The New York Clipper (September 1912)

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10 THE NEW YORK (SLIPPER. September THEATRICAL REPRO. PHOTO CO, OUT OF TOWN NEWS * ** jJm> WEST4JMMSTREETMDpp. American Theatre), HBW TOBK WW a, v* —* y V Lobbv dlsDlais EnlarremeDU. Copies or al kinds. Sittings taken at studio at reasonable prices. figfartJw prompt?"Lttenaed Ig. Bend lor price W. Telephone Bryant IQTO. V. ROIO, Prop. will have carefully tucked away the seasons record tor non-musical plays, having a total of two hundred and sixty performances to Its credit. CARLOS iNSKBir AND GOLDA ZONB have signed to appear wltii Kllmt at Gtutolo'a "Ten Nights In a Bar Itoom," which, opened Ihc lesson at Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 1. Albkht G. Kiur.u Is managing the Lincoln Park Theatre. Chicago. This house Is de- voted to moving pictures, and Is one of the best paying houses for Its bIzc on the North Side. Oeo, 1'. Machler la assistant manager anil secretary to ilr. Rider. Akmi: I.nman, who was at one time with Modjuskn when she was In the zenith of her powers, has gone Into vaudovllle. She is now utmost seventy years old, but, with Indomita- ble energy, she has rehearsed a sketch, and Is now appearing In it at the National The- atre, In Detroit. She will later go on the l'nntages Circuit. The sketch is called "Gan- nct Farm," and is by Georgians Evans, of the Colonial Theatre forces, In Chicago. Mlsa Inmori has tbc assistance of Solile Lester and Frances J. Donnelly. Maiitiia Kussell, leading woman In many of the- late dramatic releases of tbc Bssanay Co., Is to make a thirty day tour of the South- vest, remaining one night at leading picture theatres and giving n lecture or picture making, and relating personal experiences before the camera. This is not a new line of endeavor for Miss Russell. She was very successful In this line of work last season. Miss ltussell has the leading female role In ■•Twilight," a recent Essanay release. Tiikue is a scarcity of acts at this time which hns caused the vaudeville agents some little uneasiness. It Is not known Jnst how many acts hold blanket contracts from the Association. Openings here and there were filled this week from acts without such con- tractu, other agencies had to bustle a little to fill their bills. In one or two Instances acts were booked by other agents, and when given time by the W. V. M. A„ tried to cancel. A particularly aggravating Instance came up In which Frank Q. Doyle figured, fie had made a place for an act that tried to evade fulfillment of the contract Al.KUKD IlAJlllUBGBR is tO hflVC Still On- other theatre. It -will be called the Vernon, lie operates half a dozen theatres on tbc South, Side, and the new one will be in that section also. Mr. Hamburger is one of the few managers booking his own talent. He operates an agency and gives his personal at- tention to the make-up of bis shows. Axkl Ciiaisisnsen appeared at the Lyda TLeutvo last week, his fourth engagement at George II. nines' popular playhouse. He Is credited with "stopping the show" on several occasions. Mr. Cnristensen appeared at the Manner Theatre, Milwaukee and Itobcy, the week previous, and broke all records. He Sretrained Manager Cllpsoa a return date In an near future. Tml past Summer was certainly a harvest for the moving picture theatres. Vaudeville places, turning to pictures for the Summer, nave some hesitancy in going back to the old policy. The Franklin did bo welt with pic- tures that prices have been advanced to 10 cents. The Parkway plays pictures with 10 cents admission, and did nicely right along. The Plaza changed to