The New York Clipper (August 1912)

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I : ! r \ if s t It '•' i r :, ■ ,.- - .*, .• I:..' ' i | 11. - \y * r ft, ill [1 | i t \\ il Eft If ; . S, if I' • J; 1 1 IIBI1. •' i !■ J Ml 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August if Clipper Post Office. In order to aTold mistake! and to Insure tin- prompt delivery of the letters advertised In tills list, an envelope liliitiily addressed mast be sent for each letter, and a written order for the letter, alsrned with the full name and address aad the line of business followed by the sender, in as t also he enclosed, I'lease mention the date (or nam* ber) of the CLIPPER in which (he letters sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Anderson. Lillian Lee Armstrong, Louclllc Allen, Clarice Asliton, Lillian Arnold, Jessie llutler, Cectle Honks, Knitter llurtlu, Dally Hrsclr, Alice IJoctus. Mrs. Curtis L. Eorrington, Myrtle Belmont Ida Bernard, Janet Byron, Greta E Boylaud, Stella Bonner. Mable Uurke, Eileen Btirby, I/iulan Uurke, Grace llolton, Vlena Brown, Bly Bennett, Victoria Berry, Harriet lleVler, Lronla Bloom, Joule Clark MnryMaud Cnnnen Sisters Crclfbloa, Arneltc Clifton, Cora lie Orirlcy, Delia Cornell MrsOeo. Clnuneroy Irene Oil u»e, Dorothy >l Caniownle Sinters Crelghton, Arnctte li.illaa, Uculah lkircy, Agnes UUon, fwlly Karle, bUmub Kngllsb, Lillian Knrle, May Edmunds, Mra. Art Fay, F.IIialetb. Fay, lira. Eva Fay, Anna Ev" Fales, Mrs.C. t Ooodncr. Marie (lolden. Grace Uurrold, l.ulu OitHon, Mrs. Oslo, Alice Grcyson, Irene (lamella. Mra. Rlchfl Getest Gertrude Gordon Sisters Gibson, Bon Its Gibson, Bonlta Hyde, Frankle Ilalleck Miss 1£L Huntington, Hsyden. Vivian Hall, Helen llarrla. Gladys Held Mra. Jules llolcomb, Grnyce E Hurley, Julia Hnllrto, Kathleen Hartford. Madeline Howard, Mra Eddie Helen, BahyMgr Hedge. Beatrice Jennings, Mra. Lottie V. Jansen, Marie Jarboe, Minnie Knowlton, Pearl Lee, Mona Lorraine, ltlie Lone, Florence 1-eKlle, Mildred I.nvarule Cnrrle LaValller Lnclle Lucas, OluaOla Loirelt, Mel lie UKke. Mra. Ed La Dae, Evelyn Langlry, Leah ix»(Her, Elsie i.j". May L.'ille, Lolo l.ynle. Dorothy Lav-Ion, Helen Lovell. Zeis Manning, Mabel Hack, Minnie GranTllle Mlgnon LaPotlte Mar.sliar, Jennie Miller. Helen Martell MIssFsy .Mil I man. Bird Uooney, Nona Oliver, Ethel Odowd Siatera Osborne, Olssle ONeU, Sadie Paul, Mile. Price, Mrs. H.M Parsons, Mra. Jack Charlotte p e | n am, Una Dram. Oo|.Monte, May GUM'LHMETTa LIST, AllWter, Dick Armor. Harry Arnold, Alntiwurth Annla. Clair Phillips Slaters Paul Mra.Ollver Pierce. Eilna i'ryce LeahPearl Rose, Ida llimch, Mile. Albertlna itlnaldo, Madnllne ILwi. Delia Rushmore, Dorothy Russell, Nellie Bosar Miss P. O Itoae Mrs Jessie Randolph Gertlo Russell, Nelln Randolph, Grace Slromona, MlssM Southland Kittle Standley Mra J Sheen, Anna Steward, Llrzle Tyler, Rcta Thayer, Hurls Thucher, Eva Trnvera, Belle Urllne, Edna Vcola, Miss Vernon, Bttella Vlntor. Maud Valyarc, Orla Van Camp Rose West. Mario Wadlclgb, Mra. Ella M. Winter, Haxel WViyne, Bessie Zlnimer, AHceB Allium. Jack Aii'oru, Antonio AJtwfs. Ernest Aiiliy. J- '!