Iron Mouiitliln 0, pntonnut.» T, Norway »'. Monark Urenter Shows—Auburn, N. Y„ 20-Aug. & Heriimiisvlllo 0. Gladstone 10, «■..„.«.. ■ ■ ■ "Town Msrshall' 1 —O. R. Wee's (Louis Lytton. MIHCni.I.ArsIDOlJS. mgr.)—Lake Placid, N. Y., 31, Htramie I.uke IlliWeJI ft Wrlgliter Progressive Shows—Fsyetle. Aug. 1. Clay vllle 3. N. Y., 2(1 Aug. 3. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Kibble A Martin's (Wm. llsker-Tnngley Hlioir (Cues. R. Welsh, mgr.)— Kibble, mgr.)—Chicago. III.. 20-Aug. 10. New Kensington, I'n.. 20-Aug. U, tlnlonlows "Uncle Tom's Cabin"—Terry's (W. fl. Dickey, 5-10. mgr.)—Central City, In., 31, Coggan Aug. I, D'Alma'a Show (John D'Alms, mgr.)—St. Oatb- F.urlvlile 2, Wiutlrrop 3. Jesup 5, New Hsrt- arlnes, Out., Can.. 20-Aug. II. ford 0, Apllngton 7, Wlllliini* 8, Manaon 0, Gordon's Comedy and Concert (Dob Gonlnii. mgr.) PoiiHToy 1(1. —Selkirk, Out., Can., Aug. 1-0. Van Dkye ft Bston Stock (F. Mark, mgr.)—Air- Great Reno ft Co.- Staplcton, Nebr., 20-Aug. 3 dome, Den Moines, la., 29. indefinite. Valley Theatre Slock (Philip llonold, mgr.)— Syracuse, N. Y.. 29, Indefinite. Wolfe Stock (J. A. Wolfe, mgr.) --Wichita. Kan., 21). Indefinite. Whitney Stock—Rlale, Mich.. 20-Aug, 8. West Rud Heights Stock (Harry Wallace, mgr.) —St. Louis, Mo., 20, Indefinite. Wletlng Opera House Stock (Fnncls P. Martin. mgr.)—Syraeuse, N. Y., 20, Indefinite. 'Winsome Widow" (Florens Zlegfeld Jr., mgr.) —N. 1", City 20, Indefinite. "White Slave" 1 (Robt. Campbell, mgr.)—Hunt- Bw . e , ct ? . Tmit „? ll0W . (■**»-*X. sTSnaf,. "n,«f-)— Ingdon, Pa., Aug. 8, Altoona 0, Johnstown 10. Mysterious Smith (Albert P. Smlili mgr.)—Sher- ranl, III.. Aug. 1, TlMnamn 2, Davis !l, Norn n, Potosl, Wis., 0, Bloomlngtoo 7, Muscodn 8, Lake Mills 0, Wonewoe 10. Norwoods, The, llyiinoili- Show (M. II, Norwood, mgr.)—Sydney, N. H. W., Australia, 20-Aug. 4, .Melbourne, Victoria, 5-81, Adelaide, So. Aus.. Sept. 228. Rouelere, Harry and Mlldreil (Harry Ronclere, mgr.)—St. John. N. II., Can., 31, Dlgby. N. 8, Aug. 1, 2, Weymouth 8-0, Annapolis i), 7, Bridgetown 8, 0. reel's Tent Hliot. Hartsburg, III., 31, Aug. 1, New Holland 2, 8, Greenvlew IS, 0, Mason City 7, 8, P*ston 0, 10. Savldge Bros,' Amuse. (Walter Htvlilge, mgr.)— Wulioo, Nebr., 30-Aug 3, Orelgbtou (1-10. •Western Olrl" (J. SI. Cole, mgr.)—Warwick. N, Y., 81, Monroe Aug. 1. WHEEL HMtLPOSQtH SHOWS, Behman Show (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Ocean View ———————^———— — —— — Casino, Norfolk, Vs., 20-Aug. 3. _. . ____. • _ _ — -,__—_ . —... o Wnde B ■^h , ^pV. < 2o , !' , .n^efi„ue ,rt,,,M, • ^'^ BASEBALL SUMMARY Trocodcros—Chas. II. Wdron's-Oolumble, Chi- ****^ ^^^ L1 ~"" ^u'"'»"\» eago, Aug, 4-10. Wotaon's Buresquers (Dan Guggenheim, mgr.)— Youngstown, (>., Aug. I, Empire, Clilrago, 8-10, Welch's BuTlesquer.i (Jacob Lleberuian, ingr.)— Savoy, Full River, Aug. 7-9. .MINSTRELS. De Rue Bros.' (Billy ft Bobby De Rue, rogrs.)— FOR WEEK EHD1HG JULY 27,1912. BY W. M. BiNKIN. The major league pennant races nave heca Ca's'kilLN"' Y!,"3LAthras"Au7 "."oimtsam' 2, £ffl of surprises, curious liieltlcnta, and Inter- Pliie Plains 3 . eating-events. Among the most curious Is ii4s.uu Aviioiiriiiuciiiii liow Cincinnati was solo to make Its curly 1 " ' i oit. in Sum bluff ahd got away with It. It lias yet to tnko a degree In tills "now tangled," ''InslrtVplny," In this very "f«st gamo.'' The NeW York Amoiicane novo furnished sur- prlses enough to supiily any modern cam- l>nign, while tho two Phillies, Brooklyn, Ilot- Ballmsn's Band (Slartln Ballman, lender).