The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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SEPTEMBER THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. INDISPUTABLE 0PIGIHATCR5 'COWBOY FILMS. WS. HUM WITH productions' in 'thispaper W£(0KTINL[ r ;- :, ; '!: {POPLfLARLY KNi-V.V: OF.fARlYDA>>ir» \'ii:: SUPfMIQNc.KRAUFi: '.'■'. 81 1'<) INI HRIILINC STORIES '< c;rtftKA:<t^CfO UNDER THE PERSONAL (mii mmmi mined company FIJJ1 S REVTE WEk "The Little Wanderer" (Kalem). Released Ann. 26. Thp stow centre* around Nettie, a small ,„! Vho tiring of the abuse from her atep- n" h« flnSly *"<Jers away -with her dog. S search of i new Dome. Tired she crawls into a barn and falls asleep. She la awakened E the voices of-nome tramps -who are plan- ning to burglariie the nearby home of the Cilre The tramps find her. and fearing their safety, leave • her locked In the barn «itn the dor. The animal manages to escape, Tnrt bv h!3 Intelligent action Induces a farmer "come to Nettle's rescue. The child's story Is told to the 'squire, and a successful trap is Jet for the would-be robbers and later the nid 'saulrc Is Riven permission by Nettles JM coadopt her 'Although the story is well told It Is Improbable, poorly acted, and falls short of arousing Interest Tod, •rilrt or Heroine" (Vltagraph). Released Aug. 37. A dramatic story with scenes tald In In- dia, where Jean Harley, ■ a pretty young woman. Is rlsltlng a sister. Dr. Leslie meets and falls desperately In lore with the girl, 'who encourages Urn; but refuses his proposal of marriage. He thinks her a trlfler, and tails her Se never wishes to see her again. Later cholera breaks out at the post, and Jean, regretting her actions, volunteers as an army nurse. Dr. Leslie Is stricken with the disease. Word Is scat to the'post for help and the girl Insists upon going to nurse him.' With her tenderness she reveals her true self to the young surgeon and his love for her Is renewed and returned 1 . The picture to unusually strong and tells a beautiful ■tory that holds one Interested throughout. Tod. "Alkali Ike Ftars the Devil" (Esaanay). | Released. Ana;. 27. Another Western comedy, showing that familiar Essanaj cowboy character In the middle of many (unny situations In his en- deavors to attend a masquerade ball properly rigged for the occasion. He writes a cos- turner to send hilm a costume, and It arrives Jn the nature of a Mephlsto garb. Alkali dons the horns,' etc., and, starts out. He comes upon a. cow-puncher, who sees him and then dashes madly away to warn his fellow "punchers" that he has seen the devil, and the boys are having a great laugh at his expense when Alkali enters the saloon and causes a wild scramble for safety. Satis- fied with his make-up, Alkali continues on to the ball. The frightened cowboys care- folly trail htm, and the shooting that follows causes Alkali to take to his heels and seek refuge at his best "girl's house. Here bis identity is found oat by the pursuing posse, •nd they make a sheepish retreat while Alkali Is fondly caressed by Sophie. A film fall of laughs and well acted. Tod. ——— ,.. "The Laird's Daughter" (Sells). Released Ana;. 20. This Is, without doubt, one of the most In- teresting 'picture stories that has been re- leased by the Sellg Polyscope Company. Itobcrt MaeDonald, a poor, Scottish lad, Is In love with Atrleen McGregor, the daughter of Laird McGregor, who Is not In favor of his daughter's choice, and he forcC9 the girl to write her lover that she does not care for lira, and this makes Bobert decide to go to America and seek money enough to marry Alrlecn. The girl writes a second note telling »f her former writing under her father's dictation, and assures him ■ she will always fee true. This note Is lost In the post office, and Robert sails for America Ignorant' of Alrlcen's true rove. Years pass and Robert; sow prosperous, visits his old home town at the time the post office Is being torn down. The letter Is 'found, delivered to him, and upon going to the old trystlng place, he finds Alrleen there, still hopeful of her sweet- heart's return. Her trust and constancy Is rewarded, and the old father gives them his blessing. The scenes In this picture are teautlfnl. and with the characters finely acted and the story well told. It should be- come another w4nner for the Sellg Company. -. Tod. "The Bride of Lanaermoor" (O. Klelne). Released Aug;. 