■ Admus, OlnMM* Dlyvlovv, Cninii- hell 4 Raydeu Barnes, Otins. Brown, Ben EL Brown, Frank L Bnssent, Olaudo Harnett, D. B. Bowley. Oeo. N. Berry, Oeo. Buiiinau, J, U. Bates, W. 8. Brandy, Mfn Beuly, T.. It Bloom, linrry Brown, Harold Bonlej, Geo. 111.sun. Harry Browne, lllclile Burns, Bob BuglNi. Harry Burger, Harry Barclay. Lee Blair, Mathews A lllnlr Blniborg Marion Bingham, Rust. Brown. W ' Brewer, Walts. Blslolll, Joe Benson, Vln, R llewster,W. 0. Carver, Will 0. Clark, Geo. A. Cannon, Jack Olirlsswell. U. Oopc, 8.1- Oogan, Harry Conner, G. B. (lush man. Win. OIIITord, W. 1„ Oreclat. Ed. A. Chester, Mr. Crelgliton Bros Ohaae, Hal Corson. W. b\, Coin * Odom Cook, Frauk Ciisliliuj. Glen Orowl, Chas. (Vileman, J. J- OaniH'lo, Freil Orotinl, Sylvat-r Carmody, Jns.K, Olienel, Geo. A. Castle, Hurry 11 Deloo, Fred Daley, Jos. Dudley, Edgar Downs, R. E. Davenport, Elm Dnlley, Jan. K. Dawson. Uen W Dowane, Robt. Daley, Jos. F. Deiuiey, It. W, Dressuer, Abe Davenport, O. M Doiillo, lisp Evans, Clare Ener, Oeo. Elliott, Max C Eaton, Worren Elliott Adelliert Eorhnrt, Veater Emmy, Oarl IVirv, Clint P. Fine, K. Kri>enora CAN Fllcgerald W.I) Fl*:i?r. Wn:i. iMocSoy. L. A. Fra:;.M, Ji.J. .Melnliold. Mr, Frlllk, F. J. All.In, Bob FilnUcra, O. 0. .'iB'tbass j, L. Kowlei Je«e:er I. ..Omlel, J, H. Cortlon, l.i.', ;:ioekle, A. F. Grout, Bedor iMtir; ;iy, V. J. Oulettl & >'!»» JZixinins M. K.iU.i .Mitchell, O. W. mi.nii, Jno. L. Mukelke, Edw. Crlnivell, Ben Mmilton, Prof.H tlovtlrlcli ft Mills, Ed. Lnnghan Nonr, Ben). Orotic, Clayton Nevrton, W. 8. (1 lines, Jnck Newton, W. M. 0-rtcc, Billy Newton, H. A, Ouskcll, Nye, Ned Mr. ft, MnGeo O'Koefe. Tom Ollwin, Thos. O'Donnell, Jack Hollngsbend Roy O'Brien, Kddle lleiz ,,-r, Frank Parker, H. L. Hutchinson Pcrlgny, Oeo. Ilnrgravcr, F. Potts, Ernest V. Herder, Jno. Pickerel. Karl Holmes. C. J. Price, II. M. Hunt, Clor. V. Patterson A Hall Louts Leon Slttlea Hurt, Geo. Pearce, Alt. 0. Hoye ft Mosur Plant, Kdw. Uurrlngton J W Phillips, Arthur Hawkins, C. A. Plop)H>r, Frank llsmmeralcy Oil Powers A Freed lllekuion, tieo. Porker, H. L. Hymen. Simon Ramtdell, L. B. Iloldeu. Hurry Rlckela, Abe Hsrdmun. Joe Richmond, Vln Hunt, Jay Russell, Rlchd. Hedge, Jno. Ilofferty, J. H. Herman A Rice Heed, Clnnse Hlckey A Roberts, Allyn St. Clare Rovre A Rosalre Howard. Son, Rosaell, L. L, I lowland. O. V. Roth, Fred Henry W. II. Reynolds, W. H. Hunter, 0. B. Rich, Jack T. Hardding, We Sohroeder, H. L Hsrlowe, Hy. Speedy, Wm. Hsrdaway, Mr. Hmalley, Ed. Ilogan, Jos. W. Small, W. B. Jniwell A Alien Saylor, Oeo. 0. Jewels. Five Shaw. Eddie Jennings, Steve Smith, R, W. James Everette Sullivan, D. M. Jeisop, WUfred Sorner J. A Co. Johnston J. J, Sohula l*o Kramer, Sam Smith Sbom rCllhlare. D»n Slhley, Homer Kay, Vlucent Sehala. Sol. Kuower, Frank Shaw A Eddy Knhler, Otto stlmuaon, Oeo. Klein & OIKton Sylvester Kennedy, 11. J. Stoeckel, Mr. Kolb, Paul Sears, Wm. Liiiicclol, Jos. yilreno, Kd. F. LeVard, W. II. Schuster, Milton Lucas, George Shaw A Eddy Lambert, Jno. Tltns, B. Lee Tung Foo Tlionias, Dick Leo, Buddy- Vance, W. J. Liunaon, Dana Von Deck, A. L Lorettu Twins Von Vranken, Long, Jim I. J. II. La Veres, The Webb, Walt Leuard. narry white, A. U-e, Duke R. Ward, B. 0. Lewis, Arthur Walter*, O. I,. Ijiwrcnie, Ilert Warticld, Kalle