The New York Clipper (August 1912)

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8 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 10 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER i Tills house was opened Aug. 1, by HattI «» P .iyi< Mitcv biibi ituiiia en ii\mHmi\ Williams, In "The Girl from Montmnrtre.. THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING OT.(U«ltMi Thc Broa d way wn , b U |i, by Chat. Brown after. plans by Architect Leon Cubberly, of THE NEW BROADWAY, LONG . BRANCH, N. J. This house was opened Aug. 1, by Hattjo pjoriinoii, ALBERT J. BORIE Hnrroaui. 4X0 Bctiwisi M»!»ioa. NEW IORK, AUGTJ8T 10, 1912 Entered Job* 24, 1870. at the Pott OIBoa it KnKrk, N. X., at tecond claw matter, under the act of March 8, 1879. ^^^^^^___ Long branch and New York. The stage la 35 feet deep, 85 feet wide, with a height of 61 gridiron; thirteen dressing rooms. 7x1), and two chorus roomi, 10x18, with all conveniences. • Tie proscenium arch la 40x28, orchestra pit for twenty musicians. The house seats 144 In the twelve boxes, 1,072 on tttc main floor (concrete), 78x90, with seven double exits; 702 In the bolcony. _. _ _- a with four double exits, two six feet stair- tW ATsaSw. ways arid other exits.. . _ . adreftltemeats 12.80 per lucb, single eolomn. The mezzanine floor Is 20x00, with ladles IdrertlsesxaU set with border, 10 per eU extra, retiring rooms and gents' smoking room *OTe«w-» >uBgcRipTioN glagl* copies * emtMm _ ___.. vided. "Six'sYandpipea for Are hose and" an 0«r Terms are Cast. asbestos curtain arc there for safety In case THB CLIPPER, Is it-wd every WTONESDAY of flpj, xhe house Is steam heated. NOW BEADY! THE|CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK It contains the names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and DrnanKlc ' New York, Chicago, Boston, ■ Pittsburgh. Ban Francisco, " serted years ago. and the bluff role was well played, as was that of the daughter. fhe pictures were: "The 1 oster Child IVItngrapb). "Wanted—A Slater' . (»lta- grVphff ? 'Hcr Hour of Triumph'; (■£&£). and "Pueblo Indians" and T 'The Farmer s Bon" (Lubl n). . Greeley Square (Julius Bernstein, mgr.) —An excellent program wag furnished Aug. ** The Sldonlas, In their painting act, made the usual hit, Mrs. Sldouk with.the clever manipulation of the brush, and Mr Sldonia with his crazy make-up and funny props to the beer keg finish. „„,.. Halsey xfoore «*«•■« 9 SS K h^t roarKtc Agents in ler. opened with a little cafe song, en tied iton, Philadelphia, "Good-Bye, Old Scout, Good-Bye l".»J™!K j Crnada. London; then sang "Somebody Else Ib letting «i. eU extra, retiring rooms and gents' smoking room. MnsIr^nbUshers-""Railroad Agents; The- Moore planoed with "That Never Ilappenca The "lobby is 20x100, with tier! floor and Music ™^™' B %$^ jff^ Bm * to Me." and both sang Robert B. ,Lee and 12; three the ticket office and manager's offices lo- "™«£L L . R-niSJa andSteamship Lines, etc., "IUgtlme Battling Man" to good applause •mm hit cfnnrfnlnM for Are hose and an O'-^'RU_% c "i n J~ ,1 iS?.PX.J?„ coupou tu '' ;i;.». i^ n ^tn» nro on thc stage, were all CUPPER BUSINESS IN DEX THE NEW YORK CLIPrER. r. TIM first sod last four ptfta OO TO PBE»a on FRIDAY, tnd the other page< on MONDAY. The Forma Closing Promptly on MONDAY, at 6 P. M. Please tnnlt by express money order, check. P. O"ordesor regftterea letter. All cash enclosed with letter Is at risk of sender. Addreaa All Communication* to THB KBW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 88tu Street, New Torig. Tel. 2274-Msdlton. RtgUttrtt Colli AUreu, "AFrnoarrx." THE WESTERN BUREAU ■♦«»■ PANTAGB8' NEW HOUSE. With the opening of the new Pantages' Theatre In Oakland, Cal., Sunday, Aug. 4, one of the most modern and best equipped vaudeville houses of Its kind on the Pacific Coast Is In operation. This new house