vaudeville Sept 1, after prospering during tbc Summer with pic- tures. The Circle Is doing so well that tbc chances are that vaudeville will never have another chanee there. The Lyda, formerly a vaudeville bouse, is likely to remain true to pictures. J. 0. Matthews now books Cook's Opera House In Rochester. X. V, and sent the first bill to open Labor Day. John Nakh, of the Sullivan A Conaldlne office, Is back from a successful Southern trip He uow bookB the Majestic, In Alpena, Mich., and offers his first ahow this week. Joiin Miltebn, who has been with "Officer 6C0," in Chicago, will soon take up the same part with the company that la playing the farce in New York, replacing George Nash, who Is to be made Into a star In a play called "The Other Man." The Colonial Tiicathe la partly In pos- session of mechanics, who arc preparing Its stage as an ice rink. As soon as "The Merry Widow Remarried" deports to-night, Aug. 31, work will be rushed on tbc installation of an ice skating plant, which will provide a sur- face for the skaters In the closing scene of "A Winsome Widow." The work cannot be completed In less than a week, and the the- atre will therefore be dark all next week. The stage will be covered by four and a bait Inches of ice, covering an area of thirty by forty feet, and providing room for tnlrty skaters. Behtie Beaumont relieved Adelc Rowland of her labors In "A Modem Eve." The Kkdzii: Tiieathe, one of the leading neighboring theatres of the city, booked by Edward Hsyman, opened Its regular season Sept. 1. Habhy Robinson, of the W. V. M. A. re- turned to Chicago Wednesday, from an ex- tended business trip in the Canadian North- west Lou M. -Houseman, Western representa- tive for A. U. Woods, and Fred F. Fleck, manager of "The Littlest Rebel," were ar- raigned In Jndgc Scott's court Thursday, Aug. 20, on a charge of using Mary Miles Mlnter in the play In violation of the State labor laws tegulatlng the employment of children. The case was continued by agreement to Bent. 3. The State factory department claims It has a statement from, the girl's grandmother that she was born In 1902. The defense says the girl is seventeen years old. She plays the part of the Littlest Rebel. Many of tbe num- bers of the cast will be summoned as wit- nesses at the next hearing of tbe case. Ciiarlbs Whits, who last season cared for the Empress, hat been appointed permanent manager of the Sullivan & Conaldlne house at St PaoL "HANK SPONGE'S ORKESTTRY." Art Adair opens at Kensington Monday, 2, with bis new ottering, "Hank Sponge's Or- kestry," for the first half of the week, with the Victoria, at Logan Square, for the second half. Art will play the Academy first half of week Sept. 9, and will probably have some big time to follow. It is no exaggeration to Bay that Adnlr has made millions laugh with his musical Idiosyncrasies. 4 "Johnny on the Spot," a new tabloid mu- sical comedy, tinder the management of Boyle Woolfolk, will open a vaudeville tour at Ottawa, III., Thursday, G. Dick Gardner, Anna Revere, Charles Hunt, Grace Fuust, Sam Sylvester and a chorus of eight are to be with this attraction. Giobob H. Robebtson, the dean of all theatrical passenger agents, and whose years as Chicago city passenger agent for tbe Wabash Railroad lias brought him In contact with tbonsands of the profession, leaves for a trip to New York 8, where he will meet many of the producers and agents. Ed. Doolan, who has been in advance of several successful attractions, is publicity promoter ahead of "Patting It Over," soon to Inaugurate a road tour. ROTES FROM SO WGLAND. WHJ, R099ITER NOTES. "In Old Ireland Vhere tbe River Kenmare irk/*-!" Is a gigantic success with Surrey awl Linn. Grimm ami Elliott opened their Fall season la Chicago this week and we re tbe same old riot as eve*. "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been" went over very big fox them. St. Louis, Mcv-Shubert (Melville Stotlfc am.) "A Bonance of the Underworld" week of BC OLiirw (Walter Hanford. mgr.)