Manlell, Weatley Vt'ctib. Walt. Moore, Dick Whlttler, Leo Marlnger, F. Welnsteln, Mart Morrla, Francis Woodoll, Billy Morris. S. C. Wilson, Geo. X Mack, Wittier Wlllloms O. F. Morton A Habn wire, Sidney Mack, J. II. Wolte, Will E. Malcolm. Peter Watson, Geo. McDowell. Uord Wither, Newton Mnek. J Harvey Wlllloms. L. U. McMuhon A Zlegler, O. II. Obapiile Zlmmer, Dave Madden, Frank SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. LEW FIELDS IN VAUDEVILLE. In addition, to bis Intercuts with Joe Weber, Lew h'lelds plana to put on In vaudeville •bout a dozen tabloid musical comedies, each employing from eight to sixteen dancing slrlH and eight or tcu principals. "Fun In a Delicatessen Shop" and "Fun In a Harbor Miop" have already been put on at the American Theatre, In New York, but It was not known tlmi ther belonged to Mr. Fields. (The company (or "Fun In a Restaurant" be- gan to rehearse yesterday, and will be seen at the American, Monday, Aug. II). Mr. Melds will personally direct the rehearsal* o; all bis vaudeville sketches, and they will be booked through Sullivan & Conaldlne. ->«» WEBER-FIELDS RECORDS Ready wherever Columbia Doable Disc records are sold—Mini fit any make or talking machines. New fork Headquarter*, Columbia Pnonograph CO., J4 West 23d fJL, New York. CJAIKT Y THISATIIK. IMcbland,Urn.-Inde- pendent attractions only; pop., 3,000: 4 railroads; excellent growing population; adjacent email towns; good open time to tight attractions. Write or wire Heal! Bros., Owns, nnd signs., Lnmpkln, Oa. FOR SALK-Somersault Dogs, Clown Dogs. Trick Togs and one Blgb Diver, etc. Request some kind brother member of the White Rata to Inform me of the whereabouts nf Shaw's Circus. Prof. Wiseman, 297 Manhattan Ave.. Brooklyn, N.YT, AT LIBERTY—Versatile performer doing un- to date Magic Spirit Cabinet HaadentT act and escapes; slack wins casts good organ or piano; ex- perienced. Salary jio and all. Join on wire. Address 0HA8. BPRBAWK, FTyeborg, Maine, ■WAHTKD—lied. Performers, Piano Player who works In Acta, Oood Comedian who puts on Acta and make* them go. Sketch Team who do singles. Other useful people write. Long engage- ment. Bo fancv salaries, (ilboon's Vaudeville Show. Toulon, III. ____^___ MUSICAL, IWSTRUMKNT" FOR SALB Itarimba 3X octaves. Xylophone » octaves. ALUEBT YOUNQ, 400 W. 41st St., N. Y, City, wahtkd <«VICK-PUnoand Organ Player for Med. Show, to do Straights In Acts. I'nder can- vas. No stake driving or putting up called for here. Organ and Straights In Acta only. Eat on lot and sleep at hotels, 0. W. Snow and Bert Fisher, where are yon? write. Ton get your money every week. Address J. M. Smith. Modern Remedy Company, Chcsterhlll, Morgan Co., Ohlo^ I NO SUMDVY VAUDEVILLE AT ATLANTIC CITY. Manager Harry Urown, of the Savoy The- Hire, nt Atlantic City, hns been Informed by the police that no performance other than Moving plcturej would be permitted In the future. For two mouths or more Hrown lins 111 veil Ills regular bill OR Sunday nlgM* with- out Inttrttreiicv. WARTRD-For 11EHH8 OF LIFE MED. CO., good Comedian for Street Work; loud singer. Men- tion if you play Banjo or On liar. Work from small platform. No booze. Address S. 0. drank, CARROLL, Cwrroll Co., IOWA. WANTED SINGING and DANCING SOUBRETTE PIANO PUYER and COMEDIAN Others write. Long srason, never clote.' State lowest Bare salary. We pay all after Joining. CHANTS TAR SHOW, Kremlin, Okla. 