The New York Clipper (August 1912)

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% 14 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 10 ler. 3. and Both Sbepley, 10- go* were ajrest favorltee. and bad ansAe maay Mead, by their On. work durrag tkei* stay la this city........ TIM Sfrtngneirl Lodge of Moose will In the aear future hare a lodge bouse of their own. Already n committee hare a piece of property on Sprint Street In view The Bprrngoeid Lodge of Bike ...a ..... .— w ||| ^id their annual clambake at BlversMe NE.W VAUDEVILLE ACTS Both OPT OF TOWK HEWS WASHINGTON. "Old Prob" gave cool evening, laat week, and ■f* "WJl^W-M V5*m3&& loT^arrU oSk. .Sell 3?, Monday Matinbb. .ML 5. was written by Kate Jordan Pr^M™' «r n "&ir«ffiffl SSS-. Banor, BlnakaU. and Kerwln WUMaaav. ™J £ "J „, mo8t approprla tel,. end «■ Cbattcrton to recalled u to pre ty Ka- and with excellent music by the U. H. v „ R , Hasa^-savoy (Geo. 8. Wltey. tte j^^g ettecta beautifully handled, Alda t.4 clever ingenue of "The Bainbow -which Maine^ ..... Eland) largo audlenecB were present Tree. JBiy j ^Jjj,, »,*•(„, opeaed Aug. T. with Ben *™ *-. «.-.» - —.-«• m .^^ on f..i .-..»» »mi»It. Her aaiouian.... 9. Houae dark week of Aug. B. Welch's BorleKpiers. for a two dsy.' engjgeoswit Ooluubia (Fred 0. Berger mgr.)—The Columbla AtuimMT (ft M . Boaa. regr.)—Bill foe B-T: nl . I. "11,-r flvc-nt Match." Wee. ending S, -_ _.__,_. VJ_. m n.. ai.t... tlwcb. and 4» DIDEI TO OUT OF T0WK NEWS Cbatterton and Com *•»■■«■"» «rn»l«-anan raOCTOB'B FUTTH AVBJiUS, MOHDAX lUlLTBa, Arkaxuaa. . i.. e Ooooectaeat *"*• "• Colorado.. . A real refined sketch U What Both Chat- Canada terton and company are presently here this gg^VeaisiS g ■week. The title la "Susan's Oentleman, and iMnoii iu 16, 21 Indiana Iowa.... Kentucky.. ... 23 10 14 Missouri.. 14. 1ft. K 3jjK«w Tori.";.'.";;:^ 2! hew aaaspabire....; jj ... U is. 23 Overton Walker made her debut here as »»d a most successful run recently. Her , •'Salome," Aug. 5. •vaudeville engagement la under the personal Minnesota... 6. Ill 1 14, IS Mew JetaeyT '■ onto...77;... i Oklahoma liiwwooato..... ;•• "■ a 0, 23 Washington...... ' f,' ... lllWnt Th-sUila....." \\ The caVchestra was led by France*. Crea- direction of Henry Miller, who has sor- Players, la "Her Great Match," MWkll, wErTBk Utters, H~Tuy'*leters", Hyde and BBSSh-f-SSS-SBS ff^»Va-*:Kh 4 3^«§WJ torr^rh^a-niTn^tedV.'.coro-of «»nded ? .r with a -oat capable,«.p. ny auch nn excellent manner, one would not believe Jj company. Leo Beera, and Fields and Ooeo. -»_.__ m -x . k.-, The Uttle play to a doalnt comedy, with w^an. W. SBUljr S8S %&%£?£&£&££&% ^ssssigz. a -«r.»-v.-«nii. .ad "^e-il*^- ,-*« .1 <* »»>.»-*» ■»- wm*c->»v . «*«•«-»_ "™< ■»•* carefully staged. Edwin B. Boblaa waa excel- Sat. (leoigaTw. Bark-ler, Godfrey Matthews, PUMISB (L. M rootloQ plctarea. Pauoa (A. II Stanley Jamea, Arthur luteal*. Jobs M. Kline, and Kriuiels Kellaon were all excellent. Ju la Blanc was good, as usual. Carrl* Thatcher, Violet Hernlnc. and Laora Ookmon were all good. Aa a whole It will rank with aa one of the beat (kings done by the "Players." Big business ruled. "'A Single Man" week of S. "Heartaeaae" week of 12. I.ymnn Howe Harts Uis series Sunday, 11. I'oli'b (Jomes Thatcher, mgr.)—"The Lion and »n» Jama* Bwaaey, i n tlar leader ar. .yew * unwb jic. m. ■- Sportaiaam tmt I the v»iet.» mTZmtoTSSJSr+Z to^bouae HWI MB « m POWW »■»■- » IB - PKOCTO." VtWTB. AV««J M0».DA, JUTWEk, A lUnstrated. aoaga. .. , h . w ^ eonttaned all "He*. ^»h<» *■» ft 111 * 11 In ,0Te •>• * » tran *ef _ . *^2f JIlS^fnnefrrf^to curtota. fell i« work as chambermaid abe basatound lime T-lr of etorer Ingem and talhers. kept he ^.t.