27. 'A drama that tells of the days when par- ents of nobility chose the husbands of their laughters. Lady Ashton arranges her daughter Lucy's marriage to Lord Bucklaw, of a neighboring estate, and against her daughter's wishes. Later Lucy is captured by a band of out- laws. Is rescued by Sir Edgar, and the young couple become lovers. The marriage day of Lucy and the lord arrives and the ceremony is over when Sir Edgar arrives, accuses Lucy bf unfaithfulness and destroys the marriage contract. Later Lucy, unhappy with Lord "ucklaw, stab's him to death, and heart- broken, falls dead by her husband's body. It •a another of those strong dramas by the (Inos Co., with tho story well told and the character* excellently portrayed. Length, LOOO feet. Tod. "The Whtakey Runners" (Sella;). Released Antr, 27. . Thcscenea ln tnl » nim nre 'old In Canada, ana the story Is woven around the dare-devil work of Private Fitzgerald, of the Royal •\°rthwestern Mounted Police, among the whiskey moonshiners Just across the border. Atter tho death of one of the officers Fitz- gerald takes up the trail, and finds near his dend friend's body the hoot heel of one of tee smugglers, his only clue. Many Inter- esting and dating experiences follow, with •he private In. the spotlight throughout, and S *l bow he backed his nrnn, matched the iim ■ '■ the arrest and, of course, a sweet little love affair that comes about during we run of reel, and of the help Bhe was to 5™ *SHP officer. A very interesting plc- ~i that holds Interest In Its many suc- ceeding chases, fights, etc. Length, 1,000 Met - Tod. "Helping John" (Edison). Released Ang. 28. * «>medy'drajrna-that proves that It Is PauWants wise to allow a wife to know "roeuilne of your business ventures. John winter is forced to sell ont his holding In 2»«fk n stoclt ln ora > r to secure cash for another venture. His wife finds n letter to gf*..—a jl In one of his coat pockets and J£' n ? ln «\ ner husband Is losing Ills business K2.. to _3 UT what ne ""a with her own «h,,£i n £ J an< L""Prise Mm when lie will bo supposedly broke. Her Ignorance ln tho •rock market business makes tho other trad- hn.i^^ at ££ e free manner in which aho Is B2R"»J?"K Preferred." Her brokers "cognise bar signature, and thinking that her husband Is working a double game, pro- ceed to boost "Star Preferred" to a fancy figure. John is completely wiped out, and Is at his wit's end when his wife enters his office and explains that she made a fortune on what he sold, and all ends happily. The film is full of Increasing excitement through- out, and shows scenes In the Stock Exchange, and where the traders work. The scenes shift back - and- forth from John's office to the exchange, and hold Interest at n high pitch from beginning to end. Tod. "The Live Wire" (Pathe). Released Ante. 28. A comedy drama. The scenes are laid In a Western settlement, andi the picture starts with two linemen being sent out to repair a fallen wire. They aro driven away from their work by Indians, whose eurlostty Is later aroused when they start to Inspect the charged wire. One by one they take hold of the 'copper line, and each, In turn, does a merry dance when be takes bold In his en- deavor to conquer the thing. The chief of the tribe offers 'the hand of his daughter to the one who subdues the "wild string." out by this time the linemen have reported their unsuccessful attempt at headquarters, and the power Is shut off. A dlsplsed, crip- pled Indian comes upon the tribe, and now, as the "Juice" Is cut off, he easily wins the chiefs fair daughter. The story Is well put together and the work of the