'WANTED QUICK For Repertoire HAN for Heaviest WOMAN for Char- acters and ir.sviri; PEATURE SPE- CIALTY vrho can do snail parts. FRANK E. LONC Austin, Minn,, Aug. 19 aad week; Mason City, la., Aug. 10 and vreeh. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? NBVERI NEVERI A Ten Minute Moaoloejue. Any char- acter. A Hi renin. Ouly ONR DOLLAR. A typewritten copy. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money back. Supply limited. Send registered or money order. EXCLUBIVK AOTSTO ORDKR. LB ROY dc DROWNING, Hare Vlra Vaudeville Supply Co. 271 W. 38th St., New York City, N. Y. P. 8.—Nat Le Roy, of Ls Roy and Wood- ford, Is the author ol this excellent mono- logue. PRICE AND BUTLER WANT Clever Repertoire People With SPRCIALTIKB Prarerrvd. Season opens Id Ohio, Address 627 LINCOLN AVE., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. WANTED, LAW ORCHESTRA OP FIVE OR BIX P1RCRB Prefer to have one already organized. Send ShotO. Address P. R., 15 Knickerbocker Building, N. Y. City. WANTI "ALONG THE KENNEBEC" CO. Few more BAND ACTORS. Join here, on wire. Prepay telegrams, C. R. RBNO, Midland, Ont., Can. WAITTED -CORNET To double stage or piano; Pianists and Band Actors write or wire. Pay own. No Telegrams 0.0. D. Make salary low, as It Is sure. Three night and week stands. HOR. STOCK CO., Trenton/Mich. Trap Drummer, Bells, Traps Nine years experience In theatre aad dance work. Clgarmaker. West only. Address DRUMMER, careQrirath pavilion, South Bavea, Mich, AT LIRERT. WANTED, Man Pianist That can play piano. All 'round Song and Dance Comedian, Sketch Teams and good Singles, write. DR. K. J 1MB8, M1LWAUKKK, WIS. Hun hrette or den. Bus. Woman, Comedian or Oen, Huh. Man. K very thing flrstletter. No fancy salaries. Join nt once. CHAB. OORDPHBB, Tamplco, Ills. A versatile Sketch Team and novelty performer for first-class Medicine Show. WAVB MAKL'pW, Pen, Del., Milwaukee, Wis. A aozto push pole top, » ft. side wall. New last year. Wonh SUO.oo: nrat $50.ou takes It. I>AVB HARLOW, Line Rock, Wis. Ml ihortu I*st ol Aunst, Al Kxpsrlsneed LIDflllJ CORNRT AMD TROMBONH. Prefer theatre or good location near Chicago. A. F. of M. and licst of references. Address with fall particulars, P. 0. BOX 778 CLRAR LAKE. IA. FOB SAIE-EVEHIN6 GOWNS, WRAPS, ETC. Also Obaraotor Dresses, Civil War Period and later. $2 to *u.. Kid aud Satin Sllpp rs, 2&c. pair. Addrefa J. P. BARNHAV , raw t'MPPKK. WANTED, IOWA STATE MEDICINE LICENSE Q'.ve lowest price and whon it expires. Address MKUIUINB LICRNSR.«OLIPPBR OFFICE. Pianist At Llbaty VSSigggF'" OEO. BAILKT, 30 Central Ave.. Owego, N. Y. In ttisweriiv aOt. pUtue menitof, cliptib. FOR First Class Stock fat. THAIS" Copyright, March, 1911, by MRS. FRANCES DORAN, Prop. Tills play has been nrodncedwltnim burgh; Orphenm, FhlladelphU wcce» U at"4reV*Wm"ainB* Brooklyn honses; Harry Davis, PltB- NOW 2 fpoTl Circuit. 