—"Tbe Merry Widow Re-Married" week af 1. Amxsicam (D. B. Russell, mgr.)—'The Com- ma Law" week of 1. _ , _ La dAu.x (Oppenbcbuer Bros., mgrs.)— Baby Doll" week of £ , _. -._ GAVBTi (Barry Walters, oatr.) — Trotatorj Burlesnuers week -it 1, Knickerbockers 8 and week, Love Makers ween of 10. .._,,. Standaxd (Leo Hdcbeabacb, mgr.)—Janus de Psrls Girls w«ek of 1. Columbia (Barry Buckler, mgr.) — BUI for week of 1 includes: Thomas A. Wise and com- pany. Ye Oolonlal Septette. Jsek B. Qsrdner. tbe Key Twlm. Oonrolfy and Wenricb, say. Two Coleys rod For, Etrel McDonoogh, and Kremks ■MOT Pa«R HiOlluAsns (D. E. Russell. nurr.)—Bill for week of 1: De Witt Yoang and State:, r>»or and Mnek, Schaller and Jordan, and Milt Anismsn. Ens'ees* mod. ■ Hiftodsokb (Fraok Talbot, mgr.)—Bill for week of 1: Big. Oensro, Alber's trained Polar beara, -Santo San Stuccl, Van's Minstrel Maids, Iesslk and Anita, Jeasetto Adler, and the Three Saxons. Notes. —Tbe St. Louis Motordrome opened night of Aug. 31. under the management of George I. Kraemor. The saucer track Is bnllt at an angle of sixty-two degrees, miking It necessary for tbe riders to attain a speed of sixty miles an boor in order to bold tbe bowl portion of tbe track; this bis been experienced hi some of tbe •pills whleb took plsce In the tryouts last Son- day. Tbc seating capacity Is 15,000 The Oppenbelmer Bros, have remodeled the old Im- perial Into a most beautiful theatre, and re- named It the La Salle. Light dramas will be produced througtout tbe Eeasou, wltb prices rang- ing from 20 to 00 cents, and this should make this bouse a success, In view of tbe fact that lbe ten cent picture shows bave such a aeture grip on the amusement seekers of this city. St. Pawl. Minn.-Metronomon (L N. Sestt, mgr.) " Louisiana Lou" played to good business week of Aug. 25, and made a greet bit. Re house looks beautiful, coloring In green, with the lights reflected towards tbe ceiling Instead of upon the audience, making a most pleasing effect. Obaiwrey Oleolt, In "Tbe Isle o' Dreams," week of Sejt. 1, which la State Fair week. SHCBCBT (Frank C. Priest, mgr.)—Business wss very good, beginning Ang. 24. and eon tinning week of 25, wltb "Bunty Palls the Strings.' "Tbe Big Musical Kevue" week of Sept. 1. Oar Bran (E. C. Bunoogbs, mgr.)—BUI for week o* 1: Joseph Bart's "Mem Ltebcuen." How- srd, Leltsel Slaters, La Petite Mtgnon, Claudius and Scarlet. Uonalr sod Ward, and Les Marco Belli. Guano (Theodore L. Hays, mgr.)—Billy Wat- son's Big Siiow pleased week of Aug. 25. For week of 1. the Yankee Doodle Girls. For week of 8, the Kew Century Girls. Kiii-iiesb (Charles A. White, mgr.)—Very good business. Bill for week of 1: "La Dasee Aux Violins." Howell awl Scott, Leonard and Whitney. Glen Ellison, and Falls and Kails. Majestic (II. 8. Mitchell, mgr.)—Buolaesa good wltb Tasdevllle am! moving pictures. HTABLaND (C. F. Hose, mgr.)—VaudeTllle and moving pictures, with trl-weekly chasges of bill, tu good houses. Stab (John T. Kirk, mgr.)