^.n/JtTelon of l£+Z •>• I'* loyemaklnj. Her fondnesa grows for audience at this noune. Monday, i n 'r^^V t ^Z°i t ^ t Zl^l He aenda her a roar of Mn«ht*r. The boy. recenU, ro° the Mou*" was well glveu by the Fonular flayers oyed by large audiences. 1 ~ Kent was the "Lion," and lie did capital work lltoatrateA songs. , „ ,, . throurh NicaautDBorr (Walter Blgelow, mgr.)—Sfotlon picture* snd Itlnatrated aonga. WiB (E. Ulcbelfelder, mgr. >—Motion pictures away.. ^cimo'ux^Artber. »gr.)-olotk» ptetar». her duaky form, robed to a rich Oriental _ _ ^ .^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ fgm ^ .^ ^^ ^ MUford. MMa.-t.ake Hlpmne (DenJ. i 0 ""™ 6 ' '"T* her tte »W« ar,,lce « • "•' and dnrtnf . her abgence . g^tVemaa from surely made quite a name for themselre. ™w>,ed by large audience., atark ftg& gwaj^*gfel%*»wTgg "S^dfT'lnrp.Blng picture, and de, Scotland Tard makes his appearance, and The act U drawn along familiar lines, but "Lion." and he did capital work. A. jJuV, Thomsa Bateman. Sadie nodgers. Oraea a ° e mtae an lm P 08 ''^ P»« e » it soon developa that the stranger to a mnr- It la, nererthelcst, quite clever, and the boys n. Van Bnren, Mr. Velsey, Mr. Penworrten and Deroar. Kd. McEnalley, and Uie BlngvUle Trio, sceitdlag Sicily to the stege, she perrormea England. On the little, made a terrific hit, Mr. were all good, Jllsa Jewel was charm- Sunday attraction: The Boyal Italian brass hand. ^ ^ ,„ a manner Which has not been *^« r vantea in angtan a u i i. Tn, JL . .on, »r.leh h. n , i.» ,.. Ing. Mlrs Kent and the remainder of the ca.t i„ eoncert. . „ .. k - . h _ ,„ T ft( j.,,. nred . C egaors In the K* rlB '•turn, after buying herself a hat arte .Solly renders • tong which brought hint Ltosuh (Luby Bros., mgrs.)-Motion picture, excelled by any ol her predecessors m we j-j^ ^ jjjjj, gtrangcr , n th( , room wUh ner p]enty flf applau g e , ""iVaA^'^oderTperbam. mgr..)-Motl<« pic- Ch t r 1 a a C . t ™ ttlk . r degerves crcd)t for eiiminattng lover, and he (the lover), to keep her from .ttussejr 1. to comedian, and certainly Is tares snd Illustrated songa. *_«,■*, « n Met ow ™ tr ™'"„,"T ,„ ' knowing the truth, Introduces him as a there with the goods. He sings several Mobsh Opera Houss. Franklin (Austin a Holt, t Be grucsomeness of dancing about the stage, •"""'■• \~ ,' ,.,„ ,„ .„ r-.„i.„H , .„j i.«» »k,,,™ —wi_ * "- ,l,al ma™."—Motion pictures and vaudeville Thsrsd.y, ...„,_, the n „ d af .. j0 h n the Baptist." cffUB,D ' Bent 0T€r by hU nnc,e ln En K'« nd ' «»B«, and left to audience asking for more. Friday and Saturday during Summer aejsoa «"ying tne neaa « jonn i e v ^ nom( , ^j,,,, the ^ rl lg The gct runs afeont twenty mlnntc8 , ijkKa I'kasi.. Wrentham (M. A. A W. B. B., The head remains stationary, and artcr "• • a ,.,„.. ««i,„. tagV2o-Motk,n pictures and vaudeville. approaching it several time, with an evident Implorlnghlm not to g* he suddenly takes boa Ansclea, Oal.- Mystic (Oliver Mo- Jlorror depl<:ted opon ocr countonance. she htodepartare. unknown to her. sco. mirr.i Kolb and Dill and Co., ln "Peck C . ... 1. _ were all op to their usual standard, and did much to make It a successful performance. 