8PRIN0FIELD, and BRIDOEPORT this week. Address MARIS DORAN Author, Jamaica,.N. Y. I LOCATION FOR PERMANENT STOCK, on percentage basls-ooe * bl I a week. Address as above. WANTED FOR PERMANENT STOCK PERUCHI-CYPZENE COMPANY "THE SHOW THAT N>VZR CLOSES" Twsntv e ontlnnona years In Dixie. Two companies, New Orleans, La., and Mobile, Ala. People in al "n^O^m leads to dUs™ NooHottMTpaldtoTetters wltnoatfnll particulars. This means yourpresent »BewM«h,- helKht e™ . with recent photo and lowest salary. All letters answered ttat complies with rlqnesf and phot^'retn'ried! An exceUenL long, sure engagemen]: to the, right £^ "">■■ PBRPCHI-OYPZKIIR COMPANr, Lyric Theatre, Now Orlsans, lath Harry Shannon's Stock Go. WANTS IIVIIVIEIJIAXELY CLEVER CHARACTER MAN, GEN. HUg. WOMAN Tor CHARACTERS and J'VB- GRANDI STOCK CO. Comedlani Sonbrette, wltla specialties; Oeasral Raslitass Mass; Trombone, tor Band and Orchestra;' String bass and Tuba IMsyr; Strong Const tor Band, double staae. Lonsj, sure season. Win or write. ROBERT GRANDI, Teagae, Texas, NE^V YORK CALCIUM LIGHT CO. Electric Stage Lighting APPARATUS FOR SALE OR RENT 410 BLEECKER ST., \. Y. PHONE 674 CHELSEA HAVE YOUR NEW ACT, BURLESQUE OR MUSICAL COMEDY COMIC SONG r A I ?£&M*" et " riMabI AL MACK' ^OS^! a5ag^S^T^i^RK7- WANTED-- BOBINSON BROS.' If. T. C. For balance and Uarltoue of Tenting and Winter Season—Singing and Dancing Comedian, Han for Marts, Trombone 9 double stage or orenesta. Dsefnl Tom people In nil lines who can Join at once. Permanent address THOS. L.. FINN, Hooalck Palls, N. Y.~ Glass Tank FOR DIVING, to hire for Moving Pictures State dimensions. CRYSTAL FILM CO., 430 Wendover Awe., N. Y. City. WANTI Repertoire People 1 ALL LINES ' HEAVY MAN; for "GIRL AND DRUMMRR." One piece. FRED BYERS, Gladbrook, Iowa. WANTS A Man for Juveniles and Heavies Host be tall and able to play a line of good parts. Join at once. WALTER DOWMIBG, Danbnry, Conn. WANTED, FOR THE BYERSMcBRIDE STOCK CO. PLAYING GUARANTEED AIRDOHE TIME A CHARACTER WOMAN That can plav some Juveniles with specialties. Other people with Al Specialties write. Other useful people write. Sedaila, Mo., week Ang. 11; Nevada, Ho., week Ang. IB. WANTED AT ONCE MAN end WOMAN And REPERTOIRE ARTISTS In all lines. CHAS. P. GILMORE) Hippodrome Tbeatre, Oswego, M. Y. Pullman Car for Rent Combination sleeper and hagsage, for 3* people. Reasonable rate to respon»ilile insnarers only, For SO weeks or more. Comp'oie Te,t Theatre for sale cheap. V. u 11 > m I i.TON. 0861 PLYMOUTH AVK. hi'. Ulllli, HO. WANTKO FOR GARSIDE STOCK CO. LEADING MAN, also GEN. BUS. MAN, capable of playing Juveniles or Uenteel Heavies. State all with very lowest salary, which is euro, In first letter. J. S. GARSIDE, Lock Box 133, Dnbiaqne, Iowa. WANTED for STETSON'S 1). T. C. CO. Man to Lead Band and Cornet tn Orchestra, Han for Geo. Harris and St. Clair. Address LEON WASHBURN, Chester, Pq. GARDEN THEATRE KAN8A8 CITY. MO. Direction E. P. CHURCHILL Booked by WALTER F. KEEFE THEATRE BOOKING CORPORATION 123 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO AUGUST 19 TWO SHOWS DAILY Twflr« Act. WRITE IN NOW Particularly advantageous acts going East or West AT LIBERTY POR FIRST CLASS STOCK SCENIC ARTIST Sober and reliable. Write or wire. GEO. P. UKLLI8, Scenic Artist, 145 North Em- poria Avenue, Wichita, Kim. WANTED CAPABLE DRAMATIC PEOPLE