—Business big with tbe High Boilers week of Aug. 25. For week of Sent. 1, the Black Crook Jr. Notb. —The Minnesota State Fair opened on the grounds at Hamllne, this city, 2 and week. Tbe entries in all departments were larger than erer before, and. with tbe hamper crops prevail- ing throughout tbe entire Northwest, this ought tu be the moat successful year la the fair's his- tory. This city claims to bold tbe largest fair in the United Slates. Buffalo. N. Y. —Stsr (Dr. P. C. Cornell, mgr.l John Mason, In "The Attack." Henry Bern- stein's new plsy. appeared to marked sdvantage, Ang. 29-91. dlftcn Crawford, is "My Beat Girl." week of Sept. I. . . - . , Tuck (Messrs. Stmbsrt, mars-)—aMell (PBrleB's Minstrels, Aug. 30-31, opened tbe regular season bete. "Within the Law 1 ' week of BepL i. Siiba's (M. Shea, mgr.)—Bay Oox heads the bill for week of 2. Others Include: Edgar Ber- ger, Marie Fenton, Soger llldxeley and company, Jos Welch, Don Fulaxo, and Hart's Six Steppers. Colcmsu (Charley Bowe, mgr.)—(Phis bouse Is enjoying marked prosperity wltb its One picture May Kemp, BraJshaw Bros., and new Dayilgbt xfbotonlays. Bosiness Is lai^c. _ _ TSSsBS* (W. W. Ely, mgr->—BUI for 1 nrvl weekY Four Bird Bros., the Moratl Opera com- pany, Bdson and company, the Seven Texsi.Tu- lips, Ollttoo B- Wooldrldge. Imperial Dane nx Four, Billy Brosd, snd Oaiiaiont'a Animated Weekly, rieavy business roles. Bsoaewai (Guy C. Smith, mgr.)—VaudeTllle and ptotoploys. bill changed Wednodsy and Sun- dsy, to capacity attendance. - Oaklsno, Libic. Maxiatwc Scaanc. Brrou Doxam Rxosnt, Oamsxa ako Bbowk's. photo- rday bosses, continue to attract good crowds. None.—George L. Allen, assistant treasurer at tbe Orpbeom. woo Is taklur a much needed rest at llealdsburc. on tbe Russian River, pluuBed from a rowboat Into tbe river Sunday, Aug. -., snd rescued Mrs. L. Winch, of Son Francisco from drowning. Mrs. Winch was swimining, and wss taken with crsnxos, and Allen aaw her as she went down for the second time.. ... .The en- gagement of Clair Starr, soanrctte of the Co- lumbia Theatre, to Win King, of Dillon and King. >os been annoonced. A reception was held os Aug 26 at tbe home of Miss Starr's parents. 789 Eighth Street, between the beors of 4.30 and G It, M., givtsg tbe bappy pair Just time to appear at tbe evening performance at the Co- lumbia. Pairnon, W. J^-fateeson (Beld A Zabrlo- kle, mgrs.) "Mother" week of Sept 2. "Green Stockings" S snd week. Good business. OiFHSdi (Okas. F. Bdwsrds, mar.)—Big Re- view 2-4, Lady Buccaneers 0-7. Bunas (Floyd Laumau mgr.) —Ben Welch'a Barleaaners 2-4. Dsve Marion's Dreamland Bur- Ves«oerB 5-7. _ Licxxm (G. Wilbur, mgr.)—At tract lor for week of 2 Is Billy B. Van. snd tbe Beaumont Sisters, In "A Lucky Hoodoo." AiAjnsno (W. H. Wah*. mgr.)—Bill for 2-4 BKloded: Brown and Barrow. Madeline Falk, Lewis and Chaplu, and the Flying La Marl. For 9-7 the bin tnelaoei: Geoige Moore. Marlon and George. Sherman and MoNanghton, and tbe seven CasteUnceis. HEW YORK an. (Contiut d from page 7.) Gal Jess," Walthour and Princeton Girls, Carrie Llllle, Valveno and Lamore, and Clif- ford and Taylor. Gotham i Lep Solomon, mgr.) — This week'B bill includes: James Korean and com- pany, Kern is and Dodge, Ray Bclmount, Freed and Brllcr, Clark and Smith, Llewellyn and Stanley. _ Nemo (Jack Lowers. togT.)—Reports are of the best from this house, and a good bill of both pictures and vaudeville Is always offered. ElBbty-slxth Street (I. Bernstein, mgr.) —Packed houses at every performance. Yorkwalle (Eugene Meyers, rogr.)—Bill for this week: "SCIe. Vanity," Deelcy and Butler George Dixon, "Futurity Winner," Maurice Adler, Teddy Irapont, Whittles, Barnes and Barron, inJ Cadieux. Loew's Fifth Avenue (Albert Lcw/e, mgr.)—A new house, only In Its second week, is doing big business. Proipeet (Frank Gcrsten. mgr.)—That the stock company has lost Bone of Its draw- ing power la proved by tie crowded houses that are always In evidence here. Metropolis (Louis Fosse, mgr.)