'The Deep Purple" week of 5, " and the Boys" week of 12. Cosmos (A. Julian Brylawskl. mgr.) — Good Tsurtevnu- delighted the palrons last week. For week of 3: Martinet. Noisy Hill Trio, Gertrude Kteritt. Wilson snd Aubrey, Jules Hanover, Low- ler and i'ntler, and new pictures. Sunday con- certs fee.lured. and in addition to excellent music liy That Orchestra, do capacity business. The hfetroiiolitnn Minstrels, who hsve Just concluded their engagement nt this house are Immensely iwpulnr with the patrons, as they packed the litrase during tlie past week. NOTES. rosco, mgr.) Kulb and Dill and Co., I'ickles," indeilnlte. merely placed her lips to the head and falls Miss Chatterton at this point demon- ic, Btr ft« «« »«»tr an * a™" fln , e w *»f rlel .Starr, and the Belssco Compw l~ ^ n ^ g ^ ~ perfect lon of grace, ««■» « ^ s bcen witnessed here for soma week of Aug. 0. Buhbank (Oliver Morosco, mgr.)—^Richard and although It seemed the height of In- tlme. Her supprt Is excellent R. House Peters, Tlioae Jordan Glrla. H£NOBBS0M'B, COICBX IgXAXD, SATCBDAr Matinee, Acq. 3. Although billed on the program as Those Jordan. Girls, the sisters are assisted by two men, one of whom Is about the cleverest as the first stranger, was capital, as wag wire walker In the business. Daniel Pcnnell, as the Scotland Yard man. The act runs twenty minutes, on full stage. doors Aug. 10, while the Imperial and Ua)eetlo will swing their doors open Aug. 12. Aum the sound of the hammers and the hustling decoratore, Um> box ones of Chase's new bousa via opened atoudsy morning, Aug. S, at 8.30 A. M., for (be accommodatlun of its old patront, to secure tltelr seats- The office will continue open, from this date to the opening Aug. 19. Whkn the Gayety opens its doors the old pa- trons wont know the bouse. It has been over- (hiatal from top to bottom, and Its appearance la Ibat of an entirely new house. Tna Beluco will remain dark until Sept. 2. vhen Manager L. Stoddard Taylor will give bla i.strons a chance to see the Durbar plctarea of tact \tnnuncolor Co., until the regular aeason openi. These iiicturen will be given. Inside of the theatre. Wahhikuton Is baseball mad. Rvery houae lu Le Prince, May Tully and company, Bert Terrell, Kaufman Bros., Five I'lroscolfls. "Madame But terfly" and Bay L. Boyce. Union Square, Monday Matinee, Auq. 5. No one on seeing this sketch could doubt Bobby Barry and Coaapguaw, Little Politician." ln "The Kiii-Rgss U>«n worley D «I;)- Ta « "» f « that May Tully and Boieman Hulger were Pa0CT0 B's Fifth Avajtui, Mbsdat Matinbb, SJ£ J M^nttre D .'ld*Or.?eT; WmfcJEl leaponslble for it Mto. Tully seems to have Awa 6 . a weakness for acta In which a "wIm" The glrto are both handsome and shapely, and perform stunts on the wire that nrc simply wonderful. They do the usual work seen la their line, and also execute some new ones that are hair-raisers. The fea- tar* of their performance consists of one of the girls carrying the other on her shoulders week company, afclntyr. the i OUvotll Troubadours, Four Mayos. and motion „ „ eflkB .esa for acta In which a "wise" Programmed a* George IL Cohan's own ^nV^aiking' the wire "without the umbrella P i'IntaoW Theatbs (Carl J. Walker, mgr.)- J°**S -woman brings together a young mar- corned.,,,,, Bobby Barry, assisted by his BttDport i t was a clew piece of work, and Bill week 29: Lucia Lottie Collins, Romano Broth- r ied couple who have separated. In The clever Uttle cx>mpany, preaented i new sketch, favorably received. The act is a good Si,,c? r :.d E S , |^.oe"r! d .be D Zr m T .'ted B w d eek?y 0rM ' Late Mr. Allen" we M how young Mf. mmM .. Tie uttI , r om ^ * a „ LtUa J SSZmSi iftl^tantos. w Coi/inial TiiBATna.