Indians, while supposedly unable to let go of the wire. Is extremely funny. Tod. KLEIHE FEATURES. The Inspiration of Cicero's famous ora- tion before the Roman Senate In denuncia- tion of Catiline was the latter's conspiracy to wrest the power from Cirero and' his brother consuls, and to overthrow the gov- ernment. The Clneu Company has re-enacted the Incidents and scenes as they are supposed to have occurred, leading up to this historic event, and have attempted to portray ln vivid and convincing manner with the popu- lar Clnes player, Anthony Novolll, In the role of Catiline the tragical story of this noted conspirator s ambition to become n Consul of Rome. Under the title, "The Conspiracy of Catiline." the film story la to be released Tuesday, Sept. 10. The scenes of tho meet- ing uf conspirators, the spying and treach- ery of lulvla, the denunciation ln tho senate chamber the arrest of some of the conspira- tors and the flight and subsequent battle of others with the soldiers, their final defeat and slaughter, and the tragic death of Cati- line on the field of carnage far In advance of his slain companions and surrounded by the great number of Roman soldiers he bad himself killed, are quit: likely to furnish thrills and hold the absorbed sttent'on of the spectators to the very last. A short but highly Interesting and beautifully tinted travelogue has been added to complete the reel, and to view the "Scenes Along the Salerno Coast of Italy," as photographed by the Clues experts with their naturally ar- tistic Ideas of pleturesqaeness Is almost as satisfying as to visit ln person the sections depicted. If we are unable to take part ourselves and enjoy with those more fortunate, can anything be more exhilarating than to view the exciting scenes incident to coasting on toboggans down sheer Inclines so steep as to almost take one's breath away merely to see them. In the Eclipse 91m to be released Wednesday, Sept. 11, this company have pic- tured "Winter Sports at St. Morltz, Switzer- land," one of the finest and most picturesque spots In the Winter time to be found In the world. With splendid photography they have caught the merry-makers coasting at a mile- - a-mlnute Bpced; the crack Swiss 'sklers'sllp- plng lightly and skillfully;down "the danger- ous slopes and, thrilling the onlookers by spectacular leaps over precipitous banks, and keying' them to the pitch of excitement as they race on their slender skis attached to galloping horses. On the same reel, "Chemical Action" will bo found a very Interesting exposition of the effect of various acids ana alkalis on differ- ent substances as viewed under a powerful microscope. Anothkb splendid feature of this unusual educational red ars the "Glimpses of St. Parer<*urg," which hav» been added The highly picturesque capital city of the Great Russian Empire Is shown In a beautiful panorama, as well as close views of many important points of Interest, Including the quaint people and their dress. The Clnes release of Saturday, Sept. 14, "Honors Divided," gives Alfred Braccl a fine opportunity to show ln more serious work than the comedies he has played In of late, A touching love story of faithful devotion Is related with dramnatlc Intensity and in con- sistent form. When the young author and playwright Is taken seriously 111 while work- ing on his play it begins to look as thoagh he would be unable ever to finish it. How the pretty daughter of his landlady steps Into tho breach and helps him to fame and fortune forms one of the prettiest romances that has been Aimed 'In some time. SELIG NEWS. Sella- Special Release of Exhibitors' Film. The Sellg Polyscope Co. has received many requests from exhibitors throughout the coun- try for permission to exhibit the picture showing members and friends of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League, entering tho Sellg plant on the afternoon of Aug. 14. dur- ing the convention's official visit to the plant and studios ln question. This picture was rushed through ln record time nnd shown at Orchestral Hall that evening, where It proved to he one of the big features of the week. Such exhibitors as are desirous of securing this subject arc requested to get In touch with their exchange. Hardee Klrkland With Sells; Staff. 