—There la no doubt about tbe success of this com- pany here, as a wonderful business is being done an4 the offerings are all drat class. For this week, "The Fourth Estate," with "The Dancer and the King" to follow. Brooklyn, h. 1—Labor Day rm-Js mi». of the theatres open ond the uian.igi- r » looking forward to a prosperous soasoi Telleb'8 BaoADWAi (Leo C. Teller n. —JJenry Miller, In "The JssBxaBVsV'axK the season here Saturdav, Aug. 31 J3 tinnos this week. This theatre lia's kcaaS decorated, and Manager Teller has boafaS many of the best attractions. William ?.. nam. In "The Littlest Rebel'" week of Sen, % Majestic (John B, Pierce, mgr I — ?k, theatre opened the season Monday •■ i|,i the Paul IUinery African Uunt 'nTcturM which «re new to Brooklyn, and will S ooatrt, prove a big drawing card. TUc r'e~, lor Shubert attracUons wlH be itavsaM this theatre, opening later hi the sea« 0 „ John B. I*leree, the new manager Is a »S known theatrical manager, and Iras hij charge of the Bijou Theatre, UUwaaC W4»., for the past ten years. w ' GRAJtD (Henry Belief, mgr.)—Kdna SIjt tSpooncr. in 'The Price She raid." ssS here Monday, 2, and continues this week Miss Spooner's popularity here will no doS pack tfie Grano at every performance Ortiiel-m (Frank Kllholx, mgr.)—The Or phenm, under B. F. Keith's direction, osesei the season here Monday, 2, with the fsUsw ing bill: Virginia Harned and companv Bes- sie W>nn, Rice and Cohen, Jack Hattard Olympla Trio, Phtna and Picks, nig Citr Pour, Burns and Pulton, and Tcchow's cats. Bcbitwicb: (Benedict Blatt, mgr.) — n. Bnohwiek, under B. F. Keith's direction opened the season lere Mondar, 2. with tb". following hill: The Juvenile "Pinafore" Co. Heroine Shone and company, Mat's niirlewaj Circns, Cross and Josephine, Chas. F. SeanVia Bobble Gordon and Ben Beyer and Brother Crescent (Lew Parker, mgr.)—The cin. cent Stock Co. opened the season here Satur- day, Aug. 31, end will continue throughout the week of Sept 2, In "A Woman's War' "The Third Degree" week of 0. Gotham (Pauline II. Boyle, mgr.)—Tot Gotham Stock Co. opened the season btrt Saturday, Aug. 31, and will continue tbrow-b- out the week of Sept 2, In "The Thief." Week of 0, "A Woman's Way." Gbkbkfoixt (Frederick Whltbeck. mpr. — The Greenpolnt Stock Co. opened the seasot here Saturday, Ang. 31, and will continue throughout the week of Sept 2, In "Tbt Spendthrift" 'The Great Divide" weekota Phillip's Ltceux (Louis Phillips, mir.i —The Lyceum Stock Co. presents '■Ills Last Dollar" this week. Gatbtt (Loots Krelg, mgr.)—Social Maldt this week. Week of 9, tbe Taxi Girls. Btab (Frank Clark, mgr.)—Cracker Jicki this week. Week of 9. the Bon Tons. EirpiBr. (George McManns. mgr.)—Mia New Tork Jr. tils week. Week of 9, tbt Whirl of Mirth. Casino (Charles Daniels, mgr.) —The Auto Girls this week. Week of 9, l'at White's High Life In Burlesque. FUI.TOM (A. M. Llgbton, mgr.)—High class vaudeville and the latest photoplays. De Kale (Ida I. Ackermao mgr.)—BUI for week of 2: Edward Jose and company Lester and Adam, Violet Archer, Dave Ostrindc:, tbe Redwood Twins, Charles and Jennie Bol- ton, and six latest photoplays. Oxfobo (Cyras Gilt, mgr.)—rhotepUji and vaudeville. Secbest. —Loew's vaudeville continue her', with program changed Mondays and Thort- dnys. Business here Is excellent, and mm; turn aways are reported. Iubbbtt (Edward Strauss, mgr.)