—Week 29: Nat Goodwin, Allen Is living alone and in deep mourning Horwltt, 'Vr^Ks '(Workm?n W * Strum, mgr.. 1-Week ^^ S AI1 f' *** "» not fTTVi!. ** tte Mm » ^^ ** ,t0ty ** U W,tU 2»: Jules Mendel and Monte Carter, ln 'The to not living at home because Mrs. Allen p 0 ]ttt cs> an a [ g interesting throughout It Kevolutlon." caught him at a late supper In which a tel]g of p^ Ly0Di % f ormer circus clown, Buffalo, N. V.—Columbia (Charles Bowe. flashily dressed female kicked a wine-glass %ho nas r|gcn from the nBks tad , 8 ronn ing full stage. Deatm in fl>e Profusion opponent he has a rough who stops at nothing, the sketch, and hap- swectheart of Lyon .. circus business, She Is GSJtTjrr9aiagg ;l «ailK. Bejane, ln "Mme. I01 ^. B " ( u S. n ^„e.? P mgr.V-Ulll foe 5 and week. She calls on Mrs. Allen, and after some 0CCHpy i n j , po ,itlon a* typewriter for *%££«(."(JoErP^arrU 4 Harry Davis. Kt/ W Fr£k™Bae ind rt< S:m»l"v lM Bro7n Sad ** * eth ' C » l CUltUTe ' flnt " 7 ! T" ! !?*« S the opposition party, but Changes her views 5 r i£kol B,, T^L ww l, 0 „ f rk 8 Bo^i.2nr U ffiaow?i iS& &*1^*2F%LJlE?fX£ «f« «■ «>» », «*«• ^.^"t? on politics when she finds Lyon. Lyon I. w ££ tIce » ot ^ T? 01 "?.. ^?. U P?' .i 3 ^ Bo iL 1 L 1 i I, 'ri™J" c HS w " sen. and the pictures. wlvea than the quiet young bride had shown. ,.„„_ ._ a a,.. „.. h. no ii v «... *• Fannv Dbnham Rocss, July 25. L. K. Stubio, July 28. Fbank X. Spissell July 31. Lorenzo n. Shaw, July 28. Kiiwin B. Beeson, July 7. James Lasect Jb., Aug. 2. Fbancikco Axsaich, July 31. Gboboe Lovisoood. July 26. JL>. «UIJ .V, above will Appear next fats. Bice. Scully and Scott, Three Bonjans, Cow lilr Williams. Bob and Tin company, Allrus Hro?. I'.nlonder's Pigs, Gypsy Duo, Arlon " son; and the pictures. wlvea than the quiet young nnae nsa snown. fl (] elected, and they live happily ever ,WBSBnd. M *^^ afte/ Mr. Barry does capable work In his cbarac- &AJV FRAXCISCO. J- (e '' Mi c 6 i^rAr,»a%V a S'^ Mr. Allta at,l,« he « ? d. her clsd la for- . t . , . t __ . "tT."' tSfin&SX&BSjg weak el gg. ^^P'^Livin^n." STaetaS f. 0 "' ™i? flnt - f h ° ?™J l, \JL^nli 4 "' a "° « ecutln « seTeri1 d * nces tnlt ^perialdtopafchfoTHB N.w Yob. Clifpeb.) (1: Clias S. Murray and company. Felix Honey """J,' 0 "; A 't^\, '„,L A^rls roltow Thla bC™ latcr Btok'"* a glass from his hands. This ... M . • ■ j^ „ „. Attractions for week of Aug. 5: »nd company. U Velle and Grant, Ward .,.id Cul- S f ' b ^ ..^fX^ede^T.te? lets Bonlta B, Blaekstone out A clever com- DI0U 6 ht * lm J" iT. r ?™5 nt - ..tL'TT!?- Columbia.— James K. Haclett and ssso- 1 ime. 'Hiibco and Glaseo, Loekhart anil I-eddy, .Mny Shirk, Le Grange and Gordon, Fred Mar- line, .'iiid moving pictured. Business, caimclty. Gsam> (John I*. Harris, mgr.)—For C aurt week: Harry Davis Stock Co., la "Facing the Music." "Her First Match" 12 and week. Gwen- dolyn Piers, the new ingenue, created a fuvoruble impression week of Jul; 29. Sbe Is remembered for her clever work in "The Spendthrift" and "Polly of Ibe Oircna." Thais Mngrnne, the lead- ing lady, will bid farewell Aug. IT. and will leave for New York to commence rehearsals for "The Other Man." Wbst Viaw (O. C. McKulIlp, mgr.)—Nlrells's Iiiuid. Buslnesa fair. KiNmrwooD (A. 8. McSwIgan, mgr.)