For our three attractions. Can also place Al Acting Manager, bond required; First Class Pianist, male or female. Reasonable salaries and long season. Address BRANDON AHD8EMENT CO., BOX 216, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WANTED FOR BOW DISH STOCK CO. Han for General Business: Band and specialty people and Piano Player. People in all linos writ o. state all In llrat letter. Salary must be low. We Say all. Address A. N. B0WDI8H, Dlllonvale, bio, week of Aug. u. WANTED, for "MAN Ml BOLO" CO. Al Soubrette, must be young and good dresser on and off; Al Character ComenTau to direct, Old Man Character, Al Piano Player, Al Jew Comedian to double band, NO BOOZB. Salary must be low, Show opens Sept. K; rehearsals Sept. g. Send photo. If possible, andall particulars drat letter. Address BEN CRAMER, Saginaw, Rich. WANTED QUICK On account of sickness, VERS ATI LE MED. SKETCH TKAM that can do doubles, single, and put on acts. Also SINGLE MAN that can play organ and double stage, Will take good sketch team or man and wife with machine and good reel, and split even. I have swell outfit. Two day stands, no med, HARRY MARTIN SHOW, Benton, Ind. SINGERS Strong Second Tenor who can play Piano: also Heavy Baritone, for Vaudeville Recognised Act. Long season. THUS. J. KBOQU, Ocean Beach, New York, vlaBayahore, New York. AT LIBERTY Peree Warren and Eflte Hardin Both Character, or G.n. Has. Experienced and Reliable. Do not need ticket. PKRCB WARREN, 810 Blnff St., Pwonqne, Iowa. JAY POLAND BENTLENaN Piano Player Who can be featured. Med. Show. Write. * Address ALLBNDORP, IOWA. AT LIBCRTY CORNET - TROMBONE - FLUTE Roy L. Bowman D. D. Bowman Roland Kohltr Theatre or Hotel preferred. Separate or joint. Care of KILTIES CONCERT BAKD. Ang. 10, BL Ignace, Mich.; Ang. 11, Mackinac Island, Mich.- Aug. la-u, care of National Hotel, Chicago, 111. To gst consideration and first-class treat- ment wherever you travel HAKB YOVR SUIT CASE OR TRUNK LOOK THE RIAL THING. For M Cents I will send yon 10 Baggage Label I'astois, all different, from the leading world- famous Enropean Hotels-Rita, Paris; Kaiser, Ber- iln, otc. Twcnty-flve for One Dollar. Address COB, as Pnlon Park, Boston, Mass. <"""«™ OLD VIOLIN FOR SALE A Guamertn. Cremona of 1701. Has been In my family for liny yearn. Address W. 11. 8TOKKH. MUSEUM bt., Henderson' i if. ' Toe management of the ATLANTIC OARDBV ATLANTIC*CITY, N. J wlah to^te {natfhe?-w now booking Independent. L. NBWBAKJ5R, Prop. Cars For Rent gittdevllle Route fls, lVOTICK- w i*« ffi^TS Anav. 12-17 la represented. ek °' Alleles. Edward, A On.. Majestic, Ohlcseo A('.tr!lde k Haslica. Winter (laid™, N. v a Adams, Ida, Moulin Bouse, N. Y. 0. Ailouls, peaks Island, lile.. 12-24, Adamlnl A Taylor. Park Lexington, Mass Agouat, Emlle, Winter OatdcnTN. Y. o ' Beset n*y" TP0Upe ' Ma " l! "■• Brl « ht,,l > Alpine Troupe.' Rlngllng Bros.' Circus. Allen, Minnie, Orphenm, Spokane, Wash All Star Trio. Pntacea', Oklod. Oal. Alexander, Stuart A Keeley, Temple, Detroit Alex (3), Temple. Detroit. «™»h Alfredo Sisters, Hipp., Pittsburgh. Alcheeiis. O. II., Cleveland. • Alexander Troupe. Prlsellla, Cleveland Ames, Ed., Harris', Pittsburgh. American Newsboy.' Quartette, Electric