—Bis- marck Onrden, Ohleago, HI,, 20, Indefinite. Oovello and- his Band—Forest . Park Highlands, St. Ixiuls, Mo., 20, Indefinite. Clnclunntl Summer Symphony Orchestra—The Zoo, Cincinnati, l).. 20, Indefinite. Fuh'e MetroiioUtan Band (Jacob Fuh, leader).— *»»., Detroit. Cleveland-, Chicago, and St Sea Isle Olty, N. J., 29-Scpt. 10, I/ouls arc cluiHlng tlio Illghlanttora closely for Henry ft Young's Military Band—Mhellpot Park, honors. Wilmington, Del., 20-Sept. 7, 'Hand 'and his Band—Forest Park, Chicago, III. J 20, indefinite. -Leps' Symphony Orchestra (Waaslll L«w, leader) -Willow Grove, Philadelphia.. Fa., 20-Aug. 8, Natlello and his Band — Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky„ 20, Indefinite. . Tho most ngreenible surprise ha* been far- l.lshed by WuSlilngton, wlillo all tin; tennis liuvo flgured mora or 'loss In sensational events. The New York Nationals have slowed up soma in their speed, <bdt they are too far In the lead lo cause any apprehension. The jpp _ Pryor." Arthur7Vnd*1ils"Ts'iid—Rlverrlew . Riposl- Hoston Americans. ore playing fine'ball, snd tlon, Chlcsgo, III.. 20-Seilt. 1. muy bo a post-season contender.' The Chi- I-hlllpnlne, Don, and his Band—Rlvervlew I'nrk, engo Nationals were the greatest gainers dur- lioulnvllle, Ky,, 20, Imleflnlte, Passer! snd his Band—Washington Park, Glou- cester N. J.,- 20. Indefinite. 7 -Royal: Marine Band—Luna Park, Los Angeles, 0*1.; 29,, Indefinite. ...... Russian Symphony 'Orchestra (Modest Altschuler, conductor).—Willow Orove, Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4-11 ' - i Bllfef snd his Band (Wm. E. Blafer. leader) • Brlakton Bescb Hotel, 0. I., N. ¥., 29. lodes. Bollef and her Male Band—Woodslde Park, Phlla- SlfclH'^* lug the past week, and Cincinnati the great- .est loser'. The following Is tho summary ot tho games played during the week ending July 27: Amebicah LaUailaV • Per' P.O. P.O. Clubs. H'os. Losf. Peal. Oaieted. loH Doslon i,.. Washington. gti Tpi Chicago... Detroit.... Cleveland.. New York. Ht. Louis.. 2 3 .1 S 3 4 3 4 ,B«8' .— delphls, Pa., 20, Indefinite. Theodore • Thomas Or die* (to (Frederick Stock, roar.)—Ravlola Park, Chicago, III, 29, indefi- nite, Tommaslno Snd. his Band—Point Breese Park, I'hlladelphls, Pa., 20. Indefinite. Volpe Orchestra—Hotel Astor Roof, N. Y. Olty, 20-Ang. 8. CIRCU8BS AND WILD WEST SHOWS. Banmm ft Bailey's—Norton. Kan., 81, Colorado KfilljuT*"* *"* ';"' 1 1 g Snrlnst*. Onk,., Ang. 1. Denver. 2. 0r4ele* 3, Pittsburgh...... 8 2 '^81 stietl.lnii. Wye. 0, Billings.- Mont, 0,-Urent I'lillndrluliln..... 4 2 .S12 Falls 7,. Helena S, Batte_0, MIssools.lO. _ ClnSSnatl! ., .f.', 6 « f,. .484 C'Luns. Now York.. .1117 .'I — Ml. is — .S22 — 7 .470, — 4 .474 — 9 .822 18 — ,800 2 . — NlVlONAb lilAOOS. Pe?. P.O.' P.O. Wen. Loit, Cent. Gained. Loil 2 .730 .025 r*,IB ,, ...:«-„» ". .'.IK VI .....nvu.a .V, Barnes'. Al, G.. Circus—Dsyalsnd, Alts., Can,, 24. Hcilgewlck 20. Mac-kiln, Sask.,< 20, Kerr- Robert .27. Wllkle 20, Perdue 30, Zralandlu .11, Alsnsk Aug. 1. Rosetown 2, Dellaie 3. IlulTnl.. Illll-Pnwnee Illll (Major Gonloa W, I.lllle, mgr,)—St. Paiil. Minn.. Aug. fl. Downle A Wheeler'* Comblneil—River Point, R. I., 31. ,. . Gentry Bros' Combined—La Fayette,' lnd.. 31, Orafriocdsvllle Aug, 1, Bloomington 2, Sulll- . TaHaV . , ...... .'-...: Ht. I^iuIh. ...... 3 3 .480 Brooklyn .•..,. ,..8- ,.B • .874 Boston 1 8 ,270 i »»a»^i i 20 1 12 "b 1 — — 1 34 Clipper Red Book 1912-13 NOW HiOApv,' fag coupon oa rase 8. ; •vmftimz'ittm