—Borer- elo's Band of sotolBts, Jack Howard, G. O. l'u- noro. and Harry B. McAunlch. Business very good. NOTES. Dbnnis HiBBia, manager of the Harry Davis Stock Co.. I. In the Bait engaging several uew people for the coming season. Jssnr Collins, stage manager of the Harris, returned to thla city week of July 29, after an enjoyable two weeks ln New York, Philadelphia, i.nd Aliunde City, and looking as though the trip Old hlra much good. Anita Julius left this city week of 29, for New York, to commence rehearsals with the Queens .,f Follies Bergcro Co., lu which sbe will luivo the leading role. Jambs Pbsl, of this city, left last week for New York, to commence rehearsals with one of Pi oh inn n'a companies. Tin Nixon and Aborn theatres, with high class utlractlons, will open late this month. Habit Davis Stock Co., at the Duiiuesue, will stnrt tbelr Fall season lu September. Tna Obans, with bich clesa vaudeville, will re- Kuine early In September, while the Harris will continue as It has done all Summer. Tits Ltosuic. with Stair & Havlln bookings, opens the season Aug. 12, with "The White Slate" Thb Ribtbjin Whbh, tnulesque at the Qayety will begin 10. wltli Sam Howe's Blalto llonuders. (Vkstebn Wiibsi. prospects for Ibis season are unsettled as it la not yet known where they will l.ous-c their shows. Wobic Is progressing rapidly on the new Kenjon Tlieatre. which will piny 10 and 20 cent vaude- ville, while two other new house, are expected to be ready by the flrat of next year. The Kenyon. on the North Side; Empire. Casino, K. ft K. Opera MiMise, and Bowlaud, lu Wllklnsburg, will plsy vsuilevllle. h, Ar^."<M Ma^mgro-Bin for 5 £ .Telch. wwiTSeTiw^ry mlnut'el The ««. « the typewriter, looked nnd acted the gggiSS £>=■& 55K pUy". "The and weak: George Dunn, Elsie Van, Nally and part to perfection. She to a fair singer, and Melody of Youth" Fields and Carroll. Hammebstein's, MONDAt Matineb, Ado. 5. These two hoys, former members of the trio, Weston, Fields and Carroll, have good cause to shake hands with themselves for the way they were received at their flrat ap- Curtis. "Adions. Montgomery Duo, Gliws and DearanC e aa a duo. at this theatre, on Aug. 6. nintlnn pictures ue winners. CavnTAl, Bbaoh (H. B. ttogers. mgr.)—George Powell's singing with the Seventy-fourth Beglmcut Orchestra, Is feature. I Ilea, V. Y. — Majestic (Ford Anderson. mgr.) the stock, iu "Madame X," made a bit last week, to big houses. "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" Aim. il-10. HiPfODBOMS (J. P. Qulnn, mgr.)—Business con- tinues good. Week of 9: Mack and Mack, B Curtis. Adl Up Molt, and the Hanley Kids. i.i.irjiii.—The Gaiety Girls drew well 1, t. Pictures week of 5. AI.BAMBBA (Henry Lax, mgr.)—Picture.. gem (L. B. Chapman, mgr.)—Pictures, OarilBUM (Ford Anderson, mgr.)—Pictures. Summit Pabjc (S. W. Baker, mgr.)—Concerts and dancing and stock company. IItica l'iBx (Scram A Donohoe, mgrs.)—Dan- cing aud band concerts. lMuarhasntoB, N. Y. — Rosi Park (J. P. Clark, mgr.) bill for week commencing Aug. 6: lues, Hamilton and Hewlett, Deleya and Ed- wards, Ford and Laird, Marionettes. While the audience was a very friendly one the act they put over would have won *~"". •»•»•" *-«. > s=» •• >-«- uuc, «« »u. un; t""- •"«» tacit being creations ln dressmakers art, out by a large majority even had the boys It runs about fifteen minutes, on full stage. Qrnugtark" ai the bJU. e ■■' ■ Alcazab. — Bessie Barrlacale begins her Lilllaa Aahley. last week as a stock star 6. "A Boyal ram- PBOcroB's FirTH An-bnub, Mondai Matinie. %J^V^^epeiil«g 4: Bertha Kallch Auo - 5 - and company, Lydla Neflsou and her Ikijs As a singer and child Impersonator Miss- and girls, Chick Sale, Kathl Gultlne, Mrs. Ashley can easily rank with the best. She L 0 " 1 ' *V ' to a handsome young lady, has a fine per- sonality and knows bow to deliver her songs Sbe makes about four chauges of costume, been entire strangers at the "corner. 