Is the fifteenth of the kind on the Pantages Circuit. The building and theatre were erected at a three Inspectors are on thc stage, were Cle M e Ue y Vanity mad, a big hit with her varied Btyie of dancing. Her toe and para- sol dance, in a fluffy white, was all there. In yellow she then indulged In some high kicking and in a tombourine dance, and later tea sort of a hoydenlsh prance, went through all sorts of movements to general satisfaction. Vanity is an attractive and fch c£rie a Ez C ler' and Josette Webb's offering of comedy bits, with Miss Ezler's. quaint and Franklin streets, with a seating rapacity of two thousand. W. W. Ely, who has been associated with eorrtspopdfot. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 14 Leicester Street. I*lc*ster Square, Lon.lon, W. 0.; Henry George Hlbbert. manager and correspondent. TiiaCuprm on as obtained waoLssaui »nd arriiL. it our agents, Brentano's news depot. J7 Atenue de l'Opera, Perls, Frinee; Diamond News WILL OAKLAND AND COMPANY TO DISBAND. Will Oakland and company (Eddie Miller, So."iM FpiX H..ana*| M.nlT.' BooT.nd St.- Hilly Crlpps. Fred Lyons and Geo. W. ("Doc") Uonerj Oo. 128 Escolti, Manila. P. I. Madison, will disband despite the great suc- THE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes cess they scored with their singing act Bt only one edition, and that Is dated from New York. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO., LTD. - ln * e m mjs Publishers THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ALBERT I. BORIE, Managing Editor the lot 100 by 180 at the corner of Twelfth 47 W. 28th STREET, WW HUJUk sxyjc " i he c n^nam-res w « r e well liked. Miss Webb looked pretty in blue, and Miss Ezlcr had her slavey make-up on all ' g Shbrry Hcaley and Adams, In their.act opened with the bllliken stunt. Miss Adams is full of ginger throughout the entire act, nnd Shorty looked and acted funny as should be, while he also worked his feet to ad- vnrvWgc when It was up to him to dance with ■ his partner. His ballet, was n scream, as usual, and the flght for the bossing of thc house was a funny finish. .... Mae Falllers made a big hit for her strictly original specialty. In a green striped gown, fur trlmcd In novel style, and with a picture hat, she looked as if she had stepped out of a French fashion page. Her languid style, with scarcely perceptible movements In the ■Tnrisienno" song, was In direct contrast to i lurrm Is located «t Boom 605, Ashland Alexander Pantages for several years, will bo Block. Chlcato, Warren A. Patrick, manager and i ne resident manager, coming from the Sac- ramento house, where he has been in charge of the Pantages Interest since their beginning In the capital city. ♦ »» OCT OCT AUD Send This Coupon and Ten Cents for a copy ol THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (For 1912-1913) To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 47 WTest »8tn Street, New York 1'roctor's Fifth Avenue last week. It appears Hint before the formation of thc net the mem. Iters had signed with other managers. Oak hew york an. (Continued from page V- AKSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. E. DRAMATIC. 8., Buffalo.—Wc do not know where- abouts of party. "John jinu Fnon."—"Ruby Raymond and Soys" la the correct title. MISCELLANEOUS. City (Ben Leo, mgr.):—Vaudeville in sev- i%d"wm"dV a" single "act over tEc S. 4 C. oral phases Is the offering for this week by .^"gjf.wj.j^c^ t m.-: Fred Lyons uas signed with Savage's the eight acts, and the four reels of pictures «• usual e n x *Hnkllng of what was in her. ••I'rincc of I'llsen," and Miller is going to split them in sets of two. „„„,«. Then In blue, She loosened up somewhat for jiln talents with a well known soubretto Wm. West and Beulah Benton (a sensible the "Bobert E. Use" ofterlBft%Mdl 111 «a> i lid remain In thc two a dsy. "Doc" Mad!