Patv Waterloo. la. ""• Anderson Twins, Olympls, Boston. Andrews, Nellie. Opera Co.. Prlsellla, Clerelind "Apple of Psrls," Musle Hall, Brighton Btsck, Arnolda',' Cha..,' D. & H. Pavilion, New Harmon? Ind. ' Armstrong A Ford, Temple, Detroit Archer. Adelo, Proctor'a 123th Bt., N. Y. O II 14; Froctor's 23d St., 15-17. Ascott A Eddy, Nunley's, South Beach, Statcn Islaod, N. Y. Asakl, Hipp.. Pittsburgh. Atkinson, Harry, Orrheuro, Los Angeles, Cal, Austin. Claude, Korumbera. Boston. Aubrey a Fowler, Colonial, Lancaster, Pa. Bartholomew, Onarles, Orpheum, Sarin Rock Oonn., 18-17; Broadway, Nyack. N. Y„ I9-Sl' Banes aV West, Jobanoesburx, So. Africa, in. definite. Bartello, Great, A Co.. Proctor'a 58th St., N. Y O., 10-IT; Proctor's, PlslnOeld, N. J., to-21. Baumont, Harry, a Co., Majestic, Chicago. Bartoa 13), Spring Grove Caa.'no, SprlngBelil, o. Bankoff A Belmont, Pantages', Oakland, C«l. Ball. Jack, Grand. New Albany, Ind., 15-17- Idle Hour, Shelbyvllle, 19-21; Grand. New Castl;, 22-24. Harnett". Homer, Norambega, Boston. Barry, Jock, Howard, Boston. Barlows, Breakaway, Olympla. Phlla. Ballots, The, Sohmer Park. Montreal, Can. Barry, Bobby, A Co., Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Iinrber. Sam. Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 12-14, Barry, Lydla, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Baxter. Sid, Hipp.. Pittsburgh Bslley's Dogs, Princess, Memphis. Tenn, Baldwin, Helen, Nelson, Springfield. Mass., 15.17. Baker t Murray, Riverside Park, Springfield, Mass, Baliln Bros.. Hipp., Pittsburgh. Balllnger A Reynolds, State Street, Trenton, N. J. Barnes, Field, Premier, Fall River, Mass., 15-17. Harried! Harati Trio, Cosmos, Washington. Berg Bros., Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn.; Orpheum, Minneapolis, 19-24. Beyer, Ben, A Bros., Keith's. Phlla. Bernard A Roberta. Fontaine, Louisville. HUGHIE BERNHARD -With Tom Miner's BOHEMIANS Belfords. Great. Forest Park, Bt. Louis. Bennett Slaters, Palisades Park, N. J. Bernards (3), Olympla, Boston- Bell A Caron, Savoy, Atlantic City. Beck A Heeney, Miles, Detroit. Beers, Leo, American, N. Y. 0„ 15-17. Blxley A Lerner, Keith's, Boston. Rlomlell, Ed., A Co., Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn. Bowers, Walters It Crookcr. Empire, London, Eng.. 12-31. Bobby A Dale, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oil. Bolln. Janle, Bigg's Agency, Los Angeles, Cal., Indefinite. Bohemian Quartette, Empress. St. Paul. Bon Air Trio, American, N. Y. 0.. 12-14. Boutou. Marry, ft Co.. American. N. Y. C, 1517. Boston Tour. The. Plaaa. Springfield, Mass., 15-17. Brown. Nellie, Winter Garden. N. Y. C. Bradna & Derrick. Barnum ft Bailey Circus. Breen. Harry, New Brighton, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Brunelle ft Peters, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 12-14; Proctor's 125th St., 1517. Bradley. Bno. F.mpresa. Denver. Oolo. Brlce. Fanny. Proctor's. Newark, N. J. Brunelle ft Peters, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 1517. Brown ft Blyer, Shea's. Toronto, Can. Brown. Buster, Minstrels, State Street, Trenton, N. J. . _ , Brownies (3). State Street, Trenton. N. J. Brown ft Bertolettl, Btato Street, Trenton, N, J. Bnsse's, Madame, Dogs, Orpheum, Butte, Moat., 18-24. Burke. John P., Flood's Park, Baltimore, 12-15. Burr ft Hope, Orpheum. San Fran.. Cal. Buckley. Lnora, East Bad Park, Memphis, Tenn. Buckleys. The. Miles, Detroit. .... Buckley, Chaa., ft Co.. American, N. Y. C„ 12-». Bush, Frank. Pantages'. -San Fran., Cal. Burbank ft Danforth, Nelson, Springfield, Mass., 12-14 Campbells. Casting, Four, Fair, Le Roy. III. Caaad ft De Verne, 313 Valley St., Dayton. 