1 They not only are endowed with, capital elnglng voices, but they appreciate the fact that It Is the method of putting an net to- gether In order to get tbc best results. They work with a speed that Is exhilarat- ing, going from one song to another In Empire Comedy Four, Marguerite Uaney and company, and daylight motion pictures. Bkfrhbh. —BUI opening 4: Banlon and Hanlon, May Ellnore, Le Boy Harvey and company, H. J. Moore, Kelly and Wilder, Clarence Wilbur and company, Norwood Sls- Openlng with a song, which she renders ters. Gale and Fay, and twilight pictures. I.oniavllle, Ky Blvervlow Park (L. Simon, quite the liveliest fashion, and the applauie mgr.) Don Phlllpninra Band and Susanna Lab- _.„ -- - „„„«„„„„. ri nr lnr their act man, soloist, are features week of Aug. 4. Bivkiiview Park Tkbatbi (J. J. Qarrlety, rugr.l—"Mile. Esmeralda" and "Box ami Cox." farcical comedies, were well received week of Job' 2H. Fontainb FBsnv Park (Harry Bllger, mgr.)— Natiello's Band and Boblnson'a Circus feature week of Aug. 4. was almost continuous during their act Also they could style themselves the "Har- mony Boys," for their voices blend finely. They opened with a rousing medley, fol- lowed by "Italian Bosc," "Yiddlaher Wed- ding Day," "Ragtime Soldier MVin," and after ln the c i oslng position of the bill here, 5, In fine voice, she quickly gets down to tu- morous work and gives Impersonations of several children rendering songs and recita- tions that stamped her a clever artist. A song, ln which she used a telephone, waa the climax to her performance, and met with instant approval. The act runs about fifteen minutes, ln one. a Ftve Frnicrt, Bamvbbstbin's, Monday Matinee, Ado. C. Three males and two females compose this markets, but nevertheless executed a number Pantaqbs'.— iBill opening 4: Four Janow- ekyi, Howard and Delores, "The Hold-L'p, with Perolval Lcnnon. Mons. BankoS and Lulu Belmont, and sunlight pictures. MARTIN BECK'S mm. Martin Beck returned Aug. 3. on the Lusl- tanla, from a seven weeks' trip abroad, snd left ln the evening for the White Mountain*. Mhere (at Jackson, Vt.) Mrs. Beck and their two daughters are summering. Mr. Beck did no go abroad with the Inten- tion of cornering the dramatic or vaudeville l^SLt^r^^^ Burgundy" featured week of 28 ArBNoa (M. A. Shaw, mgr.)—The Great Law- " SB. The three young men who make up this did a sailors' hornpipe ln good fashion. steps ln perfect time, and the two men then for the tour, to be played In the regular herd'. Flute" featured week of 28. Osthtal (M. Swltow, mgr.)—"Tressare Trove' featured week of Aug. 4. OLTurio (Max L. Simon, mgr.)—"The Mother l.niiriiater, Pa.—Colonial (Ohas. II. Howell. mar.) business 1» good. Bill for week of 5: De Almn and May, Nestor and Dalberg, Brltt Wood, l.luyd aud Zarlua, Harry Batchler, Rutan'a Sonic Birds, rolat Bros., and Sutton, Mclntyre and oflbi'Kanch" feafu'red"wee'k"o? July 28. FamiU'.— Closed 8, for a month. Bot Spring-", Ark.—Airdome (Frank Head, Notu— 0. II. Dunbar formerly manager of the mgr.) the Jack Beaaey Oo. closed a very sua*"' Family Theatre, is nt his home in Cayenne, " ' J,, aad lu charge of a houae there, theatres "with "Elisabeth" as the role ve- re Ml^o^I^. 0 r' S mgr..