'One of the most recent and valuable addi- tions to the Sellg Polyscope Co.'b excellent group of producers Is Hardee Klrkland. Mr. Klrkland until recently has been Identified with David Belasco and his various produc- tions. When Oscar Eagle resigned from the Belasco forces to become affiliated with the Sellg Polyscope Co., his position of stage director with Bclasco's "The Woman" fell to the lot of Mr. Klrkland. Shortly after this, however, Mr. Klrkland followed in the foot- stops of Mr. Eagle and left the Rplasco forces to become Identified with the Sellg Polyscope Co. Mr. Klrkland says that he has become cceptlonally enthusiastic over his work, and expects to remain in the motion picture pro- duction field Indefinitely. Ills first picture will soon he released under the title of "The Voice of Warning." Sella; Wednesday Release Popular. Judging from the orders received by the Sellg Polyscope Co. for copies of their new Wednesday release, this date promises to be one of the most popular In the entire Sellg program. The first Wednesday subject will be released on Sept. 25. This dntc will not, for the present at least, be confined to any particular kind of release, but will, on the other hand, contain a varied assortment of the best quality of Sellg subjects. The re- lease of Sept. 25 will be called "Partners." It is a story of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police. Exhibitors ln Pit Scene on Screens at Early Date. On Thursday, Sept. 10, the Sellg Poly- scope Co. will release what promises to be one of the most interesting subjects of the year, because of Its unique qualities. The title of the picture is "Into the Genuine." The great scene of this picture represents the dramatic closing hours ln the wheat pit on the Board of Trade. In making this mam- moth and sensational scene, ln the neighbor- hood of one thousand motion picture exhib- itors were used for the parts of brokers. This scene was made on the afternoon of Aug. 14. during the national convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors' League of America. Some fifteen hundred convention visitors were guests of the Selig Co. on this afternoon, and when the visitors were Invited to become actors ln a Sellg production, they entered into the spirit of the thing with a vim, and the result obtained was most real- istic. The story of "Into the Genuine" 1b ex- ceptionally appealing and dramatic, and the picture will undoubtedly prove very popular. Sells-Pathe Baseball Game Off. On account of the lateness of the season, tho baseball game that was scheduled to take place between tho Sellg Polyscope Co.'s team and the Pathe players, ln Chicago, in the near future, has .twn canceled. A series will undoubtedly'be played between these two towns next season. 31. P. E. LEAGUE BALL. At a recent meeting of the Bait and Con- vention Committee of the Motion Picture Ex- hibitors League of Greater New York, a reso- lution was adopted to hold a world's ex- position of moving picture trades In con- Junction with the third annual convention, to be held In New York City July 7, 1913. Committees lisve already been appointed to take care of this Immense proposition. There Is no doubt that this proposition. 