- style of announcing, by the way) were well l A'£ " b |V applause getter. Her third cos- «:>n will go on n concert tour, while Billy liked for their "Evallnc" song; Mr West T „Sfe corfslatcS of red trousers, not too loose. Cvlpps will remnln In town and popularize for his impersonation of George Primrose, ' " l " c >- x Zm Z oI Dron ze cloth, very much *.../,.*— t. B<n.i«. "Unn...» Miss Benton for "Because * ,,JU ■ ■- ■ ■ tile latest songs. ♦ ■ » .singing "Honey a nging -uoney; aiibs «e"iua or ««="»"» opcn on the throat. In this costun I'm In Love with You," and for a finish their .,'„" Jf" ii..- a i, ou t a Rebecca who i ■Parlsrenne" also went over nicely Miss ^oned a dlttv^ al ^**§*%J3S£m Tlpnton looked well In a sown that fitted J;^_ " .J ' un .„„ ,im,ii.„», " T. R. EDWARDS RETURNS. — tT - t - . x0 c • B. Edwards, president of the Samuel 5*SS? i 00 Jl e . d „1± ,a ft 8 ° WJl that flUCd Her 0 U Y.. Oneon,a.-Wo, g ast .. credited with CSSilE.'iiSW.'ffi ML9 '^s^^^ ffiMti? ^^r £ 5^»««ffK* In this costume she wanted steps. Bum-tum-'dlddleum," while seated on a chair, with a lew Introductory a knockout. VAUDEVILLE GRAFT. Again we revert to the graft which per- meates the vaudeville profession. Heretofore, la our comments, we have pointed out some snugly to her figure. Lr^gsg^^^^S :if°^zrk?^&^^% s5SSSaA^Sa«^ s,ttt ...i;..Si_'- »i„u'.._i. _i.„ ,~...«a ♦!.» M „n_ song. Mr. Mason then soioea in m 411 m to actual singing nnd she will be a riot Dreams I Dream of You;" Miss r erce fol- lu Tn Hcr8t n 0 yB. a troupe of one lady anil lowed with accordion selections, Including four male acrobatB on€ of them made up as "My Old Kentucky Home" and some rags, a ( , ave a Berleg of cIcver tr | c i, gi nfcely d i 8Un S t ,^ elt ^'^ p l? ye «. b /^ a .i W 5 m S n t , „^ costumed In white, and they held the entire they finished with Mr. Mason singing to the jj 0USC t0 tne fl n i B b accordion accompaniment, "Going Back to Tne p| Ctures included: "Man's Genesis' D, £ l0 -" „ 4 . „ D4 (Blograph), "The Derelict's Return" (Lu- Operatic sopranos arc scarce on the split D | D) ,"fhe Curse of the Lake" and "A Ju _ne, and in Magda Dahl a real soprano wsb ._... , t . .... Their heard. She opened with "Love in Springtime Augustine McHugb, who toured thc contl nenr. There Is a strong possibility of the farce, "Officer 000" (of which Mr. McIIugh Is the author), to be presented In London some time In September. si » "WILD WAVES" BOOKED. Crlmmtns and Gore, during their engage- ment at Palisades Park, arc credited with time, and in Magda Dahl a real soprano was ven | (e j_ ove Affair" (Vltagraph), "Her Hour of thc methods by which thc performers are breaking the record for attendance. Their heard. She opened with "Love in Springtime of Triumph" (Easanay) and "The Artist's vlctlmiied by unprincipled agents, but now entire act, "What Are the Wild Waves Say- Days," followed by "My Dixie Rose." Then ■•■ ._»--♦« i„..««<™ «h«p» rh.. tiHinarer 'nit'" «■ « big hit. They are booked solid came a grand opera selection, with all the we will refer to Instances where the manager -j ^ sca80[1 _ 6 ' necessary thrills, and with It she held the au- 1s the victim. Recently an act was offered to a legitimate agent for *360 per week, but some of the larger circuits arc prejudiced against this particular agent and would not do business with him, but this same act was hooked through a London agent for *750 per week, and appeared In New York. Another recent case Is that of a performer who offered bis act to a prominent booking mag- nate for *i!i>o per week. He was stalled off, on one pretext or another, until hi* patients was exhausted, and then he went to an ob- scure agent and told his difficulties In getting booked over that circuit. The small agent assured him that If he made his price 1300 and band over to him the extra $50 per week, he would