-"Tb. Sbep- trio lave good voices. One of them (to To the lively tune of the bagpipe they iftiS,,!," C'corSpSy"from™hectare piano player) to blind, but there are few who closed with an Irish Jig and reel, which got Sarah Bernhardt Parts, and will roroain In can excel him as a pianist. The boys wear them the applause in bunches, full evening dress and appear in one. They first offer a song, then a selection by the piano player, followed by a "drunk" Sprlnsjncld, Mum.-foil's (S. J. —my scored lu "The B iy I and Carl urlckcrt, Until Hni-pley. niur.l slock company scored ' of J«" heavily, n! fftW&^i^tTSg:"S^ntus song specialty by one of them, and then aa tbelr closing attraction "A Mad Marriage;" clone with songs. A good trio, holding the Monday, Aug. B. the lirace Balrd fjo. rorameneed Ma-ass minutes a two weeks' engagement, opening with "A Cosy atage nrteen minutes. Beeves and Werner. HlNDEBSON'B, CONEY ISLAND, SATURDAY Matinbb, At:o. 3. America at least twenty weeks. Mr. Bsck secured an option on the Ameri- can rights of Prof, Max Beiahardfs next pro- duction, which Is now In preparation for a London production. With the exception that the new work wag to thlrty-slx scenes, and that his option matotaloed until after the T n.^M. n, n ^,»llnn Via WAllM BftV DOthlng U 1 Way." week 20. E. J. . Breen, Right of Blunkall scored . ii Shepley. and Jessie Mueller cute excellent aid. "The Commu- ters" week of Aug. ti, "Thsla" 12 and week. N'slson (II. I. DUlenback. mgr.)—Bill for Aug. R-7: Wauder and Stone, Hunter and Leader, and atr( . closed B. and after a thorough overhaullna .'I.D.Intla rinnni.i 1"„P R.1I1' T i\p1in AnA I.l'iilcr ....'.... . ....I.,.., ^« I... m .lUuntlMMI WiitTrmoTOK Pabk.— The local lodge of Mcoas Itlve a mid-Summer festival at this popular resort 7, with the Dig Moose Minstrel Oo. and other at- tractions as drawing attractions. Norns.—The Photoplay, moving picture the- " afie "The Hnlldoaa' Masle HhII." Union Sqvabb, Monday Matinbb, Auo. S. May Barley presents a novelty In "The Bulldogs' Music Hall." The curtain on raising shows a miniature stage, with a Charlotte Dnncnn. For 8-10: I.ocke and Llnder. and'enlarging, name decided on by a committee . gJWrS 1 U,CWlS - SCU " ,W aDl1 JOrd ° n ' " Bd Mlo Bora." "iASZ^d ^"coif ■**-*»! dog orchestra. Three exception (Ooldateln Broi, """"-■ Bngene Oaaette, and Daly Bros, Isteln Bros., mgrs.)—Bill Aug. 5-T: Srted In about aix week. The New Central ally well trained bulldogs appear In five tab- the members le ' itw'fi'inT?°i t r r i'i,,,l' : T , , l .'r«,iw"^vS' * tiu I '»ceu nl bouses report good business -• i e aux. It takes one somo time to discover „„,,]„ be at. LJ*?%lBi .^ ^, ? u . r .? u^r *H , • . v *f*> Work oo the New Lyceum goes merrily on. _«nd _.. . ... ,, , . „. _. IMl »-_ . :*_/ ° __ _ Beeves and W erner, ln a comedy and London production, he would say nothing talklpg act, were seen for the first tlm» the production. . , h - here, and their act as preaented, with tbo . r »» the fact that air. Beck secured w>. exception of their comeSy, will make t Z ZttJ&IA '^ Len.Wy] on any bill. completed, makes it evident that he "}t'' na ! Both make a good appearance to evening Jo devote part of; his; ottentton to the tutu clothes, and render several song, ,» fln9 &'&•&& to's.'y'.bo'ut^dVvSje.'.njI TOlcc. W b. E qutstloned about the future of the i ai- The comedy ** * ■- ana uaiy nros, rors-io: Artnur rurrcuy, ryue, work on the New Lvieum aoes merrily on, ana rrT ~— V. ^ u.^. .,. v»-.y wv u.»,.«.,v.u u., u. u. miu-u to win rne commana perrormwutc.»