—Vaude- ville and motion pictures. EVERYBODY LOVES A CHICKEN A sew acquisition of Frank Q. Doyle Is tbe Buckttn Opera House, In Elkhart, Intl., which offered Its opening show Sept 'i. Mkhle U. Nuiitun'h "Tbe Lottery Man," which wub rehearsed here under the direction of Herbert Thayer, opened its season Aug. .10 at Sterling, III. Mr. Norton accompanied the show on Its early stands. Another of his attractions, "The servant In tbe House," Is now In Michigan, to good returns. Ruth Buna and Bod Auieht, Eastern vaudeville folks who were little known around here, made quite a. bit at tbc Casino last week and as n result were deluged with offers. Miss Kdna Is as cute a bit of femi- ninity as has appeared outside of the Ma- jestic, and has a capable partner. They are playing for the Western Vaudeville Mana- gers' Association this week. W. S. Bi;ttkkkield 1b again In Chicago. Be was In New York last week. Sau Bakuwitz, one of the leading Chicago artists' representatives, 1b placing a number of desirable attractions on the different cir- cuits. Tub Linden Tiieatkb opened last week with capacity business. J. C. Maitiikwh has secured Rodney Uenous and Marie Nelson and a supporting company for the opening week of tbe Linden Theatre, In vaudeville, occurring Sept 16. This Is the theatre where Adelaide Kelm did such wonderful business, and It Is thought lost this pair of stock stars will be an equally strong card. Jkhsik Ukai.l opened on tbe Doyle time at Detroit this week. Mr. and Muh. Babiiis Kldon opened out of town for Iliitterflcld this week. Tiik SriiAAit-Wncr.i.KR Tnio lg playing G. ft C. Middle West time. Waiman and Kkatks are playing the The- atre Hooking Corporation time AsTlti'it It. MrKr.cnNir., former manager of the General Publicity Service, Is back In Chicago after a two weeks' vacation spent wltb bis relatives "down East" Tub C. K. Hiiav Opera Co., which has been playing at Spanish Fort, Now Orleans, since the sixth of May, closes its season on (Labor Day. This has been one of the most successful operatic engagements. It Is said, •Slater and Finch are going along nicely wltb their act, bavloa- lust recently embellished same with eiitwrale costumes and new songs from the Will Boselter shop. They will fee tore "0-U- Georgia Itose" "when I Met Yon Last Night In Dreamlsnd" looks like another big hit from present Indica- tions. Heinle Davles, week of IB, Majestic. Chicago, never got away with less than Ave bows a performance all week with this beautiful bal- John Baxter la back from the Kast snd will open at the Orpbeum, Otilcotro, week of Ang. 26, wltb a full nine of Will Itonaitcr songs, Including "O-ll- Oeorgla Rase" and "When I Met You Last Night In Dreamland." O'NEIL A STORY TWITTERS. May Baric, of the TTocadero's. writes thst she Is taking eight encores nightly wltb put big "Chicken song. Zdlu Riusrtl, of the Al. Reeves Co., reports "Tbat Everybody Loves a Chicken" Ls the sensa- tion of the Eastern wheel snd stops tbe show every performance. Oliie Oden, of the Barry I las ting's Co., has everybody cackling with ber when obe sings tbe big "Chicken" bit. McBride and Cavanaugb report that "Chicken" Is tbo biggest success they have ever had anil has been the means of tbem going In. opera next sea- eon. Frank Carter and Isabel D'Annsnd write from across tbe water that the Rnglish Johnnies are wild over "Chicken," and it li tbe real number of their net. Gallagher sad Warner arc cleaning un on the Keith circuit with "Chicken." and Mr. Warner's dance to tbo melody of "Chicken" Is the big scream of tbe act. Little May Green the cute little soubrette on the Loew circuit, has created a riot all over the couutry with out "Chicken" song. »..,...«:■».„■ ..,,..,..... ,...