get the contract for him. This being assented to, he received a contract from thc booking magnate he first approached. lor fourteen weeks, at $300 per week, which was $50 per week more than he had offered IMPOR TANT NO TICE! Commencing week of Sept. 2,1912, and thereafter, The New York Clipper will be Issued in New York City on Thursday, instead of on Wednesday, as heretofore THB LAST FORMS WILL CLOSE ON TUESDAY, for Advertisements nnd News Items Joke" (Edison). The bill for Aug. 5-7 includes: Mae Ell- wood and company, In "The Girl from Yonkcrs;" Harry Ronton and company, in ttraght and crooked magic; Hilton and Ban- non, Lucille Savoy, Deeley and Butler, Lu- Elta Pcrea, the Five Merry Youngsters, and eonard and Alvlne. Advertisements not exceeding one line la Im.h. will be published, properly clanlaed In SSi tt the rate of $10 for one year (52 laVna » copy of THB Naw.YoBK Currn will bo smt'fni to etch advertiser while the advertisement Is Jo? olng. i ARTIFICIAL Fl.OWKRS AND PLANT* Botanical Decorating Co.. 310 Fifth Av«., cii'w ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PICTURm' BOOTHS. M 0. W. Trainer Mfg. Co., 70 Pearl St.. Boston Mtia. - AUTHORS AND PRODUCERS. Setrl alien. 222 B. Mth St., N. X. 0. Wm. A. Quick. 252 W. 88th St., New York City. CHIMBS, BELLS A SPECIALTIES. It. H. Uayland, 351 Adams St.. Brooklyn, N. y. CONFECTIONS. Rneekhelm Bros. & Eckstein, 245 So. Peoria St Chicago. COSTUMF.IIS. ' Frank Hsyden. 148 W. 8Mb St., N. X. c. , Rldsbock ft Co., 149-151 W. 38th St.. N. Y. city Robert Warring, 872 TOtb St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. A. Fueger, 021 Walnut St.. St. I/oali, Mo. FLECTHIO SIGNS HENTED AND SOLD. Rlectrle Ctrrltge Call Co.. lT3ChrlttopherRt..N.I, FORTUNE (INVISIBLE) WRITERS. S. Bower, 117 Harmon St.. Brooklyn. N. X. GYMNASTIC APPARATUS. C. A. Hawkins, 334 B. 27th St., N. X. City. HALLS FOR REHEARSALS. Donovan's Hall, 808 W. 80th St., N. X. 0. HOTELS AND CAFES. Commercial Boose, Ban Glslre, Wis, MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AND FUJI EXCHANGES. W. E. Greene. 228 Tremont St., Bolton, Mtu. MUSICAL BELLS AND NOVELTIES. Edwin R Street. 28 Brook St., Hnrtfonl. Conn. A. Braunelei, 1012 Grant Ave., Richmond HU1. N. X. MUSICAL SPECIALTIES. J. 0. Deagon, 11800 N. Clark St.. Chicago, 111. OPERA CHAIRS AND AUDITORIUM SEATING. U. J. Harwood. 220 Devonshire St.. Boston. Mm POPCORN MANUFACTURERS. Rucckhelm Bros. & Eckstein, 240 So. Peoria St., Chicago. SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. O. L. Story Scenic Co., Somervllle Station, Bos- ton, Mass. Tlie New Xork Studios, 1001 Times Bldg., N. X. 0. .Inlin C. Becker, 143 Sontbport Ave., Chicago. Mni-iilng Scenic Studio. Rochester, N. T. I Ion ard Tuttle. 12th tnd Center St.. Milwaukee. Bosnian ft Lsndll Co., 417 S. Clinton St.. Chicago. SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. (It. Western Printline Co., 01317 Elm St.. St.Looli. I'lniiet Show Print ft Eng. Rome. Chatham, Oat Enquirer Job Printing Co.. Cincinnati, Ohio. SLOT MACHINES AND TICKET CHOPPERS. Tlie Callle Bros. Co., Detroit, Mich. SNAKE DEALER. W. O, Learn. 715 W. Commerce St., San Antonio, Texas. STEAMSHIP AND liAILROAD TICKETS. l'tul Taoslg, 104 K. 14th 8t., N. Y. C. TENTS. Kuiikelr Tent ft Awning Co., 163 South St., N. I. THEATRICAL GOODS. Ronton Regtllt Co.. 387 Wash. St., notion. Bus. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. A. W. Gerstner, 034 8th Ave. (41st St.), N. X. 0. THEATRICAL MAKE-VP. n. C. lllner, 203 Bonety. New York. fucker Drug Co. Demotions. Alt. TRICK AND THEATRICAL FOLDING BICYCLES. Kaliajlan, expert, 817 Col. Ave.. Boston. Mm. WIG MAKERS. Clucker ft Ahrcns, loo w. 48tb St.. N. X. 0. A. Fueger, 521 Walnut St., St. Louis. Mo. 