1 properly handled, will be a great benefit to the motion picture Industry ns a whole. The following committees were appointed to commence work Immediately on the second annual ball of the New York State Ex- hibitors : Committee on Publicity—M. Needlos, Ar- thur Jacobs, Mr. C'otifal, L. Rosenthal, Ed. Vnlensl, It, C. Whltton, Mr. Eckman, William Allen and L. Gcrmnln. Committee of Ar- rangements—Sidney Ascher, F. E. Samuels, II. W. Rosenthal. Grant W. Anson, Mr. King. Sir. Gotdfarb, Prank Allen. Committee of Ways and Means—A. Coleman. M. L Fleish- man and Sir. Dckman. Reception Committee —Samuel H. Trigger. F. E. Samuels. Adolph Rntterenfreund. Arthur .Tacobs. R. L. McNabb Ed. Vnlensl, Sidney Asche, Grant W. Anson nnd L. Rosenthal. M. P. E. LEAGLB AT INDIANAPOLIS. Indianapolis Local No. I, Motion Plcturo Exhibitors' League, met lust week at the Ucnison Hotel and adopted a constitution and by-laws, and decided to establish per- manent headquarters In Room. 410 Saks Build- ing. The league will meet there each Tues- day afternoon. The officers of the local league are: Presi- dent, John A. Victor; first vice president, F. W. Sanders; second vice president, M. Sf. Sillier; secretary, E. J. Addy; treasurer, Dr. J. M. Rhoades; business agent. Dr. Rboades ; grievance committee. Dr. KUoadcs, E. C. Ar- ganbright and M. M. Miller; arbitration com- mittee, Richard Staub, Frank Orecn and S. D. Kopf; State secretary and press agent, F. J. ltcmbuscb. The purposes of the organization arc to place the motion picture business on a higher plane and to attempt to have more pictures of travel and along other educational lines used In local theatres. The association also will attempt to prevent the showing ln In- dianapolis of dims that have been censured by the national board of censors. » SARAH BERNHARDT PICTURES FOR LOEW CIRCUIT. Arrangements have been competed whereby the extraordinary motion picture production of "Queen Hizabetli," In which Sarah Bern- hardt plays the title role, will be shown ln the Loew circuit of vaudeville houses. The rights for State of New York were recently; purchased 'from the famous Players Film Company, by tho People's Vaudeville Company, at a very large figure. This Is the first time la the history of State-right pic- tures that a feature film was booked for an entire circuit. The engagement began at the American Theatre, Sunday, Sept. 1, and shall stay a week ln each house of the entire cir- cuit. J. S. Blackton' was not eligible to steer his Baby Reliance ln the race for tho Harms- worth Cup. Mr. Blackton, although twenty- six years In America, has not secured citi- zen's papers and Is still an Englishman. EDISON'S FIFTH RELEASE. On account of the Increased demand for Edison films, tho Edison Co. have decided to Issuo five reels each week, commencing Mon- day. Sept. 23, after which. Edison days will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. THE HOUSE OF • SELIG Dion. Sept. 10 THE SUBSTITUTE MODEL Founded noon a drarnatlo Incident from one of the season's big fashion shows. In one scene in the picture, over 16,000 worth of the latest imported go won and hat creations are used, as properties. Tho exceptional story sad clever action make this a real worth while feature. feet. Tan, Sept. IT THE BRAND BLOTTER The Brand Blotter Is a romance of the ever lovable, virile Colorado cattle coin- try. Pictured In plotureaque locations from an excellent story and replete with vivid dramatic action, this should prove one of the beat Western aubjoeta of the year. About 1,000 feet. Than. Sept. 10 INTO THE GENUINE An exceedingly dramatic story of the board of trade and tho Inconsistency of our so-called modem society. In this, the greatest board of trade plcturo over produced, over one thousand motion picture exhibitors take aotlve part ln the realistic "pit" scent. Produced at the Sellg 8'udlos, ln Chicago, daring the after- noon of Ang, 14, while the Motion Picture Kxhlbltors' League Convention visi- tors were present, Dont't fall to demand this big feature from your exchange. About 1.000 feet. Frl. Sept. J*o LIFE AND CUSTOMS OF THE WINNEBAGO INDIANS The proud and haughty tribe of Northwest Indiana known as the Wlnneimgos. have been made the subject of a most Interesting and picturesque educational picture which shows the games, dances, manners and customs of these famous red-skinned people. About 1,000 feet. Five Full Reel Sellg Nature Productions Each and Every Week. Exhibitors and the pnbllo kept clamoring ror more Sellgs. ln fact they demanded them. 80 the House of