0„ Carbons ft Todaro, Proctor'a 58th St., N. Y. C, 16-17. Caaad, Chaa. L„ O. H., Richmond, hy. Canton. Al., Clark-Urban Co. ., Carroll. Nettle, Trio, King's, 3t. Louis. 1014. Case, Charley. Orpheum, San Fran., Cal- Cameron, Grace, Orpheum, Seattle, Wash. - Campala, Ethel, Manhattan Beach. Denver, Col. Carmen. Frank, Blanchard, Southbrtdge, Mais., 1517; Merrtmac Sq., Lowell, 19-24. CanfleM. "Kid." Bowdoin Sq.. Bnstoj, Cnrllale's Animals, Hipp., Atlantic Oily. Carbone ft Todaro. Lyric, Newsrk, N. J.,,"■"• Carmello Trio, Lyrle. Newark, N. J., lp-17. Carson A Drown, Plisa, Springfield, Mass., " Oehsiloa. P.::alle t Hllarlon, Winter Garden. N. Y. C. Chunna (4). Touriag Europe. _ _ Ohadwlek. Cyril. A Co., 5th Ave., N. Y. u. Chlcadees, The. Proctor's 28d St., N. Y, 0-, " 14; Proctor's 12Jth St., 15-17. Cheoeldlne, Sterling, Temple. Detroit. Clifford. Kathleen, Moulin Rouge, N.Y.O Clifford ft Weston, Moulin Rouge, N. Y. C. Clarke ft Owen, Sydney. Australia, indefinite. Clipper Quartet. Pantages'. San Fran., cai., Pantages'. Oakland. 19-24. Clark. Owen, Orpheum. Minneapolis, 51 inn. Claudius ft Scarlet, New Brighton, Brighton B*««>, N Y Clev'elands. Tbe. Park, Lexington, Mass. "Clown, The," Keith's, Boston. Clinton. May, ft Co., New Brighton, Brighton Beach. N. Y. . - _„, h Clark ft Hamilton, Morrison's, Rockawsy Beam, Conor, Harry. Moalln Rouge. N. T. O. Collins ft Oole, Paztang Park. Harlrsburg. I«-. Connelly. Mr. ft Mrs. Erwln, Malfstle, Milwaukee. Wis Ooulors, The, Harris', Pittsburg*. „ v Conyers, Jos., ft Co., Proctor'a 125th St., H- »• C, 12-14; Proctor's 23d St., 1517. Colonist Septette, Majestic. Oblcaru. Coombs 4 Aldwell. MajesUc. Chicago. Colletta Trio, Orpheum, Boston. Cotton ft Miles. Howard, Boston. Oollege Trio. Savoy, Atlantic City. ull Coptland ft Payton. Miles, Detroit; Crystal. Mil waukee, Wis., 19-24. . „ , OoviTdale ft White, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J. Oolllns, Bevolvtur, Henderson's. Coney MM** N. Y. Ooogaa ft Parks, Shea's, Buffalo. Connolly A Wenrlch. Shea's, Buffalo. Creatore's Band, Ilammerstein's. N. T. <±- .,. Craig, Rlchy, Proctor'a 125th St., N. Y. C„ i- M: Proctor's 23d St., IB-IT. Cutler, Edward, Winter Oarden, N. Y. C. Curtlss, Ruth, 20S« Frasler St., Phlla.. »«■»!* Cunningham ft Marlon, Forrest Park, 8t. I""' 1 "' Cur'.ey ft Wright, Proctor's 125th St., N. Y- <*• 12-14 Cutrys, Musical, Haat End Park. Meinphle, Tenn. Davis. Borer, Winter Garden. N. Y. C. Darrell ft Conway. Savoy, Atlantic City. «• '• Dnvla ft Merrill, Harris'. Pittsburgh. D'Arvllle, Jeannette. Wllkes-Barre, Pa. Davis Bros.. Springfield, Haas. „ Y Dale ft Boyle. Musle Hall. Brlgtiton Best*. N. x. Dararock Bros.. Tailor Grand. Denver. 0* HVRR*-Y DALE and HARRIS anaaX SPIEfiEL'S COLLEGIC UlKLS.