'WIGS, SUPPLIES, ETC. Percy Ewing Supply House, 715 N". Waicr St., De- rut ur, 111. DUPRE AND FEIBER STAY. Jeanctte Dupre, assisted by Jess Felbcr, his act. Here, In a single transaction, a man- opened at Plnsbury Park, London, April 8, nnd have been playing successfully, In "Bits dlcnce spellbound. "Take Me Back to thc Garden of Love" was the closing number to more bows. Proctor's Twenty-third Street (Jos. Haug, mgr.)—The bill for Aug. 1-3 drew the usual good attendance. Brown and Barrows, a young man neatly dressed in a dark blue suit, and a young Lincoln Square (Chus. Ferguson, mgr.) woman In white skirt and red jacket, offered —The ububI big Thursday matinee audience n pleasing talking and musical skit The assembled here Aug. 1, when the semi-weekly scenery shows a railroad terminal, where thc change of vaudeville brought one of the best young couple meet. The talk and thc music hills of thc present season. Is fair. Another song and more dancing The duty of starting off the new show would Improve It a lot. fell to Klppy and Klppy. Thc male Klppy Grace Belmont made her first appearance was a juggler of much merit In a comedy In a new act. Sec New Acts In this Issue. way; nor was this all that entitled him to Edwards Davis and company appeared in commendation, for much of his Juggling was a sketch, entitled "The Part of Life." The of an expert order. Thc female Klppy proved first scene shows an actor, his wife and their to be a petite young woman, modestly cos- little girl. The actor and his wife have not turned in black, and she was a very lively worked for some time, and arc "broke." The nnd capable assistant. man goes out to pawn a ring. During his Anderson and Evans, appearing as two absence a booking agent offers the wife men from the West, down on their luck, put nn attractive engagement In a new show over quite a natural bit of dialogue In a ager was wronged out of 2700. "j HnBl'cafComedy,'"'ever since In and around y° un .e practice for managers to London, and made a big bit'everywhere, top- fffKfc.Sfa^ 'JS^a* ?- S^SL gjjKKj the agent. The act closes with some" dra- —.—._. ^ _. ■_». «,. «i»» «„„.„ Mil „i„,.o their «,., onri i»«>k nmr A skipping rope movement and other nrolwuc mnfi . ...i,.- hv «.„ „„ tnr w , rh tn „ nqa i atnT1P „ It Is a common The two Hemming n nlmhl. flmrrrwi "r"»n«cd by a man who Is smitten with the scene representing a cheaply furnished room, unsfladT and a man in rawki bov make-uV "otor's wife. She hesitates about accept- Their troubles enaed when one of the duo re- relld clubs balfs. etc hT exuert banner' ln & without her husband, but Is won over by eclved a telegram which offers an engagement, ggiea ciuds, nans, ecc, in experc manner. t] „„„,,, n,,, „ or «]„„„„ „i*h <mm<. #W. n„„ „# «,„„,.,.. ^. i„„iinmi tn nn sterous- give the power of exclusive booking Into the ^«very bill since their ^ «j» .over ^v^^r^^^^^^^ mat^ acting by the actor, with the assistance a-*S O^a^SfW sM FsSV»Sn»^ ° f «^d rl Con,ey ( cohorts working under him, and It is only Soyltb Africa for the Heyman tour for ten lng_the lady.who Is busy with the cluba. aom( , ranM Rr „ rnit tr bands of one man, who has his favored weeks, then Australia, then America, with Ixindon to follow again. The act was only booked for four weeks originally. • »» through the sj/atcin prescribed by these men, that the acts arc booked. It Is evident that there should bo an "open door," where acts could reach the managers direct While It might not be possible for managers to devote the time necessary to arranging nil the de- vaudeville Sept. 1, appearing lu the playlet, talis of booking his acts, he could at least •Strangers In a Strange Flat." Grace Avery gain a knowledge of what lie was required wl " *■» wl t " hlm ' t , t some rapid Ore talk that did not make much of a bit. Then an Irish song was offered. One of the men was inclined to boisterous- ness in his lines, otherwise they put their little skit over nicely, and It pleased a not too critically Inclined audience. Kossncr and Felton put over a list of songs which were not only of thc catchy order, but asll Brady had a neat offering of songs o?e d r^° , or|in , al OS man f ne i r e VKW ^ "closed J "sa.v'a.fa J&&J5&, VtVZTWS &&*&**% » exiled ^cryb^'lTthe^SrN S5SJ?'