•' .i,_vina Gee aud Blcbardson, WIUI.iu Lynch, end moving thl. , le ™ home will open sometime In September, which are the real dogs and which the un- laughter or applause to any extent. Tho act Talaee Theatre, I^ndon, July 1, for ,*^ r ,.;nt ntetorc. BlVEBsmc Pabk (Arthur Wooley, mgr.)—Annie Bfatecraft, a swimmer, Bcored such a succen here ttat ebe wsa engaged another week, beginning Aug. IV Others nrc: Kane and Barry, Marlowe and srlvakett, and motion pictures. ABDEI.L, Iluoii, EniSONIA, Gaibtt, Qloii*. I'al- aoa, N'ovbltt, Grand, Suuwat, and I'laza, mov- picture houses, all report doing well .. .The old Majestic, on Makern Avenue, wblcb has been thoroughly overhauled, cleaned ami decorated and renamed the Gem, opened 5, a. a moving picture house. real, and It Is really a novelty. Seven min- utes ; full stage. runs about twelve minutes, in one. Wheeling;, W. Va.—Victoria (Geo. Shtfer, mgr.) moving pictures, for week endlnst Aug. S, liuil liU returns. Thla house closed as that dale lug picture houses, all report doing well. to undergo a thorough cleaning and painting prior JJotbs.— Jessie Mueller and Wilfred Lytell, of to the opening of the regular season of vaudeville the Poll's stock company, were quietly married occurring 12. at Thomiflonvllle, Oonn., Aug. 1. The nxinbots WniaLisn Park (J. A. Moore, gen. mgr.) Kate KHi.nee and 8am Williams, In "The Hunter and the Hantn««." TJniok Squabe, Monday Matinbb, Auo. 5. For seventeen minutes, and really It does uahmerSTEIN GETS "THE CHEESE." This young woman makes her first ap- not -cam so long, these two porfonncrs hurl William Hammcrsteln has closed nepotic _ pearanco Hi a white gown and tings a sclec- talk at each other. There Is notblng but tlom for the appesrance at Hammcratein. Grace Belmont. Proctob's Twenty-third Stiikbt, Matixeb, Auo. 2. and queen, which ho attended, was '™r» r '? B , to America because of the excellent «J»»f made by the American performers oni i" <_ bill. London to fllkd with American vsuci^ vlllUns, and most of them have acoreo enormous bits. »■*-■ _ pue lions ror me appearuutu » "-^pl' Wrcs- af the company preaented tbeui'wirh a silver mil 'for week mUng's" was "a floe' oie. anef drew tion In a high soprano voice. She then talk to the act, and it to aa billed, an ab- ^'ctorla Theatre, on Aug. 10, JK w , s , CUssDOaT dlfitl POt *•*. *— - n.. ■ . as assw... a _.. a A BatZ. ■ a r . _ » _.._>_ _ __ _ _ .» -awa ak- ■»........ _ '_ . -L. Anflrora. of Poll to the I'oll company in Wnstiitipton, 1). 0„ vthH Andrews, of Poll's, who JS£jg^j£& Sow'n *" ""* ^ "^ "* *"* ^^^ f!"gf! t0 ' ^ 22 Md "*S tW ° "" " ■"» ** • »- *° au °'«= n « and got jg& SSrS" that rwmmblei? I * Swift to the Poll company In Washington, D. O.. was Not*. — The Orpheum, formerly the burlemiuo selections and a monologue. Her CP-tniCla- a number of toughs out of them. Probably cheese, but which resents all atteniP" presented with a gold watch by the company, I. hou», l. ln the band, of dteorstora, tlon to excellent and her voice to ot fOO* Miss BUnore'e unique costumea heloed as lift It wr even move It, •»«^J?t J j^'nri. :.":.•.•'Ji l « wl ! h much regret that tbo patrons of and will re-open a. a Tauaevlllt bouse. Wo map- -„.,■,_ Ahnnt ton mImitoaL snnrK mm anwChln. *2 ~>» M,™ ™ ""^ " albltOf. It has been ihOWn At the COiU* 1 "*' Poll's Theatre learn of tbc leaving of Jessie Muel- ager has beeonamed aa yet ejuallty. About ten Ulnutag. BlucO M aayttUug to get them over. Locdoa. for tie lai"eight gttocths.