Sellg acceded to their wishes. The new firth release will make Its ap- pearance on Wednesday, kept, 26, and on every Wednesday thereafter. Order your copy to-day. Be sure and get Ave Bella;* each week. U/ye Selig' Polyscope Co. EAST RANDOLPH ST. •CHICAGO, ILL. and 76 Reels of fine Film, t* a reel and up; 25,000 ft, of lino itook, no worn outturn, ao. and op, BOO s.u Bona- ailaes. |t a sit and np. A Power No. J Machine, $100; Edison Exhibition ataoblns, ISO; Model !?B''Oalc4umilaohine,»». T^^JM~* ***£. *£* UmMmm ^U gyd. O. 1". OAJLXOT *TO Carlstoaher Btr—t, W. Y. City. CINCINNATI FILM NEWS. Constance Graham Is singing at the Family, which had a big drawing feature In the Rube Marquard playlet. Another recent hit was "Alkali Ike Plays the Devil." Tremendous crowds continue to pack the Lyric nt every presentation of the Lyman Howe pictures. The five weeks' engagement will prove a record breaker for Cincinnati. Tho Empress continues to Include a dim feature for a flnlnh. and the Hertlllon method of measuring prisoners was a novel and In- structive card. Florence Hornlckel Is singing nt the Royal, on Vine Street. OF INTEREST TO FILM MAKERS. An Act To prohibit the Importation and the interstate transportation of films or other pictorial representations of prize fights and for other purposes. . _ Be it cnavtttl by the Senate and Uauie of ReprcHtntiiUves of the United Motes of America in Voni/retta assembled, That it shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or cause to bo deposited In tho United States mails for mailing or delivery, or to doposit or cause to bo deposited with any express com- pany or other common carrier for carriage, or to send or carry from ono Stato or Terri- tory of the United States or the District of Columbia, to aoy other State or Territory of the United States or tho District of Columbia, or to bring or to causo to bo brought Into the United States from abroad, any II lm or other pictorial representation of any prize fight or encounter of pugilists, under what- ever name, which is designed to be Wed o* may bo used for purposes of public exhibi- tion. . .. . Skc. a. That it shall be unlawful for any person to take or rccclvo from the malls, or any express company or other common cur- rier, with Intent to sell, distribute, circulate or exhibit, any matter or thing herein for- bidden to he deposited for mailing, delivery or carriage ln Interstate commerce. ' Sbc. 3. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall for eueli offense, upon conviction thereof, he fined not more than one thousand dollars or sentenced to Imprisonment at hnrd labor for not more than one year, or both, at tho discretion of the court. Approved, July 81, 1012. s ' MORE! "MOVIES" IN PHILADELPHIA. Charles E. Futcher has Invited estimates lor tho construction of a moving picture unil vaudeville theatre, measuring 8ii by 1211 feet, at Slxty-socond Street «ud Woodland Avenue. Tho seating capacity will be 1,000, and the cost $30,000. , , , The Moving Picture Co. of America, which controls a string of moving picture houses on Market and Kighth streets begun last week the reconstruction of an old warehouse nt No. 333 Market Street, Into a moving picture house, at a cost of 130.000. Tho theatre will bo located In the heart of tho wholesale dis- trict where there is absolutely no night trnfflc, and tho outcome of the experiment is being awaited with much Interest, An uptown syndlcuto has obtained an op- tion on a plot at the "N'orthoiist corner of Kensington and Allegheny avenues, where Is Is proposed to erect a moving picture house to cost $100,000. B RE LEA( SBS« LICENSED FILMS. Sells;. Sept. 2.— "Ah the Katea Decree" (Dr.) Kept. s.—"An K«iulne Hcto" (Dr.) Sept. 0.—"aerjjeuut Wyme" (Dr.) Sept. n.—"Circumstantial Evidence" (Dr.) Sept. 0.—"The Home of Ills Mauler" (Dr.) flopt. IK.—"Tho Fighting Instinct" (Dr.) Sent. 12.—"Tho Indelible Htnlii" (DM Sept. 13.—"Too Tmdo Oun Ilullet" (Dr.) Essansr. —"Buck to tho Old Para" (Dr.) —"Tlio Wlliliiian" (Ooiu.) .