.^if, ^f 1»^\?}Z^V*, s °?.? 8 ™« P^** S»ffi i d *" h &£ HENSHAW IN VAUDEVILLE. John E. Henshaw will begin his season In to pay for bis talent, and then give his In •tructlons to his agent It la quite true that some performers who head have had experience with grafting agents, mond will voluntarily offer to Increase thc prices < of their acts, with thc understanding that the Increase Is to go to the agent, but the •gent who accepts this Is just as unprln CANCEL FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. 'Everybody while on an oft-treated subject, bad some good lines and was well worth listening to. Kingsbury and Bcresfnrd, two ladles, Im- personate two women with a past. One of them had reformed and became a lady's companion. She is visited by her former pal, who wishes to raise money for a get- away by blackmailing thc other's master and mistress, and Induces her former friend, by a )n whltc BllJtB olfcre( j drum, and this was by far the best part of ccllcnt vocal ability of both men, brougni thoact. (heir act a sure-fire hit. Their best numbers Rush Ling Toy and company, three men were "Hello New York Town, If It «asni and a woman, dressed In Chinese costume, for the Irish and the Jews," and "Ragtime presented an Illusion net entitled "A Night In the Orient." Their work was rather crude, as thc audience could sec how nearly all thc disappearing stunts were effected. Carbonl and Todnro, two men, appearing leal act. for the Irish and the Jews," Soldier Man." „,. ■„ Charles Buckley and company appeared in a sketch with three characters, representing a theatrical manager nnd his engagement: w n props and a prima donna. The scene wns lnld In the manager's office, and although ine asM^^SrySs Etuua*^xff%&& &^p2^wSSB Es ]SS3t^fses» ind and Cavcrfy canceled fifty-two weeks U about to leave the apartment when the vo,'e B B g thc cxc , ell F nt « omcd y w0 ^ k H „°* mJjXi l in ■»«» In thc hotel office waltinc to sec her The * /rue rspori wns not very wen llkea. ine ].iu,irhtcr. . ,„,. 1 ^T^i£^X^P Ah ^ ^^^^^S^^X .Th,,,.aane,n«,.of^e ; start, NEW VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS, formed a partnership as producers, manager^ ^HfS^H^SS ^^^^^-^."SS o«=^S^ erpted same one wnoaemana,^ « » ,.ui B «nd1 promSters They w II «nlI out several i3{™ al th w V and made the «ory rather con f eB T^J? WJSPlm thlSf'i.T. ""««"* the m"le member of the duo Mojis. for managers to give more attention to thl. «f their own production. In the near future. m , y * comes ^hc^rc^^ho .b. think h m. ,, ,. ^ ^applause stated how verwim ^rt of tbeir Imslnes s ^^ HART „ NEW SKETC . H . ^^^^e %ft£M&&%& ffily'T tSTWJff tSHtft Sl'^S ffc^SSffi o^X'V "^ *** «„ Annie Hart will bo seen in Charles Hor- to the expert manipulation of the keys, whllo man back to" n asvlum y talented dancers present Is, from lirat SHERIDAN FOR "BIRD OF wlta^s "Mrs. Flaunlgan's lloneymoon," at tho thc lady sang all sorts of coon melodies These five films were seen- "The Ranger's "."'v."* 1 ,n ^"^ Particular, worthy or PARADISE." Empire, Red Bonk, N. J., Aug. 18, assisted from the energetic endorsements of her " Frank Sheridan, who la under manage- by three pl ayers. ^? r e £f ?'*"•*" '^?' no „ S2ft!! fe^jfiSrH mrnt of John fort for a number of Tears < t » refrain In "Keep On a-Lovlng Me, down to "Create% tally D^tartta that'Mr! «»THE DERELICT." a wall about a lost honey and then on to Oort may assign him, wil. play tho role of This new playlet Is produced this week 1% 0 ',„ Y ° U clrcus Day ' wltn characteristic Captain Hatch, In The Bird of Paradise." a t the De Knlb. Brooklyn. Other acts on "usincss. 