*..,,,.......m, M .., m.. u , --£ ix>Te to taear an man ifat ever played by any company in the Southern Land." and "Tbe Barber'* Bear. JEROME <t SCHWARTZ NOTES. Ilert Fltsgilibons, noted for his clever mono- logues. Is creating a Musatloa with bis rendition of Jerome A Schwann's song, "It It Wasn't for the Irish and the lews." Jerome A Schwartx'a songs are certainty receiv- ing a "boost" In the able efforts of Harry Miller and Clint Draper billed as "The Imperial Mln- Htrela." They ire putting over wltb great suc- cess "If It Wasn't for the Irish and the Jews" 1 Love to Hear an Irish Itand" "In Uanjo City E. Kohl returned to Chicago on Wednesday from n snort business trip to New York. Jack Kokuahty has signed for a season with Ned Waybnrn, who will feature him in some productions for vaudeville on the Pan- tagea' time. jack Ki Norton is back from his trip Westward, and Is arranging a route through tbc Bast which will take his time for an entire season. Hal Kellv. with hit new arranged ve- hicle, "The Village Lockup," whlchha has ao successfully played with bis wife, Flo V'cntworth. baa started the now season over the W. V. M. A. time. Cat, Stbwabt was a visitor In Chicago for a few days, en route over the Sullivan 4 Consldlnc time. Ciiahlxh K. Hbat returned to -Chicago Fri- day morning from a conference with Eastern vaudeville interests. Fbimt Qsyiana has returned to the employ This Attn is slwsys on tbe que vise as Is tes- tified by the fact that tliey sow bave tbe two •ong Mta In Julltn Rltinge's show "The Fascinat- ing Widow." Tbe two numbers sre "Merry Wed- ding Bells" and "Something That 1 Can't Ex- plain." Both these numbers were written espe- cially for Julian Bltlnge, that welt known Im- personator, by Jean tieawarts. s " CARROLL BUSY. Karl Carroll Is writing the lyrics, snd Lee Orean Smith, tbe music, to the Broadway Theatre Coin- pany'a new production of "Dton O'Dare." which U booked to feature Bernard Daly on the Weber- Pop circuit this season. s ■ ORIBBBN'S NEW SONG. "I Love the Name of Hotter" Is the title of a new ballad lissed by John W. Orlbhen. pub- lisher, of St. Josetih. Mo. The tuneful melody. eonpled with clean and wholesome worts, are Umnd to be a winning ebtnblnatlon with all sing- ers and their audience*. productions. Wednesday la feature day. AVAUXXir (II. M. Marcus, nurr.)—(Bill for 2 and week: draco King, Olaus and Hoffman, Kinna Family, Leaoy and Drake, Thermos, Miller snd Morris, Raymond, Martini and Max Million, Flor- ence Bowes, and Karlton and Clifford. Oardsn <M. T. Mlddleton, «sgr.)~Thc new year began with a rush week of 2, with Max Spiegel's talented Oollego Girls of 1012, Including: Abe Remolds, Din Coleman and Florlne Linden. Tbe Rahman Show, with Lew Kelly, 8 and week. Lafate-its (a M. Bagg. m«r.) — Dirllnrs of Paris week of 2, followed by Girls from Joylaml. Tbe Lady Buccsueers were leal winners week of Aug. 20. . . Notb.— Labor Day, 2, saw the practical con- clusion of Al Fresco attain. Oakland, Cnl—Maodor.oogb (F. A Selaa. mgr.) the advance sole of seats for Kolb A Dill, In "The Politicians." snd "A Feck of Pickles." for Aug. 25 and week, was heavy. Jss. E. Hack- ett. In "Tbo Man on Uur*L-hack." snd "A Uruln of Dust," week of Sept 1, Tb Libbbtt (IT. W. Bishop, mgr.)—"Brown of Harvard," by the regular stock, drew good busi- ness week ending Ang. 25. Francis Sloeion and Flayers ptweented "Under Southern Skies" week of 20. "The Foarth Estate" Sept. 9 and week. CoLuHBti (Dilloa A King, mgrs.)—Tbe Colum- bia Co., In "Count Nogoodle," closed s heavy week's business Aug. 24. Dillon-King and their Dinger Girls, in "Tbe Morning After," 25 and week, 't^iloah" week of SepL 1. Iooaa Pask (R. B. York, mgr.)