—"Twilight" (Dr.) Cine*. (O. Klolne.) —"A Tragedy of long Ago" (Dr.) .—"Tlie Hacking of Home" (Hint.-Dr.) Ou hoiihi reel, "Picturesque Surrtmlo, Hilly" (Boralc-Oolornl). —"Hoetios Along th« Salerno Con»t, Itily" (Senile). On aaiu<> net, 'Ttio Conspiracy of Outlllno" (Dr.) —"llwiora Divided" (Dr.) ,—"Traditional Customs In South Italy (Twit.) On name red, "A (I11111 Fnctory" (Intl.) nnd "Aiualfl, Italy" (Travel). Sept. 21 "Betrayed for U>ro" (Ulst.-Dr.) Eclipse. (G. Klelne.) —"An Kcoentrlc Sporttmnn" (Com.) On anuio reel, "Small Hume at the Zoo" (Smile) atwl "From I.aulerbrunaen to Murren. 8wltt?rl»nd" (Hcenlc). Sept. 3 Kept. .1 boot. 0 Fopt. I Sept. 7, Sept. 10 Hunt. 14 Sept. IT Sept. 4. Sent. 11.—"ailinnaos of St. Petersburg" (Beenle). On saiuo reel, "Cbcinleul Action" (ICd.), ind "Winter Sports at St. Morlts, Hwlt- lerlaud" (Toil.) Sept. 18—"A Country Holiday" (Com.) On same reel, "New Plymouth" (.Smile). Mkm Sept. 3.—"The Trlaiiglo" (Oom.-Dr.) Heut. 4,—"Aladdin Up-to-Date" (Coin.) Sept. 11.—"ItoJIeTo Me, If All Those F.ndearlnx Young Unarms" (Dr.) Sept. 7.—"Urldiet's Sudden Wealth" (Oora.) On same reel, "Opening of x". M. 0. A. Playgrounds, Lynchburg, Va., 1012." (Dea.) Sept. 10.—"Mauufacturo et Paper, Maine" (Inil.) Ijept. 11 —"Tho Stranger and tbe Taxlcili" (Com) Sept. 13.—"The Dam Builder" (Dr.) Sept. 14.—"The Itescue, Care and Education o( Blind Dalles'' (Dca.) Pathe.' Sept. 2.—"Pathe'a Weekly, No. 3«." Stlit. 3.—"Heutrlx d'Kato'' (O. <i. t>. C.-Dr.-Ool- ortill. Sept. 4.—"Lucked Out of Wedlock" (Com.) Sept. 6.—"The Penalty Paid" (Dr.) Stilt. 0 "Wlilllles ami the Magic Wand" (0. a. P. O.-Com.) On Mtimu reel, "The llud, the U-.if and the Flower" (0 O. 1'. C- Hclenec-CoiortHl). Sept. 7.—"(iff I My i'nntsl" (Com.) Sept. I).—"I'athe'a Weekly, No. »T." Kept. 11.—'■The illlgliteil Hail" (Dr.) Sept. 10,—"l«ve's Progress" (Oom.-Dr.-Cotorwl). On inline reel. "A Little Journey In Tunis" (Travel). Sept. 11.—"lllack llcauty" (Dr.) Kept. 12.—"AiigulHlitsI Hours" (Dr.) Sept. 13.—"Ford, Her Lord" (Dr.) On same reel, "The Lato Harriet (Jiilinliyn Flight Across tho English Channel" (Mine.) Sept. 14.—"Saved at tlie Attar" (Or.) Melle*. Sept, 12.—"The Unworthy Son" (Dr.) Liitilu. —"A Substitution" (Com.) —"Tlie Hunk CiiKliier" (Dr.) —"Tbe Smuggler" (Com.) —"A Itoiiinntf of the Count" (Dr.) —"Little Family Affair" (Dr.) —"Tlio llultlireed's Sacrifice" (Dr.) —"A lledliot CuurUblp" (Com.) —"Hetty and the IIoscm" (Dr.) —'Never Again" (Com.) On same reel, "Hunter and the Pirates" (Dr.) —"A Trustee of the Law" IDr.) —"Tim Sleeper" (Dr.) —"When Father Hud His Way" (Dr.) —"A Chilli's Devotion" (Or.) —"Turpentine Industry" (liul.) On tame reel, "No TrvatpajMliur" (Com.) —"Ills I'alr of Pants'' (Com.) Vltanraph. —"Tommy's Sister" (Dr.) —"Ooroucts aud HearlB" IDr.) —"dipt. Barnacle's l.esucy" (Dr.) —"Ilumiy's Suicide" (Com,) On a reel, "She Wonted a Hoarder" (Com- Dr.) .—"A Wasted Sacrince" (Dr.) —"Memories of Patio Days; or, The Komi to Yesterday" (Dr.) — "The Higher Mercy" (Or.) —"The Hindoo Curse" (Dr.) —"The loyalty of Silvia" (Dr.) —"Popular Hetty" (Dr.) On wiino reel. "The Fortune ln a Tea Oup" (Dr.) —"Copt. Ilarnuclo's Walt" (Dr.) lHouruiili. —"In the North Woods" (Dr.) —"(letting ItUl of Trouble" 1 (Com.) On Himio reel, "He Must Have a Wife" (Com.) INDEPENDENT FILMS. Reliance. Sept. 4.—"Tlie llully nnd the Shrimp" (Dr.) 8t>pt. 7.—"For 1.0VO of Her" (Dr.) Thanbouaer. ««l)t. I.—"Tlio Capture of New York" (Misc.) Sept. 2.—"Tlio Voice of Cunwleticc" (Dr.) Sept. 0.—"Ills Father's Son" (Or.) Cornel, Kent. 2,—"Tho Dentlst'H Dilemma" (Omii.) Kepi. 7.—"A Walt t'f tlio Mouiitnliiu" (Dr.) Sept. 0.—"A Hmiioultc Hnlelile" (Com.) on same reel, "C. Cole Phillips" (Kd.) Majestic. Sept. 1.—"The Ohuneroii" (Com.) Sept. 3.—"Maliel's Beau" (Or.) Sent. 8.—'"1'lt'nmiren of Camping." On s»nt« reel. "Willie's Dog" (Ur.) Sept. 10.—"Ilia's Socrlfke'' (Dr.) Sept. 10.—"Cupid vs. Cigarettes" (Com.) FREE DA T2.j£<* M-CTBINS-PMRE^P X 1V1 ' t ' 11.«. Still tosasilt HI. j~llJt|4^ ^KiJiiSSim now YORK IF