'Wood and Meadows bad a neat act, open- ing In a nice song and dance. Mr. Wood Im- personated Bert Williams, doing "Sometime." Miss Meadows had a song of her own, and both then sang "0. You Candy Kid." After a little talk they finished with "I Like You," during tht Chicago engagement at thc Gar rick Theatre, opening Sept 2, This Is the Marie Wlllard and Sully nnd Hose. Other acts on thc bill arc Gavin nnd C'lnrk, thc Sturgcscs, first time hi years that Mr. Sherldnn has lilayed a part created by another actor, and ne will remain there only until Mr. Cort de- cides what new play he Intends to produce containing a role for Mr. Sherldnn. ♦ ■ » ♦ »» CARROLL JOHNSON AND MRS. SAIL. Carroll Johnson and his wife sailed Aug. _ 8, on thc 8. 8. Vnderlnnd, for a pleasure tour * 0 _,,„. onnlause. n » V.._...... __.1 .._ ..~... *„ .....><..n fli.. Inltflf Rangcr't Reward" (Lubln), "Down Jayvlllc Way" (Es- sanay), "The Squaw Man's Swccthenrt" (l'nthe). "The Pennsylvania State Police" (Edison), "The Wooden Indian" (Edison). Thc bill 5-7: Jean Ward, "The Thoughtless Burglar," Fields and Hanson, Whitney Operatic Dolls, Moore and Francis, Inez Mc- Cord and company, and Pewttt. For 8-10: Leroy and Appleton, Marlon Shirley, Florence I'nrr nnd company, Moore nnd Barker, Car- meia Trio, Fred nnd Opal Elliott and Four Bona. big time. The closing position of the TJu d « T '" e n „ 1 ' 1 ia wns allotted \o the acrobatic act of Corne ju nnd Wilbur, and they accomplished a, nunl n D n c I of tumbling feats that were startling ami roost difficult. Much of. their work Is on tlrcly away from tho ordinary acrobatic nci. Their comedy falls were of a sensational order. of Europe, and expect to return thc latter part of October. Chas. Tcrris and company. Id their sketch, were well liked. Mr. Terrls, as thc broad- "ROBIN HOOD." Walter Hyde arrived on the tji"*"," 1 ?, Au /; ». He has joined the "Mobln Hood m C*** NEWARK THEATRE TO OPEN SEPT. 2. Hyde ft Behmen'8 Newark Theatre opens the season Monday, Sept. 2, with Louis land, after a trip of two months. Mann, la "Elevating a Husband." Eddie stairt rehearsals for vaudeville, Introducing saloon keeper turns out to be the father of and Moran, singers and RIVOLI BACK. Csaare Rlvoll returned Aug. 1 from Ens- ile will Foy, In "Over tho River," week of 0. several novelties, Nanley's Canlim, Sonth Bench (Wm. Sllbor, mgr.)—Thc bill for Aug. 5-10 In " minded priest, who disarms thc prejudice nnd Thc Seven Castlllucls, musical artists; antagonism of thc politician about to open Opera Trio, Reckless Itecklnw Troupe ot wicxnam, Herbert wumroua, j-"" r-wgn a saloon In his parish by thc liberality of his bicyclists, Owloy and Randall, Jugglers; Carl Gantvoort, Edwin btevens, Pauline «» • vlewB, ably handled the splendid role. The Peyser and Bush, comedy acrobats; Mornn George Frothlngham and Anna outsort, j- d dancers, and Leslie Aug. 12 the De Koven Company w !" r £ 8 -10 Includes: the Apollo, at Atlantic City, N. J. ™J™ e ■tlsts; Grand pany also includes: Bessie Abott, 1- *>*£ Troupe of Wlckham, Herbert Wuioroua, Carl «•!■? the priest's niece, whose mother bo had de- Thurston, queen of the xylophone. Its run at thc Knickerbocker, New York. »»» STEWART AND DONOHUB SIGN WITH WOODS. Edward F. Kealcy has booked Stewart and Dontrhuo with A. II. Woods, who has as- signed two prominent roles. In "Tantalising Tommy," to thc clever pair. FREEMAN BERNSTEIN MOVES. Freeman Bernstein Is going to move to larger quarters in the Fitzgerald Building, New iMfcrro-glvc bis gentle volcfmore room. £C IT'S A MEAL HIVtt J J HERE YOU ARE SINGERS-AT LAST THE ONLY INDIAN BOKO HPT 09 THB MARKET TODITII OKI' IT!! A POSITIVE HIT 111 IT'S A UK; MY INDIAN QUEEN ..._*,«llK atkii HIT THAN "RAI NBOW ." The sweetest melody.-Yoa will h»«tr It everywhere this Summer EDWIN SCHWINGENSTEIN, • • Music Publisher, -