—VaoiVville, pictures, snd other outdoor features, continue to attract good crowds. OxpusDif (Geo. Bbey. mgr-)—BUI for Sept. 1 snd week: Sidney Ayers and compsny. in "A Call for tbe Wild;" W. C. Fields, Mrs. One Buches and company. Van Bros., Carl kleCullongh, Bob snd SI STEBBINS ORIGINAL ADVEIATISIKG KIBE Vousg Buffilo Wild Wort ind Cummlnt' Far E«tt WANTED, FOR SAN ANTONIO, TEX., HARVEST JUBILEE, OCT. 19 TO 28 GOOD CARNIVAL COMPANY AHD SHOWS Conco*alom and Outside Attractions. Nothing too big. Texas crops this year biggest in Mstory of the state. San Antonio the biggest 11 y In the heart of tbe favored section. Prospects for phe- nomenal attendance and big returns. Write or wire FRANK RKNNBRT. San Antonio, Texas. Family.—This louse Is open for tbe sea- son, and motion pictures at cheap prices Is tbe attraction. Tremoot.—This house reopened for the season -Sept. 2, with stock, vaudeville and pictures as the attractions. Odeon (II. Decker, mgr.)—Vaudeville and pictures continue to draw good business. Star (Jack Leo, mgr.)—Prospects look brleht for a good season here, with vaude- ville and pictures. Xiinlfjr'a Casino, South Bench, S. I. '"'nt. 'Sllbor, mgr.)—This week'B bill has tos Four LnUns, Whitney's Operatic Dolls, Im- f'Tinl Trio, nilsley, Ottle and Ellsley, the Iuv>:!l Mj'cks, Close Brothers, Fete La M.irr, und Denno and Tbebault. Buon (George Schenck mgr.)—This the- atre Is presenting LoeVs vaudo illc, to go A business. , _ - — Jo.nbs' (M. T. Jones, mgr.)—Vaudeville and Tilctures. - .. Fifth Avbnue (M. H. Saic, mgr.l— \n& wllle snd pictures. ^ Boial (Marcus L««w, mgr.)—The latest P Folli (Wan. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville a«d "nKSlMI (A. MM*, mgr.)—Six vaudc- ■vllle acts and pictures. _ . __. — • Coxedt (Wm. Fox, mgr.)—Vaudeville M pictures. . — • Olimpic (Herman Wackc, mgr.)—viu.e- > lie and photoplays. Prices Right. We Challenge the World. Best Work FINEST EQUIPPED STUDIO IH THE UHITED STATES WE AJUBIBI A POSITION TO BXECITTX ORDRR8 IMMEDIATELY A5D T GUARANTEE DELIVERY ON TIME UNITED STATES TENT AND AWNING CO. EDW. P. NECMANNJr^ Pres. WALTER F. DRIVER, \ ice-" 8 *- EDWARD R LITZINOER, H>cy. „„. _ 0 ssj. aa-28 NORTH DE8PLA1NE8 BT11KET, CHICAGO, TENTS AND SHOW FAEAFHEBNALIA WRITE FOB. CATALOGUE Managers are Invited to In- spect the Banners made by us for ARMSTRONG'S FAT AMD LEAN PEOPLE. RIV- KRVIKW EXPOSITION, CHICAGO. FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE THE WELLINGTON HOTEX JACKSON BLVD. amd WABASH AVENUE European Ofllclsl lleadquartrn K. D. CTJMlfn K Q 5, IfMMsatr CHICAGO, ILLS., U. S. A. Cats aid Buffat Ssrvlct Unexcslled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM of AMieriei for The Carnival Haaa |r ri' Associations STREETMEU, CiNYASSEtlS. U!I Streetmen Venders and CUpper Merchants AGENTS. AUIfflOMRS, n^mmnu mu ^ ' "■■'' ^^-* SCHEMERS and CARMYAL iHURI of tbe W. V. M A. and la hns* amiith!!? in _ T " U ' Tavioa will re torn to Oblcam Sept. 6. the Northwest ^^ •coutxag l» hh», all tbe snas vrlto tbe Al. Q. FleM Bhow. TOD NEED UB-VB NEED T0U. Write for Catalogue. Mailed free to Dealers. LEVINE Bat. 18M Terre Haute, Ind. «• bay yossr ■■ ppiles from. Tks ge«sls_yvsi BaatsU* la ear sp«Ul ***{ n R c k ta- we h»T» tste LAHQBST VAHIETV OP asE4T SELLERS. SEND PO* "Viials*"' LOG UK W* •«■<! so ratal lfIB « a* caaiasacrs, so wk.n i«qu««tAM • KKr y»|1i» state what bsistaaass ysns casHtstst. V/« asrsnsct aaur esurtonaara m* s«— OCR. CATALOGUE FROM COHaCMBHtV HANDS. - CAMPAIGN COODS^NOVELTIES Set sour big etreadax .f Ur„ n.«a. Vasts wUl da brisk F~«*»* 1 i5iaTVTs »»» cn * kattdlB ssr aitrxtlv. aallera. We aasnasUaStsura tksee (roods AT PHICB.B CAN BEAT. tmam.-N. SHURECO.-o-tBora; ' i iV